View Full Version : Do you have sxe tattoos?
Master Yoda
05-08-2005, 09:50 AM
I got this last night:
Does anyone else have any edge ink?
not yet, but i'm gonna get one someday, when i can think about the specified layout. i havesome plans on it but i don't konw which one would be the best choice.
yours looks nice
05-08-2005, 10:58 AM
where is it?
Master Yoda
05-08-2005, 11:19 AM
where is it?
Left shoulder. And it's about 3" x 4"
05-08-2005, 01:12 PM
not yet, but i did get a gorilla biscuits tattoo on my leg about 2 months ago.
05-08-2005, 03:16 PM
Yeah i have one on my leg.
05-08-2005, 09:19 PM
I got this last night:
Does anyone else have any edge ink?
Sweet! I def want to get a sxe tatto cause if for some stange reason i become a drugie or drinker when i see the tatto i get piss at my self for breaking edge.
I wana get like a barcode type thing with sxe and other messages indside the lines.
Master Yoda
05-09-2005, 02:32 AM
I def want to get a sxe tatto cause if for some stange reason i become a drugie or drinker when i see the tatto i get piss at my self for breaking edge.
That is exactly why I got this one. This way, if I ever feel the need for a drink, I can look at my shoulder and say, "No, no, no. I made this commitment."
05-09-2005, 05:12 AM
That is exactly why I got this one. This way, if I ever feel the need for a drink, I can look at my shoulder and say, "No, no, no. I made this commitment."
or say, "No, no, no. I made this commitment back then that now contravines with how i think now but i'm going continue living by choices i made then because otherwise i'll look stupid having got the tattoo and all. But luckily theres no visual reminder of how i feel now so i'll just be a straightedge kid that wants to drink but won't be true to that fact".
or say, "No, no, no. I made this commitment back then that now contravines with how i think now but i'm going continue living by choices i made then because otherwise i'll look stupid having got the tattoo and all. But luckily theres no visual reminder of how i feel now so i'll just be a straightedge kid that wants to drink but won't be true to that fact".
yes, well said
05-09-2005, 10:27 AM
agreed, you shouldnt get edge ink to have motivation to stay true.
Master Yoda
05-09-2005, 01:08 PM
Y'all misunderstood me (I didn't word it as clearly as I should have). The ink is there -- scarred into my skin -- as an outward expression of the way I feel about this lifestyle. I can flat out tell you that I'll never have a drink again (and I've never touched drugs, so there's no worry there); what I was saying before was more of a hypothetical than anything else.
05-09-2005, 01:48 PM
Y'all misunderstood me (I didn't word it as clearly as I should have). The ink is there -- scarred into my skin -- as an outward expression of the way I feel about this lifestyle. I can flat out tell you that I'll never have a drink again (and I've never touched drugs, so there's no worry there); what I was saying before was more of a hypothetical than anything else.
Can you tell me flat out what else you know about yourself in 30 years from now and perhaps you can tell me how you are so sure of the course your life will take. Whilst it sounds good and makes you sound really commited there is no way you can tell me that you won't drink in thirty years time as a fact. Its unexplored territory and you can't apply who you are now to who you will be to get an absolute certainty.
If what you were saying before was hypothetical what you have just said is completely hypothetical and unfactual. I'm not misunderstanding you, you just aren't conveying what you mean right or what you mean doesn't stand up.
Master Yoda
05-09-2005, 03:06 PM
I taught Creative Writing for several years on the college level. At first it was great. Filling young minds with all I knew of the craft, guiding their stories, and watching them grow both as adults and as writers filled me with so much passion for writing. Then a strange thing happened part way through a semester. Teaching no longer gave me satisfaction. In fact, walking into class was crushing my soul.
Mind you, this was a night class, so afterwards I'd head out to dinner with my girlfriend and we'd chat about the day. Until that point I didn't drink that much. In fact, all of my drinking was confined to weddings or maybe I'd have a "spiked" lemonade once in a while. If I had six drinks a year I'd be surprised, but even then I didn't like it. It was just a thing to do because everyone else was (RE: weddings) or because the lemonade was on sale. But I found that every Tuesday night after my class, I was pounding back drinks to take the edge off the day.
With every bitter swallow I felt like I was losing a part of myself. Drinking socially was one thing, but drinking to wash the day away was another. It sickened me to watch what I was doing to get through a job I ultimately hated.
Eventually two things dawned me. First, I needed to quit the job. Second, and more importantly, I needed to find the strength in myself to trust that I could get through rough times without a drink. Since then I've done both.
Will I have to face hard times down the road? Yes. In fact, I'm doing so right now. And will a part of me want to find a bottle to numb the pain? Yes. But I've fought cravings/temptations in the past (and I don't just mean for booze), and I'm confident that I can fight them in the future.
