View Full Version : music does not make the straight edger
10-08-2004, 05:07 PM
my name is mike
and i am VERY proud to walk around with my head held high because I am straight edge!
i met a kid who is just as proud as me, and told me of this site
but boy was i DUMB FOUNDED to see that these people claim you aint SXE unless you are hardcore...and been in the pit!
now i have never been drunk, i have never tried a single drug, and never took a puff of a cig. that right there makes me straight edge
i aint much into harcore. i myself prefer metal and all that. not that I hate hardcore.....but i do not call myself hardcore either
in short, straight edge is a life style, one to be very proud of! this life style has nothing to do with what music I like or am in to. that bothers me. i have never been in a pit throwing my arms around. but that does not make me ANY less straight edge. that's just what i have to say
I aint XHARDCOREX...I dont wear girls' jeans....and I aint a common "pitter"
but I am straight edge to the grave!
10-08-2004, 05:11 PM
where did straight edge come from?
10-08-2004, 05:12 PM
hahahah, nice one, oh you were serious? shame, you are wrong. by the way where does straight edge come from?
10-08-2004, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
but I am straight edge to the grave!
I'd put money on that being a lie.
saying "ain't" makes you sound like a dumbass.
stop doing it.
10-09-2004, 11:06 AM
1) i AIN'T sure what you were refering to as a lie, but none of it was. mainly seeing how the post was all my way of seeing things
2) i say ain't a lot....always have. and i don't really care if some internet people who enjoy creating bullshit think it makes me sound like a dumb ass. besides, i never claim to be a smart one. i can't spell worth shit either. it happens i guess
10-09-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
1) i AIN'T sure what you were refering to as a lie, but none of it was. mainly seeing how the post was all my way of seeing things
2) i say ain't a lot....always have. and i don't really care if some internet people who enjoy creating bullshit think it makes me sound like a dumb ass. besides, i never claim to be a smart one. i can't spell worth shit either. it happens i guess
who's creating bullshit?
where did straight edge come from?
10-09-2004, 11:33 AM
i just want to make things clear that i am not looking for some arguments and shit like that among other people
my friend told me somthin about hardcore bnds starting the term straight edge. but i really just dont know
honestly, i didnt even know there was a name for it until a few years ago. and then i found out about the whole SXE thing. which i thought was really cool
i am very proud of my life style and realize there isnt many people around where i am who share it
i dont want to be told i am not any less of a straight edge person, because my favorite bands are slipknot murderdolls papa roach and all that.
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
i just want to make things clear that i am not looking for some arguments and shit like that among other people
my friend told me somthin about hardcore bnds starting the term straight edge. but i really just dont know
honestly, i didnt even know there was a name for it until a few years ago. and then i found out about the whole SXE thing. which i thought was really cool
i am very proud of my life style and realize there isnt many people around where i am who share it
i dont want to be told i am not any less of a straight edge person, because my favorite bands are slipknot murderdolls papa roach and all that. so you don't listen to hardcore.
tell me are there any straight edge metal(not metalcore!) bands?
straight edge is realated to hardcore. i'm thinking of starting a straight edge jazz band....
10-09-2004, 01:10 PM
i dont know of any straight edge metal bands
but that dosent matter at all
im sure there are some, smoewheres
but my life choices dont determine what music i listen to
i myself am trying to start a straight edge metal band
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
i dont know of any straight edge metal bands
but that dosent matter at all
im sure there are some, smoewheres
but my life choices dont determine what music i listen to
i myself am trying to start a straight edge metal band
listen dude!
my grandmother is straight edge then? seh never smoked, drank, or did drugs.
