View Full Version : I invented straight edge.
08-18-2005, 11:29 PM
i'm just going to say this once and leave it at that. i am not going to reply to a reply to this.
know why? cause it's fucking stupid to argue about. "straightedge" was started by minor threat. fine. i do not listen to minor threat. and as far as i am concerned, i invented straightedge.. because i never even heard the term until i was 19 or 20 -- but ALL my life i have ALWAYS been against any form of drug use and promiscuous sex and unethical actions in general.. and i am not a christian nor was i raised to believe these things. they just made sense to me - common sense. so - fuck all of you who think that the label "sXe" is only for those who listen to the music and in the scene. tell me, what the hell was i for the first 20 years of my life if i wasn't straightedge? i am fucking hard-core in that i have held my conviction my entire life and never shyed away from it. i am 27 now- for those of you who care. being sXe means just that. your conviction on the matter.. not the music not the other sxers not anything else but what you are and what you SINCERELY feel about the philosophy behing straightedge "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck!" alright. and for ALL of you who disagree with this and think "oh, well.. you're not really straightedge cause you dont listen to the music and you dont go to shows and you dont put x's on your hands and walk around preaching down people's throat that you're better than them.. and .. umm.. yeah." that's how fucking stupid you all sound. you sound like goddamn bible-thumping-fascist-pigs that want things their way or no way. YOU SOUND LIKE GEORGE FUCKING W BUSH! so shut the fuck up and embrace each other for being sxe! you're not better than me - i'm not better than you - we're all sxe here.. so what the fuck are you complaining about?
peace out.
08-19-2005, 07:36 AM
tell me, what the hell was i for the first 20 years of my life if i wasn't straightedge?
An ethical drug free person. SXE is a subculture, anything out side of that is drug free.
08-19-2005, 08:18 AM
i'm just going to say this once and leave it at that. i am not going to reply to a reply to this.
know why? cause it's fucking stupid to argue about.
I've never understood the point of people making these kinds of statements. You later here talk about how you're no better than anyone here, yet believe that you are somehow in a position to make statements but not actually discuss them, as if you're some sort of authority. So if you really want it this way, I can delete you as a user, since you don't really serve much purpose here if you're not going to discuss, on a discussion board.
"straightedge" was started by minor threat. fine. i do not listen to minor threat. and as far as i am concerned, i invented straightedge.. because i never even heard the term until i was 19 or 20 -- but ALL my life i have ALWAYS been against any form of drug use and promiscuous sex and unethical actions in general.. and i am not a christian nor was i raised to believe these things. they just made sense to me - common sense. so - fuck all of you who think that the label "sXe" is only for those who listen to the music and in the scene. tell me, what the hell was i for the first 20 years of my life if i wasn't straightedge?
You were a drug free person who didn't have promiscuous sex. You're somehow trying to say that the ONLY thing that matters and what makes one straight edge is beliefs. How do you know that those beliefs make one straight edge? What is your source for knowing this? How was straight edge spread, and maintained until now? What are you basing your opinion that straight edge is against promiscuous sex?
i am fucking hard-core in that i have held my conviction my entire life and never shyed away from it. i am 27 now- for those of you who care. being sXe means just that. your conviction on the matter.. not the music not the other sxers not anything else but what you are and what you SINCERELY feel about the philosophy behing straightedge "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck!" alright. and for ALL of you who disagree with this and think "oh, well.. you're not really straightedge cause you dont listen to the music and you dont go to shows and you dont put x's on your hands and walk around preaching down people's throat that you're better than them.. and .. umm.. yeah." that's how fucking stupid you all sound. you sound like goddamn bible-thumping-fascist-pigs that want things their way or no way. YOU SOUND LIKE GEORGE FUCKING W BUSH! so shut the fuck up and embrace each other for being sxe! you're not better than me - i'm not better than you - we're all sxe here.. so what the fuck are you complaining about?
peace out.
What makes straight edge unique? If the music doesn't matter, then why are there so many straight edge bands? If the internet didn't exist, how would you meet straight edge people?
Do you know how stupid you sound? "Hi, I'm not really interested in what makes someone straight edge, I don't do drugs, or have casual sex. I don't actually really know that much about the literal details of everything, or even the history, but I'm going to tell you all what it means to be straight edge". Being straight edge isn't a just philosophy. It's a living breathing subculture. You're only fixated and understanding one part of it, without having any understanding of where it came from or why it's here. Straight edge has a definition, like it or not. It isn't elitist or fascist (why do you kids like throwing around a word you really don't understand is lost on me) to compare something to a definition. If someone said that they were straight edge, but smoked and drank, what would you say? How is this any different?
Holy fuck on the rooftop Batman!
08-19-2005, 10:31 AM
so i had to breathe.
alright xsecx - what you said about being 'no better than you or i and me not responding makes me no use to the venue here' that's true and makes sense - so, i appologize.
i have a deep passion for people to be drug-free, promiscuous sex-free -- and live life truthfully for themselves. and that's what i see sXe as. we all have our own definition of sXe, obviously. just as we all have our own definitions of everything in life-- and refering to another point posted before -- that is what makes everything correct for the individual.
all i ask is for you to open up and listen. maybe agree with someone for once instead of criticizing everyone's every word. it's annoying and it pushes people away from this forum. and i am only speaking in my own behalf.
that's that.
