View Full Version : Straight edge dating
sXe Guy!
05-14-2005, 05:17 PM
Why is it so hard to find someone near you to go out with that is straight edge?
05-14-2005, 05:30 PM
no one knows
05-14-2005, 08:44 PM
I never had a shortage, but then again I'm a girl
05-14-2005, 09:29 PM
Why is it so hard to find someone near you to go out with that is straight edge?
I feel your pain. But then again we all seem to be the only ones in our areas. Idk its weird
05-14-2005, 09:30 PM
I feel your pain. But then again we all seem to be the only ones in our areas. Idk its weird
there's no way you're the only edge kid in your area.
05-15-2005, 12:20 AM
Why is it so hard to find someone near you to go out with that is straight edge?
well because smoking cigarettes and talking about all the "good" bands is the cool thing to do these days. seems that smoking cigarettes in the overall music scene just became uber popular...more than before. it is getting ridiculous.
05-15-2005, 12:23 AM
well because smoking cigarettes and talking about all the "good" bands is the cool thing to do these days. seems that smoking cigarettes in the overall music scene just became uber popular...more than before. it is getting ridiculous.
do they smoke parliment lights? that's what all the trendy people smoke here.
05-15-2005, 08:45 AM
man yesterday i went to this party and we were just a bunch of 8th graders from different schools. Man the party was like so boring evryone just sat in stupid circles passing bongs and joints and having drinking games. It was like sad seeing what these people did seriously like what is the point of going to a party to get all high for like 5 minutes and feel miserable for the rest of the night. it's like completely stupid! Have any of u guys ever had like a straight edge party where it can all be about the music and having fun without the alcohol and the drugs?
05-15-2005, 08:49 AM
its hard to find girls...i know of like 2, then again im with someone now, since like last september so im not really looking, just start askin around im sure youll find a couple
05-15-2005, 09:40 AM
it's also hard to find guys i haven't tried on the website but outside its like impossible. Every guy i meet is out for like the same thing sex and beer but good luck trying to find a straight edge guy!!
05-15-2005, 07:33 PM
man yesterday i went to this party and we were just a bunch of 8th graders from different schools. Man the party was like so boring evryone just sat in stupid circles passing bongs and joints and having drinking games. It was like sad seeing what these people did seriously like what is the point of going to a party to get all high for like 5 minutes and feel miserable for the rest of the night. it's like completely stupid! Have any of u guys ever had like a straight edge party where it can all be about the music and having fun without the alcohol and the drugs?
yes i have had parties like that, in fact a lot of people there were in bands so it ended up being a bunch of bands playing for the hell of it and then watching scarface. somewhere in there there was a cake fight. and the thing is it wasnt a "straight edge" party, 2 people there(including myself) were straight edge and there were about 60 people or so.
05-15-2005, 07:53 PM
well that's cool except here in miami i haven't found anyon that's straight edge. some friends of mine have pledged to abstinence from sex but not to alcohol and drugs so they always do it at parties atnd stuff. the parties end up like totally lame because i'm the only clean person watching a bunch of morons puke all over themselves. I guess miami isn't the best straight edge enviornment since i've got freaking drug dealers on the corner of my school. AND I GO TO LIKE A CATHOLIC REAL PREPPY SCHOOL!! i haven't even been able to find any straight edge local bands here. it really sucks to be straight edge here in miami. do any of u guys live in miami??
05-15-2005, 08:10 PM
well that's cool except here in miami i haven't found anyon that's straight edge. some friends of mine have pledged to abstinence from sex but not to alcohol and drugs so they always do it at parties atnd stuff. the parties end up like totally lame because i'm the only clean person watching a bunch of morons puke all over themselves. I guess miami isn't the best straight edge enviornment since i've got freaking drug dealers on the corner of my school. AND I GO TO LIKE A CATHOLIC REAL PREPPY SCHOOL!! i haven't even been able to find any straight edge local bands here. it really sucks to be straight edge here in miami. do any of u guys live in miami??
i tried to point out in my post that you don't need to be surrounded by straight edge people to have a "straight edge" party. also why do you choose to go to parties if all you're doing is watching people fuck themselves up? when i'm invited to parties where everyones just getting drunk or stoned, i don't go.
05-15-2005, 08:27 PM
yeah but u gotta understand i have no life!! my life is made up of my friends ( who tend to be stoners) and parties ( where they get stoned). if i didn't do those 2 i would be stuck in my house all day with nothing to do. i mean i try getting clean friends but a lot of them judge me because of the people i hang out with and some of the stuff i used to do. it's hard!! whatever i'm going to massachussets next year to some boarding school where hopefully things will be better. wish me luck.
05-15-2005, 09:03 PM
i haven't even been able to find any straight edge local bands here. it really sucks to be straight edge here in miami.
did you go to the last all hell breaks loose show in january? i'm not sure what chip is doing now but my guess is it's decent hardcore.
05-15-2005, 09:37 PM
no i didn't. how do u hear about these gigs and stuff. is there like a website or something. cause here in miami i haven't met anyone who has helped me at all.
05-15-2005, 09:58 PM
no i didn't. how do u hear about these gigs and stuff. is there like a website or something. cause here in miami i haven't met anyone who has helped me at all.
yes , the internet can be quite helpful.
05-15-2005, 10:01 PM
05-16-2005, 10:08 AM
man yesterday i went to this party and we were just a bunch of 8th graders from different schools. Man the party was like so boring evryone just sat in stupid circles passing bongs and joints and having drinking games. It was like sad seeing what these people did seriously like what is the point of going to a party to get all high for like 5 minutes and feel miserable for the rest of the night. it's like completely stupid! Have any of u guys ever had like a straight edge party where it can all be about the music and having fun without the alcohol and the drugs?
Actually, I'm having a party in June and like 40 people are going. I specifically wrote on every single invitation; "Don't bring beer, cigarettes, or any drugs!"
Actually, I couldn't have cigarettes there anyway. I have a possible allergic reaction to cigarette smoke....
05-16-2005, 04:53 PM
i've tried doing that. when i had a movie night at my house, i did the same thing i told everyone not to bring beer, drugs any of that crap. 20 minutes into the party the guys that were helping me serve the drinks were sticking LSD into the drinks and guys were smoking weed in the bathrooms. its like impossible.
05-16-2005, 05:53 PM
i've tried doing that. when i had a movie night at my house, i did the same thing i told everyone not to bring beer, drugs any of that crap. 20 minutes into the party the guys that were helping me serve the drinks were sticking LSD into the drinks and guys were smoking weed in the bathrooms. its like impossible.
well if you ask people who drink and do drugs to a party you should expect it somewhat.
I mean if they invited you to a party saying bring loads of drugs and drink and expected you to partake you wouldn't have any of it. Just as its your choice to abstain its their choice not too, you want them to respect your wishes but that won't happen by dictating their choices for them. If you want a party with no drinking or what not then try a) asking people who are with you on that or b) having a party that leaves no room for the consumption of alcohol or drugs and therefore replaces that with a different distraction.
05-16-2005, 06:41 PM
that's easy to do for people who have lots of friends. i don't. i've got 15 stoners who love me to death but can't respect my descision to become straight edge. i've tried making clean friends but most of them think i'm still on drugs and don't like my background. i can't do anything to change people's views about me since it is true that i used to do drugs and i would come high to class and on acid trips but whatever i'll try and maybe they'll learn to respect me like i respect them.
there's no way you're the only edge kid in your area.
yes, i think im the only one...exept maybe people 10yrs older than me
05-16-2005, 09:45 PM
yes, i think im the only one...exept maybe people 10yrs older than me
you are 16. I highly doubt that.
