View Full Version : Am I still edge?

12-01-2004, 01:49 PM
I've been edge for 2 years until about a month ago. It was a really hard time for me with a family member killing herself, another being thrown in jail, and a third gone missing. During this time, I also met a beautiful young woman. Little did I know, she was a stoner. One day afer school, I went over to her house and she was smoking with one of her friends. I was extrememly hesitant because I knew exactly what I was doing, and I have a lot of edge friends who I knew would give me $h** for breaking it, which I have never done before. Immediatly after breaking, I regreted it. I didn't like it either. I felt so much love for edge after because I knew what it was like to NOT be edge, and I hated it. I guess what I'm trying to ask is if its still ok for me to claim edge?

12-01-2004, 02:01 PM
it's ultimately up to you. I've known a lot of people that have sold out. some reclaimed later after a while because they realized that they really would rather live drug free. It's something you're going to have to answer yourself. Is this the life for you. is this how you want to live it or is it just a label you're using as a shield.

12-01-2004, 03:11 PM
i love being edge. now that i know what its like to NOT be edge, i love edge more. Im glad to hear at least someone doesnt mind me breaking and going back.

12-01-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by normaxjeanxcore
i love being edge. now that i know what its like to NOT be edge, i love edge more. Im glad to hear at least someone doesnt mind me breaking and going back.
life's too short to worry about what others think about you. live the life you want to and know that ultimately only you can decide if your sxe or not. if you decide it's for you then help support it buy buying sxe merch ( band cds, shirts, sxe.com shirts, hoodies, etc...) and going to shows. life can be very tough but we all have the strength to live strong if we decide to.

12-01-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by xcyberkillx
life's too short to worry about what others think about you. live the life you want to and know that ultimately only you can decide if your sxe or not. if you decide it's for you then help support it buy buying sxe merch ( band cds, shirts, sxe.com shirts, hoodies, etc...) and going to shows. life can be very tough but we all have the strength to live strong if we decide to. amen. do you knwo any good places to shop online for sXe merch?

12-01-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by normaxjeanxcore
amen. do you knwo any good places to shop online for sXe merch?
for clothes, right here. http://sxe.com/clothes.php

cd's and stuff, go to your fav bands record label site or the band site.

12-01-2004, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by xcyberkillx
for clothes, right here. http://sxe.com/clothes.php

cd's and stuff, go to your fav bands record label site or the band site. Thanks. Im gonna pick up that skull shirt for sure. Whats the shipping info ie how much, how long?

12-01-2004, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by normaxjeanxcore
Thanks. Im gonna pick up that skull shirt for sure. Whats the shipping info ie how much, how long?
click on the shirt you want, add it to your cart and it will tell you all you need to know....they ship real fast. oh yeah and tell em walden sent you. ha ha ha.

12-01-2004, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by xwaldencorex
click on the shirt you want, add it to your cart and it will tell you all you need to know....they ship real fast. oh yeah and tell em walden sent you. ha ha ha. do you know them or something? cuz im broke and a discount would kick a$$.

12-01-2004, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by normaxjeanxcore
do you know them or something? cuz im broke and a discount would kick a$$.

dude this is their site.

12-01-2004, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by xwaldencorex
dude this is their site. Im not exactly sure what you meant by that so im gonna tell them you sent me anyways and just see what happens

12-01-2004, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by normaxjeanxcore
Im not exactly sure what you meant by that so im gonna tell them you sent me anyways and just see what happens
i mean that the people ( or rather the person) who run and monitor this message board are the same who sell those clothes. the link was from the home page of this site. sxe.com. thus all your questions are being read by those you wish to ask. i'm just filling in the blanks. welcome to sxe.com. smile, big D is watching you.

12-01-2004, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by xwaldencorex
i mean that the people ( or rather the person) who run and monitor this message board are the same who sell those clothes. the link was from the home page of this site. sxe.com. thus all your questions are being read by those you wish to ask. i'm just filling in the blanks. welcome to sxe.com. smile, big D is watching you. I understood that much, just not why you told me to tell them you sent me. im sorry. I should have clarified myself a little more last time.

12-01-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by normaxjeanxcore
just not why you told me to tell them you sent me.

12-01-2004, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by xwaldencorex
joke. ah. gotcha.

