View Full Version : bandanas at shows?
07-13-2003, 03:25 PM
what's up with kids wearing bandanas around their faces at shows...first i thought it was a local thing(ct/ma) but i just saw the AFI video and one of the "professional" dancers is wearing one. does anyone know what it's supposed to mean, if anything?
07-14-2003, 12:52 PM
yeah what the hell... i went to a show just recently and there was a group of about 5 or 6 guys all wearing bandanas on thier faces and fucking with everybody.... i dont understand it either
07-14-2003, 12:56 PM
yeah what the hell... i went to a show just recently and there was a group of about 5 or 6 guys all wearing bandanas on thier faces and fucking with everybody.... i dont understand it either
that's why they had on the bandanas. it's the same it's always been. I've seen kids in masks, ninja outfits. ski masks, etc over the years. I mean hell, there's the infamous picture of the DYS flying nazi. it's nothing new.
07-14-2003, 04:43 PM
07-14-2003, 05:05 PM
07-14-2003, 05:33 PM
It would be one thing if it was a just a kid or so wearing a bandana. But sometimes it looks like bandanas musta been handed out at the door or something.
07-14-2003, 08:07 PM
i have always worn a bandana tied on my bag
and 14 year old girls made it into a trend now i think, bah
a lot of crews do a bandana thing too
07-14-2003, 08:51 PM
i have one tied to my bag too, always have
i wear one around my face when i dance. ive been kicked in the face, and if i didnt have it, i woulda spit blood everywhere
i used to have one in my pocket, but i dont anymore
07-14-2003, 10:31 PM
bandanas have always been a trend for some group or another. but hey whatever you feel like doing. im mostly just posting this cause of that post or get deleted by the 20th thing. oh and sxe chicana or something like that thats a fucking gross icon
07-14-2003, 11:31 PM
No it's a Goth icon
07-15-2003, 10:18 AM
i just dont get why people glorify suicide. not only is it immature, its insensitive
07-15-2003, 11:09 AM
and goth
07-15-2003, 11:47 AM
very true. point taken
07-16-2003, 05:50 AM
i dont know...
i dont glorify suicide, i dont care for it.
but i like the picture and the poem...
i dont know, just very interesting to me.
07-16-2003, 09:23 AM
i dont know...
i dont glorify suicide, i dont care for it.
but i like the picture and the poem...
i dont know, just very interesting to me.
that's because you're clearly emo. and clearly in denial of your own latent homosexuality.
07-19-2003, 08:17 PM
Hole is so goth!
07-20-2003, 09:50 AM
Hole is so goth!
the writing is way too small to see it.
and it begs the point, did you get it because it was hole or did you get it for the slit wrists.
hole might not be goth, but references to suicide definitely are.
07-24-2003, 02:28 AM
Hole is so goth!
the writing is way too small to see it.
and it begs the point, did you get it because it was hole or did you get it for the slit wrists.
hole might not be goth, but references to suicide definitely are.
and who decided that?
why can't it be "emo"?
Since everything that is associated with depression seems to be refered to as that lately...
07-24-2003, 07:29 AM
and who decided that?
why can't it be "emo"?
Since everything that is associated with depression seems to be refered to as that lately...
being depressed over a girl=emo
killing yourself over a girl=goth
emo doesn't have the trademark on depression, especially not when goths have been doing it for a lot longer.
that being said, why the hell would you want to willingly associate yourself with depression anyway?
07-25-2003, 10:36 AM
and who decided that?
why can't it be "emo"?
Since everything that is associated with depression seems to be refered to as that lately...
being depressed over a girl=emo
killing yourself over a girl=goth
emo doesn't have the trademark on depression, especially not when goths have been doing it for a lot longer.
that being said, why the hell would you want to willingly associate yourself with depression anyway?
For some attention?
07-25-2003, 10:37 AM
For some attention?
07-25-2003, 10:45 AM
For some attention?
sorry, delete my post i don't mind.
11-22-2003, 05:49 PM
ok, this is to the origino; topic of this room..... out here there is a "crew" known as hammerlane.... they are the guys wearing all the bandanas and shit in both southren cali and nevada... now they are known to be total assholes and the such... together, they think they are bad asses.... get one alone, he runs..... the bandanas over the face signifies them to a group so u know who is with what..... like me and 28C..... a simple rag from the pocket is sufficent!
11-22-2003, 09:16 PM
i only wear one when i'm robbing stagecoaches.
ps. is riding horses vegan?
11-23-2003, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
i only wear one when i'm robbing stagecoaches.
ps. is riding horses vegan?
you don't need to ride a horse to rob stage coaches, have you not seen the blackadder the third series?
Sean The Red
11-23-2003, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
i only wear one when i'm robbing stagecoaches.
ps. is riding horses vegan?
I think so, just as long as youre not an asshole to the horse... otherwise, I guess having pets wouldnt be vegan either
11-23-2003, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by Sean The Red
I think so, just as long as youre not an asshole to the horse... otherwise, I guess having pets wouldnt be vegan either
Some vegans would say its not.
