View Full Version : what made you go sxe?
04-06-2005, 05:49 PM
just wondering what every ones story is on how they decided to go sxe?
04-06-2005, 06:21 PM
just wondering what every ones story is on how they decided to go sxe?
my brother was a junkie when i lived in jersey city. father kicked him out. vowed to never touch anything that would turn me into him.
04-06-2005, 08:37 PM
All the men on both sides of my family have a history of drinking.. I've seen what it does to familys and friends and the person thats doing it... makes me sick I also live in a small hick town where most of the kids do nothing but get drunk as fuck on the weekends becuase they have nothing better to do with their lives... its funny cuz this ones the star football player and this ones the pearchers son and is gonna be a "great people who are gonna do a lot" (which is bullshit the teachers and the people in this town are so blind)
... but on the friday night at 1 o'clock their all puking in a toilet somewhere....
04-07-2005, 07:10 AM
I was a drug addict and alcoholic. I got to the point where I was sick of coughing up blood all the time and just being a mess. So I began the process of cleaning up. Around the same time one of my friends introduced me to the concept of straightedge and some of the bands in the scene and this helped me on my way.
04-07-2005, 07:30 AM
I was a drug addict and alcoholic. I got to the point where I was sick of coughing up blood all the time and just being a mess. So I began the process of cleaning up. Around the same time one of my friends introduced me to the concept of straightedge and some of the bands in the scene and this helped me on my way.
he lives
04-07-2005, 07:35 AM
Hi honey, I'm home!
04-07-2005, 07:37 AM
Hi honey, I'm home!
about fucking time.
04-07-2005, 07:39 AM
Don't worry, I won't be leaving it for this long again.
I've been clean my entire life,and i've always had a hatred for drugs and such. I got into the punk/hardcore scene when i was about twelve, and thats when i discovered straight edge. I started claiming edge when i realised i had like minded people in the scene to relate to with my feelings on drugs.
04-07-2005, 02:34 PM
I mainly was sxe my whole life. It was relly just my natural rules i set for myself. Noman(joe) was the one who introduced me to the whole sxe scene.
04-07-2005, 10:47 PM
My father is a alcholholic, he comes home drunk everynight, and the shit his drunk-ass puts me through is rediculous, his veiw of a perfect son is a prep football star, and he completely disagrees with my takes on life. where i live around here all the preps get drunk every friday and saturday night and according to them your not officially "cool" untill you have had a DUI or a MIP, it is fucking ridiculous. But mostly I took up straight-edge to promise myself i would never end up a drunk half-ass father who only loves his son when he lives his own dream.
04-09-2005, 11:56 PM
mother - alcoholic
sister - ex pot head
ya dig?
04-10-2005, 12:49 PM
i would call myself an alcoholic. that shit just had to stop; my drinking really became a problem.
04-10-2005, 01:03 PM
I've been clean my entire life,and i've always had a hatred for drugs and such. I got into the punk/hardcore scene when i was about twelve, and thats when i discovered straight edge. I started claiming edge when i realised i had like minded people in the scene to relate to with my feelings on drugs.
My story's pretty much like his
04-10-2005, 03:19 PM
i used to drink a lot... ya know that kind of guy who drinks just to drop almost dead in the floor...
i never liked to much marihuana or other drugs like that.
and one day i said something like "oh fuck... i feel so ill... ill never do this again"
the real reason is more complete, but i wont say it
then i started reading about sxe and it changed my life (it sounds so emo lol) and here i am :)
04-20-2005, 12:00 PM
I've been clean all my life. I just found some like minded people in sXe
04-22-2005, 10:18 AM
I mainly was sxe my whole life. It was relly just my natural rules i set for myself. Noman(joe) was the one who introduced me to the whole sxe scene.
That was pretty much me...i thought drugs and alcohol was whack (my dad was fucking crackhead and i don't where he is, get it? my mom was a lucky alcoholic that got off the streets when she had me), i just turned vegetarian (and i'm talkin before that fucked up version of sxe on judging amy) and that's just how i've been all my life...i was veg for awhile before my mom introduced me to oxtails, then i realized that the cow did nothing to me for me to start eating it...i looked up sxe because of that one thing and i'm just like "cool...other people like me..." plus it shut my mom up about my infatuation with rock...
05-19-2005, 07:39 PM
i used to drink a lot... ya know that kind of guy who drinks just to drop almost dead in the floor...
i never liked to much marihuana or other drugs like that.
and one day i said something like "oh fuck... i feel so ill... ill never do this again"
the real reason is more complete, but i wont say it
then i started reading about sxe and it changed my life (it sounds so emo lol) and here i am :)
Yeah same story for me. I would just drink until I passed out and as soon as I wake up again drink some more. I used to be alittle bit of stoner back in the summer. I just started out drinking alittle just like once a month, then it became twice a month, then once every weekend, then getting wasted 3 nights a week. I then just woke up and realized "what the fuck am I doing?" I should have been smarter everyone in my family has been to rehab multiple times, my sister lost her leg in a car accident because she was fucked up on valium and hit a stopped car, my other brother was a hardcore tweeker and put me threw living hell, I had to go live with my friends for about a month to get away from him and he has fucked up his whole life, he is better now though he just got back from rehab. I've never met my dad but he could have alcoholism/addiction in his blood that was passed down to the kids. My mom drinks alot but she can still lead a normal life so that doesn't bother me. I'm also very athletic and I don't wanna feed my body shit and try to go beyond what I should be doing, it sucks running on overdrive.
yes mine is emo to! i can't say it is badass though =(
05-20-2005, 12:29 AM
well I decided that straight edge was the way for me becuase I didnt see the point of harming my body perpusly if my bodys gonna get harmed I want that to happen throwing down. and like it just one day I read some of the basics about the straight edge way and thought that sounds like a good way to live plus it was a waist of my time and money I would much rather be at a show meeting new people then being at a friends house sneeking out to smoke to have 20 mins of fun just it was a stupid thing in my mind and sense I stopped smoking pot every once and a while I have bin going to shows my health has gotten so much better I throwdown better and I saved enuf money to get a moped
06-01-2005, 11:55 PM
my best friend got sent to charter for abuse of pot, alcohol, crack, acid, shrooms, and ludes. Around the same time, I saw someone I greatly admired drunk. It was kinda like finding out that you can't fly when your a kid, it broke me up pretty bad. Then a kid in my town was killed in a crash after smokeing pot. It all added up to it for me and I just got so tired of seeing people disrespect themselves and everyone else around them.
So I did some research and stumbled across straight edge. It was like this heavonly light for me, everything I loved and belived in. Animal rights, enviormentalism, a drug-free mind and body....that was what I already stood for. SO I guess the writing was on the wall, I needed to be edge.
06-02-2005, 09:49 AM
dad was a drunk.. didnt wanna be an asshole like him.. went edge... :) happy this way
06-09-2005, 02:58 PM
In short...when I was little saw how sick everyone was getting from drinking and such. Also seeing my brother almost die from angel dust(I think thats what it's called).
There's more I could say but it would take to long and Im busy working on things right now.
06-09-2005, 06:28 PM
I've never liked drinking, drugs, or any of that stuff, and now all my old friends (who never drank before) have decided to start drinking (their reason? to get drunk), so I decided to meet other people with the same idea of not drinking and doing drugs... (I still hang out with my friends, but only when they're sober).
06-09-2005, 08:57 PM
I've never liked drinking, drugs, or any of that stuff, and now all my old friends (who never drank before) have decided to start drinking (their reason? to get drunk), so I decided to meet other people with the same idea of not drinking and doing drugs... (I still hang out with my friends, but only when they're sober).
My friends that never drank before have started drinking too. The good thing is most of them have stopped smoking weed.
Where abouts in Canada do you live?
06-09-2005, 11:13 PM
I go to a drunk school... seriously, there's 30 kids in my grade and 29 of them drink a lot and do drugs.
I'm in BC. Another Canuck?
Another Canuck?
im from quebec, which i dont consider a canadian province.
06-10-2005, 03:57 PM
im from quebec, which i dont consider a canadian province.
reality would disagree.
06-10-2005, 05:23 PM
Let's stay away from the Quebec controversy...
Either way, Canadians and Quebecois are cool.
06-10-2005, 06:13 PM
If Quebec did become it's own country then a fight would start over who's army is worse Canadas or theres...and since thats not funny I'll say something else. I'm from manitoba.
indeed, let's not start a fight over La souveraineté!
06-12-2005, 04:20 PM
I decided to go straight edge very recently. I have always hated drugs, and alcohol. I vowed to myself never to touch drugs. My best friend is a drug adict, and she hates me because I told her that she needs to clean up. I won't touch anything thats going to ruin my control of life. I never knew until about a month ago that there was a community of people that live for the straight edge/hardcore lifestyle.
06-14-2005, 03:06 PM
i stop drinking because one day i realise that i dont need it at all i can be happy and funny without this shit...i didnt use drugs was just two times in my life and it was just a weed...than iam start to go just straight fucking edge...=) it hard to see your step father drunk...not alot but he is so stupid in this time(by the way he is stupid down for life) its so hard to see people taking drugs in your little city...its so hard to see people dying cause of drinking in the time of the end of all my thoughts i dicided to do only the good to me and help other...why do i must waste my life?i want to live it free and clean!
herbal health (
06-14-2005, 08:30 PM
well i became straight edge because of one i play sports and i dont want to ruin my body and well recently all of my friends have turned to drugs and weed and alcohol and all that crap so i have few friends left b/c i dont want to do pot but there are still others out there
Seems to me that a lot of people in here have (had) extreme experiences with either alcohol or soft/hard drugs.
Is that the reason you became straight edge and extreme about it?
The quote on Ronny Little's blog "true till college" comes to mind here, since some of you are "sXe all my life" when only 15 or 16.
I'm not straight edge. Let's get that out of the way.
I was, however, heavenly influenced in my teens by people like Henry Rollins and Ian McKaye, saw Slapshot every time they played Europe so they got me thinking.
I'm 31, been together with my girlfriend for 11 years now, have 2 beautiful children, just bought a house, I'm my own boss, run every other day, vegetarian for over ten years now, and yes, I occasionally have a glass of wine. Don't smoke, don't do (other) drugs, don't fuck around. To be very honest, I think I got my shit together.
Let me give you an example. I used to know a guy in our very closely knit punkrock scene that was straight edge (still is, I suppose). He's so fat it grosses me out. Eating all the time, jams one McBurger after the other into his mouth. Having read a bit about the effects of junkfood on the body, I wonder if he's better off than I am, eating as much fresh fruit and vegetables as I can get my hands on, running 4 or 5 times a week and the occasional glass of wine?
I'd be very happy to read what you think about this.
06-17-2005, 03:37 PM
Seems to me that a lot of people in here have (had) extreme experiences with either alcohol or soft/hard drugs.
Is that the reason you became straight edge and extreme about it?
The quote on Ronny Little's blog "true till college" comes to mind here, since some of you are "sXe all my life" when only 15 or 16.
I'm not straight edge. Let's get that out of the way.
I was, however, heavenly influenced in my teens by people like Henry Rollins and Ian McKaye, saw Slapshot every time they played Europe so they got me thinking.
