View Full Version : Tempation!!!
05-11-2005, 03:08 PM
this is mainly for kids that recently went edge. but does anyone else ever get tempted to do drugs? cause i have some friends that do drugs and because i used to do them as well, i get tempted when it is around. if anyone has any advice on how do teal w/ this shit.... that would be more than helpful. i just dont wanna break.
05-11-2005, 03:17 PM
i have been sxe for a year or so now... and alot of my friends do drugs and drink, but i dont get tempted to do them or to want to do them because sxe is what i want... if i truely wanted to do those things i wouldnt have became sxe. theres nothing good about them....why would you concider doing them again. or socialy?if you feel that sxe is what you want, and you feel that you are going to get temped to do them around those people then i suggest that you dont go around them while they are doing them.
05-11-2005, 03:23 PM
this is mainly for kids that recently went edge. but does anyone else ever get tempted to do drugs? cause i have some friends that do drugs and because i used to do them as well, i get tempted when it is around. if anyone has any advice on how do teal w/ this shit.... that would be more than helpful. i just dont wanna break.
Think about how completely unsatisfying it would be, i mean you've done them before and gave them up, think about why you gave them up, break bad habbits by creating good habbits and i'm not talking about nuns here. I mean every time you are tempted you should think of something else that you could be doing and do that, you will keep your mind off temptation and get something in return.
05-11-2005, 05:51 PM
buy a yo yo
05-13-2005, 11:59 PM
buy a yo yo
ive always wanted to learn to play with one of those......
05-14-2005, 10:13 AM
ive always wanted to learn to play with one of those......
What stopped you?
05-15-2005, 12:31 AM
What stopped you?
never got around to getting one
05-15-2005, 02:16 AM
never got around to getting one
you wanted it bad then.
05-15-2005, 10:21 AM
it's really hard to resist the temptationspecially when ur with ur closest friends or whatever and they're doing it but u gotta think of what's important to you , think about your priorities, and your pledge to straight edge. it might seem like ur friends are having fun but wait like 5 years when they really get addicted addicted to the drugs and see if they r still having fun at rehab
05-15-2005, 10:31 AM
this is mainly for kids that recently went edge. but does anyone else ever get tempted to do drugs? cause i have some friends that do drugs and because i used to do them as well, i get tempted when it is around. if anyone has any advice on how do teal w/ this shit.... that would be more than helpful. i just dont wanna break.
Yes i have though about it but i know if just make me more fucked up in the end and it will wear off and ill have to face reality.
05-15-2005, 11:20 AM
oh ya dude and also when u feel tempted don't remember how it felt when you were using the drug but hte after effects that always takes away my temptation of drinking thinking like about my worst hangover and all the trouble i got i and stuff. it kinda helps me hope it can do the same 4 u!
05-15-2005, 08:42 PM
it's really hard to resist the temptationspecially when ur with ur closest friends or whatever and they're doing it but u gotta think of what's important to you , think about your priorities, and your pledge to straight edge. it might seem like ur friends are having fun but wait like 5 years when they really get addicted addicted to the drugs and see if they r still having fun at rehab
most people who do drugs don't end up in rehab.
05-15-2005, 08:46 PM
the people that i know have used drugs are in rehab. not their choice mostly their parents and stuff. but that's like besides the point let me rephrase:
"it might seem like ur friends are having fun but wait like 5 years when they really get addicted addicted to the drugs and then see if they r still haveing fun in the miserable state that they are in"
05-15-2005, 08:47 PM
the people that i know have used drugs are in rehab. not their choice mostly their parents and stuff. but that's like besides the point let me rephrase:
"it might seem like ur friends are having fun but wait like 5 years when they really get addicted addicted to the drugs and then see if they r still haveing fun in the miserable state that they are in"
most people who use drugs don't get addicted to them.
05-15-2005, 08:54 PM
well u obviously have not met my friends, they are addicted!! These guys can't live without those drugs well at least that's what they say to justify thir action. and plus are you going to like correct all my posts now. i'm trying to help this guy who says he's tempted not give him a lesson about rehab or being addicted.
05-15-2005, 09:00 PM
well u obviously have not met my friends, they are addicted!! These guys can't live without those drugs well at least that's what they say to justify thir action. and plus are you going to like correct all my posts now. i'm trying to help this guy who says he's tempted not give him a lesson about rehab or being addicted.
the basic fact is that there is a huge misconception about drugs, a lot like the people and sex. drug use does not necessarily lead to addiction and rehab, just like sex won't necessarily lead to babies and std's. If the desire is there it's a problem that needs to be addressed and not by conjuring images of addiction and the boogeyman. dare is/was a failure.
05-15-2005, 09:11 PM
ok so r u trying to tell me that in order to help this guy not give into temptation i should tell him about the good stuff about drugs? i mean i can if that's what you believ will work. here is an example
" drugs, oh yeah they are awesome. you feel like your at the top of the world when your on them you feel phycodelic radical, it's like an awesome feeling.....oh yeah but don't give into tempatation."
???????????????????????????????????????? is that better??? do you really think that's gonna help someone tempted to do drugs, not to do them???
