View Full Version : SXE Hard-Core
Space Jesus
11-23-2004, 03:27 PM
I go to alot of hard-core / SxE-core shows in my area, and I notice different thigs about different scene and people.
I would like some feedback/answers for my questions/comments.
I notice that...
1. my local sXe-core shows, The 'EDGE kids' tend to dance & shit in the pit, but also hit kids seeking refuge against the walls and in corners. (why do these kids hit people who are going ou of there way to avoid the violence and just enjoy the show?)
2. at my local Hard-Core shows the 'CORE kids' keep the dancing/fighting in the pit and if you're not in the pit they don't bother you.
3. local 'SXE kids' like to start fights with people who do not share their ideas and practices, but who like to attend SXE shows.
4. some 'SXE kids' take their 'edge' to another level and go out looking for non-edge kids to fight.
5. some friends of mine who are edge are cool with my choice to not be 'edge' I have much repect for any, and every 'Straight XXX Edge' person who i like this, and my local scene is in need of more like you.
**I realize that the 'sxe kids' I talk about represent only themselves and not the whole SXE community and I am not saying that all EDGE kids are like this. I hope that very few are actually like this. The above is just a list of things I see in my local scene. Please feel free to reply or to email me. I'd like to talk politics & philosophy with anyone.**
11-23-2004, 03:29 PM
how are there 2 differen't scenes when one is a major part of the other? How are the edge kids not at the hardcore shows?
Space Jesus
11-23-2004, 03:47 PM
There are SXE kids at HXC shows. But those shows are mainly HXC kids (a small number of SXE).
and there are HXC kids at SXE shows, but the SXE kids are in the majority at those shows. I was just saying that there is a little difference between the atmosphere of the two crowds at the shows.
HXC and SXE are closely related and they clash all the time.
I'm not HXC or SXE so I see both sides with Indifference.
11-23-2004, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Space Jesus
There are SXE kids at HXC shows. But those shows are mainly HXC kids (a small number of SXE).
and there are HXC kids at SXE shows, but the SXE kids are in the majority at those shows. I was just saying that there is a little difference between the atmosphere of the two crowds at the shows.
HXC and SXE are closely related and they clash all the time.
I'm not HXC or SXE so I see both sides with Indifference.
I guess what I'm saying is, most shows won't have a straight edge only bill since frankly there aren't that many edge bands out right now, so I don't get what you're saying.
11-23-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Space Jesus
I notice that...
1. my local sXe-core shows, The 'EDGE kids' tend to dance & shit in the pit,
i have never seen anyone shit in the pit, do they do that while dancing?
Space Jesus
11-23-2004, 04:13 PM
What I mean is:
example show:
xnamelessx (SXE)
Kyds vs Columbus (HXC)
Where Eagles Dare (SXE)
The Bled (HXC)
see during the 1st band a pit breaks out and people either get into the pit or they get agaist the wall. kids in the pit will dance in the pit but also jump into the kids against the wall. Eventually all the kids against the wall will be forced to go outside to avoid getting hurt.
Durring the 2nd band a pit breaks out and people either go in front of the stage, the back of the room, against the wall, or into the pit. The dancing and/or fighting usually stays in the pit. the people in front of the stage get hit a little bit, those in the back get hit only a little bit and those against the wall don't get hit at all.
durring the 3rd band the pit is a mix of the first two and usually more fights break out.
durring the 4th band the whole room is dancing (dancing, not 'picking up change' or that 'SXE dance') and a pit is int he center. The pit kids might hit kids on the edge of the pit, but they don't bother kids on the wall, in the back, or in the front.
I hope I described it well enough. I wonder if it's only like this here or if this is usual in any scene.
My point is, The SXE kids that go to shows here, are
1. Prone to random outbursts of Violence.
2. Show little regaurd for those who come to
shows with no intention of participating in the pit
3. Unaware or don't care that they are intentionally
hurting others.
4. Making shows unenjoyable to others who are
weaker than them, and who just a\want to watch
the show.
