View Full Version : vegan straightedgers?
07-25-2005, 12:57 AM
I'm very proud to be edge, but lately i'm seeing lots of people saying that vegan and not having premarital sex is edge. It is not edge and i'll tell you why--when edge was started back in d.c and new york city, they started it against drugs and alcohol and toxic chemicals going into your body, now I will admit even though i'm a huge meat eater that eating to much meat can hurt you and clog things and give heart attacks and shit but if it's not in a huge amout then it is actually really good for you and makes you stronger and toner and more fit.
and premarital sex can lead to std's and other problems but if you know the persona dn care for them then I don't see the problem with that just b/c your not married it is just a piece of paper. Now I don't want anyone insulting me for my choices, i'm not insulting anyone else, to each his one man. If it makes you happy then role with it, but don't say it's edge b/c it's not. it's just your morals and choices along with being edge.
"Nobody know what a killer looks like"
07-25-2005, 01:24 AM
well who ever is saying that about the vegan is wrong.. and there is nothing about premarital sex its a bout premiscuous sex...
07-25-2005, 07:08 AM
I'm very proud to be edge, but lately i'm seeing lots of people saying that vegan and not having premarital sex is edge. It is not edge and i'll tell you why--when edge was started back in d.c and new york city, they started it against drugs and alcohol and toxic chemicals going into your body, now I will admit even though i'm a huge meat eater that eating to much meat can hurt you and clog things and give heart attacks and shit but if it's not in a huge amout then it is actually really good for you and makes you stronger and toner and more fit.
and premarital sex can lead to std's and other problems but if you know the persona dn care for them then I don't see the problem with that just b/c your not married it is just a piece of paper. Now I don't want anyone insulting me for my choices, i'm not insulting anyone else, to each his one man. If it makes you happy then role with it, but don't say it's edge b/c it's not. it's just your morals and choices along with being edge.
"Nobody know what a killer looks like"
you might want to actually address what people actually say rather than make grand posts about what is and isn't straight edge.
07-25-2005, 07:14 AM
well who ever is saying that about the vegan is wrong.. and there is nothing about premarital sex its a bout premiscuous sex...
07-26-2005, 01:24 AM
it's my thread and I put a ? after the thread name for opinions on it.
07-26-2005, 08:08 AM
it's my thread and I put a ? after the thread name for opinions on it.
just because it's your thread doesn't take away from the fact that 1) it's my board and 2) making blanket statements doesn't really make sense when they're not actually directed at or in response to something someone said.
07-26-2005, 05:51 PM
well lets have a power trip dude. i wasn't meaning it to be offensive, so chill out i was just wondering who felt the same way, there are plenty of threads like mine are you vegan- is that why ur freaking out and getting offended?
07-26-2005, 06:30 PM
well lets have a power trip dude. i wasn't meaning it to be offensive, so chill out i was just wondering who felt the same way, there are plenty of threads like mine are you vegan- is that why ur freaking out and getting offended?
The problem is you made a lot of statements at no one, why are you telling us the whys and wheres of the origins of straight edge instead of directing it at people who would benifit from it. Its just not directed at anyone.
07-27-2005, 09:31 AM
well i want to get the point acrossed that vegan isn't straightedge, i just see all the threads with people saying shit about vegan ans straightedge and so i wrote that for people to see but at the same time i wanted opinions
07-27-2005, 09:34 AM
well i want to get the point acrossed that vegan isn't straightedge, i just see all the threads with people saying shit about vegan ans straightedge and so i wrote that for people to see but at the same time i wanted opinions
what threads? I don't think you'll find a single thread here where anyone said you had to be vegan to be straight edge and wasn't corrected.
07-27-2005, 09:47 AM
i didn't say that to be vegan you have to be edge i said people that are saying vegan is part of being hardline edge. just b/c you happen to own this site or whatever and spend all day on it doesn't mean you see every post.
07-27-2005, 09:56 AM
i didn't say that to be vegan you have to be edge i said people that are saying vegan is part of being hardline edge. just b/c you happen to own this site or whatever and spend all day on it doesn't mean you see every post.
uh. to be hardline you do have to be vegan.
