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04-15-2005, 09:17 AM
throw down some kid said is like the good charlot of hardcore but fuck good charlot what do you guys and girls think
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04-15-2005, 09:19 AM
throw down some kid said is like the good charlot of hardcore but fuck good charlot what do you guys and girls think
I would agree with this statement.
throw down some kid said is like the good charlot of hardcore but fuck good charlot what do you guys and girls think
bands like throwdown create a new group of kids, who don't know anything on sxe, are more interested in looking cool, and not listening to/don't know about/don't want to know about good sxe bands
04-16-2005, 01:16 AM
actually that is one of the smartest things i have heard in a long time maybe i miss judged you.
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actually that is one of the smartest things i have heard in a long time maybe i miss judged you.
so you say it was only a test, and you dislike throwdown?
04-16-2005, 02:48 AM
actually i really like throw down i love there music and what they stand for i was just asking your oppinon if said i belive in god and asked your oppinon i might tell you et was good but i wouldnt change how i belive i hope you can understand what iam saying mr.sxgd
actually i really like throw down i love there music and what they stand for i was just asking your oppinon if said i belive in god and asked your oppinon i might tell you et was good but i wouldnt change how i belive i hope you can understand what iam saying mr.sxgd
i understand now. it was strange to read something that you disagree with you label as smart.
my fear is that there soon will be metal kids who claim to be sxe, and then it will lose it's meaning. i mean, throwdown is not hardcore (i don't consider them to be). kids will start bands, that are sounding the same, same metal, and call those bands sxe. and so on. or has it happened already?
04-16-2005, 04:13 AM
Sadly enought it is somtimes happening even at my own school. Two dirt bikers are claiming to be straight edge know. which is really gay because they think medal mulisha is sxe i dont know they are all on crack any ways some stupid drugged up people. Write back. xxxDrug free for livexxx
04-16-2005, 05:29 AM
Sadly enought it is somtimes happening even at my own school. Two dirt bikers are claiming to be straight edge know. which is really gay because they think medal mulisha is sxe i dont know they are all on crack any ways some stupid drugged up people. Write back. xxxDrug free for livexxx
How is it gay?
04-16-2005, 08:30 AM
actually i really like throw down i love there music and what they stand for i was just asking your oppinon if said i belive in god and asked your oppinon i might tell you et was good but i wouldnt change how i belive i hope you can understand what iam saying mr.sxgd
what do they stand for?
04-16-2005, 09:09 AM
how is it gay i will tell you how its gay ti will be a trend and alot of people will start being straight edge the problem is since to them its only a trend they will soon pass on to another thing
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04-16-2005, 10:35 AM
how is it gay i will tell you how its gay ti will be a trend and alot of people will start being straight edge the problem is since to them its only a trend they will soon pass on to another thing
so how exactly does that relate to homosexuality?
04-16-2005, 01:03 PM
man what the fuck are you talking about you are a fucking homo arent you if your gay what ever but its just an expression you a fucking idiot.
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04-16-2005, 01:04 PM
so how exactly does that relate to homosexuality?
your a really dumb fuck you idiot
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04-16-2005, 01:05 PM
man what the fuck are you talking about you are a fucking homo arent you if your gay what ever but its just an expression you a fucking idiot.
you're the one spouting bullshit, and I'm the fucking idiot? It isn't just an expression. You clearly have issues with homosexuality and are bigoted.
04-16-2005, 01:06 PM
your a really dumb fuck you idiot
yeah, you showed me!
04-16-2005, 01:07 PM
man what the fuck are you talking about you are a fucking homo arent you if your gay .
i beleive that is one of the stupidest lines ive read at this site.
04-16-2005, 01:18 PM
using the word gay as a derogatory term is really bad form and not very nice either.
yes it is a term widely used by heterosexuals to denote weakness or lameness or whatever...but because it is used by others dosnt make it right. what one is saying when using the word gay as a negative is that homosexuality is bad or that gays are weak people. so if you really dont like or respect people of different lifestyles or sexual preference then go ahead and use the term, just watch out for that big gay man waiting nearby to beat your ass next time you use the word as a negative...
oh and i sould also state that the word pussy is also just as bad and has becone a really lame way to call someone weak or lame or the worst calling someone a woman as though that were an insult too. my wife made a movie called pussy power about a super hero that teaches trash talking college kids about the marvels of the pussy and to never use it as a negative term.
04-16-2005, 01:19 PM
seriously i know that i say homo and all this stuff on this site which i shouldnt i know that i shouldnt so yeah i am sorry about that. but lets not fight lets stand together and unite and to me your all my brothers and sisters so yeah.
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04-16-2005, 01:21 PM
seriously i know that i say homo and all this stuff on this site which i shouldnt i know that i shouldnt so yeah i am sorry about that. but lets not fight lets stand together and unite and to me your all my brothers and sisters so yeah.
knowing you shouldnt and not doing it are two different things.
04-16-2005, 05:16 PM
seriously i know that i say homo and all this stuff on this site which i shouldnt i know that i shouldnt so yeah i am sorry about that. but lets not fight lets stand together and unite and to me your all my brothers and sisters so yeah.
we are apparently your gay brothers and sisters, you should hate us. And you still haven't shown a link between homosexuality and some kids finding out about straight edge, it would be interesting to see.
04-16-2005, 11:44 PM
throw down some kid said is like the good charlot of hardcore but fuck good charlot what do you guys and girls think
that sentence is really annoying. it makes no sense. god damn you people. I understand the message but shit man...
04-19-2005, 04:38 PM
to go back to the original post in this.
exhibit a, the band had clothing endorsement deals. seriously.
exhibit b, old website was now it's and their bio makes no mention of sxe.
to go back to the original post in this.
exhibit a, the band had clothing endorsement deals. seriously.
exhibit b, old website was now it's and their bio makes no mention of sxe.
raise your fist in the air! *beeeeeeeeeeeeeep*
i think we're better off. i don't want anyone to connect me and sxe to throwdown
04-27-2005, 05:53 PM
Mmm, to be fair, if your using gay as an "expression", you're being anti-gay, not edge man, not edge. Imagine if people started running around calling morons straight-edge? "ow i stubed my foot" "haha! you're so sraight-edge" See, even as an expression it can be harmful.
(mmm didn't see the second page so im a few posts behind with this, but figured i'd put my 200 cents in anyway.)
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