View Full Version : To the sXe kids
04-26-2005, 10:05 PM
sXe has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. It is only for
kids that belong to nothing trying to belong to something, that also
obviously have no self control or they never would have started
drinking or smoking in the first place, and they wouldnt need to join
some stupid ass "club" to quit. If the kids never smoked or drank to
begin with then they are stupid and lame as hell fomr joining something
for no reason. Straight Edge has no purpose. The only thing it does
is divide the hardcore scene. Any person that is sXe in my opinion is
a fucking low pride moron that cant control the things he does on his
own. All the kids on this board are fucking idiots. I am so tired of
hearing that "we are a family" bullshit. Just give it up assholes.
I wonder how many of you "sXe" kids are going to tell me you are going
to beat my ass over the internet. I am glad I dont have to look like
a dumbass, walking around with Xs on my hands. I dont think you kids
know how fucking stupid you look. Fuck straight edge, its a fucking
waste of time. Most of the kids on this board obviously dont even
know what sXe is, yet you are in the little club anyway. I just cant
believe how fucking stupid sXe is. The whole idea is just lame. Why
do you have to join a clan, club, family, crew, or whatever the fuck
you idiots call it to quit doing things? Why dont you grow the hell up
and quit on your own. The desision I have come to is that all sXe kids
are fucking pussy ass kids that would rather fuck eachother in the ass
to keep from smoking or drinking then to just grow up, and not be a
pussy fuck, and do it on their own. All sXe is a fucking rehab session
for kids that cant do it on their own. Fuck sXe and everyone in it.
04-26-2005, 10:20 PM
was this copy and pasted?
04-26-2005, 10:28 PM
for some one that doesnt like straight edge, you sure took an awful long time to make a post and thread here.
there's a simple solution to all of this: if you dont like straight edge, then dont be a part of it. if its so lame then why waste your breath?
seems to me the people that divide a hardcore scene are the ones that dont like some one based on their beliefs. i have many friends that are and are not edge. doesnt matter to me.
if you had taken time to read some of the threads here, you would realise that things you have said are definitely proven wrong.
im not sure why im wasting the time replying, when youve only come here to get a rile out of people who you dont like because they arent what you are.
your name calling is cute, im glad you could type this so maturely.
04-26-2005, 10:36 PM
was this copy and pasted?
yeah it was..i typed it out on notepad and then coppied it on here..
04-26-2005, 10:37 PM
for some one that doesnt like straight edge, you sure took an awful long time to make a post and thread here.
there's a simple solution to all of this: if you dont like straight edge, then dont be a part of it. if its so lame then why waste your breath?
seems to me the people that divide a hardcore scene are the ones that dont like some one based on their beliefs. i have many friends that are and are not edge. doesnt matter to me.
if you had taken time to read some of the threads here, you would realise that things you have said are definitely proven wrong.
im not sure why im wasting the time replying, when youve only come here to get a rile out of people who you dont like because they arent what you are.
your name calling is cute, im glad you could type this so maturely.
yeah..i dont know why you typed a reply either..ass....
04-26-2005, 10:42 PM
yeah it was..i typed it out on notepad and then coppied it on here..
it didn't work so hot
but youre off man. none of us are straightedge because we feel a need to. its because we want to. we all have different reasons why. weather it because of family falling for addiction. or people learning from thier mistakes. you are entitled to your beleifs and we'll respect that if you do the same for us. their is not a division of hardcore sober vs. the non. there are tons of bands with 1 or 2 straightedge and the rest are not. yes i agree there are a big handful of edge kids who feel they are better because they are sober. but you must admit there are non edge kids who feel the same way about their non sober lifestyle. and one last thing, if youre not straightedge then why do you have X's all over your AIM screen name?
04-26-2005, 10:42 PM
sXe has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. It is only for
kids that belong to nothing trying to belong to something, that also
obviously have no self control or they never would have started
drinking or smoking in the first place, and they wouldnt need to join
some stupid ass "club" to quit. If the kids never smoked or drank to
begin with then they are stupid and lame as hell fomr joining something
for no reason. Straight Edge has no purpose. The only thing it does
is divide the hardcore scene. Any person that is sXe in my opinion is
a fucking low pride moron that cant control the things he does on his
own. All the kids on this board are fucking idiots. I am so tired of
hearing that "we are a family" bullshit. Just give it up assholes.