07-27-2005, 10:25 AM
i didn't say that to be vegan you have to be edge i said people that are saying vegan is part of being hardline edge. just b/c you happen to own this site or whatever and spend all day on it doesn't mean you see every post.
So did you read the posts on hardline?
07-28-2005, 04:33 AM
see thats what i mean hardline has nothing to do with vegan it means beating people up for doing drugs that is hardline and hardcore you guys are thinking of softline which means vegan
07-28-2005, 07:25 AM
see thats what i mean hardline has nothing to do with vegan it means beating people up for doing drugs that is hardline and hardcore you guys are thinking of softline which means vegan
Erm no, hardline was a spceific thing that had a specific manifesto writen out, one that included being vegan.
"all innocent life is sacred, and must have the right to live out it's natural state of existence in peace, without interference, This single ethic ensures that all life, from a foetus, or a grown human (black, white, male or female), to an animal, or it's habitat, is guaranteed equal rights, with liberty for all, regardless of someone's personal bias against them"
From the Harline manifesto
07-28-2005, 08:40 AM
see thats what i mean hardline has nothing to do with vegan it means beating people up for doing drugs that is hardline and hardcore you guys are thinking of softline which means vegan
whoever you "learned" this from was very very wrong. now I suggest you do some more research about what things actually are vs what you think they are before you make grand statements like this.
07-28-2005, 01:24 PM
see thats what i mean hardline has nothing to do with vegan it means beating people up for doing drugs that is hardline and hardcore you guys are thinking of softline which means vegan
Well that answers my question, read the hardline threads dude.
07-28-2005, 03:52 PM
ok reading the hardline threads are not going to do shit b/c they are written by guys like me that just get all there info off other straightedge sites and that is where most of us get our info, this hardline manafesto wasn't written by some guy like us, not someone special or was it? and you guys have probably never heard of softline have you, that makes me more educated, i look up edge info all the time from 10 million different sites and books, so i might know what i'm talking about! so don't judge me before you know what your talking about. if hardline means vagan then why is it that in vegas the hadline and the vegan fight against each other b/c one eats meat how stupid is that.
07-28-2005, 04:16 PM
ok reading the hardline threads are not going to do shit b/c they are written by guys like me that just get all there info off other straightedge sites and that is where most of us get our info, this hardline manafesto wasn't written by some guy like us, not someone special or was it? and you guys have probably never heard of softline have you, that makes me more educated, i look up edge info all the time from 10 million different sites and books, so i might know what i'm talking about! so don't judge me before you know what your talking about. if hardline means vagan then why is it that in vegas the hadline and the vegan fight against each other b/c one eats meat how stupid is that.
Some equally misinformed people often mistake militant edge for hardline. But hardline was a very specific thing, and the manifesto was a corner stone of that.
07-28-2005, 04:26 PM
ok reading the hardline threads are not going to do shit b/c they are written by guys like me that just get all there info off other straightedge sites and that is where most of us get our info, this hardline manafesto wasn't written by some guy like us, not someone special or was it? and you guys have probably never heard of softline have you, that makes me more educated, i look up edge info all the time from 10 million different sites and books, so i might know what i'm talking about! so don't judge me before you know what your talking about. if hardline means vagan then why is it that in vegas the hadline and the vegan fight against each other b/c one eats meat how stupid is that.
ok, so where did you get your info on what hardline is, because it's completely wrong. The hardline thread was written by me and was pulled DIRECTLY from hardline literature. You're completely confused and completely spouting out shit that is completely wrong. go look up the bands RAID and VEGAN REICH. VR is the band that actually started hardline.
that also has CORRECT information on hardline.
07-28-2005, 05:05 PM
holy shit, you mean you believed this was a real thing?
07-28-2005, 05:44 PM
holy shit, you mean you believed this was a real thing?
Might have known it would have been something relating to toefur.
07-28-2005, 06:11 PM
hey... look what i found in toefur's forum...
regarding hardliners...
"they are the people (along with that "doomawaits" guy who just bought his first hatebreed cd) that make me want to avoid the label when i'm with people who don't fully understand what sXe, and what it is to me"
me thinks there be a trend here...