08-19-2005, 10:36 AM
so i had to breathe.
alright xsecx - what you said about being 'no better than you or i and me not responding makes me no use to the venue here' that's true and makes sense - so, i appologize.
i have a deep passion for people to be drug-free, promiscuous sex-free -- and live life truthfully for themselves. and that's what i see sXe as. we all have our own definition of sXe, obviously. just as we all have our own definitions of everything in life-- and refering to another point posted before -- that is what makes everything correct for the individual.
all i ask is for you to open up and listen. maybe agree with someone for once instead of criticizing everyone's every word. it's annoying and it pushes people away from this forum. and i am only speaking in my own behalf.
that's that.
Yeah, but see, that's the problem that I and most people here have, people trying to delude what straight edge actually is. It's a vehicle for a drug free message delivered by hardcore. It has a long and rich history, that you and people like you are discarding because it doesn't suit or fit your need. You're making statements about a subculture, that by your own admittion you have limited to no contact with. Being straight edge without a deep involvement in what makes it unique and special means you're only getting half the picture. Being drug free is awesome, and it's something I encourage everyone who wants to do it, to do it. However, being drug free and being straight edge, they aren't the same. You've attached and coopted a label that doesn't really accurately describe who you are. Sure it describes your drug free stance, but not everything else that comes along with it.
08-19-2005, 10:53 AM
Yeah, but see, that's the problem that I and most people here have, people trying to delude what straight edge actually is. It's a vehicle for a drug free message delivered by hardcore. It has a long and rich history, that you and people like you are discarding because it doesn't suit or fit your need. You're making statements about a subculture, that by your own admittion you have limited to no contact with. Being straight edge without a deep involvement in what makes it unique and special means you're only getting half the picture. Being drug free is awesome, and it's something I encourage everyone who wants to do it, to do it. However, being drug free and being straight edge, they aren't the same. You've attached and coopted a label that doesn't really accurately describe who you are. Sure it describes your drug free stance, but not everything else that comes along with it.
well.. i see that point and i respect the music. . why wouldn't i? but just like in all societies - people have different desires of different avenues in their lives. and i understand that the music, as you say, is what begat sXe. but like buddha, i'm just taking a branch off of what the basis seemed to be the 'origin' of movement, i suppose. not straightedge - more like malorant.
08-19-2005, 10:55 AM
well.. i see that point and i respect the music. . why wouldn't i? but just like in all societies - people have different desires of different avenues in their lives. and i understand that the music, as you say, is what begat sXe. but like buddha, i'm just taking a branch off of what the basis seemed to be the 'origin' of movement, i suppose. not straightedge - more like malorant.
then you're changing it, and being something new, and therefore not straight edge. To call yourself straight edge, without actually actively participating in the very much still alive and unchanged subculture, just doesn't make sense and isn't accurate.
08-19-2005, 11:03 AM
then you're changing it, and being something new, and therefore not straight edge. To call yourself straight edge, without actually actively participating in the very much still alive and unchanged subculture, just doesn't make sense and isn't accurate.
that's fine. i am who i am - and i'm not going to let anyone bring me down.
it's all a part of me no matter what.. no matter what label you slap.
08-19-2005, 11:04 AM
that's fine. i am who i am - and i'm not going to let anyone bring me down.
so why would you call yourself a label that doesn't fit?
08-19-2005, 11:11 AM
so why would you call yourself a label that doesn't fit?
it fits to me and everything i explained. that's - again - why it is correct for me and that's what matters. it matters to the individual what makes sense to them - and not have to hold up to a label. i dont have to dance your dance to be sXe or listen to your music to be sXe.. i can just be me. and that's what i'm gonna do.
08-19-2005, 11:15 AM
it fits to me and everything i explained. that's - again - why it is correct for me and that's what matters. it matters to the individual what makes sense to them - and not have to hold up to a label. i dont have to dance your dance to be sXe or listen to your music to be sXe.. i can just be me. and that's what i'm gonna do.
well, no. You could call yourself a cow, and it still wouldn't make you one. You calling yourself straight edge, isn't correct or accurate. You've clearly demonstrated that by your own words you don't even have a working understanding of the subculture or anything else, and simply like the term. You keep talking about how straight edge is against casual sex, yet I'm sure you couldn't tell me why you think this. Or point to examples within straight edge to support it. And by examples I mean actual reflections of the straight edge mindset and not a series of misinformed websites. Explain to me how straight edge ceases to be a subculture and turns into a personal term for you to use as you see fit?
08-19-2005, 11:25 AM
well, no. You could call yourself a cow, and it still wouldn't make you one. You calling yourself straight edge, isn't correct or accurate. You've clearly demonstrated that by your own words you don't even have a working understanding of the subculture or anything else, and simply like the term. You keep talking about how straight edge is against casual sex, yet I'm sure you couldn't tell me why you think this. Or point to examples within straight edge to support it. And by examples I mean actual reflections of the straight edge mindset and not a series of misinformed websites. Explain to me how straight edge ceases to be a subculture and turns into a personal term for you to use as you see fit?
i don't need to point to any reference to prove i am who i am. it's me. let's use casual sex as an example, since you brought it up. to undermine and degrade ones self to submit to the sickness of promiscuity is to aid and feed the psychological weakness of affectionate desire. in that, humans are weak, in general. and a lot of people long to be touched in society. especially america.. we are overly touch-deprived. we see touching as a sexual contact - and that is a devistational illusion. people yearn to be touched because of various reasons throughout their lives - maybe the parents never showed affection - maybe they were always picked on and never embraced by friends.. who knows..
and that casual circumstance of sex - or kissing - or holding hands - or whatever-- is a calling to be wanted. and that isn't from any text book or any web site -- or from your straightedge subculture. it comes from within me to believe that to be true.. therefore, it is.
