- Can You Be Christian And Straight Edge?
- Catholic Church Accepts Evolution
- 2 tastes that taste great together
- this is pretty great
- afther-life?
- I believe..
- Pure body. Pure life?
- Believe in Aliens?
- No religion is good religion
- logic and religion
- Being Jewish
- Bible and Straight Edge
- Westboro Baptist Church
- Can anybody help me out here....
- is god a he or a she? or a nothing?
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- Louis Theroux - Westboro Baptist Church
- happy darwinversary!
- Minarets
- myths about atheists
- Believe in Demons?
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- oujia board experience
- Religion
- islamic practice of muta'a
- Is Jesus dead?
- Cappo vs. Jesus
- Stephen Fry and the catholic church
- ricky gervais explains why he's an athiest
- After The Rapture
- what religion are you?
- What Religion are you?
- 40-day challenge
- catholic church decides that unborn fetus aren't people