I'm 31, been together with my girlfriend for 11 years now, have 2 beautiful children, just bought a house, I'm my own boss, run every other day, vegetarian for over ten years now, and yes, I occasionally have a glass of wine. Don't smoke, don't do (other) drugs, don't fuck around. To be very honest, I think I got my shit together.
Let me give you an example. I used to know a guy in our very closely knit punkrock scene that was straight edge (still is, I suppose). He's so fat it grosses me out. Eating all the time, jams one McBurger after the other into his mouth. Having read a bit about the effects of junkfood on the body, I wonder if he's better off than I am, eating as much fresh fruit and vegetables as I can get my hands on, running 4 or 5 times a week and the occasional glass of wine?
I'd be very happy to read what you think about this.
No one can be straightedge all their life, or convincingly say they will remain so when they are only 15, there is way to much change ahead to factor in to make that a reralistic statement. I'm sure you are a ware of that.
The thing is straightedge isn't a keep fit plan and isn't a stance against fast food, i think you sound pretty healthy and i think thats great. There are some straightedge kids that are really healthy, and lets not forget that a lot of straightedge kids go vegan.
You are obviously doing better than your friend healthwise and i congratualte you on that, but an anti drugs stance isn't automatically a stay fit issue. I am really happy for you living your life the way you have chosen.
06-17-2005, 08:39 PM
i have just recently became straight edge, i have always hung out with sxe kids and always considered it probly one of the better lifestyles to chose, i was always a drunk, and always the kid passed out in the front yard at 3 in the morning after partys or the kid driving 110 on morphine and a shit load of alchohal. i was addicted to coccain for almost a year and i just last year quit drugs, and i became VERY dependent on alchohal. about 3 weeks ago i visited wisconsin (still their waiting to go back to florida) and went to the bar with my grandfather because you can drink in the northwoods as long as your with a adult thats related to you. so we went up there, i started drinking, and realized that the guy sitting next to me could be me in 30 years. and it made me so scared that i decided that i would never drink again. and i think that was why my grandfather brought me up there. so i walked home, and was thinking, listening to my head phones to throwdown. and realized that there is a lifestyle that i have always thought highly of, that supports being sobar. and ive been to shows and hung out with kids, and they still are just as fun, and just as hardcore (if not more) than me going to avenged sevenfold shows so smashed that i cant dance. its just how i figured it should be. and i maid a promise to myself, no more drugs, no more drinking, and found myself visiting this website. and saying. shit. this is for me. and to answer the question on what i think of that guys oppinion. im not saying i'll stay true for the rest of my life, never sip alchohal again. but i will never get drunk again. i know that, because its a true belief i have. but i might sip on a glass of wine if i get married or something. but honestly i dont see it happening in the near future. i turn 18 in a few months. i dont have my intire life planned out, but my beliefs will always be there. and for the first time sence 6 grade ive been clean for almost 3 weeks. not a sip of alchohal not a bit of weed, nothing. and i feel better than ive ever felt health wise. emotionally wise, i feel good about myself. and i like that so. i guess i understand how sxe feels now. and i love it. i plan on not breaking edge ever. but if it happens when im 30 years old, i will probly be disappointing but, shit. i'll feel great untill then
06-23-2005, 11:30 AM
I realized by getting wasted and high everday I was not being true to myself, I felt like shit for being who I was, I took comfort in saying "its only casual". It has fucke dme up, I got kicked out of school, then got into an alternative school, where i was not allowed to skip, drink, smoke, so, I wanted to pass high school. I never wanted to become my brother, a fucked up fucking asshole without any reason to live and his disregard for the well being of himself and others is so discusting I hurt everytime I see him. I found out about Minor Threat, wondered why they speak of straight edge, I always knew about it, but not really. THen I looked into it, and I found that being straigh edge is exactly what I always wanted, to be clean, it gave me a reason to stop what I was doing, It pushe dme to do it for myself. I am straight edge, and I have my problems, but being straight edge is just the best thing ever for me, I am proud of living. Its a great feeling to be happy with life when you wake up in the morning.
There are obviosly other reasons and factors that came in to help me choose to become SXE, but that would take to long to type.
06-24-2005, 05:55 PM
I had a friend who is now braindead because of a car accident with a drunk driver. from that day on i decided i wouldnt drink or do drugs. and then i got into the hardcore scene through a couple of friends and found straight edge.
06-29-2005, 11:09 PM
Like many others, I've been clean my entire life ... I've have some really close friends and family members that were and still are involved in drugs and drinking and being promiscuous ... I've seen that road and from a young age, I knew I never wanted to follow in their foot steps ... I got into the punk and HxC scene when i was about 10 ... thanks to my older sister and brother ... I was always accepted by the founders of my local scene ... I found out about the sXe movement around this same time and since I already had those feelings, I fit right in ... the local sXe scene was pretty small at that time and at now it seems like it's even less ... My best friend was sXe with me all throughout school and our lives growing up ... just a few years ago a girl got him to start drinking socially and whatnot ... I guess i can't fault him for that ... and I never want to fault him ... it's his life and his choice ... I was just disappointed in him ... it hurt me pretty bad and I just felt even stronger about my commitment to the Edge way of life ...
I'm 23 now and I've got Straight Edge ... until my last breath ...
Buried Alive
07-02-2005, 02:36 AM
When I was in high school, I smoked marijuana with my friends and I was a heavy cigarette smoker. I gave up the weed after high school and gave up cigarettes when I was 22. I'm 25 now. My Father died two years ago. He was an alcoholic and eventually drank himself to death while sitting alone in a hotel room. I was never a heavy drinker at all and have only been actually drunk once in my entire life. But after my Dad passed away, I realized that I didn't want to drink at all. I wasn't going to give myself the opportunity to turn out that way. I have two children, a 3 year old and a 1 year old. I vowed they would NEVER have to see me the way I saw my Father....coming home late at night, stumbling in the door, smelling like a brewery. Never. This is why I am drug, tobacco, and alcohol free.
07-10-2005, 12:04 AM
Basically for me the story is I started to smoke pot and drink, but once I saw how dependant my friends and everyone around got. I decided to stop because I didn't want to end up like them and throw away my life. Then one of my friends introduced me to a band (Throwdown) who i later found out was straight edge and I got to reading about it and decided to claim the title.
07-10-2005, 12:19 AM
well heres my story.. never drank, smoked once.. seen how ppl were because ofi t . one of my good friends smokes every single day and seeing how his life is fucked decided to not get involved with it.. right now 17 turning 18 soon. listening to casey jones helped me decide..
07-11-2005, 12:03 PM
i do it because i like the label and like the trend, i will probably tattoo myself at eighteen then sell out at twenty-one
07-11-2005, 12:03 PM
well heres my story.. never drank, smoked once.. seen how ppl were because ofi t . one of my good friends smokes every single day and seeing how his life is fucked decided to not get involved with it.. right now 17 turning 18 soon. listening to casey jones helped me decide..
i love casey jones glad to find another fan
07-11-2005, 12:47 PM
yes THEY are awesome.. sorry ass. u know what i meant
07-11-2005, 01:14 PM
yes he is awesome
he? are we talking about ninja turtles?
07-11-2005, 08:00 PM
i do it because i like the label and like the trend, i will probably tattoo myself at eighteen then sell out at twenty-one
what trend?
i do it because i like the label and like the trend, i will probably tattoo myself at eighteen then sell out at twenty-one
shut upē
07-12-2005, 08:27 AM
what trend?
on my last trip into hot topic ( casue i'm cool enough to go there and still be hardcore...duh) i was looking for the latest GC shirt but to my surpirse almost everything not just shirt but notebooks and other shit had gay sayings on them like drugs are for thugs and dont use and other ryming ones so me with my sxe shirt on looked at the lady at the counter and said straight edge is just a trend and she looked at my shirt with a look of bewilderment and said yup, i think hardcore is becoming a trend with bands like atreyu and FATA so of course straight edge will follow, thats how its happening here at least all the stupid "goth" kids that listen to slipknot love atreyu and hawthorn heights one of em told my friend something like " i'm sick of being straight edge i dont like it anymore, how do i not be straight edge" and my friend who is the most hardcore kid i know was like you dont have to be straight edge. hahahaha and he has GC shirts on all the time i'd say its a trend now.
07-12-2005, 08:28 AM
shut upē
shut up squared??
07-12-2005, 08:31 AM
and another thing, they dont even know what hardcore is, my previously stated friend started a thread on my space "top ten favorite hardcore/ metalcore bands" and one of the "goth" kids from my school ( they are like a little pack they are all friends all listen to marilyn mason and sum 41... they dont mix) and put atreyu of course and exodus and death angel, he also said at one time we was the x drummer of shadows fall and was gonna go on tour with them but his mom wouldnt let him go to california... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
07-12-2005, 08:42 AM
he? are we talking about ninja turtles?
nevermind keith is the kid i was just talking about casey jones to, not the ninja turtle...
07-12-2005, 08:43 AM
yes THEY are awesome.. sorry ass. u know what i meant
uh no i didnt i wasnt being an ass just specific
07-12-2005, 08:44 AM
i need to get a life...
07-21-2005, 09:32 PM
I've always been sXe, but what made me more hardcore about it was seeing my friends fuck their heads and do shit like that, especially this one innocent girl who was like my best friend.
07-22-2005, 08:48 AM
I've always been sXe, but what made me more hardcore about it was seeing my friends fuck their heads and do shit like that, especially this one innocent girl who was like my best friend.
how can you always have been sxe?
07-23-2005, 12:05 PM
how can you always have been sxe?
What do you mean? I remember when I was 2, I was all "I don't want to do drugs" and then I drew X's on my hands with my crayolas.
07-23-2005, 12:23 PM
What do you mean? I remember when I was 2, I was all "I don't want to do drugs" and then I drew X's on my hands with my crayolas.
you joke but some kid tried to convince us all earlier that he was aware and chose to be drug free since birth.
07-25-2005, 08:04 AM
I went sXe after finding myself addicted to cigarettes, and realizing this was never the way I wanted to live. I hated myself every time I had gotten drunk, and I just knew i had to change, even though that meant i would find my self beeing the only kid in my town not drinking. I knew a little about straight edge, and I liked hardcore music, and it wasn't very hard for me to see, that straight edge was the change I needed in my life.
07-25-2005, 12:48 PM
I went sXe after finding myself addicted to cigarettes, and realizing this was never the way I wanted to live. I hated myself every time I had gotten drunk, and I just knew i had to change, even though that meant i would find my self beeing the only kid in my town not drinking. I knew a little about straight edge, and I liked hardcore music, and it wasn't very hard for me to see, that straight edge was the change I needed in my life.
hey, a nordic friend! donīt see much of them here.
07-26-2005, 01:11 AM
damn you were like 15 and addicted to cigarettes.. thats mighty young
07-27-2005, 03:11 PM
hey, a nordic friend! donīt see much of them here.
I'm quite new to this forum, but it's nice to see i'm not the only nordic person!
07-27-2005, 03:14 PM
damn you were like 15 and addicted to cigarettes.. thats mighty young
I don't know at what age people starts to smoke in the states, but in denmark 15 isn't very young at all. And I to started earlier I think..
