View Full Version : Questions and Comments for you all?.
Flame Me Plz
06-30-2004, 05:10 PM
Hello, I am posting this, not because I want to forum bash anyone or start fights or battles or anything like that; but rather; out of genuin curiosity and conscern for man-(and women, for the politically correct)-kind. I don't want this to turn into some huge battle like many of my posts on other sites had turned into (reguarding this topic). I hope that we all can keep and opean mind while we read this and discuss it, so that good discussion and conversation can follow reguarding this topic.
Alright, with that being said, heres the point...
I am not straitedge. I have some freinds who call or called themselves straitedge. I don't do drugs. I probably never will. I have tried cigarettes, but I did not like them. I have drinken alchole occasionally. I don't think either of tehse things make me feel amture or grown up or anything that alot of people who do them say they feel. I was not presured into it. I did it out of curiosity. That is also what brings me here today. For starters I will pose a general question for all of you. Have any of you (i'm sure some of you have) tried any form of drugs (not perscription or such)? Or did you jsut come to the simple conclusion that "drugs are bad" from what you have been told you whole life (some of you, once again, I do not include all who read this in my catagories, as I very well know, not all people are the same)?
I,personally think drugs are not healthy and are stupid. However, what drugs also symbolize to me, is a personal freedom I(even though I do not use this freedom). I beleive restriction on drugs or laws against them are jsut as stupid as doing drugs. But anyway, thats another topic. To further with the current topic i'm posting about. To all you kids who have tried drugs and decided agasint them, i applaud you. But also, I wonder why you, and anyone who have not tried drugs, feel the need to classify yourself into some scene. I think calling youself stritedge, and not doing drugs, jsut because you're straitedge, is stupid. Doing drugs because their harmful and you don't like them or a myriad of other good reasons is smart. But "I'm part of this scene where we all conform to not do drugs." is not a good one, in my opinion. I'm not saying that's what you all say, but I have seen some who do. I personally beleive all scenes are stupid. Just becasue you don't do drugs in your scene, dosent make you any better then some metal kid, some emo kid, some rap kid, or some kid from some other scene who does them or deosnt. You're both conforming to some scene (even if you claim you scene conforms to not doing drugs or claims it conforms to not conforming). A fine example of this is the "punk" scene. A common (once agian, not all) "punk" is an anti-conformist, and scorns society for "all being the same." However, he/she and his freinds all dress the same, go to the same concerts, listen to teh exact same music, talk the same way, with the same lingo, and do a myriad of other things the same, so that they can fit into thier scene. So, what is your opinon on scnes? (the aformentioned is mine) and once again, this post is just for good discussion and not argument or flaming.
Next.....Since when are straitedge kids limited to being hardcore fans who go to every hardcore show in thier small town and mosh, etc., etc. I know pople who live the straitedge life, probably better tehns oem of youm, but tehy don't limit themselves to only listenig to hardcore, or moshing at all the shows. I, have listened to some "hardcore" bands. I like a few of them. I wont botehr listing them, cause i'm sure it would just cause a battle over whether they're hardcore or not, and that would de-tract from the point of this post. I have also moshed at hardcore shows, and other type of music shows. I beleive moshing can be fun, but i also know it can be pointless and stupid on occassion. I'd also like to state that I would bet money on the fact that not every single hardcore band is streight edge. I'd even bet an occasional lyrics refers to some type of drug (or alcohol). And i'm guessing you'll all rebute this with:"Wll if they're not sXe then they're not hXc." But wahtever, if you guys want to limit your music intake to who has enver sipped some bacardi or smoked a duby, go ahead. Just as a fare warning, limiting yourself is what scenes try to accomplish, even if your scene is about no limitations. And if you go throughout life limiting youself to what your scene thinks is kool (or stupid) you're going to be missing out on alot of good music, and other good things (once again, all is my opinion). So, for the question, Is hxc limited to sxe, and vica versa?
Hmm......I had to eat dinner in the middel of posting this, so I kinda lost my train of thought. If i remember any of my other questions or comments I will post them some time. Please take this post to heart, and not play it off as some hxc/sxe hater
trying to ruffle soem feathers. Please also forgive any spelling errors, as I am not a verry godd speller. Thanks for you time( relize it is a rather long post) and thoughts. I look forward to your responses.