08-19-2005, 11:28 AM
i don't need to point to any reference to prove i am who i am. it's me. let's use casual sex as an example, since you brought it up. to undermine and degrade ones self to submit to the sickness of promiscuity is to aid and feed the psychological weakness of affectionate desire. in that, humans are weak, in general. and a lot of people long to be touched in society. especially america.. we are overly touch-deprived. we see touching as a sexual contact - and that is a devistational illusion. people yearn to be touched because of various reasons throughout their lives - maybe the parents never showed affection - maybe they were always picked on and never embraced by friends.. who knows..
and that casual circumstance of sex - or kissing - or holding hands - or whatever-- is a calling to be wanted. and that isn't from any text book or any web site -- or from your straightedge subculture. it comes from within me to believe that to be true.. therefore, it is.
Yeah, i didn't ask why it was bad, I asked why it was related to straight edge. Where you came to conclusion of what makes someone or something straight edge or not, a term that you didn't coin and a subculture that you don't actually participate in.
08-19-2005, 11:44 AM
Yeah, i didn't ask why it was bad, I asked why it was related to straight edge. Where you came to conclusion of what makes someone or something straight edge or not, a term that you didn't coin and a subculture that you don't actually participate in.
ahh.. well, i've listened to minor threat to hear what they had to say. i dont dig the music, but i do dig the meaning. i know that might not make sense to you - but it is the way it is. so, i took noones word for what sxe was/is - i listened for myself.
08-19-2005, 11:45 AM
ahh.. well, i've listened to minor threat to hear what they had to say. i dont dig the music, but i do dig the meaning. i know that might not make sense to you - but it is the way it is. so, i took noones word for what sxe was/is - i listened for myself.
the problem being that what shapes/makes straight edge today is the voice and thoughts of a lot of people that came after them.
08-19-2005, 11:49 AM
the problem being that what shapes/makes straight edge today is the voice and thoughts of a lot of people that came after them.
and like everything else ever in life - it will eveolve to something new.
08-19-2005, 12:45 PM
and like everything else ever in life - it will eveolve to something new.
except you aren't in any sort of position to influence any sort of change, since you're on the outside and not actually apart of the subculture.
08-20-2005, 01:46 AM
and like everything else ever in life - it will eveolve to something new.
Alright, you don't seem to be getting the picture. Straight edge is all about the music and the beliefs, and if you don't like the music your not edge, pretty simple. But sense you want a label so bad, you are Poison Free. Try out google, and you will find a site made for people like you.
08-20-2005, 08:01 AM
i'm just going to say this once and leave it at that. i am not going to reply to a reply to this.
know why? cause it's fucking stupid to argue about.
Hmmmmm, i love the fact you call yourself stupid! I also love reading all the replys you didn't make.
08-20-2005, 08:03 AM
well, no. You could call yourself a cow, and it still wouldn't make you one.
I invented cows, until i heard of them i had never heard of them but i invented them before i knew what they were.
08-20-2005, 09:38 AM
I invented cows, until i heard of them i had never heard of them but i invented them before i knew what they were.
that's more than possible.
08-20-2005, 10:19 AM
that's more than possible.
Unfortunately you have illustrated that you really aren't an authority on anything, and your comment further proves it.
08-20-2005, 10:42 AM
Unfortunately you have illustrated that you really aren't an authority on anything, and your comment further proves it.
i never claim to be an authority - it makes no sense to. and my comment proves more than your narrow view will allow to see. not that you should agree - i would never ask of that - i would just hope that you could listen to what was said and understand what i feel, then just comment. it seems like this forum and board is so full of anger and bitterness.. is that a prerequisite of edge?
08-20-2005, 01:42 PM
i never claim to be an authority - it makes no sense to. and my comment proves more than your narrow view will allow to see. not that you should agree - i would never ask of that - i would just hope that you could listen to what was said and understand what i feel, then just comment. it seems like this forum and board is so full of anger and bitterness.. is that a prerequisite of edge?
Well if you are no authority on such matters then how can you say me inventing and being a cow is more than possible? You are either claiming to be an authority on such matters or speaking in reference of an authority on such matters in which case you should source it or of course you could just make unsubstantial statements which empty.
I haven't shown anger or bitterness, i have mearly pointed out the absurdity of your comments. It seems however you are very defensive, the fact is you make comments but don't like the responses and quickly blame the people responding before looking at the comments you made that result in such responses. Thinking before you talk is a prerequisite for inteligible conversation not edge but it couldn't to put thought into being edge before becoming edge either.
08-21-2005, 09:55 AM
Well if you are no authority on such matters then how can you say me inventing and being a cow is more than possible? You are either claiming to be an authority on such matters or speaking in reference of an authority on such matters in which case you should source it or of course you could just make unsubstantial statements which empty.
i speak of truth. it's simple.
if you sincerely believe - with no doubt - that you invented and are a cow, then you must be.. no matter what ANYONE else thinks.
maybe you would be proved wrong, maybe that is your sincere form of reality - either way it should be accepted.
I haven't shown anger or bitterness, i have mearly pointed out the absurdity of your comments. It seems however you are very defensive, the fact is you make comments but don't like the responses and quickly blame the people responding before looking at the comments you made that result in such responses. Thinking before you talk is a prerequisite for inteligible conversation not edge but it couldn't to put thought into being edge before becoming edge either.
we all defend. it's what makes us individuals and it is also what makes us true to ourselves - which is what is most important. again, your truth is what makes the difference - not other's.
