View Full Version : ass holes in the scene
04-04-2005, 03:18 PM
why do sXe kids have such a reputation for being ass holes? every time im @ a show they seem 2 always be ass hole tough guys. i realy think these kids give sXe a bad name. and they always seem to be closed minded. is it because in the hXc scene u kinda have 2 be tough to survive? im just tryn 2 figure y most of the kids n the scene are jerks. not just sXe kids but just scene kids n general.
04-04-2005, 03:24 PM
why do sXe kids have such a reputation for being ass holes? every time im @ a show they seem 2 always be ass hole tough guys. i realy think these kids give sXe a bad name. and they always seem to be closed minded. is it because in the hXc scene u kinda have 2 be tough to survive? im just tryn 2 figure y most of the kids n the scene are jerks. not just sXe kids but just scene kids n general.
it's angry music. and angry people. logic follows that some proportion of them are going to be assholes.
04-05-2005, 01:01 AM
because were hate edge and we dont tolerate fucking fashioncore kids with bandanas who think wearing a The Bled shirt makes them hardcore.
04-05-2005, 08:24 AM
because were hate edge and we dont tolerate fucking fashioncore kids with bandanas who think wearing a The Bled shirt makes them hardcore.
sure you are big guy.
04-05-2005, 10:43 AM
sure you are big guy.
never said i was. wow you really posted after me everywhere, youmust be my stalker. unless you like putting up with scenesters, then i say its ok to be an asshole to them. those that take sxe as a trend. and make it look like its a fad and cool to be edge. i see no problem with calling them out.
04-05-2005, 10:47 AM
never said i was. wow you really posted after me everywhere, youmust be my stalker. unless you like putting up with scenesters, then i say its ok to be an asshole to them. those that take sxe as a trend. and make it look like its a fad and cool to be edge. i see no problem with calling them out.
or it could be that you actually said incorrect/dumb things that needed to be pointed out.
Ok, let's look at what you said before vs what you just said. if you would have just said the above before that would have been one thing, but you added hate edge and militant in there.
04-05-2005, 10:49 AM
or it could be that you actually said incorrect/dumb things that needed to be pointed out.
Ok, let's look at what you said before vs what you just said. if you would have just said the above before that would have been one thing, but you added hate edge and militant in there.
haha my bad. and whats wrong with militant edge. make it a topic here and see how many people really know of it.
04-05-2005, 10:50 AM
haha my bad. and whats wrong with militant edge. make it a topic here and see how many people really know of it.
knock yourself out.
because were hate edge and we dont tolerate fucking fashioncore kids with bandanas who think wearing a The Bled shirt makes them hardcore.
oooooooooooh someones big and tough
never said i was. wow you really posted after me everywhere, youmust be my stalker. unless you like putting up with scenesters, then i say its ok to be an asshole to them. those that take sxe as a trend. and make it look like its a fad and cool to be edge. i see no problem with calling them out.
Yes, much of the scene has become fashion edge, but who are oyu to decide who is in it for the right reasons?
because were hate edge and we dont tolerate fucking fashioncore kids with bandanas who think wearing a The Bled shirt makes them hardcore.
also, i used to be into all that hate edge militant stuff, then it got me thrown in boot camp, and that was dumb as hell.
04-07-2005, 01:34 PM
Yes, much of the scene has become fashion edge, but who are oyu to decide who is in it for the right reasons?
being into something because its fashionable and you dont like half the bands of the shirts your wearing, is DEF a reason to say something. thats just lame. if you dont really like the band, dont rep them and act like you do.
being into something because its fashionable and you dont like half the bands of the shirts your wearing, is DEF a reason to say something. thats just lame. if you dont really like the band, dont rep them and act like you do.
Right, i see exactly what you're saying, but how do YOU know who is really into the scene and all, and who is being trendy? and also, why beat them up? And are you beating them up in the name of edge, cause if you are, that makes it more stupid.
04-09-2005, 11:58 AM
no no. im saying pretty much the ones i know personally or ones i know who def. dont like the hardcore or music they claim to.
