12-22-2004, 09:59 PM
so Beloved broke up...sucks
For the past 4 months we have been trying to figure out what the future of this band would be. And although we've tried to put it off as long as possible, a decision has been made to no longer continue Beloved.
Over the past year it had become inherently obvious to us, as well as others, that we weren't all in the same place. We tried giving ourselves time away from the band to put our lives and priorities in perspective before we made any decisions. Joe has decided to devote his time to pursuing his life at home. He feels like he will no longer have the time, finances, and ambition to continue touring and playing in the band full-time. We've all realized that as we grow and take on more responsibility, that sacrifices have to be made all around, and we support him fully. With his decision to leave the band, we were faced with another decision to continue on without him, or cease to be.
We had discussed other options, and replacements, and we were really close to trying out someone else and continuing as a band. Ultimately, we have come to a decision to not replace Joe, and so we will no longer continue as Beloved.
As disheartening as it is for some to end so ubruptly, the decision has been made, and we stand by it. This band has been the foundation for us growing up, and we are proud of every single thing we have ever done together. Anyone who is close to us, or has been in contact with us knows how much we care for everyone that has ever been involved with the band. From friends and family members to fans alike, we have always tried our hardest to be as much as we could to everyone. Our single greatest purpose as a band was to show the love and sincerity we all had in our own lives through our faith in God and through our music. And I hope that if we leave nothing else behind, its that very thing.
As for future plans, we don't have any new songs written or any releases schedueled. Hopefully, we will be making plans to play a last show, so we will let you know the details of that. Josh will continue on playing music in Classic Case, and we all plan to continue playing music one way or another, so we will keep you posted on that. Just keep checking back with us for updates.
Thank you all again so much for the past 5 years of our lives.
Love, Beloved
For the past 4 months we have been trying to figure out what the future of this band would be. And although we've tried to put it off as long as possible, a decision has been made to no longer continue Beloved.
Over the past year it had become inherently obvious to us, as well as others, that we weren't all in the same place. We tried giving ourselves time away from the band to put our lives and priorities in perspective before we made any decisions. Joe has decided to devote his time to pursuing his life at home. He feels like he will no longer have the time, finances, and ambition to continue touring and playing in the band full-time. We've all realized that as we grow and take on more responsibility, that sacrifices have to be made all around, and we support him fully. With his decision to leave the band, we were faced with another decision to continue on without him, or cease to be.
We had discussed other options, and replacements, and we were really close to trying out someone else and continuing as a band. Ultimately, we have come to a decision to not replace Joe, and so we will no longer continue as Beloved.
As disheartening as it is for some to end so ubruptly, the decision has been made, and we stand by it. This band has been the foundation for us growing up, and we are proud of every single thing we have ever done together. Anyone who is close to us, or has been in contact with us knows how much we care for everyone that has ever been involved with the band. From friends and family members to fans alike, we have always tried our hardest to be as much as we could to everyone. Our single greatest purpose as a band was to show the love and sincerity we all had in our own lives through our faith in God and through our music. And I hope that if we leave nothing else behind, its that very thing.
As for future plans, we don't have any new songs written or any releases schedueled. Hopefully, we will be making plans to play a last show, so we will let you know the details of that. Josh will continue on playing music in Classic Case, and we all plan to continue playing music one way or another, so we will keep you posted on that. Just keep checking back with us for updates.
Thank you all again so much for the past 5 years of our lives.
Love, Beloved