08-21-2005, 03:05 PM
i speak of truth. it's simple.
if you sincerely believe - with no doubt - that you invented and are a cow, then you must be.. no matter what ANYONE else thinks.
maybe you would be proved wrong, maybe that is your sincere form of reality - either way it should be accepted. You didn't invent straightedge and i didn't invent cows, its not true just because you ignore what everyone else thinks and all the evidence that proves you wrong. If after looking at all the evidence that opposes it you still come to the conclusion you invented it it simply means you are either ignorant and myopic or completely insane.
we all defend. it's what makes us individuals and it is also what makes us true to ourselves - which is what is most important. again, your truth is what makes the difference - not other's.
Being defensive isn't a nessesity of being individual or true. If your truth wears blinkers and ignores the collective and agreed upon truths it means nothing. Question the way things are by all means but you are yet to show this quality.
08-30-2005, 06:05 PM
You didn't invent straightedge and i didn't invent cows, its not true just because you ignore what everyone else thinks and all the evidence that proves you wrong. If after looking at all the evidence that opposes it you still come to the conclusion you invented it it simply means you are either ignorant and myopic or completely insane.
Being defensive isn't a nessesity of being individual or true. If your truth wears blinkers and ignores the collective and agreed upon truths it means nothing. Question the way things are by all means but you are yet to show this quality.
like i said - if there were no knowledge of a term of what i felt inside about the passion of being drug-free and promiscuous sex free - then i learn that the term 'straightedge' means what i feel.. then, yes, in a sense i did invent it- - not in the way you see it - but you know -- straightedge can not just be more about the music - it has to be more about the attitude of the subject matter. and that matter is living and promoting a drug-free and promiscuous sex-free life. is that a definition that you disagree with? and if so - why?
08-30-2005, 06:52 PM
like i said - if there were no knowledge of a term of what i felt inside about the passion of being drug-free and promiscuous sex free - then i learn that the term 'straightedge' means what i feel.. then, yes, in a sense i did invent it- - not in the way you see it - but you know -- straightedge can not just be more about the music - it has to be more about the attitude of the subject matter. and that matter is living and promoting a drug-free and promiscuous sex-free life. is that a definition that you disagree with? and if so - why?
do you actually believe the bullshit you spout? Because you were/are ignorant of a terms meaning has no bearing on what that term actually means.
Now, I've asked you repeatedly, and you've failed to answer repeatedly, why do you think straight edge has anything to do with being promiscuous sex-free? What do you base ANY of your bullshit on?
ahh.. well, i've listened to minor threat to hear what they had to say. i dont dig the music, but i do dig the meaning. i know that might not make sense to you - but it is the way it is. so, i took noones word for what sxe was/is - i listened for myself.
you know, there is not only minor threat, listen to more bands. i suggest:
7 seconds
uniform choice
Stand and fight
stretch armstrong
with honor
chain on strength
and if you dont like hardcore at all, dont claim edge, listen to dusty, he's right about the connexion that exists between edge and hXc.
and for sXe's sake, stop saying minor threat ''started'' straight edge, its true that they unintentionnaly gave the name to it, but there were allready drug free hardcore kids.
at least, thats what i know. am i right guys?
08-30-2005, 08:00 PM
i'm just going to say this once and leave it at that. i am not going to reply to a reply to this.
i invented straightedge.
the philosophy behing straightedge "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck!"
those are rules, not a philosophy. see the philosophy forum for more on that.
you're not better than me
we're all sxe here.
apparently not...
08-31-2005, 10:36 PM
i'm just going to say this once and leave it at that. i am not going to reply to a reply to this.
know why? cause it's fucking stupid to argue about. "straightedge" was started by minor threat. fine. i do not listen to minor threat. and as far as i am concerned, i invented straightedge.. because i never even heard the term until i was 19 or 20 -- but ALL my life i have ALWAYS been against any form of drug use and promiscuous sex and unethical actions in general.. and i am not a christian nor was i raised to believe these things. they just made sense to me - common sense. so - fuck all of you who think that the label "sXe" is only for those who listen to the music and in the scene. tell me, what the hell was i for the first 20 years of my life if i wasn't straightedge? i am fucking hard-core in that i have held my conviction my entire life and never shyed away from it. i am 27 now- for those of you who care. being sXe means just that. your conviction on the matter.. not the music not the other sxers not anything else but what you are and what you SINCERELY feel about the philosophy behing straightedge "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck!" alright. and for ALL of you who disagree with this and think "oh, well.. you're not really straightedge cause you dont listen to the music and you dont go to shows and you dont put x's on your hands and walk around preaching down people's throat that you're better than them.. and .. umm.. yeah." that's how fucking stupid you all sound. you sound like goddamn bible-thumping-fascist-pigs that want things their way or no way. YOU SOUND LIKE GEORGE FUCKING W BUSH! so shut the fuck up and embrace each other for being sxe! you're not better than me - i'm not better than you - we're all sxe here.. so what the fuck are you complaining about?
peace out.
we're all sxe here.. so what the fuck are you complaining about?
XvagueprophetX quote
Originally Posted by drughate_vegan
we're all sxe here.
apparently not...