07-29-2005, 08:37 AM
hey... look what i found in toefur's forum...
regarding hardliners...
"they are the people (along with that "doomawaits" guy who just bought his first hatebreed cd) that make me want to avoid the label when i'm with people who don't fully understand what sXe, and what it is to me"
me thinks there be a trend here...
that site is seriously the blind leading the blind.
07-29-2005, 08:47 AM
that site is seriously the blind leading the blind.
yeah... i never heard of it till i followed that link. it looks like ol' dr doom has a frickin legacy over there. they fuckin hate him.
07-29-2005, 09:10 AM
yeah... i never heard of it till i followed that link. it looks like ol' dr doom has a frickin legacy over there. they fuckin hate him.
Worst site ever, last time i posted there the majority of people couldn't understand the relation between straightedge and hardcore and by their criteria my mum is straightedge.
Worst site ever, last time i posted there the majority of people couldn't understand the relation between straightedge and hardcore and by their criteria my mum is straightedge.
hahaha! ill have to check it out!
07-29-2005, 09:40 AM
hahaha! ill have to check it out!
Only if you hate yourself, its pretty awful.
07-29-2005, 06:10 PM
well firs thing is that i'm "dr.doom and i really don't give a fuck what anyone has to say torward me. Just b/c I have more pride in edge then any of you and claim it in public, not when i'm at home looking in the mirror. And there are alot of different views on hardcore and softline and regular edge, but I know what I believe and fuck anything else.
07-30-2005, 09:31 AM
well firs thing is that i'm "dr.doom and i really don't give a fuck what anyone has to say torward me. Just b/c I have more pride in edge then any of you and claim it in public, not when i'm at home looking in the mirror. And there are alot of different views on hardcore and softline and regular edge, but I know what I believe and fuck anything else.
dude, for your own good (and i'm trying to help you out here) chill the fuck out. you just went edge and here you are trying to run with the big dogs and giving ZERO respect. it's obvious that you're passionate about being sXe but it's equally obvious that you're seriously immature. so here's my advice... take a break from posting in these forums. do some homework about sXe from some primary sources (ie not the internet). GO TO SOME SHOWS (but do not run off at the mouth there like you do here or you will have some serious problems). respect your sXe elders, you don't have to agree with us but we've been sXe longer than you've been alive so maybe we know what we're talking about, huh? listen to the music and internalize what you learn from it. then change your silly little nickname and come back here with some respect and a sincere willingness to learn something and exchange some ideas. that's my advice, take it or leave it.
07-30-2005, 10:08 AM
well firs thing is that i'm "dr.doom and i really don't give a fuck what anyone has to say torward me. Just b/c I have more pride in edge then any of you and claim it in public, not when i'm at home looking in the mirror. And there are alot of different views on hardcore and softline and regular edge, but I know what I believe and fuck anything else.
I think their point is that there are actual definitions for these words, and therefore it doesn't make sense to have "views" on them. That's like having a view on what is or isn't a coathanger.
You seem pretty stupid for a doctor. Is that why you're working as a "warehouseman" instead?
07-30-2005, 10:20 AM
dude, for your own good (and i'm trying to help you out here) chill the fuck out. you just went edge and here you are trying to run with the big dogs and giving ZERO respect. it's obvious that you're passionate about being sXe but it's equally obvious that you're seriously immature. so here's my advice... take a break from posting in these forums. do some homework about sXe from some primary sources (ie not the internet). GO TO SOME SHOWS (but do not run off at the mouth there like you do here or you will have some serious problems). respect your sXe elders, you don't have to agree with us but we've been sXe longer than you've been alive so maybe we know what we're talking about, huh? listen to the music and internalize what you learn from it. then change your silly little nickname and come back here with some respect and a sincere willingness to learn something and exchange some ideas. that's my advice, take it or leave it.
I wonder if he can even get to shows - it looks kinda like he lives in the middle of nowhere in Utah. His library probably doesn't have anything that doesn't relate to mormonism. I wonder where he finds druggies to beat up.