05-15-2005, 09:18 PM
ok so r u trying to tell me that in order to help this guy not give into temptation i should tell him about the good stuff about drugs? i mean i can if that's what you believ will work. here is an example
" drugs, oh yeah they are awesome. you feel like your at the top of the world when your on them you feel phycodelic radical, it's like an awesome feeling.....oh yeah but don't give into tempatation."
???????????????????????????????????????? is that better??? do you really think that's gonna help someone tempted to do drugs, not to do them???
no one can help this guy not give into temptation but him. Everyone is fully aware of the good and the bad, you're not telling him anything he doesn't already know, painting drugs to be the problem is a shift of the blame. drugs don't make people use them. the individual chooses and it's the individual that needs to look at their life and figure out why they stopped doing drugs and why they feel like they should continue that choice.
05-15-2005, 09:26 PM
well when he started this thread he asked for advice, and that was all i was doing. giving him some advice. even if its a shift of blame by saying that drugs are bad its better to do that than to think that you're like missing out on something. obviously you would be more tempted if people told you about the good stuff about drugs so i'm just reinforcing the bad. i know its his choice and he's the only one that can help himself but 1 word, one piece of advice can make the difference. that one piece of advice that someone gave to me a year ago was the one that helped me say no when my friends passed me a joint last week.
05-15-2005, 09:26 PM
ok so r u trying to tell me that in order to help this guy not give into temptation i should tell him about the good stuff about drugs? i mean i can if that's what you believ will work. here is an example
" drugs, oh yeah they are awesome. you feel like your at the top of the world when your on them you feel phycodelic radical, it's like an awesome feeling.....oh yeah but don't give into tempatation."
???????????????????????????????????????? is that better??? do you really think that's gonna help someone tempted to do drugs, not to do them???
i think what is being addessed here is not how to help someone needing a temporary quick fix for their temptations, but a more mature and deeper understanding of temptation it's self and what is within the person that is creating the desire in the first place.
05-15-2005, 09:28 PM
well when he started this thread he asked for advice, and that was all i was doing. giving him some advice. even if its a shift of blame by saying that drugs are bad its better to do that than to think that you're like missing out on something. obviously you would be more tempted if people told you about the good stuff about drugs so i'm just reinforcing the bad. i know its his choice and he's the only one that can help himself but 1 word, one piece of advice can make the difference. that one piece of advice that someone gave to me a year ago was the one that helped me say no when my friends passed me a joint last week.
one piece of advice that is inaccurate and nothing they don't already know.
05-15-2005, 09:29 PM
i think what is being addessed here is not how to help someone needing a temporary quick fix for their temptations, but a more mature and deeper understanding of temptation it's self and what is within the person that is creating the desire in the first place.
ding ding ding
05-15-2005, 09:35 PM
alright stick to that if that's what u feel like. maybe u don't need advice and have already found your inner desire and deeper meaning of temptation but some others do need it. others like me and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one out there. i believ that one word, one person, one piece of advice can make the whole difference. not only do i believ it but i have proof of it in my own experiences. so sorry if i'm not freaking einstein and i can't understand what u guys refer to as " deeper meaning of temptation, and your inner desire" sometimes i just get sick of pondering deeper understanddings and i just need advice. that's all i'm saying!
05-16-2005, 09:18 AM
alright stick to that if that's what u feel like. maybe u don't need advice and have already found your inner desire and deeper meaning of temptation but some others do need it. others like me and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one out there. i believ that one word, one person, one piece of advice can make the whole difference. not only do i believ it but i have proof of it in my own experiences. so sorry if i'm not freaking einstein and i can't understand what u guys refer to as " deeper meaning of temptation, and your inner desire" sometimes i just get sick of pondering deeper understanddings and i just need advice. that's all i'm saying!
the point is advice is only useful when it's something you don't already know. There isn't a person in america isn't keenly aware of the risks of drug use. Reiterating it won't really deal with the issue at hand. To deal with tempation you have to deal with the root of the problem. The root of theproblem is the desire to do it. Until you address that, all the boogie man stories on earth isn't going to change a change.
05-16-2005, 04:48 PM
alright i give up, this is pointless i'm helping absolutely no one by continuing this stupid argument so there u win.
05-16-2005, 05:02 PM
this is mainly for kids that recently went edge. but does anyone else ever get tempted to do drugs? cause i have some friends that do drugs and because i used to do them as well, i get tempted when it is around. if anyone has any advice on how do teal w/ this shit.... that would be more than helpful. i just dont wanna break.
I can understand where you are coming from, when I first decided to give up drugs, I had a hard time. It was weird, I knew I didn't want to do any of it any more, and I knew my reasons, but there were times when I felt a weird kind of pull, more for the doing than the actual result.
I just said no over and over, and just like when I went vegetarian I established new habits and new patterns, and there was no pull what so ever any more. My suggestion is try build new patterns, one thing I like is Pez! all fun and paraphernalia, none of the head fucking action. It sounds stupid but if it's rituals and habits that are sucking you in more than an actual desire to get high, you might find it helpful. Also try talking to a friend, they don't have to be edge, but if they understand where you are coming from, having some one "In your corner" rather than trying to suck you down might help too.