No I don't think we are either. You can't say you were something that you didn't know existed. To say you were sXe when you were 3 is obserd and I'm sure we've all heard or said this a million times. How can a 3 yr. old who has no idea what drugs or alcohol or music is make an oath to themselves to abstain or vow to a certain lifestyle based on certain music. And I'm sorry but the music as EVERYTHING to do with it. I'm sorry but you're no more sXe than the people who were and broke edge then say they are again. That my freind is entirely IMPOSSIBLE. Thats what I'm complaining about. Your heart is in the right place but to say YOU invented sXe obviously your mind is not.
09-01-2005, 02:01 PM
No I don't think we are either. You can't say you were something that you didn't know existed. To say you were sXe when you were 3 is obserd and I'm sure we've all heard or said this a million times. How can a 3 yr. old who has no idea what drugs or alcohol or music is make an oath to themselves to abstain or vow to a certain lifestyle based on certain music. And I'm sorry but the music as EVERYTHING to do with it. I'm sorry but you're no more sXe than the people who were and broke edge then say they are again. That my freind is entirely IMPOSSIBLE. Thats what I'm complaining about. Your heart is in the right place but to say YOU invented sXe obviously your mind is not.
right-- so what do you think ian was before minor threat even sang about sxe?
do you think he wasn't?
09-01-2005, 02:05 PM
those are rules, not a philosophy. see the philosophy forum for more on that.
apparently not...
if those are the rules, XvagueprophetX, then by abiding by those rules means you are within the realm of the sect? or not?
and no, i do not lie.. i only speak my mind as true as i believe and know -- just as you and everyone else does. a liar intentionally falsifies a story or definition to benefit themselves.
09-01-2005, 02:09 PM
right-- so what do you think ian was before minor threat even sang about sxe?
do you think he wasn't?
a hardcore kid who didn't drink, smoke or fuck... what's that got to do with the price of gas in new orleans?
09-01-2005, 02:14 PM
right-- so what do you think ian was before minor threat even sang about sxe?
do you think he wasn't?
it's questions like these that prove you don't even have an understanding of what straight edge actually is or what it actually means. you can't be apart of something without knowing what that something is. and you have no idea what that something is at this point.
09-01-2005, 02:23 PM
it's questions like these that prove you don't even have an understanding of what straight edge actually is or what it actually means. you can't be apart of something without knowing what that something is. and you have no idea what that something is at this point.
So to conclude...... you could not have created sXe because you are not sXe.
09-01-2005, 02:31 PM
if those are the rules, XvagueprophetX, then by abiding by those rules means you are within the realm of the sect? or not?
and no, i do not lie.. i only speak my mind as true as i believe and know -- just as you and everyone else does. a liar intentionally falsifies a story or definition to benefit themselves.
you misquoted me... i never said those are the rules... i simply said they were not a philosophy, but rather, rules.
if i said that i wasn't going to call you a moron... and then i turned around and called you a moron you would say i lied when i said i wasn't going to call you a moron.
if al gore said he invented the internet... even if he truly believed it and even though the whole world knows he didn't we would call him a liar.
if someone (you) used exagerated rhetoric in order to leverage assumed political enmity in a debate when any reasonable person could see no similarity between those like us (who stand by the truism that the straight edge movement is inseparable from hardcore music) and "GEORGE FUCKING W BUSH" it would be no exageration to call that someone (you) a liar.
assuming i am no better than you is just as bad as assuming we are equals. and besides...
fuck you, i'm straight edge.
you're welcome.
09-03-2005, 10:56 PM
Straight-edge refers to a philosophy that's most basic tenets promote a drug free lifestyle. It developed as an offshoot of the punk rock/hardcore scenes of the early 1980's when the term itself is believed to have been coined by Ian Mackaye, in the self titled song, while he was the singer of the seminal hardcore band, Minor Threat. Mackaye eschewed the nihilistic tendencies of punk rock, promoting instead the simple (almost simplistic) philosophy of "don't drink/ don't smoke/ don't fuck."
so what? is this wrong?
09-03-2005, 11:00 PM
While the original definition of straight-edge only included the rejection of mind altering substances and promiscuous sex, modern interpretations include a vegetarian (or vegan) diet and an increasing involvement and awareness of environmental and political issues.
and this?
09-03-2005, 11:01 PM
what are you guys refering to?
09-04-2005, 12:24 AM
what are you guys refering to?
I guess you must have glazed over, this part of it, huh
"As noted, straight-edge grew out of the punk rock/hardcore scene and so music plays an important role. The Teen Idles, an early 80's Washington, DC hardcore band, and something of a precursor to Minor Threat, can arguably be called the first straight-edge band. Since that time there have been hundreds if not thousands of bands who've so labeled themselves. Early bands included Minor Threat, SSD and Uniform Choice. In the mid to late 80's, straight-edge hardcore reached a zenith, especially in the greater Metropolitan area of New York City. This atmosphere led to the creation of Gorilla Biscuits, Bold, Wide Awake and arguably the most prolific band of the era, Youth of Today. While the bands of this period did much to popularize straight-edge, they also contributed to its closeminded and antagonistic aspects. The attitude between straight-edge and the rest of the world often took on adversarial tones during this time, largely becoming "The positive youth crew versus people who drink, smoke and/or do drugs." Many people dislike straight-edge and its adherents because of such intolerant views."
You're really not smart and you're really out of your depth here. And to answer your first question, yes, part of that definition is wrong.
