View Full Version : Essential Albums
08-25-2005, 11:01 AM
Before i ask this question i gotta say i am not posing as being either edge or particularly hardcore so dont complain that i dont know enough about the scene to be part of this messageboard..... glad we got that straight then!
ok like i said hardcore is pretty new to me so does anyone wanna give me like a top 5 best hardcore albums ever or something cos i heard sop2c by refused and liked it so i thought i would ask.... anyway i'll shutup and let you answer now
08-25-2005, 11:19 AM
Before i ask this question i gotta say i am not posing as being either edge or particularly hardcore so dont complain that i dont know enough about the scene to be part of this messageboard..... glad we got that straight then!
ok like i said hardcore is pretty new to me so does anyone wanna give me like a top 5 best hardcore albums ever or something cos i heard sop2c by refused and liked it so i thought i would ask.... anyway i'll shutup and let you answer now
considering you're wanting to learn, don't know why you'd think anyone would give you any grief.
I'd start by getting the following
Minor Threat- Complete Discography
Gorilla Biscuits - Start Today
Judge - Complete Discography
There are also a bunch of threads similar with lists of bands and records you should check out if you can.
08-25-2005, 11:24 AM
yeah i love 'screaming at a wall' and 'straight edge' by minor threat but they are the only ones i have heard - thanks for the recommendation though itll help.... anyone else?
08-25-2005, 11:54 AM
you should be able to find most of this stuff there.
carry on - a life less plagued
is really good, and newer
chain of strength - the one thing that still holds true
i like too.
have fun.
08-25-2005, 03:55 PM
xdeathstarx- the truimph
embrace today- we are the enemy
agnostic front- another voice
madball- legacy , the best of
100 demons
08-25-2005, 06:00 PM
xdeathstarx- the truimph
embrace today- we are the enemy
agnostic front- another voice
madball- legacy , the best of
100 demons
do you honestly think those records are essential for someone just getting into hardcore?
seriously, if that's what you like then that's fine. but those are far from records that have passed the test of time and could be called essential.
08-25-2005, 07:04 PM
do you honestly think those records are essential for someone just getting into hardcore?
seriously, if that's what you like then that's fine. but those are far from records that have passed the test of time and could be called essential.
08-25-2005, 11:06 PM
i weep for the future.
08-25-2005, 11:33 PM
i weep for the future.
drama queen
08-26-2005, 08:22 AM
have you ever heard the early af? Why would you choose a newer album over victim in pain as essential? or a bunch of other stuff that doesn't even really sound like hardcore? The question wasn't stuff that's out now that you really like, it's essential albums. I doubt you'd find anyone that would agree that any of the records you listed were essential by any sense of the word.
08-26-2005, 11:19 AM
arguing doesnt help....... but thanx for the posts anyway!
08-26-2005, 05:04 PM
I dont have much to add but a good start id think would be
Good clean fun-positively positive its a good album that should keep you going for a while.
08-27-2005, 11:14 AM
to dustys list i would also add:
champion / count our numbers
ignite / call on my brothers
uniform choice / screaming for change
08-27-2005, 07:30 PM
Before i ask this question i gotta say i am not posing as being either edge or particularly hardcore so dont complain that i dont know enough about the scene to be part of this messageboard..... glad we got that straight then!
ok like i said hardcore is pretty new to me so does anyone wanna give me like a top 5 best hardcore albums ever or something cos i heard sop2c by refused and liked it so i thought i would ask.... anyway i'll shutup and let you answer now
Anything by Earthcrisis, Integrity, Snapcse, Atreyu, Dead To Fall, God Forbid, Strife, Face Value, Even Score, or Madball just as a little starter list.
08-27-2005, 09:25 PM
atreyu is not crucial
08-27-2005, 09:33 PM
atreyu is not crucial
neither are xdeathstarx,embrace today, or 100 demons
08-27-2005, 09:34 PM
Anything by Earthcrisis, Integrity, Snapcse, Atreyu, Dead To Fall, God Forbid, Strife, Face Value, Even Score, or Madball just as a little starter list.
I wouldn't consider any of those bands, except for maybe earth crisis and that's for impact more than anything, essential.
to dustys list i would also add:
champion / count our numbers
the first two EP-s were far better in my opinion
08-28-2005, 06:59 AM
I wouldn't consider any of those bands, except for maybe earth crisis and that's for impact more than anything, essential.
I still quite like a bit of old exc.