05-17-2005, 02:18 PM
there's no way you're the only edge kid in your area.
As far as I know, I'm one of only three edge kids in my area. I only know one personally. sXe is pretty sparse up here.
05-17-2005, 02:21 PM
As far as I know, I'm one of only three edge kids in my area. I only know one personally. sXe is pretty sparse up here.
yeah, but you said before that you don't go to shows, so how would you know?
05-17-2005, 02:26 PM
yeah, but you said before that you don't go to shows, so how would you know?
I have activly looked for sXe people around here. I've talked to people who are able to go to shows. I look around.
05-17-2005, 02:28 PM
I have activly looked for sXe people around here. I've talked to people who are able to go to shows. I look around.
I'm just saying, unless there's an edge band playing, you most likely wouldn't have any idea who is and isn't edge and you'd have to actually go to a show where edge people would likely be before you could make the statement that there aren't any around you.
05-17-2005, 02:39 PM
I'm just saying, unless there's an edge band playing, you most likely wouldn't have any idea who is and isn't edge and you'd have to actually go to a show where edge people would likely be before you could make the statement that there aren't any around you.
Good point. I'll rephrase what I said. I am one of three sXe that I have found, in my area. There may be more, but I haven't found them.
05-18-2005, 07:55 PM
Back to the topig, sXe dating. I have yet to find a Straight-Edge chick up here. And only know of one other REAL Straight Edge person up here, the other two are not serious about it. But HArdcore is a might plentiful in Montreal it being big and stuff. But Edgers seem to be a bit more uncommon. However, I'm currently in a relationship of 2 years and 5 months, so I am happy. I became Edge AFTER going out with her, and i accept the fact that she drinks coffee and dones't listen to much hardocre music, but she doesn't drink or do drugs, so I'm happy.
05-19-2005, 02:07 AM
that's easy to do for people who have lots of friends. i don't. i've got 15 stoners who love me to death but can't respect my descision to become straight edge. i've tried making clean friends but most of them think i'm still on drugs and don't like my background. i can't do anything to change people's views about me since it is true that i used to do drugs and i would come high to class and on acid trips but whatever i'll try and maybe they'll learn to respect me like i respect them.
Well if you can't do anything to change what people think then you're fucked really aren't you.
05-19-2005, 07:27 PM
Same shit here in OC. Every single party I go to has shitloads of alcohol and weed. I don't throw parties A. i live in a small ass duplex and B. some fuckers are always going to bring shit. I'm in 8th grade too and iunno if they think it is cool and rebelious or what it gets annyoing. I mean once you become edge you also begin to see interbeauty I have found. To many people dwell on a persons appearance when it is their personality you are supposed to fall in love with not their looks. Only me and 1 other girl at my school are edge but at the highschool like 1/3rd of the people i've met are edge. But yeah wait till highschool you will probably meet alot more edge people.
05-19-2005, 10:44 PM
Same shit here in OC. Every single party I go to has shitloads of alcohol and weed. I don't throw parties A. i live in a small ass duplex and B. some fuckers are always going to bring shit. I'm in 8th grade too and iunno if they think it is cool and rebelious or what it gets annyoing. I mean once you become edge you also begin to see interbeauty I have found. To many people dwell on a persons appearance when it is their personality you are supposed to fall in love with not their looks. Only me and 1 other girl at my school are edge but at the highschool like 1/3rd of the people i've met are edge. But yeah wait till highschool you will probably meet alot more edge people.
i hope so man cause like i'm bored to death here, there's nothing to do here except get hgh and go to parties to get high especially now that school is done. man the summer is gonna suck here cause like last summer my friends got into drugs and now they won't do anything but smoke weed all day. they won't take me surfing any more or to the beach or anything. it might sound selfish but those stupid drugs took my friends away and that fukin sucks. and since i can't seem to find any clean friends who will accept me i'm stuck at these guys houses watching them smoke, then drink, the puke, then get horny, and after that whole wasted afternoon they take me out at night to get more weed from their dealer! This is how fucked up my life is!! and then when finally i find a decent boy who will accept me on the first day he asks to have sex with me!!! THIS IS HOW FUCKED UP MY LIFE IS!!! and on top of that whole pile of shit i got my parents who won't take me to sXe gigs or concerts, won't let me buy the shirts, nothing they tink that sXe is some type of a cult and they don't approve of it but whatever. so seriously like miami isn't all its cracked up to be seriously it FUKIN SUCKS!!
05-19-2005, 11:39 PM
you still have scarface and gloria estefan. and cubans and puerto ricans.
05-20-2005, 08:04 AM
you still have scarface and gloria estefan. and cubans and puerto ricans.
ya well when my parents put me in rehab for like a month (i don't know why my mom thought i was like addicted) the principal of the school sent out letters to the parents of the students about my condition!! And do u really think those cuban'/puerto rican parents are gonna let their sons/daughters hang out with an ex junkie? NO those parents look at me with disgust and gossip about me behind my back, i know cause they didn't know my mom and once she came to school and they started saying crap about me to her.MY MOM DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE GUTS TO STAND UP FOR ME AND TELL THEM I WAS HER DAUGHTER!! but whatever llike those cubans and puertoricans haven't done drugs!please, my cuban neighbor has a marijuana plant growing in his bak yard. but whatever i won't judge cause i don't wanna be judged.
05-20-2005, 09:37 AM
ya well when my parents put me in rehab for like a month (i don't know why my mom thought i was like addicted) the principal of the school sent out letters to the parents of the students about my condition!! And do u really think those cuban'/puerto rican parents are gonna let their sons/daughters hang out with an ex junkie? NO those parents look at me with disgust and gossip about me behind my back, i know cause they didn't know my mom and once she came to school and they started saying crap about me to her.MY MOM DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE GUTS TO STAND UP FOR ME AND TELL THEM I WAS HER DAUGHTER!! but whatever llike those cubans and puertoricans haven't done drugs!please, my cuban neighbor has a marijuana plant growing in his bak yard. but whatever i won't judge cause i don't wanna be judged.
Awwww, its sounds like a really hard life.
05-20-2005, 09:42 AM
Awwww, its sounds like a really hard life.
nawall i'm saying is that my life is really fucked up but i'm cool with it. since i can't do anything to change the way people look at me or the way my life is, i just have to adjust to it. i just don't care anymore, actuially looking back on ligfe is pretty funny i'm such a pathtic loser and i don't even care.
"soy un perdedor, i'm a loser baby so why don't u kill me" - Beck
05-20-2005, 09:55 AM
nawall i'm saying is that my life is really fucked up but i'm cool with it. since i can't do anything to change the way people look at me or the way my life is, i just have to adjust to it. i just don't care anymore, actuially looking back on ligfe is pretty funny i'm such a pathtic loser and i don't even care.
"soy un perdedor, i'm a loser baby so why don't u kill me" - Beck
do you really think that you canīt do anything to change the way people look at you or the way your life is? i think it sounds sad that you have given up on yourself and donīt care what people think about you anymore, but then again iīm also human and therefore know that itīs easier to just say things then to do it.
