View Full Version : Question: My freind says...
02-26-2005, 10:36 AM
My freind has been a part of hardcore and sxe for awhile... I found out that sxe was more then just an adjective from her... Found out alittle about hardcore too.
Now im really interested in becoming less ignorant about sxe and hardcore, which is why i checked out some straightedge sites, and eventually joined this one...
she says this isn't the way people should get involved in hardcore or sxe, that im jsut being a poser, that i shouldn't implicate myself in the hardcore scene by posting, and plenty of other stuff i shouldn't do...
now i respect her, cuz she's my freind, but im not good at not doing something for no other reason than someone else says its wrong... my life, my concience,
Not that it means im gonna stop trying to learn, i just wanna know if she's right, and if there's a better way i can go about it where i dont step on peoples toes...
so now you know why Im asking, anyone else think i shouldn't be here?
thanx for your time
Sexxxyjo (
02-26-2005, 11:27 AM
Well i see the internet as a very handy platform, its pro's for me are finding out about shows that i otherwise would find it hard to find out about, i have to travel a fair way to most shows i go too. The good thing about the internet is when you find a decent site that understands the hardcore scene its a good place to build up on networking which only serves to strengthen the hardcore scene. I would agree that it is being posuerish if you do not go to shows or actively support the hardcore scene but if you read the front page of this site it is very much against that. If your friend is saying that coming to a straightedge site does not a straightedger make then she is right however if she is saying the site somehow negates being straightedge then she is wrong. Actively involved in hardcore isn't posting on a message board but it is a place where you can ask questions and learn about the scene from other people in the scene as well as finding out about other bands and scenes etc.
02-26-2005, 06:52 PM
Glad to see yours becoming less ignorant about sxe and hardcore. Idk how you could call any one a poser just because they go on forums and ask questions its just a way of learning.
02-26-2005, 09:11 PM
yeah, also, its not like ive referred to myself as sxe or hardcore...
and i am planning to go to shows in the near future and experience hardcore firsthand
thanx for feedback straightXed, Xx-Ky-xX
anyone on the opposite spectrum think i shouldn't post or be here?
if so, what are other ways to learn about hardcore?
if noone thinks i shouldn't be here, i'll jsut let this thread go,
cuz it'll mean you all love me, or at least will tolerate me, and thats good enough
Electronic Cigarettes (
Xmike presleyX
02-27-2005, 03:27 AM
If you think that drugs are stupid, and you ALWAYS will, then say your Straight Edge. As for hardcore, just google "hardcore bands" and find some shit to download. You would probably like it.
02-27-2005, 09:06 AM
If you think that drugs are stupid, and you ALWAYS will, then say your Straight Edge. As for hardcore, just google "hardcore bands" and find some shit to download. You would probably like it.
Its a bit hard to say you always will, thats for time to tell. If you download stuff make sure you are supporting the bands by buying the album instead of just ripping it off.
02-27-2005, 09:08 AM
yeah, also, its not like ive referred to myself as sxe or hardcore...
and i am planning to go to shows in the near future and experience hardcore firsthand
thanx for feedback straightXed, Xx-Ky-xX
anyone on the opposite spectrum think i shouldn't post or be here?
if so, what are other ways to learn about hardcore?
if noone thinks i shouldn't be here, i'll jsut let this thread go,
cuz it'll mean you all love me, or at least will tolerate me, and thats good enough
You are asking people who post here to say you shouldn't post here because its not straightedge, being that we all post here we really aren't likely to say you shouldn't are we?
But yes, the best way to get a grip on hardcore is hardcore shows, go to one now!
02-27-2005, 09:59 AM
yeah, im not big into the mp3 thing anyway, i'd much prefer to by a cd and rip the songs to my mediaplayer... problem is, my moms comp here is soo ghetto, i dont even have speakers, so i cant even listen to hardcore til next sat, when im over at my dads w/ my computer, then im gonna rock out...
i never said im "for life", but i mean, shit, i made it my entire life so far, and i believe so very much in not being weak, sticking to principles, self respect...
i wouldn't be suprised at all if i never "broke edge" even tho im not, tech...
Hey, this is kinda a related question, and since we've brought up music, im just gonna keep this thread rolling...
I heard somef metalcore, "bleeding through" "hatebreed", their really good to work out to, prolly somthin i would like to see at a show and mosh to, but not really what i listen to...
(prepare yourselves for massively ignorant question)
Is all of hardcore, with the endless screaming at top of thier lungs?
If so, i can deal w/ it,
If not, im really glad, cuz i usually prefer singing to screaming, but it is a case by case basis...
thnx again... (IDK, If this should be a new thread but im gonna roll with it...)