Flame Me Plz
06-30-2004, 05:19 PM
plz for give my name, some may find it offesnsive. But it just shows my "pessemsitc" outlook on how some people may reply to my post
06-30-2004, 06:25 PM
I'd suggest some proper research. No one i know limits their musical tastes to just straightedge hardcore, christ i was listening to murphys law just the other day, straightedge is a small part of hardcore, and very few bands in relation to the whole hardcore scene claim to be straightedge bands. Straightedge is something that was spawned out of and relates to the hardcore scene, so to be straightedge you need to relate to that scene. Your friends may be very good at clean living but what do they have to do with straightedge, i mean if they were clean living people 30 years ago you wouldn't call them straightedge, but now the term has come about what has changed for them, you need to keep in sight that its about hardcore kids being drug free not just anyone. Your friends aren't straightedge if they don't understand that its a sub culture in the hardcore scene, but what i don't understand is that even if they were straightedge how can they be better at it, its a case of you are or you aren't. I don't see it as conforming i see it as something that ended up to fit me down to the ground, i did every drug going when i was young and dumb but it wasn't fun, i found that i enjoyed staying straight and then when i learnt more about hardcore i fitted straightedge, it fitted me, i didn't push or twist my self out of shape to fit in. I could have as easily kept drinking like one of my friends but we both got into hardcore, we both really liked straightedge hardcore and went to shows and supported the scene that we loved being a part of. However being straightedge you do tend to gravitate somewhat more to the straightedge hardcore but theres still the freedom of choice there, if i think a band sucks even if they are straightedge then i say so, i don't feel like i have to listen to just hardcore either, i mean my tastes like most peoples will go beyond hardcore. I think for you to understand this whole hardcore and straightedge thing fully you need to go to the shows, get into the bands that are playing, get in the crowd and just feel the whole experience, short of that do some serious reading on attitudes and behaviour of this scene through the years because what you said did display a very limited understanding of what you are talking about. I mean why do you think people don't do drugs, i have a million reasons why i don't do them and the conformity is only to a choice i made personally. You weren't pressured into your choice and i wasn't pressured into mine, if someone asks you if you drink you say yes, i say no, whats the problem with that? Is it only because i am part of a scene which goes beyond the mere act of abstinance and lets all kinds of ideas freeflow for people to think and learn about in a fun way via the veihicle of hardcore music? I mean i enjoy shows, i don't mosh like i used too, nowadays i either get up front and sing along or stand back and watch, moshing is fun but its only part of it and not everyone dances, hardcore is not dance club, its not like dance or get out. Its a fun scene, i meet some good people, like minded people or people with conflicting views at times. What is truly great about it is its independance, its always been free from external fashion control, its still there as a diy movement, its not yet been fully marketed to the masses and the cool kids in the scene do what they can to keep it moving on this way like the kids before them - oh its so poetic, like straightedge the olympic torch!!!! If you don't like the scene thats fine, but you have to give respect to a scene like hardcore, i mean you get what you put in, its not like stadium shows for huge metal bands, its the bands, the kids and everyone all on the same level making it work, thats why the particpation of the crowd is so rife at hardcore shows, theres not that band/audience divide. At this moment in time theres a fair few things i dislike about the scene but its not going to make me jump ship, i just stick to what i like and go in search of other elements, bands, kids, zines, shows that reflect what i'm into. Please don't be fooled into thinking that straightedge kids are blindly swallowing and following and please don't take it on surface value because it seems like being an asshole is cool at the moment but like anyscene or culture it moves through numerous trends. I could go on forever but i'll shut up.