05-20-2005, 10:05 AM
do you really think that you canīt do anything to change the way people look at you or the way your life is? i think it sounds sad that you have given up on yourself and donīt care what people think about you anymore, but then again iīm also human and therefore know that itīs easier to just say things then to do it.
i really have tried like i've a pretty good student, i don't gossip, i don't bitch, i don't cuss a lot, i'm nice to everyone and their parents but yet all they can seem to look at is the fact that i used to smoke it's like they can't get over it. i lost all my clean friend when i started doing drugs and now they won't even look at me. and i can't change the way my life is cause what can i do. i stopped drinking and i stopped doing drugs and i stopped skipping school and i became straight edge so i have tried changing my life. i haven't completely given up on my self yet i just don't care as much. its like i have a huge sign on my forehead sying EX JUNKIE and no one can get past that
05-20-2005, 10:15 AM
i really have tried like i've a pretty good student, i don't gossip, i don't bitch, i don't cuss a lot, i'm nice to everyone and their parents but yet all they can seem to look at is the fact that i used to smoke it's like they can't get over it. i lost all my clean friend when i started doing drugs and now they won't even look at me. and i can't change the way my life is cause what can i do. i stopped drinking and i stopped doing drugs and i stopped skipping school and i became straight edge so i have tried changing my life. i haven't completely given up on my self yet i just don't care as much. its like i have a huge sign on my forehead sying EX JUNKIE and no one can get past that
this will change as you get older. honestly.
05-20-2005, 10:18 AM
this will change as you get older. honestly.
i'm crossing my fingers
05-20-2005, 10:20 AM
i'm crossing my fingers
you're what 14?
05-20-2005, 10:22 AM
you're what 14?
naw i'm 13 that's mainly the reason parents look down on me they think i've screwed up my life so early
05-20-2005, 10:26 AM
i really have tried like i've a pretty good student, i don't gossip, i don't bitch, i don't cuss a lot, i'm nice to everyone and their parents but yet all they can seem to look at is the fact that i used to smoke it's like they can't get over it. i lost all my clean friend when i started doing drugs and now they won't even look at me. and i can't change the way my life is cause what can i do. i stopped drinking and i stopped doing drugs and i stopped skipping school and i became straight edge so i have tried changing my life. i haven't completely given up on my self yet i just don't care as much. its like i have a huge sign on my forehead sying EX JUNKIE and no one can get past that
ok, it sounds like the people around you are asses who canīt see anything else than the old you, but then again you have yourself to blame. it wasnīt them who made you start to do drugs or drink was it? it was you who choose to start to do drugs, but it was also you who decided to stop and that has to give your old friends som clues of who youīre now. otherwise i think that they are stupid, narrowminded fucks who i one way arenīt better than the junkies in the world. i know that most people donīt think the way i do, but if you just show the new you and maybe stop going to all the parties where everybody get stoned and drunk, then maybe youīll get some of your old friends and reputaition back. it might not be enough just to stop doing drugs, youīll probably have to break some other habits.
and for god sake youīre only thirteen, why did you even start in the first place?
05-20-2005, 10:36 AM
ok, it sounds like the people around you are asses who canīt see anything else than the old you, but then again you have yourself to blame. it wasnīt them who made you start to do drugs or drink was it? it was you who choose to start to do drugs, but it was also you who decided to stop and that has to give your old friends som clues of who youīre now. otherwise i think that they are stupid, narrowminded fucks who i one way arenīt better than the junkies in the world. i know that most people donīt think the way i do, but if you just show the new you and maybe stop going to all the parties where everybody get stoned and drunk, then maybe youīll get some of your old friends and reputaition back. it might not be enough just to stop doing drugs, youīll probably have to break some other habits.
and for god sake youīre only thirteen, why did you even start in the first place?
well i started going to high school parties since i was like 11 cause my ex was a drummer of a small band that would play at house parties and stuff. He was heavily into acid but he never tried to get me into it. at the parties there would be alot of weed going around and once i found my ex (at that time my boyfriend) having sex with some slut and i was so sad that i just didn't care and i smoked some. after that i started getting invited to a lot of parties where we would all just smoke weed. then i started getting into it so much that i would skip school and not go home just stay over at my dealer's house and stuff. i strted becoming clean after i had ben on weed like for 6months and i started getting real sick but then during the summer a lot of my summer surfer friends got me back into it and i was kicked of the surf team when the coach noticed i was coming high to practice. then a lot of shit happened at one party and i decided i would finally quit. i've been clean for over a year ya and i've stopped drinking alcohol for like 3 months.
05-20-2005, 10:40 AM
ok, it sounds like the people around you are asses who canīt see anything else than the old you, but then again you have yourself to blame. it wasnīt them who made you start to do drugs or drink was it? it was you who choose to start to do drugs, but it was also you who decided to stop and that has to give your old friends som clues of who youīre now. otherwise i think that they are stupid, narrowminded fucks who i one way arenīt better than the junkies in the world. i know that most people donīt think the way i do, but if you just show the new you and maybe stop going to all the parties where everybody get stoned and drunk, then maybe youīll get some of your old friends and reputaition back. it might not be enough just to stop doing drugs, youīll probably have to break some other habits.
and for god sake youīre only thirteen, why did you even start in the first place?
oh yeah and thanks for the advice i'll try doing that, if my stoner friends can't accept the fact i'm straight edge i'll just stop hanging out with them and i'll try really hard getting my good girl reputation back
05-20-2005, 12:08 PM
oh yeah and thanks for the advice i'll try doing that, if my stoner friends can't accept the fact i'm straight edge i'll just stop hanging out with them and i'll try really hard getting my good girl reputation back
good girl, thatīs the way to go. hope i didnīt offend you in any way, itīs just that i have a sister whoīs only a few months older than you and i really hate the way society has "developed" in only a few years (since i was that age). we donīt live in america so i donīt really know how itīs to grow up in the rough american society, but i sure know that drugs, alcohol, violence has increased a lot in only a few years here in sweden, so i can only imagine how it is in miami and the rest of the states.
and by the way, i have to say that i donīt envy you and your bad experinces, but maybe the way you have managed to get away from the drugs.
05-20-2005, 04:27 PM
good girl, thatīs the way to go. hope i didnīt offend you in any way, itīs just that i have a sister whoīs only a few months older than you and i really hate the way society has "developed" in only a few years (since i was that age). we donīt live in america so i donīt really know how itīs to grow up in the rough american society, but i sure know that drugs, alcohol, violence has increased a lot in only a few years here in sweden, so i can only imagine how it is in miami and the rest of the states.
and by the way, i have to say that i donīt envy you and your bad experinces, but maybe the way you have managed to get away from the drugs.
no don't worry u haven't offended me in any way and i really hope ur sister doesn't get into any of the shit i got into. DO EVERYTHING U CAN TO GET HER AS FAR AWAY FROM DRUGS AND ALCOHOL!! and thank u for saying that i managed myself well sometimes its nice to hear some friendly support .
05-20-2005, 09:08 PM
<Gives friendly support>
05-20-2005, 09:49 PM
<Gives friendly support>
lol thanks
05-21-2005, 12:17 AM
It's what I'm good for.
05-21-2005, 04:20 PM
this thread has gotten a bit of topic, but maybe you guys donīt care, maybe all guys have their girl and vice versa or no one wants a girl/boy or recognise the "problem".
