View Full Version : I have a question...
04-18-2005, 09:25 AM
Hey everyone,
I’m sure you get a lot of “Hey I’m new!” posts but that’s not really what this is. See, in the course of recent events, I’ve decided no more drugs, or drinking or anything like that. When you hate your mother as much as I do and wake up hung over and realize you’ve turned in to her, you’ll do anything to make that not true. So me and a friend of mine were talking about it, and he said, “So....does this mean you’re straight edge now?” And I said no, and the thing is, I would be, but I don’t think I understand everything about it, and it would be stupid for me to say I’m something that I don’t fully understand.
I have a few straight edge friends, but I came here to ask this because if I asked them they would just laugh at me and tell me I’m a retard for thinking that I could do something like this. No one around here really thinks I can do it, and I don’t want to do it to prove people wrong, I just don’t want to turn in to her. So, I guess the point is, what is sXe all about? I mean I know it’s the music, and the “no drugs / no drinking” but that’s not all....right?
If you don’t want to answer and you think I’m stupid for asking or the way I worded this that’s fine, chances are I sound like a idiot.
04-18-2005, 05:33 PM
straight edge is about being involved in hardcore music, and going to shows, and doing zines and bands.
if you decide one day not to are not straight edge.
straight edge is based around an ideology and is tied together by hardcore music.
people who don't listen to hardcore. have never gone to a show. don't contribute to the scene. don't desire to hear what straight edge bands sound like. etc, etc. are not straight edge.
straight edge is not a generic blanket name for someone who doesn't drink, smoke, do drugs.
that could be sober, or drug free, or make up a new name.
that's my two cents.
04-18-2005, 08:43 PM
Well see, that's just it. I used to go to shows before I moved but quite honestly I didn't think that had that much to do with it.
04-18-2005, 10:16 PM
Hey everyone,
I’m sure you get a lot of “Hey I’m new!” posts but that’s not really what this is. See, in the course of recent events, I’ve decided no more drugs, or drinking or anything like that. When you hate your mother as much as I do and wake up hung over and realize you’ve turned in to her, you’ll do anything to make that not true. So me and a friend of mine were talking about it, and he said, “So....does this mean you’re straight edge now?” And I said no, and the thing is, I would be, but I don’t think I understand everything about it, and it would be stupid for me to say I’m something that I don’t fully understand.
I have a few straight edge friends, but I came here to ask this because if I asked them they would just laugh at me and tell me I’m a retard for thinking that I could do something like this. No one around here really thinks I can do it, and I don’t want to do it to prove people wrong, I just don’t want to turn in to her. So, I guess the point is, what is sXe all about? I mean I know it’s the music, and the “no drugs / no drinking” but that’s not all....right?
If you don’t want to answer and you think I’m stupid for asking or the way I worded this that’s fine, chances are I sound like a idiot.
Alot of people view being SxE in diffrent ways. Some say its all around hardcore music. Others says its just about not smoke/drinkn. Really thats what i find the central view around.
Also i saw where you stated some thing about your SxE friends laughing at you cause they didnt think you can do it. True friends dont do that, true friend support you and inform you about things you have not learned.
04-19-2005, 07:36 AM
Alot of people view being SxE in diffrent ways. Some say its all around hardcore music. Others says its just about not smoke/drinkn. Really thats what i find the central view around.
Also i saw where you stated some thing about your SxE friends laughing at you cause they didnt think you can do it. True friends dont do that, true friend support you and inform you about things you have not learned.
alot of people are wrong. To understand what straight edge is, you have to involve the music. otherwise there isn't anything unique or special about it. you're not getting a full picture. a full understanding of what you're actually allying yourself with, because if you don't, there's a whole world going on that you have no idea about that effects how people view you when you say you're straight edge.
04-19-2005, 09:17 AM
My main thing is, I want to know exactly what you all consider to be your limits. No drugs, that's obvious. No drinking, that's obvious. Smoking cigs? Where do you draw the line?
