View Full Version : Militant
haha yea i have, seventh dagger i post on as well. theyre full militant there.
but theyre a great community.
seventh dagger is fuckin great. i have that kill your local drug dealer sweatshirt from there, that thing is kickin.
Wat is militant edge to you? Do you go around beating kids up for having a smoke out on the corner not bothering anybody or giving out cigarettes? thats dumb. BUt drug dealers are fair game in my book, when you spread the poison, thats when it pisses me off.
seventh dagger is fuckin great. i have that kill your local drug dealer sweatshirt from there, that thing is kickin.
Wat is militant edge to you? Do you go around beating kids up for having a smoke out on the corner not bothering anybody or giving out cigarettes? thats dumb. BUt drug dealers are fair game in my book, when you spread the poison, thats when it pisses me off.
then go and kill some drug dealers bigmouth
04-10-2005, 07:21 PM
haha yea i have, seventh dagger i post on as well. theyre full militant there.
but theyre a great community.
fuck seventh dagger
04-16-2005, 01:13 AM
xxfriends dont let friends fight alonexx
No2 Vaporizer (
05-03-2005, 10:57 AM
i just go in swinging, and as for the militant aspect, drug dealers and violent drunks are the only ones i have a real problem with, any one else is cool as long as they arent doing it to piss me off
05-03-2005, 11:06 AM
i just go in swinging, and as for the militant aspect, drug dealers and violent drunks are the only ones i have a real problem with, any one else is cool as long as they arent doing it to piss me off
So someone working in a liqour store deserves to get it?
05-03-2005, 11:21 AM
So someone working in a liqour store deserves to get it?
i never said that
05-03-2005, 11:24 AM
i never said that
if alcohol isn't a drug, and a person who works in a liquor store isn't a drug dealer, then what is it?
05-03-2005, 11:27 AM
if alcohol isn't a drug, and a person who works in a liquor store isn't a drug dealer, then what is it?
although alcohol may be intoxicating, and it may be destructive, they arent selling it to kids so i dont consider it drug dealing
05-03-2005, 11:30 AM
although alcohol may be intoxicating, and it may be destructive, they arent selling it to kids so i dont consider it drug dealing
so if a drug dealer doesn't sell to kids you have no problem with it? You never said that. And lets be realistic, underage drinking is pretty common, who should we go after with bats and brass knuckles?
05-03-2005, 11:32 AM
so if a drug dealer doesn't sell to kids you have no problem with it? You never said that. And lets be realistic, underage drinking is pretty common, who should we go after with bats and brass knuckles?
if their on the streets with no regulations as to what they are selling and who they are selling it to. and thats about as narrowed down and definite as i can get. i know underage drinking is a common problem, but its not the liquer stor owners that are putting it in there hands, they work within the law, its the ones that go outside it i have the problem with.
although alcohol may be intoxicating, and it may be destructive, they arent selling it to kids
wanna see drunk 13 year olds? fly your ass here
05-03-2005, 11:49 AM
wanna see drunk 13 year olds? fly your ass here
i cant say i do want to see drunk 13 year olds, its bad enough babysitting my 17 year old friends
05-03-2005, 11:51 AM
if their on the streets with no regulations as to what they are selling and who they are selling it to. and thats about as narrowed down and definite as i can get. i know underage drinking is a common problem, but its not the liquer stor owners that are putting it in there hands, they work within the law, its the ones that go outside it i have the problem with.
So a liquor store worker sells aclohol to minors by either being shown a fake ID or like is often the case here just doesn't ID the underage customer. You then have a problem it? Is your reason for being against drugs a legal issue or the fact that you think the consumption of drugs for recreational purposes is wrong? The drug smuggler doesn't deal it to kids, do you have a problem with them? I mean why does the legality of it matter if someone chooses for themselves to get high, the crack dealer on the corner is just as guilty as the liquor store owner of giving people the oppertunity to attain drugs even if they abide by some laws that are in place to some extent. If the law is the issue then you should be happy to breathe second hand smoke also you are happy for there being no laws on how much you drink. You don't mind liquor stores feeding alcohol to violent drunks either because no laws are broken.
