View Full Version : Core Clothing
disturbed rose
06-19-2004, 09:39 PM
What do the core kids wear clothing-wise in your area? I figure it's mostly the same, but i could be wrong. Here it's girl pants, YL band shirt and sauconys pumas or any other black and white shoe like that. Girls are basically the same...track jackets also.
06-19-2004, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by disturbed rose
What do the core kids wear clothing-wise in your area? I figure it's mostly the same, but i could be wrong. Here it's girl pants, YL band shirt and sauconys pumas or any other black and white shoe like that. Girls are basically the same...track jackets also.
that is not core.
06-19-2004, 10:03 PM
wait whats "core"?
fashioncore or hardcore or what?
06-20-2004, 02:32 AM
yeah, its the same pretty much everywhere right now. Im the only kid within a 150 mile radius that still wears mens jeans, doesnt have long dyed black hair, and a white belt. I usually wear khaki or camo shorts, adidas or saucony (sometimes nike), a x watch, a nice short posi top cut, and band shirts. and i have a black hoodie for when it gets chilly (which is rare in AZ). The closest thing to fashioncore i might have is this custom belt buckle that says "XRYANX" but i got it for mostly a joke, i hardly ever wear it.
06-20-2004, 05:20 PM
Doesn't anyone wear normal jeans anymore?
Jeans and a shirt for me.
Cargo shorts and a shirt in the summer. Cargos seem to be the new trend for kids who get boners of The Comeback Kid..whatevs.
Fashioncore kids wear the same things everywhere.
06-20-2004, 06:49 PM
ummmm i will never, repeat never wear womans jeans. no matter how cool it is.
06-20-2004, 08:00 PM
there's a small group of kids that dress like that, but its diverse for the most part. a lot of black tshirts tho.
06-20-2004, 08:03 PM
the thing that is starting to annoy me is the army/conductor hat thing.
06-20-2004, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
the thing that is starting to annoy me is the army/conductor hat thing.
Yeah, that's another thing.
06-21-2004, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
the thing that is starting to annoy me is the army/conductor hat thing.
That makes me laugh. When we were last in LA staying with Dustys old housemate, we were joking about trucker caps, and how they would be replaced by the conductor style hat.
A few days later I found one in a Japanese fashion magazine, and now THE PREDICTION CAME TO PASS!!!
06-21-2004, 07:52 AM
I dress the most hardcore of all you kids!
Or not. I basicly dress to the level of fancyness I'm feeling for the day. It might be cut off jeans and my favourite pink boybeater, if could be a poofy skirt with crinoline, you just never can tell!
Most days its jeans of some sort, just easier to deal with than skirts or dresses, but all jeans are big jeans!
disturbed rose
06-21-2004, 01:51 PM
My bad, i forgot to mention that everyone that wears that stuff imentioned are all fashion core people.
06-21-2004, 02:17 PM
I really dont understand the whole fashioncore thing!HELP ME!
throwin down
06-22-2004, 06:56 PM
umm i still wear dickies and converse and ocasionally jeans (NOT GIRLS).so what if i have a white belts and distracting belt buckles? who cares what you wear, its supposed to be about the music not the style.
06-22-2004, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by throwin down
umm i still wear dickies and converse and ocasionally jeans (NOT GIRLS).so what if i have a white belts and distracting belt buckles? who cares what you wear, its supposed to be about the music not the style.
if it's supposed to be about the music, then why do people let fashion be so important? fashioncore kids made the fashion more important than the music.
throwin down
06-23-2004, 01:00 AM
i have no idea. if i knew then maybe i could come toterms with it. MAYBE, its highly doubtful.
06-23-2004, 01:04 PM
Oh yeah...
Belts that apper to have virtually no fucking use are lame too.
Some fashioncore pople wear two at a time. ..and they don't even go though the pant loops.
What the fuck?
06-23-2004, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by xgcfx
Oh yeah...
Belts that apper to have virtually no fucking use are lame too.
Some fashioncore pople wear two at a time. ..and they don't even go though the pant loops.
What the fuck?
to make it easier for you to use them to hurt them.
06-23-2004, 01:14 PM
WORD!I have seen that...but only on preppy girls
i wear combat boots, jeans tshirt. but most of the guys wear nike or adidas shoes, baggy trousers, and there are brands like champion quicksilver everlast and lonsdale which are almost common things t wear
personally i don't give a shit about wearing stuff, what comes into my hands when i open my closet will be the 'costume'
i look more like a skinhead
06-24-2004, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by SgtD
i wear combat boots, jeans tshirt. but most of the guys wear nike or adidas shoes, baggy trousers, and there are brands like champion quicksilver everlast and lonsdale which are almost common things t wear
personally i don't give a shit about wearing stuff, what comes into my hands when i open my closet will be the 'costume'
i look more like a skinhead i thought you hated skin heads?
06-24-2004, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
if it's supposed to be about the music, then why do people let fashion be so important? fashioncore kids made the fashion more important than the music. i agree fashion is made too big a deal.. i just where what ever i choose.. i love shorts and im not a big fan of pants, but thats not at all a fashion thing its more of a comfort thing. and i just where a T shirt.. it dosnt have to be particularly a "band shirt" i mean when i go to a show i will most likely where a band shirt or an edge shirt to represent.
06-25-2004, 03:35 AM
i like to look good so i wear clean clothes mostly
06-25-2004, 10:49 AM
oh word...clean is the all the rage in California
06-25-2004, 04:31 PM
i wear black a lot too but not in a goth way.
06-25-2004, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
i like to look good so i wear clean clothes mostly yea i where clean clothes when i can which is not often.. but when i get the chance i do but no matter what the clothes are always cat hair on it.. because the cats like to sleep in the dryer and on my clothes once they are folded
06-25-2004, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
yea i where clean clothes when i can which is not often.. but when i get the chance i do but no matter what the clothes are always cat hair on it.. because the cats like to sleep in the dryer and on my clothes once they are folded
that would never be the behaviour of any pet cat of mine
06-25-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
that would never be the behaviour of any pet cat of mine well our cats are treated like humans.. i tried to fit in the dryer but i couldnt get in.. but our cats sleep on the tables and counters its awsome.. but there still proper creatures
06-25-2004, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
well our cats are treated like humans.. i tried to fit in the dryer but i couldnt get in.. but our cats sleep on the tables and counters its awsome.. but there still proper creatures
treated like humans? maybe they should do their share of house work and clean up their hair that they get all over your clothes.
06-25-2004, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
treated like humans? maybe they should do their share of house work and clean up their hair that they get all over your clothes.
.....cats have no thumbs...they have a tongue
06-26-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by xshadowsfallx
.....cats have no thumbs...they have a tongue
and a wet nose
06-28-2004, 12:21 AM
Most hardcore kids around here just wear band t-shirts, hoodies, mens jeans, black Dickies pants or shorts and chucks, or, really, any fucking shoes.
And I've been known to wear two belts. I also own two pairs of girls' jeans. I bought them when I was with my ex, and she was into all the fashioncore shit. I haven't worn them since we broke up, haha. On the plus side, they were cheap as fuck and one pair is baggy enough to wear without looking stupid.
I have short ginge hair and I'm not fucking dying it or growing a long fringe.
More kids around here whine about fashioncore than dress it, which is probably a good thing.
Originally posted by Straightedgecat
i thought you hated skin heads?
oh. well i do hate NAZI skinheads. do i have to tell the difference between skins and boneheads?!
07-13-2004, 03:26 PM
ummm ya i wear whatever i can afford usually stuff at like kohls or goodwill works too sumtimes i wear whatevers comfortable and not what everyone else s wearing.