Almma live (
a lot of hc bands don't scream. read the thread "greatest hc bands', that would help.
if you like bleeding through, you would be glad to know that the webzine that i am at made an interview with the guitarist, and now i only have to type/translate it. it will take some time cos i'm really sick and all i can do right now is lay in my bed. (however i am kinda paranoid to check on the board and my emails 2 times a day.)
02-27-2005, 01:18 PM
a lot of hc bands don't scream. read the thread "greatest hc bands', that would help.
if you like bleeding through, you would be glad to know that the webzine that i am at made an interview with the guitarist, and now i only have to type/translate it.
thats great news...
in fact, me not liking the music has been my biggest concern, but if it isn't always angry, then im sure i'll like it.
Im really diverse with music, and i like a ton of different stuff.
thats really good to know though... thanks
looking forward to that bleeding through interview too
Tania_Tapia (
Xmike presleyX
02-27-2005, 02:50 PM
Shit, man. You might want to find a different forum to go to. The kids on this one have weird outlook on Straight Edge. Google "seventh dagger". It's another Straight Edge site that is way cooler if you want to talk to kids on a forum. Your questions will be answered by alot of kids who have been Straight Edge for a long time. This board has tons of kids who are really young and have yet to find out what Straight Edge is really about.
Relax kids. I'm not going to check this shit for a while so don't bombard me with replies.
02-27-2005, 03:28 PM
Shit, man. You might want to find a different forum to go to. The kids on this one have weird outlook on Straight Edge. Google "seventh dagger". It's another Straight Edge site that is way cooler if you want to talk to kids on a forum. Your questions will be answered by alot of kids who have been Straight Edge for a long time. This board has tons of kids who are really young and have yet to find out what Straight Edge is really about.
Relax kids. I'm not going to check this shit for a while so don't bombard me with replies.
idk, i like this site, i dont think im gonna leave.
I'd rather talk to adults for my answers, cuz they know for sure.
Kids have a tendency to take something good and change it to their own perceptions and make it convienent.
I know Dusty and flame still burns and some more of the older members,
they spent their youth, their sweat, building up SxE.
I know when they give their opinions on SxE, its gonna be on how SxE and HxC was meant to be, not on how it is...
im more interest in what it was meant to be than what it is...
mainly cuz almost everything with kids nowadays is all about guys tryin to get laid, how you do your hair, what your wearing, and what other people think of you. Kids (yes i realize I am one, and therfore am not being condescending) usually piss me off.
as I dont know for sure though if those are the types of kids on that board, i'll definitely check it out, as you can never learn too much.
right now i dont think im gonna join two message boards...
definitely, when im more established tho...
seeing as i have a tendency to talk alot, it would prolly be a good idea anyway, so people dont get sick of me ALWAYS having an opinion on EVERYTHING,
appreciation for the link though... I'll add it to my list...
02-27-2005, 03:29 PM
Shit, man. You might want to find a different forum to go to. The kids on this one have weird outlook on Straight Edge.
Whats weird about it?
Google "seventh dagger". It's another Straight Edge site that is way cooler if you want to talk to kids on a forum. Your questions will be answered by alot of kids who have been Straight Edge for a long time.
Ooo yeah guns, so symbolic of straightedge
This board has tons of kids who are really young and have yet to find out what Straight Edge is really about.
Which kids are these? and what do they have to find out?
Relax kids. I'm not going to check this shit for a while so don't bombard me with replies. Perhaps you shouldn't make posts if you don't want replies.
02-27-2005, 03:36 PM
i never said im "for life", but i mean, shit, i made it my entire life so far, and i believe so very much in not being weak, sticking to principles, self respect...
i wouldn't be suprised at all if i never "broke edge" even tho im not, tech...
I know you didn't say that, your man from seventh dagger did, and whilst i have no intention of ever breaking straightedge its just impossible to say for sure where my head will be in ten years time and what life will throw at me. When you look at straightedge and all the people in it that have gone on to drink you have to accept every one of them were convinced that they wouldn't sell out but times change so no one can say for sure they are true till death until death itself.