Baby Doll
11-23-2003, 03:36 AM
i own a horse.....but i'm not vegan ;)
11-23-2003, 06:01 AM
i have seen 1 episode of the black adder. but it had nothing to do with stage coaches.
it was quite funny though.
11-23-2003, 09:12 AM
I didn't like the first series ( season to the Americans), but all the rest kicked ass!
11-23-2003, 09:12 AM
Oh, and I wouldn't have thoguth Horse riding was vegan, I mean isn't it about not using animals for our own purposes?
11-23-2003, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by xvunderx
I didn't like the first series ( season to the Americans), but all the rest kicked ass!
Yeah the first was a bit naf, but baldrick as a horse is funny for some reason?
11-24-2003, 12:46 PM
I'm more confused about the bandanas in people's back pockets. From what i understand that was originally a homosexual reference as well.
Crab people!
11-24-2003, 07:36 PM
no. the bandana out of our pockets indicates 28Crew!!! i cant stand homos and have never heard of it meaning that!!! so it is a new thing to me to hear sumthing like that
11-24-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by sXettd
i cant stand homos and have never heard of it meaning that!!!
this is a riddiculous statement.
please explain to me what your rationale is for not being able to stand homosexuals.
the 28crew? is that the average IQ of the crew?
11-24-2003, 07:55 PM
no actually it isnt, it is the fact i was raised to not like them, and still to this day cant stand them...
11-24-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by sXettd
no actually it isnt, it is the fact i was raised to not like them, and still to this day cant stand them...
do you know how fucking idiotic this sounds?
i asked you for a reason that you dislike homosexuals and that's all you can come up with? what if you were raised to be a racist(which, under the circumstances, wouldn't surprise me)? would you continue on that path?
11-24-2003, 09:15 PM
i was raised that way.... and still follow that path.... dunno why... just do
11-25-2003, 05:42 AM
i like to view the straightedge community as a place for progressive thinkers. people who don't just accept the fact that they are suppossed to poison themselves as a rite of passage into adulthood. apparently, i'm mistaken...
let me ask you this... do the people who raised you drink alcohol? if so, i suppose they would be setting an example for you, and thus raising you to be a drinker. how is it that you have been able to overcome this, but not being raised to be biggotted against an entire group of people? the think that is equally as shocking as your comments is the reasoning behind them. are you so weak minded that you never thought to question why it is you can't stand homosexuals? are a right wing christian trying to infiltrate the straightedge scene because you think it falls in line with the bible?
if you are just looking for something to belong to, maybe you wanted the whitepower skins... their beliefs are closer to yours than anyone here.
11-25-2003, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
i like to view the straightedge community as a place for progressive thinkers. people who don't just accept the fact that they are suppossed to poison themselves as a rite of passage into adulthood. apparently, i'm mistaken...
let me ask you this... do the people who raised you drink alcohol? if so, i suppose they would be setting an example for you, and thus raising you to be a drinker. how is it that you have been able to overcome this, but not being raised to be biggotted against an entire group of people? the think that is equally as shocking as your comments is the reasoning behind them. are you so weak minded that you never thought to question why it is you can't stand homosexuals? are a right wing christian trying to infiltrate the straightedge scene because you think it falls in line with the bible?
if you are just looking for something to belong to, maybe you wanted the whitepower skins... their beliefs are closer to yours than anyone here.
I love you. The christians do try to make it in. Ever heard of the christxcore?
Anyhow, yeah. In seattle here there was a park where the homosexuals would meet. If you had a certain color of flag in your pocket it indicated what fetish you were interested in.
Example: Whatever color (blue lets say) meant you liked to be "raped" and red (example again) meant you liked to have multiple partners.
Seattle is so fun.
11-25-2003, 02:31 PM
i thought the bandanas in the back pocket were tied to brass knucks for easy access. ya know grab the bandana, yoink the knucks out and wrap them up with the rest of the bandana for a jaw breaking surprise.
11-25-2003, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by sxeny
i thought the bandanas in the back pocket were tied to brass knucks for easy access. ya know grab the bandana, yoink the knucks out and wrap them up with the rest of the bandana for a jaw breaking surprise.
different things to different people.
each subculture has it's own codes.
11-25-2003, 02:44 PM
yeah, i guess we just have a lot of "tough guys" over here.
12-03-2003, 10:13 PM
Whenever kids see a bandanna, Whether it be in my pocket or on my face) they yell OH SHIT!! GANGSTA!!!
Well, at leat they fear me.
12-11-2003, 11:57 AM
Its just another shitty fasion statement. people trying to look hard by wraping cloth over their heads. People say its to make them look meaner, and so people dont recognize them in the pit after they clock them with their fist.
Its so crap, can they not deal with just thrashing out in the crowd, and not worrying about Peoples reactions to stuff.
But i think its mainly because of people trying to look hard. and follow a trend.
x broadway x
12-12-2003, 07:40 PM
AFI? that video is horrible, that song is horrible, that band is horrible.