07-13-2004, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by HxCxFxC
damn straight.
07-26-2004, 09:32 PM
in michigan city we wear what ever is clean. Mostly cargo army pants,some jnco the guys wear a lot of shirts form hot topic Mostly the playboy worker shirts. We also wear a lot of clothes depicting other countries flags and junk
07-26-2004, 09:33 PM
i meant clean
07-26-2004, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by jessejaymes88
in michigan city we wear what ever is clean. Mostly cargo army pants,some jnco the guys wear a lot of shirts form hot topic Mostly the playboy worker shirts. We also wear a lot of clothes depicting other countries flags and junk
Hot topic is abhorred.
07-27-2004, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by jessejaymes88
in michigan city we wear what ever is clean. Mostly cargo army pants,some jnco the guys wear a lot of shirts form hot topic Mostly the playboy worker shirts. We also wear a lot of clothes depicting other countries flags and junk
I have a strong feeling you're not talking about hardcore kids.
I also have to wonder if you're a nazi.
07-27-2004, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
I have a strong feeling you're not talking about hardcore kids.
I also have to wonder if you're a nazi.
most of my ohio friends still call me 88 steve. (which obviously has nothing to do with 88 being a WP thing)
i am considering getting this black cat tattoo. somewhat like this:
...for lack of a better picture.
but instead of the 13 i was gonna get an 88. but that leads to people who don't know better thinking it's a WP tattoo. so i was thinking if i put an '88, it would be more clear that it's a year.
i'm still undecided though.
07-27-2004, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
most of my ohio friends still call me 88 steve. (which obviously has nothing to do with 88 being a WP thing)
i am considering getting this black cat tattoo. somewhat like this:
...for lack of a better picture.
but instead of the 13 i was gonna get an 88. but that leads to people who don't know better thinking it's a WP tattoo. so i was thinking if i put an '88, it would be more clear that it's a year.
i'm still undecided though.
So you didn't go to emory riddle?
And it's weird how some things just take on a life of their own. the 88 could be someone's jersey number or some other meaning, but most people thathave dealt with WP people will only think of it in terms of HH.
07-27-2004, 08:50 AM
nope. i didn't go to school for aviation at all. i definately didn't go to that spartan school...i just like the cat.
07-27-2004, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
nope. i didn't go to school for aviation at all. i definately didn't go to that spartan school...i just like the cat.
word. there is a dude I work with that really really wants to change careers and get into flying commerical. Would you mind if I forwarded your email to him to talk to you about your experience?
07-27-2004, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by xsecx
word. there is a dude I work with that really really wants to change careers and get into flying commerical. Would you mind if I forwarded your email to him to talk to you about your experience?
no not all all.
what a time to want to get into this business... i doubt i'd try to talk my worst enemy into doing this right now.
07-27-2004, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns
no not all all.
what a time to want to get into this business... i doubt i'd try to talk my worst enemy into doing this right now.
me either, but dude just likes to fly. there also seems to be a shit load of people like my old man right at the end of their carreers and getting set to retire, so who knows.
07-27-2004, 09:50 AM's a very cyclical by the time he got enough time to do may be going great.
ps: your dad is probably shitting about the whole united pension thing, huh?
that sucks.
07-27-2004, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by flame_still_burns's a very cyclical by the time he got enough time to do may be going great.
ps: your dad is probably shitting about the whole united pension thing, huh?
that sucks.
yes and no. he's getting his militaty pension and my moms salary for the past 15 years, although tiny all went into their 401k. And as soon as he went from air force money to united money he started socking money away, so he'll probably be ok. but he's also not that happy about how unstable things are or how much money he lost in shares and everything else. He's got 2 more years until he retires. let's just hope next terrorist attack that happens doesn't involve planes.
08-23-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by sabresnmets
ummmm i will never, repeat never wear womans jeans. no matter how cool it is. since when is that cool? maube im just sheltered amp magfazine was burnin on jncos! whats up wit dat?
08-23-2004, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
since when is that cool? maube im just sheltered amp magfazine was burnin on jncos! whats up wit dat?
you been to a hardcore show lately/
08-23-2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
you been to a hardcore show lately/
i thought i was at a hardcore show with a lot of merch till i realised it was a girls clothes shop.
throwin down
08-23-2004, 02:23 PM
originally posted by straightXed:
i thought i was at a hardcore show with a lot of merch till i realised it was a girls clothes shop.
i would have to agree with you. yeah, hardcore shows sell alot of merch that is pretty lame somtime... thats why you need to go to straight edge shows...
08-23-2004, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by throwin down
originally posted by straightXed:
i would have to agree with you. yeah, hardcore shows sell alot of merch that is pretty lame somtime... thats why you need to go to straight edge shows...
straight edge shows are hardcore shows?
08-23-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
straight edge shows are hardcore shows?
and straightedge hardcore bands carry merch at heir shows too
08-23-2004, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
you been to a hardcore show lately/ ummmmm SHELTERED!
08-24-2004, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
ummmmmm, ELABORATE!
08-24-2004, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by straightXed
ummmmmm, ELABORATE! awwwright first the begining paragraph of this website sucks cause it says if youve never been to a show yer not straight edge which is bullshit cause not everybody has the measns to get to a show jesus christ!!! that deosnt make not a fan of hardcore ive just never been to a show and nothing personal but if you guys want more people to become straight edge because lets face it, it is a good cause then you should not limit it to just hardcore kids. on an unrelated note who ever is in charge of the writing for the web page should put the ''three x'es rules'' back up
08-24-2004, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
awwwright first the begining paragraph of this website sucks cause it says if youve never been to a show yer not straight edge which is bullshit cause not everybody has the measns to get to a show jesus christ!!! that deosnt make not a fan of hardcore ive just never been to a show and nothing personal but if you guys want more people to become straight edge because lets face it, it is a good cause then you should not limit it to just hardcore kids. on an unrelated note who ever is in charge of the writing for the web page should put the ''three x'es rules'' back up
my typing skills are garbage!!!
08-24-2004, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
awwwright first the begining paragraph of this website sucks cause it says if youve never been to a show yer not straight edge which is bullshit cause not everybody has the measns to get to a show jesus christ!!! that deosnt make not a fan of hardcore ive just never been to a show and nothing personal but if you guys want more people to become straight edge because lets face it, it is a good cause then you should not limit it to just hardcore kids. on an unrelated note who ever is in charge of the writing for the web page should put the ''three x'es rules'' back up
where do you live?
08-24-2004, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by straightXed
where do you live? oneida NY i live near syracuse and they have alota shows i just dont have a car
08-24-2004, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
oneida NY i live near syracuse and they have alota shows i just dont have a car
so you could get to a show, there are shows near you. If you really wanted to go you would find a way, i don't have a car and manage to get to shows. And going back to your rant why would the straightedge community want people claiming straightedge who are doing nothing to support hardcore? You still reading? Go to a show already!
08-24-2004, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by straightXed
so you could get to a show, there are shows near you. If you really wanted to go you would find a way, i don't have a car and manage to get to shows. And going back to your rant why would the straightedge community want people claiming straightedge who are doing nothing to support hardcore? You still reading? Go to a show already! why would you want ppl who support straight edge who arent hardcore? why not? i mean keep it in the punk rock scene but you shouldnt have to be hardcore to be straight edge i like a majority of types of punk rock stuff (pop-punk is not a type or punk rock sorry) DOWN WITH DRIVE-THRU (sept senses fail) the show thing? i could probably find away and im not gonna give you excuses why i never make it to a show i just never been to a show before
08-24-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
why would you want ppl who support straight edge who arent hardcore? why not? i mean keep it in the punk rock scene but you shouldnt have to be hardcore to be straight edge i like a majority of types of punk rock stuff (pop-punk is not a type or punk rock sorry) DOWN WITH DRIVE-THRU (sept senses fail) the show thing? i could probably find away and im not gonna give you excuses why i never make it to a show i just never been to a show before
well thats all they would be is excuses and for the record you already gave me excuses, not having a car.
