View Full Version : Stupid Question but...
06-25-2004, 10:26 AM
Okay, I have been reading up a little on the whole sXe subculture and beliefs. I think its something I'd enjoy following - I mean, I am getting totally SICK of drinking, it does nothing but make you stupid, as well as drugs, and smoking.. well its just damn disgusting. So I was wondering, and you can all call me an idiot for asking, but could you all help explain this a little more?
So far I've picked up that there are rules that pretty much say
No drinking
No smoking
No sex
No caffeine?
No meat??
Must listen to Hardcore???
could some of you elaborate on these elements a little more please? Like okay i get the drinking and smoking part. but no sex? is that like no 'sleeping around' or sex period? I have a g/f and she's the same way, doesnt drink, hates drugs, and smoking. She listens to the same music as I do - so i mean if her and I have sex, is this "breaking the edge" even though we arent out sleeping around, its just us two together...
and the caffeine, i cant drink soda, eat chocolate, take Headache medicine, drink a sports drink, or anything of that matter? Its not a drug, its not an addiction, its actually part of a dietary supplement your body needs (just not an absurd amount like those people "I need to drink a 12 pack of dew to stay awake" kinda stuff) and i have to give up tea as well?
meat.. i am a total meat and potatoes kinda guy, hell i prefer my meat rare.. whats the significance behind giving meat up? you need meat...
Hardcore, I like it, but am i allowed to listen to all the other stuff i listen to? i.e. techno, punk, classical, alternative, etc...
Thanks for your patience with me guys/girls I'd really like to learn what I can about this subculture, but I just need a little more details..
06-25-2004, 10:46 AM
no consensual sex
non meat eaters can be called vegitarians or vegans
you should listen to hardcore but ....whatever floats your boat
but no smokes no alcoholic drinks
and yes my friend....caffeine is a drug and you can be addicted
06-25-2004, 10:55 AM
yeah but i mean i drink soda for the taste.. and the pleasure of feeling the carbination.. but drinking diet is more harmful to you than the caffeine is.. and Im not addicted to the caffeine, just the taste, and its something other than water/juice to drink?
06-25-2004, 10:59 AM
Its not breaking the edge if you drink soda dude.Im just telling you that it can become an addiction.More drinks that arent caffeinated...READ THE LABEL
Dusty should be around soon for more things to add.
06-25-2004, 11:01 AM
alrighty, thank you for your patience, truly!
06-25-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by XrandomideazX
no consensual sex
wait, so my g/f and I cant have sex anymore?
06-25-2004, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by DoglikeSpleen
wait, so my g/f and I cant have sex anymore?
no, it depends on how in to the Straightedge lifestyle you are. Straightedge doesn't have set rules.
06-25-2004, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by DoglikeSpleen
Okay, I have been reading up a little on the whole sXe subculture and beliefs. I think its something I'd enjoy following - I mean, I am getting totally SICK of drinking, it does nothing but make you stupid, as well as drugs, and smoking.. well its just damn disgusting. So I was wondering, and you can all call me an idiot for asking, but could you all help explain this a little more?
So far I've picked up that there are rules that pretty much say
No drinking
No smoking
No sex
No caffeine?
No meat??
Must listen to Hardcore???
could some of you elaborate on these elements a little more please? Like okay i get the drinking and smoking part. but no sex? is that like no 'sleeping around' or sex period? I have a g/f and she's the same way, doesnt drink, hates drugs, and smoking. She listens to the same music as I do - so i mean if her and I have sex, is this "breaking the edge" even though we arent out sleeping around, its just us two together...
and the caffeine, i cant drink soda, eat chocolate, take Headache medicine, drink a sports drink, or anything of that matter? Its not a drug, its not an addiction, its actually part of a dietary supplement your body needs (just not an absurd amount like those people "I need to drink a 12 pack of dew to stay awake" kinda stuff) and i have to give up tea as well?
meat.. i am a total meat and potatoes kinda guy, hell i prefer my meat rare.. whats the significance behind giving meat up? you need meat...