12-13-2003, 08:47 PM
dear sxeny and anyone else who cares to know... i am one of this great nations "bandana wearing bafoons" (hoods up crew represent) its all a fucking trend! move on with your lives, but we the true faceless hateedge kids will always REPRESENT!
12-14-2003, 10:33 PM
I wear them if theres a shit load of smoke inside the venue.
12-16-2003, 02:54 PM
i wear them when i light fireworks at shows to keep the smoke outta my face sometimes.....but i mean its just a trend, like thick rimmed glasses or black hair dye or cuffing your pants or small t shirts. no big deal
03-22-2005, 01:09 PM
bandanas in vegas mean which crew u belong to... same as a few other places i guess... i know that when u see someone wearing a camo bandana at a show in vegas it stands for tear it down crew. i love my crew!
03-23-2005, 11:39 AM
There is not one person who wears a bandana around here. There's the scene kids who put bandanas in their back pockets but that's about it.
03-23-2005, 06:49 PM
its not at shows, but a lot of anarchists do it at black blocs to conceal their identity from the police or whoever is watching.
but in my town a lot of kids do that when they ride their bikes and such. it sounds weird, but its actually kinda fun and im not sure why...
03-23-2005, 08:08 PM
bullshit no one does... lets start with hammerlane used to, dfm does, some of the guys from dfc.. and hoods up crew out here does.. not to mention tear it down crew.. wtf are u talkin about?
03-23-2005, 08:19 PM
bullshit no one does... lets start with hammerlane used to, dfm does, some of the guys from dfc.. and hoods up crew out here does.. not to mention tear it down crew.. wtf are u talkin about?
you can't read can you?
03-23-2005, 11:47 PM
fuck u xsecx.. u seem to have a huge attitude all over this forum.. ur a fucking queer and i am tired of ur shit.. ur prolly the kid who thinks he is tough shit online yet in realy life, ur bitch ass wouldnt dare go to a show or even be considered a true hardcore kid.. so shut the fuck up and keep your opinions to yourself.. cuz i dont give a shit about what u think or what u have to say
03-24-2005, 01:36 AM
fuck u xsecx.. u seem to have a huge attitude all over this forum.. ur a fucking queer and i am tired of ur shit.. ur prolly the kid who thinks he is tough shit online yet in realy life, ur bitch ass wouldnt dare go to a show or even be considered a true hardcore kid.. so shut the fuck up and keep your opinions to yourself.. cuz i dont give a shit about what u think or what u have to say
reading isn't your only problem it would seem, you are somewhat inarticulate.
03-24-2005, 06:11 AM
what's up with kids wearing bandanas around their faces at shows...first i thought it was a local thing(ct/ma) but i just saw the AFI video and one of the "professional" dancers is wearing one. does anyone know what it's supposed to mean, if anything?
What's with the professional in " ".
03-24-2005, 06:35 AM
ha ha, from my experience on this forum I think that xsecx is the admin....
03-24-2005, 08:49 AM
fuck u xsecx.. u seem to have a huge attitude all over this forum.. ur a fucking queer and i am tired of ur shit.. ur prolly the kid who thinks he is tough shit online yet in realy life, ur bitch ass wouldnt dare go to a show or even be considered a true hardcore kid.. so shut the fuck up and keep your opinions to yourself.. cuz i dont give a shit about what u think or what u have to say
I've been going to shows longer than you've been alive son. and seriously, that's the best you could do?
03-24-2005, 11:34 AM
What's with the professional in " ".
because they were paid to come in and dance for the video.
03-24-2005, 02:20 PM
ha ha, from my experience on this forum I think that xsecx is the admin....
Well the fact it says so under his name is a dead give away also.
03-24-2005, 07:46 PM
i dont need to try and "do the best i can do" i aint trying to osund like no tough ass motherfucker over the fucking internet.. seriously wtf am i gunna do? jump through the screen and beat u up? bahahaha.. fuck that.. im just straight up telling u that u have a shitty ass attitude and i guess from all the posts ive read of urs, u think ur better than alot of people.. when really, your no different than anyone else
03-24-2005, 08:05 PM
i dont need to try and "do the best i can do" i aint trying to osund like no tough ass motherfucker over the fucking internet.. seriously wtf am i gunna do? jump through the screen and beat u up? bahahaha.. fuck that.. im just straight up telling u that u have a shitty ass attitude and i guess from all the posts ive read of urs, u think ur better than alot of people.. when really, your no different than anyone else
I think I'm better than you, because 1) you can't read and 2) you can't comprehend basic things. You started spouting shit because some kid in OHIO said he didn't see kids in HIS scene wearing bandanas and you start in on him and start listing tiny ass crews in vegas. Now, who exactly is the one with the shitty ass attitude and the one acting like they have something to prove?