So why limit it to punk rock, why not hip hop and jazz or goth? hardcore is part of being straightedge, what has punk rock got to do with the straight edge scene? wanna meet straight edge kids? go to a hardcore show, wanna listen to straightedge lyrics? buy a hardcore cd, wanna sing along to a straight edge anthem? once again hardcore show. wanna know where straightedge came from? hardcore, wanna know what kept it going? hardcore, wanna know what makes straightedge unique from being just drug free? hardcore. wanna know where you should go? a hardcore show.
08-24-2004, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
well thats all they would be is excuses and for the record you already gave me excuses, not having a car.
So why limit it to punk rock, why not hip hop and jazz or goth? hardcore is part of being straightedge, what has punk rock got to do with the straight edge scene? wanna meet straight edge kids? go to a hardcore show, wanna listen to straightedge lyrics? buy a hardcore cd, wanna sing along to a straight edge anthem? once again hardcore show. wanna know where straightedge came from? hardcore, wanna know what kept it going? hardcore, wanna know what makes straightedge unique from being just drug free? hardcore. wanna know where you should go? a hardcore show. i dont mean to be the bearer of bad news but straight edge is dieing there are very few hardcore bands out there anymore i dont hold to much knowledge on underground shit but niether does to many other ppl hence the name underground so keep straight edge underground then
08-24-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
i dont mean to be the bearer of bad news but straight edge is dieing there are very few hardcore bands out there anymore i dont hold to much knowledge on underground shit but niether does to many other ppl hence the name underground so keep straight edge underground then
Hhahahahahahaha, you aren't the bearer of bad news, you are the bearer of highly inaccurate news. So you are saying you have no knowledge of underground music, which hardcore has always been, but you no enough to say hardcore is dying, wow thats awesome. As for saying people don't know about underground, well i know plenty enough about underground american bands and i don't even live there, theres plenty of underground european bands too, wanna know how you could learn about it too? go to a hardcore show.
08-24-2004, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
Hhahahahahahaha, you aren't the bearer of bad news, you are the bearer of highly inaccurate news. So you are saying you have no knowledge of underground music, which hardcore has always been, but you no enough to say hardcore is dying, wow thats awesome. As for saying people don't know about underground, well i know plenty enough about underground american bands and i don't even live there, theres plenty of underground european bands too, wanna know how you could learn about it too? go to a hardcore show. ok first i didnt say hardcore is dieing i said straight edge is dieing second almost all western european countries have legallized drugs or looked the other way soe i would not be surpirsed is straight edge almost was non-existent over there but i wouldnt know what ever its not like im banning going to shows i just havent gone to one yet but please keep baggin on me for not know shit about the scene i actually dont mind it but i do wanna start a new thread i just dont know how since i just signed up and stuff but i wanna know how many ppl want to actually kill the starting line kid not to get off topic that im a non-edge scenester
08-24-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
ok first i didnt say hardcore is dieing i said straight edge is dieing second almost all western european countries have legallized drugs or looked the other way soe i would not be surpirsed is straight edge almost was non-existent over there but i wouldnt know what ever its not like im banning going to shows i just havent gone to one yet but please keep baggin on me for not know shit about the scene i actually dont mind it but i do wanna start a new thread i just dont know how since i just signed up and stuff but i wanna know how many ppl want to actually kill the starting line kid not to get off topic that im a non-edge scenester
almost all western european countries have leagalized drugs, name those countries, if you get five i'll give you a $20. Theres a lot of straightedge kids on the continent as well as in the uk.
You said there was very few hardcore bands though and there are absoloutley tonnes, european and US. straight edge is not dying, where are you getting that idea from?
you press the new thread button, its on the right.
08-24-2004, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
almost all western european countries have leagalized drugs, name those countries, if you get five i'll give you a $20. Theres a lot of straightedge kids on the continent as well as in the uk.
You said there was very few hardcore bands though and there are absoloutley tonnes, european and US. straight edge is not dying, where are you getting that idea from?
you press the new thread button, its on the right. i did not say there isnt alot of hardcore bands almost every punk band is hardcore or screamo denmark,Several countries including the UK, Portugal and Belgium have decriminalized marijuana possession and use of cannabis. In fact, in most of Western Europe, as long as you don't have a large quantity you are only likely to get your stash confiscated or be levied a small fine. Of course selling cannabis is still considered very illegal
amsterdam,denmark,holland,spain,and portugal have all decriminalized marijuana to some extent and legalization is being looked at.
08-24-2004, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
denmark,Several countries including the UK, Portugal and Belgium have decriminalized marijuana possession and use of cannabis. In fact, in most of Western Europe, as long as you don't have a large quantity you are only likely to get your stash confiscated or be levied a small fine. Of course selling cannabis is still considered very illegal
amsterdam,denmark,holland,spain,and portugal have all decriminalized marijuana to some extent and legalization is being looked at.
isn't that a reason there will be MORE straight edge?
08-24-2004, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
awwwright first the begining paragraph of this website sucks cause it says if youve never been to a show yer not straight edge which is bullshit cause not everybody has the measns to get to a show jesus christ!!! that deosnt make not a fan of hardcore ive just never been to a show and nothing personal but if you guys want more people to become straight edge because lets face it, it is a good cause then you should not limit it to just hardcore kids. on an unrelated note who ever is in charge of the writing for the web page should put the ''three x'es rules'' back up
that would be and I have no idea what you're you're talking about regarding "three x's rules"
Straight edge is a hardcore thing. You can't seperate them. Straight edge is a subculture. It was never meant and could never sustain within a given culture. Straight edge is a movement, a lifestyle and a subculture. It's an active thing. If you're not actively participating in it, then you're not straight edge. it's pretty simple.
08-24-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
why would you want ppl who support straight edge who arent hardcore? why not? i mean keep it in the punk rock scene but you shouldnt have to be hardcore to be straight edge i like a majority of types of punk rock stuff (pop-punk is not a type or punk rock sorry) DOWN WITH DRIVE-THRU (sept senses fail) the show thing? i could probably find away and im not gonna give you excuses why i never make it to a show i just never been to a show before
Hardcore isn't punk. Punk isn't hardcore.