Hardcore, I like it, but am i allowed to listen to all the other stuff i listen to? i.e. techno, punk, classical, alternative, etc...
Thanks for your patience with me guys/girls I'd really like to learn what I can about this subculture, but I just need a little more details..
1, if you want dick rot or fried falopeans thats your look out, i wouldn't think about it too much as a rule to follow. Try to think of your personal stance on sex i don't worry about if it ties in with straightedge, then you know that your stance is yours and you arrived at it without bending your beliefs to fit into a larger consensus. That however does not mean disregard that you may learn from, to arrive at opinion on something doesn't mean its right, allow for change and listen to what other people say on the subject that way your opinion can be more consistant and educated. so regardless of straightedge you want to sleep with your girlfriend, sleep with her and don't let edge be a deciding factor in that - to be honest i'd say the whole no sex thing is bollocks but safe sex and family planning are things to be aware of.
2, your body does not in any way shape or form need caffiene as a part of its dietry needs however as is constantly said on these boards the ammount of caffeine in chocolate is minimal and not worth the sweat in your grandmothers armpit. But once again what do you believe, do you see no problem with caffeine if so would you stop it to fit in with a label? The fact is caffeine is a drug and its addictive, people will have withdrawal symptoms, and like i said you don't need it. Headache tablets - well i will take painkillers if i am in an amount of pain that i can't handle, like i recently had a part of my jaw bone sawn whilst having a wisdom tooth pulled. There was great amount of discomfort, it knocked me for six, i took parecetamol and ibuprofen to aid the pain and the inflamation, and to actually be able to sleep - staying up late and not sleeping isn't crucial. however the other day i had a headache and i did not immediately reach for the headache pills it wasn't necessary i think people get into the trap of taking them for the slightest incling of a headache which will often disperse in a short while or can be cured by a rest from a computer screen, closing your eyes for half an hour, a rub of the temples, a cold press - i mean why is the first thing pills? If its a stinker like a migrane take the fucking pills, don't be silly about it but thats my personal opinion, what is yours?
3, YOU DO NOT NEED MEAT!!! However straightedge does not mean you don't eat meat thats being vegan or vegetarian or some other diet, straightedge is not a diet.
4, you can listen to any other type of music except techno, sorry. But seriously no one says you can't listen to other types of music just that you cant be straightedge with out being part of the hardcore scene, it doesn't just refer to not drinking and smoking, i mean that was going on before hardcore was even invented, it refers to something unique to the hardcore scene. If hardcore has nothing to do with it then the name doesn't either and you are back to times before hardcore where a label is not needed for someone who doesn't smoke/drink/do drugs. So if you have no interest or aspiration towards being part of an underground independant scene known as hardcore then straightedge for you is irrelevent.
read threads that have already been posted as you will find it will answer a lot of questions you may have but feel free to ask any further questions on matters, people will answer.
oh and personally for me straight edge breaks down as no drugs and supporting hardcore.
06-25-2004, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by xshadowsfallx
no, it depends on how in to the Straightedge lifestyle you are. Straightedge doesn't have set rules.
actually it does, if you drink you aren't straight edge, its rules but how they are applied is the thing.
06-25-2004, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by DoglikeSpleen
wait, so my g/f and I cant have sex anymore?
yes you can still bone your good lady
06-25-2004, 06:10 PM
alright cool, thanks people!
06-25-2004, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
actually it does, if you drink you aren't straight edge, its rules but how they are applied is the thing.
other than no cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs
06-26-2004, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by xshadowsfallx
other than no cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs
you said it doesn't have set rules but it does ergo your statement was wrong.
06-27-2004, 07:50 AM
I was told no masturbation too..? Is this correct?
06-27-2004, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by DoglikeSpleen
I was told no masturbation too..? Is this correct?
did you read my post? I can only imagine that someone has become very confused between hardline and straightedge - i mean its well known that there are a ton of straightedge kids that are complete wankers. I mean where do you stand on all of these things you have brought up.