07-27-2005, 03:51 PM
I don't know at what age people starts to smoke in the states, but in denmark 15 isn't very young at all. And I to started earlier I think..
I think it was more the fact that you were addicted to them so young, how much trouble did you have giving up?
07-27-2005, 04:16 PM
I think it was more the fact that you were addicted to them so young, how much trouble did you have giving up?
I tried a couple of times, without any luck, but when I decided that I wanted to quit for good AND stop drinking I actually think it wasn't that hard. I knew that I did not want to smoke, so I didn't. If you want to stop smoking you need to stay focused on what is good for you, and be fucking determined not to touch that shit ever again.
07-27-2005, 04:28 PM
I tried a couple of times, without any luck, but when I decided that I wanted to quit for good AND stop drinking I actually think it wasn't that hard. I knew that I did not want to smoke, so I didn't. If you want to stop smoking you need to stay focused on what is good for you, and be fucking determined not to touch that shit ever again.
Thanks for the advice, i'll keep it in mind.
07-29-2005, 02:09 PM
Well. When i was younger i had firmly made up my mind that i would lead a clean lifestyle. Freshman year in Highschool i was in a relationship and nearly gave into temptation. But alas, i couldn't do it. My mind told me to stop. And about a month later i learned about straightedge. I was SOO HAPPY to know there were other people who shared my beliefs. And from then on i identified with Straightedge and i'm most exceptionally proud of who i am.
07-29-2005, 02:19 PM
Well. When i was younger i had firmly made up my mind that i would lead a clean lifestyle. Freshman year in Highschool i was in a relationship and nearly gave into temptation. But alas, i couldn't do it. My mind told me to stop. And about a month later i learned about straightedge. I was SOO HAPPY to know there were other people who shared my beliefs. And from then on i identified with Straightedge and i'm most exceptionally proud of who i am.
is there actually any sort of scene in acadiana?
07-30-2005, 07:46 PM
Well, I grew up in a house where my dad is an alcholic and my mother is pretty much a pill popper. There was a time in my life, I was clean because I was scared to try new things, (sex, drugs, etc.) Well my stupid ass decided to be a rebel and drink, have multiple sex partners, and do drugs. I wasn't stupid enough to become an alcholic, a nympho, or a drug addict, so I decided to quit while I was ahead. Because life is too short, to mess up your body. So before any of you edgers mock me, because I actually touched the stuff, don't hate me. And what is really sad is that I have seen people sell out. I WILL NEVER SELL OUT. Along with becoming clean, as I was introduced to the hardcore scene, by some of my friends. From the moment on, I decided to embrace the SXE lifestyle forever. I take it so seriously, that I refuse to take a sip, or even play a character that smokes or drinks in a play (I do theater by the way) Also my goal is to get the best body I can this side of a negative drug test. I have been a complete SXE for several years, and I am proud of it. And soon I am going to start embracing this message through my music.
07-30-2005, 07:55 PM
Well, I grew up in a house where my dad is an alcholic and my mother is pretty much a pill popper. There was a time in my life, I was clean because I was scared to try new things, (sex, drugs, etc.) Well my stupid ass decided to be a rebel and drink, have multiple sex partners, and do drugs. I wasn't stupid enough to become an alcholic, a nympho, or a drug addict, so I decided to quit while I was ahead. Because life is too short, to mess up your body. So before any of you edgers mock me, because I actually touched the stuff, don't hate me. And what is really sad is that I have seen people sell out. I WILL NEVER SELL OUT. Along with becoming clean, as I was introduced to the hardcore scene, by some of my friends. From the moment on, I decided to embrace the SXE lifestyle forever. I take it so seriously, that I refuse to take a sip, or even play a character that smokes or drinks in a play (I do theater by the way) Also my goal is to get the best body I can this side of a negative drug test. I have been a complete SXE for several years, and I am proud of it. And soon I am going to start embracing this message through my music.
what does a complete SXE mean?
what does a complete SXE mean?
well, sXe is about personnal choices dusty, he's complete to himself i believe.
like im complete to myself when i dont drink, dont fuck around, dont do drugs but still take a bit of caffein every week.
07-31-2005, 01:09 AM
well, sXe is about personnal choices dusty, he's complete to himself i believe.
like im complete to myself when i dont drink, dont fuck around, dont do drugs but still take a bit of caffein every week.
and im basically the same except i dont drink caffeine at all..
07-31-2005, 09:04 AM
well, sXe is about personnal choices dusty, he's complete to himself i believe.
like im complete to myself when i dont drink, dont fuck around, dont do drugs but still take a bit of caffein every week.
how can you be complete to yourself?
caffeine is a drug so you can't really say you don't do drugs.
07-31-2005, 10:54 AM
Well I guess being sxe is being sxe. I really don't know what I meant by using the word complete, but I am really committed to lifestyle. I listen to the music, wear the clothing, and embrace the fundamentals of it. I hope that was a little more descriptive for you.
07-31-2005, 11:22 AM
Well I guess being sxe is being sxe. I really don't know what I meant by using the word complete, but I am really committed to lifestyle. I listen to the music, wear the clothing, and embrace the fundamentals of it. I hope that was a little more descriptive for you.
Good thing you wear the clothing, that's an important one. Otherwise I can see how you'd be incomplete.
07-31-2005, 11:55 AM
Good thing you wear the clothing, that's an important one. Otherwise I can see how you'd be incomplete.
i reject clothing...
fucking conformists.
07-31-2005, 02:22 PM
I take it so seriously, that I refuse to take a sip .
Is there any straight edger at all, that don't refuse to sip???
Is there any straight edger at all, that don't refuse to sip???
indeed, taking a sip of alcohol and claiming to walk the straight edge would be like saying you're against self-mutilation, but you like to chop a finger or two every once in a while.
07-31-2005, 06:44 PM
i reject clothing...
fucking conformists.
That must get a bit chilly sometimes.
07-31-2005, 07:21 PM
That must get a bit chilly sometimes.
fuck the cold...
i'm straight edge.
08-10-2005, 08:26 PM
reason 1) I became sXe about a few months ago (im 14) when i went to my cousins house and we went camping, he called a friend of his who was 21 and he paid him to bring alcohol and some pot.
2 hours, half gallon of liquer, and a blunt later.. he was asleep and vomating so i had to watch over him all night keeping him on his side and his head outside the tent..
it wasnt fun
reason 2) my dad smokes a lot, like a chain smoker..and whenever i visit him, he coughs constantly and it makes me really upset..hes gona die from it, i know
reason 3) really isn't a reason, just i have always had feelings about drugs/alcohol/tobacco since i was ive just taken it to the extreem now that im going into highschool and theres gona be more pressure, i will stand by my beliefs..
08-10-2005, 08:37 PM
reason 1) I became sXe about a few months ago (im 14) when i went to my cousins house and we went camping, he called a friend of his who was 21 and he paid him to bring alcohol and some pot.
2 hours, half gallon of liquer, and a blunt later.. he was asleep and vomating so i had to watch over him all night keeping him on his side and his head outside the tent..
it wasnt fun
reason 2) my dad smokes a lot, like a chain smoker..and whenever i visit him, he coughs constantly and it makes me really upset..hes gona die from it, i know
reason 3) really isn't a reason, just i have always had feelings about drugs/alcohol/tobacco since i was ive just taken it to the extreem now that im going into highschool and theres gona be more pressure, i will stand by my beliefs..
reason 4) hardcore kicks ass.
08-12-2005, 09:18 PM
Everyone that is into hardcore music either smokes or dose something else and after my friend got super drunk and i met a kid that got drunk then took cocaine extise or however you spell it then smoked a joint. He later flatlined and had to get his stomach pumped. So it never really sounded fun to me.
08-12-2005, 09:20 PM
Everyone that is into hardcore music either smokes or dose something else .
this statement does not make sense.
08-12-2005, 09:23 PM
this statement does not make sense.
maybe he's using the "wookie defense"?
08-12-2005, 09:39 PM
maybe he's using the "wookie defense"?
but what is a wookie doing on endor?
08-12-2005, 09:41 PM
but what is a wookie doing on endor?
it does not make sense!
08-26-2005, 10:15 PM
I was young, and decided even before i discovered the idea of Straight Edge that i wanted nothing to do with drugs, Cigarettes, nor Alcohol either. Saw what it did to people, and how it made people act, and even devestation in people's lives. I discovered the whole culture of Straight Edge, and a whole different scene within the music. and totally identified with it.
Urban Hippie
09-06-2005, 04:41 PM
See here's the thing. I heard the music and that is what draws me to sXe. The message sent through the music; the fact that music can have such a positive influence and still be great music. I am anxious to go to a show and you'll see I have the little post asking about Chicago shows. But I do know what it is like to be so engulfed in what I'm listening to that I'm just in a different world. And listening to straight edge bands and then looking at these forums, I must say I quite like the subculture. Also I've been raised under strict Christian ruling so you can see why I've always been clean my entire life, but never really thought twice about it. Ah I'll blabber forever and ever ... I just love life, music, people and hate to see any of that waste away.
Negative K
09-06-2005, 05:12 PM
I thought drugs and other bad things were bringing me down. so i went edge a month after i turned 20, and I still have problems.
09-06-2005, 11:24 PM
Around the age of 15 I had a friend overdose on heroin and die in my arms. Why at the age of 15 would you want to be hooked on heroin. Why at all but at 15 is just insane but it happens. I spent some time before that in Porter Starke which is a psych hospital for dpression and being out of parental control. I saw alot of teens there wasting away with drug or alcohol problems. Enough said.
09-06-2005, 11:32 PM
i do it because i like the label and like the trend, i will probably tattoo myself at eighteen then sell out at twenty-one
This right here proves what was said in other posts.
1. You do a fine job yourself making you look like a dumb ass kid.
2. You are absolutely positivly NOT sXe.
This is a lifestyle, an oath not just some flavor of the week high school trend kid. If you're already saying you're going to break edge you can never say you are or were edge. People who break edge can never say they were edge because they were not because they obviously didn't mean it when the promised themselve to remain true forever. After all these posts and all the help we try to offer you for your understanding you still don't get it and I'm very sorry to see that. You just don't seem to take it serious and thats very sad kid.
09-09-2005, 03:22 AM
my brother was a junkie when i lived in jersey city. father kicked him out. vowed to never touch anything that would turn me into him.
just so you know, that isn't enough of a reason, according to ALOT of people on this board to be edge.. passion and personality don't make you edge - according to them.. it's the music.
09-09-2005, 03:23 AM
Around the age of 15 I had a friend overdose on heroin and die in my arms. Why at the age of 15 would you want to be hooked on heroin. Why at all but at 15 is just insane but it happens. I spent some time before that in Porter Starke which is a psych hospital for dpression and being out of parental control. I saw alot of teens there wasting away with drug or alcohol problems. Enough said.
then where does the music come in? why would you not mention that-- since it's the "soul" reason for being edge? you guys are such frauds.
09-09-2005, 08:32 AM
just so you know, that isn't enough of a reason, according to ALOT of people on this board to be edge.. passion and personality don't make you edge - according to them.. it's the music.
thanks for continually showing that you don't get it.
09-09-2005, 01:56 PM
then where does the music come in? why would you not mention that-- since it's the "soul" reason for being edge? you guys are such frauds.