your theory is flawed. straightedge is hardcore
10-09-2004, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
i dont know of any straight edge metal bands
but that dosent matter at all
im sure there are some, smoewheres
but my life choices dont determine what music i listen to
i myself am trying to start a straight edge metal band
no one is saying your lifes choices are what determine what music you listen too really but you are adding a label to yourself that is inherent to hardcore, straight edge is about the scene it survives in, its about the music that carries the message. Its not just people who don't drink smoke etc. that was around long before straightedge was born out of hardcore and still goes on now, the uniqueness of straightedge is its inherent to the reaction against punk music and the values and behaviour at the time of its conception. The mind set of the whole thing has a context, it makes sense within hardcore, thuis all the hardcore straightedge bands. Your lifes choices are highly commendable, so many people are all about drinking and shit. No one is trying to say what you do with your life is worthless or should mean any less to you just that the label straightedge is inherently hardcore and theres no reason for you to sport that label, drug free is a label that suffices to cover what you are, i mean when people tell me they are straightedge we would usually talk about hardcore bands and stuff, when someone tells me they are drug free its apparent that they are not refering to hardcore with that.
The fact you aren't involved in the hardcore scene and call yourself straightedge is like me calling myself an astronaut without going to space, i just hope you aren't so closed of to this that you don't take it on board, you could always get into the straightedge culture, find out about its history and get involved with hardcore or just drop the label because its not applicable.
10-10-2004, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
my name is mike
and i am VERY proud to walk around with my head held high because I am straight edge!
i met a kid who is just as proud as me, and told me of this site
but boy was i DUMB FOUNDED to see that these people claim you aint SXE unless you are hardcore...and been in the pit!
now i have never been drunk, i have never tried a single drug, and never took a puff of a cig. that right there makes me straight edge
i aint much into harcore. i myself prefer metal and all that. not that I hate hardcore.....but i do not call myself hardcore either
in short, straight edge is a life style, one to be very proud of! this life style has nothing to do with what music I like or am in to. that bothers me. i have never been in a pit throwing my arms around. but that does not make me ANY less straight edge. that's just what i have to say
I aint XHARDCOREX...I dont wear girls' jeans....and I aint a common "pitter"
but I am straight edge to the grave!
I sense joke account.
10-10-2004, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
i dont know of any straight edge metal bands
but that dosent matter at all
im sure there are some, smoewheres
but my life choices dont determine what music i listen to
i myself am trying to start a straight edge metal band
Prayer for Cleansing
there are a couple great straightedge metalcore bands.
I am willing to bet your 'straightedge metal band' is going to be like slipnot or papa roach. that isn't metal. that is nu-metal or more commonly known as shit.
i don't know why we reply to this thread. it's clear he won't come back, because he thinks he has his truth.
10-10-2004, 10:41 AM
i dont hate hardcore
i do like it
and i do listen to it
if i could, i'd go to the shows
i just prefer my metal bands, that's all
i don't know of enough hardcore bands to call myself hardcore
if i called myself hardcore with only a hatebreed CD that would cause more of an out cry then me saying I am straight edge but i just don't like hardcore the best
if anyone would like to give me some bands to check out, i would appreciate it. and if i hate most of them, i will just walk away from this place
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
i dont hate hardcore
i do like it
and i do listen to it
if i could, i'd go to the shows
i just prefer my metal bands, that's all
i don't know of enough hardcore bands to call myself hardcore
if i called myself hardcore with only a hatebreed CD that would cause more of an out cry then me saying I am straight edge but i just don't like hardcore the best
if anyone would like to give me some bands to check out, i would appreciate it. and if i hate most of them, i will just walk away from this place
you don't have to walk away.
i like oldschool hc more than metalcore. there are a lots of metalcore bands that i wouldn't call hardcore cos it's pure metal like bleeding through. they are straightedge.
check out:youth of today, judge, uniform choice, ssd, dys, up front, champion, unit pride.