I wonder how many of you "sXe" kids are going to tell me you are going
to beat my ass over the internet. I am glad I dont have to look like
a dumbass, walking around with Xs on my hands. I dont think you kids
know how fucking stupid you look. Fuck straight edge, its a fucking
waste of time. Most of the kids on this board obviously dont even
know what sXe is, yet you are in the little club anyway. I just cant
believe how fucking stupid sXe is. The whole idea is just lame. Why
do you have to join a clan, club, family, crew, or whatever the fuck
you idiots call it to quit doing things? Why dont you grow the hell up
and quit on your own. The desision I have come to is that all sXe kids
are fucking pussy ass kids that would rather fuck eachother in the ass
to keep from smoking or drinking then to just grow up, and not be a
pussy fuck, and do it on their own. All sXe is a fucking rehab session
for kids that cant do it on their own. Fuck sXe and everyone in it. have no room to tell anyone to grow up..
04-26-2005, 10:44 PM have no room to tell anyone to grow up..
calm down, hes just trying to get on your nerves. don't let him
04-26-2005, 10:45 PM have no room to tell anyone to grow up..
shut up dipshit..your "scene" username sucks ass..
04-26-2005, 10:46 PM
it didn't work so hot
but youre off man. none of us are straightedge because we feel a need to. its because we want to. we all have different reasons why. weather it because of family falling for addiction. or people learning from thier mistakes. you are entitled to your beleifs and we'll respect that if you do the same for us. their is not a division of hardcore sober vs. the non. there are tons of bands with 1 or 2 straightedge and the rest are not. yes i agree there are a big handful of edge kids who feel they are better because they are sober. but you must admit there are non edge kids who feel the same way about their non sober lifestyle. and one last thing, if youre not straightedge then why do you have X's all over your AIM screen name?
Actually, all sXe kids pretty much fucking idiots
04-26-2005, 10:48 PM
Actually, all sXe kids pretty much fucking idiots
id be willing to bet my left shoe you haven't met them all. and you still haven't answered my question.
04-26-2005, 10:52 PM
id be willing to bet my left shoe you haven't met them all. and you still haven't answered my question.
because i am "onlinexedge"..fuck if i know dummy
04-26-2005, 10:54 PM
because i am "onlinexedge"..fuck if i know dummy
so do i owe you my left shoe or not?
04-26-2005, 11:03 PM
yeah..i dont know why you typed a reply either..ass....
if you arent straight edge why do you have x's in your AIM name?
until you have met all, or a majority of edge people, then i really dont think you can make an intelligent call on what a group of people are like.
the only one that seems very hostile is you. then again thats why youre here, to stir things up. because thats original and you would be the first person ever to do this.
04-26-2005, 11:07 PM
if you arent straight edge why do you have x's in your AIM name?
until you have met all, or a majority of edge people, then i really dont think you can make an intelligent call on what a group of people are like.
the only one that seems very hostile is you. then again thats why youre here, to stir things up. because thats original and you would be the first person ever to do this.
linsee, what does it say in our straightedge handbook to do about these types? are we supposed to refur to page 98? or 102?
04-26-2005, 11:38 PM
linsee, what does it say in our straightedge handbook to do about these types? are we supposed to refur to page 98? or 102?
i hope you are fucking kidding me..
04-27-2005, 12:29 AM
i hope you are fucking kidding me..
How old are you? You sound like a little kid does when he goes online to make fun of people just so he can make his friends laugh and fit in with them.
04-27-2005, 12:57 AM
How old are you? You sound like a little kid does when he goes online to make fun of people just so he can make his friends laugh and fit in with them.
Wow, you got me there, dont be too harsh, you lame fuck
04-27-2005, 12:59 AM
Wow, you got me there, dont be too harsh, you lame fuck
Ya I am a lame fuck....and I like it
04-27-2005, 01:14 AM
Ya I am a lame fuck....and I like it
04-27-2005, 06:25 AM
yeah..i dont know why you typed a reply either..ass....