And as I said before, the tattoo is an outward sign of my inner feelings. If someone sees it and asks what it means, I can tell them and maybe they'll think about their own habits and make a change to clean up their life. For me, I'm going to see it everyday and I'm going to be proud of myself for moving past that time in my life when drinking to get through a job was sadly the norm.
05-09-2005, 03:44 PM
I taught Creative Writing for several years on the college level. At first it was great. Filling young minds with all I knew of the craft, guiding their stories, and watching them grow both as adults and as writers filled me with so much passion for writing. Then a strange thing happened part way through a semester. Teaching no longer gave me satisfaction. In fact, walking into class was crushing my soul.
Mind you, this was a night class, so afterwards I'd head out to dinner with my girlfriend and we'd chat about the day. Until that point I didn't drink that much. In fact, all of my drinking was confined to weddings or maybe I'd have a "spiked" lemonade once in a while. If I had six drinks a year I'd be surprised, but even then I didn't like it. It was just a thing to do because everyone else was (RE: weddings) or because the lemonade was on sale. But I found that every Tuesday night after my class, I was pounding back drinks to take the edge off the day.
With every bitter swallow I felt like I was losing a part of myself. Drinking socially was one thing, but drinking to wash the day away was another. It sickened me to watch what I was doing to get through a job I ultimately hated.
Eventually two things dawned me. First, I needed to quit the job. Second, and more importantly, I needed to find the strength in myself to trust that I could get through rough times without a drink. Since then I've done both.
Will I have to face hard times down the road? Yes. In fact, I'm doing so right now. And will a part of me want to find a bottle to numb the pain? Yes. But I've fought cravings/temptations in the past (and I don't just mean for booze), and I'm confident that I can fight them in the future.
And as I said before, the tattoo is an outward sign of my inner feelings. If someone sees it and asks what it means, I can tell them and maybe they'll think about their own habits and make a change to clean up their life. For me, I'm going to see it everyday and I'm going to be proud of myself for moving past that time in my life when drinking to get through a job was sadly the norm.
Still doesn't make your statement of never drinking again anymore conclusive or freestanding as all you are doing is illustrating change which you are constantly a subject to and/or a controller of.
Master Yoda
05-09-2005, 04:07 PM
People change, that's true. But there are certain core values we hang onto throughout our lives. Some of those values are formed early on, some come later in life. Me, I was never really fond of drinking, but my utter contempt for it came when I saw myself using it as a crutch. I don't want to go back there again.
Frankly, I don't understand why this is an issue with you. Do you walk into AA meetings and tell the 12-steppers they're going to slip up no matter how committed they are to the program? Do you stroll into church and tell a devoted teenage girl that she's going to have an abortion despite her beliefs? If you can't trust that someone isn't going to stray from their core values, then I'm left to wonder how dear you hold your commitment to the straight edge lifestyle. When do you see yourself taking a drink? Or do you see yourself as the only person that will never break?
This isn't me coming down on you; this is me telling you (and everyone else for that matter) that I won't drink again. If that isn't good enough for you, then nothing will be.
05-09-2005, 05:06 PM
People change, that's true. But there are certain core values we hang onto throughout our lives. Some of those values are formed early on, some come later in life. Me, I was never really fond of drinking, but my utter contempt for it came when I saw myself using it as a crutch. I don't want to go back there again.
Frankly, I don't understand why this is an issue with you. Do you walk into AA meetings and tell the 12-steppers they're going to slip up no matter how committed they are to the program? Do you stroll into church and tell a devoted teenage girl that she's going to have an abortion despite her beliefs? If you can't trust that someone isn't going to stray from their core values, then I'm left to wonder how dear you hold your commitment to the straight edge lifestyle. When do you see yourself taking a drink? Or do you see yourself as the only person that will never break?
This isn't me coming down on you; this is me telling you (and everyone else for that matter) that I won't drink again. If that isn't good enough for you, then nothing will be.
Well adressing the point about alcoholics may be interesting for you as AA programs will suggest what is a common truth; that once an alcoholic always alcoholic.
However this is all swaying away from my point, i'm not saying that someones beiefs mean nothing but it is very likely that a teenage girl may one day change her beliefs so if she says she will never have an abortion it cannot be a fact as there are far too many variables to counter in. She can believe it all she wants but its based on the now and its impossible to forsee exactly what personal changes will occur andhow she will react to every incident in her life. While so sure of herself now she is subject to change and this makes the statement of never aborting one that is only based on who she is and how she feels now.