Most of the essential older stuff has been mentioned, you might wanna check out youth of today as well, as for newer stuff check out Bridge9 ( i recomend blue monday. And check out rivalry records ( i'm recomending go it alone, but theres lots of good records to be got at those sites.
08-28-2005, 10:50 AM
atreyu is not crucial
I agree but they are one of my more favorite new blood bands on the scene. Some of these kids that's all they've got. They aren't going to know or remember Minor Threat, Agnosit Front, Earthcrisis, Integrity and alot of the band that paved the way.
08-28-2005, 10:55 AM
I still quite like a bit of old exc.
Most of the essential older stuff has been mentioned, you might wanna check out youth of today as well, as for newer stuff check out Bridge9 ( i recomend blue monday. And check out rivalry records ( i'm recomending go it alone, but theres lots of good records to be got at those sites.
I suck at posting links but also check out for newer and they still carry some of the older stuff.
08-28-2005, 11:18 AM
I suck at posting links but also check out for newer and they still carry some of the older stuff.
what good stuff is victory putting out?
08-28-2005, 11:19 AM
I agree but they are one of my more favorite new blood bands on the scene. Some of these kids that's all they've got. They aren't going to know or remember Minor Threat, Agnosit Front, Earthcrisis, Integrity and alot of the band that paved the way.
right, but that's why the topic is essential albums, not new stuff.
08-28-2005, 11:36 AM
what good stuff is victory putting out?
I never said they were putting out good stuff now a days just that you could still find some of the older/ good stuff there. Granted it's more of a metal/punk/ska Co. now but back in 89 - 90 when they started for us in middle america near Chicago they were the best we had to start with. If it hadn't been for a friend and Victory Records I probably would have never been intoduced to the NY hXc scene.
08-28-2005, 11:49 AM
I never said they were putting out good stuff now a days just that you could still find some of the older/ good stuff there. Granted it's more of a metal/punk/ska Co. now but back in 89 - 90 when they started for us in middle america near Chicago they were the best we had to start with. If it hadn't been for a friend and Victory Records I probably would have never been intoduced to the NY hXc scene.
what older/good stuff? The vast majority of stuf that victory has ever put out is complete crap. Especially now, since all they want to do is cash in.
08-28-2005, 11:54 AM
the first two EP-s were far better in my opinion
unless you are counting the demo, count our numbers Is one of the first 2 EPs.
i like come out swinging alot but feel count our numbers is the most crucial and sound defining release yet. from start to finish count our numbers is pretty much a flawless release.
08-28-2005, 12:32 PM
what older/good stuff? The vast majority of stuf that victory has ever put out is complete crap. Especially now, since all they want to do is cash in.
i know we already mentioned EC but shelter is victory as was A18 (which i think is pretty recent, if short lived, stuff). also on victory, and i know i'll probably get crap for this, is voodoo glow skulls who i dig a bunch, not at all essential but i thought i'd put it out there in the interest of full disclosure.
08-28-2005, 12:42 PM
i know we already mentioned EC but shelter is victory as was A18 (which i think is pretty recent, if short lived, stuff). also on victory, and i know i'll probably get crap for this, is voodoo glow skulls who i dig a bunch, not at all essential but i thought i'd put it out there in the interest of full disclosure.
yeah, but I didn't say they didn't put out anything good. some stuff was, but most, like 90% now of stuff they have put out has been completely horrible.
unless you are counting the demo, count our numbers Is one of the first 2 EPs.
i like come out swinging alot but feel count our numbers is the most crucial and sound defining release yet. from start to finish count our numbers is pretty much a flawless release.
yeah, i confused count our numbers with promises kept. i got the time slips away cd, which has the come out swinging and the count our numbers eps. maybe that's why i got confused with it. i love that cd.
08-28-2005, 04:01 PM
i know we already mentioned EC but shelter is victory as was A18 (which i think is pretty recent, if short lived, stuff). also on victory, and i know i'll probably get crap for this, is voodoo glow skulls who i dig a bunch, not at all essential but i thought i'd put it out there in the interest of full disclosure.
A18 is the only thing worth mentioning, shelter were only victory for one record out of a billion, to say they were anything you'd say they were equal vision.
08-28-2005, 10:11 PM
i'm in awe that someone mentioned face value.
1. old
2. from ohio
i had to sit through more face value sets than should be allowed. i don't know if erba's jokes or his voice was worse. and the solos. no thanks. actually the first seven inch had it's moments, to be fair...downhill from there.
the turning point discography could be argued as essential. it has a lot of early material when they were a middle of the pack youth crew wanna be band, but they progressed into one of the most original sounding and best songwritten hardcore ever.