09-04-2005, 12:49 AM
therefore we are both right and we are both wrong. what makes you think are you an authority to say that the definition of sxe is wrong? when it was spelled directly to you that "dont drink/dont smoke/dont fuck" is the definition of it.. your claim is a pick-and-chose situation.. as, i suppose, mine is. you are no more edge than i am, then.. and you need to re-evaluate your true worth before speaking.
09-04-2005, 12:52 AM
While the original definition of straight-edge only included the rejection of mind altering substances and promiscuous sex...
xsecx - you are an idiot.
09-04-2005, 12:54 AM
While the original definition of straight-edge only included the rejection of mind altering substances and promiscuous sex...
xsecx - you are an idiot.
you going to take that dusty?
09-04-2005, 01:03 AM
you going to take that dusty?
it's about time someone proved to him that edge is about being drug- and promiscuous sex free..
09-04-2005, 01:17 AM
it's about time someone proved to him that edge is about being drug- and promiscuous sex free..
09-04-2005, 01:30 AM
it's about time someone proved to him that edge is about being drug- and promiscuous sex free..
dude i can make a web page that says smoking crack is sXe... it doesn't make it so. hardcore is not necessarily sXe, but sXe is definitely hardcore.
just admit it... you only like it for the cool name. i mean, that's what this is all about. you want the way cool label but not the music. that's like being a swing kid who hates jazz. make up your own cool name and there's an ass load of people who'd join your movement... but it won't be straight edge.
09-04-2005, 01:48 AM
dude i can make a web page that says smoking crack is sXe... it doesn't make it so. hardcore is not necessarily sXe, but sXe is definitely hardcore.
just admit it... you only like it for the cool name. i mean, that's what this is all about. you want the way cool label but not the music. that's like being a swing kid who hates jazz. make up your own cool name and there's an ass load of people who'd join your movement... but it won't be straight edge.
right - smoking crack is not edge.
right - sXe is hardcore - i agree.
wrong - i don't care about the word "straightedge" i care about what it means.
right - swing is a direct reference to a style of music - edge is directly reflective to a style of life.
09-04-2005, 04:46 AM
it's about time someone proved to him that edge is about being drug- and promiscuous sex free..
Well its really not but define promiscuous and exactly where the line is that makes sex ok in your eyes.
wrong - i don't care about the word "straightedge" i care about what it means.
right - swing is a direct reference to a style of music - edge is directly reflective to a style of life.
You care about what it means you say. But you have nothing to do what STRAIGHT EDGE means.
for the millionth time: you're not straight edge, you're only drug free. why do you want to call yourself edge? the drug free label isn't that good for you?
09-04-2005, 08:19 AM
wrong - i don't care about the word "straightedge" i care about what it means.
if this were true then you wouldn't be so caught up in describing your self with a word for which you are unentitled.
swing is a direct reference to a style of music
wrong again champ... i said "swing kids" not swing music. again with the critical thinking and reading comprehension.
edge is directly reflective to a style of life.
yes, one based in hardcore music and so one you don't lead.
09-04-2005, 08:26 AM
While the original definition of straight-edge only included the rejection of mind altering substances and promiscuous sex...
xsecx - you are an idiot.
well no, I'm asking you why you think that. What are some examples from straight edge culture that prove that sex is still apart of what straight edge is about? The original definition of straight edge was about moderation and allowed for the consumption of alcohol. You picked a website to be your source. Now, if you believe that sex is such an important part of straight edge, then give me examples within it that says that, especially any in say the last 10 years.
09-04-2005, 10:15 AM
Well its really not but define promiscuous and exactly where the line is that makes sex ok in your eyes.
if you love someone and want to engage in a more-than-friends relationship with them, as in truely feeling that this 'one' person is who you want to be with - in the most intimate of levels. that's when it's ok.
promiscuous and/or casual sex is engaging in sex in the absence of that. in my eyes.
thank you for asking.
09-04-2005, 10:29 AM
if you love someone and want to engage in a more-than-friends relationship with them, as in truely feeling that this 'one' person is who you want to be with - in the most intimate of levels. that's when it's ok.
promiscuous and/or casual sex is engaging in sex in the absence of that. in my eyes.
thank you for asking.
Ok, so define love, to me when you have sex its more than friends already. What about when it turns out its not "the one"? does that mean you broke edge, can you keep trying, how many strikes before you are out, how can you know its the one if you have never experienced sexual compatibilty? So thats in your eyes, so its based on personal opinion, i can say i don't screw around if i say i love you to the lady first? I believe that so is that gonna stand?
09-04-2005, 11:11 AM
if you love someone and want to engage in a more-than-friends relationship with them, as in truely feeling that this 'one' person is who you want to be with - in the most intimate of levels. that's when it's ok.
promiscuous and/or casual sex is engaging in sex in the absence of that. in my eyes.
thank you for asking.
I just want to know why you keep avoiding my very pointed question? "Now, if you believe that sex is such an important part of straight edge, then give me examples within it that says that, especially any in say the last 10 years."
If you know as much as you claim about straight edge, then surely this would be easy?
09-06-2005, 10:57 PM
it's about time someone proved to him that edge is about being drug- and promiscuous sex free..
And hXc music. You keep missing that.
09-06-2005, 11:35 PM
************I think you should read this drughate_vegan.****************
From why you became sXe thread.
Originally Posted by XuntaintdbloodX
i do it because i like the label and like the trend, i will probably tattoo myself at eighteen then sell out at twenty-one
My response.
This right here proves what was said in other posts.
