09-16-2004, 01:49 PM
went to the IGNITE / Western Waste show last night.
first time seeing western waste. pretty generic stuff...didn't really get into it. they were very boring on stage...and seemed bored themselves. they did have a few die hard fans who kept a very small pit active throughout. i liked a few songs but was not impressed, esp w/ the vocalist. maybe they are better in the studio?
Ok IGNITE took the stage and all hell broke loose. people packed the floor ...they opened w/ "who sold out now?" and the pit went off, fast and furious circle slamming, many, many stage divers, including like three chicks who kept getting on our backs and onto stage to dance a sec or two then dive right back into the pit, that was awsome and hella funny shit. i got right up to the front and had a fucking blast. the sound was a little soft though ( i actually took out my ear plugs cuz it was too quite with them in). they have a new guitarist. during the sound check i thought the guy checking the guitar was a tech. turns out it was the new guitarist...a total rocker/metal looking dude...long dyed black hair, tight black jeans, studded belt, the whole guns and roses look. they definately didn't look the the band on all there cd's anymore. even brett has grown his hair medium long. only zoli and the drummer, new too, looked hardcore. the music sounded good and the crowd was totally into it as was i. but then not only was there this rocker dude on stage but he and all the friends and roadies on side stage were drinking heinekens_and swiggin' from this big ass bottle of jack daniels. then the bassists' amp went out so zoli had the rocker guitarist do a, get this,...fucking metal solo/ with one hand doing van halen arppegios while downing the bottle of jack.....all the while his big fake tittyd' girlfriend did a bump and grind show for everyone...i really felt at this point like i was at an 80's big-hair metal gig.....this part seriously sucked!!!! after way too long brett got his shit together and they continued the set. angain zoli and the songs sounded great and i can't say enough about the kids. they were all going nuts but everyone was being real cool to eachother , no fights at all, everyone helping fallen kids back to their feet, making sure all the divers were safe etc......it was good to see a positive scene alive here in the city.
of course there were like hardly any sxer's at all ( saw one x'd hand and like only 3 sxe shirts) mostly everyone was drinking but since it was an all ages gig there were tons of underagers in the place and i think their energy helped to keep the the whole gig cool and fun.
* foot note: one of my best friends was asked by zoli to be the new guitarist, he said no, he's more alt rock/pop punk...i think he made a big mistake. he's a much better guitarist than the new long haired drunkn' dirt bag playing for them now is.
first time seeing western waste. pretty generic stuff...didn't really get into it. they were very boring on stage...and seemed bored themselves. they did have a few die hard fans who kept a very small pit active throughout. i liked a few songs but was not impressed, esp w/ the vocalist. maybe they are better in the studio?
Ok IGNITE took the stage and all hell broke loose. people packed the floor ...they opened w/ "who sold out now?" and the pit went off, fast and furious circle slamming, many, many stage divers, including like three chicks who kept getting on our backs and onto stage to dance a sec or two then dive right back into the pit, that was awsome and hella funny shit. i got right up to the front and had a fucking blast. the sound was a little soft though ( i actually took out my ear plugs cuz it was too quite with them in). they have a new guitarist. during the sound check i thought the guy checking the guitar was a tech. turns out it was the new guitarist...a total rocker/metal looking dude...long dyed black hair, tight black jeans, studded belt, the whole guns and roses look. they definately didn't look the the band on all there cd's anymore. even brett has grown his hair medium long. only zoli and the drummer, new too, looked hardcore. the music sounded good and the crowd was totally into it as was i. but then not only was there this rocker dude on stage but he and all the friends and roadies on side stage were drinking heinekens_and swiggin' from this big ass bottle of jack daniels. then the bassists' amp went out so zoli had the rocker guitarist do a, get this,...fucking metal solo/ with one hand doing van halen arppegios while downing the bottle of jack.....all the while his big fake tittyd' girlfriend did a bump and grind show for everyone...i really felt at this point like i was at an 80's big-hair metal gig.....this part seriously sucked!!!! after way too long brett got his shit together and they continued the set. angain zoli and the songs sounded great and i can't say enough about the kids. they were all going nuts but everyone was being real cool to eachother , no fights at all, everyone helping fallen kids back to their feet, making sure all the divers were safe etc......it was good to see a positive scene alive here in the city.
of course there were like hardly any sxer's at all ( saw one x'd hand and like only 3 sxe shirts) mostly everyone was drinking but since it was an all ages gig there were tons of underagers in the place and i think their energy helped to keep the the whole gig cool and fun.
* foot note: one of my best friends was asked by zoli to be the new guitarist, he said no, he's more alt rock/pop punk...i think he made a big mistake. he's a much better guitarist than the new long haired drunkn' dirt bag playing for them now is.