05-21-2005, 05:27 PM
this thread has gotten a bit of topic, but maybe you guys donīt care, maybe all guys have their girl and vice versa or no one wants a girl/boy or recognise the "problem".
i don't have a boyfriend, but i want one!! lol it just really sucks that what most guys out there like are big asses and huge breasts, 2 things i don't have. lol
05-21-2005, 07:48 PM
I have both
05-22-2005, 06:53 AM
i don't have a boyfriend, but i want one!! lol it just really sucks that what most guys out there like are big asses and huge breasts, 2 things i don't have. lol
yeah, and many guys are asses who think all girls should look like the ones in the musicvideos on MTV.
I have both
youīre probably one of my new idols.
05-22-2005, 06:27 PM
Damn gosh danred Media, making men try to be buff and woman try to be toothpicks with unnatural growths or "implants" so they are often called. I suggest we all raid all the major Media headuqarters of the world and stop them from controlling us!!! WHOS WITH ME!?!?!!?
05-22-2005, 09:41 PM
Damn gosh danred Media, making men try to be buff and woman try to be toothpicks with unnatural growths or "implants" so they are often called. I suggest we all raid all the major Media headuqarters of the world and stop them from controlling us!!! WHOS WITH ME!?!?!!?
ME!!! Just tell me the rally date!!! lol
05-23-2005, 07:39 AM
Damn gosh danred Media, making men try to be buff and woman try to be toothpicks with unnatural growths or "implants" so they are often called. I suggest we all raid all the major Media headuqarters of the world and stop them from controlling us!!! WHOS WITH ME!?!?!!?
already done that
05-23-2005, 11:06 AM
already done that
no luck
05-23-2005, 12:06 PM
no luck
what do you mean with that? i think it worked out fine. iīm the one controlling the media in sweden.
05-23-2005, 12:14 PM
what do you mean with that? i think it worked out fine. iīm the one controlling the media in sweden.
lol well then move here and do the same! people in sweden are ok america is really fucked up!
05-23-2005, 12:19 PM
what do you mean with that? i think it worked out fine. iīm the one controlling the media in sweden.
that explains all the titties.
05-23-2005, 12:34 PM
that explains all the titties.
05-23-2005, 02:20 PM
Hmmm Well i have a bit of a grasp on the Media, I have a "Get into Journalism" free card
That's my Pa. Not saying I don't have l337 writting skillz of my own though.
05-24-2005, 05:41 AM
lol well then move here and do the same! people in sweden are ok america is really fucked up!
who says that people in sweden are better then americans? and i have already used all my powers to take controll over the swedish media, thereīs none left for america. iīll have to rest for a few hundred years or so.
that explains all the titties.
what do you mean with that?
05-24-2005, 08:52 AM
who says that people in sweden are better then americans? and i have already used all my powers to take controll over the swedish media, thereīs none left for america. iīll have to rest for a few hundred years or so.
what do you mean with that?
So i guess America will be fucked for a few hundred years or so, till u come
05-24-2005, 09:30 AM
So i guess America will be fucked for a few hundred years or so, till u come
you could move to sweden if you don't like america.
05-24-2005, 11:40 AM
you could move to sweden if you don't like america.
ya sure. who's gonna pay for my ticket??? i have barely enough money to buy a soda much less a plane ticket to sweden!
05-24-2005, 11:58 AM
So i guess America will be fucked for a few hundred years or so, till u come
maybe i can send one of my superfriends and help you while iīm resting. there might come some help this fall, at least my friends might visit america then.
you could move to sweden if you don't like america.
yeah, the weather here is awsome...sometimes. and the people here might be nicer than in your country, but iīm not sure if thatīs true.
ya sure. who's gonna pay for my ticket??? i have barely enough money to buy a soda much less a plane ticket to sweden!
it has to suck not to be able to afford a soda, but maybe some nice guy in the called Bush would like to sponsor your trip if you ask him very kindly. iīve heard that he does such things all the time, at least to foreigners who has to get to guantanamo.
05-24-2005, 12:01 PM
Hmmm Well i have a bit of a grasp on the Media, I have a "Get into Journalism" free card
That's my Pa. Not saying I don't have l337 writting skillz of my own though.
so your dad's accomplishments somehow translate into your own?
05-24-2005, 12:05 PM
ya sure. who's gonna pay for my ticket??? i have barely enough money to buy a soda much less a plane ticket to sweden!
Well you are in one of the best countries to be making the money towards your ticket, wouldn't you say?
05-24-2005, 09:25 PM
so your dad's accomplishments somehow translate into your own? And yes, my Father's accomplishments DO translate into my own, He was an english teacher, therefore everything He knows He teaches me, but with his super teaching skills, it works, and if you were interested, you would find my name in several issues of the Canadian Digest, poiting out how I had a little to do with the new (most succesful magazine) You asked, I answered.
Point being, it's like those King things, If a father is a good King, the son gets a ticket into kingship, or something like that.
05-24-2005, 09:59 PM
And yes, my Father's accomplishments DO translate into my own, He was an english teacher, therefore everything He knows He teaches me, but with his super teaching skills, it works, and if you were interested, you would find my name in several issues of the Canadian Digest, poiting out how I had a little to do with the new (most succesful magazine) You asked, I answered.
Point being, it's like those King things, If a father is a good King, the son gets a ticket into kingship, or something like that.
wait, so having a father that did something and put your stuff in somehow translates to you being accomplished? Especially given how horribly constructed your response was, I'd have to say your dad wasn't doing too great of a job.
point being, your delusional until such time that you make a name for yourself and do so by your own merit.
05-24-2005, 11:38 PM
Haha, deal. I'll inform you when that comes about. Or will you know because it will just be so great? Or am I being so arrogant I don't know what I'm saying anymore?!
05-25-2005, 08:40 PM
it has to suck not to be able to afford a soda, but maybe some nice guy in the called Bush would like to sponsor your trip if you ask him very kindly. iīve heard that he does such things all the time, at least to foreigners who has to get to guantanamo.
ya it does suck not being able to afford soda!! i wasn't even able to buy a prom dress, i had to wear one of my mom's skirts as a strapless dress and borrow some fancy shoes from a friend!! i had like 200 bucks to buy a surfboard and i lost them yesterday at the mall! like they just suddenly disappeared from my pocket and it had taken me so long to raise that money!! Now i got a job and they're paying me minimum wage and only letting me work part time, just cause i'm 13. plus now i have no surfboard, no friends that can lend me a surfboard (they are all off somewhere smoking weed) and no money plus i'm grounded for leaving the prom and going to the beach at 1:00 a.m. with some guys i met on the street. lol! this summer is gonna suck. i'll call pres. bush and ask him if he can give me a plane ticket to sweden as a graduation present. lol
05-26-2005, 05:02 AM
ya it does suck not being able to afford soda!! i wasn't even able to buy a prom dress, i had to wear one of my mom's skirts as a strapless dress and borrow some fancy shoes from a friend!! i had like 200 bucks to buy a surfboard and i lost them yesterday at the mall! like they just suddenly disappeared from my pocket and it had taken me so long to raise that money!! Now i got a job and they're paying me minimum wage and only letting me work part time, just cause i'm 13. plus now i have no surfboard, no friends that can lend me a surfboard (they are all off somewhere smoking weed) and no money plus i'm grounded for leaving the prom and going to the beach at 1:00 a.m. with some guys i met on the street. lol! this summer is gonna suck. i'll call pres. bush and ask him if he can give me a plane ticket to sweden as a graduation present. lol
i doesnīt sound to fun, but i strongly encourage(?) you to ask bush.