07-30-2005, 11:03 AM
well firs thing is that i'm "dr.doom and i really don't give a fuck what anyone has to say torward me. Just b/c I have more pride in edge then any of you and claim it in public, not when i'm at home looking in the mirror. And there are alot of different views on hardcore and softline and regular edge, but I know what I believe and fuck anything else.
So what makes you think anyone gives a fuck about your deluded ideas? If you want to talk about hardline you need to accept the facts of its history, and quit rolling with the innacurate bullshit toefur is peddling.
07-30-2005, 04:33 PM
well firs thing is that i'm "dr.doom and i really don't give a fuck what anyone has to say torward me. Just b/c I have more pride in edge then any of you and claim it in public, not when i'm at home looking in the mirror. And there are alot of different views on hardcore and softline and regular edge, but I know what I believe and fuck anything else.
this might actually work and make sense, if you actually knew what you were talking about. but you don't.
07-31-2005, 01:13 AM
dude, for your own good (and i'm trying to help you out here) chill the fuck out. you just went edge and here you are trying to run with the big dogs and giving ZERO respect. it's obvious that you're passionate about being sXe but it's equally obvious that you're seriously immature. so here's my advice... take a break from posting in these forums. do some homework about sXe from some primary sources (ie not the internet). GO TO SOME SHOWS (but do not run off at the mouth there like you do here or you will have some serious problems). respect your sXe elders, you don't have to agree with us but we've been sXe longer than you've been alive so maybe we know what we're talking about, huh? listen to the music and internalize what you learn from it. then change your silly little nickname and come back here with some respect and a sincere willingness to learn something and exchange some ideas. that's my advice, take it or leave it.
good advice...
08-03-2005, 06:47 PM
well first I don't go beating up druggies and second just b/c i haven't been edge along time doesn't mean i don't know much about it, i study and talk about it everyday and i'm on toefur b/c it's a edge site not some assholes saying "i've been edge longer then you have been alive" edge started in 1981 in washington d.c and i was born in 84 so if you haven't been edge longer then i have been alive, you were one of the first to be edge!
another thing is that my name isn't silly as you say it, if you think about it, it makes since and i do listen to music just not most edge music b/c it's screemo fucking dumb punk and i hate punk i like hardcore, listen to hatebreed there lyrics can be used for edge even though there not an edge band or even hemlock, and just b/c i'm proud to be edge and my view happen to be stronger then yours doesn't mean you can cast me out- FUCK YOU i'm not going to leave so get used to it buddy's
08-03-2005, 07:13 PM
well first I don't go beating up druggies and second just b/c i haven't been edge along time doesn't mean i don't know much about it, i study and talk about it everyday and i'm on toefur b/c it's a edge site not some assholes saying "i've been edge longer then you have been alive" edge started in 1981 in washington d.c and i was born in 84 so if you haven't been edge longer then i have been alive, you were one of the first to be edge!
another thing is that my name isn't silly as you say it, if you think about it, it makes since and i do listen to music just not most edge music b/c it's screemo fucking dumb punk and i hate punk i like hardcore, listen to hatebreed there lyrics can be used for edge even though there not an edge band or even hemlock, and just b/c i'm proud to be edge and my view happen to be stronger then yours doesn't mean you can cast me out- FUCK YOU i'm not going to leave so get used to it buddy's
you've demonstrated that you don't know much about straight edge, you've missed use terms, bought into a term that was made up and pretended to be an expert. if you thinkmost edge is screem fucking dumb punk, then you really are more clueless than you pretend to be. now shut up. read some more and you might actually learn something.
08-03-2005, 10:01 PM
And maybe while you're reading, you could pay attention to grammar and spelling a bit too.
08-03-2005, 11:21 PM
this thread... i tell myself to stay out of these:
first off... no one here is saying you have to be vegan to be edge. i happen to be vegan, but i have friends who are not and are still just as straight edge as i am. veganism and straight edge have been closely connected and, yes, straight edge bands have even had pro-vegan songs (some bands have made careers off of them) why is this thread three pages long? i have no fucking clue. no one was denying your original point was valid.
secondly. if the best that you can come up with are hatebreed lyrics that could be used as straight edge, even though they are not a straight edge band, you need to dig a little deeper. there is a mountain of great bands past and present that you could be learning about instead of making presumptuous posts and fronting like you know what's going on. ozzfest is not a show. and calling most straight edge 'dumb punk' makes you sound so fact, that couldn't be further from the truth.
