View Full Version : all sxe kids read this
01-09-2005, 12:09 AM
We all know you cant create edge, just like you cant create a genre of music. No matter what you play, someone has played it before you. They probably didnt know what to call it. So if you come out and call it something and take it to the masses, then you deserve credit for "creating" that genre. Because now that band that played it before you can identify themselves in that genre, even though they played it before you. Straight edge is the same way. You cant create it, you can just name it. Thats were Minor Threat comes in. Minor Threat deserves credit for "creating" straight edge. When I say this I mean they named it. Which is in essence creating it. I know kids before Minor Threat were practicing straight edge, but they didnt name it or brand it or had a scene or genre for it. Minor Threat named it. They unified the kids out that who were practicing edge. They exposed that kind of life to people who were not edge. Thats why the deserve credit for creating it.
and i want to beat the shit out of the kid that said punks dead.
PS. being edge must suck, cause i havent gotten to get drunk the past two nights in the row, and i was so bored
wow, you aren't too educated are you?
01-09-2005, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by im_not_sxe77
PS. being edge must suck, cause i havent gotten to get drunk the past two nights in the row, and i was so bored [/B]
its really boring if your a raging alcoholic!
01-20-2005, 03:25 PM
You seem really pissed off, you have so much hate.
Oh and also without bieng rude, you can't say hxc sucks or whatever because everybody likes different music... just like your mum would hate what you listen to. Doesn't mean it's not good, she just doesn't like it,
Everyone should chill out.
Oh yeh, if you don't like sxe so much, a good solution to your problem would be to not come onto the SXE SITE ... seems obvious really
01-21-2005, 08:56 AM
originally posted by im_not_sxe77
We all know you cant create edge, just like you cant create a genre of music. No matter what you play, someone has played it before you. They probably didnt know what to call it. So if you come out and call it something and take it to the masses, then you deserve credit for "creating" that genre. Because now that band that played it before you can identify themselves in that genre, even though they played it before you. Straight edge is the same way. You cant create it, you can just name it. Thats were Minor Threat comes in. Minor Threat deserves credit for "creating" straight edge. When I say this I mean they named it. Which is in essence creating it. I know kids before Minor Threat were practicing straight edge, but they didnt name it or brand it or had a scene or genre for it. Minor Threat named it. They unified the kids out that who were practicing edge. They exposed that kind of life to people who were not edge. Thats why the deserve credit for creating it.
and i want to beat the shit out of the kid that said punks dead.
PS. being edge must suck, cause i havent gotten to get drunk the past two nights in the row, and i was so bored
I really don't like this guy lol. I'm really not old enough to understand this Minor Threat deal. I have heard yes the song about Straight Edge. But I don't see why this guy cares what we do. He's just a drunken fool. Why does he care what we do and how we do it. We don't go to stupid drunken forums and bitch out them. He can take his ideas and shove them up his ass.
01-22-2005, 08:16 PM
Was somebody arguing with him before this thread or something, because I'm not really getting the link here..... did he just want to try and prove to us who are already edge that it was Minor Threat or something?
01-22-2005, 08:18 PM
Was somebody arguing with him before this thread or something, because I'm not really getting the link here..... did he just want to try and prove to us who are already edge that it was Minor Threat or something?
01-25-2005, 10:20 PM
wow... this kid should get outta here... come on playa its not like we goto the budweiser forums or the pothead central forums and leave hate comments... get your head outta your bum and stop being such a tool and such a prick... sorry to say it.
02-01-2005, 11:45 AM
what's super funny is that he keeps looking at this and doesn't realize he can't reply anymore. poor jeremy, not very smart.
02-02-2005, 12:32 AM
u ppl can get really intense in this site, i mean i barley know what he is talking about b/c i was barely introduced to this whole sXe thing, and wow! there is alot to it but i do not mind it and everbody has their opinions right?
so he should be entitled to his as we r to ours
02-02-2005, 08:30 AM
u ppl can get really intense in this site, i mean i barley know what he is talking about b/c i was barely introduced to this whole sXe thing, and wow! there is alot to it but i do not mind it and everbody has their opinions right?
so he should be entitled to his as we r to ours
people are only entitled to differences of opinion when those opinions are based on facts. this kids opinion wasn't based on facts and was just to cause disruption.
