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06-26-2004, 12:31 AM
I was at school the other day, and well it's not normal school, it's culinary school. And I wouldn't use rum in a recipe, I just swapped in some vanilla and the teacher got all down on me like I was doing something wrong. It sucked. He started asking me what religion I was that was against alcohol and I don't think he can legally do that. It's just a given situation, they happen all the time, especially at work when everyone is having a beer at the end of the night and I just ask for a sprite. It's weird cuz they always say sXe kids look down on people who drink but I find they shit on me just as much because I don't.
This is so incoherent sorry it's been a long day. The point is, what's the most tactful way to say "Fuck off you poison ingesting whore!"? Without getting kicked out of school, or fired.
06-26-2004, 02:37 AM
Just tell them straight up, "Look man I do not drink, I in no way ingest alcohol" or something... just tell em to lay off
06-26-2004, 07:36 PM
I dont think that the amount of rum put into a recipe can harm you and anyways you probably couldnt taste it...but I know....its the principle of the thing,and I get you.
06-26-2004, 11:37 PM
Depends what kind of vanilla most of it does. That stuff I don't mind using too much because it cooks off when I'm baking with it. It's the ethics really. I don't like what's created for the sole purpose of getting people drunk, like rum. It tastes pretty bad too in my opinion. It's really just the criticism that gets to me sometimes, when I don't feel like having a custard that tastes like ass and I have to try to explain for 5 minutes to the guy why I am this way.
06-27-2004, 01:04 AM
I remember in that 'other straight edge forum page' getting into a big battle over stuff like mouth wash and cooking with alchohol, and stuff.
If you use the stuff to cook with and to dissenfect things (seeing how you can't drink that kind of alchohol any way...) there is nothing wrong with it.
As far as telling people to fuck off and die, with a more tactfull wording: I have no idea.
06-28-2004, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by xethanx
I remember in that 'other straight edge forum page' getting into a big battle over stuff like mouth wash and cooking with alchohol, and stuff.
If you use the stuff to cook with and to dissenfect things (seeing how you can't drink that kind of alchohol any way...) there is nothing wrong with it.
As far as telling people to fuck off and die, with a more tactfull wording: I have no idea.
using alcohol to cook and using alcohol which can't be consumed to disinfect things are totally different.
cooking with alcohol isn't consistent with a straight edge existance. saying that it doesn't matter because it burns off is the same as saying it doesn't matter if you only have 1 beer because it won't have any effect on you.
Flame Me Plz
06-30-2004, 10:43 PM
mother of god...
06-30-2004, 11:13 PM
don't worry you guys
i hear the 1st. edition of the sXe cookbook will be out and about in a couple weeks
so until then, i suggest not eating
wait for someone else who's more straightedge then you to tell you what you can and can't eat
and i'd rather listen to a poison ingesting whore then one who advocates how strong she is in her beliefs of isolating herself from people who aren't quite like her
07-01-2004, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by Flame Me Plz
mother of god...
yeah I totaly agree! I mean, if you are aginst drugs, and the drug industry, then supporting said industry for cooking is fine.
I like to bycot things on principal only during the weekdays.
07-01-2004, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by MeltedFace
don't worry you guys
i hear the 1st. edition of the sXe cookbook will be out and about in a couple weeks
so until then, i suggest not eating
wait for someone else who's more straightedge then you to tell you what you can and can't eat
and i'd rather listen to a poison ingesting whore then one who advocates how strong she is in her beliefs of isolating herself from people who aren't quite like her
No one is isolating themselves. If he was hindu would it be wrong for him to say I can't/ wont do this?
If he was veggitarian would it not be ok to say I will not cook myself this meat?
Some people have beliefs and they hold those beliefs strongly. Thats a quality to be admired, he's not caving in on his principals for an easy life. You might have no concept, so thats fine. But please, put your bias aside and think befor you speak.