05-26-2005, 11:17 AM
i doesnīt sound to fun, but i strongly encourage(?) you to ask bush.
sure alright i'll call him up
05-26-2005, 11:38 AM
sure alright i'll call him up
only if you really want to get away, cause sweden might not fill up your expectations.
anyway, i hope that you wont think that this summer sucked when you look back at it in the fall.
05-26-2005, 01:42 PM
only if you really want to get away, cause sweden might not fill up your expectations.
anyway, i hope that you wont think that this summer sucked when you look back at it in the fall.
well i wanna go there now cause i was like looking sweden up and it looks pretty sweet. its only the size of california!! and it only has 9 million people! and it says that summers are cloudy and i love cloudy places. plus there's like 21 counties, there has to be at least one that fills my expectations. my mom would never let me go though but i'll just go and i won't tell her like i did when i went with my friends to georgia. it'll be so fun like how much does a plane ticket cost?? do they let 13 year olds pay for tickets in cash and fly alone and stuff? or do i need like my parents to sign for it?that would be so fun going to sweden alone with no where to stay, no money, no return ticket!
05-26-2005, 02:48 PM
well i wanna go there now cause i was like looking sweden up and it looks pretty sweet. its only the size of california!! and it only has 9 million people! and it says that summers are cloudy and i love cloudy places. plus there's like 21 counties, there has to be at least one that fills my expectations. my mom would never let me go though but i'll just go and i won't tell her like i did when i went with my friends to georgia. it'll be so fun like how much does a plane ticket cost?? do they let 13 year olds pay for tickets in cash and fly alone and stuff? or do i need like my parents to sign for it?that would be so fun going to sweden alone with no where to stay, no money, no return ticket!
what do you mean with only the size of california, itīs bigger than most european countries (i think). and the thing about 21 counties, that might be true iīm not very good at geography or info about my country, but i donīt think that they are like what you call counties in the states. but that might not really matter.
i think that the summers here arenīt that cloudy, but i have no miami to compare to. i like the summers here, it hot enough and the weather is ok, except for all the summer-rain.
iīve got no idea of how much a ticket might cost or if they sell them to little girls, but i do think that it might be a bit different to go to sweden than to go to georgia. but thatīs just me and i have never been outside europe and have no idea how big deal it is to travell between the different states in the US.
i also have to say that i donīt think that i would be especially glad if my 13 years old son/daughter would go to sweden, if i lived in the US and had a son/daughter.
hope some of this make sense to someone.
05-26-2005, 04:14 PM
what do you mean with only the size of california, itīs bigger than most european countries (i think). and the thing about 21 counties, that might be true iīm not very good at geography or info about my country, but i donīt think that they are like what you call counties in the states. but that might not really matter.
i think that the summers here arenīt that cloudy, but i have no miami to compare to. i like the summers here, it hot enough and the weather is ok, except for all the summer-rain.
iīve got no idea of how much a ticket might cost or if they sell them to little girls, but i do think that it might be a bit different to go to sweden than to go to georgia. but thatīs just me and i have never been outside europe and have no idea how big deal it is to travell between the different states in the US.
i also have to say that i donīt think that i would be especially glad if my 13 years old son/daughter would go to sweden, if i lived in the US and had a son/daughter.
hope some of this make sense to someone.
no it doesn't make sense. lol i'm gonna do it, i'm gonna find a way to get a plane ticket sweden!! i've traveled alone to Spain and i guess all those european countries are the same so i'm going. i'll find some homeless man to share a cardboard box with and i'll bring some chocolate bars and have a homeless,moneyless,swedish sumer! plus i can learn how to speak swedish i can't be very hard. oh and the sweden rock festival is now in june!! hey do u know what this translates into?
"Finalen äger rum i Rockklassiker-tältet på Sweden Rock Festival fredag 10 juni.
- Första band står på scenen kl 14.30 och sista band kl 20.00.
- Finalisterna har 30 minuter på sig att imponera på juryn.
- Förrutom äran och priser (t ex biljetter till Swe Rock Festival 2006) får vinnande band ett helt eget set i Rockklassiker-tältet lördag 11 juni kl 17.30.
- Spelschema meddelas snart."
05-27-2005, 12:37 PM
no it doesn't make sense. lol i'm gonna do it, i'm gonna find a way to get a plane ticket sweden!! i've traveled alone to Spain and i guess all those european countries are the same so i'm going. i'll find some homeless man to share a cardboard box with and i'll bring some chocolate bars and have a homeless,moneyless,swedish sumer! plus i can learn how to speak swedish i can't be very hard. oh and the sweden rock festival is now in june!! hey do u know what this translates into?
"Finalen äger rum i Rockklassiker-tältet på Sweden Rock Festival fredag 10 juni.
- Första band står på scenen kl 14.30 och sista band kl 20.00.
- Finalisterna har 30 minuter på sig att imponera på juryn.
- Förrutom äran och priser (t ex biljetter till Swe Rock Festival 2006) får vinnande band ett helt eget set i Rockklassiker-tältet lördag 11 juni kl 17.30.
- Spelschema meddelas snart."
i think that many people think that swedish is pretty hard to learn, but i had no problem learning it.
the translation should be something like this:
"the final (?) takes place in the rockclassic-tent at Sweden Rock Festival friday 10 june.
- first band gets on stage at 14.30 and the last band at 20.00.
- the finalists have 30 minutes to impress the jury.
- except the honour and prizes (for exampel tickets to Swe Rock Festival 2006) the winning band gets a completely own set in the rockclassic-tent on saturday 11 june at 17.30.
- the playschedule will be announced soon."
this should be right and i think that iīve translated(?) the most word corectly. but why do you want to know this, itīs nothing important, itīs just what demo-bands who win a place to play at on the festival. if you learn swedish, you can use some kind of translation-program otherwise, you will get more info at, where you can click at "klara band 2005" to see what bands that are going to play at the festival. but you know that itīs like a metal/hard rock-festival, donīt you? not much, if any, hardcore there.
and it starts the same day that i graduate from upper secondary school(?), or "gymnasiet" as itīs called in swedish.
05-27-2005, 02:10 PM
i think that many people think that swedish is pretty hard to learn, but i had no problem learning it.
the translation should be something like this:
"the final (?) takes place in the rockclassic-tent at Sweden Rock Festival friday 10 june.
- first band gets on stage at 14.30 and the last band at 20.00.
- the finalists have 30 minutes to impress the jury.
- except the honour and prizes (for exampel tickets to Swe Rock Festival 2006) the winning band gets a completely own set in the rockclassic-tent on saturday 11 june at 17.30.