02-02-2005, 01:39 PM
well ok your well your thoughts r different and most likley and probabky r right so yes i must agree with u xsecx thanx for the correction
02-14-2005, 11:20 AM
who cares who "created" edge...the point is is that is here now and we practice it...sure ian mackaye coined it and preached it...but who cares...we do it b/c it's for's what we beliee in...
02-14-2005, 11:23 AM
who cares who "created" edge...the point is is that is here now and we practice it...sure ian mackaye coined it and preached it...but who cares...we do it b/c it's for's what we beliee in...
mackaye didn't really preach it though and jeff nelson coined it.
02-15-2005, 10:46 AM
yeah, but mackaye is the most noted for practicing it and speaking out on the topic, and nelson did coin it
yeah, but mackaye is the most noted for practicing it and speaking out on the topic, and nelson did coin it
02-15-2005, 11:07 AM
yeah, but mackaye is the most noted for practicing it and speaking out on the topic, and nelson did coin it
Only because everyone asks him about it, his replys generally don't resemble practicing it, in fact what straightedge is seems very removed from what mackaye says.
02-15-2005, 11:24 AM
yeah, but mackaye is the most noted for practicing it and speaking out on the topic, and nelson did coin it
yeah. for like 2 years and abandoned it.
02-16-2005, 10:25 PM
I'm going to say that sXe is not a trend, or at least it isn't for me. I don't have any sXe friends, I don't know anybody that is sXe. It's been my choice since I was 12 and whether being straight edge is cool or not, nothing's gonna change my mind. Being straight edge is a trend to some people, but those are the people that are going to end up breaking edge somewhere down the road. And how can being straight edge be a trend if you're looked down on for being it? Also..I just want to say that straight edge isn't a club or group that you "join." It's a set of moral values that you don't have to label yourself sXe if you don't want to. There are plenty of sXe people out there that don't even know what sXe or would prefer not to call themselves that.
02-17-2005, 02:04 AM
I'm going to say that sXe is not a trend, or at least it isn't for me. I don't have any sXe friends, I don't know anybody that is sXe. It's been my choice since I was 12 and whether being straight edge is cool or not, nothing's gonna change my mind. Being straight edge is a trend to some people, but those are the people that are going to end up breaking edge somewhere down the road. And how can being straight edge be a trend if you're looked down on for being it? Also..I just want to say that straight edge isn't a club or group that you "join." It's a set of moral values that you don't have to label yourself sXe if you don't want to. There are plenty of sXe people out there that don't even know what sXe or would prefer not to call themselves that.
"nothing's gonna change my mind" - how can you be so sure?
"There are plenty of sXe people out there that don't even know what sXe or would prefer not to call themselves that" How can they be straightedge if they don't know what it is?
A lot of trends are looked down upon and when you look at the types of people that have stopped being edge its not just people who are following trends, a lot of people will stop because they change and straightedge no longer fits.
02-17-2005, 05:22 PM
"nothing's gonna change my mind" - how can you be so sure?
"There are plenty of sXe people out there that don't even know what sXe or would prefer not to call themselves that" How can they be straightedge if they don't know what it is?
A lot of trends are looked down upon and when you look at the types of people that have stopped being edge its not just people who are following trends, a lot of people will stop because they change and straightedge no longer fits.
I have been too exposed to the shit that goes down to give up. I refuse myself to give in. Although you might think I am lying, I am being serious.
02-17-2005, 05:44 PM
I have been too exposed to the shit that goes down to give up. I refuse myself to give in. Although you might think I am lying, I am being serious.
No, i don't think you are lying, i am sure you are convinced of this and the only lying would be in that you are so adamant that you won't be wrong that you are denying yourself the freedom to change in accordance with the person you continually change into. Your certainty of never being something other than what you are now is somewhat myopic, you may easily rationalise where you are in later life and realise that what holds true right now will no longer be what you are.
