View Full Version : Questions
- born again straight edge
- XXX design
- jail and x's
- Awkward Situation
- Sex and Sxe
- Why Not?
- Caffeine/Guarana Seed not edge?
- wine/water?
- need advice / losing patience
- Am i sXe?!
- Sex,Friends,& Edge
- About the music.
- one more question about the music
- question about bands (sorry)
- Can european be an sXe-er?
- another question
- Questions
- Zines
- TGIF ingredients
- oral sex?
- root beer??????????
- Hey guys, New to edge and im from Glasgow, scotland
- New to the Straight Edge
- Do you have to listen to hardcore?
- sXe Philosophy
- sXe & sEx
- minor threat
- lyrics
- opinions
- oxygen bars?
- straight edger loves an occasional user
- drugs
- music and edge
- I haven't seen this question on here yet...
- Straight Edge? Experiences Please :)
- Reagan Youth
- I know I sound like an Idiot.
- hospital trip
- Fighting (Biff)
- Drinking
- im new
- X'ing Up
- sXe and Vegan
- looking for a show in the Washington, D.C. area
- What is Hate Edge?
- Is taking addictive medication wrong when you need it?
- Casey Jones
- Caffeine Alternatives
- What is your view
- becoming edge
- '...and the look wasn't all that fuckin' important."
- Clothing
- idk if im sXe or not
- Question.
- maybe I'm not edge
- Caffine?
- sigh, dumb kids...
- I'm just curious
- medication
- Please help!!! If you're in college ...
- Meds and sleep
- What makes you truly edge?
- Hi, questions about straight edge :)
- Where are the shows?
- Criticism, Please give feedback
- sxe clothing
- i just wanna know something...
- why are you straigth edge?
- I can't understand
- So....
- Dont you think ....
- food and sXe
- Tattoo question
- Can Anyone Help?
- sxe like virginity?
- my concerns.
- Occasional drinking
- Pubs
- Very Strange Request
- Please Help?
- Vinegar
- Are You True? Or A Fake Ass Trendy?
- Who was the first...
- What is Grindcore?
- drug free
- Do Drugs Before You're Edge?
- blind people
- Coffee, Caffine, Sex?
- Alcohol in cooking
- Is this right for an edge?
- Stay gold?
- Please Reply
- Why Are You sXe?
- Deaf Straight Edge Kids
- Is this not Straight Edge?
- Starting a Hardcore Band
- sex question
- advice
- Downloading Music
- Trying to find myself
- Any recomendations?
- Does accidental drug use count?(long)
- help me out people ......
- Is it okay to listen to music about drugs?
- Eating Problems?
- A few qusetions about "straight edge"
- premarital sex
- Coffee
- Anybody from Michigan?
- straightedge and sex?
- depresion
- why a straight edge doesn't eat a meat??
- Hardcore with bass
- Pc acting gay
- Queer sXe
- What Is Hardcore Nowadays?
- You Aren't Edge, Unless You Have Been Your Whole Life!!!!!
- Edge tattoos, what do you think?
- List of Straight Edge Bands
- Edge question??
- Musicology Project on StraightEdge
- Non-Alcoholic Beverages
- Going Back To Edge?
- Caffeine?
- Endorphins
- Decaf
- sXe bands that aren't punk (or some form of punk)
- Yerba Mate. Edge or not?
- Food with alcohol in it
- Mustard
- Actions, Missions, Operation
- First thing you noticed when you became edge ?
- You're edge, they're drug addicts. How do you socialize and have fun?
- Ok , seriously WTF ?
- Ah crap!
- Soysauce/wheat ingredients
- Are you truly edge?
- Your Only Edge Once??
- Caffeine?
- How do you feel about the more aggresive side of straightedge?
- gang listing
- Edge Day
- Sex
- Straight Edge as Subculture...
- just simple question
- What it is to be edge.
- Echinaforce
- Can i still be edge?
- Dating someone not sxe?
- Fondu
- Edge Day
- Caffiene?
- Just a few things
- Hate Edgers
- xvx
- Courage Crew
- How to become sXe?
- Caffeine and meat, where do you stand?
- My girl friend is a junkie...
- Where do you draw the line at what is considered a drug?
- over 30 crowd
- Memphis scene!?!?!?! questions!
- is it wrong
- Other Issues
- going to shows by yourself?
- why
- where do you get sxe patches ?
- what does the straight edge mean to u?
- abstinent
- girls... on straight edge
- Differentiate
- Cigarettes- wtf sXe?
- hxc sxe and hardline?
- raceist
- Nicotine Replacement
- effect, affect, infected
- Migraines
- Friends and drugs
- Needing to heal FAST..
- caffeine
- Non-Alcoholic Drinks
- can black and sXe can work
- Yeast and Breadmaking
- What is everyone's opinion of marijuana?
- Breaking Edge on 18th Birthday! Your opinion?
- Straight edge?
- SxE question
- I think I'm Straight Edge (sorta)
- How do you see Straight Edge ?
- What do you think of coffee ?
- I don't understand
- What if drugs and alcohol never existed? Or if people stopped using them?
- Please Keep an Open Mind
- sXe among potsmokers
- A few quick questions
- the difficulty
- Respectfulness
- sxe and emo
- Famous Straight Edge people?
- ????
- Thinking about sXe...
- Being a sXe
- Resurgence?
- Why Hardcore
- quick question
- Where's the Line?
- Where to find other substance-free people
- do you...
- I'm a nerd
- Did I break edge?
- ?
- dilemma
- Questions for a college paper
- Straight edge fun (especially bands on the road)
- question
- creativity class ''lovebug''
- Trouble
- interview for school project
- ex sxers may have the true essence of sxe
- What do you use to draw X's on your hands?
- Nicotine, caffeine & alcohol consired as narcotics?
- Prescription/Life Saving Drugs
- Whats your guys opinion on edge militant
- Edge and Military
- Dress like?
- annoyed to no end
- is coffee....
- Hey guys I'm new and have to ask,
- so many questions
- sniffers?...
- interviews for a Masters project
- Caffeine
- *cough* "Self Pleasure."
- Can someone that says they're sXe consume alcohol once a year?
- Edge Anniversary
- Supplements
- Breaking the edge
- Depression and antidepressive drugs
- RE-Claiming
- Interesting gift
- New to 'Edge - Advice please!
- Edge Interview
- help
- Medication?
- Is Creatine a drug
- Skinhead/sXe
- Whats the Courage Crew?
- Is the number of straight edgers dying?
- Would you only date someone who is sXe?
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