I am not saying that this is how all SXE kids are, and I know many cool SXE kids who do not act like this. I mean no disrepect to anyone. I am just wondering if anyone knows why this happens. I would like to talk to anyone who IS like what I described.
Space Jesus
11-23-2004, 04:46 PM
Is anyone her from Phoenix, Arizona?
11-23-2004, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by straightXed
i have never seen anyone shit in the pit, do they do that while dancing?
I wondered the same thing. It'd get messy after a bit, don't you think?
11-23-2004, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by Space Jesus
What I mean is:
example show:
xnamelessx (SXE)
Kyds vs Columbus (HXC)
Where Eagles Dare (SXE)
The Bled (HXC)
see during the 1st band a pit breaks out and people either get into the pit or they get agaist the wall. kids in the pit will dance in the pit but also jump into the kids against the wall. Eventually all the kids against the wall will be forced to go outside to avoid getting hurt.
Durring the 2nd band a pit breaks out and people either go in front of the stage, the back of the room, against the wall, or into the pit. The dancing and/or fighting usually stays in the pit. the people in front of the stage get hit a little bit, those in the back get hit only a little bit and those against the wall don't get hit at all.
durring the 3rd band the pit is a mix of the first two and usually more fights break out.
durring the 4th band the whole room is dancing (dancing, not 'picking up change' or that 'SXE dance') and a pit is int he center. The pit kids might hit kids on the edge of the pit, but they don't bother kids on the wall, in the back, or in the front.
I hope I described it well enough. I wonder if it's only like this here or if this is usual in any scene.
My point is, The SXE kids that go to shows here, are
1. Prone to random outbursts of Violence.
2. Show little regaurd for those who come to
shows with no intention of participating in the pit
3. Unaware or don't care that they are intentionally
hurting others.
4. Making shows unenjoyable to others who are
weaker than them, and who just a\want to watch
the show.
I am not saying that this is how all SXE kids are, and I know many cool SXE kids who do not act like this. I mean no disrepect to anyone. I am just wondering if anyone knows why this happens. I would like to talk to anyone who IS like what I described.
that sxe dance? I also find it hard to believe that kids only dance like dicks during edge bands.
Space Jesus
11-24-2004, 03:32 PM
I wouldn't call it "dancing like dicks". and yeah, there are dicks at HXC shows, but for the most part they're only violent assholes to others in the pit(not people agaist the wall)
I guess my question was lost...
All I was wondering was "Is it common in other SXE/HXC
scenes for people to go out of
their way to be violent(not just
dancing or getting into the show)?"
Maybe it has nothing to do with SXE or HXC at all.
Maybe it's just the kids that frequent SXE HXC shows here
happen to be assholes.
Maybe 'real SXE' kids are cool and respectful.
This is likely to be the answer,I guess.
11-24-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Space Jesus
All I was wondering was "Is it common in other SXE/HXC
scenes for people to go out of
their way to be violent(not just
dancing or getting into the show)?"
well one of the best things about the scene for me is going to shows and still being blown away by how "nice" everyone is. sure there is intense moshing going on but i can't believe how careful people are to try and Not hurt anyone outright, esp the stage divers, everyone always makes sure they are caught before they hit the floor and when someone would stumble and fall in the pit or circle it always seemed like there were plenty of hands pulling them back onto their feet. coming from the old school punk rock days this is a big difference and felt amazing when i first discovered hardcore in the (dare i say ) early eighties.
* i should add however that in the old days things were different esp. outside in the parking lots. there were lots of fights. i see less fighting now though ( i see less gigs period now) but there used to be alot of fighting going on.
sharps vs. lads vs. V13 vs. skins vs. fucking everyone, etc, etc.
there were fights inside too but it seemed things got much worse outside when everyone could see what clique/gang everyone was hanging with.
good times... (wipes a nostalgic_tear from eye).
Space Jesus
11-24-2004, 11:02 PM
Maybe it just seems like everyone is an asshole because a 'handfull' of kids are fucking up the shows, making it looking like more than it is...