Soul/sole reason? Who said that, have you stopped taking your medication?
09-09-2005, 04:04 PM
then where does the music come in? why would you not mention that-- since it's the "soul" reason for being edge? you guys are such frauds.
You and xuntaintedbloodx, you 2 aren't related some how are you???? NOBODY said anything about the music being the sole reason behind sXe except you keep bringing it up for some reason. How many times do we have to TRY to explain this to you. It's one of the many pieces of the puxxle to sXe. I'm begining to think you may NEVER get it. Will you?
09-09-2005, 11:27 PM
thanks for continually showing that you don't get it.
i do.. i just don't agree with what you think.
09-10-2005, 01:04 AM
i do.. i just don't agree with what you think.
Except you clearly demonstrate that you don't get it when you make the statements about music being a sole/soul? factor.
09-10-2005, 01:46 AM
Except you clearly demonstrate that you don't get it when you make the statements about music being a sole/soul? factor.
ok.. fine. then i made a mistake. so, now what?
09-10-2005, 11:03 AM
ok.. fine. then i made a mistake. so, now what?
The best practice to employ when a mistake is made is to learn from it so a) you don't make it again and b) you gain from it.
09-14-2005, 10:39 PM
The best practice to employ when a mistake is made is to learn from it so a) you don't make it again and b) you gain from it.
yes, i concur. and i even promote that.
09-15-2005, 08:38 AM
yes, i concur. and i even promote that.
yet amazingly you don't follow it.
09-20-2005, 08:12 PM
well i had never really wanted to drink or smoke. i was drunk once in my life.
my family also had to do with it. my half-sister tryed to kill her own kids by driving her car [with her kids in it] into a rive. of course she was a druggie alcoholic... i just never wanted anything like that to happen to me.
i had always hated drugs, alcohol, and ciggs, i just never considared myself edge. but in august i decided to choose the straight edge lifestyle..
10-01-2005, 12:50 AM
Well I was about 10 when I first started drinking and I would change my attitude a lot first I wanted to be bad ass then a goodie good the bad then gaood then bad..... At 24 I had been using a lot of drugs and booze for about 9 years . I even lived on the streets for 1 year and a half. Somehow I got a job and got an apartment though and kept it for 2 years. It was like a miracle to me. But all that changed once I started drinking and partying with friends to much. I barely got by and made it work. After losing my apartment, I decided to get sober and get some help. It wasn't easy, I gave up booze and weed first, then the coffee and cigarettes, I knew I wanted to be clean. Totally. I first listened to Minor Threat when I was 15 my friends and I loved them, they were a great band, but we didn't get it we actually would get fucked up drunk and high, listen to them and laugh. Now I'm sober I'm Straight Edge. Anybody care? I didn't think so. Goodbye
10-25-2005, 06:00 PM
when highschool started all my friends started doing pot, and it was like alrighty first. then it became all they talked about, instead of going to shows and stuff, theyd hang out places and smoke pot, and things like that.
that was when.
10-26-2005, 10:39 AM
i used to smoke pot and drink heavily. i did it to fit in. the crazy part is i heard about sxe from my friend but thought it was some bullshit he made up to be different. years paased got married had kids. kids change things. didnt want them to look at me like i looked at my parents. like losers. so for my kids and my own pride in my body. plus the music kicks ass!
11-03-2005, 07:31 AM
a lot of things made me decide to be edge.
I mean I never wanted to do drugs or try them for that matter.
I think its stupid when people tell me that I am being stupid for being edge.
I mean I am just trying to keep myself healthy to live a longer life..
One hot tight amateur fucked (
11-05-2005, 11:06 AM
I smoke and drink and do drugs and I love it
I am 13 by the way
LOVE AND PEACE!!! I am not fucked up, not everyone who does drugs is!
I smoke and drink and do drugs and I love it
I am 13 by the way
LOVE AND PEACE!!! I am not fucked up, not everyone who does drugs is!
oh you're so cool i'm proud of you pretty much
11-05-2005, 05:51 PM
I smoke and drink and do drugs and I love it
I am 13 by the way
LOVE AND PEACE!!! I am not fucked up, not everyone who does drugs is!
give it time.
sXe BrItNi OwNs YoU
11-05-2005, 07:05 PM
My mom is an achohlic and she smokes pot. I see what the aftermath of the shit is. and I don't want to be like her
11-05-2005, 07:34 PM
I smoke and drink and do drugs and I love it
I am 13 by the way
LOVE AND PEACE!!! I am not fucked up, not everyone who does drugs is!
what makes you think you're not fucked up? I've never met a 13 year old, sober or not that isn't.
11-05-2005, 08:06 PM
what makes you think you're not fucked up? I've never met a 13 year old, sober or not that isn't.
that.. and, why would you endure in drug use in the first place if there were nothing fucked up about you or your life. you are attempting to escape -- from what?
11-05-2005, 09:13 PM
what makes you think you're not fucked up? I've never met a 13 year old, sober or not that isn't.
And a 13 year old with access to booze and drugs? Something's just wrong there, there's no way that's not fucked up.
11-05-2005, 10:01 PM
I smoke and drink and do drugs and I love it
I am 13 by the way
LOVE AND PEACE!!! I am not fucked up, not everyone who does drugs is!
Yeah and a bear doesn't shit in the woods. Were are your parents through all this and what do they think?
11-06-2005, 12:27 PM
Excuse me, but the fact my IQ is probably much higher then your and the fact I am in the top 3.5% of the country [FUCK YEAH!] Sort of prooves that drugs don't necasserily fuck you up if you use them occasionally or socially especially as I only use tobacco, alcohol and Cannabis.
Thank you
11-06-2005, 12:41 PM
Excuse me, but the fact my IQ is probably much higher then your
judging by your grammar, it is not.
11-06-2005, 01:01 PM
Excuse me, but the fact my IQ is probably much higher then your and the fact I am in the top 3.5% of the country [FUCK YEAH!] Sort of prooves that drugs don't necasserily fuck you up if you use them occasionally or socially especially as I only use tobacco, alcohol and Cannabis.
Thank you
you do realize that iq doesn't actually equate to anything unless you actually use it for anything, right? and seeing as how you're 13 and feel the need to substance abuse, I'd have to doubt just how much you're actually using your 'iq'.
11-06-2005, 02:50 PM
Well fuck you, your all virgins.
11-06-2005, 02:57 PM
Well fuck you, your all virgins.
well no, we're not. we are however smarter than you.
11-06-2005, 03:10 PM
Well fuck you, your all virgins.
surely you mean you're not your? Or are you suggesting somekind of ownership of all virgins is ours?
11-06-2005, 07:46 PM
Well fuck you, your all virgins.
Yeah that was cool. Way to use that huge IQ. Lamest come back shit talk EVER. Too bad you mom isn't a virgin.
i've a similar story to a lot of others.
i drank too much, smoked too much, and did too many drugs. my health started to go down the toilet, and so did my studies, so the day i moved into my new house, i cleaned up my act. 2 months later, i went vegie. i've never looked back. my house is a good place to live as it keeps me focused, living with drunks. it shows me what i will never go back to. and having an edge gf is win too!
11-07-2005, 01:29 PM
Well, no one wants you! Everyone wants me because I am so hot, if you want i will talk to you on MSN
add me try and convert me or whatever.
Well, no one wants you! Everyone wants me because I am so hot, if you want i will talk to you on MSN
add me try and convert me or whatever.
my time is too precious to waste it on little slobs.
11-07-2005, 08:42 PM
my time is too precious to waste it on little slobs.
Well said.
11-07-2005, 08:46 PM
Well, no one wants you! Everyone wants me because I am so hot, if you want i will talk to you on MSN
add me try and convert me or whatever.
Yeah for a pimplely greasy 13 year old with no life. I know for a fact that not every one wants you cause I'm pretty sure I'd rather die than want you.
Just because you're a burn out doesn't make you hot. You aren't even a sizzle. More like a fizzle out than hot.
11-07-2005, 09:43 PM
Well, no one wants you! Everyone wants me because I am so hot, if you want i will talk to you on MSN
add me try and convert me or whatever.
now katrina, why would we want to do that?
11-08-2005, 12:59 AM
lol you are too scared to talk me!
lol you are too scared to talk me!
not quite
my time is too precious to waste it on little slobs.
11-08-2005, 08:29 AM
lol you are too scared to talk me!
for someone who is supposed to be smart, you're just not. and if you're going to be a troll, at least be interesting about it.
11-08-2005, 10:04 AM
lol you are too scared to talk me!
* just shakes *
How did you know???????
11-10-2005, 01:30 PM
I got saw my boyfriend now, it was very fun... We got stoned and stuff
11-10-2005, 01:31 PM
I got saw my boyfriend now, it was very fun... We got stoned and stuff
you got saw him huh?
11-10-2005, 02:25 PM
you got saw him huh?
I got saw people all the time!
11-10-2005, 08:37 PM
I got saw my boyfriend now, it was very fun... We got stoned and stuff
And this is why you're not smart young lady.
11-11-2005, 03:57 AM
I got saw people all the time!
how do you do when you "got saw" people, i try all the time but never seem to succed. or maybe i do but just donīt know what happends when i do.
please tell me, or even better: sxerules! please tell me who know when really have got saw someone, please?!
11-11-2005, 08:26 AM
how do you do when you "got saw" people, i try all the time but never seem to succed. or maybe i do but just donīt know what happends when i do.
please tell me, or even better: sxerules! please tell me who know when really have got saw someone, please?!
so wait... gatsaw got saw?
11-11-2005, 01:31 PM
so wait... gatsaw got saw?
haha, didnīt think of that.
11-11-2005, 09:36 PM
haha, didnīt think of that.
let's just say gat is the past tense of got - does that clear this up?
11-12-2005, 01:56 AM
Why are you virgins?
Why are you against drugs?
Why are you against drink?
ANswer these also, obesity is the highest killer in america, maybe you should stop eating too.
I smoke, drink and i fucking think!
11-12-2005, 03:14 AM
Why are you virgins?
Why are you against drugs?
Why are you against drink?
ANswer these also, obesity is the highest killer in america, maybe you should stop eating too.
I smoke, drink and i fucking think!
um, well.. we're not all virgins. and i would venture to say that the majority on this board are not virgins. and actually, i have a 14 month old son.
being against drugs (which also includes alcohol) is a stance of simply being free from the unnecessary and also grants the position of being stronger in mind and body. without the use of substances, you are clear of what it is you are - for the most part. using drugs for recreational highs and drunkeness has no positive effects and/or productivity towards life.
and - no, we are not all obese. eating food doesn't mean you are obese or even unhealthy. it can be, but it doesn't pertain to nearly everyone - and pertains next to nothing of being sXe. now, what is your point?
11-12-2005, 04:21 AM
Why are you virgins?
Why are you against drugs?
Why are you against drink?
ANswer these also, obesity is the highest killer in america, maybe you should stop eating too.
I smoke, drink and i fucking think!
Can you show evidence of obesity being the biggest killer in america?
And why are you for drink and drugs?