07-01-2004, 02:25 PM
hinduism is a religion. is sxe a religion?
vegetarianism is a lifestyle perhaps similar to being straightedge
but according to everyone on the other threads, you can't be straightedge without liking hardcore. i don't think vegetarians all listen to the same genre
my point is, although i did in fact sound more offensive than i meant to, vegetarians don't brag about being vegetarians. hindus don't brag about being hindus. they just live it. i'm not saying that you personally fall into this stereotype, but the sxe people i know like to let everybody know how straightedge they are. why can't you just turn down drugs and drinking without advocating your beliefs to everyone? you can't pick a person out of a crowd and say they're a vegetarian. or a hindu. but sxe like to make sure that everybody know that their straightedge
again, i apologize for stereotyping, but i have yet to meet any who don't fall into it
07-01-2004, 02:30 PM
if i wished to be offensive in any way, i could've just been like the guy who said and i quote
"fuck all you hippies!"
a mature convo would be nice and i truly don't want to offend anyone here, but again my bias only comes from my experience with straightedge society. maybe the people on this thread are different, maybe they're not
07-01-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by MeltedFace
hinduism is a religion. is sxe a religion?
vegetarianism is a lifestyle perhaps similar to being straightedge
but according to everyone on the other threads, you can't be straightedge without liking hardcore. i don't think vegetarians all listen to the same genre
my point is, although i did in fact sound more offensive than i meant to, vegetarians don't brag about being vegetarians. hindus don't brag about being hindus. they just live it. i'm not saying that you personally fall into this stereotype, but the sxe people i know like to let everybody know how straightedge they are. why can't you just turn down drugs and drinking without advocating your beliefs to everyone? you can't pick a person out of a crowd and say they're a vegetarian. or a hindu. but sxe like to make sure that everybody know that their straightedge
again, i apologize for stereotyping, but i have yet to meet any who don't fall into it
do you honestly believe that people don't wear pro vegetarian shirts or make a point to let people know? Do you even know any hindus? The ones I've known through my life have been very proud and do make it a point to discuss their religion to people. You can very easily pick either out of crowd if you knew what to look for, same with straight edge or any other subculture or culture.
07-01-2004, 02:38 PM
pride and prideful aren't synonomous
i've never seen a provegetarian shirt and i know vegetarians
and the hindus that i've met, while are quite proud of their religion, don't make it a point to discuss it
also, hindus are open to other religious concepts and vegetarians don't shun meat eaters(except in extremist cases). i've seen straight edge people avoid all contact with non straightedge people, like they're the plague
unless you guys are extremists
07-01-2004, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by MeltedFace
pride and prideful aren't synonomous
i've never seen a provegetarian shirt and i know vegetarians
and the hindus that i've met, while are quite proud of their religion, don't make it a point to discuss it
also, hindus are open to other religious concepts and vegetarians don't shun meat eaters(except in extremist cases). i've seen straight edge people avoid all contact with non straightedge people, like they're the plague
unless you guys are extremists
Congradulations that you haven't seen any, they exist and they exist in great numbers. go look on google for vegetarian shirts and other gear and let me know what you find. Same with hindu clothes.
What is your actual point? The only statement that was made there is that someone has chosen not to want to get shit for their beliefs. Where do you see anyone claiming to "avoid contact with non straightedge people like they're the plague"?
07-01-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by MeltedFace
pride and prideful aren't synonomous
i've never seen a provegetarian shirt and i know vegetarians
and the hindus that i've met, while are quite proud of their religion, don't make it a point to discuss it
also, hindus are open to other religious concepts and vegetarians don't shun meat eaters(except in extremist cases). i've seen straight edge people avoid all contact with non straightedge people, like they're the plague
unless you guys are extremists
You are making mass generalizations on acount of a very very small cross section of people.
I am proud of my choices, I'm proud to be vegitarian, and I am proud to be sxe.
sxe might not be a religion like hindu, but dose that make a persons reason for wanting to avoid alcohol any less valid? Does it really matter if the reasons come from religion, or another reason?
I have never avoided non edge people, I spent half my life in the pub with people whos drinking habbits would probably shock even you. If some one offers me a drink I say no, if they ask me why I tell them, just like if some one offered me a ham sandwich.
I have seen pro vegan and pro vegitarian T-shirts, stickers the works. I have known some vegitarians who are extreamly vocal about their stance, and I know people extreamly vocal about their religious views too.
You say about the music, it's true that to be edge is to be part of a subculture, but edge kids are no worse than any other subcultural group. Why would it be less acceptable to you for me to wear an edge shirt, or X's than for a rockabily chick to walk about in her 50's get up and blunt cut bangs?
I could say by your logic that people who drink are arse holes because I've had people who drink try and force that shit on me.