Flame Me Plz
06-30-2004, 08:08 PM
WOW, That was one of the most well thought out and mature reponses I've EVER read on ANY forums. Thanks you for a good response and continuing teh discussion. Alrighty, as far as my part of continuing it goes. As i may or may not ahve mentioned before, I used to be into the hardcore scene. I wore the tight shirts and all that crap, or whatrever it was at the time, i'm not sure if it changed. I listened to the music, went to the shows, moshed, sang along, everything. Yea i felt the energy, but i've felt that at all the concerts i've gone to of bands i love, not just the few harcore ones i've been to. And yea, I don't see leaving drug free as a bad thing, in fact, I do it myslef. What I do see as a problem is scenes. I'm not saying people in scenes (or the hardcore scene in aprticualre) are stupid. I only chose the hardcore scene, cause it's what i'm experienced with and what some of my freinds were/are into. I just feel that scenes are not only illogical, but also somewhat harmful as far as the long run of life goes. I'm not saying you or all ahrdcore kids do this, but the majority of hardcore kids i've met either like anything and everything as long as it's hardcore (or hardcore-emo or wahtever, music with screaming, "poetic" lyrics, breakdowns>>>wich i've come to find, most hardcore kids missname, what they call breakdowns---heavy riffs with a double pedal role co-enciding, etc. is really called a DRAG, and a breakdown is when all the insturments slow on a single beat/measure at the same time, which normally has incoherent singing/talking, a slow/softer bass line and either light strumming, or an abstract picking melody following the beginig of a breakdown in most hardcore songs<<<<sorry, it jsut relaly pisses me off when poeple talk about musical terms without knowledge of it, and that was a rant, and i'm sorry for it, it's jsut an observation fomr the hardcore kids i know.) OR they don't like anything that isn't hardcore, unless that band is supported by a hardcore band tehy like.
so anyway, before the rant (which i'm almost posotive i will get flamed for missconstruing teh deep, dark, "poetic-sophistication" that is hxc, so i apologize many times in advance for not describing hardcore to anyone's liking) I was sasying about how scenes are bad and potentially harmful. Well, i'm not sure what any of you think a scene is, but a scene (in my experience) is where people who share a common interest or hobby (in this case music) act, dress, speak, live, (etc.) in a similare way. In my experiences with ahrdcore i've found these trends: Guys wear tight, or tight fiting clothes (mainly shirts and pants) even possibly wearing girls jeans. I've also found many guys eaither have blonde hair, or black hair (or die it black if it is brown or some other color). They sometimes get "Buddy-Holly" glasses reguardless of wheather tehy need tehm or not. They also normally have longer hair, somteism bushy or wavy. They wear their car keys on a buckle on tehir belt, whihc may be studed or black or something to that sense. They either ware chuck taylor shoes or some other obsucre brand, maybe vans, but nothing thats even remotely athletic can be displayed on tehir clothing. They only really wear band t-shirts, or something having to do with their scene, or something completely random that they think is funny (cerca de Hot Topic). Hmmmm....thats all i can remeber for now for guys.....Alrighty, girls are somewhat similare. Black hair noramlly, maybe some periceings (oh that goes for guys too, as well as over-streched peirced ears). Maybe some tatoos (possible for guys too) Wear normally jeans or pants tight, and some band shirts or generic hott-opic shirts. Both guys and girls are either extreamly emaciated (skinny) or overweight. They are bothe GENERALLY unathletic by choice. Both enjoy reading and writing poetry that they either share with everyone in a boastful, (welcoming them into their oh, so sorrowfull love-lives) or share tehm with no one and keep to tehmselves (in a self-imposed, anti-social semse). hmmm......i can't think of anything esle at teh moment
hmmmm, so yea, on to the real point. Scense, are stupid, imo. Scenes are made just so that people who don't feel like they fit in with something (whether its another scene, high-school, or society in general) can fit in with something else that would noramlly reject them if they didn't conform to their standards. For instance, i've worn a metallica shirt to concerts, no one who looks like they're into teh hxc scene would make any gestures other then a look like: wtf is that metal asshole doing here. But if i wore a poison the well tshirt, they would look aprovingly, and maybe even make conversation about the show or bands or being hardcore in gerneral. Scenes are made only to include, exclude, and give security to it's members. I'm not saying having security or feeling like u belong to soemthing is bad. But don't most peopel become part of a scene becasue tehy feel left out of another scene or society for not meeting it's standards or lifestyles. Normally, but not always, being in a scene closses your mind to many people outside your scene. It deos allow for a "blossoming" of freindships within the scene conversly, but, isn't this exclusion of others what most (not all) people joined teh scene to escape. They joind to feel part of something, but they really are closing therselves form somthign at the same time. I'm not saying sub-culture is bad, since dosme of you choose to call it that. But waht i'm saying is, labeling is bad. Calling someone a jock, geek or nerd or is wrong. Calling yourself or soemone else hardcore, not hardcore, or wahtever is teh same thing. Even though it's not done in a harmful or hurtfull way, it's still classifing. When you join a scene, you usually (not always) limit urself to thign having to do with or occuring in the scene. For a fine example look at the classic "punk-mentality." "No one knows nothing besides me and my freinds. No teachers, no parents know me, or anything about me. I'm jsut gunna rot, skate-boarding in parking lots, listeing to anti-everything music for the rest of my life. Fuck the government, fuck the church, etc., etc."