04-09-2005, 03:26 PM
But why beat them up? Why not, I dunno, use some intelligence and perhaps just try and uphold the values of the hardcore scene (yes not the best choice of words but I'm tired) and hope that by doing that others will see the example being set.
Any fuckwit can beat someone up.
04-09-2005, 08:56 PM
i never said i beat them upppp. i said to call them out on it and show them its not cool to be a jackass.
i never said i beat them upppp. i said to call them out on it and show them its not cool to be a jackass.
i don't know, but those end up as fights over here.
04-15-2005, 10:40 PM
if your going to attack people for there personal beliefs then clearly you are not mentally strong enough to cope with people being different yet all being in one scene.. and being mentally strong is part of what being straight edge is!
04-22-2005, 10:23 AM
Chances are depending on where they are from, they are bound to get shit for being sXe. Peer pressure to start smoking and drinking at parties and stuff is bound to piss someone off. FashionXCore kids either have rich parents or a job, so they take all ther money and rape a scene to try to fit in because they are outcasts elsewhere.
04-22-2005, 10:32 AM
Chances are depending on where they are from, they are bound to get shit for being sXe. Peer pressure to start smoking and drinking at parties and stuff is bound to piss someone off. FashionXCore kids either have rich parents or a job, so they take all ther money and rape a scene to try to fit in because they are outcasts elsewhere.
hardcore used to be a place for the outcasts. now it mostly mirrors everything else. fashioncore kids reflect the larger part of the world rather than anything having to do with hardcore itself.
04-22-2005, 01:39 PM
How is being strightedge resisting peer pressure?.. being sXe has become os trendy its giving into it.. I know there are some people who truly beleive in it.. but over 1/2 of the kids who claim to be sXe jsut do it to fit in with the hXc sceen...
04-22-2005, 01:44 PM
How is being strightedge resisting peer pressure?.. being sXe has become os trendy its giving into it.. I know there are some people who truly beleive in it.. but over 1/2 of the kids who claim to be sXe jsut do it to fit in with the hXc sceen...
so 99% of the people you know do one thing and 1% don't and it's now not contrary?
04-24-2005, 10:10 PM
what? can you rephrase that please
04-25-2005, 07:34 AM
what? can you rephrase that please
Its pretty simple really, the socially accepted viewpoint of your peers sugests that sxe is contrary to that viewpoint.
04-25-2005, 08:56 AM
what? can you rephrase that please
the people that are straight edge are still a vast minority so by definition they're still being counter to the larger population, so it can't really be peer pressure, can it?
04-27-2005, 10:57 PM
I'm just saying for here.. many people become strightedge so they can fit into the scene.. so for them its not resisting pressure.. they go along with it.. but the people who are truely straightedge for their own reason are resisting.. it all depends on the person.. I'm just gettin tired of the people who do it to jump on the wagon.. I have nothing against someone who is true...
04-28-2005, 06:33 AM
I'm just saying for here.. many people become strightedge so they can fit into the scene.. so for them its not resisting pressure.. they go along with it.. but the people who are truely straightedge for their own reason are resisting.. it all depends on the person.. I'm just gettin tired of the people who do it to jump on the wagon.. I have nothing against someone who is true...
yeah, but who are you to decide who is true and who isn't?
04-28-2005, 01:01 PM
You know what I hate? People who bitch about scene kids all the time. All you have to do is ignore them not stoop down to their level and try to be "hardcore". That's stupid... just look at them and think wow, who cares?
04-28-2005, 01:04 PM
Why does Falanges care about edge and scene kids when she's not edge herself?
04-28-2005, 02:12 PM
Why does Falanges care about edge and scene kids when she's not edge herself?
who would be the best person to ask?
04-29-2005, 07:06 AM
Hey, Falanges why do you care?
05-03-2005, 10:51 PM
Because people who go to shows and associate with me affect me.. I mean i dont sit there and complain about it all the time.. dont get me wrong.. but i dont like fake trendy people..
05-03-2005, 10:57 PM
yeah, but who are you to decide who is true and who isn't?