Because thats how message boards work, duh!
04-27-2005, 06:26 AM
shut up dipshit..your "scene" username sucks ass..
how imaginative, can you tell me more about sucking ass, you seem like an expert.
04-27-2005, 06:28 AM
Actually, all sXe kids pretty much fucking idiots
Actually a pretty large amount of all people are idiots, unfortunately this means you too.
04-27-2005, 06:31 AM
i hope you are fucking kidding me..
I think you can rest assured that no one will be taking you seriously so don't expect people not to be kidding you.
04-27-2005, 08:15 AM
I think you can rest assured that no one will be taking you seriously so don't expect people not to be kidding you.
I'm sorry Ed, but I for one am taking him very seriously, I think he is 100% right, I've wasted so much of my life living the way I see fit, i'm going to go get high right now, because if I do something cool like that I will be free!!!!!!
04-27-2005, 10:07 AM
I would just like to personally thank you for wasting a bunch of your time spouting something that won't effect or change a single mind here. thanks for that!
04-27-2005, 10:49 AM
I'm sorry Ed, but I for one am taking him very seriously, I think he is 100% right, I've wasted so much of my life living the way I see fit, i'm going to go get high right now, because if I do something cool like that I will be free!!!!!!
You know, i never looked at it like that, thanks viv, i'm off now to look for the dope man.
04-27-2005, 12:00 PM
I got one thing to say to whoever the fuck it was who started this shit. You are a fucking dumbass. You don't like sXe, stay away from it. You got no right to come in here and start bashing our collective beliefs because you don't agree with them. It's people like you who started the fucking Nazi party, religious persecution, and the racist shit that had fucked the country up. You want to voice your opinion? Go right ahead. But THIS place is not the place for THAT opinion. So I would kindly request that you get the fuck off these boards, or voice your opinion in a way that dosen't piss people off.
By the way, you peice of shit, don't give people a peice of you mind till your sure you have some to spare, which by your typing, I'm pretty sure you don't.
04-27-2005, 12:07 PM
I got one thing to say to whoever the fuck it was who started this shit. You are a fucking dumbass. You don't like sXe, stay away from it. You got no right to come in here and start bashing our collective beliefs because you don't agree with them. It's people like you who started the fucking Nazi party, religious persecution, and the racist shit that had fucked the country up. You want to voice your opinion? Go right ahead. But THIS place is not the place for THAT opinion. So I would kindly request that you get the fuck off these boards, or voice your opinion in a way that dosen't piss people off.
By the way, you peice of shit, don't give people a peice of you mind till your sure you have some to spare, which by your typing, I'm pretty sure you don't.
don't feed the trolls.
04-28-2005, 12:26 PM
why didnt you ban him as quikc as the others?
04-28-2005, 12:33 PM
why didnt you ban him as quikc as the others?
why does it matter to you?
04-28-2005, 12:57 PM
don't feed the trolls.
Sorry, people like that just piss my off.
04-28-2005, 01:10 PM
why does it matter to you?
just curiousity, generally you ban them in two posts.
04-28-2005, 01:14 PM
just curiousity, generally you ban them in two posts.
not true.
04-28-2005, 03:05 PM
did you name yourself after the walmart brand?
its not a 'club', asswipe.
04-28-2005, 03:49 PM
straight edge keeps people from getting hurt and hurting themselves........if you knew anything about straight edge, you would know its all about respect......respecting those around you for making desicions on themselves, and asking them to respect you and not mock or justify there beliefs. Straight edge isn't a "club." Its a way of life. I garuntee you any sXe kid you meet will agree with that. xxxFOREVERxxx
04-28-2005, 04:12 PM
straight edge keeps people from getting hurt and hurting themselves........if you knew anything about straight edge, you would know its all about respect......respecting those around you for making desicions on themselves, and asking them to respect you
i'm not so sure about that, my shoulder is a little hurt at the moment. And i'm not really asking for peoples respect because i think drinking and smoking sucks any more than i am asking for respect for thinking that rollerblading sucks.
04-29-2005, 01:45 AM
Don't worry equate. I wont make fun of you. It's not your fault your a close-minded dumbass that thinks anything that’s not portrayed as a "cool" in the MTV music video of the week is oh so EEEEVIL. You were probably just raised like that.