It'll be a cake walk, just like breathing.
05-17-2005, 08:34 AM
alright i give up, this is pointless i'm helping absolutely no one by continuing this stupid argument so there u win.
how exactly is it pointless to try and get you to understand what the actual problem is?
05-17-2005, 09:59 AM
ive always wanted to learn to play with one of those......
I actually used to be very good at the yo yo. I could do a lot of tricks... but then I ran it over with the lawnmower and took up street hockey... I like street hockey better.
05-17-2005, 01:19 PM
u don't need to try to get me to understand what the actual problem is, I KNOW WHAT IT IS!! i'm just saying when i'm tempted to do drugs i gotta remember the BAD things and the BAD consequences not the high beautiful times i had doing them!! that's all i'm trying to do here reinforce the BAD stuff!!!
05-17-2005, 02:10 PM
u don't need to try to get me to understand what the actual problem is, I KNOW WHAT IT IS!! i'm just saying when i'm tempted to do drugs i gotta remember the BAD things and the BAD consequences not the high beautiful times i had doing them!! that's all i'm trying to do here reinforce the BAD stuff!!!
except that doesn't actually do anything in the long run, and that's the point. remembering the downside doesn't deal with the root of the craving itself. if you want to get rid of temptation you have to get rid of desire. focusing on anything else is simply a stop gap.
05-17-2005, 02:48 PM
I've never been tempted by the drugs, they just scare the shit out of me. Of my two closest friends, one was hard into drugs. He told me the way he stayed away from them is every time he was tempted, he just made a mental image of what was happening inside of him when he suck the shit down. he's been clean for almost two years now, maybe that can help you.
05-17-2005, 09:21 PM
this is mainly for kids that recently went edge. but does anyone else ever get tempted to do drugs? cause i have some friends that do drugs and because i used to do them as well, i get tempted when it is around. if anyone has any advice on how do teal w/ this shit.... that would be more than helpful. i just dont wanna break.
I'm not sure how to deal with it, most of my addicted friends went edge with me...I've only been edge for a few days, but even though our parents smoke, we aren't tempted...
I guess what you should do is think of the consequences.
If you smoke or drink, what are the people around you going to think if they find out?
Why would you want to ruin your lungs/liver or whatever?
Smoking isn't just killing you, it's killing the air other people breathe.
Drinking causes all sorts of trouble, like car accidents.
So before your tempted, think of what might happen.
06-02-2005, 12:01 AM
my parents have a bottle of Bailey's around constantly and I love the taste of bailey's. I get tempted occasionaly to open up the firdge and drink, but I then I think about how promised myself to never drink and remember what it looks like for a person to be drunk, that pretty much nips it in the bud.
06-02-2005, 09:46 AM
have all the temptation u want.. u break edge, u admitted u are a failure... sux ass doesnt it.. u break edge, u admit u are weak. and if u break edge, proves u didnt want it bad enough and u shouldnt be here in the first place
06-03-2005, 08:51 AM
have all the temptation u want.. u break edge, u admitted u are a failure... sux ass doesnt it.. u break edge, u admit u are weak. and if u break edge, proves u didnt want it bad enough and u shouldnt be here in the first place
says the kid who can't live without pepsi.
06-03-2005, 07:35 PM
says the kid who can't live without pepsi.
huge difference between a pepsi every once in a while and one like ever half an hour...
06-04-2005, 12:33 AM
huge difference between a pepsi every once in a while and one like ever half an hour...
huge difference between a beer every once in a while and one like every half an hour.
06-05-2005, 12:42 AM
huge difference between a beer every once in a while and one like every half an hour.
point being?
06-05-2005, 08:40 AM
point being?
06-05-2005, 09:22 PM
ok.. and in my opinion caffine isnt apart of edge.. if u claim caffine free, more poawer to u.. if not.. live ur life the way u want.. everyone has thir own views on edge as long as it follows basic guidelines.. and if u dont like the hole caffine free shit.. u would fucking hate vegas
06-05-2005, 09:24 PM
ok.. and in my opinion caffine isnt apart of edge.. if u claim caffine free, more poawer to u.. if not.. live ur life the way u want.. everyone has thir own views on edge as long as it follows basic guidelines.. and if u dont like the hole caffine free shit.. u would fucking hate vegas
ok, so why isn't it apart of edge? What makes caffiene any different from the things you are against? Why is one drug ok, but another isn't?
06-06-2005, 02:11 AM
ok, so why isn't it apart of edge? What makes caffiene any different from the things you are against? Why is one drug ok, but another isn't?
in all honesty i couldnt tell u.. it is just my belief that it isnt.. i thought it up that way, and come to find out alot of my friends did too...
06-06-2005, 04:08 AM
in all honesty i couldnt tell u.. it is just my belief that it isnt.. i thought it up that way, and come to find out alot of my friends did too...
So you think its ok for people to drink beer and claim edge?
06-06-2005, 08:47 AM
in all honesty i couldnt tell u.. it is just my belief that it isnt.. i thought it up that way, and come to find out alot of my friends did too...
so you believe something, but you don't know why you believe it and haven't spent much time thinking about why you believe what you believe.
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