- the playschedule will be announced soon."
this should be right and i think that iīve translated(?) the most word corectly. but why do you want to know this, itīs nothing important, itīs just what demo-bands who win a place to play at on the festival. if you learn swedish, you can use some kind of translation-program otherwise, you will get more info at, where you can click at "klara band 2005" to see what bands that are going to play at the festival. but you know that itīs like a metal/hard rock-festival, donīt you? not much, if any, hardcore there.
and it starts the same day that i graduate from upper secondary school(?), or "gymnasiet" as itīs called in swedish.
oh ok well thanks for the translation. yeah i know its all like metal-hard rock but i love that type of music. ther a lot of bands on that list that i really like like Kansas and motley crue so it should be fun. its ok if its not core. hey can u tell me what city its in? i can't understand all those weird words on that website. thanks
05-27-2005, 05:23 PM
oh ok well thanks for the translation. yeah i know its all like metal-hard rock but i love that type of music. ther a lot of bands on that list that i really like like Kansas and motley crue so it should be fun. its ok if its not core. hey can u tell me what city its in? i can't understand all those weird words on that website. thanks
yes itīs ok if itīs not core, but i wouldnīt go there anyway, but here is some help how to find the place.
ok, the place where it takes place is called "sölvesborg", at least i think so, and it lies in "blekinge" not to far from the town called "karlshamn". if you click on "transport & kartor" you will get a few maps (kartor) that show where the festival is. i think that should do it.
and i have to say that i think that you should try to learn a few words in swedish if you want to go to sweden rock, it might be a bit easier that way.
05-27-2005, 05:26 PM
no it doesn't make sense.
by the way what didnīt make sense, i thought that i made a lot of sense when i sat and wrote it. at least a bit, a few times.
05-27-2005, 11:07 PM
It was like sad seeing what these people did seriously like what is the point of going to a party to get all high for like 5 minutes and feel miserable for the rest of the night.
There is no point, but it continues. Just like life, just like everything else. Its the people who have a point to prove that keep it going. If there wasnt a constant doubt, nothing would exist.
05-27-2005, 11:17 PM
i'm stuck at these guys houses watching them smoke, then drink, the puke, then get horny, and after that whole wasted afternoon they take me out at night to get more weed from their dealer! This is how fucked up my life is!! and then when finally i find a decent boy who will accept me on the first day he asks to have sex with me!!! THIS IS HOW FUCKED UP MY LIFE IS!!!
If your problems are occuring because of YOUR decision to be with the people and things that cause the problems, then YOU have to change it. Not some random hero on the internet that will give you the secret to neverending happyness and fun.
05-27-2005, 11:31 PM
Point being, it's like those King things, If a father is a good King, the son gets a ticket into kingship, or something like that.
How ignorant of you to try to size up to someone who kills people for money and entertainment. (Dubya?)
05-28-2005, 09:13 AM
If there wasnt a constant doubt, nothing would exist.
Nothing does exist, theres no doubt about it.
05-28-2005, 12:17 PM
ive never seen someone bitch about living in Miami in my life. Ill trade you lives, i get to go through high school again in miami and you can come to St Louis and work in a warehouse.
05-28-2005, 02:54 PM
by the way what didnīt make sense, i thought that i made a lot of sense when i sat and wrote it. at least a bit, a few times.
just kiding, u make a lot of sense its just i like it better when people give me support to do things not back out of them.
05-28-2005, 02:55 PM
If your problems are occuring because of YOUR decision to be with the people and things that cause the problems, then YOU have to change it. Not some random hero on the internet that will give you the secret to neverending happyness and fun.
ok i'm working on that
05-28-2005, 02:57 PM
ive never seen someone bitch about living in Miami in my life. Ill trade you lives, i get to go through high school again in miami and you can come to St Louis and work in a warehouse.
i don't bitch, i speak my mind. have u ever lived in miami?? its a lot of fun for tourists and stuff cause they come and they go but when u actually live here, man the city sucks.
05-28-2005, 03:05 PM
ive never seen someone bitch about living in Miami in my life. Ill trade you lives, i get to go through high school again in miami and you can come to St Louis and work in a warehouse.
you must not know many people from miami then.
05-28-2005, 03:21 PM
just kiding, u make a lot of sense its just i like it better when people give me support to do things not back out of them.
ok, then iīm sorry for not supporting you the way you want to. but you arenīt seriously(?) thinking about going to sweden rock, are you? itīs kinda hard for me to see when they are kidding over the webby thingy.
i don't bitch, i speak my mind. have u ever lived in miami?? its a lot of fun for tourists and stuff cause they come and they go but when u actually live here, man the city sucks.
i think thatīs true for most big tourist attracting places.
05-28-2005, 07:44 PM
ok, then iīm sorry for not supporting you the way you want to. but you arenīt seriously(?) thinking about going to sweden rock, are you? itīs kinda hard for me to see when they are kidding over the webby thingy.
i think thatīs true for most big tourist attracting places.
why wouldn't i be serious? course i'm serious! i asked my parents if i could go with some friends and they said i could if i raised the money but then i remember that i gotta go to fuckin colombia to spend time with my dad so no sweden this year! but i really wanted to go! i even found out how much it cost its $352 roundtrip. i was really excited but whatever, i'll go next year for sweden rock. sounds fun.
05-29-2005, 05:14 AM
why wouldn't i be serious? course i'm serious! i asked my parents if i could go with some friends and they said i could if i raised the money but then i remember that i gotta go to fuckin colombia to spend time with my dad so no sweden this year! but i really wanted to go! i even found out how much it cost its $352 roundtrip. i was really excited but whatever, i'll go next year for sweden rock. sounds fun.
ok, sorry then.
thatīs pretty cool actually that you even looked up what it would cost for everything, but donīt you think that itīs a bit much. and i think that it might be fun if you like that kind of music, i have a lot of friends who has been there over the last years.
hope you find something else that you think is fun this summer.
05-29-2005, 01:57 PM
ok, sorry then.
thatīs pretty cool actually that you even looked up what it would cost for everything, but donīt you think that itīs a bit much. and i think that it might be fun if you like that kind of music, i have a lot of friends who has been there over the last years.
hope you find something else that you think is fun this summer.
ya its a lot of money plus hotel plus transportation plus the ticket to swedish rock so it would have been a lot of money. maybe i'll go next year when i have saved up some money. t5hanks though for the translations and stuff.
05-29-2005, 02:58 PM
ya its a lot of money plus hotel plus transportation plus the ticket to swedish rock so it would have been a lot of money. maybe i'll go next year when i have saved up some money. t5hanks though for the translations and stuff.
itīs my pleasure to help you with the translation.
but would you live in a hotel? one of the things with (swedish) festivals is that you sleep in tents at a campingplace.
05-29-2005, 03:13 PM
itīs my pleasure to help you with the translation.
but would you live in a hotel? one of the things with (swedish) festivals is that you sleep in tents at a campingplace.
ME (a 13 year old girl) alone in a tent with like 3000 drunk men around me. I DON'T THINK SO! Unless i go with some of my 19 year old bodyguards who will keep me safe (if they aren't high) lol
05-29-2005, 03:14 PM
ME (a 13 year old girl) alone in a tent with like 3000 drunk men around me. I DON'T THINK SO! Unless i go with some of my 19 year old bodyguards who will keep me safe (if they aren't high) lol
yeah, didnīt think about that.
05-29-2005, 03:16 PM
yeah, didnīt think about that.
05-29-2005, 03:18 PM
ME (a 13 year old girl) alone in a tent with like 3000 drunk men around me. I DON'T THINK SO! Unless i go with some of my 19 year old bodyguards who will keep me safe (if they aren't high) lol
and i think itīs closer to one million drunk men.
05-29-2005, 09:56 PM
and i think itīs closer to one million drunk men.
yeah even worse lol
05-30-2005, 03:18 AM
maybe even a few millions
05-30-2005, 07:48 AM
maybe even a few millions
wow it keeps getting better! lol
sXe Guy!