02-27-2005, 04:13 PM
I know you didn't say that, your man from seventh dagger did, and whilst i have no intention of ever breaking straightedge its just impossible to say for sure where my head will be in ten years time and what life will throw at me. When you look at straightedge and all the people in it that have gone on to drink you have to accept every one of them were convinced that they wouldn't sell out but times change so no one can say for sure they are true till death until death itself.
o, i know you were just quoting him.
i was clarifyin for him, but i think he was making the point that i shouldn't rush into it unitl im positive i want to stick with it,
my bad for not using quotes...
also, agree w/ what you say, there are no guarantees... no one knows what the future holds...
my whole family could be murdered tomarrow and i could drink myself to death in grief...
however, i personally think its more likely my entire family of 14 will be murdered than me breaking within the next ten years.. but like you said, you dont know the future
Child nexium (
Xmike presleyX
02-27-2005, 05:11 PM
When I say "kids", I mean Straight Edge persons in general. We are almost all adults on Seventh Dagger. The guns are supposed to be funny, dipshit. Please dissect this post with 10 different quotes. I love that.
02-27-2005, 05:29 PM
When I say "kids", I mean Straight Edge persons in general. We are almost all adults on Seventh Dagger. The guns are supposed to be funny, dipshit. Please dissect this post with 10 different quotes. I love that.
my, dipshit does make you sound adult.
and it makes sense that he did that, because then you can see exactly what he's replying to.
so way to get defensive.
02-27-2005, 05:55 PM
When I say "kids", I mean Straight Edge persons in general. We are almost all adults on Seventh Dagger. The guns are supposed to be funny, dipshit. Please dissect this post with 10 different quotes. I love that.
Way to not address what was being discussed and resorting to insults. I'm glad you appreciate the time i take to deal with the points you raise consisely using quotes, its a shame you aren't as courteous, not even replying to each person, but i thought you weren't checking back here?
How are the guns funny? "Its a gun - hahaha" i really don't see it, mind you, you get what you advertise for so i can imagine the calibre of people on that site.
Xmike presleyX
02-27-2005, 06:11 PM
Yep. We're all mindless, violent jerks. Dipshit, dipshit, dipshit. I sound like a child.
What do the images on this site portray? They look like graffiti. What does that say about the "calibre", or what I like to call "caliber", of it's users?
02-27-2005, 11:08 PM
Yep. We're all mindless, violent jerks. Dipshit, dipshit, dipshit. I sound like a child.
What do the images on this site portray? They look like graffiti. What does that say about the "calibre", or what I like to call "caliber", of it's users?
you seem to be the only one that called yourself mindless, violent jerks. no one here has name called you or any of that sort of thing that i have seen.
which images do you think look like graffiti? im not seeing them.
as far as seventh dagger, i personally dont like it, so i dont post there. so what? im not sitting here bad mouthing it, and i dont think anyone else is aside from saying the guns are lame.
straight edge isnt suppose to be about making yourself superior to other people, so drop it. youre more than welcome to post, but instead of playing "lets see what i can say to get people all riled up and pretend not to care even tho thats why im here", you actually be yourself.
Xmike presleyX
02-28-2005, 02:40 AM
Okay, number one, I am being myself, and number two, that fool said "How are the guns funny? "Its a gun - hahaha" i really don't see it, mind you, you get what you advertise for so i can imagine the calibre of people on that site.". I slightly took offense to the comment , because I know alot of those kids. I mean, really know, not "internet know". I was just defending the "caliber of people on that site".
Now, go over and scroll all the way up. You will see two graffiti style people and "SXE" with what is supposed to be paint still running off of the letters.
02-28-2005, 02:52 AM
doesnt look like graffiti to me. that looks like photoshop.
anyways, if thats what its meant to be, whats wrong with graffiti? its art.
oh, when people come to your site and question everything and try to start arguments, or basically troll, what do you guys do? just curious.
02-28-2005, 03:05 AM
When I say "kids", I mean Straight Edge persons in general. We are almost all adults on Seventh Dagger. The guns are supposed to be funny, dipshit. Please dissect this post with 10 different quotes. I love that.
you know, if you're gonna start shit and then not actually deal with it or talk about it, not really any sense for you to stick around.
02-28-2005, 03:08 AM
Shit, man. You might want to find a different forum to go to. The kids on this one have weird outlook on Straight Edge. Google "seventh dagger". It's another Straight Edge site that is way cooler if you want to talk to kids on a forum. Your questions will be answered by alot of kids who have been Straight Edge for a long time. This board has tons of kids who are really young and have yet to find out what Straight Edge is really about.
Relax kids. I'm not going to check this shit for a while so don't bombard me with replies.
I'd actually like to know how I have a weird outlook on straight edge, how I'm really young and how I haven't been straight edge for a long time?
Xmike presleyX
02-28-2005, 04:02 AM
Ban me.
02-28-2005, 07:08 AM
Yep. We're all mindless, violent jerks. Dipshit, dipshit, dipshit. I sound like a child.