08-24-2004, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
that would be and I have no idea what you're you're talking about regarding "three x's rules"
Straight edge is a hardcore thing. You can't seperate them. Straight edge is a subculture. It was never meant and could never sustain within a given culture. Straight edge is a movement, a lifestyle and a subculture. It's an active thing. If you're not actively participating in it, then you're not straight edge. it's pretty simple. months ago the home page had the three x rules like one was no alcohol two was no drugs and three was no sex and i just wanted someone to ellaberate on the no sex rule for me cause my friend set some ground rules but i dont think he really knows what hes talking about
08-24-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
months ago the home page had the three x rules like one was no alcohol two was no drugs and three was no sex and i just wanted someone to ellaberate on the no sex rule for me cause my friend set some ground rules but i dont think he really knows what hes talking about im active in not being active in drug use and alcohol use isnt that being active in it just cause i dont frequent shows doesnt mean im not active in it that part of it has nothing to do with alcohol and drug useif thats not a part of it anymore then you should just consider yourself hardcore
08-24-2004, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
Hardcore isn't punk. Punk isn't hardcore. punk is a broad genre and yes hardcore is punk metal core is hardcore
08-24-2004, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by xvunderx
isn't that a reason there will be MORE straight edge? possabbly i think it would remain the same but like i said i dont know how popular it is in europe
08-24-2004, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
possabbly i think it would remain the same but like i said i dont know how popular it is in europe you guys could do me a favor and throw out some straight edge bands for me to check out since im not to familiar with them and who they sound like ive only heard of like casey jones throwdown xlooking forwardx and some others
08-24-2004, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
i did not say there isnt alot of hardcore bands almost every punk band is hardcore or screamo denmark,Several countries including the UK, Portugal and Belgium have decriminalized marijuana possession and use of cannabis. In fact, in most of Western Europe, as long as you don't have a large quantity you are only likely to get your stash confiscated or be levied a small fine. Of course selling cannabis is still considered very illegal
amsterdam,denmark,holland,spain,and portugal have all decriminalized marijuana to some extent and legalization is being looked at.
decriminalized doesn't cut it, its still an illeagal substance. if it was perfectly leagal there would be no confiscation of stash and no risk of fines. But seeing as cigerettes and alcohol are perfectly legal this all has no bearing on people being straightedge.
oh and are you claiming not to have said this: " there are very few hardcore bands out there anymore "
08-24-2004, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
possabbly i think it would remain the same but like i said i dont know how popular it is in europe
if you don't know then why would you argue to contrary?
08-24-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
decriminalized doesn't cut it, its still an illeagal substance. if it was perfectly leagal there would be no confiscation of stash and no risk of fines. But seeing as cigerettes and alcohol are perfectly legal this all has no bearing on people being straightedge.
oh and are you claiming not to have said this: " there are very few hardcore bands out there anymore " hmmm looks like i did say that oh well i didnt mean to i know there are a ton of hardcore bands out there my bad
08-24-2004, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
im active in not being active in drug use and alcohol use isnt that being active in it just cause i dont frequent shows doesnt mean im not active in it that part of it has nothing to do with alcohol and drug useif thats not a part of it anymore then you should just consider yourself hardcore
scince when was hardcore not part of it, dates and times if you like?
08-24-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
punk is a broad genre and yes hardcore is punk metal core is hardcore
no. and no. reggae isn't ska. rock and roll isn't gospel or the blues.
08-24-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
hmmm looks like i did say that oh well i didnt mean to i know there are a ton of hardcore bands out there my bad
and a lot of them are straightedge and you will find that is where straightedge is alive and kicking, its not dying.
08-24-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
months ago the home page had the three x rules like one was no alcohol two was no drugs and three was no sex and i just wanted someone to ellaberate on the no sex rule for me cause my friend set some ground rules but i dont think he really knows what hes talking about
no there wasn't. and I don't think either of you really know what you're talking about.
08-24-2004, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
no. and no. reggae isn't ska. rock and roll isn't gospel or the blues.
this is true, hardcore is distinctly different from punk.
08-24-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
no there wasn't. and I don't think either of you really know what you're talking about.
either of them?
08-24-2004, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
and a lot of them are straightedge and you will find that is where straightedge is alive and kicking, its not dying. i dunno about that but maybe hardcore is the fastest growing genre of PUNK ROCK and there are still alot of pot fiends in the scene or maybe its just were i live
08-24-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
i dunno about that but maybe hardcore is the fastest growing genre of PUNK ROCK and there are still alot of pot fiends in the scene or maybe its just were i live
it doesn't hold much weight when you talk about the scene seeing as you are not active in it and have never been to a show, you are pre-occupied with the starting line and marijuana. hardcore is not punk, what is your definition of punk?
08-24-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
i dunno about that but maybe hardcore is the fastest growing genre of PUNK ROCK and there are still alot of pot fiends in the scene or maybe its just were i live
how would you know if you don't go to shows?
08-24-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
how would you know if you don't go to shows?
08-24-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
it doesn't hold much weight when you talk about the scene seeing as you are not active in it and have never been to a show, you are pre-occupied with the starting line and marijuana. hardcore is not punk, what is your definition of punk?
DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD everything is punk. and liike. punk is punk. punk is so fucking punk. it's punk, you know?
08-24-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
haha forgot to write stuff...eactly i dont know in america i dunno=i dont know
08-24-2004, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD everything is punk. and liike. punk is punk. punk is so fucking punk. it's punk, you know?
oh right, so i'm punk now, and i wanted to be a rude boy.
08-24-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
oh right, so i'm punk now, and i wanted to be a rude boy. ROCK ON!!! (for the record lindsey lohan is so punkin punk)
08-24-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
ROCK ON!!! (for the record lindsey lohan is so punkin punk)
nothing you say is valid
08-24-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
nothing you say is valid so?
08-24-2004, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
you spend a lot of time alone don't you?
08-24-2004, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
you spend a lot of time alone don't you? i find HARDCORE porn enjoyable hahaha
08-28-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
how would you know if you don't go to shows? because im around douche bag kids who just smoke and vandilize benches saying smoke weed in my school
08-29-2004, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
no. and no. reggae isn't ska. rock and roll isn't gospel or the blues. wtf does that have to do with hardcore bein punk?
08-29-2004, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by XuntaintdbloodX
wtf does that have to do with hardcore bein punk?
everything. where do you think reggae came from? where do you think rock came from? just because something came from something doesn't mean they're the same. or even interchangible.
08-30-2004, 03:15 PM
Thought these lyrics by THE TEEN IDLES, while dated, might still be appropriate for this thread.
Fiorrucci Nightmare
Fiorucci nightmare, asshole's dream
Spend all your money on the fashion machine
Spots and stripes and Spandex pants
Pay a hundred dollars to learn how to dance
Spend fifty dollars on a sweater
Thinks it's gonna make you look better
See how tight your pants will fit
What you gonna do when they start to split
Learn your fashion from a magazine
Do you really think you're in our dreams
Down in Georgetown in a fashion race
For the guys to see how you rate
08-15-2005, 09:26 AM
now I remember why this kid's got a chip on his shoulder. because he's always been an idiot.
08-15-2005, 01:53 PM
now I remember why this kid's got a chip on his shoulder. because he's always been an idiot.
sec, sec, sec, do you mind it i call you sec since i think dusty is a crappy name, that was back in the day when i was underexposed, when i thought silverstein was hardcore, when my favorite band was ATREYU!
08-15-2005, 01:55 PM
sec, sec, sec, do you mind it i call you sec since i think dusty is a crappy name, that was back in the day when i was underexposed, when i thought silverstein was hardcore, when my favorite band was ATREYU!
back in the day? dude, if you haven't noticed, you haven't accumliated much more clue now than you did then. you're still an idiot, only now you can recognize gb lyrics. you pretended to be smart and a know it all then, you still trying to do it now, and failing, badly.
08-15-2005, 02:06 PM
sec, sec, sec, do you mind it i call you sec since i think dusty is a crappy name, that was back in the day when i was underexposed, when i thought silverstein was hardcore, when my favorite band was ATREYU!
You found the comma key! Don't worry, the period's right next to it, you're almost there!