04-29-2005, 10:22 AM
i'm not so sure about that, my shoulder is a little hurt at the moment. And i'm not really asking for peoples respect because i think drinking and smoking sucks any more than i am asking for respect for thinking that rollerblading sucks.
take a fall?....i thought boarding was your thing.
04-29-2005, 11:04 AM
take a fall?....i thought boarding was your thing.
yeah i said rollerblading sucks, no idea what you are talking about.
04-29-2005, 11:07 AM
yeah i said rollerblading sucks, no idea what you are talking about.
you skateboard. i was saying i didnt think you rollerbladed cause i thought you would be skateboarding.
04-29-2005, 11:23 AM
you skateboard. i was saying i didnt think you rollerbladed cause i thought you would be skateboarding.
Why do you think i rollerblade when i have twice now stated that i think it sucks?
04-29-2005, 11:25 AM
the shoulder hurting thng, im mistaken.
04-29-2005, 11:30 AM
the shoulder hurting thng, im mistaken.
Yeah it was in relation to the comment about straightedge keeping people from hurting themselves!
I still don't see how you got to me rollerblading from there?
Because thats how message boards work, duh!
great job Ed...totally owned him on that one...hahaha
almost peeing in my pants right now, because im a lamefuckidiotsonofabitchretardo sXe! haha
05-10-2005, 12:37 AM
sXe has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. It is only for
kids that belong to nothing trying to belong to something, that also
obviously have no self control or they never would have started
drinking or smoking in the first place, and they wouldnt need to join
some stupid ass "club" to quit. If the kids never smoked or drank to
begin with then they are stupid and lame as hell fomr joining something
for no reason. Straight Edge has no purpose. The only thing it does
is divide the hardcore scene. Any person that is sXe in my opinion is
a fucking low pride moron that cant control the things he does on his
own. All the kids on this board are fucking idiots. I am so tired of
hearing that "we are a family" bullshit. Just give it up assholes.
I wonder how many of you "sXe" kids are going to tell me you are going
to beat my ass over the internet. I am glad I dont have to look like
a dumbass, walking around with Xs on my hands. I dont think you kids
know how fucking stupid you look. Fuck straight edge, its a fucking
waste of time. Most of the kids on this board obviously dont even
know what sXe is, yet you are in the little club anyway. I just cant
believe how fucking stupid sXe is. The whole idea is just lame. Why
do you have to join a clan, club, family, crew, or whatever the fuck
you idiots call it to quit doing things? Why dont you grow the hell up
and quit on your own. The desision I have come to is that all sXe kids
are fucking pussy ass kids that would rather fuck eachother in the ass
to keep from smoking or drinking then to just grow up, and not be a
pussy fuck, and do it on their own. All sXe is a fucking rehab session
for kids that cant do it on their own. Fuck sXe and everyone in it.
Someone only so stupid would take time to write all that out.... c'mon kids....get a life
05-10-2005, 04:10 PM
sXe has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. It is only for
kids that belong to nothing trying to belong to something, that also
obviously have no self control or they never would have started
drinking or smoking in the first place, and they wouldnt need to join
some stupid ass "club" to quit. If the kids never smoked or drank to
begin with then they are stupid and lame as hell fomr joining something
for no reason. Straight Edge has no purpose. The only thing it does
is divide the hardcore scene. Any person that is sXe in my opinion is
a fucking low pride moron that cant control the things he does on his
own. All the kids on this board are fucking idiots. I am so tired of
hearing that "we are a family" bullshit. Just give it up assholes.
I wonder how many of you "sXe" kids are going to tell me you are going
to beat my ass over the internet. I am glad I dont have to look like
a dumbass, walking around with Xs on my hands. I dont think you kids
know how fucking stupid you look. Fuck straight edge, its a fucking
waste of time. Most of the kids on this board obviously dont even
know what sXe is, yet you are in the little club anyway. I just cant
believe how fucking stupid sXe is. The whole idea is just lame. Why
do you have to join a clan, club, family, crew, or whatever the fuck
you idiots call it to quit doing things? Why dont you grow the hell up
and quit on your own. The desision I have come to is that all sXe kids
are fucking pussy ass kids that would rather fuck eachother in the ass
to keep from smoking or drinking then to just grow up, and not be a
pussy fuck, and do it on their own. All sXe is a fucking rehab session
for kids that cant do it on their own. Fuck sXe and everyone in it.
