View Full Version : Quick question

01-05-2005, 08:49 AM
I'm 150% dedicated to my music with Astoria and my bandmates all of whom I love dearly as family, choose to use drugs, alcohol, have promiscous (pardon spelling) sex and smoke. Now, with me trying to show a positive image for the very impressionable youths in my area, should I abandon the comradarie and friendships or continue to play with these losers and try to slowly convert them to the good fight? I'm so f'n torn on this issue. The only downfall that I'm aware of is that they may attach negative connotations to the hc scene. What to do?

01-05-2005, 08:52 AM
how can you call them losers and say you love them dearly like family in the same breath?

01-05-2005, 12:14 PM
I don't know what to say....

01-05-2005, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by nxcxhxc
I'm 150% dedicated to my music with Astoria and my bandmates all of whom I love dearly as family, choose to use drugs, alcohol, have promiscous (pardon spelling) sex and smoke. Now, with me trying to show a positive image for the very impressionable youths in my area, should I abandon the comradarie and friendships or continue to play with these losers and try to slowly convert them to the good fight? I'm so f'n torn on this issue. The only downfall that I'm aware of is that they may attach negative connotations to the hc scene. What to do?

i dont think trying to convert people works too well. people tend to do what they want, when they want. if you like the music your doing with them , then just stay a hc band that's not edge.

01-06-2005, 01:43 PM
You can love the alcoholic of the family and still shun them, losers, charlatans and all of that great crap. Love is indiscriminate... although I nearly drowned this year surfing in hurricane swells off of Carolina Beach, I still love the ocean and surfing. See where I'm going with this? Yea, tell ya what, let me shut everyone out that I thought was a loser... that's cool, I'm a cool f'n guy. F that. I'd rather sell out than be heartless.

01-06-2005, 01:45 PM
Tulips are Better... awesome.

01-06-2005, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by nxcxhxc
You can love the alcoholic of the family and still shun them, losers, charlatans and all of that great crap. Love is indiscriminate... although I nearly drowned this year surfing in hurricane swells off of Carolina Beach, I still love the ocean and surfing. See where I'm going with this? Yea, tell ya what, let me shut everyone out that I thought was a loser... that's cool, I'm a cool f'n guy. F that. I'd rather sell out than be heartless.

anyone who thinks that love is indiscriminate simply likes dysfunction and uses it as an excuse.

01-06-2005, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by nxcxhxc
You can love the alcoholic of the family and still shun them, losers, charlatans and all of that great crap. Love is indiscriminate... although I nearly drowned this year surfing in hurricane swells off of Carolina Beach, I still love the ocean and surfing. See where I'm going with this? Yea, tell ya what, let me shut everyone out that I thought was a loser... that's cool, I'm a cool f'n guy. F that. I'd rather sell out than be heartless.

im sorry but i dont follow your thought pattern here. your first post said you werent sure if you should stay with your band since they are not edge...this newest post dosent make sense to me. so are staying in your band or not. you say you would rather sellout than be heartless but your not selling out by being in a non edge band. hanging with and working with non edge people does not make you a sellout. there are tons of hc bands that have nothing to do with sxe. make your music dude however you want. your only selling out if you break edge yourself ( if you're even edge to begin with that is).

01-07-2005, 01:01 PM
Yea, I stuck with them. The chemistry is amazing, but I didn't want to portray a negative image by anyone drinking, smoking or doing drugs. But the music we write together feels right, so despite their flaws (we all have many individually) I said F it... I'm in this for the long haul. And love is indiscriminate... it has no prejudice... only in the eye of the beholder, if the beholder is prejudiced or biased, then it taints love and then it is no longer that, but merely a passionate desire. For some that can't follow, I'm sorry that the words didn't strike you right, perhaps on a later date. In the mean time, I'm going surfing fools. Later.
Oh, when I said "sell-out" I meant I was breaking edge. oops. Oh well... only God can judge me, so whatever... F it.

01-07-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by nxcxhxc
Yea, I stuck with them. The chemistry is amazing, but I didn't want to portray a negative image by anyone drinking, smoking or doing drugs. But the music we write together feels right, so despite their flaws (we all have many individually) I said F it... I'm in this for the long haul. And love is indiscriminate... it has no prejudice... only in the eye of the beholder, if the beholder is prejudiced or biased, then it taints love and then it is no longer that, but merely a passionate desire. For some that can't follow, I'm sorry that the words didn't strike you right, perhaps on a later date. In the mean time, I'm going surfing fools. Later.
Oh, when I said "sell-out" I meant I was breaking edge. oops. Oh well... only God can judge me, so whatever... F it.

just remember, daddy beats you because he loves you.

01-07-2005, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by nxcxhxc
but I didn't want to portray a negative image by anyone drinking, smoking or doing drugs.

Are you like 12?

01-08-2005, 04:47 AM
Just think of the old Slapshot song, Pennies From Heaven "I don't care if you wanna get fucked up, I'll still call you my friend"

01-08-2005, 05:04 PM
Conclusion: Your not going to loose scene points by being in a non sXe band, dont worry.

01-10-2005, 03:05 PM
whatever. Yea dude, I'm like 12. In fact my balls haven't even dropped yet and I'm so cautious with my 3 left armpit hairs. It's great being prepubescent. I love not having to shave my genitalia or face. If I can slow puberty down for the next 20 years I'll still look scene without the hard work of shaving and crap. Cool, yea, I'm a cool guy. roflmao. Whatever. sheesh.... you're a retard. Shoulda been swallowed. And yea, my dad did beat the shit outta me. But that's straight. it made me stronger iin more ways than one.