12-02-2004, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by normaxjeanxcore
I've been edge for 2 years until about a month ago. It was a really hard time for me with a family member killing herself, another being thrown in jail, and a third gone missing. During this time, I also met a beautiful young woman. Little did I know, she was a stoner. One day afer school, I went over to her house and she was smoking with one of her friends. I was extrememly hesitant because I knew exactly what I was doing, and I have a lot of edge friends who I knew would give me $h** for breaking it, which I have never done before. Immediatly after breaking, I regreted it. I didn't like it either. I felt so much love for edge after because I knew what it was like to NOT be edge, and I hated it. I guess what I'm trying to ask is if its still ok for me to claim edge?

i already replyed but am curious what anyone else has to say about this.

12-02-2004, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by xwaldencorex
i already replyed but am curious what anyone else has to say about this.

It just raises questions for me on how we deal with grief, the grieving process, how much control we have over it. with the control and suggestive power over an ingrained reaction high high is the risk of denile or wallowing, if a middle ground is where one wants to be how much self assesment is needed....bla bla and a pleortha of other thoughts, i couldn't give a shit if someone smoked a spliff to be honest, its obviously not edge to smoke pot but i am not defined by straightedge i am defined by me. As much as i like straightedge and hardcore it doesn't come close to who i am and it really doesn't concern me all that much if i am gieving.

02-25-2006, 06:31 PM
I've been edge for 2 years until about a month ago. It was a really hard time for me with a family member killing herself, another being thrown in jail, and a third gone missing. During this time, I also met a beautiful young woman. Little did I know, she was a stoner. One day afer school, I went over to her house and she was smoking with one of her friends. I was extrememly hesitant because I knew exactly what I was doing, and I have a lot of edge friends who I knew would give me $h** for breaking it, which I have never done before. Immediatly after breaking, I regreted it. I didn't like it either. I felt so much love for edge after because I knew what it was like to NOT be edge, and I hated it. I guess what I'm trying to ask is if its still ok for me to claim edge?

I think that it's fine man. a. It's your choice. It's up to you to define yourself. Edge isn't defined by one thing, or even three things. I, personally, don't see you as even really losing your edge. I don't think that you can ever truly be straight without understanding what you're being straight about. Personally, I haven't smoked, because it's not who I am. I've gotten drunk once, and the negative effects was that I was hit by a car while skating. I think you just have to continue to support your local bands, and try to make those around you see how they're making mistakes and hurting themselves, though it may feel good at the time.

02-25-2006, 11:06 PM
I think that it's fine man. a. It's your choice. It's up to you to define yourself. Edge isn't defined by one thing, or even three things. I, personally, don't see you as even really losing your edge. I don't think that you can ever truly be straight without understanding what you're being straight about. Personally, I haven't smoked, because it's not who I am. I've gotten drunk once, and the negative effects was that I was hit by a car while skating. I think you just have to continue to support your local bands, and try to make those around you see how they're making mistakes and hurting themselves, though it may feel good at the time.

how is it up to the individual to define it?

02-26-2006, 01:18 PM
how is it up to the individual to define it?
Because everyone is different.

I've known drug addicts that have decided to turn edge, because they've realized that they've been making mistakes. But they had to take drugs while they were in the state of realization, because they needed to, as to not suffer from withdrawl. I don't really know how to say this....okay. Basically, people are edge because of what they believe in. They believe of being poison free. But not everyone classifies alchohol as poison. The American Heart Association said that a glass of wine a day, or week (I can't remember) would actually do your heart good. So, that's a decision people have to make.

02-26-2006, 01:21 PM
Because everyone is different.

I've known drug addicts that have decided to turn edge, because they've realized that they've been making mistakes. But they had to take drugs while they were in the state of realization, because they needed to, as to not suffer from withdrawl. I don't really know how to say this....okay. Basically, people are edge because of what they believe in. They believe of being poison free. But not everyone classifies alchohol as poison. The American Heart Association said that a glass of wine a day, or week (I can't remember) would actually do your heart good. So, that's a decision people have to make.

yeah, but that comes down to the reasons why people are drug free. It has nothing to do with an individual defining what straight edge is.

02-26-2006, 09:27 PM
yeah, but that comes down to the reasons why people are drug free. It has nothing to do with an individual defining what straight edge is.

not really. If they have to do drugs, then they aren't drug free. But they're still edge because they're trying to do their body good by doing less. They're also trying to change those that they know are hurting themselves.

And the AHA thing isn't being poison free.

But, D, I think you're right. I did misspeak. I think that it's not up to individual to define what edge is, but it's up to the individual to define how they intend to be edge, what they consider a poison. Or at what point something is a poison.