09-26-2005, 03:13 AM
WOW! well it's been a while since i've been on but it seems like there is alot of people with the same problume. Well hey i guess we'll have to just think about it like this shit happens
09-27-2005, 01:06 PM
indeed.. i've never had a bf that was straight edge.. i gave up looking after a while.. but the guy i'm involved with is really considerate of me.. when i'm around.. no drinking, smoking.. or drugs.. he even prepares food with no meat in it for me :) no pressure at all and we've been together for a little over a year..
sXe Guy!
09-27-2005, 09:08 PM
indeed.. i've never had a bf that was straight edge.. i gave up looking after a while.. but the guy i'm involved with is really considerate of me.. when i'm around.. no drinking, smoking.. or drugs.. he even prepares food with no meat in it for me :) no pressure at all and we've been together for a little over a year..
aww that's really nice i'm glad to hear it!
09-27-2005, 09:25 PM
i know.. his friends are really good abou tit too
09-27-2005, 11:22 PM
i know.. his friends are really good abou tit too
That's cool - he sounds really considerate and stuff :)
09-28-2005, 02:11 PM
:P he is. i'm lucky lucky :) i live is such a small area its hard to find people like that :(
09-28-2005, 10:54 PM
i've been involved with non-edge girls.. in the true sense that i wanted to be with them for who they are.. then my anti-drug, anti-meat/dairy self kicks in and kicks both our asses. so, that's that.
09-29-2005, 08:46 AM
i've been involved with non-edge girls.. in the true sense that i wanted to be with them for who they are.. then my anti-drug, anti-meat/dairy self kicks in and kicks both our asses. so, that's that.
so in the end you don't want them to be who they are.
personally, I married an edge girl because I valued those beliefs enough to find someone who shared them and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I've also dated girls who weren't edge or drug free, and I honestly couldn't see being with them forever due to the conflicts that would arise from the differences in opinion.
09-29-2005, 11:46 AM
yeah thats true. me and my have conflicts here and there but it hasn't been enough to break us apart yet.. i hope it doesn't.. but hes very passive with things.. and lets a lot of of stuff go so that might be a big part of us being together still .. i can be psycotic at times :(
09-29-2005, 12:27 PM
yeah thats true. me and my have conflicts here and there but it hasn't been enough to break us apart yet.. i hope it doesn't.. but hes very passive with things.. and lets a lot of of stuff go so that might be a big part of us being together still .. i can be psycotic at times :(
then it sounds like you've got bigger issues at play than basic moral compatibility.
09-29-2005, 12:32 PM
hmm... idk. we get along.. its more of lettting little things go.
09-29-2005, 12:39 PM
hmm... idk. we get along.. its more of lettting little things go.
not to fuck with your head too much, but if you have crazy moments, and dude is passive and lets things slide, chances are you don't get along that well, he just might not like to deal with conflict.
09-29-2005, 11:30 PM
so in the end you don't want them to be who they are.
it is a very conflictive stance. yes.
personally, I married an edge girl because I valued those beliefs enough to find someone who shared them and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I've also dated girls who weren't edge or drug free, and I honestly couldn't see being with them forever due to the conflicts that would arise from the differences in opinion.
yeah - there definitely is nothign wrong with it. sticking to what you know you want and following through with your true stance - that's more important than anything. word.
09-29-2005, 11:31 PM
hmm... idk. we get along.. its more of lettting little things go.
what are some things he does stand for?
sXe Guy!
05-08-2006, 05:18 AM
:P he is. i'm lucky lucky :) i live is such a small area its hard to find people like that :(
I think you might just have some kind of hidden power that your not telling us about...(i guess that's why it's hidden) i've really got to start comming on here more i'm missing all the fun conversation...DAMN YOU MYSPACE!
05-08-2006, 09:26 AM
i found a girlfriend, we've been together for over a year and a half now. She now by her own choice has taken the lifestyle (im proud of her)
Ronnie Murder
05-11-2006, 06:07 PM
You don't need to go out with someone that is straight edge. Unless they will harm you of your beleifs or whatever.
05-11-2006, 07:27 PM
You don't need to go out with someone that is straight edge. Unless they will harm you of your beleifs or whatever.
you don't need to but it does make life easier.
05-12-2006, 10:42 AM
you don't need to but it does make life easier.
I've given up on straight edge dating, not too many of us around here... but it's definitely easier to date someone who only drinks occasionally and in moderation.
05-13-2006, 03:06 AM
They swear not to drink or smoke. They also swear not to take drugs.
09-01-2008, 01:10 PM
Here in Finland straight edge is kinda different - I think - than what it is in the USA or so. We don't have that much of str8edgepeople, so I don't even try to find a boyfriend who knows anything about sxe (though I can always wish, d'oh). It's okay for me if guy smokes or drinks, it's his choice and sxe is mine. I can always try to brainwash him..
09-01-2008, 01:24 PM
Here in Finland straight edge is kinda different - I think - than what it is in the USA or so. We don't have that much of str8edgepeople, so I don't even try to find a boyfriend who knows anything about sxe (though I can always wish, d'oh). It's okay for me if guy smokes or drinks, it's his choice and sxe is mine. I can always try to brainwash him..
Why would you want to brainwash them if its ok to smoke and drink?
09-01-2008, 02:05 PM
Why would you want to brainwash them if its ok to smoke and drink?
I left the smiley out. Joke.
I am willing to tell them - my dates - about me being sxe and how I feel and think, and after that it's going to be their decision and all about their opinion.
09-13-2008, 07:30 AM
If I ever had to date again, I can't see myself being with anyone that isn't Straight Edge, I'm not prepared to compromise myself or my values for anyone.
09-22-2008, 12:47 PM
It's hard for me to find a straight edge guy. I want to find one on here maybe?
09-22-2008, 09:28 PM
i have been dating a girl for quite some time who is totally sober but does not claim straight edge. her dad however is straight edge and hilariously sarcastic/awesome. best times ever.
09-23-2008, 12:42 AM
i have been dating a girl for quite some time who is totally sober but does not claim straight edge. her dad however is straight edge and hilariously sarcastic/awesome. best times ever.
I couldn't help saying "AWWWW"! That's damn cute!
09-24-2008, 03:48 PM
i have been dating a girl for quite some time who is totally sober but does not claim straight edge. her dad however is straight edge and hilariously sarcastic/awesome. best times ever.
I sure hope my daughter makes that choice and I can be that kind of dad. But just in case, Im training in jiu-jitsu and preparing to whoop some ass if she brings home any loadies. Jeez, I just realized Ive only got like 5-6 more years till she gets boy crazy!
09-27-2008, 03:36 AM
They swear not to drink or smoke. They also swear not to take drugs.
They're also brainwashed right wing pricks who are programmed for the Republican agenda to hate homosexuals and non christians.
edit: That was about the Scouts, not about straight edge, if anyone's confused.
09-30-2008, 12:51 PM
i kind of gave up on trying to find a straightedge girlfriend
i just date regular girls but im strict and picky
Anonymous Ghost
10-05-2008, 03:22 PM
It's hard for me to find a straight edge guy. I want to find one on here maybe?
Too bad Corona is like 2 hours away from San Diego, well I live in Tijuana actually, which is like another half an hour... = (
10-10-2008, 10:49 PM
i think love between two straight edge people is the most beautiful form of love ever. aaaand what i mean by that is that even when just meeting someone and finding out that they are straight edge you already know that you both basically live the same life and live it day by day knowing that whatever happens you aren't going to solve your problems with the bottle or herbal supplements..