03-24-2005, 08:24 PM
straight up.. ur not better than me.. and i hadent realized till after the fact that he was indeed from ohio.. and these "tiny ass vegas crews" aint as tiny as u think.. how about u come here and talk shit to one of them and u tell me u dont get ur ass beat.. so just pull your head out of ur ass and stop being so nieve
03-24-2005, 08:28 PM
straight up.. ur not better than me.. and i hadent realized till after the fact that he was indeed from ohio.. and these "tiny ass vegas crews" aint as tiny as u think.. how about u come here and talk shit to one of them and u tell me u dont get ur ass beat.. so just pull your head out of ur ass and stop being so nieve
sweet jesus you're a moron. you didn't realize it because you didn't read, you know, what I actually said before you decided to pretend like a tough guy on the internet. Seriously, this is the best you can come up with? This is why I am better than you're. You're an idiot who shoots his mouth off without thinking.
03-24-2005, 09:29 PM
sweet jesus you're a moron. you didn't realize it because you didn't read, you know, what I actually said before you decided to pretend like a tough guy on the internet. Seriously, this is the best you can come up with? This is why I am better than you're. You're an idiot who shoots his mouth off without thinking.
talkin shit? u know nothing about me so why not just shut the fuck up?i dont care about ur opinions.. and im sure half the other people reading this dont either.. so keep it to yourself.. and u wanna talk about me needing to learn a few things.. u need to learn to put together sentences dear buddie.. look above to see what i mean
03-25-2005, 05:56 AM
talkin shit? u know nothing about me so why not just shut the fuck up?i dont care about ur opinions.. and im sure half the other people reading this dont either.. so keep it to yourself.. and u wanna talk about me needing to learn a few things.. u need to learn to put together sentences dear buddie.. look above to see what i mean
what more do I need to know to form an opinion on you? If you don't care, then why are you still here, still replying? The ironic thing here is, you're the one that shot your mouth off and said something you were wrong about, yet you act as though you hadn't.
And seriously, if you're going to try and say something about sentence structure, you might want to do it without spelling you, u or spelling buddy wrong. You're just not smart, it's time you come to terms with that.
03-25-2005, 11:55 AM
talkin shit? u know nothing about me so why not just shut the fuck up?i dont care about ur opinions.. and im sure half the other people reading this dont either.. so keep it to yourself.. and u wanna talk about me needing to learn a few things.. u need to learn to put together sentences dear buddie.. look above to see what i mean
Actually people are hoping you'd keep your shit to yourself, you sound like a complete idiot.
03-26-2005, 03:34 PM
Myself.....i Would Prefer To Wear Bandanas Like I Always Do Because It Provides A Tad Bit Of Padding When U Get Kicked In The Face Dancing....
And Looks Cool As Hell......
04-03-2005, 03:29 PM
yeah..i know i am late on this..but about the bandanas, it is because when hardcore first started out they played in alot of dusty places. They didnt really have alot of nice venues. So when the guys would get in the pit and dance they would put on the bandanas to keep from breathing in the dust. Thats alo how wearing a Bandana in your back pocket started. They would put them in the pockets until that got in the pit. I know im late on this, but I just thoght I'd let you know. Bandanas are great, all the new kids are intimidated and scared of guys in Bandanas...take it easy..
04-03-2005, 05:17 PM
yeah..i know i am late on this..but about the bandanas, it is because when hardcore first started out they played in alot of dusty places. They didnt really have alot of nice venues. So when the guys would get in the pit and dance they would put on the bandanas to keep from breathing in the dust. Thats alo how wearing a Bandana in your back pocket started. They would put them in the pockets until that got in the pit. I know im late on this, but I just thoght I'd let you know. Bandanas are great, all the new kids are intimidated and scared of guys in Bandanas...take it easy..
whoever told you this lied.
04-03-2005, 11:25 PM
probably so, people lie these days..whats the real story behind the bandanas?..
04-04-2005, 08:42 AM
probably so, people lie these days..whats the real story behind the bandanas?..
people have just started wearing them in the last few years. there isn't any deep meaning to it.
04-04-2005, 10:02 AM
people have just started wearing them in the last few years. there isn't any deep meaning to it.
thats cool..whats your view on FSU?..
04-04-2005, 10:36 AM
thats cool..whats your view on FSU?..
in terms of what?
04-04-2005, 05:28 PM
sXettd - You are the second dumbest person from Las Vegas I have ever encountered. That's quite a feat. Top work.
04-04-2005, 10:33 PM
in terms of what?
in terms of their efforts to help the scene.
04-05-2005, 08:21 AM
in terms of their efforts to help the scene.
as a general rule, crews don't help the scene.
04-05-2005, 11:02 AM
crews can generally ruin it completely. im in a crew tho, and its just friends. its our paint(tagging)/friends and company crew. and its just there to look out for each other.
but things like the DFA and others, have no place. straight edge and hardcore is supposed to be about unity, i dont see how you get that by beating someone in the back of the head with knucks man. like theres a local crew here, the AKT(altoona kill team) and theyre all good guys and have helped me out before. but the tough guy ones that are there for violence, fuck that. they ruin it.