Now, i know that may be considered extreme, however, being anti-everything, or being anti-anything is stupid. I am not a fan of the church or religion. But i don't go around preaching about how hypocritical the church is and how stupid our president is. THAT is hypocritical.
I'm really getting turned around in my head here, so i'm sorry for teh tangents and rants that derailed form teh original topic.
But waht i'm trying to express here is, being in a scene, although it gives a sense of belonging, is not a very smart thing to do, becuase, form my esperience, it closes you to many things, and conforms you to teh ways of the scene (and msot peopel join a scne to escape conforming).
alrighty, tahts all i can exprese now, once i can figure out to say on teh topic more, i'll post it, and thnx for the discussion.
Flame Me Plz
06-30-2004, 08:12 PM
once again, i apologize for spelling, and would like to interject the fact that alot of my thoughts on hxc/sxe come from the "in depth" writings about the scne on the site's front page
I actually agree with what Flame is saying. I used to be into hardcore, while never really a scenester, I see a lot of what he is talking about. Up until I read the opening page of this website, I never thought sXe consisted of only hardcore kids. A couple of the lines bothered me and I can see why flame is upset as well. Let me quote: "Straight Edge is hardcore. It is about the music." I don't really know what sXe hardcore is, and having listened to much of it myself, I've never heard a "straight edge anthem" or anything of that nature. No hardcore band really pushes itself as sXe like the sXe kids do. "You are not straight edge if you have no connection. You are not straight edge if you've never been to a show. if you've never bought a record. If you hate hardcore." Again, this really does pit sXe into an exclusive scene. Scenes are a stupid thing, to say you're not sXe if you don't do this this this and that. I know a few people who call themselves sXe, and I know they don't listen to hardcore. Straight edge is part of other scenes as well..hardcore isn't the only scene with abstinent kids that decide to put themselves on a pedestal. What about kids that don't live near clubs and venues where hardcore bands play, but they still believe in teh same things as you do. Are they not sXe simply because they haven't experienced a hardcore show? Regardless, the whole drugs aspect is another argument. I myself have never done drugs (for far different reasons than what sXe's will say.) And even though I don't, I never decided to seperate myself into a subculture or whatever, the best way is to just keep your decisions to yourself that way you can have the best of both. Therein lies one of the problems of sXe: announcing to the world that you're a sXe and all that. Why can't it boil down to simply hanging out with other kids, and if they happen to offer you a drink or any drugs or anything like that, just say no? To seperate yourself is sort of stupid and it does alienate you from other people. That's my input and I'll probably have more to say later. Have a nice evening, kids.
06-30-2004, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Zero
I actually agree with what Flame is saying. I used to be into hardcore, while never really a scenester, I see a lot of what he is talking about. Up until I read the opening page of this website, I never thought sXe consisted of only hardcore kids. A couple of the lines bothered me and I can see why flame is upset as well. Let me quote: "Straight Edge is hardcore. It is about the music." I don't really know what sXe hardcore is, and having listened to much of it myself, I've never heard a "straight edge anthem" or anything of that nature. No hardcore band really pushes itself as sXe like the sXe kids do. "You are not straight edge if you have no connection. You are not straight edge if you've never been to a show. if you've never bought a record. If you hate hardcore." Again, this really does pit sXe into an exclusive scene. Scenes are a stupid thing, to say you're not sXe if you don't do this this this and that. I know a few people who call themselves sXe, and I know they don't listen to hardcore. Straight edge is part of other scenes as well..hardcore isn't the only scene with abstinent kids that decide to put themselves on a pedestal. What about kids that don't live near clubs and venues where hardcore bands play, but they still believe in teh same things as you do. Are they not sXe simply because they haven't experienced a hardcore show? Regardless, the whole drugs aspect is another argument. I myself have never done drugs (for far different reasons than what sXe's will say.) And even though I don't, I never decided to seperate myself into a subculture or whatever, the best way is to just keep your decisions to yourself that way you can have the best of both. Therein lies one of the problems of sXe: announcing to the world that you're a sXe and all that. Why can't it boil down to simply hanging out with other kids, and if they happen to offer you a drink or any drugs or anything like that, just say no? To seperate yourself is sort of stupid and it does alienate you from other people. That's my input and I'll probably have more to say later. Have a nice evening, kids.