05-04-2005, 10:02 AM
So a liquor store worker sells aclohol to minors by either being shown a fake ID or like is often the case here just doesn't ID the underage customer. You then have a problem it? Is your reason for being against drugs a legal issue or the fact that you think the consumption of drugs for recreational purposes is wrong? The drug smuggler doesn't deal it to kids, do you have a problem with them? I mean why does the legality of it matter if someone chooses for themselves to get high, the crack dealer on the corner is just as guilty as the liquor store owner of giving people the oppertunity to attain drugs even if they abide by some laws that are in place to some extent. If the law is the issue then you should be happy to breathe second hand smoke also you are happy for there being no laws on how much you drink. You don't mind liquor stores feeding alcohol to violent drunks either because no laws are broken.
im fairly pascifistic, no one said being straight edge meant you had to be violently against any one involved with drug, alcohol, or tobacco sales, so as long as this distribution and consumption is staying within the law, i dont have an excessive problem with it, it makes me somewhat more easy to get along with and it keeps me from ending up serving life for taking my personal beliefs too far. i dont believe in forcing my decisions on others.
05-04-2005, 10:51 AM
im fairly pascifistic, no one said being straight edge meant you had to be violently against any one involved with drug, alcohol, or tobacco sales, so as long as this distribution and consumption is staying within the law, i dont have an excessive problem with it, it makes me somewhat more easy to get along with and it keeps me from ending up serving life for taking my personal beliefs too far. i dont believe in forcing my decisions on others.
you didn't answer my questions, the only mention of violence was that of the violent drunks. I never said be violent against anyone so you went way off on a tangent based on nothing i said. I'm not talking about forcing your personal beliefs either but you only have a problem with things because they contravine the law? Is that what you are saying? Is tobaco advertising okay? Are you saying you don't have any problem with a highly addictive drug that is the cause of many terminal diseases because its distribution follows some protocols and laws? I'm not saying you should be violent about it but why do you not have a problem with that as well as the drug dealing? there were similar questions in my last post, it would be benificial to the discussion if you could answer them, otherwise its not going anywhere.
05-04-2005, 11:01 AM
you didn't answer my questions, the only mention of violence was that of the violent drunks. I never said be violent against anyone so you went way off on a tangent based on nothing i said. I'm not talking about forcing your personal beliefs either but you only have a problem with things because they contravine the law? Is that what you are saying? Is tobaco advertising okay? Are you saying you don't have any problem with a highly addictive drug that is the cause of many terminal diseases because its distribution follows some protocols and laws? I'm not saying you should be violent about it but why do you not have a problem with that as well as the drug dealing? there were similar questions in my last post, it would be benificial to the discussion if you could answer them, otherwise its not going anywhere.
i dont support or condone the actions, but its their lives and their decisions as to whether or not they do these things, as to my mention of violence, the descusion was originally on militance, thats why i said i would only take physical action against those people. my main problems are with things that directly "contravine" the law, as i believe that obeying the laws of your locale should also be a part of straight edge, i dont know if anyone else has that view, but thats what i love about straight edge, you can be an individual. i dont support advertising for either alcohol or tobacco either, as that was something you mentioned.
05-04-2005, 11:06 AM
i dont support or condone the actions, but its their lives and their decisions as to whether or not they do these things, as to my mention of violence, the descusion was originally on militance, thats why i said i would only take physical action against those people. my main problems are with things that directly "contravine" the law, as i believe that obeying the laws of your locale should also be a part of straight edge, i dont know if anyone else has that view, but thats what i love about straight edge, you can be an individual. i dont support advertising for either alcohol or tobacco either, as that was something you mentioned.
assualt is against the law. the point being that you view drug dealers as far worse than people who sell cigarettes and alcohol when at the end of the day, logically they're exactly the same and the legal protection that some get is nothing more than a human construct and nothing more.
05-04-2005, 11:09 AM
assualt is against the law. the point being that you view drug dealers as far worse than people who sell cigarettes and alcohol when at the end of the day, logically they're exactly the same and the legal protection that some get is nothing more than a human construct and nothing more.
most things in life are human constructs, and many drug dealers are putting things out much more devastating than cigarettes and beer.
05-04-2005, 11:10 AM
i dont support or condone the actions, but its their lives and their decisions as to whether or not they do these things, as to my mention of violence, the descusion was originally on militance, thats why i said i would only take physical action against those people. my main problems are with things that directly "contravine" the law, as i believe that obeying the laws of your locale should also be a part of straight edge, i dont know if anyone else has that view, but thats what i love about straight edge, you can be an individual. i dont support advertising for either alcohol or tobacco either, as that was something you mentioned.