1. You do a fine job yourself making you look like a dumb ass kid.
2. You are absolutely positivly NOT sXe.
This is a lifestyle, an oath not just some flavor of the week high school trend kid. If you're already saying you're going to break edge you can never say you are or were edge. People who break edge can never say they were edge because they were not because they obviously didn't mean it when the promised themselve to remain true forever. After all these posts and all the help we try to offer you for your understanding you still don't get it and I'm very sorry to see that. You just don't seem to take it serious and thats very sad kid.
09-08-2005, 11:08 PM
************I think you should read this drughate_vegan.****************
From why you became sXe thread.
Originally Posted by XuntaintdbloodX
i do it because i like the label and like the trend, i will probably tattoo myself at eighteen then sell out at twenty-one
My response.
This right here proves what was said in other posts.
1. You do a fine job yourself making you look like a dumb ass kid.
2. You are absolutely positivly NOT sXe.
This is a lifestyle, an oath not just some flavor of the week high school trend kid. If you're already saying you're going to break edge you can never say you are or were edge. People who break edge can never say they were edge because they were not because they obviously didn't mean it when the promised themselve to remain true forever. After all these posts and all the help we try to offer you for your understanding you still don't get it and I'm very sorry to see that. You just don't seem to take it serious and thats very sad kid.
well, damn. he's definitely not edge then.
09-08-2005, 11:21 PM
Ok, so define love, to me when you have sex its more than friends already. What about when it turns out its not "the one"? does that mean you broke edge, can you keep trying, how many strikes before you are out, how can you know its the one if you have never experienced sexual compatibilty? So thats in your eyes, so its based on personal opinion, i can say i don't screw around if i say i love you to the lady first? I believe that so is that gonna stand?
love is non-definable. so i won't.
you know when you feel love.. don't you? well, there it is.
09-09-2005, 12:14 AM
well, damn. he's definitely not edge then.
Honestly I think neither are you.
09-09-2005, 12:38 AM
love is non-definable. so i won't.
you know when you feel love.. don't you? well, there it is.
For some, what you see as promiscuous will be love to the people involved, perhaps you should answer the rest of the questions if you really wish to give your viewpoint validation. Love being non definable actually weakens your case especially when you say its more about what an individual feels is love.
09-09-2005, 01:32 AM
For some, what you see as promiscuous will be love to the people involved, perhaps you should answer the rest of the questions if you really wish to give your viewpoint validation.
that's exactly what i did and what i said-- therefore, that love is not definable.
Love being non definable actually weakens your case especially when you say its more about what an individual feels is love.
actually, it proves my point.
09-09-2005, 01:49 PM
that's exactly what i did and what i said-- therefore, that love is not definable.
Yeah so if its not definable how can you define what is promiscuous, thats the point.
actually, it proves my point.
No it doesn't because you are still left nothing to define what promiscuous is. And for some reason you have decided to dodge the rest of the questions, why is that?
09-09-2005, 11:21 PM
Yeah so if its not definable how can you define what is promiscuous, thats the point.
No it doesn't because you are still left nothing to define what promiscuous is. And for some reason you have decided to dodge the rest of the questions, why is that?
i can not define it for you-- only for me.
if you sincerely feel like love is superficial.. then that's you. not me.
and that also makes you promiscuous.. here
1. Having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners.
2. Lacking standards of selection; indiscriminate.
3. Casual; random.
it also, based on definition and sect, promotes weakness and submission to temptation -- a common theme in sXe that is frowned upon. so, what the fuck?
09-10-2005, 12:57 AM
i can not define it for you-- only for me.
if you sincerely feel like love is superficial.. then that's you. not me.
and that also makes you promiscuous.. here
But its not superficial, just has different definimg factors and soesn't make me or anyone promiscuous as i am discriminate of sexual partners, have selection standards and its not random. If you cannot define it for anyone but you that makes your choice on sexual relations a personal one that remains unnapllicable to others. Plus that definition below doesn't even mention love so why did you?
1. Having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners.
2. Lacking standards of selection; indiscriminate.
3. Casual; random.
it also, based on definition and sect, promotes weakness and submission to temptation -- a common theme in sXe that is frowned upon. so, what the fuck?
So vinyl collecting is frowned upon in straightedge?, thats tempting, sunmissive and shows weakness for keeping your money in your wallet. You still haven't answered the accompanying questions and have chosen to isolate one point, why is that? Also to follow dustys line of questioning which you hjave also ignored if this is a common theme why is it not common in straight edge music?
09-10-2005, 02:30 AM
But its not superficial, just has different definimg factors and soesn't make me or anyone promiscuous as i am discriminate of sexual partners, have selection standards and its not random. If you cannot define it for anyone but you that makes your choice on sexual relations a personal one that remains unnapllicable to others. Plus that definition below doesn't even mention love so why did you?
So vinyl collecting is frowned upon in straightedge?, thats tempting, sunmissive and shows weakness for keeping your money in your wallet. You still haven't answered the accompanying questions and have chosen to isolate one point, why is that? Also to follow dustys line of questioning which you hjave also ignored if this is a common theme why is it not common in straight edge music?
so, by your own logic, if you are tempted to use drugs, you can still be edge.. because, eventhough the founding basis on sxe was 'dont drink, dont smoke, dont fuck' you choose not to follow the 'dont fuck' part-- then as long as you - or anyone- who is involved with the music scene of sxe then, by using your vinyl collection theory, one could stray with 'temptation' and smoke a cig and still be edge. you are picking and choosing what you want edge to be. temptation promotes weaknesses, true? why, then, has sex now not looked at as a weakness when you are promiscuous? it is weak to look, fuck, and run. it's either fear, hate, lack-of-affection which is desired.. whatever. it still goes that promiscuous sex is a form of weakness - and a strong one at that-- so, if you don't claim that to be a part of edge-- ok-- but do you think it is a form of weakness that should be dealt with on a personal level? really?
