View Full Version : Thats fuked up
i think its totally fuked up that theres like a line between being straight edge and not being straight edge.. like 'your edge if you dont eat this!! the your sxe procent is hiiigh! your not edge if you havent ever been to a concert!'. i think thats straight edge is about naturallity. not about saying LOOK AT ME IM SXE!!
03-07-2005, 08:23 AM
*Claps Hands* YaY!
Ok....*points* You!- You go now! lol. sXe is what you make of it. please read the Questions first and you'll find out that there is no certain "rubric" for being sXe...Imma give you a hint- dont embarass yourself-read other sections first buddy!
03-07-2005, 08:26 AM
i think its totally fuked up that theres like a line between being straight edge and not being straight edge.. like 'your edge if you dont eat this!! the your sxe procent is hiiigh! your not edge if you havent ever been to a concert!'. i think thats straight edge is about naturallity. not about saying LOOK AT ME IM SXE!!
how can something that's a construct of people be about naturality?
03-07-2005, 09:25 AM
i think its totally fuked up that theres like a line between being straight edge and not being straight edge.. like 'your edge if you dont eat this!! the your sxe procent is hiiigh! your not edge if you havent ever been to a concert!'. i think thats straight edge is about naturallity. not about saying LOOK AT ME IM SXE!!
If there was no line then everyone would be straightedge and it would cease to actually mean anything. And its nothing to do with diet either.
03-07-2005, 03:12 PM
"Imma" ?
oh, my.
03-14-2005, 09:02 PM
how can something that's a construct of people be about naturality?
how is this a construct of people?
just because you and i are both edge doesnt mean we are "part of something". two gay men arent part of something, they are just gay; just like you and i are just straightedge.
03-14-2005, 09:07 PM
how is this a construct of people?
just because you and i are both edge doesnt mean we are "part of something". two gay men arent part of something, they are just gay; just like you and i are just straightedge.
because it's a subculture that one must actively and consciously chose to be apart of. being straight edge is in fact being a part of something.
03-14-2005, 09:31 PM
i disagree. im not part of a subculture unless that subculture is hardcore. its a lifestyle and a choice, not a subculture. im straightedge and you are straightedge, but that doesnt mean anything connects us besides that we may understand each other better. im starting to doubt that we can understand each other because your other posts also show misleading information.
we arent the same is all im saying.
03-15-2005, 06:07 AM
i disagree. im not part of a subculture unless that subculture is hardcore. its a lifestyle and a choice, not a subculture. im straightedge and you are straightedge, but that doesnt mean anything connects us besides that we may understand each other better. im starting to doubt that we can understand each other because your other posts also show misleading information.
we arent the same is all im saying.
wait so now it's a lifestyle and a choice, but before it was something that just was? How isn't it a subculture exactly? What about it doesn't fit? Because you don't want it to be?
and I'm sorry that you think my posting of logical arguments and history is misleading information.
03-15-2005, 09:05 AM
wait, so now you post about history? though you totally dont agree with straightedge as traditionally accepted, the way ian mckaye wrote it. If you arent going to keep all three x's, call yourself drug free.
nothing about your arguements is logical. you ignore points that people make (see the religeon thread) and build a house thatched together with crap that doesnt mean anything. The only difference between you and anyone else doing it is that people believe yours because you are the owner and that huge post count must mean something right?
sxe is not a subculture just like homosexuality isnt.
03-15-2005, 09:09 AM
wait, so now you post about history? though you totally dont agree with straightedge as traditionally accepted, the way ian mckaye wrote it. If you arent going to keep all three x's, call yourself drug free.
nothing about your arguements is logical. you ignore points that people make (see the religeon thread) and build a house thatched together with crap that doesnt mean anything. The only difference between you and anyone else doing it is that people believe yours because you are the owner and that huge post count must mean something right?
sxe is not a subculture just like homosexuality isnt.
straight edge as traditionally accepted? what does that even mean? The way ian mackaye wrote it? Ian MacKaye never intended straight edge to be what it became. so what is your point? Find me proof in writing of the three x's and their meaning. find me references outside of out of step that talks about sex.
what points that people have made have I ignored? I've been straight edge for a really really long time. This has been apart of my life for well over half of my life now, can you say the same?
how is sxe not a subculture? answer that question. What makes it not a subculture?