why can't a cat be a dog? To be straight edge is a certain thing. Part of that certain thing is music. a particular kind of music. If you remove music from the equation you have something completely different. Just like if you remove drug free you have something completely unique. I know that just about anywhere in the world I can go to a hardcore show and I can find another straight edge person. There is a reason for that. There's a reason why there are straight edge bands and all of those bands are hardcore.
also the entire concept of a subculture is on of alienation. straight edge is a subculture.
06-30-2004, 09:14 PM
to the rest of it, if you want to have a conversation that people will take part of you need to learn how to pair it down. If you have seperate thoughts, make seperate posts. Most people aren't going to take the time to read something that long and won't be able to address it like you'd wish due to the length.
Flame Me Plz
06-30-2004, 09:24 PM
i'll work on that. And to the point about classifying a band as sxe. Thats one of the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my life, no offense, ur not stupid, jsut the saying. I mean, i thought classifying music and bands is pointless, but classifying them by what the band members do or dont do in thier spare time? I mean, hey, maybe your into limiting the bands u like or limiting a genere to this or that, but i still don't think it's wise, but that's just my opinion.
Flame Me Plz
06-30-2004, 09:26 PM
And to be more specific to what would be considered the insult i presume......Saying all sxe musicians play hxc is waht i meant to be stupid, as well as saying in order to be sxe u must play or be hxc.
Flame Me Plz
06-30-2004, 09:36 PM
and also, to the whole u must be hxc to be sxe, and we exclude anyone who hasnt gone to an hxc show, etc., etc.
I've heard articles on NPR (national Public Radio) about streight edge and nothing was said about ahving to listen to hxc, and everyone i've ever met or spoken with (until i came to this one site) never ewxpressed that you must be hxc to be considered sxe or that sxe had anything to do with music. And i also beleive that considering anything other then music, to be part of music, stupid. Also no offense meant to anyone, jsut offense meant to the idea, sorry, thnx.
and if u don't feel like reading the above logner posts, please dont quickly reply to this saying i dont know shit about hxc or sxe, caues i listen to hxc, have been to hxc shows, i dont do drugs and have many freinds who call themselves sxe.
sorry for spelling errors
06-30-2004, 10:55 PM
i've never actually experienced the straight edge hardcore scene firsthand like everyone on this site obviously has, but i've witnessed it in people that i've known, both friends and otherwise
to say that you're a part of a scene but not conforming and not isolating people not in the scene seems kind of contraditory. some people i know who call themselves straightedge hardcore say that them and their friends are open to other genres of music and don't aim to exclude people who aren't like them and don't share their musical background, favorite bands, exact outfit, whatever. not all of them like hardcore only. some other people i know who call themselves straightedge hardcore say that if you don't listen to hardcore and don't dress hardcore and don't act hardcore and don't smell hardcore you therefore are not hardcore and therefore cannot be straightedge because the two are divinely and mystically linked in ways human knowledge cannot comprehend completely. therefore someone who doesn't do drugs and doesn't do hardcore is not straightedge and are in error by calling themselves it
who then is truly more straightedge? who is more hardcore? who is more straightedge hardcore? are they different? are they the same? is it even relevant to the quickly rotating rock on which we live if they are or aren't in fact hardcore and straightedge in an exact secluded way?
my point, to agree with flame, is that the concept of scenes and labeling are pointless. to isolate one's self doesn't make them superior. to belong to a group of isolated people doesn't make them better than other groups of people who are less isolated, or on opposite ends of isolation
if that's how you choose to live your life
my pity goes out to all of you
i only hope that there's a piece of cheese waiting for you at the end of the maze
Flame Me Plz
06-30-2004, 11:02 PM
well melt, even tho we've had our disagreement on other threads about wheatehr or not Pink Floyd was streightedge or not ( ), that doesn matter. Bravo. Bravo.