The reason it is an issue with me as you say you won't ever change to drinking ever again which while its a great sounding statement its one that anyone with any sense will see as a blind statement. I've not said it won't turn out to be true but again there are too many variables for it to be taken as fact, you can convince yourself that its a fact but it doesn't make it so its just a strong statement that will be left up to time to tell if its true or not. Personally i hope that it goes the way you envision it but no one can say for sure.
As for how i am commited to straightedge, well i don't see myself breaking edge but then i don't really concern myself with the future. I won't make statements of "true till death" because i apply what i have said to you not only to others but to myself as well. Right now i have no desire for alcohol or anything and all current mind sets and reactions indicate that its likely to be like that for some time. However i am just as changable as anyone and just as unable to plot the events of the future and my reactions to them. It doesn't make my commitment to straightedge any less by being honest about the nature of humanity. The way i feel now i would never drink a drop of alcohol again ever but thats who i am today and in 30 years time i find it hard to see how a hardcore straightedge scene would be so already i find it hard to say i'd be straightedge based on the way the scene could be, as for abstinance, well its possible that my views become open to occasional drinking, or its possible that my life takes turns for the worst then send me to drink. While those aren't things i'd like to think of myself doing they are at this moment in time just as viable as never drinking again. The only real difference in them is a fox chasing a rabbit, the fox is running for his dinner and the rabbit is running for his life.
If you constantly keep chasing something that you are convincing yourself of you are less likely to get it, it will just serve to drag you down, loosen up and don't worry about how you will be in thirty years time, straightedge or not, so long as you are you and true to you it really doesn't matter so just live in the now. Sever the edge between before and after; thats to say pay less mind to how tommorow will pan out and how yesterday panned out, the past is gone and the future yet to come, you are now and thats all you need to maintain.
I'm not saying you will drink again but you saying you won't still isn't a fact and so you shouldn't convince yourself that it is, its great that you don't drink, i don't either and those are the facts. I see people denying their true self by denying their true feelings, its suppressive and will ultimately cause more problems, thats why alcoholics are still alcoholics even when they haven't drank for 30 years, they had a problem and rather than denying it they sought out help and continue living with their true self, i mean you can live a lie until you die but doesnt mean you will.
Something to think about would be "What is more malleable is always superior over that which is immovable. This is the principle of controlling things whilst going along with them; Mastery through adaption." This is why i'm not saying you will drink but rather that you and your future are malleable but where the journey goes can be very different from your perception of it now so avoid the rigidity.
Master Yoda
05-09-2005, 11:54 PM
Personally i hope that it goes the way you envision it but no one can say for sure.
Okay. The (perceived) tone of your previous posts gave me the impression that you wanted me to fail, that's why I came back with the AA and abortion comments. Glad to know I was wrong in the way I interpreted your posts.
05-10-2005, 04:45 AM
Okay. The (perceived) tone of your previous posts gave me the impression that you wanted me to fail, that's why I came back with the AA and abortion comments. Glad to know I was wrong in the way I interpreted your posts.
What made you think that someone, who has never met you or has any interest vested in what you do with your life, would want you to fail at it? All i was saying is you can't say for sure how things will pan out, pretty simple really.
05-10-2005, 08:06 AM
nope but imma get True on the inside of my lip.
Nad imma get sleeves..with a few edge tats thrown around
05-10-2005, 09:27 AM
nope but imma get True on the inside of my lip.
Nad imma get sleeves..with a few edge tats thrown around
Oooo, like the budweiser comercials!
05-10-2005, 09:36 AM
nope but imma get True on the inside of my lip.
Nad imma get sleeves..with a few edge tats thrown around
hope you like wearng long sleeves in the summer
05-30-2005, 06:28 PM
Can you tell me flat out what else you know about yourself in 30 years from now and perhaps you can tell me how you are so sure of the course your life will take. Whilst it sounds good and makes you sound really commited there is no way you can tell me that you won't drink in thirty years time as a fact. Its unexplored territory and you can't apply who you are now to who you will be to get an absolute certainty.
i hear what you are saying and as a nub i dont have alot of ground here but i do beleve that your "Beliefs" are what will shape the direction his/her life goes in and if that tattoo is a visual reminder of whats on the inside then GO WITH IT!!
05-30-2005, 09:16 PM
I got this last night:
Does anyone else have any edge ink?
naw and i don't think i'll ever get one cause not only am i terrified of needles but also cause i don't know what's gonna happen in the future and as much as i would love to believe that i'll stay clean and sober for the rest of my life, i'm too young to know yet. And if sometime in the future i do break my commitment ( knock on wood) and i've got sXe stamped on my skin i'm gonna feel miserable cause its like a reminder of a broken promise. maybe i'll get a few hennas to remind me of my commitment while i'm up there in boarding high school with no one to support me through times of temptation and stuff but that's it.
06-17-2005, 05:17 PM
sweet ink!
i've got a SXE tattoo.
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