10-17-2008, 12:29 PM
i think love between two straight edge people is the most beautiful form of love ever. aaaand what i mean by that is that even when just meeting someone and finding out that they are straight edge you already know that you both basically live the same life and live it day by day knowing that whatever happens you aren't going to solve your problems with the bottle or herbal supplements..
Awww! That is sooo sweet! We are officially dating now! LOL
10-18-2008, 02:24 AM
Awww! That is sooo sweet! We are officially dating now! LOL
WOO HOO! you are awesome and yes i will accept your request
10-26-2008, 10:34 PM
soo... it is very hard for me to find sXe guys to date! hahaha and i imagine my search is going to be more difficult now b/c im going to UCSC which is known as a "STONER SCHOOL" and college is full of ppl who just want to HAVE FUN. they just dont seem to understand that u dont need alcohol for it, you know?
any guys interested in talking? hahahah
10-26-2008, 10:42 PM
so in the end you don't want them to be who they are.
personally, I married an edge girl because I valued those beliefs enough to find someone who shared them and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I've also dated girls who weren't edge or drug free, and I honestly couldn't see being with them forever due to the conflicts that would arise from the differences in opinion.
exactly... ive dated a sXe guy and a non sXe guy and i must say that because i really believe in not drinking or doing drugs, it was very difficult for the non-edge guy to cope.
i mean, i liked him for who he was, but i found drinking unexceptible and seeing that he was 21 and could legally do as he pleased, in the end he felt like i was trying to control him. and thats just a difference of opinion in one area, but if u really believe in sXe its not an easy area to overlook.
at least for me
10-27-2008, 12:00 AM
Awww! That is sooo sweet! We are officially dating now! LOL
man that would be funny, and kinda weird, if you two actually started dating.
any guys interested in talking? hahahah
yeah, sure. you're hot, let's do it!
10-27-2008, 04:26 AM
yeah, sure. you're hot, let's do it!
Dini stepping up his game right here.
10-27-2008, 06:15 AM
man that would be funny, and kinda weird, if you two actually started dating.
yeah that would definietly be pretty weird/funny
soo... it is very hard for me to find sXe guys to date! hahaha and i imagine my search is going to be more difficult now b/c im going to UCSC which is known as a "STONER SCHOOL" and college is full of ppl who just want to HAVE FUN. they just dont seem to understand that u dont need alcohol for it, you know?
any guys interested in talking? hahahah
and this is basically the reason i don't want to go to a regular college....too many parties/drugs...i wouldn't fit in with the whole college scene. i'm just going to attend a technical school
10-27-2008, 10:02 PM
Dini stepping up his game right here.
i suppose he is stepping up his game! hahaha
10-27-2008, 10:03 PM
yeah that would definietly be pretty weird/funny
and this is basically the reason i don't want to go to a regular college....too many parties/drugs...i wouldn't fit in with the whole college scene. i'm just going to attend a technical school
yeah, i mean, i find plenty fo things to do that dont involve partying in that way. and, actually, alot of the friends ive made dont drink or anything, they dont claim edge, but they dont do it either. sooo.. yea
10-27-2008, 10:05 PM
yeah, sure. you're hot, let's do it!
okie dokie... :D
okie dokie... :D
i can fly out sometime in january (when we will be accepted in the visa waiver programme). then we can get married, so i get the green card.
but till then, you should move here, and enjoy ourselves. I have to state this though: I'm not a boy who is easy to get. just sayin'
Dini stepping up his game right here.
girls love me dude.
10-28-2008, 04:32 PM
i can fly out sometime in january (when we will be accepted in the visa waiver programme). then we can get married, so i get the green card.
but till then, you should move here, and enjoy ourselves. I have to state this though: I'm not a boy who is easy to get. just sayin'
well since ur putting it out there, i must confess im not so easily won over either. it requires effort on your part. pretty sxe girls like myself are hard to come by :D
10-28-2008, 05:14 PM
well since ur putting it out there, i must confess im not so easily won over either. it requires effort on your part. pretty sxe girls like myself are hard to come by :D
Yeah but he's Dini, he's even harder to come by!
10-28-2008, 08:49 PM
Yeah but he's Dini, he's even harder to come by!
OH SNAPZ! well if u say it...... :P
well since ur putting it out there, i must confess im not so easily won over either. it requires effort on your part. pretty sxe girls like myself are hard to come by :D
that's because we haven't met yet. don't be such a tease, you know you want me! I'll make some efforts, you'll see, gentleman style.
10-29-2008, 07:01 AM
Dini!!! We're still married!! You cheaterz!!!
Dini!!! We're still married!! You cheaterz!!!
oh no we're not! i filed the papers when you were hitting on Dean.....
10-29-2008, 12:38 PM
oh no we're not! i filed the papers when you were hitting on Dean.....
Dean loves only his shoes!
10-29-2008, 01:14 PM
I love the ladies.
I am working at a campus at work this week where the hair dressing and beauty salon type students go to learn. It is awesome.
10-29-2008, 02:06 PM
I love the ladies.
I am working at a campus at work this week where the hair dressing and beauty salon type students go to learn. It is awesome.
My uncle went to hairdresser school in his teenage years and he said he had almost too much sex. Only guy around. Go on, Dean, be a lucky bastard.
10-29-2008, 05:27 PM
My uncle went to hairdresser school in his teenage years and he said he had almost too much sex. Only guy around. Go on, Dean, be a lucky bastard.
I am quite happy having my head shaved every other week and never having to worry about hair, worrying about other peoples hair comes even lower on my list of cares haha. I can't understand the ammount of money people pay these hair dressers to do their hair, it's insane.
But yeah, the majority of girls who do the hair dressing get my vote.
10-29-2008, 06:59 PM
i must say, hair is a pretty big deal. i personally dont spend too much money on it, and i always have it cut at the same place and they charge me like, 15 bux. its a lil hole-in-the-wall shop where all the ladies speak only spanish, its fun :D
10-30-2008, 04:32 AM
Who has seen that Zohan movie? It's the kinda new one with Adam Sandler. The hair dresser lady in that who becomes his wife is like the most awesome looking girl I have seen in my life.
10-30-2008, 07:54 AM
Who has seen that Zohan movie? It's the kinda new one with Adam Sandler. The hair dresser lady in that who becomes his wife is like the most awesome looking girl I have seen in my life.
awesome movie and yes the girl is quite amazing looking
10-30-2008, 08:10 AM
awesome movie and yes the girl is quite amazing looking
Would marry.
Would marry.
yeah, just think about how many shoes might she have...actresses have wardrobes just for shoes. Wet dreams, huh?
10-30-2008, 11:06 AM
yeah, just think about how many shoes might she have...actresses have wardrobes just for shoes. Wet dreams, huh?
Get out.
10-30-2008, 11:09 AM
Get out.
I at least show restraint and know that somethings things can be used too much and that you need to space them out for any real impact.
10-30-2008, 11:15 AM
I at least show restraint and know that somethings things can be used too much and that you need to space them out for any real impact.
Say what??
10-30-2008, 12:08 PM
Guys hair are usually a big deal for girls. At least for me..
(and eyebrows, nose, neck and hands. And style, tattoos ja way of thinking..)
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