Then you have a batman syndrome. You talk about respecting things done lawfully and then condone assulting people, that contravines the law so you have contradicted yourself. How is law obeying part of straightedge? I'm not saying you shouldn't obey the law, i think you should but its not a part of being straightedge its your personal view and is seperate from what straightedge is. You don't need straightedge to be an individual either. Youy don't support advertising of these things because i mentioned it?
Are you saying you don't have any problem with a highly addictive drug that is the cause of many terminal diseases because its distribution follows some protocols and laws?
So a liquor store worker sells aclohol to minors by either being shown a fake ID or like is often the case here just doesn't ID the underage customer. You then have a problem it?
You don't mind liquor stores feeding alcohol to violent drunks either because no laws are broken?
05-04-2005, 11:11 AM
most things in life are human constructs, and many drug dealers are putting things out much more devastating than cigarettes and beer.
alcohol and cigarettes kill far more than narcotics do, so I don't really see your point.
05-04-2005, 11:20 AM
Then you have a batman syndrome. You talk about respecting things done lawfully and then condone assulting people, that contravines the law so you have contradicted yourself. How is law obeying part of straightedge? I'm not saying you shouldn't obey the law, i think you should but its not a part of being straightedge its your personal view and is seperate from what straightedge is. You don't need straightedge to be an individual either. Youy don't support advertising of these things because i mentioned it?
Are you saying you don't have any problem with a highly addictive drug that is the cause of many terminal diseases because its distribution follows some protocols and laws?
So a liquor store worker sells aclohol to minors by either being shown a fake ID or like is often the case here just doesn't ID the underage customer. You then have a problem it?
You don't mind liquor stores feeding alcohol to violent drunks either because no laws are broken?
i do have problems with cigarettes, i never said i didnt, i just said i have more of a problem with some jackass dealing meth on the corner. if a minor acquires a fake id for liquor, i have more of a problem with the guy that made the fake id than the store clerk who cnt tell the difference. and if he doesnt id the customer he should get fired, but just because he made a mistake does not necessarily make him wrong or a bad person. and its not the responsibility of the store clerk to know how each customer acts when drunk. assault is wrong, but self defence is not.
05-04-2005, 12:13 PM
i do have problems with cigarettes, i never said i didnt,
"drug dealers and violent drunks are the only ones i have a real problem with, any one else is cool as long as they arent doing it to piss me off" you said that.
i just said i have more of a problem with some jackass dealing meth on the corner.
why, just because a more socially acceptable manner is used alcohol and tobbaco is still being dealt like drugs and is it ok by your reasoning for people to deal drugs away from corners, is it more a case of if it doesn't effect me or my immediate surroundings i don't give a shit.
if a minor acquires a fake id for liquor, i have more of a problem with the guy that made the fake id than the store clerk who cnt tell the difference. and if he doesnt id the customer he should get fired, but just because he made a mistake does not necessarily make him wrong or a bad person. and its not the responsibility of the store clerk to know how each customer acts when drunk. assault is wrong, but self defence is not.
But the store broke the law still and if these laws are what you are defining as a difference. You think that selling alcohol doesn't make you bad but selling crack does ? Crack dealer just wants to feed the kids and can't get a job in a liquor store, you are right its down to personal responsibility same with crack, both are pushing drugs on people of all ages just look at alchopops! And where do you draw the line with self defence? Anything from a reasonable restraint to shooting someone a law can say something is wrong or right and call it assult or self defence without turning the page at times.
I just think being straightedge inherently means you have a problem with the consumption of all drugs recreationally. Why you would highlight some over others based on legality doesn't make sense.
05-04-2005, 12:18 PM
"drug dealers and violent drunks are the only ones i have a real problem with, any one else is cool as long as they arent doing it to piss me off" you said that.
why, just because a more socially acceptable manner is used alcohol and tobbaco is still being dealt like drugs and is it ok by your reasoning for people to deal drugs away from corners, is it more a case of if it doesn't effect me or my immediate surroundings i don't give a shit.
But the store broke the law still and if these laws are what you are defining as a difference. You think that selling alcohol doesn't make you bad but selling crack does ? Crack dealer just wants to feed the kids and can't get a job in a liquor store, you are right its down to personal responsibility same with crack, both are pushing drugs on people of all ages just look at alchopops! And where do you draw the line with self defence? Anything from a reasonable restraint to shooting someone a law can say something is wrong or right and call it assult or self defence without turning the page at times.