11-12-2005, 05:12 AM
let's just say gat is the past tense of got - does that clear this up?
accually it doesnīt because i still get who you do when you got saw someone, has it something to do with the movie saw or maybe sxerules! spelled it wrong. could it be that?
and gatsaw doesnīt mean anything as i know of, itīs just a nickname i got a great while ago and have used since.
11-12-2005, 08:44 AM
Why are you virgins?
Why are you against drugs?
Why are you against drink?
ANswer these also, obesity is the highest killer in america, maybe you should stop eating too.
I smoke, drink and i fucking think!
you keep saying that you fucking think but continually fail to demonstrate it.
11-12-2005, 11:08 AM
Today i got sawed a bunch of people and i too was got sawn.
11-12-2005, 11:13 AM
Today i got sawed a bunch of people and i too was got sawn.
what happened when you was got sawn? iīm thinking that i might have got sawn today too, and i definetly think i did yesterday but i donīt really know what it means (me being a stupid swede and all, and having a big red birthmark all over my face).
11-12-2005, 08:19 PM
Why are you virgins?
Why are you against drugs?
Why are you against drink?
ANswer these also, obesity is the highest killer in america, maybe you should stop eating too.
I smoke, drink and i fucking think!
Go away.
11-13-2005, 03:22 PM
viv's folks made carrot mash last time we were over.
I'm sorry.
I've been clean my entire life,and i've always had a hatred for drugs and such. I got into the punk/hardcore scene when i was about twelve, and thats when i discovered straight edge. I started claiming edge when i realised i had like minded people in the scene to relate to with my feelings on drugs.
Same story here, as well. I pretty much "just" became straight-edge a while back, but I always thought drugs were retarded, and so many people that did them just threw their life away. I don't want to do that to myself, because I know it would hurt me, my family, and my friends. I wanted to find people with same thoughts and beliefs as me, and of course, the utter love for punk/hXc.
11-16-2005, 03:18 PM
im from quebec, which i dont consider a canadian province.
so you speak french??????:):):):)
11-16-2005, 03:22 PM
i smoked pot for 3 years(french people are the number 1 pot smokers!a survey showed that the hlaf youth had smoked at least one time on a pot)and i drank a bit.all my friends do.and i after discovering sxe hc bands,i get informed about straight edge and after a year of reflexion here i am.i makes me proud to be straight coz in france it's hard to find edgers,i feel like unique :)
11-16-2005, 03:25 PM
Why are you virgins?
Why are you against drugs?
Why are you against drink?
ANswer these also, obesity is the highest killer in america, maybe you should stop eating too.
I smoke, drink and i fucking think!
i'm not virgin,and i make love a lot when i have a girl!
11-16-2005, 03:41 PM
yeah dude!
um, well.. we're not all virgins. and i would venture to say that the majority on this board are not virgins. and actually, i have a 14 month old son.
being against drugs (which also includes alcohol) is a stance of simply being free from the unnecessary and also grants the position of being stronger in mind and body. without the use of substances, you are clear of what it is you are - for the most part. using drugs for recreational highs and drunkeness has no positive effects and/or productivity towards life.
and - no, we are not all obese. eating food doesn't mean you are obese or even unhealthy. it can be, but it doesn't pertain to nearly everyone - and pertains next to nothing of being sXe. now, what is your point?
I'm not obese, but I'm fat. :P
11-16-2005, 05:39 PM
what happened when you was got sawn? iīm thinking that i might have got sawn today too, and i definetly think i did yesterday but i donīt really know what it means (me being a stupid swede and all, and having a big red birthmark all over my face).
fuck yeah
11-16-2005, 05:40 PM
I'm not obese, but I'm fat. :P
word up
11-17-2005, 11:33 AM
hey, i'm new to this site and i thought this would be a good first post. i haven't officially declared myself sXe, but i have a great respect for the life style and have adhered to it all my life... i'm in college right now, so i've already proved my stance on drugs/alcohol/cigarettes/sex/ignorance... so... yeah... just thought i'd start here... i'm considering taking the sXe label, but i believe this is not an overnight decision so i want to research more into it and when i commit... i want to know what i'm commiting to. and my goodness... that girl (sxerules!) what an idiot....
11-17-2005, 02:49 PM
hey, i'm new to this site and i thought this would be a good first post. i haven't officially declared myself sXe, but i have a great respect for the life style and have adhered to it all my life... i'm in college right now, so i've already proved my stance on drugs/alcohol/cigarettes/sex/ignorance... so... yeah... just thought i'd start here... i'm considering taking the sXe label, but i believe this is not an overnight decision so i want to research more into it and when i commit... i want to know what i'm commiting to. and my goodness... that girl (sxerules!) what an idiot....
Well read around on the site and even the text on the front page. As what i am noticing in your post is no mention of the hardcore element of the whole thing. So before considering to describe yourself as straightedge perhaps check out some of the music around which it is centered.
11-17-2005, 03:03 PM
my goodness, i totally forgot! yes of course i like hardcore. it would be silly if i decided to join something based on something i knew nothing about. my favorite band is Killswitch Engage, but i also like Atreyu, AFI, As I Lay Dying, MCR, The Used (i suppose those two would be more EMO, huh?), Thrice, Memento, and a bunch of other hxc bands... sorry for the confusion!!!!
11-17-2005, 03:18 PM
my goodness, i totally forgot! yes of course i like hardcore. it would be silly if i decided to join something based on something i knew nothing about. my favorite band is Killswitch Engage, but i also like Atreyu, AFI, As I Lay Dying, MCR, The Used (i suppose those two would be more EMO, huh?), Thrice, Memento, and a bunch of other hxc bands... sorry for the confusion!!!!
I think there is a more serious confusion at this point, this is a good thread to find some bands that you need to check out :)
11-18-2005, 07:22 AM
fuck yeah
fuck yeah what?
11-18-2005, 02:59 PM
so... are you saying that the bands i listen to aren't hardcore??? i mean, should i only list the bands that are "generic" and "prelabeled"?? i listen to bands like Toxic Narcotic, The Casualties, The Ramones, Dropkick Murphys, and stuff like that too.... i was just listing the ones that are my favorites... am i not cut out for this??? i mean... i'm actually trying to take this seriously. There's really not a punk/hardcore scene where i live.. i'm kinda in this on my own. I live in an area that's primarily black and mexican, so... maybe this isn't the thing for me? are the bands i've listed "wrong" for this type of lifestyle?? and do we have to be exclusive to the hxc scene?? I know that i listen to a lot of different kinds of music, so am i not cut out for sxe? i dont' want to degrade the ideology behind it, so i'm looking for your honest opinion.
11-18-2005, 03:25 PM
so... are you saying that the bands i listen to aren't hardcore?
Do you think they are hardcore? And more importantly do you think they have anything to do with straightedge.
i mean, should i only list the bands that are "generic" and "prelabeled"??
Hardcore is generic, and hardcore bands are hugely relative in straightedge. Should you only listen to hardcore bands? no, but its the only music that is relevent to being straightedge.
i listen to bands like Toxic Narcotic, The Casualties, The Ramones, Dropkick Murphys, and stuff like that too.... i was just listing the ones that are my favorites... am i not cut out for this???
Do you think you are cut out for this? would it matter if you weren't, i mean if it turns out that you really didn't like hardcore straightedge does that really hold any bearing on your life? It doesn't mean you can't be drug free and listen to the music you enjoy, although it probably wont reflect a lot of your beliefs like straightede hardcore does for straightedge kids. All it means is you aren't straightedge, straightedge resides within hardcore but you can be completely drug free without hardcore under a different label. Most people here refer to that as simply being drug free. I will say this, do not struggle to fit yourself into a mold that doesn't fit you, if straightedge isn't you don't force it to be you because you want to be part of something.
i mean... i'm actually trying to take this seriously. There's really not a punk/hardcore scene where i live.. i'm kinda in this on my own. I live in an area that's primarily black and mexican, so... maybe this isn't the thing for me?
Because hardcore and straightedge are underground, its quite possible there is some activity in a scene near you. I live in a town with no scene but i still became staightedge, i travel to shows, not as many as i'd perhaps like but i still support the bands by buying their releases. The ethnic break down of your area shouldn't make to much difference, straightedge and hardcore are worldwide with some uniquitys inherent to different scenes around the world.
are the bands i've listed "wrong" for this type of lifestyle?? and do we have to be exclusive to the hxc scene?? I know that i listen to a lot of different kinds of music, so am i not cut out for sxe? i dont' want to degrade the ideology behind it, so i'm looking for your honest opinion.
The bands you listed are only wrong in the sense that they have no relevence to straightedge and don't reflect the straightedge movement. However you do not have to listen exclusively to hardcore, i listen to many other types of music, and my tastes are quite diverse. Only the hardcore has relevence to my being straightedge though.
I'm glad you don't want to degrade the ideology, and people here will be honest with you, i will do my best to answer your questions as will others here so continue to ask but some of the questions are ones you have to answer for yourself.
11-18-2005, 04:18 PM
i don't necessaraly get my ethics from music, so maybe the bands i like aren't the right ones. thanks for you opinion... of course i'll just stay regular old me... anyway, congrats to all you sxe people! it's an awesome lifestyle if you can be true to it. the reason i was interested in sxe is the shameless advertisement of the ethics, but i dont' want to try to squeeze myself into something that's not me. thanks straightxed... i'll keep what you said in mind while i look into this.
11-18-2005, 04:19 PM
i don't necessaraly get my ethics from music, so maybe the bands i like aren't the right ones. thanks for you opinion... of course i'll just stay regular old me... anyway, congrats to all you sxe people! it's an awesome lifestyle if you can be true to it. the reason i was interested in sxe is the shameless advertisement of the ethics, but i dont' want to try to squeeze myself into something that's not me. thanks straightxed... i'll keep what you said in mind while i look into this.
or you could actually look into what it actually is and decide if it's actually for you or not.
11-18-2005, 06:53 PM
or you could actually look into what it actually is and decide if it's actually for you or not.
yeah.. that's what i meant. thanks for all your help guys!!! and sorry for putting all this conversation in this thread.. i know this isn't the place for it....
11-20-2005, 08:02 PM
I'm new to Straight Edge obviously, I've heard the name for quite a number of years though I never knew its meaning. It's not a thing you hear around my area very often as I live in a local area where the majority consists of neutrals/surfies/skaters.
I've recently been looking into the meaning of Straight Edge, for the past 4 days or so. I find it really interesting, I've only been stalking around the forums and I find the concept and meaning of sXe really interesting. ^_^ Well heres my story.
My parents were always smokers, all their life pretty much, my Father soon quit when the first child came along. My mother still continues to smoke till this day. My mother has tried numerous times to quit yet she never seems to suceed. I think this lead a bit to why both my brothers since they were around the age of 15 have began smoking pot and drinking alcohol. In the family i'm seen as a loner and an outcast, I don't socialise much on the weekends. I use to spend all my time telling them to quit and that it's a pathetic way to live their lives and that there are better things to do then just sit around and abuse drugs just for a poor excuse to having fun. I use the computer as my escape from life through reading poetry and photography. I feel alone in my world as only few people like me are in this area. I'm only 15 I've seen the effects of alcohol/drug use too many times to count and it sickens me, I commited myself to be different and live a life different from those around me.