And when it comes to the music, do you listen to anything else? I know my friends do, but there are people on this board who have obviously been edge for a long time, so asking you all seems more logical.
I'm not saying I am going to turn around and do things exactly the way you do it just so I can call myself straight edge becuase that would be being a poser and that's just not me. I am confident that I could do this, and like I said, I don't want to do this to prove people wrong, I just want to find something that will keep me motivated and strong and people who wont laugh and me and do think I can do this. For example, today everyone was making bets with eachother on how long I would last. I don't want that. I want to do this and I want people to encourage me, not take bets on how long I'll last.
04-19-2005, 01:49 PM
My main thing is, I want to know exactly what you all consider to be your limits. No drugs, that's obvious. No drinking, that's obvious. Smoking cigs? Where do you draw the line?
Nicotine is a drug. As is caffeine. Essentially any recreational drug you can think of would be out.
And when it comes to the music, do you listen to anything else? I know my friends do, but there are people on this board who have obviously been edge for a long time, so asking you all seems more logical.
I definitely listen to other stuff as well as hardcore but the fact is that straightedge has always been a musical subculture and the music that it has always been inextricably linked to is hardcore. To reject the music is to reject a central aspect that has defined the subculture and kept it alive for more than two decades now. It would be like me labelling myself as a Muslim without a belief in Allah, just because most of my lifestyle is the same as that of Muslim people. It would be like me calling myself vegan if I still ate fish, just because the rest of my lifestyle was the same as a vegan and I thought the label was cool.
04-19-2005, 01:50 PM
My main thing is, I want to know exactly what you all consider to be your limits. No drugs, that's obvious. No drinking, that's obvious. Smoking cigs? Where do you draw the line?
And when it comes to the music, do you listen to anything else? I know my friends do, but there are people on this board who have obviously been edge for a long time, so asking you all seems more logical.
I'm not saying I am going to turn around and do things exactly the way you do it just so I can call myself straight edge becuase that would be being a poser and that's just not me. I am confident that I could do this, and like I said, I don't want to do this to prove people wrong, I just want to find something that will keep me motivated and strong and people who wont laugh and me and do think I can do this. For example, today everyone was making bets with eachother on how long I would last. I don't want that. I want to do this and I want people to encourage me, not take bets on how long I'll last.
absolutely no ciggerettes, and don't try second hand smoking them either. i listen to many types of music. stay strong through the good times and the bad.
04-27-2005, 07:04 PM
I listen to anything i feel like, i don't feel restricted by rules, I'm comfortable in my Edge. (i dont listen to rap hip hop, or bullshit like that though) For me Straight-Edge is Gay positive, pro-feminist (anti-sexist, anti-isanthropist) anti-racist, anti-violance,(pro-moshing :) ) , anti-drug, anti-alchohol, anti-tobacco, anti-addiction. I drink coffee, but not on the last week of the month, to make sure im not addicted/get addicted. Straight-Edge is not generic, its a personal choice, you don't have to have the same choices as everyone, but we have the same cores, the Straight-Edge core, I'm not vegan, that doesn't mean I'm a poseur. (I don't eat poultry though...?) Some Edgers get into fights very often, but I'm anti-violant. Sorry about the running off on tangents there, hope gives you a bit more insight?
04-27-2005, 07:13 PM
I listen to anything i feel like, i don't feel restricted by rules, I'm comfortable in my Edge. (i dont listen to rap hip hop, or bullshit like that though) For me Straight-Edge is Gay positive, pro-feminist (anti-sexist, anti-isanthropist) anti-racist, anti-violance,(pro-moshing :) ) , anti-drug, anti-alchohol, anti-tobacco, anti-addiction. I drink coffee, but not on the last week of the month, to make sure im not addicted/get addicted. Straight-Edge is not generic, its a personal choice, you don't have to have the same choices as everyone, but we have the same cores, the Straight-Edge core, I'm not vegan, that doesn't mean I'm a poseur. (I don't eat poultry though...?) Some Edgers get into fights very often, but I'm anti-violant. Sorry about the running off on tangents there, hope gives you a bit more insight?
why would you only not drink it one week out of the month if it's addictive?