03-15-2005, 09:21 AM
there is no subculture because straightedge is just the way you live. subcultures are generally based on things such as fashion, musical interests, gaming, other media interests etc. not on beliefs. Do you consider Catholicism a subculture? How about Islam?
Youve ignored all the points in the religeon thread. I get to repeat myself again.
Why do i need to find proof? Check out, read how many people broke edge with some ho. Apparently it is generally accepted that sleeping around isnt compatable with straightedge.
03-15-2005, 09:27 AM
there is no subculture because straightedge is just the way you live. subcultures are generally based on things such as fashion, musical interests, gaming, other media interests etc. not on beliefs. Do you consider Catholicism a subculture? How about Islam?
dude, you seriously have no idea what a subculture actually is. "In sociology, a subculture is a culture or set of people with distinct behavior and beliefs within a larger culture. The essence of a subculture, that distinguishes it from other social groupings, is awareness of style and differences in style, in clothing, music or other interests."
so straight edge. beliefs, yup. style. yup. clothing. yup. music, yup. other interests, yup.
Youve ignored all the points in the religeon thread. I get to repeat myself again.
No, I actually haven't. you just don't like my answers.
Why do i need to find proof? Check out, read how many people broke edge with some ho. Apparently it is generally accepted that sleeping around isnt compatable with straightedge.
The edge break list? You mean the list that's mostly inaccurate and largely used as a joke? You're the one making statements about what something is, and I'm asking you to back it up. If it's so generally accepted then it should be really easy for you to find references.
03-15-2005, 09:32 AM
check out the gorilla biscuits song slut for starters. Then after that go on, our local crap page, and search for users with the sxe icon. after that look for one that actually lists hardcore bands and ask them what sxe means to them. Might be too much work for you, i know you gotta keep that post count up.
ok so ive got different beliefs than the average joe. all the rest of those things are part of the hardcore subculture. There is no straightedge subculture, only a core that most sxe kids are part of.
03-15-2005, 09:37 AM
check out the gorilla biscuits song slut for starters. Then after that go on, our local crap page, and search for users with the sxe icon. after that look for one that actually lists hardcore bands and ask them what sxe means to them. Might be too much work for you, i know you gotta keep that post count up.
This is the best you can do, a song on a demo that didn't even make it past it? I was at least hoping for the judge reference or the alone in the crowd one. So wait, I'm supposed to go research something that you're claiming as a point?
ok so ive got different beliefs than the average joe. all the rest of those things are part of the hardcore subculture. There is no straightedge subculture, only a core that most sxe kids are part of.
that translates to you being wrong. hardcore is a subculture, so is straight edge. so is goth, so was punk, so are a ton of things.
04-04-2005, 05:04 PM
Straight Edge is a subculture or counter-culture. Hardcore is a subculture. Sec is right. You are wrong. Deal with it.
04-04-2005, 05:19 PM
Straight Edge is a subculture or counter-culture. Hardcore is a subculture. Sec is right. You are wrong. Deal with it.
it's both.
04-04-2005, 05:33 PM
04-08-2005, 07:26 AM
Dude this is the first argument I'm not in...that is like addicting. I can't stop reading it...Come on yell some more...And BTW Dusty is right...
Rick James"SLAAAAAAAAAAP, bitch!"
04-16-2005, 02:52 AM
straight edge is only about being drug and alchol free who ever said you cant eat somthing i mean how dumb. well yeah it is supposed to be a movment to gether not aginst each other. i mean really come on reply if you have somthing to say.
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