I think that's what seperates edge kids and hardline kids. And I'm not trying to fight here. Just stating my opinion :-)

02-26-2006, 09:55 PM
not really. If they have to do drugs, then they aren't drug free. But they're still edge because they're trying to do their body good by doing less. They're also trying to change those that they know are hurting themselves.

And the AHA thing isn't being poison free.

But, D, I think you're right. I did misspeak. I think that it's not up to individual to define what edge is, but it's up to the individual to define how they intend to be edge, what they consider a poison. Or at what point something is a poison.

I think that's what seperates edge kids and hardline kids. And I'm not trying to fight here. Just stating my opinion :-)

your first statement contradicts itself and doesn't make any sense.

and your second statement doesn't really make sense either. why is a personal or individual thing at all? If I don't think alcohol is a poison, is it ok to drink it?

lots of things seperate hardline from edge kids, like being vegan, pro-life and animal rights.

02-26-2006, 10:26 PM
your first statement contradicts itself and doesn't make any sense.

and your second statement doesn't really make sense either. why is a personal or individual thing at all? If I don't think alcohol is a poison, is it ok to drink it?

lots of things seperate hardline from edge kids, like being vegan, pro-life and animal rights.

okay let me explain this...

A drug addict sees that drugs are hurting him. So he decides to turn edge. But, while he's decided this (that he's going to be edge), he begins to suffer from withdrawl. So he starts reducing the amount of drugs that he takes. Meanwhile, he's still calling himself edge, because he recognizes the harm in drugs, and he's trying to recover. This is a reason, yes, at the end. But while this is happening, is he still edge? That's what I mean by defining it. Do we (all of us here, reading this) define him as edge? I do consider him edge, and that's what I'm trying to say.

Edge is the concept of being poison free, respecting your body and respecting others. But it's an ideal that not everyone can reach at any given moment. It's our own definition of edge and non-edge, or to be even more simplistic, our definitions of right and wrong, that makes edge what it is, to each one of us individually.. Some edgers say that you can't ever break edge, and if you do, you never were edge to begin with, and will never be edge again. I believe that you can break edge and come back. You can't break it habitually, but you can, because you have to realize WHAT you're fighting against. Know thy enemy, they say.

My second statement addresses a different issue. It's asking this: If you drink one glass of WINE (only wine, remember, because it makes your heart stronger) a week, or one glass a day, is that sacrificing the edge ideal? Is that considered breaking edge, even though it's to benefit your body. If these still don't make sense, just tell me again. It's a bit hard to really put words to my thoughts, because I have so many of them. :-) sorry if it's unclear.

02-26-2006, 11:11 PM
I am a bit late on this one but your not edge anymore. Why does it matter. Whats the difference between someone who is drug free and lives a clean life and someone who does the same and calls them selves straight edge or draws x's on their hands?
I haven't done drugs or drank or had permiscuous sex in 4 years and up until recently I considered my self straight edge. But I think I am lacking one thing crucial to the kids with Xs on their hands, the need to label myself. You guys are realy looking too far into a simply idea if you ask me.

02-27-2006, 05:00 AM
I am a bit late on this one but your not edge anymore. Why does it matter. Whats the difference between someone who is drug free and lives a clean life and someone who does the same and calls them selves straight edge or draws x's on their hands?
I haven't done drugs or drank or had permiscuous sex in 4 years and up until recently I considered my self straight edge. But I think I am lacking one thing crucial to the kids with Xs on their hands, the need to label myself. You guys are realy looking too far into a simply idea if you ask me.

Either I'm just so tired that I read this wrong, or you just said for the last four years you've considered yourself to be sxe which would be giving yourself a label, and the one thing your lacking that seperates you from the kids with x's on their hands is that they label themselves and you don't...man I'm confused. Maybe I am jsut to tired.

Actually ya I kinda know what your getting at now...

02-27-2006, 06:08 AM
okay let me explain this...

A drug addict sees that drugs are hurting him. So he decides to turn edge. But, while he's decided this (that he's going to be edge), he begins to suffer from withdrawl. So he starts reducing the amount of drugs that he takes. Meanwhile, he's still calling himself edge, because he recognizes the harm in drugs, and he's trying to recover. This is a reason, yes, at the end. But while this is happening, is he still edge? That's what I mean by defining it. Do we (all of us here, reading this) define him as edge? I do consider him edge, and that's what I'm trying to say.