08-04-2005, 12:10 PM
secondly. if the best that you can come up with are hatebreed lyrics that could be used as straight edge, even though they are not a straight edge band, you need to dig a little deeper. there is a mountain of great bands past and present that you could be learning about ...
yeah like dustys fav, Insted!!!
damn they were good times.
08-04-2005, 12:43 PM
yeah like dustys fav, Insted!!!
damn they were good times.
sure if you like hearing the same basic tune over and over again.
08-04-2005, 01:12 PM
sure if you like hearing the same basic tune over and over again.
sometimes i do, i really do, especially when the band is the nicest bunch of kids like insted were.
08-04-2005, 05:27 PM
And maybe while you're reading, you could pay attention to grammar and spelling a bit too.
ok fuckhead, this page isn't about grammer. Have you ever heard of computer slang, i'm not writing a damn essay for my teacher. I'll type how I want and still sound more educated then you.
08-04-2005, 05:41 PM
ok fuckhead, this page isn't about grammer. Have you ever heard of computer slang, i'm not writing a damn essay for my teacher. I'll type how I want and still sound more educated then you.
08-04-2005, 06:02 PM
ok fuckhead, this page isn't about grammer. Have you ever heard of computer slang, i'm not writing a damn essay for my teacher. I'll type how I want and still sound more educated then you.
You haven't sounded educated at all thus far. And there is a reason you spell correctly on that essay for teacher, so s/he can read it, you wouldn't use computer slang for them so why would you here? Showing a disregard for the people reading your posts by not even addressing spelling issues does not equate to sounding more educated either, it seems to equate more to disrespect and ignorance. As does calling people fucktard because they made a civil request. I understand you may be upset because she belittled your job as a warehouseman but the way you have presented yourself on this board really has really shown nothing but ignorance.
08-04-2005, 06:21 PM
Yeah, what he said.
P.S. It's "grammar."
P.P.S. You sound more educated than me, not "then" me.
sometimes i do, i really do, especially when the band is the nicest bunch of kids like insted were.
oh yeah, they all are! and every one of them sticked to their beliefes till this day.
08-05-2005, 10:02 AM
oh yeah, they all are! and every one of them sticked to their beliefes till this day.
umm... i like them but kevinsted is no longer straight edge. the rest i believe are.
umm... i like them but kevinsted is no longer straight edge. the rest i believe are.
oh really? damn i wish i asked him about it...
Steven told me as far as he knows everyone in the band was edge, and vegan/vegetarian.
they only had non alcoholic drinks in the backstage and vegetarian food so i don't really know what to think, but it would make it awkward if he sang edge lyrics
08-05-2005, 11:24 AM
maybe he re-upped
but i know when they first started talking about shows he said he wasn't edge anymore...although he hadn't drank in quite some time
08-26-2005, 10:10 PM
Veganism, and sex are both unrelated to Straight Edge. They have their ties, but exist seperately.
08-27-2005, 01:13 AM
Veganism, and sex are both unrelated to Straight Edge. They have their ties, but exist seperately.
Who or what are you commenting on?
08-27-2005, 12:44 PM
Who or what are you commenting on?
I think his comment is pertaining to the topic, although he is 4 pages to late.
12-06-2005, 09:22 PM
this one was really funny too.
12-20-2005, 02:27 AM
That Your Doom Awaits you guy made Toefur worthwhile for a while. Pure comedy gold.
I see he made waves here too.
12-20-2005, 10:41 AM
That Your Doom Awaits you guy made Toefur worthwhile for a while. Pure comedy gold.
I see he made waves here too.
Toefur is never worthwhile.
12-20-2005, 07:07 PM
Wrong. Your Doom was much more prolific/hilarious there.
12-20-2005, 08:30 PM
It would take alot more than that to make Toefur worth while.
12-20-2005, 09:15 PM
ok other then my grammer that everyone like to brag on at toefur and here, i still don't think that vegan is part of edge but i respect it alot more now and except the fact that every edger is going to be different and it they don't want to consume meat- then so be it.