I dont sit there and judge everyone.. but when one show your smoking a cigerette and the next show you've got black X's on your hands and preaching straightedge.. come'on..but honestly i hope you guys aren't perceieving me as some ignorant sXe cuz i really have nothing against being living that lifestyle.. just sometimes the kids who do it to be trendy get annoying.. thats all im saying
05-04-2005, 09:01 AM
I dont sit there and judge everyone.. but when one show your smoking a cigerette and the next show you've got black X's on your hands and preaching straightedge.. come'on..but honestly i hope you guys aren't perceieving me as some ignorant sXe cuz i really have nothing against being living that lifestyle.. just sometimes the kids who do it to be trendy get annoying.. thats all im saying
you make one statement and then go immediately into a statement of judgement. The point is, it's not my place to question the commitment of someone else on anything. If someone went from being straight edge to not, would you think they were being trendy?
05-06-2005, 12:19 AM
you make one statement and then go immediately into a statement of judgement. The point is, it's not my place to question the commitment of someone else on anything. If someone went from being straight edge to not, would you think they were being trendy?
depends? and i dont sit there questioning everyone.. but there are people that you can just tell who do it to fit in.. you can't tell me you havn't ran into those people
05-06-2005, 08:42 AM
depends? and i dont sit there questioning everyone.. but there are people that you can just tell who do it to fit in.. you can't tell me you havn't ran into those people
yeah but that's the point, who are you to decide?
05-06-2005, 06:31 PM
yeah but that's the point, who are you to decide?
i was the exact same way. i used to smoke at shows all the time. (before i was edge) then i went edge and i sported an edge patch on my back at a show and i got shit for being edge from some stupid girls. so are you calling me a trendy poser because i wanted to change my life? (to xsecx... i didnt mean to quote you. this was for that girl)
05-06-2005, 10:49 PM
i dont give people shit for being straightedge... but to be honest.. i would look at you as kinda trendy..
05-07-2005, 05:39 AM
i dont give people shit for being straightedge... but to be honest.. i would look at you as kinda trendy..
Why? Because they used to smoke? Then call me trendy too and be wrong.
05-09-2005, 02:35 PM
I don't really see how it's trendy to be edge at all. I mean a lot of people respect me for my choice to be sXe but a lot of people diss me for it. I feel comfortable saying that no matter what I do I will get bitched at for it so I'm gonna do what I think is right. I'm made fun of all the time by people that are edge for trying to be trendy and by people who aren't for not polluting my body. I'm dissed for being vegan by people who eat meat because I care about if I am eating an animal or not, and other vegans call me a poser. What do you want me to stop?....because I don't really give a damn. I'm not doing it for YOU.
05-11-2005, 12:20 AM
to both comments...I dony critize people for ebing straightedge or vegan.. im not either... but i think its a personal decsion.. but can you 2 honestly say that everyone who is staightedge would stay staightedge if the majority of people in the hardcore scene weren't staightedge?
05-11-2005, 08:32 AM
to both comments...I dony critize people for ebing straightedge or vegan.. im not either... but i think its a personal decsion.. but can you 2 honestly say that everyone who is staightedge would stay staightedge if the majority of people in the hardcore scene weren't staightedge?
the majority of people in the hardcore scene aren't straight edge.
05-11-2005, 09:26 PM
I dont kno where your from.. but they are here..
05-11-2005, 09:42 PM
I dont kno where your from.. but they are here..
I've been to shows in Erie. There isn't a place on earth where the majority of a scene is straight edge. I however do have to wonder why you care so much about what other people decide to do and call themselves?
05-11-2005, 10:17 PM
i dont think it makes a fuck of a difference in the majority or immajority of being edge or not. PEOPLE have reputations, not "labels" or lifestyles or however you want to classify someones choices. people's personal decisions dictate how they act. dont make it out to be a problem of edge kids, or a problem on non edge kids. im not edge, but i can relate to anyone given the right amount of courtesy. i use this board to find new and passionate bands, and their collective DIY supporters. no need to spoil anyones fun, regardless of their choice. do your thang, and if you dont, then go find yourself, and then come back when you have your own sense of true identity. enough for a long 1st post....
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