04-27-2005, 07:17 PM
rap is no bullshit
04-28-2005, 12:17 AM
It's addctive, but in all the time I've been drinking caffeine, I have found if I stop for an extended amount of time, I dont go into any form of remission (headaches, shaking, sleepyness e.t. cetera.)
If I'm not addicted to it, theres no problem, I like the way it tastes, and drink de-caf when I can, and have coke when I feel like it, when I give it up for that last week (now) its to make sure I don't get addicted, and if I were to start getting headaches I would stop all together.
04-28-2005, 05:03 AM
It's addctive, but in all the time I've been drinking caffeine, I have found if I stop for an extended amount of time, I dont go into any form of remission (headaches, shaking, sleepyness e.t. cetera.)
If I'm not addicted to it, theres no problem, I like the way it tastes, and drink de-caf when I can, and have coke when I feel like it, when I give it up for that last week (now) its to make sure I don't get addicted, and if I were to start getting headaches I would stop all together.
then why not alcohol or nicotine? why some addictive recreational drugs, but not others? What about marijuana that isn't physically addictive, why don't you use that? What makes caffeine ok but the others not?
04-28-2005, 10:33 AM
Okay, so we've all concurred that caffeine is addictive, but if, like me, you don't get addicted to it, is it still okay to have it? as like soda, cause i can't stand anything in the coffee family...
04-28-2005, 11:46 AM
Okay, so we've all concurred that caffeine is addictive, but if, like me, you don't get addicted to it, is it still okay to have it? as like soda, cause i can't stand anything in the coffee family...
why would it be ok?
04-28-2005, 12:35 PM
Caffeine is not ok for everyone, for certain people it is, I do not DO caffeine, I don't drink it to get hyper, it doesn't get me hyper, for me having a cup of coffee is just the same as drinking water, exept for the taste. From what i can tell, coffee is not having any negative affect on me, so for me theres no problem with it, as for other people who start shaking when they have coffee, they shouldn't be drinking it.
04-28-2005, 12:46 PM
Caffeine is not ok for everyone, for certain people it is, I do not DO caffeine, I don't drink it to get hyper, it doesn't get me hyper, for me having a cup of coffee is just the same as drinking water, exept for the taste. From what i can tell, coffee is not having any negative affect on me, so for me theres no problem with it, as for other people who start shaking when they have coffee, they shouldn't be drinking it.
you didn't actually answer the question. Regardless of how you think it isn't effecting you, it is. Now, why is caffeine ok, but other things aren't?
04-28-2005, 01:06 PM
you didn't actually answer the question. Regardless of how you think it isn't effecting you, it is. Now, why is caffeine ok, but other things aren't?
Other things either a)alter your personal state of mind, or b)physically damage your body. Drinking alcohol can make you lose you morals, do things you would never do when sober, and make you see things differently. Smoking can give you lung cancer, chronic broncitus, ect. Caffine does not. Even so, I very rarly drink caffine, and I never do it to stay awake, like many people do.
04-28-2005, 01:08 PM
Other things either a)alter your personal state of mind, or b)physically damage your body. Drinking alcohol can make you lose you morals, do things you would never do when sober, and make you see things differently. Smoking can give you lung cancer, chronic broncitus, ect. Caffine does not. Even so, I very rarly drink caffine, and I never do it to stay awake, like many people do.
caffiene alters your personal state of mind. I can chew on nicotine gum or get a patch, is that ok? What about pot brownies?
04-28-2005, 04:20 PM
I have never had an experiance where coffee has made me more alert, awake, or hyper, I have never had it alter my state of mind either...or maybe I was altered and didn't know it?Because i was altered? Maybe the only way it alters me is by making me think I'm not altered? Point is I feel coffee is ok because I have never had it negatively affect me, and the only way it positively affects me is its A) Warm (Important in Montreal) B) tastes yummy (especially the way i make it) Are there unhealthy side-effects im unaware of? Like destroys my (insert vital organ here).
