11-17-2004, 04:37 PM
TRIPLE THREAT "A New Chapter" 7-INCH/Enhanced-CDEP (LW-17)
Intense, blistering hardcore that could only be described as the friction between a derailed subway train and the twisted, tearing tracks below. Take fifty layers of powerful guitar shredding and carefully-orchestrated distortion, somehow kept under control by Tim McMahon's finest vocal performance ever, and you have a release that will not only turn heads, but knock you right onto the tracks. Between the commanding percussive work and pulse-stopping bass lines of a unrelenting rhythm section, lay guest vocals that couldn't have matched the music's intensity had they not been executed by Matt Warnke (BOLD, Running Like Thieves). Fans of Bl'ast!, Black Flag, SSD and Judge take notice.
Features ex/current members of Mouthpiece, Hands Tied, Face The Enemy, The Killing Flame and The First Step.
AVAILABLE NOW in the LIVEWIRE Records Online Store at www.livewire-records.com!
If you'd like to order via mail, checks/MO can be made out to:
Livewire Records, Inc.
c/o Peter J. Russo
2308 Colston Dr. #201
Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA
TRIPLE THREAT "A New Chapter" 7-inch (LW-17)
$6 US / $8 CanMex / $10 Euro
TRIPLE THREAT "A New Chapter" Enhanced-CDEP (LW-17)
$10 US / $11 CanMex / $13 Euro
ORDER BOTH for only
$14 US / $15 CanMex / $17 Euro
T-shirts, CDs, vinyl, posters and MORE at www.livewire-records.com!
Distro rates available! Questions? russo@livewire-records.com
Intense, blistering hardcore that could only be described as the friction between a derailed subway train and the twisted, tearing tracks below. Take fifty layers of powerful guitar shredding and carefully-orchestrated distortion, somehow kept under control by Tim McMahon's finest vocal performance ever, and you have a release that will not only turn heads, but knock you right onto the tracks. Between the commanding percussive work and pulse-stopping bass lines of a unrelenting rhythm section, lay guest vocals that couldn't have matched the music's intensity had they not been executed by Matt Warnke (BOLD, Running Like Thieves). Fans of Bl'ast!, Black Flag, SSD and Judge take notice.
Features ex/current members of Mouthpiece, Hands Tied, Face The Enemy, The Killing Flame and The First Step.
AVAILABLE NOW in the LIVEWIRE Records Online Store at www.livewire-records.com!
If you'd like to order via mail, checks/MO can be made out to:
Livewire Records, Inc.
c/o Peter J. Russo
2308 Colston Dr. #201
Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA
TRIPLE THREAT "A New Chapter" 7-inch (LW-17)
$6 US / $8 CanMex / $10 Euro
TRIPLE THREAT "A New Chapter" Enhanced-CDEP (LW-17)
$10 US / $11 CanMex / $13 Euro
ORDER BOTH for only
$14 US / $15 CanMex / $17 Euro
T-shirts, CDs, vinyl, posters and MORE at www.livewire-records.com!
Distro rates available! Questions? russo@livewire-records.com