What do the images on this site portray? They look like graffiti. What does that say about the "calibre", or what I like to call "caliber", of it's users?
Looks like two people with X's on their hands, dressed somewhat like kids at hardcore shows. It doesn't carry any of the negative connotations that guns do.
Are you having fun saying dipshit?
02-28-2005, 07:23 AM
Okay, number one, I am being myself, and number two, that fool said "How are the guns funny? "Its a gun - hahaha" i really don't see it, mind you, you get what you advertise for so i can imagine the calibre of people on that site.". I slightly took offense to the comment , because I know alot of those kids. I mean, really know, not "internet know". I was just defending the "caliber of people on that site".
Now, go over and scroll all the way up. You will see two graffiti style people and "SXE" with what is supposed to be paint still running off of the letters.
Yeah well if we are talking about offence being taken maybe you should think about your initial comments and how they may be taken, you brought up seventh dagger so i put forward my opinion, you never told me how guns are funny did you? You never attempted to give me answers to my questions about what was weird or what kids here you are refering to and what they need to find out. I know kids on this site and your comments don't reflect them at all but you take offence when what you dish out comes back at you so either you are intent on offending people here or you are riddled with double standards. Either way its something for you to look at.
As for the image, well the style is irrelative its the subject matter. Its an image of straightedge kids its relevant, guns really don't seem relevent to me, or funny.
02-28-2005, 08:51 AM
Ban me.
Well, since you asked for it.
02-28-2005, 12:34 PM
i have no intention of ever breaking straightedge its just impossible to say for sure where my head will be in ten years time and what life will throw at me. When you look at straightedge and all the people in it that have gone on to drink you have to accept every one of them were convinced that they wouldn't sell out but times change so no one can say for sure they are true till death until death itself.
once again ed your clear thinking must be commended. i also want to point out that just because some great people have sold out it dosent mean they turned thier back on hardcore or even straightedge for that matter. many ex-sxe people i have talked to still support hardcore and admire straightedge and all it stands for. i think this is good to remember that just because someone might have broke they may still have hardcore in their blood.
02-28-2005, 01:21 PM
once again ed your clear thinking must be commended. i also want to point out that just because some great people have sold out it dosent mean they turned thier back on hardcore or even straightedge for that matter. many ex-sxe people i have talked to still support hardcore and admire straightedge and all it stands for. i think this is good to remember that just because someone might have broke they may still have hardcore in their blood.
True they may still have hardcore in their blood and they may also still have the straightedge tattoos!! Things like that go to show you can't ever know where your head will be in the future.
02-28-2005, 01:48 PM
Well, since you asked for it.
now he can run back to his cool friends and say, "omg i got banned from theyre such dipshits there, im so cool"
03-04-2005, 08:46 AM
Shit, man. You might want to find a different forum to go to. The kids on this one have weird outlook on Straight Edge. Google "seventh dagger". It's another Straight Edge site that is way cooler if you want to talk to kids on a forum. Your questions will be answered by alot of kids who have been Straight Edge for a long time. This board has tons of kids who are really young and have yet to find out what Straight Edge is really about.
Relax kids. I'm not going to check this shit for a while so don't bombard me with replies.
Not that it matters much anymore, cuz i clicked the link for off of google, and it says seventhdagger cannot be found... which means its either down or it went under... so that is the end of that, i suppose
ive grown to hate the word "kid"... except in the context of being in a candystore,
there are so many good alternatives to use,
Web Shows (
03-04-2005, 10:46 AM
Not that it matters much anymore, cuz i clicked the link for off of google, and it says seventhdagger cannot be found... which means its either down or it went under... so that is the end of that, i suppose
ive grown to hate the word "kid"... except in the context of being in a candystore,
there are so many good alternatives to use,
I am a kid.
03-05-2005, 05:28 PM
I am a kid.
lol... you're 27...
im confused...
I dont understand how your a kid...
im definitely over-analyzing this one...
Elenys cam (
03-05-2005, 05:56 PM
lol... you're 27...
im confused...
I dont understand how your a kid...
im definitely over-analyzing this one...
hes a kid at heart of course! ;)
03-05-2005, 10:49 PM
hes a kid at heart of course! ;)
wow. that was beautiful... (tear)
and as long as were doin symbol art...
my personal favs... the rose n' the heart
(this is kinda childish, so its kinda on topic...)
anyone know any other good ones?
Ugor (
03-06-2005, 01:15 AM
lol... you're 27...
im confused...
I dont understand how your a kid...
im definitely over-analyzing this one...
It doesn't supprise me.
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