09-10-2005, 08:48 AM
so, by your own logic, if you are tempted to use drugs, you can still be edge.. because, eventhough the founding basis on sxe was 'dont drink, dont smoke, dont fuck' you choose not to follow the 'dont fuck' part-- then as long as you - or anyone- who is involved with the music scene of sxe then, by using your vinyl collection theory, one could stray with 'temptation' and smoke a cig and still be edge. you are picking and choosing what you want edge to be. temptation promotes weaknesses, true? why, then, has sex now not looked at as a weakness when you are promiscuous? it is weak to look, fuck, and run. it's either fear, hate, lack-of-affection which is desired.. whatever. it still goes that promiscuous sex is a form of weakness - and a strong one at that-- so, if you don't claim that to be a part of edge-- ok-- but do you think it is a form of weakness that should be dealt with on a personal level? really?
according to your own fucked up logic, then anyone who's a recovering addict can't be edge, which is completely wrong, as are most things you spout. Why do you think the founding basis of straight edge were "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck"? There's no mention of drugs there, so they're ok? You continually dodge the question that I know you can't answer. You're making all of these claims aboutwhat straight edge is, and I'm continualy asking you the same question. What are you basing your entire opinion of wht straight edge is on? Because here's the problem, if you're going to talk about what original concept of edge, drinking in moderation was apart of it. So do you agree with that too?
09-10-2005, 10:59 AM
so, by your own logic, if you are tempted to use drugs, you can still be edge.. because, eventhough the founding basis on sxe was 'dont drink, dont smoke, dont fuck' you choose not to follow the 'dont fuck' part-- then as long as you - or anyone- who is involved with the music scene of sxe then, by using your vinyl collection theory, one could stray with 'temptation' and smoke a cig and still be edge. you are picking and choosing what you want edge to be. temptation promotes weaknesses, true? why, then, has sex now not looked at as a weakness when you are promiscuous? it is weak to look, fuck, and run. it's either fear, hate, lack-of-affection which is desired.. whatever. it still goes that promiscuous sex is a form of weakness - and a strong one at that-- so, if you don't claim that to be a part of edge-- ok-- but do you think it is a form of weakness that should be dealt with on a personal level? really?
except steaightedge wasn't based on "don't drink don't smoke don't fuck". I am not picking and choosing, sex just isn't part of it and it was your logic that being tempted by something was bad not mine. Right now i'm tempted by some ice cream, it has nothing to do with being straight edge. If you smoke a ciggerette how are you abstaining from drugs? You think straightedge means not being tempted by anything, dude what are you basing that on? You can look at sex in anyway you like it still won't make it a part of straightedge, i personally choose to be with one person in a monogomous relationship but that is completely void of the subject of straightedge which essentially is just drug free hardcore kids. I fyou want to start a movement which will stiffle the natural occurance of sexual experimentation in kids as they are growing up then go ahead but its really not a straightedge issue. And i notice how you are looking at sexual relations in a very myopic manner, people can meet the dictionary definition of promiscuous very easily i mean how frequent is frequent and what constitutes being indiscriminate? If you think you have a sexual issue then sure that is definitely a personal issue, it might help to seek behavourial therapy or some kind of counselling its most certainly not something that straightedge deals with and that is completely evident in the music and the scene. Now when exactly are you going to answer the thousands of questions you have ignored?
09-14-2005, 10:49 PM
except steaightedge wasn't based on "don't drink don't smoke don't fuck". I am not picking and choosing, sex just isn't part of it and it was your logic that being tempted by something was bad not mine. Right now i'm tempted by some ice cream, it has nothing to do with being straight edge. If you smoke a ciggerette how are you abstaining from drugs? You think straightedge means not being tempted by anything, dude what are you basing that on? You can look at sex in anyway you like it still won't make it a part of straightedge, i personally choose to be with one person in a monogomous relationship but that is completely void of the subject of straightedge which essentially is just drug free hardcore kids. I fyou want to start a movement which will stiffle the natural occurance of sexual experimentation in kids as they are growing up then go ahead but its really not a straightedge issue. And i notice how you are looking at sexual relations in a very myopic manner, people can meet the dictionary definition of promiscuous very easily i mean how frequent is frequent and what constitutes being indiscriminate? If you think you have a sexual issue then sure that is definitely a personal issue, it might help to seek behavourial therapy or some kind of counselling its most certainly not something that straightedge deals with and that is completely evident in the music and the scene. Now when exactly are you going to answer the thousands of questions you have ignored?
i answer what i feel.
what does earth crisis' song "cling to the edge" refer to?
09-15-2005, 08:43 AM
i answer what i feel.
what does earth crisis' song "cling to the edge" refer to?
for instance, this response doesn't actually address anything that was brought up in the previous. you don't answer anything.
Do you know what the song refers to, since it's not obvious by the lyrics? You're clearly fishing for something, and I guess you think this song is refering to sex even though it's most likely not.
09-15-2005, 02:42 PM
i answer what i feel.
Well that is nice and convenient seeing as your argument can't withstand a simple line of questioning.
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