04-05-2005, 01:10 PM
I agree completley. I got the DVD "Boston Beatdown" wihch is maily about the Boston branch of FSU, a while back, and its annoying. They once said they will beat your ass "If you dont look like you belong". Its all stupid. I wish people would quit dividing teh scene into crews, and just let the scene be is own crew.
I got the DVD "Boston Beatdown" wihch is maily about the Boston branch of FSU, a while back, and its annoying. They once said they will beat your ass "If you dont look like you belong".
i can't remember that part....i think you got something wrong
04-05-2005, 05:05 PM
i can't remember that part....i think you got something wrong
nah..I'm pretty sure didnt get anything wrong.
04-06-2005, 02:09 AM
Kids wearing bandana's = Fucking loosers.
You crew doesnt matter and you aren't in a gang. Shut up - Dance - Have Fun, leave your faggot ass fashion at the door.
Oh and most 'crews' are the root of all trouble and bullshit that hardcore gets. I'm really fed up with these kids wannabe-gang mind sets. You do nothing but cause trouble by picking fights and then jumping kids because you think that makes you tough. Now dont get me wrong, I know a few people in such crews and they are cool shit, but there are a good percent of crews that have idiots in them who take pleasure in nothing more then starting shit.
05-04-2005, 10:00 AM
Kids wearing bandana's = Fucking loosers.
You crew doesnt matter and you aren't in a gang. Shut up - Dance - Have Fun, leave your faggot ass fashion at the door.
Oh and most 'crews' are the root of all trouble and bullshit that hardcore gets. I'm really fed up with these kids wannabe-gang mind sets. You do nothing but cause trouble by picking fights and then jumping kids because you think that makes you tough. Now dont get me wrong, I know a few people in such crews and they are cool shit, but there are a good percent of crews that have idiots in them who take pleasure in nothing more then starting shit.
no shit dude... that is what half the crews are made for.... to seem like ur tough shit... why u think u see all these poser ass kids in crews... cuz if they all "unite" then wham.. they think they can take anything... when in all actuality... they are still bitches.. they are just alot of bitches hangin out together... think about it.. then the crews that are put together as a way for friends to be there for eachother.. nothing wrong with them... im in one of those crews.. and we dont really ever go looking for fights just to fight.. i dont think u should ever fight unless u are either protecting yourself, family (friends) or something u believe in so strongly that u feel u have to get fists involved.
05-04-2005, 07:14 PM
Not much of that on the west coast. I think its mostly an eastcoasty thing
05-04-2005, 11:31 PM
Not much of that on the west coast. I think its mostly an eastcoasty thing
hahahaha.. bullshit.... u live anywhere near down town l.a. or vegas? cuz if u do.. then ur full of shit.. and if u dont.. u have no idea... sk wears bandanas.... as does alot of crews out here in vegas on the WEST COAST
05-05-2005, 01:57 PM
hahahaha.. bullshit.... u live anywhere near down town l.a. or vegas? cuz if u do.. then ur full of shit.. and if u dont.. u have no idea... sk wears bandanas.... as does alot of crews out here in vegas on the WEST COAST
Ok fine, corection its not much of a Northern California thing. From San fransico up i havn't seen one kid at a show with a bandana except for a few of my friends who did it to be stupid
05-05-2005, 07:09 PM
better.... thank u for the correction
05-14-2005, 04:06 PM
whoever told you this lied.
yea dude, they lied pretty good....i thought that was right but its not...i still havent found the answer about how it yea
05-14-2005, 04:09 PM
about those vega crews and stuff.....they are pretty big....but in my parts there are two main crews and a small crew jus beginning to hit up....theres the X304X and the X606X....i roll with the jus dont fuck with us...haha
05-16-2005, 10:10 AM
personally i wear a bandana rolled and tied around my forehead, its black and it keeps the sweat outta my eyes. i wont say nothin bout crews cause as far as i know there isnt one in my locale (cache valley utah), but i was in one back when i lived in california. we was just friends keepin an eye out for each other back then, most of us moved out of the area at around the same time so it didnt really last too long.
05-18-2005, 01:19 AM
I've worn a bandana since before I went edge. I mean, who wants to mess with a guy in a leather jacket, jeans, wife beater and bandana around his face?
05-18-2005, 03:40 AM
I've worn a bandana since before I went edge. I mean, who wants to mess with a guy in a leather jacket, jeans, wife beater and bandana around his face?
Ooo, posturing! Makes you a target just a different kind.
05-18-2005, 08:45 AM
I've worn a bandana since before I went edge. I mean, who wants to mess with a guy in a leather jacket, jeans, wife beater and bandana around his face?
call me crazy but I tend to care more about how big the person actually is vs the clohting they wear.
ps leather jackets aren't tough.
05-18-2005, 09:36 AM
call me crazy but I tend to care more about how big the person actually is vs the clohting they wear.
ps leather jackets aren't tough.
I'm gonna agree with Dusty. I actually think it makes them look like they're TRYING to be tough than rather looking like they are.