10-10-2004, 11:44 AM
alright, i'll check them out
10-10-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
i dont hate hardcore
i do like it
and i do listen to it
if i could, i'd go to the shows
i just prefer my metal bands, that's all
i don't know of enough hardcore bands to call myself hardcore
if i called myself hardcore with only a hatebreed CD that would cause more of an out cry then me saying I am straight edge but i just don't like hardcore the best
if anyone would like to give me some bands to check out, i would appreciate it. and if i hate most of them, i will just walk away from this place
Straight edge is simple, its nothing to do with metal its a music based sub culture and the music its based in is hardcore. Now i don't just listen to hardcore in fact at the moment i am listening to more hip hop than anything else. That doesn't stop me being straightedge, because i still support and involve myself within the straightedge scene. Now why exactly can't you go to hardcore shows?
theres a master list of a lot of decent bands, but at the moment i would suggest A18, Bane, Champion for a simple abc to start with.
10-12-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
i just want to make things clear that i am not looking for some arguments and shit like that among other people
my friend told me somthin about hardcore bnds starting the term straight edge. but i really just dont know
honestly, i didnt even know there was a name for it until a few years ago. and then i found out about the whole SXE thing. which i thought was really cool
i am very proud of my life style and realize there isnt many people around where i am who share it
i dont want to be told i am not any less of a straight edge person, because my favorite bands are slipknot murderdolls papa roach and all that.
you sound like a very nice healthy drug free clean living dude, but you're NOT straightedge. don't be so caught up in the name. if you're proud of your lifestyle thats great, so are we, but we, unlike you, support hardcore music, the music that the straightedge movement was born from and still calls it's own.
you Should be proud to be drink, drug and tobacco free it's a damn good thing to be.
My parents, my wife and most of my family are drug free non drinkers, BUT they are NOT straightedge...and until you start supporting hardcore music, neither are you.
10-12-2004, 03:43 PM
woah woah woah
scroll up pal
i never said I am against hardcore
i do not...not support hardcore
what i am saying is, I DO like hardcore...I do listen to hardcore. i just dont call myself that because i'd feel like a poser
i do support the scene...and i would see a hardcore show
10-12-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
"this life style has nothing to do with what music I like or am in to."
>the music IS what defines this scene. without the music music all you have is a bunch of people living clean... like my parents.
Originally posted by newSXEabortion
"i aint much into harcore."
> if you're not into hardcore then what makes you straightedge BESIDES being drug free?
you seem to have went from an opening post that said
"i ain't much into hardcore".
to a last post that read:
"I DO like hardcore...I do listen to hardcore."
you also seem a little caught up in names, i.e you say you dont want to call yourself hardcore but do want to call yourself straightedge.
you dont have to call yourself hardcore if your straightedge anyway. hardcore is the music, straightedge is the drug free scene that helps support hardcore music.
but if you want to learn about hardcore and the origin of straightedge then , dude, you HAVE come to the right place. but please take the time to find out about the scene BEFORE you say you're "Straightedge till death."
10-18-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by SgtD
i'm thinking of starting a straight edge jazz band....
Let me know how that goes. I'd so buy your cd. And any other merch you could offer.
Originally posted by slinkysRrad
Let me know how that goes. I'd so buy your cd. And any other merch you could offer.
it's already out!
the band's called "straight edge in your fucking face" and the album's called"jazz like never before"
10-18-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by SgtD
so you don't listen to hardcore.
tell me are there any straight edge metal(not metalcore!) bands?
straight edge is realated to hardcore. i'm thinking of starting a straight edge jazz band....
i wanna be in it!!!
10-18-2004, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by SgtD
it's already out!
the band's called "straight edge in your fucking face" and the album's called"jazz like never before"
nevermind i guess :( im gonna cry now
Originally posted by DcDuckee
nevermind i guess :( im gonna cry now
laugh instead. it was a joke.
10-18-2004, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by SgtD
laugh instead. it was a joke.
i figured. but i think it would be fun
10-18-2004, 03:08 PM
I listen to bands like Atreyu, Manson, Slipknot, Three Days Grade, ect. Just because of that, am I not sXe?
