View Full Version : Bleedint through
10-09-2004, 01:58 AM
This show was the most crazy show i have ever been to. the second to last song there were about 60 Edge people throwing down at the same time. SLC if full of sXe people.
I want to talk about dancing and if there are any links on the internet of some.
i think you should check out live videos on the web. there are webzines which have some really cool videos. i can't give you links, but check out some webzines i'm sure you can download som e good stuff
10-12-2004, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by weston
This show was the most crazy show i have ever been to. the second to last song there were about 60 Edge people throwing down at the same time. SLC if full of sXe people.
I want to talk about dancing and if there are any links on the internet of some.
the fact that there were a lot of sXe kids at the show doesn't surprise me. it is SLC. i can only guess that most mormans into hardcore end up embracing sXe, hell they're half way there to begin with. seems like a great show. are there any local morman sXe bands?
when you speak of "dancing" i assume you are talking about moshing and thrashing right? because for some reason the word "dance" seems somewhat an inappropriate term for what goes down at shows.
10-13-2004, 03:45 AM
Eh? Everyone I know talks about it as hardcore dancing...
Moshing just means jumping up and down and pushing forward.
10-13-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by xJoeyNormalx
Eh? Everyone I know talks about it as hardcore dancing...
Moshing just means jumping up and down and pushing forward.
moshing is actually the slam style stuff done in a circle, windmill arms, pushing, kinda of like rough jogging in a circle, usually defines the area around or behind the actual pit.
jumping up and down and pushing forward would be thrashing, basically thrashing is evreything except moshing, thrashing is usually heaviest at the front of the stage but depending on the size of the crowd can stretch to the back of the club or hall if the crowd is fully into it. the thrashers because of their up close postition to the stage are often the ones stage divers use to climb on and dive into.
10-18-2004, 05:14 PM
OMGOSH!! that was such a good show. So many sXe kids...i was so happy to be able to be a part of it. me and Weston were dancin like none other. Me and Weston have planned to take my camera to shows and we will post the filming here so you guys can have a look.
About Mormons and sXe i cannot disagree with you. This is how i started. Its so great to be sXe though, and if you guys want to see any filming talk to me or Weston my msn is and when we have the filming i am sure we will give it to you.
10-18-2004, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch
OMGOSH!! that was such a good show. So many sXe kids...i was so happy to be able to be a part of it. me and Weston were dancin like none other. Me and Weston have planned to take my camera to shows and we will post the filming here so you guys can have a look.
About Mormons and sXe i cannot disagree with you. This is how i started. Its so great to be sXe though, and if you guys want to see any filming talk to me or Weston my msn is and when we have the filming i am sure we will give it to you.
you guys using 3 chip?
10-18-2004, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch
OMGOSH!! that was such a good show. So many sXe kids...i was so happy to be able to be a part of it. me and Weston were dancin like none other. Me and Weston have planned to take my camera to shows and we will post the filming here so you guys can have a look.
About Mormons and sXe i cannot disagree with you. This is how i started. Its so great to be sXe though, and if you guys want to see any filming talk to me or Weston my msn is and when we have the filming i am sure we will give it to you.
i'd be happy to just see a couple still shots of any shows, this goes for everyone. thx
10-18-2004, 08:46 PM
the terms for dancing/moshing/etc... depend on where you are... everybody I knew called it dancing here and then within like a year it all changed to mosh.... whatever. has a few short clips...
honestly there isn't much out there documented well.
10-19-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by veganedge
the terms for dancing/moshing/etc... depend on where you are... everybody I knew called it dancing here and then within like a year it all changed to mosh.... whatever. has a few short clips...
honestly there isn't much out there documented well.
yeah, whatev for sure. i do see that lots of kids use the term dancing now, it just sounds so funny and counter to what is really happening, i just get this hilarious image of kids doing like the waltz or ballroom dancing in the pit when i hear the word "dance" used in regards to hc.