I've worn a bandana since before I went edge. I mean, who wants to mess with a guy in a leather jacket, jeans, wife beater and bandana around his face?
that's a no no.
wear bomber jackets and 4 hoodies underneath, you'll look tough, no doubt about it! hahaha
05-19-2005, 02:19 AM
I don't care if it looks tough or not, it just looks badass in my opinion =D. But yeah I live in Orange County and ive tried wearing a hoodie underneath my jacket and put the hood up and it gets hottt rofl. I've also had an obsession with ninjas so every halloween i'm a ninja, they are badass too. I saw that people dress up as ninjas for shows thats super rad. Maybe I can just dress up as a ninja all the time and make a BADASS sXe crew, the super sneaky ninjas of the house of stealth. We can tear up the streets and be the baddest mofos but when i go into freshman year of highschool next year ill probably get made fun of but
You see me and you laugh out loud
You taunt me from safe inside your crowd
My looks, they must threaten you
To make you act the way you do
You see me and you think I'm a jerk
First impressions without a word
You can't believe your eyes at first
But now you know you've seen the worst
It's pretty ninja to use lyrics in your writing and not be emo! KK well my mp3 player is broken and i am very upset so i am going to bed.
p.s.- ninjas would sit on rooftops and watch their enemies while eating rice cakes for a special ability like if they had to sneak into a building and be stealthy they would eat a sneaky rice cake that they thought made them more sneaky ,they had rice cakes for just about every darn thing!
kk ill take pictuers of my ninja/badass style so you guys can agree its so cool.
05-19-2005, 01:55 PM
i'm melting.
05-19-2005, 03:39 PM
this thread is hilarious.
05-19-2005, 07:40 PM
now see I fully agree with the Ninja thing. They are awsome, me and my freinds are doing some Ninja like stuff this weekend, I'll take pictures too.
05-20-2005, 09:33 AM
now see I fully agree with the Ninja thing. They are awsome, me and my freinds are doing some Ninja like stuff this weekend, I'll take pictures too.
What are you doing that is ninja like?
05-20-2005, 09:42 AM
I don't care if it looks tough or not, it just looks badass in my opinion =D. But yeah I live in Orange County and ive tried wearing a hoodie underneath my jacket and put the hood up and it gets hottt rofl. I've also had an obsession with ninjas so every halloween i'm a ninja, they are badass too. I saw that people dress up as ninjas for shows thats super rad. Maybe I can just dress up as a ninja all the time and make a BADASS sXe crew, the super sneaky ninjas of the house of stealth. We can tear up the streets and be the baddest mofos but when i go into freshman year of highschool next year ill probably get made fun of but
You see me and you laugh out loud
You taunt me from safe inside your crowd
My looks, they must threaten you
To make you act the way you do
You see me and you think I'm a jerk
First impressions without a word
You can't believe your eyes at first
But now you know you've seen the worst
It's pretty ninja to use lyrics in your writing and not be emo! KK well my mp3 player is broken and i am very upset so i am going to bed.
p.s.- ninjas would sit on rooftops and watch their enemies while eating rice cakes for a special ability like if they had to sneak into a building and be stealthy they would eat a sneaky rice cake that they thought made them more sneaky ,they had rice cakes for just about every darn thing!
kk ill take pictuers of my ninja/badass style so you guys can agree its so cool.
so wait.. ur in the 8th grade and think people are afraid of u cuz u have on a leather jacket and a wife beater that u prolly cant even fill out with the little to no muscle u have? that is sooooo sweet.. i would sooo be afraid of u at a show.. but on a lighter note.. the ninja shit is gettin rocked out here in vegas by me and all my friends at shows.. no worries
05-20-2005, 09:49 AM
so wait.. ur in the 8th grade and think people are afraid of u cuz u have on a leather jacket and a wife beater that u prolly cant even fill out with the little to no muscle u have? that is sooooo sweet.. i would sooo be afraid of u at a show.. but on a lighter note.. the ninja shit is gettin rocked out here in vegas by me and all my friends at shows.. no worries
Ninjas shit in the woods.
05-20-2005, 01:41 PM
What kind of Ninja type stuff, well first off my friend got kicked out of his house, along with the rest of his family by their over abusive father etc. They can't get back in the house, so me and my two friends are gonna Ninja it up. We are also salvaging stuff from an abandoned school (2 of them) and we Ninja it up, go in through the roof, go up a gas line on the side of the building, we'll take pictures of that too.
05-20-2005, 02:07 PM
What kind of Ninja type stuff, well first off my friend got kicked out of his house, along with the rest of his family by their over abusive father etc. They can't get back in the house, so me and my two friends are gonna Ninja it up. We are also salvaging stuff from an abandoned school (2 of them) and we Ninja it up, go in through the roof, go up a gas line on the side of the building, we'll take pictures of that too.
Yeah....ok, get this:
05-20-2005, 02:17 PM
Yeah....ok, get this:
Hahaha! Betcha he will!
05-20-2005, 02:27 PM
Hahaha! Betcha he will!
