View Full Version : Edge is cool, *snort* !!! Lolz Omgz0rz!
06-29-2005, 03:55 PM
You have the people that think edge is cool, and then you have the militant straight edge followers that use force to get their views across, which is "Edge is cool". I myself don't do drink, drugs or smoking, but I see you guys critiscising all that do, and writing stupid crosses on your hand that shows you're straight edge. Nobody cares about that, what you should think about when doing that is that it's a waste of good soap. If I saw one of you kids in the street I'd probably throw water in your face and tell you it's alcohol. I'd love to see your reaction. I bet a few people on here only became edge because you thought, "Wow, that's cool, he's got a cross on his hand!!! *snort*." Also, what the fuck is the deal with all the 14 year old kids proclaiming edge. You're 14, you shouldn't be doing it anyway, fools.
Fuck edge, the scene, and all thing emo. You can be drugs, smoke, alcohol free, just don't go on about how being edge is cool. It' really not cool in the slightest, and I don't respect you in the slightest. This is me putting my views across, without writing a stupid cross on my hand. XoX
Now, I don't judge your personality by this. You could be the coolest guy, I just think that a few of you guys are really weird for following the trend, and stating that it is a belief, religion, or whatever.
Anyway, have a gnarly night, and don't miss the bandwagon!!
06-29-2005, 03:58 PM
so why exactly should we care about the opinion of someone who clearly didn't research it enough to make a post that was at least accurate?
06-29-2005, 04:12 PM
You have the people that think edge is cool, and then you have the militant straight edge followers that use force to get their views across, which is "Edge is cool". I myself don't do drink, drugs or smoking, but I see you guys critiscising all that do, and writing stupid crosses on your hand that shows you're straight edge. Nobody cares about that, what you should think about when doing that is that it's a waste of good soap. If I saw one of you kids in the street I'd probably throw water in your face and tell you it's alcohol. I'd love to see your reaction. I bet a few people on here only became edge because you thought, "Wow, that's cool, he's got a cross on his hand!!! *snort*." Also, what the fuck is the deal with all the 14 year old kids proclaiming edge. You're 14, you shouldn't be doing it anyway, fools.
Fuck edge, the scene, and all thing emo. You can be drugs, smoke, alcohol free, just don't go on about how being edge is cool. It' really not cool in the slightest, and I don't respect you in the slightest. This is me putting my views across, without writing a stupid cross on my hand. XoX
Now, I don't judge your personality by this. You could be the coolest guy, I just think that a few of you guys are really weird for following the trend, and stating that it is a belief, religion, or whatever.
Anyway, have a gnarly night, and don't miss the bandwagon!!
Hi there, i decided to take it upon myself to underline the highlights of your post, if you got rid of the rest of it you'd have a really good post there. It might need a little gramatical work to string it together, especially the crucial soap and water bit but hey its worth a go.
06-29-2005, 04:17 PM
Hi there, i decided to take it upon myself to underline the highlights of your post, if you got rid of the rest of it you'd have a really good post there. It might need a little gramatical work to string it together, especially the crucial soap and water bit but hey its worth a go.
Hahahahahahaha That made me laugh and make an unattractive snorting noise!
06-29-2005, 04:19 PM
Just to make it clear, I'm not aiming this at people who actually are straight edge. It's aimed at the people who claim they are straight edge just so they can look good.
I dont know about you, but perhaps it isn't aimed at you?
I, myself, would probably be classed as straight edge, because I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. But in my view that isn't true. Does doing that mean I am straight edge? To be honest, I rather would be sxe than drink alcohol, and I always moan at my girlfriend for smoking behind my back, but really, does it mean I am straight edge because I folllow almost the same lifestyle as people who are?
06-29-2005, 04:32 PM
Just to make it clear, I'm not aiming this at people who actually are straight edge. It's aimed at the people who claim they are straight edge just so they can look good.
I dont know about you, but perhaps it isn't aimed at you?