04-28-2005, 05:20 PM
I have never had an experiance where coffee has made me more alert, awake, or hyper, I have never had it alter my state of mind either...or maybe I was altered and didn't know it?Because i was altered? Maybe the only way it alters me is by making me think I'm not altered? Point is I feel coffee is ok because I have never had it negatively affect me, and the only way it positively affects me is its A) Warm (Important in Montreal) B) tastes yummy (especially the way i make it) Are there unhealthy side-effects im unaware of? Like destroys my (insert vital organ here).
Caffiene is a stimulant that effects the central nervous system it has been proven to alter behaviour in many ways such as alertness, reversing (temperarily) effects of sleep deprivation and concentration. Alongside these effects it is also shown to increase anxiety relieve headaches, dehydrate, and can be used in medicinal form in treating breathing in in new born children after sugery. Yes it is a drug and peoples sensitivity to all drugs vary, i know people who have smoked crack and felt no effect whatsoever so consider that. People who use caffiene build up a tollerance to it now this is the subtle way the drug grows on people as they slowly unnoticably consume more caffiene (bearing in mind how common this is used as a man made additive) a dependance slowly becomes apparent. Now when this effect of the drug is apparent withdrawal syptoms are experienced if caffiene use is interupted such as headaches, fatigue drowseyness, iritable and snappy moods, vomiting, lowererd imune system and even increased mucus secreation. This will often for a lot of caffiene users, due to there complete ignorance of their drug habit, be simply put down to a bad day and/or a case of feeling a little under the weather.
This drug can also cause birth defects when used by pregnant women and it has also been shown that it can cause miscarages. If breast feeding be aware that what the mother consumes filters through into her breast milk so when that baby is irritable and not sleeping its highly possible that the mother was responsible for the caffeine dose that can effect children very easily.
If all that doesn't even begin to make you wonder about the drug you are consuming then how about the risk of heart palpatations, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. It can quickly harden arteries with just a cup or two, the drug can also weaken bones and joints and has been associated with hip fractures and rheumatoid athiritis. Increase of cholesterol and triglycerides and blood cell damage.
It is a stimulent and the things you claimed not to have experienced or noticed experiencing are the mind altering effects (unsure why you seperated the mentioned effects from the mind). But its a drug that does do these things and i can gaurantee that if you experimented with it a little you would see just how the drug can effect you, but in respects to straightedge you are using a drug recreationally and if i was do have a pint of beer i may not be effected (depending on my blood sugars and what i had been eating etc.) so does that mean i can then change straightedge to incorperate a regulated consumption of a drug because of the lack of immediately noticable effects? Your reasons for taking the drink, well there are plenty of hot caffiene free beverages you could make, why would you choose to consume a drug for absoloutely no reason? The body adapts to stimulents and will absorb your doseage with no noticable effect but it doesn't mean you aren't being effected.
Ask yourself some questions about the drugs you use and what you know about them. In particular ask why you use something that contravines your stance on straightedge.
04-28-2005, 05:47 PM
when i was young my parents gave me a cup of coffee every morning for an alternate form of ridiline
04-28-2005, 05:59 PM
Point made. No caffeine for Morgan.
04-28-2005, 07:53 PM
don't conform to fit a label
04-28-2005, 07:57 PM
don't conform to fit a label
so you're saying he should drop the label or not live in accordance to the beliefs of it?
04-28-2005, 07:58 PM
so you're saying he should drop the label or not live in accordance to the beliefs of it?
i think he's saying that if he truly believes caffeine is ok then he shouldnt change just so he can continue to call himself straight edge.
04-28-2005, 07:58 PM
I'm not conforming to fit any label? I'm agreeing with him. Thats like me saying I enjoyed Ulysse by James Joyce then someone saying im trying to be an english teacher (cause I'm not studying all.) He had something to say, I listened, I learned.