08-15-2005, 02:16 PM
back in the day? dude, if you haven't noticed, you haven't accumliated much more clue now than you did then. you're still an idiot, only now you can recognize gb lyrics. you pretended to be smart and a know it all then, you still trying to do it now, and failing, badly.
hey sorry i'm not a creepy "older" hardcore kid, i changed my mind sec, i dont hate you, you just have some strange ass ways of making a point it is frustrating but they dont mean anything to me, i'll tell you another thing i dont even know one song by gorilla biscuits some kid on another forum had this on his a i cut and pasted it i'm such a big loser i think i am going to give up my edge just cause you would like that... that reminds me, one thing i am sick of on here is all the new kids that come on here and ask a question, of course you yell at em and say they're wrong, but then after you have destroyed their self worth they agree with you and kiss your ass.
08-15-2005, 02:18 PM
hey sorry i'm not a creepy "older" hardcore kid, i changed my mind sec, i dont hate you, you just have some strange ass ways of making a point it is frustrating but they dont mean anything to me, i'll tell you another thing i dont even know one song by gorilla biscuits some kid on another forum had this on his a i cut and pasted it i'm such a big loser i think i am going to give up my edge just cause you would like that... that reminds me, one thing i am sick of on here is all the new kids that come on here and ask a question, of course you yell at em and say they're wrong, but then after you have destroyed their self worth they agree with you and kiss your ass.
um. when did you ever ask a question? all you've done is make statements as fact about things you don't know about. Point out where I "yelled" at any kid for asking a question. Find me exact posts where that happened.
09-03-2005, 02:17 AM
ROCK ON!!! (for the record lindsey lohan is so punkin punk)
WTF so not punk. What is punk about Lindsey Lohan????????? Not a goddamn thing.
09-03-2005, 02:32 AM
WTF so not punk. What is punk about Lindsey Lohan????????? Not a goddamn thing.
that might have been sarcasm, but since taintedblood said it, he probally means it.
09-03-2005, 08:17 AM
that might have been sarcasm, but since taintedblood said it, he probally means it.
I sure hope it was!!!!
09-06-2005, 09:31 AM
I wear:
Altered (sewn to be tighter) shirts, usually local band shirts
a running jacket, or my champion hoodie (or zip-up black hoodie)
a white belt, with an XXX belt buckle
Girl pants (they're comfy, deal with it.)
Camo shorts
Sauconies or vans slip-ons
and I don't leave the house without doing my hair, unless i'm in a rush inw ich case Ijust put on my xXx trucker cap....I'm gonna go back to my myspace page now.
09-06-2005, 09:55 AM
hey sorry i'm not a creepy "older" hardcore kid, i changed my mind sec, i dont hate you, you just have some strange ass ways of making a point it is frustrating but they dont mean anything to me, i'll tell you another thing i dont even know one song by gorilla biscuits some kid on another forum had this on his a i cut and pasted it i'm such a big loser i think i am going to give up my edge just cause you would like that... that reminds me, one thing i am sick of on here is all the new kids that come on here and ask a question, of course you yell at em and say they're wrong, but then after you have destroyed their self worth they agree with you and kiss your ass.
one thing i am sick of on here is all the new kids that come on here and ask a question, of course you yell at em and say they're wrong, but then after you have destroyed their self worth they agree with you and kiss your ass
Sorta............... like
And what because some of us are older and been around the block a few times that makes us a " creepy older hXc kid " So I've had ideals and morals for a long time. Clarity of mind for a long time. I've listened to hXc music for awhile. So what if I'm 26 and still dress like a high school " crub squirrel " That makes me creepy. Fuck you. Creepy is 40yr. men hitting on 16 yr. old girls. A priest touching the alter boy. A spider twice the size of you hand crawling up you back and on your neck.
Sorry if you expected to come here and have everybody hold your hand and tell you you're right and wonderful. Sorry you didn't expect people to lash out at you when you attack them. We all get mad, we all vent, we all have heated debates, we all CONSTRUCTIVELY critisize, and we all get over it and are friends the next minute and joking around in the next thread. Get over it.
09-06-2005, 09:56 AM
And I'd still like to know whats Punk about Lindsey Lohan.
And I'd still like to know whats Punk about Lindsey Lohan.
the use of cocaine?
09-06-2005, 10:30 AM
the use of cocaine?
So does half of MLB or the NFL and they're not punk either.
09-06-2005, 10:38 AM
And I'd still like to know whats Punk about Lindsey Lohan.
Punk is dead so its a rather empty word which broadly covers all kinds of inane stupidity and idiotic people. Its a marketing tool and little more.
09-06-2005, 10:46 AM
Punk is dead so its a rather empty word which broadly covers all kinds of inane stupidity and idiotic people. Its a marketing tool and little more.
Only because EVERY pop rock band wants to call themselves punk.
09-06-2005, 01:15 PM
Only because EVERY pop rock band wants to call themselves punk.
Well its been a redundent term since before the pop punk invasion
09-06-2005, 03:35 PM
Well its been a redundent term since before the pop punk invasion
It became a redundent term when Johnny Rotten uttered the words " fat forty and back " on Filthy Lucre Live. Thats when I knew punk had died.
Negative K
09-06-2005, 04:09 PM
this tread reeks of shit
09-06-2005, 04:15 PM
It became a redundent term when Johnny Rotten uttered the words " fat forty and back " on Filthy Lucre Live. Thats when I knew punk had died.
Punk died years before that
09-06-2005, 04:16 PM
this tread reeks of shit
Hello mr constructive.
Hardcore is a response to late 70s Punk. Punk in the late 70s just went too fashionable...many kids tried to have this Sid Vicious look. So to be Punk you gotta have 6" tall mohawk and piercing covered all your face. Hardcore was about being different from this fashionable punk. So I guess FASHION has no place in HC. Torn up Jeans, Shorts, sneakers, combat boots, long as you find yourself comfortable with what you're wearing than that should be your own "FASHION"
09-06-2005, 07:44 PM
Hardcore is a response to late 70s Punk. Punk in the late 70s just went too fashionable...many kids tried to have this Sid Vicious look. So to be Punk you gotta have 6" tall mohawk and piercing covered all your face. Hardcore was about being different from this fashionable punk. So I guess FASHION has no place in HC. Torn up Jeans, Shorts, sneakers, combat boots, long as you find yourself comfortable with what you're wearing than that should be your own "FASHION"
Punk is no more about colored mohawks and studded belts and braclets than Lindsey Lohan and trucker hats.
You're not punk when you dye your hair and a jock still lives in your head.
09-06-2005, 07:49 PM
this tread reeks of shit
Just this remark!
10-04-2005, 08:19 PM
I agree on the fact that its not about your clothes, its about the music , the message, and the lifestyle. But then again, 80% of the fashioncore faggots call bands like "Bleed The Dream" to be hardcore. And thats juust gay, so be real hardcore, dont support the blind 80% by wearing girl pants (tight mens jeans are ok).
10-04-2005, 08:26 PM
I agree on the fact that its not about your clothes, its about the music , the message, and the lifestyle. But then again, 80% of the fashioncore faggots call bands like "Bleed The Dream" to be hardcore. And thats juust gay, so be real hardcore, dont support the blind 80% by wearing girl pants (tight mens jeans are ok).
what does homosexuality have to do with anything?
10-04-2005, 08:38 PM
I agree on the fact that its not about your clothes, its about the music , the message, and the lifestyle. But then again, 80% of the fashioncore faggots call bands like "Bleed The Dream" to be hardcore. And thats juust gay, so be real hardcore, dont support the blind 80% by wearing girl pants (tight mens jeans are ok).
what do bundles of sticks have to do with anything?
10-05-2005, 12:16 AM
what do bundles of sticks have to do with anything?
I'm lost.
10-05-2005, 12:12 PM
I'm lost.
so am I.