It shouldn't be to hard to accept, you aren't the first to feel the way you do and hopefully not the last but many before you have sang their hearts out about that exact same mindset and been completely sincere. These people who would seemingly be edge till death and always remain true, at the time nothing in their mind faultered from that and everyone around them felt the same way too but still their minds changed. But i guess this time its different you know you are different.
I wish i could say i'd never change my mind but it would be a lie, i don't have that certainty.
02-18-2005, 09:40 AM
we all say things now that we think won't change, but how do we know in five, ten, or twenty years from now? if we knew now what we willl know then would we make the same choices?
02-22-2005, 09:54 PM
what's super funny is that he keeps looking at this and doesn't realize he can't reply anymore. poor jeremy, not very smart.
Hey guys, new boy here... gonna get a prof up soon... newhoo, just my opionion, all his talk cant hurt us, so i say let him talk... we have values and a cause, even tho im not yet straight edge, so let him talk, and we can be mature and debate and stand for what we each believe in, but at least let him talk, let him defend himself, just my opionion, dont block him...
feel free to give feedback, looking forward to it...
Iolite Portable Review (
02-23-2005, 05:21 AM
Hey guys, new boy here... gonna get a prof up soon... newhoo, just my opionion, all his talk cant hurt us, so i say let him talk... we have values and a cause, even tho im not yet straight edge, so let him talk, and we can be mature and debate and stand for what we each believe in, but at least let him talk, let him defend himself, just my opionion, dont block him...
feel free to give feedback, looking forward to it...
He wasn't able to debate though instead he just resorted to threats of violence and insults, when they have no intention of behaving appropiately its not worth the time and energy to discuss things with them. If you let everyone come on here and talk complete crap you'll end up with a message board of complete crap which doesn't look good to new users and attracts more of the wrong type of people. He did have plenty of chance to give his argument but it was obvious from his posts that he wasn't intent on having a debate sensibly buty just to cause agrovation, he was like a splinter in your finger, would you leave the splinter in your finger?
02-23-2005, 05:42 PM
Idk, i always try to talk to people about what i belive in, and i get teased and insulted almost everyday for it... I've been threatened for it too, but i'd let people insult and threaten me rather than just ignore them due to their ignorance. It doesn't make alot of sense to me to just talk to people who already agree with you.
Gotta spread the truth, y'know?
I agree with you though that alot of people wouldn't want to deal with it though, and thats cool, cuz everyone has a different purpose or way of fighting ignorance...
Its not my decision to make about whether to block him, I was just thinkin, "If this guy is even in the site, than thats a victory... he went two days without drinking, there is hope, maybe he wants to see what kind of people we are, but doesn't know how, or is angry that we are strong and he cant be even though he may want to be..." I just woulda handled it a bit differently, thats all, talked to him, found out whats goin on w/ him, why he hates sxe, why is he in the site if he isn't interested?
Just blockin him may seem like a temporary solution, but its not fighting ignorance, its just censoring it.....
btw, new guy here not trying to cause problems, lots of respect for you all,
Ps. Agreed about "If you let everyone come on here and talk complete crap you'll end up with a message board of complete crap which doesn't look good to new users and attracts more of the wrong type of people." Didn't consider that...
02-23-2005, 07:30 PM
Idk, i always try to talk to people about what i belive in, and i get teased and insulted almost everyday for it... I've been threatened for it too, but i'd let people insult and threaten me rather than just ignore them due to their ignorance. It doesn't make alot of sense to me to just talk to people who already agree with you.
Gotta spread the truth, y'know?
I agree with you though that alot of people wouldn't want to deal with it though, and thats cool, cuz everyone has a different purpose or way of fighting ignorance...
This isn't a realistic way of dealing with people on the internet. People act and react in ways they wouldn't due to the anonymity of the medium.
Its not my decision to make about whether to block him, I was just thinkin, "If this guy is even in the site, than thats a victory... he went two days without drinking, there is hope, maybe he wants to see what kind of people we are, but doesn't know how, or is angry that we are strong and he cant be even though he may want to be..." I just woulda handled it a bit differently, thats all, talked to him, found out whats goin on w/ him, why he hates sxe, why is he in the site if he isn't interested?