06-30-2004, 11:19 PM
always nice to see someone open to change rather than living in ignorance of the selfishness of their angst towards society
07-01-2004, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by Flame Me Plz
and also, to the whole u must be hxc to be sxe, and we exclude anyone who hasnt gone to an hxc show, etc., etc.
I've heard articles on NPR (national Public Radio) about streight edge and nothing was said about ahving to listen to hxc, and everyone i've ever met or spoken with (until i came to this one site) never ewxpressed that you must be hxc to be considered sxe or that sxe had anything to do with music. And i also beleive that considering anything other then music, to be part of music, stupid. Also no offense meant to anyone, jsut offense meant to the idea, sorry, thnx.
and if u don't feel like reading the above logner posts, please dont quickly reply to this saying i dont know shit about hxc or sxe, caues i listen to hxc, have been to hxc shows, i dont do drugs and have many freinds who call themselves sxe.
sorry for spelling errors
I suck at spelling also so don't worry.
Would you say that to be punk you had to be involved in the punk scene, and there for the music?
Would you also say that going out dancing alone would not make a raver?
Would you say that it is stupid to call a punk band punk?
The fact is sxe isn't simply drug free, like has been said here a gazillion times befor.
Drug free values can be found all over the place. sXe is hardcore kids against drugs. it's an active thing. you have to be involved in the subculture and the scene, that scene and subcuture is based in and held together by music.
If you take the interent out of things where would you go to pretty much guarantee you'd meet some other edge kids? The mormon church? an AA meeting?
07-01-2004, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by MeltedFace
i've never actually experienced the straight edge hardcore scene firsthand like everyone on this site obviously has, but i've witnessed it in people that i've known, both friends and otherwise
to say that you're a part of a scene but not conforming and not isolating people not in the scene seems kind of contraditory. some people i know who call themselves straightedge hardcore say that them and their friends are open to other genres of music and don't aim to exclude people who aren't like them and don't share their musical background, favorite bands, exact outfit, whatever. not all of them like hardcore only. some other people i know who call themselves straightedge hardcore say that if you don't listen to hardcore and don't dress hardcore and don't act hardcore and don't smell hardcore you therefore are not hardcore and therefore cannot be straightedge because the two are divinely and mystically linked in ways human knowledge cannot comprehend completely. therefore someone who doesn't do drugs and doesn't do hardcore is not straightedge and are in error by calling themselves it
who then is truly more straightedge? who is more hardcore? who is more straightedge hardcore? are they different? are they the same? is it even relevant to the quickly rotating rock on which we live if they are or aren't in fact hardcore and straightedge in an exact secluded way?
my point, to agree with flame, is that the concept of scenes and labeling are pointless. to isolate one's self doesn't make them superior. to belong to a group of isolated people doesn't make them better than other groups of people who are less isolated, or on opposite ends of isolation
if that's how you choose to live your life
my pity goes out to all of you
i only hope that there's a piece of cheese waiting for you at the end of the maze
if you've never experienced something first hand then how are you qualified to discuss it?
07-01-2004, 07:48 AM
Originally posted by MeltedFace
i've never actually experienced the straight edge hardcore scene firsthand like everyone on this site obviously has, but i've witnessed it in people that i've known, both friends and otherwise
to say that you're a part of a scene but not conforming and not isolating people not in the scene seems kind of contraditory. some people i know who call themselves straightedge hardcore say that them and their friends are open to other genres of music and don't aim to exclude people who aren't like them and don't share their musical background, favorite bands, exact outfit, whatever. not all of them like hardcore only. some other people i know who call themselves straightedge hardcore say that if you don't listen to hardcore and don't dress hardcore and don't act hardcore and don't smell hardcore you therefore are not hardcore and therefore cannot be straightedge because the two are divinely and mystically linked in ways human knowledge cannot comprehend completely. therefore someone who doesn't do drugs and doesn't do hardcore is not straightedge and are in error by calling themselves it
who then is truly more straightedge? who is more hardcore? who is more straightedge hardcore? are they different? are they the same? is it even relevant to the quickly rotating rock on which we live if they are or aren't in fact hardcore and straightedge in an exact secluded way?
