View Full Version : kinda proud of myself

06-13-2005, 12:42 PM
i just (this last friday) graduated from upper secondary school ("tog studenten" in swedish), and when kids do that itīs custom that you get drunk and party like shit. the whole day starts with something thats called "champange-frukost" (would translate into champagne-breakfast) where eveybody in my class else but me, even the ones who usally donīt drink, drank champange and other (strong)alcoholic drinks. then most people get/drink champange when they get home. later on that night there is a big party in a club somewhere (differs in different cities/schools but there is only one "gymnasium" in my town) and at this party everybody drinks even more, and this is how it should be. at the party i think that i was like on of the max 15 people who didnīt drink, again most people who usually donīt drink drank (a lot), and this makes me pretty proud of myself. there was a few guys that i thought wouldn+t drink that drank pretty much, but then again thatīs custom on this day. it really proved to myself that i didnīt just claim straight-edge for fun, but i accually stayed completly sober on one of the nights when kids drink the most.

donīt know if this really fits in here, but i had to get it out to someone who might care.

06-13-2005, 02:59 PM
I just graduated too, and my whole class got smashed. I didn't drink at all!
We rock!

06-13-2005, 03:06 PM
congrats, I know how hard that stuff can be sometimes.

06-14-2005, 04:14 PM
yeah...in portugal where iam living now its like this evrybody get dunk and stoned and only iam staying with clear mind...and its always like this and they get used to this and i too...but it hard it really sometimes hard...when people cant understand you why you dont drink when they cant understand what is SxE they asking is this a kind of religion?...but i dont care.
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