View Full Version : Hi I'm new to this straight edge lark, a few questions...

Miaki Raga
06-16-2005, 11:30 AM
Top o' the mornin to you people!

How's she cuttin'? I have a few questions about straight edge.....

Just wondering what drugs you people throw into the "edge breaking" category. Would you consider codeine from a product such as solpadeine an "edge breaking" drug? I had a f****r of a headache and was feeling like meh, so i was compelled to take some. In some cases that would be considered parasuicidal so i guess i'm wondering what you folks think about it.

Also while I'm at it, I read that there were some questions asked regarding how far is too far and "edge breaking" in sex. The question wasn't answered so I guess no one knows, haha. You crazy pseudo-liberals. Is a kiss too far? What is too far? Do you have to be celibate? I'm not freaking morrissey. I can never understand why you'd say no sex before marriage whether you're religious or hardcore or whatever.... I mean two people having sex for the first time after marriage.... they're condemned more than likely to incompatability.

Oh yeah another thing...... What's the deal with the over classification of Hardcore and Straight Edge and Emo? Why do you people need to over categorise everything? Is it so you feel part of a "scene" or a "crowd"? I mean it's fair enough if that's the idea. Just intreuged as to what your defence is.... What bands are Sraight edge hardcore? or whatever to the funk you call this genre. I'm seriously intreuged.... Does it matter if a band is straight edge or if the music is good? That's shutting off the cultural enlightenment part of your brain straight away certainly....

What else?.... hmmmm..... eh....... Is it just me or is straight edge completely related to the current rise in christian fundamentalism? Young people aren't supposed to be conservative... it's not natural.... are you people religious? god fearing? Republican or Democrat? Fianna fail or fine gael?

I bet you'll love to hear this, but the drug-filled music of the sixties and seventies is what's responsible for the music we listen to today, including straight edge hardcore. The beatles, the most infuential band of all time were off their freaking faces, especially when they recorded sgt pepper. I don't agree with taking drugs for the laugh and being off your face, but there's no point on getting up on your "high horse" and considering yourselves above it. Most of the music you listen to is based on it or influenced by it at some stage. Maybe I've just got the whole straight edge scene wrong....

but it seems to me..... to be a bit pretentious......

sorry hahahahahahahahah


06-16-2005, 11:53 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen, remember Don't feed the tolls.

Especially the ones that don't do enough research.

06-16-2005, 11:55 AM
but it seems to me..... to be a bit pretentious......

one of us here is pretentious, and it's not the edge kids.

06-16-2005, 02:26 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, remember Don't feed the tolls.

Especially the ones that don't do enough research.

Woo hoo, by reading the replies first i saved myself wasting time reading this post!

06-17-2005, 08:15 PM
Woo hoo, by reading the replies first i saved myself wasting time reading this post!
exactly what i did