my point, to agree with flame, is that the concept of scenes and labeling are pointless. to isolate one's self doesn't make them superior. to belong to a group of isolated people doesn't make them better than other groups of people who are less isolated, or on opposite ends of isolation
if that's how you choose to live your life
my pity goes out to all of you
i only hope that there's a piece of cheese waiting for you at the end of the maze
first it's not about being hardcore enough, or listening soley to hardcore. But you are not a apart of the edge scene activily (and that does mean being involved in some way with hardcore) then you are drug free.
Straight edge isn't another word for drug free. it is a word that descirbes people who activly participate within the sxe subculture. Just like punk doesn't describe any one who makes things themselves, or ravaer describes some one who likes to go dancing.
If you don't like lables, then thats cool, don't use one. Sxe is a lables and does all those things you say you hate. If you hate lables, don;t use them. by saying I am sxe you are setting yourself aside and itentifying yourself with a particular group, wrongly or rightly.
I don';t think by calling myself sxe i am saying I am in any way better than any one else. I am saying this is me, this is what I do, what I believe, and I am putting out bonds with other people.
It's a community, I love meeting other edge kids, I fell a conection with other edge kids, and i love straight edge and the scene. if you don't thats cool, don;t use the lable, but don;t let it bother you if others do.
07-01-2004, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by MeltedFace
always nice to see someone open to change rather than living in ignorance of the selfishness of their angst towards society
how is it selfish to call a spadse a spade? and should we not be openly against something in society that we feel is wrong?
07-01-2004, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by Flame Me Plz
i'll work on that. And to the point about classifying a band as sxe. Thats one of the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my life, no offense, ur not stupid, jsut the saying. I mean, i thought classifying music and bands is pointless, but classifying them by what the band members do or dont do in thier spare time? I mean, hey, maybe your into limiting the bands u like or limiting a genere to this or that, but i still don't think it's wise, but that's just my opinion.
it's what a band classifies themselves as. Just as it's what a person classifies themselves as. You seem to be the one fixated on people limiting themselves, not anyone here. Where has anyone said one must only listen to one type of music?
Also,you seem to be implying that there isn't anything that you don't like. And that you and everyone else should like all things all the time. how is that realistic?
07-01-2004, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Flame Me Plz
and also, to the whole u must be hxc to be sxe, and we exclude anyone who hasnt gone to an hxc show, etc., etc.
I've heard articles on NPR (national Public Radio) about streight edge and nothing was said about ahving to listen to hxc, and everyone i've ever met or spoken with (until i came to this one site) never ewxpressed that you must be hxc to be considered sxe or that sxe had anything to do with music. And i also beleive that considering anything other then music, to be part of music, stupid. Also no offense meant to anyone, jsut offense meant to the idea, sorry, thnx.
and if u don't feel like reading the above logner posts, please dont quickly reply to this saying i dont know shit about hxc or sxe, caues i listen to hxc, have been to hxc shows, i dont do drugs and have many freinds who call themselves sxe.
sorry for spelling errors
you can't hear an article. You might be talking about the one from the BBC. NPR to my knowledge has never covered straight edge. And in the BBC one they clearly and repeatedly mention bands. Where do you think straight edge came from? How and why did it get popular and spread? How can you be something without knowing where it came from and taking part in a major portion of it?
07-01-2004, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Flame Me Plz
well melt, even tho we've had our disagreement on other threads about wheatehr or not Pink Floyd was streightedge or not ( ), that doesn matter. Bravo. Bravo.
yeah if you're going to try and be funny, don't do it where people are trying to be serious and have things as a resource.
07-02-2004, 01:20 PM
THAT was a lot of reading...pheeewww
07-02-2004, 01:20 PM
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