I, myself, would probably be classed as straight edge, because I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. But in my view that isn't true. Does doing that mean I am straight edge? To be honest, I rather would be sxe than drink alcohol, and I always moan at my girlfriend for smoking behind my back, but really, does it mean I am straight edge because I folllow almost the same lifestyle as people who are?
no you wouldn't, because that's not all that straight edge is about.
you might want to do a little more research might help
06-29-2005, 04:34 PM
I know that, that's my point. I'm NOT sxe. I get classed as sxe, and get bashed for it when I argue im not.
06-29-2005, 04:37 PM
I know that, that's my point. I'm NOT sxe. I get classed as sxe, and get bashed for it when I argue im not.
ok, so you felt the need to come here and prove to us that you're not? I don't actually understand your point right now. So, other people are clueless about straight edge, and you're clueless about straight edge, but it's somehow our deal?
06-29-2005, 04:39 PM
I came here to stop people trying to join the sxe scene because they think it would be cool, then they start listening to the music, even if they hate it they go on about how cool they are, and how they've been straight edge since they were 7. I'm not clueless about straight edge, I just think that the newbies to it are, and join it because they think it's cool.
06-29-2005, 04:43 PM
I came here to stop people trying to join the sxe scene because they think it would be cool, then they start listening to the music, even if they hate it they go on about how cool they are, and how they've been straight edge since they were 7. I'm not clueless about straight edge, I just think that the newbies to it are, and join it because they think it's cool.
dude. you think it has something to do with emo. that means you're clueless about it.
and also, why do you care? it's their life and their choice, if they think it's cool. good for them.
06-29-2005, 04:45 PM
Hahahahahahaha That made me laugh and make an unattractive snorting noise!
Yay, i'm glad you enjoyed it
06-29-2005, 05:54 PM
dude. you think it has something to do with emo. that means you're clueless about it.
and also, why do you care? it's their life and their choice, if they think it's cool. good for them.
If they think forcing others to do it is cool, then they deserve to be bullied.
Did I say it had anything to do with being emo. I said, "Fuck edge, the scene and all things emo".
I thought whilst I was in a "fuck that" mood, I'd throw in emo.
06-29-2005, 07:20 PM
If they think forcing others to do it is cool, then they deserve to be bullied.
Did I say it had anything to do with being emo. I said, "Fuck edge, the scene and all things emo".
I thought whilst I was in a "fuck that" mood, I'd throw in emo.
you're forcing your opinion on us, so how is this any different?
and yes, your statement "and all things emo" implies that edge, the scene" were part of emo.
06-29-2005, 09:32 PM
why do you guys even respond back to these types of people?
06-29-2005, 09:34 PM
why do you guys even respond back to these types of people?
because sometimes it's amusing.
06-29-2005, 10:07 PM
xsecx ... I actually agree with you ... you know ... I’m starting to work toward that ' lets start again of the right foot' reply ... you've made a pretty good point to this kid ... I hope it does some good and maybe he will learn that we don't do it because it's 'cool' ...
I retract my brash former statements to you in the other posts ...
right ...
^ but that’s staying ....