Fuck you, dumbass.
05-10-2005, 04:11 PM
Fuck you, dumbass.
Don't encourage him, Drake.
05-10-2005, 04:12 PM
Don't encourage him, Drake.
No, this little bitch is bein stupid!
05-10-2005, 06:42 PM
No, this little bitch is bein stupid!
yeah to get a rise out of you.
05-10-2005, 08:41 PM
yeah to get a rise out of you.
Like what Dusty said, he just wants a reaction Drake. Don't let him get to you.
05-27-2005, 10:07 PM
sXe has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. It is only for
kids that belong to nothing trying to belong to something, that also
obviously have no self control or they never would have started
drinking or smoking in the first place, and they wouldnt need to join
some stupid ass "club" to quit. If the kids never smoked or drank to
begin with then they are stupid and lame as hell fomr joining something
for no reason. Straight Edge has no purpose. The only thing it does
is divide the hardcore scene. Any person that is sXe in my opinion is
a fucking low pride moron that cant control the things he does on his
own. All the kids on this board are fucking idiots. I am so tired of
hearing that "we are a family" bullshit. Just give it up assholes.
I wonder how many of you "sXe" kids are going to tell me you are going
to beat my ass over the internet. I am glad I dont have to look like
a dumbass, walking around with Xs on my hands. I dont think you kids
know how fucking stupid you look. Fuck straight edge, its a fucking
waste of time. Most of the kids on this board obviously dont even
know what sXe is, yet you are in the little club anyway. I just cant
believe how fucking stupid sXe is. The whole idea is just lame. Why
do you have to join a clan, club, family, crew, or whatever the fuck
you idiots call it to quit doing things? Why dont you grow the hell up
and quit on your own. The desision I have come to is that all sXe kids
are fucking pussy ass kids that would rather fuck eachother in the ass
to keep from smoking or drinking then to just grow up, and not be a
pussy fuck, and do it on their own. All sXe is a fucking rehab session
for kids that cant do it on their own. Fuck sXe and everyone in it.
Um... isnt HC just a "club"? I mean for a genre based on unity, self improvement, and activism, there sure are alot of "rules" and "do-nots". so if theres a "sub-club" then why are you getting so pissed off? In rehab sessions there is a leader, ( not so in sXe) and some people are FORCED to go.(also not present in sXe) So what if people are proud of thier achievements and decide to ortamentate themselves by wearing X's on thier hand?
06-02-2005, 12:17 AM
ignore it, they're just flameing to piss someone off. If she really hated edge, she wouldn't even touch this site. Let alone post on it.
06-02-2005, 12:18 AM
I just realized that she's a he. I feel stupid now
06-06-2005, 10:51 PM
sXe has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. It is only for
kids that belong to nothing trying to belong to something, that also
obviously have no self control or they never would have started
drinking or smoking in the first place, and they wouldnt need to join
some stupid ass "club" to quit. If the kids never smoked or drank to
begin with then they are stupid and lame as hell fomr joining something
for no reason. Straight Edge has no purpose. The only thing it does
is divide the hardcore scene. Any person that is sXe in my opinion is
a fucking low pride moron that cant control the things he does on his
own. All the kids on this board are fucking idiots. I am so tired of
hearing that "we are a family" bullshit. Just give it up assholes.
I wonder how many of you "sXe" kids are going to tell me you are going
to beat my ass over the internet. I am glad I dont have to look like
a dumbass, walking around with Xs on my hands. I dont think you kids
know how fucking stupid you look. Fuck straight edge, its a fucking
waste of time. Most of the kids on this board obviously dont even
know what sXe is, yet you are in the little club anyway. I just cant
believe how fucking stupid sXe is. The whole idea is just lame. Why
do you have to join a clan, club, family, crew, or whatever the fuck
you idiots call it to quit doing things? Why dont you grow the hell up
and quit on your own. The desision I have come to is that all sXe kids
are fucking pussy ass kids that would rather fuck eachother in the ass
to keep from smoking or drinking then to just grow up, and not be a
pussy fuck, and do it on their own. All sXe is a fucking rehab session
for kids that cant do it on their own. Fuck sXe and everyone in it.
Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about? Seriously think about this for a minute, not all straight edge kids joined to stop. Some of them never did anyhting to start with. They just claim the straight edge name to show that they don't give into nonsense. So before you come on here like a pussy telling us all this without your name, how about you realize what sxe is. Why the hell did you even get on a straight edge website? and bother signing up? just to tell us we're pussys? Well that's real mature, you wanna call me another name?
charles bronson
06-08-2005, 10:13 AM
sXe has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. It is only for
kids that belong to nothing trying to belong to something, that also
obviously have no self control or they never would have started
drinking or smoking in the first place, and they wouldnt need to join
some stupid ass "club" to quit. If the kids never smoked or drank to
begin with then they are stupid and lame as hell fomr joining something
for no reason. Straight Edge has no purpose. The only thing it does
is divide the hardcore scene. Any person that is sXe in my opinion is
a fucking low pride moron that cant control the things he does on his
own. All the kids on this board are fucking idiots. I am so tired of
hearing that "we are a family" bullshit. Just give it up assholes.
I wonder how many of you "sXe" kids are going to tell me you are going
to beat my ass over the internet. I am glad I dont have to look like
a dumbass, walking around with Xs on my hands. I dont think you kids
know how fucking stupid you look. Fuck straight edge, its a fucking
waste of time. Most of the kids on this board obviously dont even
know what sXe is, yet you are in the little club anyway. I just cant
believe how fucking stupid sXe is. The whole idea is just lame. Why
do you have to join a clan, club, family, crew, or whatever the fuck
you idiots call it to quit doing things? Why dont you grow the hell up
and quit on your own. The desision I have come to is that all sXe kids
are fucking pussy ass kids that would rather fuck eachother in the ass
to keep from smoking or drinking then to just grow up, and not be a
pussy fuck, and do it on their own. All sXe is a fucking rehab session
for kids that cant do it on their own. Fuck sXe and everyone in it.
i agree whole heartedly, kind of. it is my exclusive opinion that straight edge should be practiced and not talked about, fight club style if you will. i've noticed so many people with your same mentalilty (given most of them can't come up with anything but stwaight edge kids suk 420 blah blah blah) and its pretty easy to see why you have it. the only thing really worth taking a stance against is militancy though, which truley is a fucking joke. but if your biggest problem is kids trying to fit in to something then i envy you. on the other hand i have no respect for this 15 year old suburbanite fashioncore bullshit, which is turning sxe into a joke entirely.
p.s. straight edge doesn't mean shit until you're 21
06-08-2005, 10:20 AM
i agree whole heartedly, kind of. it is my exclusive opinion that straight edge should be practiced and not talked about, fight club style if you will. i've noticed so many people with your same mentalilty (given most of them can't come up with anything but stwaight edge kids suk 420 blah blah blah) and its pretty easy to see why you have it. the only thing really worth taking a stance against is militancy though, which truley is a fucking joke. but if your biggest problem is kids trying to fit in to something then i envy you. on the other hand i have no respect for this 15 year old suburbanite fashioncore bullshit, which is turning sxe into a joke entirely.
p.s. straight edge doesn't mean shit until you're 21
you named yourself after a band with people in the locust. I wouldn't be so quick to throw stones.
charles bronson
06-08-2005, 10:51 AM
you named yourself after a band with people in the locust. I wouldn't be so quick to throw stones.
sorry, XXXbleedingXicyXheartXXX was already taken
06-08-2005, 10:54 AM
sorry, XXXbleedingXicyXheartXXX was already taken
you named yourself after a band with people in the locust. I wouldn't be so quick to throw stones.
dusty, you're his owner from now on.
06-08-2005, 04:47 PM
sorry, XXXbleedingXicyXheartXXX was already taken
too bad the locust sucks balls.