He should, its a good book by the last true ninja and the only living authority on ninjitsu, a true grandmaster. Although only a brief introduction to the lengths of this vast art it is well on point.
There is plenty of myth and misconception surrounding ninjas but its often based and very small portions of the system if based on it all, its often based more on folklore.
05-20-2005, 05:37 PM
so wait.. ur in the 8th grade and think people are afraid of u cuz u have on a leather jacket and a wife beater that u prolly cant even fill out with the little to no muscle u have? that is sooooo sweet.. i would sooo be afraid of u at a show.. but on a lighter note.. the ninja shit is gettin rocked out here in vegas by me and all my friends at shows.. no worries
Lol wow dont judge if you don't know who the fuck I am first of all.
Sorry bud I don't think I have any "filling out" to do, I'm 5'8 1/2 180 lbs. 16% body fat. I bench 235 and clean and press 135 (both max out). I train year round/5 times a week and have a very strict diet, all to get in shape for football. So maybe you should just shut the fuck up if your gonna talk shit on a person you don't know anything about =). And I never said anything about "scaring" a person from wearing a leather jacket or wifebeater, I said it looks bad ass.
05-20-2005, 08:04 PM
they are called A-Frames. calling them wifebeaters is just wrong, esp. for a kid. there's nothing cool about domestic violence.
05-20-2005, 08:58 PM
ahaha okay a-shirts.
05-21-2005, 12:55 AM
But i'm originally from the south, beating wives is socially acceptable there!
^^^^ Ebay...the 1 stop shop for all your ninja supplies
05-21-2005, 01:10 AM
And I never said anything about "scaring" a person from wearing a leather jacket or wifebeater, I said it looks bad ass.
I've worn a bandana since before I went edge. I mean, who wants to mess with a guy in a leather jacket, jeans, wife beater and bandana around his face?
some contradiction going on here.
05-21-2005, 02:53 PM
and sarcasm.
05-23-2005, 10:45 PM
Please Stop Fighitng You're Tearing This Family Apart!
(Edited in-Now see I hit caps, but for some reason it only capitalized the first letters of each word?)
05-24-2005, 06:01 AM
and sarcasm.
So you saying you never said it is sarcasm? How so?
05-24-2005, 06:03 AM
Please Stop Fighitng You're Tearing This Family Apart!
(Edited in-Now see I hit caps, but for some reason it only capitalized the first letters of each word?)
Which family is that?
05-24-2005, 11:44 PM
Our family, our big, loving family, in which you are my brother, you all are(save for the girls, you are my sisters), and Dusty is our angry authority driven father. Unless you wanna be my cousin or something? Or, like, adopted son? or house pet, they all work, and I've got some pimpin' fish bowls, so house pet could work. And i could take your picture from the pictures thread and photoshop you into cette fishbowl.
05-25-2005, 03:52 AM
Our family, our big, loving family, in which you are my brother, you all are(save for the girls, you are my sisters), and Dusty is our angry authority driven father. Unless you wanna be my cousin or something? Or, like, adopted son? or house pet, they all work, and I've got some pimpin' fish bowls, so house pet could work. And i could take your picture from the pictures thread and photoshop you into cette fishbowl.
You are deluded but assuming that i am your brother, where is the fighting and where is the tearing apart and where is a family that doesn't fight?
05-26-2005, 08:57 AM
Our family, our big, loving family, in which you are my brother, you all are(save for the girls, you are my sisters), and Dusty is our angry authority driven father. Unless you wanna be my cousin or something? Or, like, adopted son? or house pet, they all work, and I've got some pimpin' fish bowls, so house pet could work. And i could take your picture from the pictures thread and photoshop you into cette fishbowl.
I'm no ones father.
05-26-2005, 11:40 AM
You are deluded but assuming that i am your brother, where is the fighting and where is the tearing apart and where is a family that doesn't fight?
i thought that only happened in my own family, not in all families.
05-26-2005, 02:55 PM
i thought that only happened in my own family, not in all families.
Just look at luke and darth vader, theres family quarals for you!
05-26-2005, 05:43 PM
You are deluded but assuming that i am your brother, where is the fighting and where is the tearing apart and where is a family that doesn't fight?
Huh? Yeah, Huh? No, Yes you're my brother, and oyu will have to live with it. Where is the fighting? well a few posts back, up there (points at the up there.) And are you sure you don't wan't to be a fish instead?
I'm no ones father.
<HUG> DADDIE!!!!!!
05-27-2005, 01:12 AM
Huh? Yeah, Huh? No, Yes you're my brother, and oyu will have to live with it. Where is the fighting? well a few posts back, up there (points at the up there.) And are you sure you don't wan't to be a fish instead?
Pointing out a contradiction isn't fighting. I'm really not your brother.
05-27-2005, 12:47 PM
Just look at luke and darth vader, theres family quarals for you!
oh yeah! i´m not pleased, i want more. give me some more good famous family quarals.
05-27-2005, 07:36 PM
Pointing out a contradiction isn't fighting. I'm really not your brother. Yes, You ARE my brother. And I love you. <HUG!> And other family quarels include:
Old yeller and his family.