11-25-2004, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Space Jesus
Is anyone her from Phoenix, Arizona?
Im from Tucson, but ive seen WED countless times. Also, I dont think they are a SXE band. If youre thinking xFISTFIGHTx, theyre straight edge (obviously).
*edit* Id also like to add that kids here dance really hard, so if you dont wanna get hit, you dont come to shows. It might seem fucked up, but thats how it is, and nobody complains when they get hit. Its hardcore, shows often tend to turn into testosterone fest 2k4, but who cares? Oh damn, someone lightly pelted me in the arm, guess Id better go outside.
Space Jesus
11-25-2004, 02:08 AM
exactly my point.
That is what it is turning out to be,
"if you dont wanna get hit, you dont come to shows", and that's a
pretty shitty way to look at it. When I talk about getting kit at shows I dont mean getting bumped into, I mean people going completely out of their way to hit people.
I know what you mean by
"shows often tend to turn into testosterone fest 2k4."
It's unfortunate that it has come down to that.
I know that HXC and SXE kids are smarter and more understanding than that.
If you can understand how drugs & ect. negatively effect you and chose not to succumb to that out of respect for yourself, Then I know you are compassionate enough to understand that some kids just want to go to a HXC show to see the show and not to get into the pit. These people go out of their way, to avoid getting in the way of people dancing. It's really shitty when people want to go see good bands but are too afraid to go because other kids are carelessly violent.
I don't want to quit going to see good bands because I'm smaller and weaker than other people there.
I know that without this senseless violence the scene would be a lot better. Not to say that everybody I see at shows is an out-of-control violent masoginist, (Lots of guys are really cool and help you if you need it) but enough are that it's negatively effcting the entire scene.
11-25-2004, 02:19 AM
Its not turnign out to be anything, its been like that pretty much since its existance. Its Hardcore, the name alone should tell you something about it. The music is more violent, therefor the dancing obviously gets more aggressive and violent.
When I was a new kid in the scene I would stand 3+ rows back form the pit, and people would still go out of their way to go and hit other people, but I sucked it up and enjoyed the show. Usually when a good band is playign my adrenaline is pumping anyway, so when I get hit its not like Im not expecting it. And the smaller and weaker thing doesnt work too well, Ive seen little ass kids hold their own against giant guys.
What Im trying to say is if you dont like the way shows are, then dont go. Its always been this way, and probably always will be. Hell, maybe thats just the Arizona scene, maybe Im just accustomed to aggression and intense dancing.
11-25-2004, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Space Jesus
exactly my point.
That is what it is turning out to be,
"if you dont wanna get hit, you dont come to shows", and that's a
pretty shitty way to look at it. When I talk about getting kit at shows I dont mean getting bumped into, I mean people going completely out of their way to hit people.
I know what you mean by
"shows often tend to turn into testosterone fest 2k4."
It's unfortunate that it has come down to that.
I know that HXC and SXE kids are smarter and more understanding than that.
If you can understand how drugs & ect. negatively effect you and chose not to succumb to that out of respect for yourself, Then I know you are compassionate enough to understand that some kids just want to go to a HXC show to see the show and not to get into the pit. These people go out of their way, to avoid getting in the way of people dancing. It's really shitty when people want to go see good bands but are too afraid to go because other kids are carelessly violent.
I don't want to quit going to see good bands because I'm smaller and weaker than other people there.
I know that without this senseless violence the scene would be a lot better. Not to say that everybody I see at shows is an out-of-control violent masoginist, (Lots of guys are really cool and help you if you need it) but enough are that it's negatively effcting the entire scene.
yeah but what you're talking about is kids being dicks which isn't bound to straight edge. I've known a bunch of edge kids that are dicks. I've known a bunch of non edge kids that are dicks. it happens, especially when you're talking about a scene that essentially is fueled by anger and aggression.
Space Jesus
11-27-2004, 03:10 AM
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