I have alot to add and some stuff I'd rather not mention to those I don't know. In the area of music, i'm really just a freelancer, I love almost all types of music and have searched for bands that I have heard of while looking through the meaning/definition of sXe. I absolutely love their cause and their music in general ^_^.
Well... thats some of my story :P.
11-20-2005, 08:40 PM
i went edge because i was sick of living life the way i was and when you see someone intoxicated when your sober it looks pathetic, and alot of the worlds problems can be traced back to some sort of intoxication. people that are intoxicated are not themselves, there fake and i don't want to be fake.
11-20-2005, 11:26 PM
Do you think you are cut out for this? would it matter if you weren't, i mean if it turns out that you really didn't like hardcore straightedge does that really hold any bearing on your life? It doesn't mean you can't be drug free and listen to the music you enjoy, although it probably wont reflect a lot of your beliefs like straightede hardcore does for straightedge kids. All it means is you aren't straightedge, straightedge resides within hardcore but you can be completely drug free without hardcore under a different label. Most people here refer to that as simply being drug free. I will say this, do not struggle to fit yourself into a mold that doesn't fit you, if straightedge isn't you don't force it to be you because you want to be part of something.
@ straightXed
So your saying you have to be apart of a hardcore scene to be edge?
Thats what I use to believe and heeps of people gave me shit for it, saying you can be straight edge and listen to what ever you want, its also on the tv around here with things on music channels such as 'IS STRAIGHT EDGE THE NEW CHRISTIANITY' ( ABSOLOUTE BULLSHIT), yet they have nothing to do with hardcore.
11-20-2005, 11:52 PM
I know this isn't directed at me. But I want to answer anyway, Straight Edge began in the hardcore scene and it remains in the hardcore scene. If you aren't into hardcore but hold the same beliefs about a healthy mind & body then you are what we call around my area a Neutral.
11-20-2005, 11:56 PM
Yeah thats what I thought, heeps of kids around here know nothing about that, they claim edge and no shit about hardcore, never been to a show.
11-21-2005, 07:34 AM
@ straightXed
So your saying you have to be apart of a hardcore scene to be edge?
Thats what I use to believe and heeps of people gave me shit for it, saying you can be straight edge and listen to what ever you want, its also on the tv around here with things on music channels such as 'IS STRAIGHT EDGE THE NEW CHRISTIANITY' ( ABSOLOUTE BULLSHIT), yet they have nothing to do with hardcore.
Not really sure what you are trying to say here.
11-21-2005, 08:22 AM
Yeah thats what I thought, heeps of kids around here know nothing about that, they claim edge and no shit about hardcore, never been to a show.
you're right and the kids around you are idiots.
11-21-2005, 04:27 PM
I know this isn't directed at me. But I want to answer anyway, Straight Edge began in the hardcore scene and it remains in the hardcore scene. If you aren't into hardcore but hold the same beliefs about a healthy mind & body then you are what we call around my area a Neutral.
Yeah or they're just drug free or poision free.
11-21-2005, 08:11 PM
yes! thanks for telling me!
I was just trying to say that people around here use straight edge as a label for anyone who doesnt drink,smoke do drugs. Yet they no shit about the origin of sxe or what its truly about.
11-21-2005, 08:39 PM
yes! thanks for telling me!
I was just trying to say that people around here use straight edge as a label for anyone who doesnt drink,smoke do drugs. Yet they no shit about the origin of sxe or what its truly about.
It's not just around you. It's around me. It's around every where. Hell it's even here on a sXe board. To many kids out there with a good heart and the right ideas, yet no fucking clue. It's really sad.
11-22-2005, 12:26 AM
I can't be bothered making a new thread so sorry guys, but where can I download some Bane and The Butterfly Effect, or in general any Hardcore music. My supply is low but once I get my job these holidays i'll be buying alot of stuff ^_^.
11-22-2005, 07:14 AM
I can't be bothered making a new thread so sorry guys, but where can I download some Bane and The Butterfly Effect, or in general any Hardcore music. My supply is low but once I get my job these holidays i'll be buying alot of stuff ^_^.
11-22-2005, 01:10 PM
yes! thanks for telling me!
I was just trying to say that people around here use straight edge as a label for anyone who doesnt drink,smoke do drugs. Yet they no shit about the origin of sxe or what its truly about.
yeah, i was just unsure of the whole straight edge/christian comparison on your television?
11-22-2005, 07:27 PM
yeah, i was just unsure of the whole straight edge/christian comparison on your television?
Well the other day I turned on the tv, put on channel V and they have these things somtimes where you txt in your opinion. When I turned it on the question was ' Is straight edge the new christianity? '.. which is really stupid.
This is their site.
11-22-2005, 11:33 PM
Thanks alot xsecx, appreciated !
11-23-2005, 12:14 AM
so... are you saying that the bands i listen to aren't hardcore??? i mean, should i only list the bands that are "generic" and "prelabeled"?? i listen to bands like Toxic Narcotic, The Casualties, The Ramones, Dropkick Murphys, and stuff like that too.... i was just listing the ones that are my favorites... am i not cut out for this??? i mean... i'm actually trying to take this seriously. There's really not a punk/hardcore scene where i live.. i'm kinda in this on my own. I live in an area that's primarily black and mexican, so... maybe this isn't the thing for me? are the bands i've listed "wrong" for this type of lifestyle?? and do we have to be exclusive to the hxc scene?? I know that i listen to a lot of different kinds of music, so am i not cut out for sxe? i dont' want to degrade the ideology behind it, so i'm looking for your honest opinion.
I beg to differ on there not being a hXc scene in and near Chicago. And no the bands you mentioned aren't nessasarily hXc.
11-23-2005, 03:59 AM
I can honestly say there is no hXc scene near me. I live in Sydney, Australia though I don't live on the Northern Beaches an hour drive from the city. I would love to live in the city, i'm sure there are people like me there but definitely not here. :P
11-23-2005, 08:53 PM
I can honestly say there is no hXc scene near me. I live in Sydney, Australia though I don't live on the Northern Beaches an hour drive from the city. I would love to live in the city, i'm sure there are people like me there but definitely not here. :P
IM from melbourne.
Theres a hardcore scene in byron bay, thats a few hours from you right?
check out 50 lions
a preety new band from bb.
also check out
they from west syndey I think.
11-24-2005, 01:34 AM
I mean't on the Northern Beaches but that doesn't matter. Ok thanks heaps ^^ i'll check 'em out.
11-30-2005, 09:18 AM
what excatly IS straight edge?
11-30-2005, 09:21 AM
what excatly IS straight edge?
straight sam
12-14-2005, 02:55 PM
Iīm straight edge since the beginning of this autumn. In my class thereīs a vegian edger. But I havenīt been converted by him. I didnīt have alcohol or drug problems before I became edge, but when I went out with my friends I automatically drank alcohol and smoked dope. I really donīt think Iīve been addictet, but I realized that it isnīt good for me. One of the most important reasons was the behaviour of people under the influence of drugs. I hate going to school and hearing everybody laugh about my stupid behaviour the last weekend. So I became edge
12-20-2005, 05:22 AM
I have for as long as I can remember have enjoyed hardcore music but it wasn't until my 7th grade year that somebody that I went to school with was sXe he was the only sXe kid at my school and probably the only other one that litsnened to core, so I in an essence looked up to him as a person and a leader (he was in the 8th grade) I sort of already knew what sXe was but I wasn't sure. when I found out for definate I still wasn't sure that I wanted to become sXe then my best friend got into drugs and alcohol and he dragged me down with him, I was so high and drunk all the time I didn't realy know what was going on all the time. I felt like vodka was my only way out. then my friend got busted for carrying five seperate bags of marijuna, I decided to stop what I was doing and fix my life. I went back to the kid that I had previously met in the 7th grade and asked him to help me....and the rest is history been edge every since.
12-20-2005, 02:18 PM
when my best friend died from cancer i got depressed and i was taking all kinds of medication and drinking alot and really doin things that i should never have done.
then i saw that my little sister started to look up to me and i didnt want her to ever do the things that i did or get in as much trouble as i did.
i want to see her do good not mess up.
and i thought about it and i just stopped and i have been egde ever since.
01-12-2006, 08:31 AM
My parents both smoked when i was younger. my dad still does. my cousin smokes weed. some of the kids at school smoke weed. a lot of kids at school get drunk. ive seen family members get drunk. I just never wanted anything to do with any of that. plus, Im catholic so i dont believe in premaridal sex anyways. so i was reading a magazine in the sixth grade, and came across an article about straight edge. I read on and was just like "woah thats awsome" ever since ive been edge. Ive started listening to sXe music, and Ive converted some friends and my sister. thanks to that article, its been three long years in a straight life, and i show no signs of breaking edge.
01-16-2006, 08:39 PM
hmmmmmmmmmmm i have no clue of what this web is about if someone nows pleazzzzzzzzz tell me cause i feel left out ammmmmm my dad was alcoholic and im so clean
02-03-2006, 10:13 AM
My real dad is a heroin junkie--hes always messed matter what even when he promised to quit for me so that he could be in my life....he siad he was going to rehab, i never saw him again. One of my best friends died Drinking and shooting up-his life was hell and he died in a crappy place away from family and friends...,My Family needs me to be sober so that i can help them out and be an example to my younger brothers, and My friends, I keep true for them too, we encourage eachother to stay pure, and Myself, i like feeling in control of myself and being healthy...but first and foremost I keep edge cos God is an amazing power in my life and I seriously love him and try to keep to his commandments...and the bible says to keep your temple clean and pure so that God may dwell in you(xXx) and not to get drunk off wine ( i take this to mean not to allow foreign things into my body that will alter my mind)-----this is why i became edge this is why ill never break-
02-03-2006, 10:14 AM
My real dad is a heroin junkie--hes always messed matter what even when he promised to quit for me so that he could be in my life....he siad he was going to rehab, i never saw him again. One of my best friends died Drinking and shooting up-his life was hell and he died in a crappy place away from family and friends...,My Family needs me to be sober so that i can help them out and be an example to my younger brothers, and My friends, I keep true for them too, we encourage eachother to stay pure, and Myself, i like feeling in control of myself and being healthy...but first and foremost I keep edge cos God is an amazing power in my life and I seriously love him and try to keep to his commandments...and the bible says to keep your temple clean and pure so that God may dwell in you(xXx) and not to get drunk off wine ( i take this to mean not to allow foreign things into my body that will alter my mind)-----this is why i became edge this is why ill never break-
can't be edge and christian.
02-03-2006, 10:22 AM
i can be whatever i like--you know why? cos its a free country thers nothing that says i cant commit to a higher power and be edge---..theres nothing stopping me . So it doesnt matter what you say or what anyone else says until you bring your crew and beat me down in the names of something legit i can do whatever the hell i want...(this isnt supposed to sound like i wanna fight you...)
02-03-2006, 10:25 AM
i can be whatever i like--you know why? cos its a free country thers nothing that says i cant commit to a higher power and be edge---..theres nothing stopping me . So it doesnt matter what you say or what anyone else says until you bring your crew and beat me down in the names of something legit i can do whatever the hell i want...(this isnt supposed to sound like i wanna fight you...)
you can call yourself whatever you want, but that doesn't mean you're right about it. there are fundamental issues with being a christian and being against drinking that have nothing to do with straight edge or it being a free country.
this thread outlines the issues.
