View Full Version : Does not drinking get easier?

05-22-2004, 12:35 PM
Hi, i've only been straight edge for a week and am finding it hard not to drink, i know its good not to but whenever i go to a club or gig my friends are always really wasted either on alchol or drugs and seem to ignore me coz i'm not on their level

05-22-2004, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by PeroxideQueen
Hi, i've only been straight edge for a week and am finding it hard not to drink, i know its good not to but whenever i go to a club or gig my friends are always really wasted either on alchol or drugs and seem to ignore me coz i'm not on their level

well what are your reasons for not drinking?

05-22-2004, 02:39 PM
I want to lead a clean life, i dont take drugs and am celibate, so i thought i should go straight edge because i like what it stands for. I cant handle my alchol very well and have got into alot of bad situations through drink... i do enjoy social drinking but have spent many years binge drinking and i guess its time to stop which i have for a week but its really hard! Do you recomend any ways of making it easier?

05-22-2004, 04:55 PM
The only thing I can think of is going to be the hardest thing. The reson you gave for it being really hard not to drink was your friends. I highly recomend getting a new group of friends. Start going to different places. Try to get away from the clubs or places where the drugs and alcohol are. I know getting away from your friends will be very hard to do, but you have to try. Maybe go to a Hardcore show and try to talk to some people there. I also recomend AA groups. If you are serious about dropping this addiction the people there will help you. My cousin was the biggest drunk I knew. Once he started AA he went through a 180* turn around. Now he is sober for 2 years and runs a lot of the meetings. nuke_red00@yahoo.com <----my e-mail address.
nuke_red00 is my YIM screen name. Don't be hesitant to talk to me or ask questions. I'm more that happy to help.

05-22-2004, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by PeroxideQueen
I want to lead a clean life, i dont take drugs and am celibate, so i thought i should go straight edge because i like what it stands for. I cant handle my alchol very well and have got into alot of bad situations through drink... i do enjoy social drinking but have spent many years binge drinking and i guess its time to stop which i have for a week but its really hard! Do you recomend any ways of making it easier?

well you might want to try and avoid social situations that are in clubs or pubs for the time being until you feel like you can handle them better . Like if you were an alcoholic and wanted to live sober would you keep living life identical to the way you were before?

05-24-2004, 04:16 AM
my fav. drink was beer for ages. i'm sxe for 6 month , and there was not a time i thought about breaking it. i go out with my friends to pubs, and i don't even think about drinking. but when i'm at home, and watching the match in the tv, i sometimes still think about the old me, drinking 1-2 beers meantime. but then i remember the fact, that after the 1st i don't enjoy drinking it, and that i wouldn't stop until my head starts to swell, and all the hangovers and the stupid things i've done due to the alcohol.
and that's why i don't fell into the temptation.
in the beginning, when i was in the grocery store, standing next to the beers, i searched for non alcoholic beers, and then i realized if it's non alcoholic, it wouldn't taste the same. it would be shit. and i don't care about drinking anymore

05-24-2004, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by PeroxideQueen
Hi, i've only been straight edge for a week and am finding it hard not to drink, i know its good not to but whenever i go to a club or gig my friends are always really wasted either on alchol or drugs and seem to ignore me coz i'm not on their level
what types of drinking were you into before you became sXe.. and were you into any type of drugs..