06-27-2004, 05:14 PM
Personally I stand to be more strict on the drugs,alcohol,smoking issue.. thats where i keep it really strict at, so no caffeine, chocolate, things like that..
as for sex, and masturbation, etc... well I have a g/f, and so im not doing the whole 'sleep around' thing, and masturbation.. its healthy =) but yeah, Im not the type to just believe whatever things people say about sxe'ers, Im totally not hardline, i wont go kick the shit out of some dude sitting there drinking himself to oblivion. I just know that im true to myself, and would never do it....
06-27-2004, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by DoglikeSpleen
Personally I stand to be more strict on the drugs,alcohol,smoking issue.. thats where i keep it really strict at, so no caffeine, chocolate, things like that..
as for sex, and masturbation, etc... well I have a g/f, and so im not doing the whole 'sleep around' thing, and masturbation.. its healthy =) but yeah, Im not the type to just believe whatever things people say about sxe'ers, Im totally not hardline, i wont go kick the shit out of some dude sitting there drinking himself to oblivion. I just know that im true to myself, and would never do it....
you misunderstand, hardline is a seperate thing that incorperates the belief that sex should only ever be for procreation, this is where these ideas have formulated as far as i see and its nothing to do with straightedge, its hardline which is seperate from it.
So have you now changed your stance on caffeine?
06-27-2004, 11:56 PM
changed my stance? Well my stance is, I just dont consume it. Period.
06-28-2004, 03:16 AM
Originally posted by DoglikeSpleen
changed my stance? Well my stance is, I just dont consume it. Period.
yeah but i mean i drink soda for the taste.. and the pleasure of feeling the carbination.. but drinking diet is more harmful to you than the caffeine is.. and Im not addicted to the caffeine, just the taste, and its something other than water/juice to drink?
06-28-2004, 04:38 AM
I seriously dont touch the stuff anymore
07-20-2004, 09:24 PM
Heres my simple straightedge rules, not knowing if any of you care:
1. No Alcohol.
2. No Smoking/Narcotics.
3. No casual/daily sex with different people (exception for long term relationships, even though I'm not in one ;p)
As far as the vegetarian/vegan thing goes. I'm niether, I eat meat, and have 0 qualms about it.
I know this might anger a few people, but I believe minimal alcohol consumption in terms of medical use (cough medicine) eiether over the counter, or perscription is. Straightedge to me, is a promotion of good health, not suffering or seeing how long you can hold on, if you're violently ill.
Hardcore music? Eh, I love tons of hardcore/metalcore regardless, its not a definite, but it just happens to be 99% of sxe kids tend to enjoy hardcore as well ;p
stay true,
07-21-2004, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by ThereIsAReason
Heres my simple straightedge rules, not knowing if any of you care:
1. No Alcohol.
2. No Smoking/Narcotics.
3. No casual/daily sex with different people (exception for long term relationships, even though I'm not in one ;p)
As far as the vegetarian/vegan thing goes. I'm niether, I eat meat, and have 0 qualms about it.
I know this might anger a few people, but I believe minimal alcohol consumption in terms of medical use (cough medicine) eiether over the counter, or perscription is. Straightedge to me, is a promotion of good health, not suffering or seeing how long you can hold on, if you're violently ill.
Hardcore music? Eh, I love tons of hardcore/metalcore regardless, its not a definite, but it just happens to be 99% of sxe kids tend to enjoy hardcore as well ;p
stay true,
why isn't hardcore a definite?
07-22-2004, 07:01 AM
Why should it be? I personally am a huge hardcore fan, but if someone wants to be sxe, they don't have to be into hardcore.
07-22-2004, 07:08 AM
Originally posted by ThereIsAReason
Why should it be? I personally am a huge hardcore fan, but if someone wants to be sxe, they don't have to be into hardcore.
because it's where it came from and how it's spread? it's what sets a person apart from just being drug free and how other straight edge people find each other?
07-22-2004, 05:17 PM
eh, ok.
stay true,
07-22-2004, 05:36 PM
Originally posted by ThereIsAReason
eh, ok.
stay true,
you either agree or don't. if you don't you might want to explain your side.
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