10-19-2004, 03:40 PM
HAHA yeah, we call it Dancing here because i dont knwo about you guys but here we HATE moshers in our pit...i was at the bled and tore a ligiment because of that. so i refer it to dancing because moshing sounds like i just run around and push people. i agree though, i could see ppl thinking Dancing as a funny wayto put it.
10-19-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch
HAHA yeah, we call it Dancing here because i dont knwo about you guys but here we HATE moshers in our pit...i was at the bled and tore a ligiment because of that. so i refer it to dancing because moshing sounds like i just run around and push people. i agree though, i could see ppl thinking Dancing as a funny wayto put it.
you hate moshers?
10-19-2004, 03:58 PM
no, i dont hate moshers...i just hate mixed pits...its to disorganized. If they want to mosh they can make a pit and i will stay out of it...i just dont like it when they mosh in the dance pit.
10-19-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch
no, i dont hate moshers...i just hate mixed pits...its to disorganized. If they want to mosh they can make a pit and i will stay out of it...i just dont like it when they mosh in the dance pit.
hardcore dancing is moshing. it has been called moshing forever. floorpunching is moshing. spin kicks is moshing. 2 steps is moshing.
10-19-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by veganedge
the terms for dancing/moshing/etc... depend on where you are
10-19-2004, 05:23 PM
moshing seems pretty universal to me, at least as far as dancing at hardcore shows goes.
10-19-2004, 07:21 PM
10-19-2004, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by xJoeyNormalx
no, it really doesn't.
10-20-2004, 03:58 AM
Well, here in NZ, I've never heard "moshing" being used to describe what we HXC kids do to each other in the circle; only what people at big rock gigs do when they vaguely jump up and down pushing forward. I've never heard the term thrashing before. Spinkicks and the like are known as hardcore dancing.
Evidently, it's different where you are. So...the meaning's change from place-to-place.
10-20-2004, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by xJoeyNormalx
Well, here in NZ, I've never heard "moshing" being used to describe what we HXC kids do to each other in the circle; only what people at big rock gigs do when they vaguely jump up and down pushing forward. I've never heard the term thrashing before. Spinkicks and the like are known as hardcore dancing.
Evidently, it's different where you are. So...the meaning's change from place-to-place.
in relation to hardcore the meaning of moshing remains the same.
10-20-2004, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by xJoeyNormalx
Well, here in NZ, I've never heard "moshing" being used to describe what we HXC kids do to each other in the circle; only what people at big rock gigs do when they vaguely jump up and down pushing forward. I've never heard the term thrashing before. Spinkicks and the like are known as hardcore dancing.
Evidently, it's different where you are. So...the meaning's change from place-to-place.
so I guess where the "hardcore dancing" takes place isn't called a mosh pit either then?
10-20-2004, 01:29 PM
here it is called a straight edge pit. But obviously it is called something else wherever you go. hahah here it is either death star fighting (kind of a joke), Hardcore dancing....or just dancing...but the way you say these things depends on the kind of person you ar etalking to. someone that doesnt "dance" you would probobly say Hardcore dancing or Straightedging, they would then prolly know what oyu are talking about. to another straightedger you would prolly say dancing.
10-20-2004, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch
here it is called a straight edge pit. But obviously it is called something else wherever you go. hahah here it is either death star fighting (kind of a joke), Hardcore dancing....or just dancing...but the way you say these things depends on the kind of person you ar etalking to. someone that doesnt "dance" you would probobly say Hardcore dancing or Straightedging, they would then prolly know what oyu are talking about. to another straightedger you would prolly say dancing.
no it really isn't. the fact that you guys use the term "straightedging" is seriously suspect and lame, especially in terms of dancing.
10-20-2004, 01:39 PM
yeah man i'm straightedging in the straight edge pit, im so straightedge.
10-20-2004, 01:42 PM
HAHAH!! alright then, come over to Utah and tell me that. Its just the way people say things, i dont think we should be making such abig deal out of it. I mean, i didnt say Moshing was a stupid way to word it. Moshing, Dancing, Straight Edging, Harcore dancing...its all the same, we are all "dancing..moshing w/e". We are all into the same stuff, who cares what it is called.