Just blockin him may seem like a temporary solution, but its not fighting ignorance, its just censoring it.....
It was my decision. You're assuming that a troll is going to want to talk. And they don't. The ones that come and are critical aren't deleted. The ones that having nothing other than "I HATE YOU STRAIGHT EDGE FAGGOTS" are just there to get their rocks off and to piss people off and I'm not going to waste time and resources to deal with it.
btw, new guy here not trying to cause problems, lots of respect for you all,
Ps. Agreed about "If you let everyone come on here and talk complete crap you'll end up with a message board of complete crap which doesn't look good to new users and attracts more of the wrong type of people." Didn't consider that...
it's not even a matter of that. I don't care if people are critical, I do care if people are just hereto type bullshit and post pictures of gay porn.
02-24-2005, 03:49 PM
well, these threads are the first post i read w/ someone smack talking about edge, cuz i havn't been into the archives alot yet, so my bad. I didnt realize there was so much hate against you guys, and didn't think that idiots comin in here just to piss people off was a regular thing...
hardcore isn't really big at my school, so i still have alot i wanna and need to learn before i can make any kind of contribution,
anyone wanna help me out, tell me why theres so much much hate against edge?
(obviously besides ignorance)
LadyRose cam (
02-24-2005, 04:47 PM
Idk, i always try to talk to people about what i belive in, and i get teased and insulted almost everyday for it... I've been threatened for it too, but i'd let people insult and threaten me rather than just ignore them due to their ignorance. It doesn't make alot of sense to me to just talk to people who already agree with you.
Gotta spread the truth, y'know?
I agree with you though that alot of people wouldn't want to deal with it though, and thats cool, cuz everyone has a different purpose or way of fighting ignorance...
No one is saying just talk to people who agree with you, but at least talk to people who listen, if they don't agree thats fine. For one party or another or even both its a good way to learn but if people aren't prepared to listen and resort to idle threats because their argument has no substance do i really want to pursue the disagreement when they are completely closed off to anything i have to say - seems like a waste of energy to me. Its ignorant to think you can tell a tree not to be a tree, if someone wants to learn they can and will but judgements have to be made on who is trolling and just sticking their fingers in their ears singing "ra ra ra i'm not listening".
Its not my decision to make about whether to block him, I was just thinkin, "If this guy is even in the site, than thats a victory... he went two days without drinking, there is hope, maybe he wants to see what kind of people we are, but doesn't know how, or is angry that we are strong and he cant be even though he may want to be..." I just woulda handled it a bit differently, thats all, talked to him, found out whats goin on w/ him, why he hates sxe, why is he in the site if he isn't interested?
Just blockin him may seem like a temporary solution, but its not fighting ignorance, its just censoring it.....
btw, new guy here not trying to cause problems, lots of respect for you all,
Ps. Agreed about "If you let everyone come on here and talk complete crap you'll end up with a message board of complete crap which doesn't look good to new users and attracts more of the wrong type of people." Didn't consider that...
Did you read the link to the other thread? You say you would have handled it differently but theres been websites before that have had a much more lax-a-daisy approach to things and believe me it turns to shit and feeds ignorance of straightedge where as when you keep things in accordance with what straightedge actually is then people have a place with a defining criteria and attitiude to what it is. Now this kid was given a chance to post and use the site well, ask questions and talk about his opinions, he abused it and resorted to idiocy, i'm pretty sure if you'd handle that differently you'd end up with shit so the soloution you see as temporary is in fact relieving the site of ignorance for people who want to use it effectivley.
02-24-2005, 05:08 PM
anyone wanna help me out, tell me why theres so much much hate against edge?
(obviously besides ignorance)
its different.
02-25-2005, 10:37 PM
yeah, i dont have any experience with running a site, so i guess i wasn't looking at it from an "admin" point of view.
Different is good... I like different...
HOTsexyGAYxxx (
03-04-2005, 08:38 AM
Well,'re a stupid big stupid. mmmm, the power of intelligence.
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