10-05-2005, 02:36 PM
jokes aren't funny when you have to explain them
Main Entry: 1fag·ot
Variant(s): or fag·got /'fa-g&t/
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English fagot, from Middle French
: BUNDLE: as a : a bundle of sticks b : a bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be shaped by rolling or hammering at high temperature
10-05-2005, 06:39 PM
jokes aren't funny when you have to explain them
Main Entry: 1fag·ot
Variant(s): or fag·got /'fa-g&t/
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English fagot, from Middle French
: BUNDLE: as a : a bundle of sticks b : a bundle of pieces of wrought iron to be shaped by rolling or hammering at high temperature
Ooo, Mr.Brains!
10-06-2005, 11:45 PM
Ooo, Mr.Brains!
he just typed it verbatim from the dictionary....
10-07-2005, 08:54 AM
he just typed it verbatim from the dictionary....
that's not what he's talking about. he's talking about pork.
10-07-2005, 09:02 AM
that's not what he's talking about. he's talking about pork.
that's one way to describe them... another is "pig haggis"... bluh.
10-07-2005, 09:07 AM
that's one way to describe them... another is "pig haggis"... bluh.
pork faggots are totally different.
and haggis is good.
10-07-2005, 09:16 AM
pork faggots are totally different.
and haggis is good.
not totally different, similar in production method and i have heard it called "welsh haggis". and haggis, real haggis, has its moments depending on its source. i wouldn't get all bobbie burns about it though. in my family we only eat it once a year (maybe twice depending) and i look forward to it because it's kind of a ritual, but mr brain's? it's like a pork toss-out meatball! bluh, i say, bluh!
10-07-2005, 09:18 AM
Ewwwww haggis. Can we go back to clothes? I like clothes. Especially my new snowboard pants. I kinda want to wear them around even when I'm not snowboarding.
10-07-2005, 09:20 AM
Ewwwww haggis. Can we go back to clothes? I like clothes. Especially my new snowboard pants. I kinda want to wear them around even when I'm not snowboarding.
you are such a girl...
10-07-2005, 09:21 AM
you are such a girl...
Dude, they're awesome pants...
10-07-2005, 09:47 AM
not totally different, similar in production method and i have heard it called "welsh haggis". and haggis, real haggis, has its moments depending on its source. i wouldn't get all bobbie burns about it though. in my family we only eat it once a year (maybe twice depending) and i look forward to it because it's kind of a ritual, but mr brain's? it's like a pork toss-out meatball! bluh, i say, bluh!
well, one's sheep and one's pork, so I'd say that's pretty different. the only thing they have in common is that one is a bunch of innards and the other is just one. Haggis tastes more like scrapple than it does pork faggots. mmm scrapple.
10-07-2005, 09:49 AM
well, one's sheep and one's pork, so I'd say that's pretty different. the only thing they have in common is that one is a bunch of innards and the other is just one. Haggis tastes more like scrapple than it does pork faggots. mmm scrapple.
Augh! we're supposed to be talking about pants!
10-07-2005, 09:53 AM
Augh! we're supposed to be talking about pants!
I'm sending you a haggis.
10-07-2005, 09:54 AM
Ewwwww haggis. Can we go back to clothes? I like clothes. Especially my new snowboard pants. I kinda want to wear them around even when I'm not snowboarding.
do they make swishing noises when you walk?
10-07-2005, 10:07 AM
do they make swishing noises when you walk? Of course! What's the point in snowboard pants that don't swish?
10-07-2005, 10:08 AM
I'm sending you a haggis.
But I'm a vegetarian!
10-07-2005, 10:13 AM
But I'm a vegetarian!
oh that matters not, they make vegetarian ones too. in a can.
10-07-2005, 10:25 AM
oh that matters not, they make vegetarian ones too. in a can.
Oh, damn, I can't get out of eating it?
PS - I decided to wear my snowboard pants around my apartment a bit to break 'em in.
10-07-2005, 10:28 AM
Oh, damn, I can't get out of eating it?
PS - I decided to wear my snowboard pants around my apartment a bit to break 'em in.
pretty much no. when we get back from england in jan, someone is getting a care package. and all this talk of these beloved snowboard pants and no picture? for shame!
10-07-2005, 10:36 AM
well, one's sheep and one's pork, so I'd say that's pretty different. the only thing they have in common is that one is a bunch of innards and the other is just one. Haggis tastes more like scrapple than it does pork faggots. mmm scrapple.
point being, they are both made of animal components not usually eaten except by various britannic cultures and their diaspora. and their similar enough that it's not so unusual to find both "delicacies" mentioned in the same sentence. but the biggest difference is that no one, to my knowledge, has ever written a poem about the virtues of pork faggots (or scrapple for that matter).
10-07-2005, 10:38 AM
pretty much no. when we get back from england in jan, someone is getting a care package. and all this talk of these beloved snowboard pants and no picture? for shame!
It's a little hard to see - but the plaid is actually text that says the company name and stuff about girl snowboarding. :)
10-07-2005, 10:39 AM
Oh, damn, I can't get out of eating it?
His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An cut you up wi ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!
10-07-2005, 10:44 AM
His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An cut you up wi ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!
ewww entrails.
10-07-2005, 10:46 AM
point being, they are both made of animal components not usually eaten except by various britannic cultures and their diaspora. and their similar enough that it's not so unusual to find both "delicacies" mentioned in the same sentence. but the biggest difference is that no one, to my knowledge, has ever written a poem about the virtues of pork faggots (or scrapple for that matter).
yeah, but calling them pig haggis isn't accurate, as the only characteristic they share is offal. haggis is a bunch of shit stuffed into a stomach, a faggot is a meatball. it's like saying steak and kidney pie is the same as the other 2, when it isn't.
and to my knowledge, no one has ever been named officially the haggis family.
10-07-2005, 10:47 AM
It's a little hard to see - but the plaid is actually text that says the company name and stuff about girl snowboarding. :)
they look swishy. but you're gonna make a crap ninja dressed like that.
10-07-2005, 10:47 AM
yeah, but calling them pig haggis isn't accurate, as the only characteristic they share is offal. haggis is a bunch of shit stuffed into a stomach, a faggot is a meatball. it's like saying steak and kidney pie is the same as the other 2, when it isn't.
and to my knowledge, no one has ever been named officially the haggis family.
Argh! How did the awesomeness of my pants not distract you?
10-07-2005, 10:47 AM
they look swishy. but you're gonna make a crap ninja dressed like that.
What can I say, I'm a flashy dresser.
10-07-2005, 10:48 AM
Argh! How did the awesomeness of my pants not distract you?
10-07-2005, 10:54 AM
Aaaaah... must go look at pants to feel better.
10-07-2005, 10:58 AM
yeah, but calling them pig haggis isn't accurate, as the only characteristic they share is offal. haggis is a bunch of shit stuffed into a stomach, a faggot is a meatball. it's like saying steak and kidney pie is the same as the other 2, when it isn't.
but it's offal and unique to a britannic culture, that's my point. i'd call it pork haggis but they actually make a pork haggis (which is truly disgusting), so pig haggis comes to mind.
and to my knowledge, no one has ever been named officially the haggis family.
i'll give you that, but it's not necessarily a virtue either.
are you gonna get kelly a grant's? they're the only ones i know with a veggie haggis but it ends up tasting a little like the can.
10-07-2005, 11:08 AM
but it's offal and unique to a britannic culture, that's my point. i'd call it pork haggis but they actually make a pork haggis (which is truly disgusting), so pig haggis comes to mind.
i'll give you that, but it's not necessarily a virtue either.
are you gonna get kelly a grant's? they're the only ones i know with a veggie haggis but it ends up tasting a little like the can.