04-28-2005, 09:09 PM
so you're saying he should drop the label or not live in accordance to the beliefs of it?
thats his choice. but like he said if he learned something then awesome. but if someone were to change his/her views for the sake of a label, they are more likely to change back.
04-28-2005, 09:12 PM
thats his choice. but like he said if he learned something then awesome. but if someone were to change his/her views for the sake of a label, they are more likely to change back.
right, but that doesn't really say much. you're either saying do what you want and don't listen to other people and call yourself what you want or you're saying don't change your mind just so you can continue calling yourself something and I'm just wondering which one.
04-28-2005, 09:19 PM
right, but that doesn't really say much. you're either saying do what you want and don't listen to other people and call yourself what you want or you're saying don't change your mind just so you can continue calling yourself something and I'm just wondering which one.
a bit of both actually, from the first part "do what you want and don't listen to other people" but minus the second part of that calling yourself what you want. a peace of cheese can't turn green and be called a vegetable (sorry, bad analogy) and all "don't change your mind just so you can continue calling yourself something"
04-28-2005, 09:25 PM
Is this still directed towards me?
04-28-2005, 09:38 PM
it was like 3 posts ago but not anymore. my point is simple. if someone were to change their views simply to fit a mold. the more likely they are to go back to their old ways.
04-29-2005, 12:31 AM
Caffiene is a stimulant that effects the central nervous system it has been proven to alter behaviour in many ways such as alertness, reversing (temperarily) effects of sleep deprivation and concentration. Alongside these effects it is also shown to increase anxiety relieve headaches, dehydrate, and can be used in medicinal form in treating breathing in in new born children after sugery. Yes it is a drug and peoples sensitivity to all drugs vary, i know people who have smoked crack and felt no effect whatsoever so consider that. People who use caffiene build up a tollerance to it now this is the subtle way the drug grows on people as they slowly unnoticably consume more caffiene (bearing in mind how common this is used as a man made additive) a dependance slowly becomes apparent. Now when this effect of the drug is apparent withdrawal syptoms are experienced if caffiene use is interupted such as headaches, fatigue drowseyness, iritable and snappy moods, vomiting, lowererd imune system and even increased mucus secreation. This will often for a lot of caffiene users, due to there complete ignorance of their drug habit, be simply put down to a bad day and/or a case of feeling a little under the weather.
This drug can also cause birth defects when used by pregnant women and it has also been shown that it can cause miscarages. If breast feeding be aware that what the mother consumes filters through into her breast milk so when that baby is irritable and not sleeping its highly possible that the mother was responsible for the caffeine dose that can effect children very easily.
If all that doesn't even begin to make you wonder about the drug you are consuming then how about the risk of heart palpatations, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes. It can quickly harden arteries with just a cup or two, the drug can also weaken bones and joints and has been associated with hip fractures and rheumatoid athiritis. Increase of cholesterol and triglycerides and blood cell damage.
It is a stimulent and the things you claimed not to have experienced or noticed experiencing are the mind altering effects (unsure why you seperated the mentioned effects from the mind). But its a drug that does do these things and i can gaurantee that if you experimented with it a little you would see just how the drug can effect you, but in respects to straightedge you are using a drug recreationally and if i was do have a pint of beer i may not be effected (depending on my blood sugars and what i had been eating etc.) so does that mean i can then change straightedge to incorperate a regulated consumption of a drug because of the lack of immediately noticable effects? Your reasons for taking the drink, well there are plenty of hot caffiene free beverages you could make, why would you choose to consume a drug for absoloutely no reason? The body adapts to stimulents and will absorb your doseage with no noticable effect but it doesn't mean you aren't being effected.
Ask yourself some questions about the drugs you use and what you know about them. In particular ask why you use something that contravines your stance on straightedge.
wow... no more caffine for Rafa.
04-29-2005, 07:43 AM
it was like 3 posts ago but not anymore. my point is simple. if someone were to change their views simply to fit a mold. the more likely they are to go back to their old ways.
while you can't change your true nature you need to remember the element of change is your true nature.
05-01-2005, 09:23 PM
That's confusing but makes sense.
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