10-18-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
I listen to bands like Atreyu, Manson, Slipknot, Three Days Grade, ect. Just because of that, am I not sXe?
not currently no. half of being straight edge is being drug free. the other half is that there is a really long and really amazing musical history that has helped shape it into a full blown movement.
10-18-2004, 03:16 PM
Ok then, now I'm satisfied. posion covers all catagories (i know i can't spell.) like drugs, illegal and legal, sex, all that bad shit. ...i've been trying to eat healthier cause i've been feeling crummy lately. it's hard. lol i love my food!
10-18-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
Ok then, now I'm satisfied. posion covers all catagories (i know i can't spell.) like drugs, illegal and legal, sex, all that bad shit. ...i've been trying to eat healthier cause i've been feeling crummy lately. it's hard. lol i love my food!
not really. bad stuff is really relative. I don't think sex is at all related to straight edge.
10-18-2004, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
not really. bad stuff is really relative. I don't think sex is at all related to straight edge.
not even premiscious?
10-18-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by DcDuckee
not even premiscious?
not really. for me it's a matter of sense. the sex part of it doesn't make sense. you can draw a really clear line with drugs and alcohol and cigarettes. it's really easy and it's really clear cut. now try and do the same for sex. Where is the line?
10-18-2004, 03:43 PM
think of it this way, whore? or virgn/having sex with like one partner? which one would u choose? ...i don't feel like getting pregnant or an std. that'd suck.
10-18-2004, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
think of it this way, whore? or virgn/having sex with like one partner? which one would u choose? ...i don't feel like getting pregnant or an std. that'd suck.
what makes one a whore? what happens to the virgin after they're not anymore? are they a whore? at what point does one become a whore?
10-18-2004, 03:46 PM
at the point where he/she is sleeping around... sleeping with a ton of different partners, and even worse, in a short amount of time. ...they give off a bad image and they can hurt themselves with stds and stuff.
10-18-2004, 03:48 PM
a non-virgin only becomes a whore if she/he throws themselves around like a little blow up doll.
10-18-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
at the point where he/she is sleeping around... sleeping with a ton of different partners, and even worse, in a short amount of time. ...they give off a bad image and they can hurt themselves with stds and stuff.
but where's the line? how many is too many? why that number? what about the people who do that and don't end up pregnant or with an std? the stuff that applies when you're a teen doesn't apply when you're in your late 20s. what's a healthy realistic sex life?
10-18-2004, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
a non-virgin only becomes a whore if she/he throws themselves around like a little blow up doll.
yeah, but how can you or anyone external from the situation decide that? what if each person cared for each partner deeply but things just didn't work out for whatever reason?
10-18-2004, 03:51 PM
sleeping around... sleeping with more than one guy, cheating, sleeping on like the first date or w/e... that's all downgrading that person's-self and it's just... not respecting themselves.
10-18-2004, 03:52 PM
then they shouldn't have rushed into things. what's done is done, but hopefully they'd learn from that mistake that she shouldn't open her legs for every guy she MIGHT 'fall for'.
10-18-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
sleeping around... sleeping with more than one guy, cheating, sleeping on like the first date or w/e... that's all downgrading that person's-self and it's just... not respecting themselves.
how do you know? how are you able to make that statement? that's you putting your emotions on the situation not the situation itself. so 2 adults meet and decide that they really hit it off and want to spend the night together, regardless of how long they might spend together, they're somehow not respecting themselves?
10-18-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
then they shouldn't have rushed into things. what's done is done, but hopefully they'd learn from that mistake that she shouldn't open her legs for every guy she MIGHT 'fall for'.
who says it's always a mistake?
10-18-2004, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
think of it this way, whore? or virgn/having sex with like one partner? which one would u choose? ...i don't feel like getting pregnant or an std. that'd suck.
you could be having sex with one person and get an std or pregnant as well
10-18-2004, 03:59 PM
it's my opinion. there's no straight answer to this. you could ask ten random people, not all of them will agree. but my opinion, don't be a god damn whore. the best way to stay safe, without an std, or a baby, or w/e, is to not get sexually involved with too many people, too early, without protection, ect.
