View Full Version : does being sXe mean I have to give up...
05-02-2004, 05:27 AM
.. strawberry-cider which has 0.2% alcohol in it?
05-02-2004, 09:34 AM
what do you think?
05-02-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by tonks
.. strawberry-cider which has 0.2% alcohol in it?
alcohol is alcohol.. so YES!!! give it up,
and if you like that strawberry cider stuff so much , the just get a non alcoholic version i am sure there is one
05-06-2004, 10:39 PM
Ya... I'm sure there is an non-alcoholic version.
05-07-2004, 03:50 AM
As has been said alcohol is alcohol. Also, if giving up this stuff is going to be so much of a chore for you you should consider why you are going wanting to be straightedge in the first place.
05-07-2004, 11:54 AM
do i have to give up scope and listerine?
05-07-2004, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Dummy
do i have to give up scope and listerine?
do you injest either?
05-07-2004, 05:48 PM
I was wondering that myself. Cuz you don't injest it but it is supporting the alcohol industry to an extent.
05-07-2004, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Yokosack
I was wondering that myself. Cuz you don't injest it but it is supporting the alcohol industry to an extent.
if by alcohol industry you mean the chemical industry.
05-07-2004, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
do you injest either?
(this is erik)
so i can i put budlight in my mouth, swish it around, and spit it out and still be respected by the straightedge community?
im just fuckin around though.
05-08-2004, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by unspoken
(this is erik)
so i can i put budlight in my mouth, swish it around, and spit it out and still be respected by the straightedge community?
im just fuckin around though.
yeah, but again, it's not the same. you're not comparing 2 things that are the same or even similar. one couldn't get you drunk, and if you did drink it would make you very very sick.
05-08-2004, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
yeah, but again, it's not the same. you're not comparing 2 things that are the same or even similar. one couldn't get you drunk, and if you did drink it would make you very very sick.
you'd also have to ask why anyone who is calling themselves straightedge would be putting bud light in their mouths and swishing it around
05-08-2004, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by straightXed
you'd also have to ask why anyone who is calling themselves straightedge would be putting bud light in their mouths and swishing it around
true..i doubt it would give you minty fresh breath
05-18-2004, 01:27 AM
I would say no, because in a quantity that small, you'd probably drown before you got drunk. However, if you want to drink cider, then should probably rethink swearing Edge. Straight Edge is not a set of rules. It's not that you can't do certain things because you're Edge; rather, you're Edge because you don't do these things...
05-18-2004, 05:31 PM
i still cant get over the whole no penne ala vodka and chicken marsala, and linguini and white clam sauce and....sorry im drooling. it sucks
05-19-2004, 11:01 AM
Originally posted by xJoeyNormalx
I would say no, because in a quantity that small, you'd probably drown before you got drunk. However, if you want to drink cider, then should probably rethink swearing Edge. Straight Edge is not a set of rules. It's not that you can't do certain things because you're Edge; rather, you're Edge because you don't do these things...
This is the thing that always kills me about kids who think it isn't a set of rules. There is a criteria. to be edge, you must fulfill x y and z. If you don't you're not. There's a difference between living your life by a set of rules, but that doesn't mean there isn't a guideline or a criteria to follow. It all comes down to this question. At what point is it ok? If I drink 1 beer a day, am I edge? Where is the line drawn? At what point does it become too much? Is social drinking ok? what if I only get drunk once a year?
05-19-2004, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
This is the thing that always kills me about kids who think it isn't a set of rules. There is a criteria. to be edge, you must fulfill x y and z. If you don't you're not. There's a difference between living your life by a set of rules, but that doesn't mean there isn't a guideline or a criteria to follow. It all comes down to this question. At what point is it ok? If I drink 1 beer a day, am I edge? Where is the line drawn? At what point does it become too much? Is social drinking ok? what if I only get drunk once a year?
well really any drinking is intoxicating.. i have a question though, i mean i know that straight edge is nolt a set of rules, but in a way it is more of a guidline but a guidline in a way is a set of rules for you to follow.. i see the drug free part of straight edge as a guidline for my life, the culture and community of straight edge is in a way drug free hardcore kids who are in a community/subculter of hardcore.. but i dont think that i would consider somone edge if they had any intoxicants because to be edge means you dont intoxicate period.. but i dont see not intoxicating as much as a set of rules, i see it more of a guidline, but i am confused so if what i said didnt make to much sence im sorry..