12-20-2005, 11:25 PM
ok other then my grammer that everyone like to brag on at toefur and here, i still don't think that vegan is part of edge but i respect it alot more now and except the fact that every edger is going to be different and it they don't want to consume meat- then so be it.
And yet no one has ever said that veganism WAS a part of sXe. You are the one that keeps putting them together. It is nice though that you are understanding and accepting of it. Lots of people aren't.
12-21-2005, 08:42 AM
Wrong. Your Doom was much more prolific/hilarious there.
Actually i'm right. But you do have a track record of being incredibly wrong about stuff so its understandable that you are wrong about this too. Plus it seems strange that toefur even has a straightedge site, doesn't he like drink and shit.
12-21-2005, 08:43 AM
ok other then my grammer that everyone like to brag on at toefur and here, i still don't think that vegan is part of edge but i respect it alot more now and except the fact that every edger is going to be different and it they don't want to consume meat- then so be it.
12-21-2005, 03:31 PM
Actually i'm right. But you do have a track record of being incredibly wrong about stuff so its understandable that you are wrong about this too. Plus it seems strange that toefur even has a straightedge site, doesn't he like drink and shit.
Piss off. Stop being Sec's little cheerleader. The internet seems to bring out the fucking worst in most Edge kids...and, while Toefur seems to be a bunch of nice kids without much clue, this site seems to just be a bunch of small-balled sychophants. Cool.
And, yeah, Toefur's fucked up. No news there.
12-21-2005, 03:48 PM
Piss off. Stop being Sec's little cheerleader. The internet seems to bring out the fucking worst in most Edge kids...and, while Toefur seems to be a bunch of nice kids without much clue, this site seems to just be a bunch of small-balled sychophants. Cool.
And, yeah, Toefur's fucked up. No news there.
I think the word you're looking for is sycophants, and I'd like to know why you think people are particularly small-balled, or even what that statement means.
12-21-2005, 03:54 PM
Piss off. Stop being Sec's little cheerleader. The internet seems to bring out the fucking worst in most Edge kids...and, while Toefur seems to be a bunch of nice kids without much clue, this site seems to just be a bunch of small-balled sychophants. Cool.
And, yeah, Toefur's fucked up. No news there.
Shouldn't you piss off as you are the one with the problem with the people here? You do however fit right in with the kids with no clue. As usual you are being wrong, living up to the reputation, good job.
I really don't get why idiots like you post at places you have a problem with.
12-21-2005, 08:52 PM
Simple...I actually like Dusty's idea for this forum. I think it's a lot more on-point than most Straight Edge forums, definately including Toefur. After a long break - due to Dusty and my last pointless little argument - I decided to return in the hope that people had moved on. Evidently, they have not. In which case, I presumably will leave once again...
Apparently, I have no clue because of the past disagreements I've had with Sec, as to whether caffiene is connected to Edge (even though I don't even damn well drink it) and whether promiscuous sex is. How this means I have no clue...I'm not quite sure. Whether Dusty and his little sycophants* agree, there are definately a whole lot of people out there who take the interpretations I do. Pretty much all the people I know through going to hardcore shows in the real world, for example. Saying that I have no clue because my defintions aren't identical to those preached by someone with a big mouth online but instead with those used by my real-world friends is just a little bit silly, isn't it?
* Oh, God, Sec, I made a typo - kill me now.
12-21-2005, 09:00 PM
Apparently, I have no clue because of the past disagreements I've had with Sec, as to whether caffiene is connected to Edge (even though I don't even damn well drink it) and whether promiscuous sex is. How this means I have no clue...I'm not quite sure. Whether Dusty and his little sycophants* agree, there are definately a whole lot of people out there who take the interpretations I do. Pretty much all the people I know through going to hardcore shows in the real world, for example. Saying that I have no clue because my defintions aren't identical to those preached by someone with a big mouth online but instead with those used by my real-world friends is just a little bit silly, isn't it?
* Oh, God, Sec, I made a typo - kill me now.
unfounded and incredibly poorly argued disagreements on your part would lead people to believe that you have little clue. So just pretty much all of the people you know through hardcore shows agree with your misconceptions, so the rest are sycophants of mine and small balled ones at that?