10-18-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
it's my opinion. there's no straight answer to this. you could ask ten random people, not all of them will agree. but my opinion, don't be a god damn whore. the best way to stay safe, without an std, or a baby, or w/e, is to not get sexually involved with too many people, too early, without protection, ect.
you might want to look at and reevaulate your use of the term whore. especially as a female.
and I also hope that the older you get and the more experiences you get, you grow into a healthier mindset about sex.
that being said. you should think how you think at your age. it's healthy and smart to treat sex as something dangerous. however it's also a viewpoint that can't stay the way it is and be involved in a sexual relationship with someone. especially when you're in college, you'll think everyone around you are whores.
10-18-2004, 04:05 PM
lol i think about my age, my thoughts, myself right now, at my age, the reasons i do things, all the time. i do it enough to know what i believe and what i don't think i should be doing. sex right now... i shouldn't be doing. sex alot, with a bunch of people, i won't do. unprotected sex, i'll never do. that's just how i feel about it.
10-18-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
lol i think about my age, my thoughts, myself right now, at my age, the reasons i do things, all the time. i do it enough to know what i believe and what i don't think i should be doing. sex right now... i shouldn't be doing. sex alot, with a bunch of people, i won't do. unprotected sex, i'll never do. that's just how i feel about it.
i bet youll have unprotected sex...
10-18-2004, 04:09 PM
nope. until i go on the pill, i'll have him wear a condom. and when i get on the pill, i'll probably still have him wear the condom... and even if i don't, i'll still have the pill. i'm like terrified of getting an std. unplanned birth... not so much, but i seriouslly don't want to get an std.
10-18-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
nope. until i go on the pill, i'll have him wear a condom. and when i get on the pill, i'll probably still have him wear the condom... and even if i don't, i'll still have the pill. i'm like terrified of getting an std. unplanned birth... not so much, but i seriouslly don't want to get an std.
so if your on the pill, and he doesnt wear a condom then you could get an std.
10-18-2004, 04:15 PM
lol i'm not sleeping with any guy until he gets tested. and if he wants me to, then i will to. you're allowed to get tested as many times as u want... no big deal. plus, it'd be a while before i we'd have sex and it'd have to be someone i REALLY trust.
10-18-2004, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
lol i'm not sleeping with any guy until he gets tested. and if he wants me to, then i will to. you're allowed to get tested as many times as u want... no big deal. plus, it'd be a while before i we'd have sex and it'd have to be someone i REALLY trust.
I'd be really interested to see if your opinion changes after you've had sex or after college.
10-18-2004, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
lol i'm not sleeping with any guy until he gets tested. and if he wants me to, then i will to. you're allowed to get tested as many times as u want... no big deal. plus, it'd be a while before i we'd have sex and it'd have to be someone i REALLY trust.
i used to say that that id make sure he and i both got tested
10-18-2004, 09:07 PM
I doubt it'll change. I'm like really scared of getting std's. so I think that'll keep me at least semi-aware of the protection and if it's being used and stuff.
10-18-2004, 09:14 PM
When i'm older, and when I think it'll be ok if I have an unplanned birth, then I might not use as much protection... but I'd still use some form of protection... probably the pill would be easiest. or those tablets.. that disolve in like 5 or 10 minutes... but the tablets don't have a greater percentage of protection as the condom or probably just the pill.
10-18-2004, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
I doubt it'll change. I'm like really scared of getting std's. so I think that'll keep me at least semi-aware of the protection and if it's being used and stuff.
but if youve been with someone for a really long time and youre positive they havent done anything and you really want to have sex, and you dont have a condom, you probably will.