I just think being straightedge inherently means you have a problem with the consumption of all drugs recreationally. Why you would highlight some over others based on legality doesn't make sense.
i see the points your making, and i concede that i may have been ignorant or otherwise mislead or misunderstanding in some areas, but i think a crack head selling illicit drugs is more in the wrong than someone working at a liquor store selling alcohol, and there are more reasons for this than just legality. with self defence i believe the other person must take an action against you or yours before you can act, i do not believe that clubs, guns, or brass knuckles are instruments of self defence, but knive depending on who drew first and what the intent is when it was drawn.
05-04-2005, 01:06 PM
i see the points your making, and i concede that i may have been ignorant or otherwise mislead or misunderstanding in some areas, but i think a crack head selling illicit drugs is more in the wrong than someone working at a liquor store selling alcohol, and there are more reasons for this than just legality. with self defence i believe the other person must take an action against you or yours before you can act, i do not believe that clubs, guns, or brass knuckles are instruments of self defence, but knive depending on who drew first and what the intent is when it was drawn.
more people die from alcohol than from crack.
05-04-2005, 03:37 PM
i see the points your making, and i concede that i may have been ignorant or otherwise mislead or misunderstanding in some areas, but i think a crack head selling illicit drugs is more in the wrong than someone working at a liquor store selling alcohol, and there are more reasons for this than just legality. with self defence i believe the other person must take an action against you or yours before you can act, i do not believe that clubs, guns, or brass knuckles are instruments of self defence, but knive depending on who drew first and what the intent is when it was drawn.
Yeah how is it more wrong beyond the reason of legality?
And as a general rule you will find that people who want to stick you with a knife won't wave it around in a threatening manner and you wouldn't be aware of the knife until youve been stuck. People who pull out knives are using it more as a posturing and barganing tool to instill fear into the opponent. The opponent would also be responsible in 90% of these situations of esculating the knife person into a situation when it gets used. Anything is an instrument of self defence depending on what is being defended and what the situation demands and dictates is an applicable weapon, i would agree the brass knuckles would be a stretch of this but if your life is in danger pretty much anything goes until the threat of death is no longer there.
05-04-2005, 07:03 PM
seems to me that the barette changes his views as the questions keep rolling in.. barette... stop avoiding the quetions and just post one thing that answers all of the questions asked.. would help out and make everything u say alot more understandable
05-05-2005, 09:03 AM
seems to me that the barette changes his views as the questions keep rolling in.. barette... stop avoiding the quetions and just post one thing that answers all of the questions asked.. would help out and make everything u say alot more understandable
i try answering the questions, but i tend to answer things without thinking the first time through.
05-05-2005, 02:20 PM
i try answering the questions, but i tend to answer things without thinking the first time through.
so for starters how is it more wrong beyond the reason of legality?
05-05-2005, 07:11 PM
just my opinion here.. but drugs are drugs, alcohol is alcohol... smoking is smoking.. all stupid.. and whether legal or not.. shouldnt happen
05-05-2005, 07:36 PM
just my opinion here.. but drugs are drugs, alcohol is alcohol... smoking is smoking.. all stupid.. and whether legal or not.. shouldnt happen
Good point. You said you have a problem with drug dealers, what if pot was legalised, and these drug dealers because pot store owners, woudl you not have a problem with it then? If not, you're a vigilante, not a millitant straight edge.
05-09-2005, 09:39 AM
Good point. You said you have a problem with drug dealers, what if pot was legalised, and these drug dealers because pot store owners, woudl you not have a problem with it then? If not, you're a vigilante, not a millitant straight edge.
i believe i would, but i cant predict the future, and therefore cannot come up with a proper response to that question, i dont know how ill feel in certain situations without being put into those situations.
05-09-2005, 09:49 AM
i believe i would, but i cant predict the future, and therefore cannot come up with a proper response to that question, i dont know how ill feel in certain situations without being put into those situations.
that's a copout. if your feelings are based on legality then why wouldn't they change if the laws were changed? Or are all of your thoughts and feelings not thought out and you just decide each day how you feel about any given subject?
05-09-2005, 09:55 AM
Or are all of your thoughts and feelings not thought out and you just decide each day how you feel about any given subject?
people and emotions change, i live clean, but my opinions and actions in regards to other people and what they do varies on a day to day basis, if thats horribly wrong i apologize, but thats the way i am.