10-20-2004, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch
HAHAH!! alright then, come over to Utah and tell me that. Its just the way people say things, i dont think we should be making such abig deal out of it. I mean, i didnt say Moshing was a stupid way to word it. Moshing, Dancing, Straight Edging, Harcore dancing...its all the same, we are all "dancing..moshing w/e". We are all into the same stuff, who cares what it is called.
straight edging is seriously the dumbest thing I've ever heard. especially when you guys are talking about it in terms of a band like bleeding through. "dude that was some sick straight edging you just did"
10-20-2004, 01:48 PM
haha like i said in two posts earlier.....IT DEPENDDS ON THE PERSON YOU ARE TALKING TO...get it that time? ok, say you were talking to someone not sXe he would prolly think when you said moshing, that you werent sXe (no tthat that really matters) so you might want to say Harcore dancing or even straight edging, if you were talking to some who was sXe you would prolly say Dancing or Harcore these terms may only apply in Utah.
10-20-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch
HAHAH!! alright then, come over to Utah and tell me that. Its just the way people say things, i dont think we should be making such abig deal out of it. I mean, i didnt say Moshing was a stupid way to word it. Moshing, Dancing, Straight Edging, Harcore dancing...its all the same, we are all "dancing..moshing w/e". We are all into the same stuff, who cares what it is called.
cause some things are just lame. and the further people move away from the real deal the faster sxe becomes another generic scene that anyone with an afi tee and a magic marker calls their own.
10-20-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch
haha like i said in two posts earlier.....IT DEPENDDS ON THE PERSON YOU ARE TALKING TO...get it that time? ok, say you were talking to someone not sXe he would prolly think when you said moshing, that you werent sXe (no tthat that really matters) so you might want to say Harcore dancing or even straight edging, if you were talking to some who was sXe you would prolly say Dancing or Harcore these terms may only apply in Utah.
who you're talking to doesn't make it any less stupid. calling it straight edging is fucking dumb. there's nothing straight edge about dancing. that's like calling singing along straight edging. or walking.
10-20-2004, 01:54 PM
hahah ok, this is the last thing i have to say about this because i can see we arent coming to a compromise here. In Utah, dancing has a lot to do with being straight that that is said, are we done with this? k good.
so Tonight is Fear Before The March Of Flames!!! WOOHOO, i think me and Weston are going to take a camera up there, get a video...maybe some still so yeah, if you want any just talk to us on msn or even here. cool.
10-20-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch
hahah ok, this is the last thing i have to say about this because i can see we arent coming to a compromise here. In Utah, dancing has a lot to do with being straight that that is said, are we done with this? k good.
so Tonight is Fear Before The March Of Flames!!! WOOHOO, i think me and Weston are going to take a camera up there, get a video...maybe some still so yeah, if you want any just talk to us on msn or even here. cool.
so what do you do when it's not a straight edge band? or someone is dancing and not straight edge? that's why it's incredibly stupid to call it straight edging.
10-20-2004, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch
hahah ok, this is the last thing i have to say about this because i can see we arent coming to a compromise here. In Utah, dancing has a lot to do with being straight that that is said, are we done with this? k good.
so Tonight is Fear Before The March Of Flames!!! WOOHOO, i think me and Weston are going to take a camera up there, get a video...maybe some still so yeah, if you want any just talk to us on msn or even here. cool.
just be sure to get some footage of you guys straightedging in the straightedge pit cause that would be so straightedge.
10-20-2004, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by XracerX
just be sure to get some footage of you guys straightedging in the straightedge pit cause that would be so straightedge.
don't you mean smurf?
10-20-2004, 02:00 PM
thanx racer we shall =D.
10-20-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by xsecx
don't you mean smurf?