10-18-2004, 09:21 PM
yeah, maybe. i'd probably try my hardest to always use some form of protection... but if i've been with him for a whilllllle then i won't use any sometimes... but it's kinda easy to take the pill. everyday... if someone takes them everyday, it becomes like a habit... so she doesn't forget it. that way she'll always be protected.
10-18-2004, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
yeah, maybe. i'd probably try my hardest to always use some form of protection... but if i've been with him for a whilllllle then i won't use any sometimes... but it's kinda easy to take the pill. everyday... if someone takes them everyday, it becomes like a habit... so she doesn't forget it. that way she'll always be protected.
starting to get the habit might be a little hard cause if you mis a day youre screwed right?
10-18-2004, 09:31 PM
i'm not sure... i think u just keep going and when u stop, u need to wait like a few days til u can have sex again, and it will be protected. at least i think that's how it works.
10-18-2004, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
i'm not sure... i think u just keep going and when u stop, u need to wait like a few days til u can have sex again, and it will be protected. at least i think that's how it works.
yea th at sucks
10-18-2004, 09:37 PM
yeah. i don't think i'll need to worry about any of that for a while though. i'm planning on being a virgin til i'm like 18 or older. ...then i'm legal age of consent. :)
Sean The Red
10-20-2004, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
yeah. i don't think i'll need to worry about any of that for a while though. i'm planning on being a virgin til i'm like 18 or older. ...then i'm legal age of consent. :)
youre nuts, and coming from me, you should take a few days off and relax
10-20-2004, 12:26 PM
oh yeah? why am i nuts? cause i don't feel like getting hurt (emotionally and/or physically) and cause i don't feel like getting a std or anything? ...that's not nuts. that's just being cautious.
10-20-2004, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
oh yeah? why am i nuts? cause i don't feel like getting hurt (emotionally and/or physically) and cause i don't feel like getting a std or anything? ...that's not nuts. that's just being cautious.
I got more flavor than 7-11 Slurpees
If Magic Johnson can admit he's got AIDS, then fuck it, I got herpes
10-20-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
I got more flavor than 7-11 Slurpees
If Magic Johnson can admit he's got AIDS, then fuck it, I got herpes
you have herpes?
10-20-2004, 06:42 PM
it's not the fact of admitting you have a disease... it's actually letting urself get the disease, being subjected to it. if i had something, anything i'd admit it. i have ibs, a bunch of people know that. i don't care.
10-20-2004, 06:43 PM
um. ladies. those are lyrics.
10-20-2004, 07:43 PM
hahahahahahaha oh my god.
Sean The Red
10-20-2004, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
oh yeah? why am i nuts? cause i don't feel like getting hurt (emotionally and/or physically) and cause i don't feel like getting a std or anything? ...that's not nuts. that's just being cautious.
1. Sex isnt like getting a tooth pulled, or there wouldnt be need for contraceptives.
2. Youre going to get hurt emotionally if things go sour at 20, just like at 18, just like you would at 17, just like any other time. But like everything else bad that happens, you get over it with time.
3. Youre nuts because youre clinging to the 18 thing, while talking about pregnancy, and STDs. Its not like when you're 18, you suddenly dont have the risk of getting and std, becoming pregnant, etc. SEX IS SEX, regardless of when you do it, just like drinking at 20 is the same as drinking at 21. The only important thing about it, is that you are capable of making judgements that wont come back to haunt you. So if you would sleep with person X if you were 18, you need a better reason. If you wont drink after youre 21, why wont you sleep with somebody before 18?
Using caution, and good sense is always a good idea, even after you are 18.
10-21-2004, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by JustLikeUlil1
it's not the fact of admitting you have a disease... it's actually letting urself get the disease, being subjected to it. if i had something, anything i'd admit it. i have ibs, a bunch of people know that. i don't care.
hahaha, you made my day, oh and the funny thing is you don't have to have sex to get herpes, so you'd better watch out for that too.
10-21-2004, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
um. ladies. those are lyrics.
yea i was wondering why slurpees and herpes rhymed...hmm
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