06-29-2005, 10:51 PM
... being Edge isn't a question of being cool or not ... besides, 'cool' is a relative term ... If a young kid gets into sXe because they think it's cool, well that just means that he/she feels it's something worth being a part of ... and if that makes them feel cool, then so be it ... they can be cool in their own right ... it's keeping them on the right track ... it's keeping them out of trouble ... and every day they will learn more and more about themselves and their commitment to straight edge life ... sXe is a personal choice ... and it is a belief ... it's ideas aren’t based solely around not drinking, smoking, and doing drugs ... it has to do with the morality of an individual ... it has to do with making yourself pure and loyal to a positive lifestyle. I understand that 'positive' can also be a relative term, however, so can just about any 'ideal' ... at least the word 'positive' has a valid definition ... Why should you care about 14 year old kids, or any age kids for that matter, calling themselves 'edge' and wearing X's ... ??? ... does it really make you feel that insecure that these kids have something real to believe in ... something real to follow? ... You seem to have the most problems with 'Hard-Line' kids ... the kids that jump up and down on your girlfriends cigarettes ... well, they may take it to the extreme, but maybe someone blew smoke in their face ... or ... maybe they had beer thrown on them ... you said yourself that you thought it would be funny to throw water on a sXe kid and tell them it's alcohol ... If I were that kid I might get pissed and get in your face on sheer principal ... suppose you really like cars ... and your life was built upon it ... from your waking thought to your dreams at night ... cars .. cars .. cars ... and then one day some kid threw water on it and called it paint thinner or acid ... wouldn’t you be a little pissed? .... I bet you would ... and even when you found out it was just water, you would still be mad ... just on principal that some jerk could have been so inconsiderate and destructive to something that you hold so dear to you ... maybe the next time you see a 14 year old kid with X's acting proud that he has a family of kids that believe in him and support him, you will think twice and tell yourself, ... 'well, at least he's happy' ...
right ...
I didnt even read the first post?
is it funny enough to waste my time? i mean, someone who uses *snort* in the title of his thread shouldnt come and fuck with us...
06-30-2005, 04:02 PM
yes, it's pretty funny ... you should read it ...
yes, it's pretty funny ... you should read it ...
holy fuck, what a tard...
and yes, it's funny.
07-09-2005, 07:36 AM
I came here to stop people trying to join the sxe scene because they think it would be cool, then they start listening to the music, even if they hate it they go on about how cool they are, and how they've been straight edge since they were 7. I'm not clueless about straight edge, I just think that the newbies to it are, and join it because they think it's cool.
why would you come to a site, and try to stop people from joining a lifestyle... i think your preaching to the wrong people. i have been straight edge for maybe a month, i did not "join it" because i thought "it" was cool. i became straight edge because it was right for me. the music. i have always listened to hardcore. even before i knew what straight edge was. you are just arrogant.
07-11-2005, 12:27 PM
Fuck edge, the scene, and all thing emo. You can be drugs, smoke, alcohol free, just don't go on about how being edge is cool. It' really not cool in the slightest, and I don't respect you in the slightest. This is me putting my views across, without writing a stupid cross on my hand. XoX
why did you say emo, if you type in straight edge on not only do you find great site to buy rulers but it also has a whole bunch of crap about straight edge in the emo scene are you another one of those kids who researched the scene the lazy way?
01-23-2007, 01:12 AM
seriously, lets go to a sxe site. and join. not because im sxe but because i hate sxe. then post a bunch of uneducated bs about the scene. eat me, champ.
01-23-2007, 02:57 AM
His views on straightedge are fucked up, but you know, there are kids who do claim edge because it's cool and then break edge soon after.
He is still pretty retarded to come onto a site and say that shit when he clearly knows nothing about straight edge though.
Sand Stealer
01-24-2007, 04:48 AM
What I don't get is why anyone would bother coming on the site and having a go. There are people I don't like, but I don't go on websites and rant at other people instead because they have the same beliefs as them. Sure, there are a lot of people who become sXe because they think it's 'cool', but there are a lot who don't as well, take the people here for example. WhyOhWhy, did you really think you could win this argument?
01-24-2007, 06:14 AM
What I don't get is why anyone would bother coming on the site and having a go. There are people I don't like, but I don't go on websites and rant at other people instead because they have the same beliefs as them. Sure, there are a lot of people who become sXe because they think it's 'cool', but there are a lot who don't as well, take the people here for example. WhyOhWhy, did you really think you could win this argument?
Yeah but stupid fuckers like WhyOhWhy assume we are ALL like those kids that claim edge for like 2 weeks then break it.
They don't understand that quite alot of edgers claim edge and have been edge for years before these little "cool" kids discovered it and started trying to claim.
01-24-2007, 05:56 PM
What I don't understand is that this post is a year and a half old and people are still talking to this guy like he still gives a shit and is still around.
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