Aladin and his father.
Tarzan and the Silver Back of his clan.
I'll think of mroe later
05-28-2005, 09:07 AM
Yes, You ARE my brother. And I love you. <HUG!> And other family quarels include:
Old yeller and his family.
Aladin and his father.
Tarzan and the Silver Back of his clan.
I'll think of mroe later
How am i your brother?
Huh? Yeah, Huh? No, Yes you're my brother, and oyu will have to live with it.
listen to goldfinger's song entitled "bro"
05-29-2005, 05:27 PM
If this is a family, then I want a divorce.
05-29-2005, 08:56 PM
If this is a family, then I want a divorce.
Aww! Come on! We luv eachother!
05-29-2005, 09:34 PM
YAY! I LOVE YOU TOO! Oh and by the way, Dusty, I thought you said you were no one's Father, what's up with this...
I've been going to shows longer than you've been alive son. and seriously, that's the best you could do?
Son eh? Thank you.
And Ed, stop asking how you are my brother, we are a family, if you don't want to be that type of family member, just say so. Cousin? I still say you could be a fish?
05-29-2005, 11:10 PM
YAY! I LOVE YOU TOO! Oh and by the way, Dusty, I thought you said you were no one's Father, what's up with this...
Son eh? Thank you.
And Ed, stop asking how you are my brother, we are a family, if you don't want to be that type of family member, just say so. Cousin? I still say you could be a fish?
don't make me bitchslap you.
05-30-2005, 03:58 AM
And Ed, stop asking how you are my brother, we are a family, if you don't want to be that type of family member, just say so. Cousin? I still say you could be a fish?
I asked once but you can't answer, strange that, makes it look a lot like you don't have an answer. We aren't family either, which i'm happy about.
05-30-2005, 05:21 PM
i like to view the straightedge community as a place for progressive thinkers. people who don't just accept the fact that they are suppossed to poison themselves as a rite of passage into adulthood. apparently, i'm mistaken...
that quote is golden
06-18-2005, 10:21 AM
yes i see that this thread has died down alot... but i will say something about the bandanas now. ok. when i go to an outside show i wear bandanas to keep the dirt and dust from going in my lungs, take the taste of chaos in orlando for an example, i went with like 10 people, not one of us had bandanas on, and we all caughed up black shit for like the next week. and i couldent breath the next day because my nose and throat all had dirt caked in it, and now i wear them when i go to any outside show.
06-18-2005, 10:45 AM
yes i see that this thread has died down alot... but i will say something about the bandanas now. ok. when i go to an outside show i wear bandanas to keep the dirt and dust from going in my lungs, take the taste of chaos in orlando for an example, i went with like 10 people, not one of us had bandanas on, and we all caughed up black shit for like the next week. and i couldent breath the next day because my nose and throat all had dirt caked in it, and now i wear them when i go to any outside show.
Get a dust mask
06-18-2005, 10:51 AM
Get a dust mask
we use these 26+Supplies
06-18-2005, 11:29 AM
we use these 26+Supplies
I think thats ideal
07-06-2005, 06:41 PM
I think the banndannas at shows are pit krews ionno though i am probably wrong
07-06-2005, 11:08 PM
sweet jesus you're a moron. you didn't realize it because you didn't read, you know, what I actually said before you decided to pretend like a tough guy on the internet. Seriously, this is the best you can come up with? This is why I am better than you're. You're an idiot who shoots his mouth off without thinking.
ok, i seriously can't stand people like you that have to point out every little fucking mistake made by someone that you don't like. If you're so much better than them then why don't you stop talkin shit and act fucking mature instead of acting like a two year old that has to have the last say.
07-06-2005, 11:25 PM
now see I fully agree with the Ninja thing. They are awsome, me and my freinds are doing some Ninja like stuff this weekend, I'll take pictures too.
since when did this become about ninjas? and what the fuck is this about taking pictures? can guys take pictures of them dressing up and not be gay now or something?
07-07-2005, 08:45 AM
ok, i seriously can't stand people like you that have to point out every little fucking mistake made by someone that you don't like. If you're so much better than them then why don't you stop talkin shit and act fucking mature instead of acting like a two year old that has to have the last say.
how exactly is point out mistakes made equate to talking shit or being immature?
07-07-2005, 08:51 AM
since when did this become about ninjas? and what the fuck is this about taking pictures? can guys take pictures of them dressing up and not be gay now or something?
wait, now who's talking shit?
07-08-2005, 03:26 PM
that's because you're clearly emo. and clearly in denial of your own latent homosexuality.
XsecX with something agreeable to say??? two thumbs up!
07-08-2005, 03:28 PM
and who decided that?
why can't it be "emo"?
Since everything that is associated with depression seems to be refered to as that lately...
i agree suicide is emo in my book not goth
07-08-2005, 03:29 PM
i agree suicide is emo in my book not goth
yeah. no one cares what you think about something that was talked about almost 2 years ago.
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