Wow, I thought my pants were so distracting.... but apparently not...
10-07-2005, 11:09 AM
but it's offal and unique to a britannic culture, that's my point. i'd call it pork haggis but they actually make a pork haggis (which is truly disgusting), so pig haggis comes to mind.
so steak and kidney pie is cow haggis? haggis is a scottish thing, faggots are a welsh and english thing. so I'm not sure what your point is?
i'll give you that, but it's not necessarily a virtue either.
given how lame american "scots" get over burns night, I wouldn't consider that a virtue either.
are you gonna get kelly a grant's? they're the only ones i know with a veggie haggis but it ends up tasting a little like the can.
tons of people make them, so I might have to take a look and see the options when we get there.
10-07-2005, 11:09 AM
Wow, I thought my pants were so distracting.... but apparently not...
why are you so scared of haggis and faggots?
10-07-2005, 11:10 AM
why are you so scared of haggis and faggots?
Hey, I'm just trying to get this back on topic... I mean haggis has nothing to do with hardcore clothing... at least i'm talkin about pants!
Besides, i can't believe you're arguing about haggis... you boys will argue about anything!
10-07-2005, 11:24 AM
so steak and kidney pie is cow haggis? haggis is a scottish thing, faggots are a welsh and english thing. so I'm not sure what your point is?
as a generalized desciption? sorta. yes, haggis is scottish and faggots are welsh and english, all three of which are britannic cultures as was my point.
given how lame american "scots" get over burns night, I wouldn't consider that a virtue either.
yeah it can be kinda lame. it's definitely something that gets to be more fun the older you get. it's probably a lot more fun if you drink.
tons of people make them, so I might have to take a look and see the options when we get there.
yeah, i just googled for it and see there's a bunch. my advice would be, then, to stay away from grant's because it tastes like the can.
10-07-2005, 11:24 AM
you boys will argue about anything!
will not!
10-07-2005, 11:27 AM
will not!
Pshah, you're just trying to get me to cite examples of you arguing about everything, so that you can pick apart the finer point of those examples in a vain attempt to prove you don't argue about everything.
10-07-2005, 11:29 AM
Pshah, you're just trying to get me to cite examples of you arguing about everything, so that you can pick apart the finer point of those examples in a vain attempt to prove you don't argue about everything.
10-07-2005, 11:34 AM
That's what I said.
10-07-2005, 11:34 AM
as a generalized desciption? sorta. yes, haggis is scottish and faggots are welsh and english, all three of which are britannic cultures as was my point.
I'm still failing to see what your actual point is though. A haggis and a faggot aren't the same just like a haggis and a steak and kidney pie aren't the same. If you got a faggot and are expecting it to taste like haggis, you'll be upset because it doesn't. If you tell a scot that they're british, they'll argue it and would rather be identified a scottish.
yeah it can be kinda lame. it's definitely something that gets to be more fun the older you get. it's probably a lot more fun if you drink.
and lamer as these people are as far removed from scotland and things actually happening there as you can get. I never understood the whole american desire to hold onto at this point near ancient cultures that people have no legitimate ties to.
10-07-2005, 11:35 AM
Hey, I'm just trying to get this back on topic... I mean haggis has nothing to do with hardcore clothing... at least i'm talkin about pants!
Besides, i can't believe you're arguing about haggis... you boys will argue about anything!
that's how I roll.
10-07-2005, 11:43 AM
I'm still failing to see what your actual point is though. A haggis and a faggot aren't the same just like a haggis and a steak and kidney pie aren't the same. If you got a faggot and are expecting it to taste like haggis, you'll be upset because it doesn't. If you tell a scot that they're british, they'll argue it and would rather be identified a scottish.
i'm not saying they're the same but that one is a point of reference for the other. that's all.
and lamer as these people are as far removed from scotland and things actually happening there as you can get. I never understood the whole american desire to hold onto at this point near ancient cultures that people have no legitimate ties to.
it's diasporic nationalism and pretty common. i admit that i'm a victim of it too. my scottish friends and relatives don't really get it. they all want to come here while the pipe dream of all the displaced scots over here is to return to scotia. what's worse, we're all a bunch of jacobites (another pipe dream) over here.
10-07-2005, 11:54 AM
personally, I think both of you are completely wrong.
10-07-2005, 11:56 AM
personally, I think both of you are completely wrong.
care to tell us how?
10-07-2005, 11:57 AM
personally, I think both of you are completely wrong.
about what exactly, ass talking nerd stock plummetter
10-07-2005, 11:58 AM
about what exactly, ass talking nerd stock plummetter
Everything, duh.
I'm not sure of the specifics, cuz that would require me to read your inane haggis argument, but I'm sure you're wrong!
10-07-2005, 12:00 PM
Everything, duh.
I'm not sure of the specifics, cuz that would require me to read your inane haggis argument, but I'm sure you're wrong!
why don't you just consult your pants?
10-07-2005, 12:01 PM
why don't you just consult your pants?
My pants say "girls rule boys drool" so you must be wrong.
10-07-2005, 12:29 PM
My pants say "girls rule boys drool" so you must be wrong.
so you rule our drool? what's so great about that? it still doesn't prove we're wrong.
10-07-2005, 12:51 PM
so you rule our drool? what's so great about that? it still doesn't prove we're wrong.
Actually my pants don't say that, I made that up... but my walled does say "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them."
10-07-2005, 12:55 PM
Actually my pants don't say that, I made that up... but my walled does say "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them."
your walled?
10-07-2005, 01:01 PM
your walled?
kelly can't type, throw rocks at her.
10-07-2005, 01:05 PM
your walled?
Shit, wallet. Damn, and usually I'm good with the typing.
10-07-2005, 01:07 PM
Shit, wallet. Damn, and usually I'm good with the typing.
I think your ass needs to start doing the typing.
10-07-2005, 01:13 PM
I think your ass needs to start doing the typing.
I know... too bad it's a bit on the chubby side, how will it type with any kind of accuracy? Maybe I'll hire my pants to type.
10-07-2005, 01:32 PM
I know... too bad it's a bit on the chubby side, how will it type with any kind of accuracy? Maybe I'll hire my pants to type.
tape a pencil to it and hunt and peck.
10-07-2005, 01:46 PM
Of course! What's the point in snowboard pants that don't swish?
Sounds kinda like cords, but with out the fire hazzard?
10-07-2005, 01:52 PM
tape a pencil to it and hunt and peck.
thank you for suggesting she use tape...
10-07-2005, 02:00 PM
thank you for suggesting she use tape...
I wasn't going to, but hey, this is a family board after all.
10-07-2005, 11:03 PM
All I can say is that you guys eat some f'd up foods. That is why I'm vegan. Well that and the " ethical " reasons.
10-07-2005, 11:05 PM
your walled?
Walled that's what happens to you when you fucked up on OJ.
10-07-2005, 11:09 PM
Walled that's what happens to you when you fucked up on OJ.
so you could say, nicole brown simpson was "walled"?
10-07-2005, 11:13 PM
so you could say, nicole brown simpson was "walled"?
Extremely walled.
10-08-2005, 08:39 AM
Extremely walled.
One little typo....
10-08-2005, 09:00 AM
Walled that's what happens to you when you fucked up on OJ.
Sorry that should say when you're fucked up on OJ..... And toast.
10-08-2005, 09:01 AM
Sorry that should say when you're fucked up on OJ..... And toast.
Ha! made a typo while making fun of my typo, that's what you get....
PS - who wants to talk more about my pants?
10-08-2005, 09:07 AM
Ha! made a typo while making fun of my typo, that's what you get....
