View Full Version : Fox News To Cover Sxe- Please Read
06-04-2005, 04:58 PM
Yesterday I was contacted by Elizabeth Rose of the “At Large” news program with Geraldo on Fox. They are putting together a news piece for Sunday at 10pm about the recent events in Reno regarding straightedge. At the beginning of the conversation Elizabeth told me she wanted to get me on the show. After interviewing me for about an hour I think she changed her mind.
In our conversation she asked me about violence and why I thought the straightedge kids in Reno are violent. She also asked me if I could direct her to someone who epitomizes such behavior. When I told her that in my experience I had met very few violent straightedge kids she seemed disappointed. I told her about a friend of mine who has been involved with straightedge for many years and has lived in a handful of states and experienced many straightedge scenes. It wasn’t until I told her that he is covered in tattoos that she showed interest. I made the comment that he’s a preppy edge boy and she replied by saying that she didn’t want preppy she wanted wild, maybe with a bit of dyed pink hair. By the end of the conversation she left me with a “We’ll be in touch”.
Elizabeth did end up speaking to my friend. This morning I spoke to him and we discussed our conversations with her. We both feel that Fox is looking for a sensational story and we don’t fit the bill. I am very nervous about how straightedge will be portrayed on Fox this Sunday. Though they claim to be “fair and balanced” I fear this will turn into another media circus that focuses on a small minority of people, and leaves the general population of straightedge looking badly.
Please write to the “At Large Show” at and ask them to please show all sides of the story. The last thing the straightedge community needs is another media outlet exploiting straightedge. If you do plan on writing “At Large” I urge you to keep your emails polite and non-threatening. The last thing we as a community need to do is feed this fire.
Kelly Brother
06-04-2005, 05:35 PM
Yesterday I was contacted by Elizabeth Rose of the “At Large” news program with Geraldo on Fox. They are putting together a news piece for Sunday at 10pm about the recent events in Reno regarding straightedge. At the beginning of the conversation Elizabeth told me she wanted to get me on the show. After interviewing me for about an hour I think she changed her mind.
In our conversation she asked me about violence and why I thought the straightedge kids in Reno are violent. She also asked me if I could direct her to someone who epitomizes such behavior. When I told her that in my experience I had met very few violent straightedge kids she seemed disappointed. I told her about a friend of mine who has been involved with straightedge for many years and has lived in a handful of states and experienced many straightedge scenes. It wasn’t until I told her that he is covered in tattoos that she showed interest. I made the comment that he’s a preppy edge boy and she replied by saying that she didn’t want preppy she wanted wild, maybe with a bit of dyed pink hair. By the end of the conversation she left me with a “We’ll be in touch”.
Elizabeth did end up speaking to my friend. This morning I spoke to him and we discussed our conversations with her. We both feel that Fox is looking for a sensational story and we don’t fit the bill. I am very nervous about how straightedge will be portrayed on Fox this Sunday. Though they claim to be “fair and balanced” I fear this will turn into another media circus that focuses on a small minority of people, and leaves the general population of straightedge looking badly.
Please write to the “At Large Show” at and ask them to please show all sides of the story. The last thing the straightedge community needs is another media outlet exploiting straightedge. If you do plan on writing “At Large” I urge you to keep your emails polite and non-threatening. The last thing we as a community need to do is feed this fire.
Kelly Brother
ok, i don´t live in the states but isn´t that what media does. they try to show how bad everybody who doesn´t follow "their" way of living are, i mean people who aren´t following the principles that most people live by. anybody who´s different is bad, or does something that is wrong.
06-04-2005, 09:45 PM
They're gonna show how "violent" straight edge kids are. They aren't gonna wanna show how mellow some of us can be.
the actions of a few, as displayed on the news, turns what we do, into falsities far from the truth, today we'll break
through the walls set in our way, today we'll prove these lies are false and we're here to stay, we've worked so damn hard
for what we have today, we can't let down our guard, we'll prove we take pride in our name, today we'll break through the
walls set in our way, today we'll prove these lies are false and we're here to stay, this negative media attention, is
going to bury us alive, youth denied expression, from what the public, msunderstands, we won't turn our back, we will stand
06-05-2005, 02:19 PM
ok, i don´t live in the states but isn´t that what media does. they try to show how bad everybody who doesn´t follow "their" way of living are, i mean people who aren´t following the principles that most people live by. anybody who´s different is bad, or does something that is wrong.
yeah and theyll add little twists and verbage to make the story "Better" SUCKS!!
06-05-2005, 08:18 PM
this happened with SLC. it won't be positive, and nothing we say to fox will make any difference.
06-05-2005, 11:53 PM
it was on tonight, and i missed it. i guess karl from earth crisis/freya was on it.
06-06-2005, 08:29 AM
Watch the broadcast:
Then Let Fox know how you feel:
This number is the number of Elizabeth Rose, the woman who interviewed me. Let her know how you felt about the At Large broadcast.
anyone who wants to get in touch with me my email is
06-06-2005, 08:46 AM
Watch the broadcast:
Then Let Fox know how you feel:
This number is the number of Elizabeth Rose, the woman who interviewed me. Let her know how you felt about the At Large broadcast.
anyone who wants to get in touch with me my email is
and what exactly would change if we did?
06-06-2005, 09:11 AM
I can not predict what fox will do or what other media outlets will do. However, apathy is not an option for me. I didn’t come here to get into a debate. My only interest right now is the dissemination of information.
I understand that Fox news is known for its sensationalism. I did not expect the broadcast to be favorable. Yet I can not sit idly by while a major media outlet perverts something which is very important to me. I am undaunted. I think that we can make a difference. I think the more kids that know what’s going on and get involved the better.
Your opinion may differ, and you are entitled to that. If you want me to not post information on this board, just say the word.
06-06-2005, 09:15 AM
I can not predict what fox will do or what other media outlets will do. However, apathy is not an option for me. I didn’t come here to get into a debate. My only interest right now is the dissemination of information.
I understand that Fox news is known for its sensationalism. I did not expect the broadcast to be favorable. Yet I can not sit idly by while a major media outlet perverts something which is very important to me. I am undaunted. I think that we can make a difference. I think the more kids that know what’s going on and get involved the better.
Your opinion may differ, and you are entitled to that. If you want me to not post information on this board, just say the word.
I'm saying that your energy is misplaced. Fox has a story because of what kids do. If you want to take away the story, then direct it toward the kids who actually do act like a gang. As long as they have examples to point to to get a sensational story, they're going to. You want to stick it to the media, then get the kids who are giving them a story to change. Go after seventh dagger. go after bands. until them, all the calling to media outlets isn't going to change a thing.
06-06-2005, 01:42 PM
"The news is whatever we say it is" - A Fox news executive....can't remember the name
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