12-21-2005, 09:13 PM
We've been over this before countless times. You seem to think that your definition of the term somehow over-rides that used by anyone else, even when the common usuage counters it. I have outlined why I see the common use as being what I believe it to be, and, in response to your challenge, have cited song lyrics supporting that position. I cannot really be bothered entering into another pointless semantic debate with you. It is tiresome that you are unwilling to accept differing opinions here, nor to recognise that a huge proportion of Straight Edge people have different definitions of the term to yours.
StraightXed is not a sycophant because he disagrees with me. He is, however, one because in almost every argument I have had with you he has posted cheering you on without presenting any sound arguments whatsoever.
And now I can't really be bothered with these petty definitional arguments anymore.
12-21-2005, 09:29 PM
We've been over this before countless times. You seem to think that your definition of the term somehow over-rides that used by anyone else, even when the common usuage counters it. I have outlined why I see the common use as being what I believe it to be, and, in response to your challenge, have cited song lyrics supporting that position. I cannot really be bothered entering into another pointless semantic debate with you. It is tiresome that you are unwilling to accept differing opinions here, nor to recognise that a huge proportion of Straight Edge people have different definitions of the term to yours.
you've failed to demonstrate how common usage counters it though, and are incredibly guilty of "You seem to think that your definition of the term somehow over-rides that used by anyone else" Your response to my challenge was what, 2 songs? You cannot be bothered entering into another debate with me because you know you can't back up your statements with anything other than hot air, but then accuse me of being the big mouth on the internet. Why would I accept a differing opinion, especially yours when it's poorly argued and not backed up with fact or sound reasoning?
StraightXed is not a sycophant because he disagrees with me. He is, however, one because in almost every argument I have had with you he has posted cheering you on without presenting any sound arguments whatsoever.
you might want to go back and read some of those past arguments before making baseless and incorrect statements. hate to point this out but some people are likeminded and agree on things and that certainly doesn't make them sycophants.
And now I can't really be bothered with these petty definitional arguments anymore.
of course not, you've got much more important things to do I'm sure, than to try and form a halfway convincing argument.
12-22-2005, 01:05 PM
Simple...I actually like Dusty's idea for this forum. I think it's a lot more on-point than most Straight Edge forums, definately including Toefur. After a long break - due to Dusty and my last pointless little argument - I decided to return in the hope that people had moved on. Evidently, they have not. In which case, I presumably will leave once again...
Well like i said toefur is never worthwhile, and i am right. When you hope people have moved on are you asking them to forget everything about how you behaved since you first came here, i mean if you are going to leave because someone notes that you are being wrong like usual then you really should
Apparently, I have no clue because of the past disagreements I've had with Sec, as to whether caffiene is connected to Edge (even though I don't even damn well drink it) and whether promiscuous sex is.
Who said thats why you have no clue?
How this means I have no clue...I'm not quite sure.
but you seem sure thats the reason people think you have no clue, this goes to show you having no clue, again.
Whether Dusty and his little sycophants* agree, there are definately a whole lot of people out there who take the interpretations I do.
Thats nice, shame you can't address anyone else as an individual#, more evidence of your existence just being wrong.
Pretty much all the people I know through going to hardcore shows in the real world, for example.
This sentence makes no sense, but the internet is made up by people from the real world you know.
Saying that I have no clue because my defintions aren't identical to those preached by someone with a big mouth online but instead with those used by my real-world friends is just a little bit silly, isn't it?
Immediately assuming that that is the reason you have no clue is silly
* Oh, God, Sec, I made a typo - kill me now.
Why don't you kill yourself.
12-22-2005, 01:09 PM
StraightXed is not a sycophant because he disagrees with me. He is, however, one because in almost every argument I have had with you he has posted cheering you on without presenting any sound arguments whatsoever.
Complete bullshit, i have made sound arguments many times against yours, point me to where i haven't. And i don't cheer i just pose to you my stance on the situation or illustrate certain points that if you weren't such a pile of knob rot would take on board and discuss but you are simply to dumb to see that i guess.
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