05-19-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
well really any drinking is intoxicating.. i have a question though, i mean i know that straight edge is nolt a set of rules, but in a way it is more of a guidline but a guidline in a way is a set of rules for you to follow.. i see the drug free part of straight edge as a guidline for my life, the culture and community of straight edge is in a way drug free hardcore kids who are in a community/subculter of hardcore.. but i dont think that i would consider somone edge if they had any intoxicants because to be edge means you dont intoxicate period.. but i dont see not intoxicating as much as a set of rules, i see it more of a guidline, but i am confused so if what i said didnt make to much sence im sorry..
yeah, but it all boils down to a set of rules though. calling it a guideline might be more palletable but at the end of the day, it's still rules. if you break the rules, you break edge. If there weren't basic rules than there isn't a definition.
05-19-2004, 08:24 PM
I guess I draw the line, for alcohol, at 0.5%, I'd say, which, as I recall, is the distinction between an alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink. The reason why I don't say zero percent is that certain food dishes, and even some fruit, have minute quantities of alcohol. I see no reason why you should refrain from consuming these.
However, I would not buy alcohol to cook with (as I'd be supporting the liquor industry), nor would I drink "lite" versions of alcoholic drinks. If you want to, then you probably should reconsider your position on Edge.
When I say Straight Edge is not a set of rules, I don't mean that there are no criteria that I feel you need to reach to be SXE. I feel, however, that people who see these as rules are going about things entirely the wrong way. You shouldn't refrain from drinking coffee or cider or whatever because it's in the rules of SXE, and you have to if you want to draw Xs on your hands like all the cool SXE kids. It should be the other way around. People shouldn't choose to do things just to conform to the rules of Straight Edge. It's not that you are Straight Edge, so you can't drink, smoke, toke or fuck; it's that you don't, so you are. The only rules involved should be ones you choose to make regarding your own behaviour.
05-20-2004, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
yeah, but it all boils down to a set of rules though. calling it a guideline might be more palletable but at the end of the day, it's still rules. if you break the rules, you break edge. If there weren't basic rules than there isn't a definition.
well i would say that they they are more of rules but they are rules that dont change how you live your life as an individual. i think that some people confuse them as being a set of rules meaning that you have to think a certain way.. bu i think seing them as a set of guidlines instead of a set of rules would be more aplicable.. yet a guidline is a rule but to a certain extreme
05-20-2004, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by xJoeyNormalx
I guess I draw the line, for alcohol, at 0.5%, I'd say, which, as I recall, is the distinction between an alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink. The reason why I don't say zero percent is that certain food dishes, and even some fruit, have minute quantities of alcohol. I see no reason why you should refrain from consuming these.
However, I would not buy alcohol to cook with (as I'd be supporting the liquor industry), nor would I drink "lite" versions of alcoholic drinks. If you want to, then you probably should reconsider your position on Edge.
When I say Straight Edge is not a set of rules, I don't mean that there are no criteria that I feel you need to reach to be SXE. I feel, however, that people who see these as rules are going about things entirely the wrong way. You shouldn't refrain from drinking coffee or cider or whatever because it's in the rules of SXE, and you have to if you want to draw Xs on your hands like all the cool SXE kids. It should be the other way around. People shouldn't choose to do things just to conform to the rules of Straight Edge. It's not that you are Straight Edge, so you can't drink, smoke, toke or fuck; it's that you don't, so you are. The only rules involved should be ones you choose to make regarding your own behaviour.
so why .05? what's different about that and not .06? If something has alcohol in it by design, and not as a side effect. What's being discussed here is a drink with a measured amount of alcohol, not something where alcohol is a side effect.
There's a difference between rules dictating your life and not. That doesn't mean that they don't still exist. There are rules to being straight edge. There are things you can do and things you can't do. And what about the people who use edge as a tool for sobriety? Are they not edge?
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