03-27-2004, 09:29 PM
so yeah, since someone complained, I'm going to update it. I'm going to add how you're not straight edge if you have no idea how it feels to be in a pit, arm outstretched and fingerpointing singing along with a straight edge anthem. I honestly can't imagine having no clue how amazing that feels. To feel connected to the scene, the music the people. "to be a apart of something real". If you've never felt it, then you have no idea. It's like knowing the theory but not the practice. Straight edge is an active thing. It's not something you stop being and come back to. You are not straight edge if you have no connection. You are not straight edge if you've never been to a show. if you've never bought a record. If you hate hardcore.
and now for the other side.
I fully and completely support anyone that choses to live a drug free life. I personally think it's the best way a person can live. I think people should take pride in who they are and what they believe. I also think that people should call themselves terms that actually describe them. I think that people should come up with something new if they want a term to describe themselfs and drug free doesn't do it. I think it's a great oppurunity for someone to blaze a new path and create something real and lasting. You however will not do this by co-opting a term and making it meaningless. but I would also like to say that if you really really want to be straight edge. be straight edge. hardcore can always use new blood.
and now for the other side.
I fully and completely support anyone that choses to live a drug free life. I personally think it's the best way a person can live. I think people should take pride in who they are and what they believe. I also think that people should call themselves terms that actually describe them. I think that people should come up with something new if they want a term to describe themselfs and drug free doesn't do it. I think it's a great oppurunity for someone to blaze a new path and create something real and lasting. You however will not do this by co-opting a term and making it meaningless. but I would also like to say that if you really really want to be straight edge. be straight edge. hardcore can always use new blood.