06-11-2005, 04:49 PM
i agree whole heartedly, kind of. it is my exclusive opinion that straight edge should be practiced and not talked about, fight club style if you will. i've noticed so many people with your same mentalilty (given most of them can't come up with anything but stwaight edge kids suk 420 blah blah blah) and its pretty easy to see why you have it. the only thing really worth taking a stance against is militancy though, which truley is a fucking joke. but if your biggest problem is kids trying to fit in to something then i envy you. on the other hand i have no respect for this 15 year old suburbanite fashioncore bullshit, which is turning sxe into a joke entirely.
p.s. straight edge doesn't mean shit until you're 21
Wait why doesn't Straight Edge mean anything until you're 21? Because I can't legally drink until then? You can't legally do drugs, even when you're 21, so why should alchohol be any different?
06-11-2005, 05:10 PM
Wait why doesn't Straight Edge mean anything until you're 21? Because I can't legally drink until then? You can't legally do drugs, even when you're 21, so why should alchohol be any different?
Because a lot of people break at 21 but to say it means nothing is ignorant.
07-11-2005, 12:33 PM
yeah it was..i typed it out on notepad and then coppied it on here..
was that a poem...
07-11-2005, 12:36 PM
sXe has to be the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. It is only for
kids that belong to nothing trying to belong to something, that also
obviously have no self control or they never would have started
drinking or smoking in the first place, and they wouldnt need to join
some stupid ass "club" to quit. If the kids never smoked or drank to
begin with then they are stupid and lame as hell fomr joining something
for no reason. Straight Edge has no purpose. The only thing it does
is divide the hardcore scene. Any person that is sXe in my opinion is
a fucking low pride moron that cant control the things he does on his
own. All the kids on this board are fucking idiots. I am so tired of
hearing that "we are a family" bullshit. Just give it up assholes.
I wonder how many of you "sXe" kids are going to tell me you are going
to beat my ass over the internet. I am glad I dont have to look like
a dumbass, walking around with Xs on my hands. I dont think you kids
know how fucking stupid you look. Fuck straight edge, its a fucking
waste of time. Most of the kids on this board obviously dont even
know what sXe is, yet you are in the little club anyway. I just cant
believe how fucking stupid sXe is. The whole idea is just lame. Why
do you have to join a clan, club, family, crew, or whatever the fuck
you idiots call it to quit doing things? Why dont you grow the hell up
and quit on your own. The desision I have come to is that all sXe kids
are fucking pussy ass kids that would rather fuck eachother in the ass
to keep from smoking or drinking then to just grow up, and not be a
pussy fuck, and do it on their own. All sXe is a fucking rehab session
for kids that cant do it on their own. Fuck sXe and everyone in it.
yeah i can tell your in a stupid tough guy crew aren't you?
07-15-2005, 06:34 PM
Well im a little late with this reply, But it seems to me that this equate guy came in cause he heard some kid in his school talk about it. Then thinking it is stupid cause we dont drink,have stupid sex and not do drugs, and also a little intimidated about the fact that we are better than his "club" of stoners. So he recreates Hitlers form of punishment"facism" and pushes his close mindedness opinions on us. I dont think he even knows how SXE started or what it is about. Also on the x's thing does he not kow that we wear them to express our lifestlye, just like he probably expresses his with a cigarette in his mouth. We also wear them to notify other people and possibly interest them in our lifestyle; let them know that there are other people out there.
08-08-2005, 04:22 PM
Well im a little late with this reply, But it seems to me that this equate guy came in cause he heard some kid in his school talk about it. Then thinking it is stupid cause we dont drink,have stupid sex and not do drugs, and also a little intimidated about the fact that we are better than his "club" of stoners. So he recreates Hitlers form of punishment"facism" and pushes his close mindedness opinions on us. I dont think he even knows how SXE started or what it is about. Also on the x's thing does he not kow that we wear them to express our lifestlye, just like he probably expresses his with a cigarette in his mouth. We also wear them to notify other people and possibly interest them in our lifestyle; let them know that there are other people out there.
what a loser
08-08-2005, 04:24 PM
shit, wrong quote, sorry!i meant the original posting
08-08-2005, 04:46 PM
shit, wrong quote, sorry!i meant the original posting
dude, just edit your post.
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