07-01-2004, 08:10 PM
you could say that people who drink are arse holes
they are
indeed that's a generalization that doesn't cover 100% of people who partake, but its definitely a majority
i'm sorry anyone has tried to force alcohol on you against your beliefs. that's wrong. i just don't see the need to form a subculture against those people
and there seriously is provegetarian merch? ......
07-01-2004, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by MeltedFace
you could say that people who drink are arse holes
they are
indeed that's a generalization that doesn't cover 100% of people who partake, but its definitely a majority
i'm sorry anyone has tried to force alcohol on you against your beliefs. that's wrong. i just don't see the need to form a subculture against those people
and there seriously is provegetarian merch? ......
whether you see a need or not is irrelevant. the subculture was formed from as a response to the self destructive nature of punk. it was never intended for mass consumption or to fit every person on earth. one subculture was the catalyst for another.
and yes, there is, a lot of it.
07-02-2004, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by MeltedFace
you could say that people who drink are arse holes
they are
indeed that's a generalization that doesn't cover 100% of people who partake, but its definitely a majority
i'm sorry anyone has tried to force alcohol on you against your beliefs. that's wrong. i just don't see the need to form a subculture against those people
and there seriously is provegetarian merch? ......
Check here for a whole load of veggi pride apparel.....
Also sXE isn't against people who drink. It's came about like Dusty said as a responce to the self destrution in punk.
I personaly am against companies who put out the drink and the tobacco in the world, they are profiting of death, abuse and wrecked lives. I also think that drungs are far too ingrained in society, I think that most people get into them (and i could just be taliing about alcohol here) with out even thinking about the choice. Caffiene is every where from when you are a tiny kid, drinking alcohol comes about like pubic hair, it's as if it;s just another step into adulthood, a natural progression. I would like people to think more about it, not just do it as a thing that happens.
I know and have seen on a regular basis a sea of people drink to forget, drink to have fun, drink to escape. People will go out and feel they have to get wasted to have fun, people equate drunk or high with fun. It's passive, you are buying your pleasure and not actulay partaking in anything, I would like people to be able to have a good time because they are having a good time. i would like to see people have good lives, not hide from the working week.
It was hard for me seeing how the kids i grew up with grow up get jobs, and shuffel around vomiting every Friday and saturday. How this was their goal, the carrot on the ed of the stick, if they worked hard at the end of the week, they could fall into oblivion.
I don't want prohibition. I want people to think. I don't want getting drunk, getting high to be something thats just done.
I would like to see people think about it and make a decision. I would like to see people have fufilling lives and not need to hide. I would like people to activly seek real happiness and not just mask pain. I would like people to be able to make their fun, not have to buy it. I would like people to work and gain confidence not have to take some drug to talk to that girl.
I see all these things as a mask, whitewashing over the shit, not looking at the shit and trying to fix it.
I am not edge to ban alcohol. I am edge because i want to know what I think and feel is real, I am edge because I want to be active in my life, and I am edge because i sat down and thought about what I was doing long and hard and came to a decision. How many people who go out and "party" evey week have done that? The change I want is thought not prohibition.
07-02-2004, 07:44 PM
hmm....interesting ideology
unfortunately, just because people know facts doesn't guarantee their change. deaths caused by drugs and alcohol are known by all and abided by few
i applaud your genuine concern for mankind and your own personal adherence to your beliefs and enjoyance of life, but i don't think your philosophy will affect the brunt of society
07-03-2004, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by MeltedFace
hmm....interesting ideology
unfortunately, just because people know facts doesn't guarantee their change. deaths caused by drugs and alcohol are known by all and abided by few
i applaud your genuine concern for mankind and your own personal adherence to your beliefs and enjoyance of life, but i don't think your philosophy will affect the brunt of society
People know the facts and choose to ignor them, we all know that, look at the number of young people smoking. But I would like drugs to become a real thought out choce, not just a natural progression.
I myself have had an impact, I have had people think about it, I've had some people decide to at least try a life drug free. I have had people think things through, and no matter what their final decision, at least I have had the power to make people think.
I also beleive that the presence of straight edge is a very strong one, and that it does effect people. I dare say that many (not all) but many hate edge kids because it draws attention to a weakness that they have and feel a touch of shame for.
Edge as a subculture has been able to nurture an alternative, to be able to create a global community of people who have decided to look through the bullshit and live thier life different and look through one of the many veils of bulshit society pulls over us.
sXe has made an impact on the world, I have made an impact on the world.
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