02-03-2006, 10:31 AM
read it later on i gotta go to work but yeah im edg and i love God so deal- yea all of you think i cant do that DEAL im tuning you out
02-03-2006, 10:34 AM
read it later on i gotta go to work but yeah im edg and i love God so deal- yea all of you think i cant do that DEAL im tuning you out
you can love god all you want, but by saying that drinking is wrong, you're saying god is wrong and giving yourself a one way ticket to hell.
02-03-2006, 11:42 AM
02-03-2006, 07:02 PM
thats the freakn dumbest thing ive ever heard- hahah silly silly man---Drinking is not gonna get into all the stuff i discuss in person cos its far too much to type---but just know that is a silly statement. and i think your a bit recockulous yourself-
02-03-2006, 07:38 PM
thats the freakn dumbest thing ive ever heard- hahah silly silly man---Drinking is not gonna get into all the stuff i discuss in person cos its far too much to type---but just know that is a silly statement. and i think your a bit recockulous yourself-
oh ok, so you can't actually discuss anything. or explain yourself.
02-03-2006, 11:21 PM
you can love god all you want, but by saying that drinking is wrong, you're saying god is wrong and giving yourself a one way ticket to hell.
that is not true. If you are saying that I cannot be sxe because I look up to and respect and believe somebody is my savior JUST because that person drank alcohol? that is totaly wrong. Haven't you ever respected or looked up to someone that drinks/drank alcohol? He made his personal choice just like you and I. Maybe I don't respect those perticular choices does not mean I cannot believe he is my savior.
02-03-2006, 11:53 PM
it's funny how i became straight edge because i used to do bad things, and when i decided to stop all my friends abandoned me. so i tried another approach. and i liked the approach, and now i've been straight edge for almost 2 years
02-04-2006, 12:37 AM
thats the freakn dumbest thing ive ever heard- hahah silly silly man---Drinking is not gonna get into all the stuff i discuss in person cos its far too much to type---but just know that is a silly statement. and i think your a bit recockulous yourself-
You wanna hear another dumb thing. It's impossible to be 19 years old and be edge for 19 years.
02-04-2006, 08:57 AM
that is not true. If you are saying that I cannot be sxe because I look up to and respect and believe somebody is my savior JUST because that person drank alcohol? that is totaly wrong. Haven't you ever respected or looked up to someone that drinks/drank alcohol? He made his personal choice just like you and I. Maybe I don't respect those perticular choices does not mean I cannot believe he is my savior.
looking up to someone and thinking someone is god and incapable of being wrong and then sayin they're wrong kind of fucks up the whole god is flawless thing. And god can't be flawless. it's pretty simple.
02-04-2006, 10:02 AM
I've been clean all my life, and I plan to stay that way.. My dad and my older cousins are drunks and drug addicts.. and the female cousin is a stripper.. I've seen what drugs and booze and so on have done to people.. and it isn't pretty.
02-04-2006, 10:46 AM
well actually ive been edge since i was 10...and before that i was pure--so bascially---...
well actually ive been edge since i was 10...and before that i was pure--so bascially---...
so you were into hardcore at the age of 10?
02-04-2006, 12:19 PM
so you were into hardcore at the age of 10?
I've been since I was 11.
02-04-2006, 08:22 PM
looking up to someone and thinking someone is god and incapable of being wrong and then sayin they're wrong kind of fucks up the whole god is flawless thing. And god can't be flawless. it's pretty simple.
Okay, do I think he is our God? yes. Do I think that in his HUMAN form he was flawless? no.
02-04-2006, 09:33 PM
Okay, do I think he is our God? yes. Do I think that in his HUMAN form he was flawless? no.
so you think god can be wrong? and that you know better than god? If you think he is your god, then how could he have been flawed at any point? So what else was god wrong about, that you aren't?
I've been since I was 11.
i know that, the question wasn't directed to you though
02-05-2006, 09:22 AM
i know that, the question wasn't directed to you though
I'm just saying it's within the realm of possibility.
02-05-2006, 06:40 PM
so you think god can be wrong? and that you know better than god? If you think he is your god, then how could he have been flawed at any point? So what else was god wrong about, that you aren't?
I do believe that Jesus was the son of God and in partial his own self. But Jesus Christ was not god. He was a human being. Jesus does not = God.
02-05-2006, 06:51 PM
I do believe that Jesus was the son of God and in partial his own self. But Jesus Christ was not god. He was a human being. Jesus does not = God.
human beings can't do miracles or raise from the dead. And if you don't think that jesus=god then you've got some serious religious issues you need to address as well as your belief that you know better than god.
02-05-2006, 07:19 PM
human beings can't do miracles or raise from the dead. And if you don't think that jesus=god then you've got some serious religious issues you need to address as well as your belief that you know better than god.
It wasn't Jesus that did those things (well technically he did) but it wasn't him that let him do it it was God. God could let you raise from the dead and perform miracles too.
02-05-2006, 07:23 PM
It wasn't Jesus that did those things (well technically he did) but it wasn't him that let him do it it was God. God could let you raise from the dead and perform miracles too.
jesus is god. the trinity is pretty clear about it. according to the mythology jesus was born to a virgin. Was perfect. Was god, along with god and with the holy spirit.
02-05-2006, 07:27 PM
jesus is god. the trinity is pretty clear about it. according to the mythology jesus was born to a virgin. Was perfect. Was god, along with god and with the holy spirit.
Jesus was in a human body completely and fully. Human bodies cannot do things such as miracles and raise from the dead. God let him do those things. Jesus is God in a human body and so he must do things that average humans have to do. Average humans aren't perfect. actually none are so. How could this ONE human body be perfect. (not Jesus's soul, Just the body he was in)
02-05-2006, 07:37 PM
Jesus was in a human body completely and fully. Human bodies cannot do things such as miracles and raise from the dead. God let him do those things. Jesus is God in a human body and so he must do things that average humans have to do. Average humans aren't perfect. actually none are so. How could this ONE human body be perfect. (not Jesus's soul, Just the body he was in)
Jesus is either god or he isn't. You're trying to say that jesus was human, when if you believe the scripture he clearly wasn't. Humans have 2 parents, jesus didn't. Your assertion that jesus was somehow an average human contradicts the bible, the church and 2000 years of history. The simple fact of the matter is that Jesus was referred to in the scripture as god and as perfect, so I don't really know what your basis of any of this is?
02-07-2006, 10:37 PM
so you were into hardcore at the age of 10?
yeah ive been into hardcore since i was 10-- then as i got older i strayed abit and got into punk and junk then i realizes hardcore was the thing i wanted and loved.
02-07-2006, 10:40 PM
i dunno i posted and i wasnt done well basically im done though so yeah---
just wondering what every ones story is on how they decided to go sxe?
I had a couple of friends that screwed up thier lives by drinking and shit. I decided that I could actually have a future and vowed to never turn into them. when i used to hang out with them, alot of people thought i was like that too. thats not the image i want.
What also helped me was the fact that i went with my friend to go see her mom, in jail. she got busted for pot. that wasn't were i wanted to end up.
02-17-2006, 10:22 PM
my dads a pothead and i dont like how he gets major moodswings and stuff if he doesnt have it. also hes friends are all druggys and like cant afford hot water cuz they spend their money on their fix
02-19-2006, 05:46 PM
i live in a hick town in texas where everyone goes in a field and drinks and has sex all weekend long whilst listening to country music. so after my first party like this, i saw how much of an idiot these people make of themselves and i want no part of it.
02-26-2006, 01:35 PM
just wondering what every ones story is on how they decided to go sxe?
That's why I'm edge.
And that's what I call beer goggles.
no but seriously, I was 12, growing up in the OC. I knew the guys in Atreyu, A7X, 18 V, Throwdown and Bleeding Through. And I saw the differences between them. How much more the edge kids (Bleeding through, TD) were loving life. And how fucked up the other bands were. And my friend then ODed on heroine. at 13. And that made me snap, gave me a slap, and i turned edge.
02-26-2006, 06:13 PM
That's why I'm edge.
And that's what I call beer goggles.
no but seriously, I was 12, growing up in the OC. I knew the guys in Atreyu, A7X, 18 V, Throwdown and Bleeding Through. And I saw the differences between them. How much more the edge kids (Bleeding through, TD) were loving life. And how fucked up the other bands were. And my friend then ODed on heroine. at 13. And that made me snap, gave me a slap, and i turned edge.
Dude that picture is just plain fucked up.
02-26-2006, 09:06 PM
Dude that picture is just plain fucked up.
I know but it makes you laugh in the really grossed out way.
I know but it makes you laugh in the really grossed out way.
it would, if you admitted it was you
02-27-2006, 12:31 PM
My father was abusing drugs and getting drunk when i was around him, his actions have affected me and my 9 year old brother, he is still abusing marijuana. I started using as well as drinking about a year ago but was arrested eight months ago, following the arrest i was in rehab and family councling and thats when i desided to be edge im much happier now that im not doing drugs or drinking. I've been telling alot of the friends that used with me about my new belives hoping that i can give them the knowelge to purify their lives.
buy vaporizers (
02-27-2006, 05:11 PM
it would, if you admitted it was you
you caught me :'( I'm the car. I'd rather you not tell anyone, though.
you caught me :'( I'm the car. I'd rather you not tell anyone, though.
good for you
03-01-2006, 02:51 PM
just wondering what every ones story is on how they decided to go sxe?
heard about it, sounded good, learned some more about it, decided to go edge. love every minute of it.
03-04-2006, 02:00 AM
^^^^^^^^^^thats my reason
i love my fiancee. she made me realize there was more to life than wasting away and doing drugs. i dont want to end up like my mother and father and be dependant on drugs, alcohol, and whoring myself, i want to be my own person. i want to be there for her. and the other part that you cant see, the newest addition to my bloodline.
thats why i decided that this was the best route to go. why i didnt need drugs or alcohol. why i dont need to have a crutch.
that should be a good enough reason for anybody
03-04-2006, 08:59 AM
i just didnt like what i was turning into, and decided that this was somethign a truely wanted to do.
i set myself goals, and now im the best i have ever been
ive seen what can happen, by way of friends etc
03-04-2006, 12:31 PM
^^^^^^^^^^thats my reason
i love my fiancee. she made me realize there was more to life than wasting away and doing drugs. i dont want to end up like my mother and father and be dependant on drugs, alcohol, and whoring myself, i want to be my own person. i want to be there for her. and the other part that you cant see, the newest addition to my bloodline.
thats why i decided that this was the best route to go. why i didnt need drugs or alcohol. why i dont need to have a crutch.
that should be a good enough reason for anybody
for me, that's good enough. But their is no good reason. As long as you don't break edge, any reason is good. But is it good enough for you? Will you be committed for life?
03-04-2006, 01:06 PM
Will you be committed for life?
Well thats immpossible to answer for anyone without a time machine.
03-04-2006, 04:22 PM
Well thats immpossible to answer for anyone without a time machine.
you got what im saying wrong. if you break edge, will you realize it's fucking wrong. will you come back to it?