05-09-2005, 09:57 AM
people and emotions change, i live clean, but my opinions and actions in regards to other people and what they do varies on a day to day basis, if thats horribly wrong i apologize, but thats the way i am.
then how can you predict how you'd feel about anything at any point then? If your opinions vary on a day to day basis, then they clearly shouldn't be strong enough to profess?
05-09-2005, 10:00 AM
then how can you predict how you'd feel about anything at any point then? If your opinions vary on a day to day basis, then they clearly shouldn't be strong enough to profess?
i have my values, those dont change, but there are some things which do, im getting mildly tired of defending every post i make so if there are gonna be much more questions can i get a forewarning?
05-09-2005, 10:05 AM
i have my values, those dont change, but there are some things which do, im getting mildly tired of defending every post i make so if there are gonna be much more questions can i get a forewarning?
Then why would your opinion on a substance change based on it being legal or not, if you have values and they don't change?
If you're getting tired of defending your words, then maybe you should spend some more time making statements that stand on their own and don't need to be defended.
05-09-2005, 10:11 AM
Then why would your opinion on a substance change based on it being legal or not, if you have values and they don't change?
If you're getting tired of defending your words, then maybe you should spend some more time making statements that stand on their own and don't need to be defended.
i never said for sure whether my opinion of it would change. i said id make anew decision based on difering factors when that change in legality comes. until then i stand against it, and as for my values, those are for me, not others.
05-09-2005, 10:22 AM
i never said for sure whether my opinion of it would change. i said id make anew decision based on difering factors when that change in legality comes. until then i stand against it, and as for my values, those are for me, not others.
What differing factors? The substance isn't going to change chemical properties. People's use of it isn't going to change. The only thing that changes is a group of people got together and decided that it was no longer illegal. Why would a law matter on your opinion on it at all? If your opinion changes based on decisions made by other people then it isn't your own. I believe a ton of things are wrong, because they're wrong, not because the law tells me they are.
05-09-2005, 10:31 AM
What differing factors? The substance isn't going to change chemical properties. People's use of it isn't going to change. The only thing that changes is a group of people got together and decided that it was no longer illegal. Why would a law matter on your opinion on it at all? If your opinion changes based on decisions made by other people then it isn't your own. I believe a ton of things are wrong, because they're wrong, not because the law tells me they are.
no, but if they make it legal because some scientist discovers its not really harmful to anyone im not very well gonna go out and have a problem with it. that could have a seriouse affect on my opinion of the substance. if its legal because people are gonna use it any ways and its too hard to regualte then yeah, its still bad and im against it.
05-09-2005, 10:48 AM
no, but if they make it legal because some scientist discovers its not really harmful to anyone im not very well gonna go out and have a problem with it. that could have a seriouse affect on my opinion of the substance. if its legal because people are gonna use it any ways and its too hard to regualte then yeah, its still bad and im against it.
if you think it's a possiblity then why are you against it now? Seriously, why are you even straight edge? Why do you think that crack is worse than alcohol? Why does the law even factor in?
05-09-2005, 10:58 AM
i have my values, those dont change, but there are some things which do, im getting mildly tired of defending every post i make so if there are gonna be much more questions can i get a forewarning?
A forewarning so you can continue to ignore them?
05-11-2005, 10:01 AM
if you think it's a possiblity then why are you against it now? Seriously, why are you even straight edge? Why do you think that crack is worse than alcohol? Why does the law even factor in?
im against it now because i dont support or condone the use of anything that puts you in a different state of mind than you should be, and im straight edge because when i was younger the local straight edge guys were the only family i had. i think crack is worse than alcohol because ive lost friends to crack. the law factors in because thats the way i was raised.
05-11-2005, 10:02 AM
A forewarning so you can continue to ignore them?
just because i dont answer to your satisfaction doesnt mean im ignoring the questions.
05-11-2005, 10:06 AM
im against it now because i dont support or condone the use of anything that puts you in a different state of mind than you should be.
then why would the law or anything else change your view on any substance?
, and im straight edge because when i was younger the local straight edge guys were the only family i had. i think crack is worse than alcohol because ive lost friends to crack. the law factors in because thats the way i was raised.
even though the number of people killed and affected by alcohol astronomically outnumbers that of crack? If the law factors into it, then why don't you smoke and drink, since they're both legal?
05-11-2005, 10:07 AM
just because i dont answer to your satisfaction doesnt mean im ignoring the questions.
well no. there have been questions and entire posts that you've ignored.