Yeah but even if they are doing less drugs than before because they realise they are wrong and harmful they aren't edge until they abstain from them completely.

Edge is the concept of being poison free, respecting your body and respecting others. But it's an ideal that not everyone can reach at any given moment. It's our own definition of edge and non-edge, or to be even more simplistic, our definitions of right and wrong, that makes edge what it is, to each one of us individually.. Some edgers say that you can't ever break edge, and if you do, you never were edge to begin with, and will never be edge again. I believe that you can break edge and come back. You can't break it habitually, but you can, because you have to realize WHAT you're fighting against. Know thy enemy, they say.

Its not really accurate to equate edge and non edge to right and wrong. I mean someone trying to kick drugs is doing the right thing but they aren't edge or drug free until they have kicked them.

My second statement addresses a different issue. It's asking this: If you drink one glass of WINE (only wine, remember, because it makes your heart stronger) a week, or one glass a day, is that sacrificing the edge ideal? Is that considered breaking edge, even though it's to benefit your body. If these still don't make sense, just tell me again. It's a bit hard to really put words to my thoughts, because I have so many of them. :-) sorry if it's unclear.

The whole thing with red wine is its advice generally given to people who drink already, doctors wouldn't suggest you take up drinking for the small benifits it may give. The information is put out there on a mass scale because the majority of people do drink and this is seen as the lesser of two evils as it were - theyd rather have you drinking something that may benifit you in some way. It is most definitely breaking edge especially seeing as the properties wine has to help can be found in many other non alcoholic sources. If it turned out that alcohol was the only thing you could use to heal your body then it wouldn't break edge as that would be a soley medicinal use of the drug and not a recreational drug use. But as it stands the whole red wine thing doesn't apply to edge folk.

"Over the past several decades, many studies have been published in science journals about how drinking alcohol may be associated with reduced mortality due to heart disease in some populations. Some researchers have suggested that the benefit may be due to wine, especially red wine. Others are examining the potential benefits of components in red wine such as flavonoids (FLAV'oh-noidz) and other antioxidants (an"tih-OK'sih-dants) in reducing heart disease risk. Some of these components may be found in other foods such as grapes or red grape juice. The linkage reported in many of these studies may be due to other lifestyle factors rather than alcohol. Such factors may include increased physical activity, and a diet high in fruits and vegetables and lower in saturated fats No direct comparison trials have been done to determine the specific effect of wine or other alcohol on the risk of developing heart disease or stroke."


02-27-2006, 06:27 AM
I am a bit late on this one but your not edge anymore. Why does it matter. Whats the difference between someone who is drug free and lives a clean life and someone who does the same and calls them selves straight edge or draws x's on their hands?
I haven't done drugs or drank or had permiscuous sex in 4 years and up until recently I considered my self straight edge. But I think I am lacking one thing crucial to the kids with Xs on their hands, the need to label myself. You guys are realy looking too far into a simply idea if you ask me.

Or you aren't look far enough into it perhaps? The difference is the fact that straightedge is a subculture of drug free people involved in hardcore, is less to do with a need to label oneself but rather to do with a way in which people identify themselves as a part of a quarter century old movement based in hardcore its a lot more than simply being drug free and its really something you have to experience to understand i guess.

Labels for labels sake are agreeably not really worth much but when its a label that sets you apart from something and shows that you are a part of something different its got worth. Because like i say its not simply being drug free and the label of straightedge defines more than that - it doesn't completely describe me at all but it does describe a facet of myself and my outlook which is why the label only really holds value in hardcore surroundings. I wouldn't draw x's on my hands as a daily thing and i wouldn't really find a need to mention straightedge outside of hardcore because the label doesn't then equate to much other than drug free. Its a hardcore thing ya know!!!

02-28-2006, 07:21 PM
I've been edge for 2 years until about a month ago. It was a really hard time for me with a family member killing herself, another being thrown in jail, and a third gone missing. During this time, I also met a beautiful young woman. Little did I know, she was a stoner. One day afer school, I went over to her house and she was smoking with one of her friends. I was extrememly hesitant because I knew exactly what I was doing, and I have a lot of edge friends who I knew would give me $h** for breaking it, which I have never done before. Immediatly after breaking, I regreted it. I didn't like it either. I felt so much love for edge after because I knew what it was like to NOT be edge, and I hated it. I guess what I'm trying to ask is if its still ok for me to claim edge?

I think its really good that your still edge. Im just wondering if you ever told your girl friend that you were edge?
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