I know, that if I EVER broke edge, which i probably wont, I would immediatly come back, because everythin else is pointless.
03-04-2006, 05:28 PM
you got what im saying wrong. if you break edge, will you realize it's fucking wrong. will you come back to it?
Oh i see, so its my fault that you wrote it wrong?!
And people change so what they believe is right for them now may in years to come be something they feel is stupid, restricting and no longer defines their outlook on certain issues. To ask someone if they would continue to live by some ideals that worked for them say 10 or 20 years is ridiculous on many levels; firstly if it made them feel completely unhappy living that way why should they continue, secoundly how could you even make such a definite statement with so many unforseen variables.
I know, that if I EVER broke edge, which i probably wont, I would immediatly come back, because everythin else is pointless.
You don't know how you would react if you broke edge or what mindset you would be in or what circumstances would have brought you to that point, in fact all you do know is right now its something you wouldn't do but that doesn't relate to the probabilty of the future. What i mean by that is whilst now you are so sure and certain you have to look at just how many people break edge and how sure and certain they were that they wouldn't break edge. People breaking edge isn't something shocking any more at all even when they are down for life, true till death etc.
And lets look why you feel you would immediately come back to edge in the first place, because everything else is pointless? Well how do you know? If you've done everything else then immediately you haven't applied it into different situations i.e. if you had drunk alcohol when you were younger and not enjoyed the experience seeing the way that experience differs from a bunch of 40 year olds (including yourself) sitting down for dinner might trigger thoughts that you simply couldn't of had at a younger age because of the perspective shift. And if you were prepared to try it once then there is already a predisposed character trait that shows that you are willing to experiment with such things based on your own personal judgement which again varies everyday.
Now of course you may never of touched anything and feel like you will never be inclined to but you could easily no longer see a problem with a drink once in a while, older people always have quite a contrast from what they thought and felt when they were younger. Again the way drinking comes across to you now will be different to how it comes across to you in 20 years, the definite stance against it may no longer make sense and you may be very curious over the years as to exactly why you don't drink anymore, your views on this will alter in some degree even if that alteration doesn't result in you drinking. But right now its not for you to say how you will feel, think or act in 20 years time, don't get me wrong i admire the sentiment of conviction to your beleifs and i too feel very strongly about abstinance. However, for me to tell myself how to live in 20 years time is self hindering, unfair pressure and actually akin to lying to myself. I think a better goal would be to remain as true to ones feelings and beliefs as possible throughout life including when they change, after all to live with things that make you miserable is never fun whether it be drink problems or adhering to a code of morals which make you completely depressed.
03-04-2006, 07:24 PM
I don't trust anyone under the age of 25 saying what they believe or who they are. I definitely don't trust anyone under 21. I've seen so many kids go from true til death to bar fly that it just becomes second nature to doubt people. If you're going to make it, then you will, but the only thing that will show commitment is time.
03-04-2006, 09:08 PM
Well my mom beats me, my dad kicked me otu of my house, they both tell me they hate me, and all my firends get wasted all teh tiem or do drugs becasue of there small problems. tehy dont even know anythign worse than not makign the football team when im nto even allowed to play because my mom fractures my ribs in mroe than one place all teh time. i have better ways to keep going. thanks brad for getting me into this.
03-05-2006, 03:46 AM
Oh i see, so its my fault that you wrote it wrong?!
And people change so what they believe is right for them now may in years to come be something they feel is stupid, restricting and no longer defines their outlook on certain issues. To ask someone if they would continue to live by some ideals that worked for them say 10 or 20 years is ridiculous on many levels; firstly if it made them feel completely unhappy living that way why should they continue, secoundly how could you even make such a definite statement with so many unforseen variables.
You don't know how you would react if you broke edge or what mindset you would be in or what circumstances would have brought you to that point, in fact all you do know is right now its something you wouldn't do but that doesn't relate to the probabilty of the future. What i mean by that is whilst now you are so sure and certain you have to look at just how many people break edge and how sure and certain they were that they wouldn't break edge. People breaking edge isn't something shocking any more at all even when they are down for life, true till death etc.
And lets look why you feel you would immediately come back to edge in the first place, because everything else is pointless? Well how do you know? If you've done everything else then immediately you haven't applied it into different situations i.e. if you had drunk alcohol when you were younger and not enjoyed the experience seeing the way that experience differs from a bunch of 40 year olds (including yourself) sitting down for dinner might trigger thoughts that you simply couldn't of had at a younger age because of the perspective shift. And if you were prepared to try it once then there is already a predisposed character trait that shows that you are willing to experiment with such things based on your own personal judgement which again varies everyday.
Now of course you may never of touched anything and feel like you will never be inclined to but you could easily no longer see a problem with a drink once in a while, older people always have quite a contrast from what they thought and felt when they were younger. Again the way drinking comes across to you now will be different to how it comes across to you in 20 years, the definite stance against it may no longer make sense and you may be very curious over the years as to exactly why you don't drink anymore, your views on this will alter in some degree even if that alteration doesn't result in you drinking. But right now its not for you to say how you will feel, think or act in 20 years time, don't get me wrong i admire the sentiment of conviction to your beleifs and i too feel very strongly about abstinance. However, for me to tell myself how to live in 20 years time is self hindering, unfair pressure and actually akin to lying to myself. I think a better goal would be to remain as true to ones feelings and beliefs as possible throughout life including when they change, after all to live with things that make you miserable is never fun whether it be drink problems or adhering to a code of morals which make you completely depressed.
look. here's my point. I wouldn't break edge, because it's not healthy. I know people who have died because of alchohol, as do we all, and I know people who died because of drugs. I wouldn't care if it felt "good" because the risks outway the pleasure. I'm not trying to attack you, and I don't know why the FUCK you feel threatened!
03-05-2006, 03:48 AM
I don't trust anyone under the age of 25 saying what they believe or who they are. I definitely don't trust anyone under 21. I've seen so many kids go from true til death to bar fly that it just becomes second nature to doubt people. If you're going to make it, then you will, but the only thing that will show commitment is time.
And I agree with this fully. I know people that have said that too. But I'm so deeply rooted in being edge because of what I see around me. I'm not going to say "true till death" because I know that sometime, I probably will break edge. But I can continue to believe that I'm edge, because I have the knowledge of what's good for me. But yeah, I know exactly what you mean, and you're right to be weary, but a bit harsh.
03-05-2006, 07:49 AM
look. here's my point. I wouldn't break edge, because it's not healthy.
Do you know how many kids say they will never smoke because its not healthy, do you know how many end up smoking? Your point is flawed because its something you can't say for sure.
I know people who have died because of alchohol, as do we all, and I know people who died because of drugs.
What makes you think everyone knows someone who has died from drugs and/or alcohol?
And people who break edge have done so when they have known people who died and a load of people continue doing drugs etc. when they know people are dying.
I wouldn't care if it felt "good" because the risks outway the pleasure.
You are missing the fundamental point of my post which is you cannot say for sure that will always feel that way. You feel that way now but it doesn't mean you will always feel like that and there is no way for saying for sure that you would. I suggest you re read and address those points within yourself before responding because its very clear that you are unable to accept the fact that you are unable to state a claim like that with all certainty because of the very nature of life. You need to accept that you are going to be a very different person in 20 years time.
I'm not trying to attack you, and I don't know why the FUCK you feel threatened!
Um, who said anything about you attacking me? And what makes you feel i'm threatened? After all you are the one is clinging to a claim of which there is no certainty, i'm just shining a light on it, why should me pointing out the folly of your statement threaten me? It shouldn't and it doesn't but i can understand you getting a little defensive because someone has pointed out a flaw and no one likes strangers pointing out their flaws but you should really try and accept the truth in this matter rather than sticking your head in the sand and pretending that you aren't subject to change. It would indeed seem that you are the one who is threatened by the truth.
03-05-2006, 08:05 AM
And I agree with this fully. I know people that have said that too. But I'm so deeply rooted in being edge because of what I see around me. I'm not going to say "true till death" because I know that sometime, I probably will break edge. But I can continue to believe that I'm edge, because I have the knowledge of what's good for me. But yeah, I know exactly what you mean, and you're right to be weary, but a bit harsh.
So now you agree that nothing can be proof of your commitment except for time, so why did you respond to my post in the way you did, which was just a more in depth statement to mean the same thing?
You are also saying you are going to break edge but you will continue to believe you are edge because you know whats good for you, telling yourself one thing when your actions are doing something else isn't good for you and its rather akin to denile.
And why is it harsh to doubt people based on sound thinking?
I'm not going to say "true till death" because I know that sometime, I probably will break edge.
I know, that if I EVER broke edge, which i probably wont
Oh and i noticed that you have completely u-turned on breaking edge in the space of 2 posts, if you can change that much in that short a time it kinda goes with out saying that my post is pretty accurate that change is something we all have to accept. Like i said, i haven't said you will break edge just that you can't say you won't break edge or that you will remain committed forever.
03-06-2006, 12:41 PM
So now you agree that nothing can be proof of your commitment except for time, so why did you respond to my post in the way you did, which was just a more in depth statement to mean the same thing?
You are also saying you are going to break edge but you will continue to believe you are edge because you know whats good for you, telling yourself one thing when your actions are doing something else isn't good for you and its rather akin to denile.
And why is it harsh to doubt people based on sound thinking?
Oh and i noticed that you have completely u-turned on breaking edge in the space of 2 posts, if you can change that much in that short a time it kinda goes with out saying that my post is pretty accurate that change is something we all have to accept. Like i said, i haven't said you will break edge just that you can't say you won't break edge or that you will remain committed forever.
Look, it's hard to describe my view on things. I think that people will break edge, and I probably will at one point, with things like drinking, not smoking. So I guess what I was saying was that I would never break edge in terms of smoking and drugs. I take back what I saying, by the way. I just feel threatened by EVERYONE in this forum, because it's not just pointing out flaws, which I'm fine with, but some people try to discredit you about somethings.
03-06-2006, 12:53 PM
Look, it's hard to describe my view on things. I think that people will break edge, and I probably will at one point, with things like drinking, not smoking. So I guess what I was saying was that I would never break edge in terms of smoking and drugs. I take back what I saying, by the way. I just feel threatened by EVERYONE in this forum, because it's not just pointing out flaws, which I'm fine with, but some people try to discredit you about somethings.
if you think you're going to drink at some point in your life, then why not do it now?
03-06-2006, 01:16 PM
Look, it's hard to describe my view on things. I think that people will break edge, and I probably will at one point, with things like drinking, not smoking. So I guess what I was saying was that I would never break edge in terms of smoking and drugs. I take back what I saying, by the way. I just feel threatened by EVERYONE in this forum, because it's not just pointing out flaws, which I'm fine with, but some people try to discredit you about somethings.
Well its fine if you find it hard to express what you actually mean but your initial reaction pinpointed that inability on me which isn't a good start. I mean i can only go on the things you say not the things you think. It still boggles my mind that you can on one hand think that you are going to break edge with drink but on the other hand catagorically state that you will never break edge on drink or drugs. I don't think this forum holds any threat for you other than the fact people will say what they think. And peoplle can really credit you for accepting your flaws if you don't accept them, that said people aren't out to discredit you but when you say things you should make sure you don't discredit yourself.
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