05-11-2005, 10:09 AM
even though the number of people killed and affected by alcohol astronomically outnumbers that of crack? If the law factors into it, then why don't you smoke and drink, since they're both legal?
because i made a decision about MY health not to do either of those. and im pretty sure alcohol and cigarettes kill more simply because theyre more available, if crack or meth or other drugs of that caliber were available on that scale then there would probably be more deaths than by alcohol. and as i said, ive never had a personal experience where i lost someone to alcohol, but i lost one of my best friends growing up to crack and so im opposed to it on a personal level.
05-11-2005, 10:17 AM
because i made a decision about MY health not to do either of those. and im pretty sure alcohol and cigarettes kill more simply because theyre more available, if crack or meth or other drugs of that caliber were available on that scale then there would probably be more deaths than by alcohol. and as i said, ive never had a personal experience where i lost someone to alcohol, but i lost one of my best friends growing up to crack and so im opposed to it on a personal level.
also case in point you ignored my first question completely.
but you're fine with them because it hasn't touched your life and it's legal, so why don't you do it? I mean if the law means that much, why not do everything that isn't illegal? Why oppose things, oh wait, you don't oppose things, or speak out about things.
05-11-2005, 10:36 AM
just because i dont answer to your satisfaction doesnt mean im ignoring the questions.
There are a number of questions and posts in this thread that you have ignored and the answers you do offer are complete drivel in relation to what is being discussed, so yes you don't answer questions to any satisfaction as it seems like you are answering something else and completely missing the point.
Perhaps you should go back and answer the questions you missed.
05-12-2005, 10:12 PM
ever known a drug dealer personally? their customers come to them- not the other way around. that bullshit nancy reagan DARE propaganda that dealers sell to kids is completely false.are you gonna shoot every guy in the projects on every corner selling five dollar bags of rock? are you beat the shit out of every white kid selling pot out of his parents house or his college dormroom?i just dont get this attitude about miltant edgers. wearing a shirt that says kill your local drug dealer is basically claiming you think like a cop, or want to be like one. is that punk rock?
05-13-2005, 08:40 AM
ever known a drug dealer personally? their customers come to them- not the other way around. that bullshit nancy reagan DARE propaganda that dealers sell to kids is completely false.are you gonna shoot every guy in the projects on every corner selling five dollar bags of rock? are you beat the shit out of every white kid selling pot out of his parents house or his college dormroom?i just dont get this attitude about miltant edgers. wearing a shirt that says kill your local drug dealer is basically claiming you think like a cop, or want to be like one. is that punk rock?
my problem with this stuff is two fold, one it's fashion. kids talk about being militant, but their militancy begins and ends at shows. they just get into fights in and around shows and don't actually work to make things better. They just want to fight and use "militant straight edge" as an excuse. If they actually cared they would be a lot more involved then just talking tough and getting into fights that don't actually change anything.
The other problem is that it is blaming the dealer. The problem is the desire to do drugs, not the person that supplies it. You get rid of desire and dealers go away.
05-17-2005, 02:37 PM
my problem with this stuff is two fold, one it's fashion. kids talk about being militant, but their militancy begins and ends at shows. they just get into fights in and around shows and don't actually work to make things better. They just want to fight and use "militant straight edge" as an excuse. If they actually cared they would be a lot more involved then just talking tough and getting into fights that don't actually change anything.
The other problem is that it is blaming the dealer. The problem is the desire to do drugs, not the person that supplies it. You get rid of desire and dealers go away.
As long as stupid people inhabit this earth, and thats gona be for a long time, stupid people are going to want to sacrifice their health or a good feeling. I despise drug dealers, people who sell alchohol and cigerettes because they are taking advantage of them and roping more people into the image of the "cool smoker." However, we (straight edge people) are not within our rights to go beat the shit out of them. It is how they chose to live, and the people who come to them have chosen the way they live. If they try and force the drugs on people, though, take the fuckers out.
05-27-2005, 10:45 PM
no, but if they make it legal because some scientist discovers its not really harmful to anyone im not very well gonna go out and have a problem with it.
Asprin is legal yet people still die from it. A sucidal person is still going to commit suicide by ODing on asprin even if the bottle has a warning or not, and is bought legally or illegally.
05-28-2005, 08:52 AM
Asprin is legal yet people still die from it. A sucidal person is still going to commit suicide by ODing on asprin even if the bottle has a warning or not, and is bought legally or illegally.
what does that have to do with what's being discussed at all?
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