10-20-2004, 04:17 PM
ok so i just spent some time searching the internet for straight edging and utah, guess what i found?
i then decided to search for a straight edge pit!
again nothing!
i then searched for utah mosh pits, moshing and just utah straight edge in general.
basically i read a lot of different sites and found no mention of straightedging or straight edge pits but a shit load of sites talking about straightedge and moshing/mosh pits.
It seems to remain conclusive that apart from you and your friends the rest of the world including people in utah are calling it moshing and mosh pits.
10-20-2004, 04:56 PM good for you. i just dont understand why any of those phrases would be on the net...either way though, you guys are to cool for much more hardcore.
10-20-2004, 06:17 PM
i was at this show, made the 4 hour drive to come see bleeding through, the pits were crazy and i think brandon(vox) stepped on my glasses cause i know they got stepped on and both ear pieces r gone, i was walking around like morhpeus from the matrix for a week. show kicked major ass. i met this pretty cool girl there too, dont remember her name or anything though :( ...
10-21-2004, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by Kickafterpunch good for you. i just dont understand why any of those phrases would be on the net...either way though, you guys are to cool for much more hardcore.
if you say so?
Just backing up what i'm saying really, its just odd that i've spoke to people from utah and lots of places and i have never heard the terms you are using before.
10-23-2004, 01:22 AM
The term straight edging is a term used by most of the kids that dont know anything about sXe. They just think that all they do is beat the shit out of people who drink and smoke. So they just say they are sXe and they are straight edging. i dont know if im making sence. but now you guys are going to make fun of me now.
10-23-2004, 02:53 AM
Easy on the new kid people. We don't want new people to flee from here like they do from that other Edge forum, whose name I won't mention...
That said, calling dancing straightedging is nonsensical and hilarious, but, hey, so's the rest of Utah
Originally posted by xsecx
so I guess where the "hardcore dancing" takes place isn't called a mosh pit either then?
Point taken. Occassionally, it's called the mosh pit, or more often the just pit. People call it the dancefloor too though, or the circle, or the semi-circle, or...
Originally posted by straightXed
in relation to hardcore the meaning of moshing remains the same.
I go to hardcore shows 1-3 times a week. I routinely travel to other cities for gigs. Admittedly, New Zealand is quite small, so I don't travel very far. At these shows, people have spoken about hardcore dancing not moshing. The only time I've heard people talking about kids moshing has been when they've been complaining about people jumping up and down in the loser wall* up front.
[* Another nice NZ term. At most of our gigs, there's no stage and no security (unless you count 50+ hardcore kids who all know each other, and most of the bands, and have each other's backs "security"). Everyone stands in a semi-circle around the band (not closer 'cause of the kids representing). The dancefloor extends from wherever the band is back as far as we can push everyone else... At some internationals though, and one local band who I won't name, annoying kids who come to no other shows come out and jump around like they're at an arena rock show or something, creating a loser-wall between the kids who wanna dance and the band, so we can't sing along.]
That said, I'm not arguing that it's wrong to call hardcore dancing moshing. I'm just arguing that the words people use vary from country to country, and presumably from state to state and city to city as well.
I can't see how anyone could disagree with that. Do you really think that kids in Britain, Aussie, NZ, and the US all use the same slang? I mean, even though we nominally speak the same language, the colloquialisms we use for everything else are different, so why should hardcore jargon be universally identical?
10-23-2004, 07:21 AM
Originally posted by xJoeyNormalx
Easy on the new kid people. We don't want new people to flee from here like they do from that other Edge forum, whose name I won't mention...
That said, calling dancing straightedging is nonsensical and hilarious, but, hey, so's the rest of Utah
Point taken. Occassionally, it's called the mosh pit, or more often the just pit. People call it the dancefloor too though, or the circle, or the semi-circle, or...
I go to hardcore shows 1-3 times a week. I routinely travel to other cities for gigs. Admittedly, New Zealand is quite small, so I don't travel very far. At these shows, people have spoken about hardcore dancing not moshing. The only time I've heard people talking about kids moshing has been when they've been complaining about people jumping up and down in the loser wall* up front.