PS - who wants to talk more about my pants?
Yeah yeah yeah. I made a typo. It's because I had a glass of apple juice before I typed it. I'm a light weight. I can't hit the heavy carton of OJ like Jason does.
So your ass speaks it say above your avatar. I am assuming you mean your pants do most of the talking.
Let me ass you a question. Ha ha ha. I love Jim Carey.
No seriously your pants are the pimp pants of snow pants. I wish I snow boarded to have a pair just like them. Maybe a little less girly though.
10-08-2005, 09:15 AM
Yeah yeah yeah. I made a typo. It's because I had a glass of apple juice before I typed it. I'm a light weight. I can't hit the heavy carton of OJ like Jason does.
So your ass speaks it say above your avatar. I am assuming you mean your pants do most of the talking.
Let me ass you a question. Ha ha ha. I love Jim Carey.
No seriously your pants are the pimp pants of snow pants. I wish I snow boarded to have a pair just like them. Maybe a little less girly though.
Oh crap, damn dusty keeps changing the shit above my avatar... grrrrr.... I was just kidding cuz my pants have text all over them... Yay, they're the pimp pants of snowboard pants! :)
10-08-2005, 09:20 AM
Oh crap, damn dusty keeps changing the shit above my avatar... grrrrr.... I was just kidding cuz my pants have text all over them... Yay, they're the pimp pants of snowboard pants! :)
Damn you must really like those pants.
10-08-2005, 09:21 AM
Damn you must really like those pants.
I'm psyched for snowboard season, so I'm latching on to things cuz I have another few weeks to wait... :)
10-08-2005, 09:37 AM
I'm psyched for snowboard season, so I'm latching on to things cuz I have another few weeks to wait... :)
Something I've always wanted to try. I skate pretty good so I ought to try. I'm more of a curb squirrel than a mound bunny though.
10-08-2005, 09:44 AM
Something I've always wanted to try. I skate pretty good so I ought to try. I'm more of a curb squirrel than a mound bunny though.
You should try it, it's WAY fun, and I've taught skater friends to ride, they always do really well... alhtough it's probably a bit different where you live... I got me some big mountains to play on.
10-08-2005, 10:07 AM
Oh crap, damn dusty keeps changing the shit above my avatar... grrrrr.... I was just kidding cuz my pants have text all over them... Yay, they're the pimp pants of snowboard pants! :)
I'm sneaky.
10-22-2005, 05:08 PM
what do bundles of sticks have to do with anything?
cause fashionxcores are extremely stupid! and bundles of sticks arent' smart are they???
and gay.....meh. .....i just wanted to call em' that. alot of them do think two guys kissing is hot.....
10-22-2005, 05:48 PM
cause fashionxcores are extremely stupid! and bundles of sticks arent' smart are they???
and gay.....meh. .....i just wanted to call em' that. alot of them do think two guys kissing is hot.....[/COLOR]
um. what? i think you lost in translation there.
10-22-2005, 08:42 PM
um. what? i think you lost in translation there.
No... two guys kissing IS hot...
10-22-2005, 09:14 PM
No... two guys kissing IS hot...
i guess i lost the translation then.
10-23-2005, 12:33 AM
No... two guys kissing IS hot...
Dude.... what???????
10-23-2005, 04:26 PM
i guess i lost the translation then.
i love the movie.
i love the movie.
you mean lost in translation? i didn't like it at all
10-24-2005, 11:43 AM
"Core" kids wear whatever they want. I happen to dress the way a steotypical "emo kid" dresses: button down shirts, v-neck sweaters, tight t-shirts with random slogans, scarves, tight pants, friendship bracelets, hair in the eyes, messenger bag with patches of favorite bands, and of course I always carry my lyric/poetry book with me just in case I'm stricken with some inspiration for a song. And yes, I am emo and proud.
One of my friends is into metalcore, and he just wears khakis and t-shirts with his favorite bands on them. He also has a lip ring. This other girl I know has this goth/punk look. Sometimes she wears corsets and chockers, but sometimes she has this funky/whacky look.
Everyone just basically wears whatever the fuck they feel like.
10-24-2005, 01:14 PM
you mean lost in translation? i didn't like it at all
huh, it was really good. i didnīt like dramas at all a few years ago, but now i do.
huh, it was really good. i didnīt like dramas at all a few years ago, but now i do.
maybe i'm senseless, but it was pretty boring to me. it didn't have too much of a plot
10-25-2005, 03:34 AM
"Core" kids wear whatever they want. I happen to dress the way a steotypical "emo kid" dresses: button down shirts, v-neck sweaters, tight t-shirts with random slogans, scarves, tight pants, friendship bracelets, hair in the eyes, messenger bag with patches of favorite bands, and of course I always carry my lyric/poetry book with me just in case I'm stricken with some inspiration for a song. And yes, I am emo and proud.
One of my friends is into metalcore, and he just wears khakis and t-shirts with his favorite bands on them. He also has a lip ring. This other girl I know has this goth/punk look. Sometimes she wears corsets and chockers, but sometimes she has this funky/whacky look.
Everyone just basically wears whatever the fuck they feel like.
how are you emo?
10-25-2005, 06:54 AM
maybe i'm senseless, but it was pretty boring to me. it didn't have too much of a plot
senseless is a song and record by a swedeish band called abhinanda. and i liked the film, mostly because it really found itīs way into my heart, or something like that.
10-25-2005, 03:47 PM
how are you emo?
I'm not even getting started with that.
10-27-2005, 06:27 PM
i try to avoid wearing clothes
10-27-2005, 08:46 PM
i try to avoid wearing clothes
Somebody's naked.
10-27-2005, 10:14 PM
"Core" kids wear whatever they want. I happen to dress the way a steotypical "emo kid" dresses: button down shirts, v-neck sweaters, tight t-shirts with random slogans, scarves, tight pants, friendship bracelets, hair in the eyes, messenger bag with patches of favorite bands, and of course I always carry my lyric/poetry book with me just in case I'm stricken with some inspiration for a song. And yes, I am emo and proud.
One of my friends is into metalcore, and he just wears khakis and t-shirts with his favorite bands on them. He also has a lip ring. This other girl I know has this goth/punk look. Sometimes she wears corsets and chockers, but sometimes she has this funky/whacky look.
Everyone just basically wears whatever the fuck they feel like.
what you wear has very little to do with who you are. - it can be representative - but not definitive
10-28-2005, 08:15 AM
um. what? i think you lost in translation there.
maybe. but the scene of fashioncore's main thing is guys on guys, tight jeans, scarves, and overly flashy belts.
what is our youth coming to , damnit?
damnit , what is it?
haha damnit sounds cool
10-28-2005, 08:18 AM
What do the core kids wear clothing-wise in your area? I figure it's mostly the same, but i could be wrong. Here it's girl pants, YL band shirt and sauconys pumas or any other black and white shoe like that. Girls are basically the same...track jackets also.
ok, your over obsessed on clothes. and those kids aren't hadcore, there fashioncore! and the deal is, hxc and fashion are on opposite bridges. yes alot of hc kids like black and white shoes, but it doesnt matter! your clothes are like your exes , like my friend said "its not about the x on your fist, or the shirt on your back, its the condition on your heart."
10-28-2005, 08:29 AM
ok, your over obsessed on clothes. and those kids aren't hadcore, there fashioncore! and the deal is, hxc and fashion are on opposite bridges. yes alot of hc kids like black and white shoes, but it doesnt matter! your clothes are like your exes , like my friend said "its not about the x on your fist, or the shirt on your back, its the condition on your heart."
I think your friend listened to dys alot.
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