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01-04-2005, 05:10 PM
Since sxe is such a positive movement, why isn't there more said about in the mainstream media? With the exception of underground magz. To me, there should be more said to our troubled youth about ways they can change their lives and have an impact on the world. I don't know if I am making any sense.
01-04-2005, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by in_my_heart
Since sxe is such a positive movement, why isn't there more said about in the mainstream media? With the exception of underground magz. To me, there should be more said to our troubled youth about ways they can change their lives and have an impact on the world. I don't know if I am making any sense.
Mainstream media doesn't seemed to be overly concerned with positivity, find a negative angle on straightedge and it will be all over the place, that said straight edge would be very hard to see work on a mainstream level primarily due to its DIY ethics and accsesability, with more mainstream would come more exploitation and people who aren't in it with good intentions. Do you want people like that? Of course hardcore being the main vehicle of the message would mean that for straightedge to grow large it would need hardcore to grow and for it to be available to more people, this opens it up to a lot of exploitation especially as people would dilute the ideals in order for quicker growth. It would generally sacrifice its longevity through being a flash in the pan fad that would loose a lot of integrity after it has been milked for its marketable values. When you think about how straightedge is world wide in 20 years from its beginings and still holding a strong message without being bundled as an empty shelled commodity it really is a lot better than ending up being something that means a lot less about straightedge and a lot more about consumable fashion. Clean living is great and i think it really should be given some more media light, pretty much everyone in england drinks and i'd say the country has a drink problem as a whole but straightedge isn't relative to the majority so aside from social commentry in the mainstream it doesn't seem to have a valid or worthwhile place there.
01-04-2005, 06:22 PM
You have a very good point, indeed. I just think the kids today need something more than they are being force fed. They either grow up in homes and/or nieghborhoods where drugs,alchohol, tobacco, and violence are a norm, or they grow up absorbing every rap video on mtv teaching them to place high values on the before mentioned, OR both! It really sucks! I wasn't aiming for what you were talking about. Just wondering why people aren't shown the truth and why kids don't get to see that there are peers out there with the guts to say no.
01-04-2005, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by in_my_heart
You have a very good point, indeed. I just think the kids today need something more than they are being force fed. They either grow up in homes and/or nieghborhoods where drugs,alchohol, tobacco, and violence are a norm, or they grow up absorbing every rap video on mtv teaching them to place high values on the before mentioned, OR both! It really sucks! I wasn't aiming for what you were talking about. Just wondering why people aren't shown the truth and why kids don't get to see that there are peers out there with the guts to say no.
yeah but at the same time, what makes sxe what it is and what makes it continually viable is that it hasn't grown insanely huge so it was able to keep integrity. And that's part of a struggle that's going on now, especially with the internet, to try and spread the message without comprimising integrity. While still keeping things strong, meaningful and underground. Some people are only concerned with the message and not the lifestyle that makes that message unique and different. Those people are idiots.
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