[* Another nice NZ term. At most of our gigs, there's no stage and no security (unless you count 50+ hardcore kids who all know each other, and most of the bands, and have each other's backs "security"). Everyone stands in a semi-circle around the band (not closer 'cause of the kids representing). The dancefloor extends from wherever the band is back as far as we can push everyone else... At some internationals though, and one local band who I won't name, annoying kids who come to no other shows come out and jump around like they're at an arena rock show or something, creating a loser-wall between the kids who wanna dance and the band, so we can't sing along.]
That said, I'm not arguing that it's wrong to call hardcore dancing moshing. I'm just arguing that the words people use vary from country to country, and presumably from state to state and city to city as well.
I can't see how anyone could disagree with that. Do you really think that kids in Britain, Aussie, NZ, and the US all use the same slang? I mean, even though we nominally speak the same language, the colloquialisms we use for everything else are different, so why should hardcore jargon be universally identical?
I know a few kids in NZ and guess what? They call it moshing too, i'm not saying everyone will have the same slang just that in reference to hardcore the word mosh is universal, it gets used in other contexts by people i don't dispute that but its also present in its correct (again in reference to hardcore) context and terminology. Its something that has always been involved in hardcore. Like the links i posted prooved - people in utah do refer to it as moshing, and i can find proof that people in NZ refer to it as that as well. You might call it something else and thats fine but its been defined well enough to be known universally as a term for hardcore dancing, not exclusively, but it does. And if you can tell exactly where i said anything to the contrary then it would make your post valid. I mean in my town moshing is what heavy metal fans do, they stand there headbanging and that is what they call moshing but when i am at hardcore shows and in the mosh pit i don't see anyone headbanging. All i have ever said that in the hardcore context moshing is hardcore dancing, i stand by that and i don't get it confused with headbanging and/or anything that isn't relative to that hardcore context i am speaking of.
you know what? i don't give a fuck!
just do it!
10-23-2004, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by SgtD
you know what? i don't give a fuck!
just do it!
ooo, nike!
10-23-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by xJoeyNormalx
That said, calling dancing straightedging is nonsensical and hilarious, but, hey, so's the rest of Utah
HAHAHA yeah utah is crazy
10-23-2004, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
I know a few kids in NZ and guess what?
True? Name'em, the NZ scene's pretty small, I might've met them...
10-23-2004, 07:12 PM
so I guess where the "hardcore dancing" takes place isn't called a mosh pit either then?
I totally agree with xsecx that within the hardcore community kids will know what you mean, but mainstream people will not understand. That's why I refer to it as dancing... whatever. It really doesn't matter.
10-23-2004, 07:13 PM
oh yeah....
never heard it refered to as straightedging, and I also think that is stupid... weakening sxe one step at a time.
10-23-2004, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by xJoeyNormalx
True? Name'em, the NZ scene's pretty small, I might've met them...
you met carlton?
10-23-2004, 11:58 PM
Dude from the North Shore? Mates with Lucas?
10-24-2004, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by xJoeyNormalx
Dude from the North Shore? Mates with Lucas?
Originally posted by straightXed
ooo, nike!
haha, that's not what i was refering to...
10-24-2004, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by SgtD
haha, that's not what i was refering to...
sure, you know your all about the corperate slogan really :)
Originally posted by straightXed
sure, you know your all about the corperate slogan really :)
and i wear nike all the time.
10-24-2004, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by SgtD
and i wear nike all the time.
me toooooooo!
11-15-2004, 10:59 AM
Whats it called when your in a big circle and it looks like a bunch of kids are in there own little area doing what seems like karate moves in rythm.
B/c thats what I do, and we strut too.
but I dont know if strut is the same any other place.
11-15-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by xTragicx
Whats it called when your in a big circle and it looks like a bunch of kids are in there own little area doing what seems like karate moves in rythm.
B/c thats what I do, and we strut too.
but I dont know if strut is the same any other place.
what type of katate? Are we talking Kata here or what?
Originally posted by straightXed
what type of katate? Are we talking Kata here or what?
i think he refers to moshing
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