08-29-2005, 04:56 AM
i hate atreyu is hardcore all like that?
08-29-2005, 06:48 AM
i hate atreyu is hardcore all like that?
that shit isn't even hardcore.
08-29-2005, 08:59 AM
what older/good stuff? The vast majority of stuf that victory has ever put out is complete crap. Especially now, since all they want to do is cash in.
With all do respect this is all a matter of opinion. I know you don't care for Earthcrisis or Victory and thats cool and fine but I do ( Except Slither ) and other people may. The question was esential albums in your opinion and in my opinion those were some of the bands that got me interested, I didn't say they were the best, the worst just FOR ME they were esential.
As for now Bloodlet, Dead To Fall , and Voodoo Glow Skulls to name a few aren't bad again in my opinion yeah they may not be hXc or real hXc but the don't exactly suck. Brittney Spears, Vanilla Ice goes rap-metal, Boy bands, and hookers now that stuff sucks.
In my opinion.
08-29-2005, 09:11 AM
With all do respect this is all a matter of opinion. I know you don't care for Earthcrisis or Victory and thats cool and fine but I do ( Except Slither ) and other people may. The question was esential albums in your opinion and in my opinion those were some of the bands that got me interested, I didn't say they were the best, the worst just FOR ME they were esential.
As for now Bloodlet, Dead To Fall , and Voodoo Glow Skulls to name a few aren't bad again in my opinion yeah they may not be hXc or real hXc but the don't exactly suck. Brittney Spears, Vanilla Ice goes rap-metal, Boy bands, and hookers now that stuff sucks.
In my opinion.
Yeah, but when you're talking about essential it tends to expand outside personal taste and becomes that of genre defining. That's the point, the question at hand isn't things you really like, but what you would suggest to someone just getting into hardcore to listen to. Like for instance personally, I don't like AF or the cro mags, but I would agree that both Victim in Pain and Age of Quarrel are essential hardcore records.
08-29-2005, 09:12 AM
hxc means hardcore right?
08-29-2005, 09:16 AM
hxc means hardcore right?
yeah. it's a standard abbreviation.
08-29-2005, 09:24 AM
08-29-2005, 10:18 AM
Yeah, but when you're talking about essential it tends to expand outside personal taste and becomes that of genre defining. That's the point, the question at hand isn't things you really like, but what you would suggest to someone just getting into hardcore to listen to. Like for instance personally, I don't like AF or the cro mags, but I would agree that both Victim in Pain and Age of Quarrel are essential hardcore records.
So are we talking essential as they started the scene and paved the way for other bands, essential as in thier music best dipics what sXe and the hXc movement is all about. Also I don't recall putting " really like" in anywhere. I really like KORN, Killswitchengage, POD, Unearth, and the Deftones. I didn't put them in the list but I really like them. ( Oh wait they're metal )
08-29-2005, 10:22 AM
So are we talking essential as they started the scene and paved the way for other bands, essential as in thier music best dipics what sXe and the hXc movement is all about. Also I don't recall putting " really like" in anywhere. I really like KORN, Killswitchengage, POD, Unearth, and the Deftones. I didn't put them in the list but I really like them. ( Oh wait they're metal )
how are most of these bands essential? "Anything by Earthcrisis, Integrity, Snapcse, Atreyu, Dead To Fall, God Forbid, Strife, Face Value, Even Score, or Madball just as a little starter list."
The only one that I wouldn't argue would be EC, but how are any of the rest essential?
08-29-2005, 10:47 AM
how are most of these bands essential? "Anything by Earthcrisis, Integrity, Snapcse, Atreyu, Dead To Fall, God Forbid, Strife, Face Value, Even Score, or Madball just as a little starter list."
The only one that I wouldn't argue would be EC, but how are any of the rest essential?
That is why I asked the above question. Obviously the newer ones didn't have to do with this much but if it wasn't for a friend, Victory, Earthcrisis, Snapcse, Integrity, Even Score, Face Value that I probably wouldn't know Agnostic Front, Minor Threat, the rest of the above the above list the cromags the local kids that tear it up at shows sXe, hxc , CxC or anyof that. I wouldn't be here now I'd be in bed hung over and not talking to you awsome cats. AGAIN it was all essential for MY involvement not the movement and was mearly SUGGESTED listening material.
08-29-2005, 10:53 AM
That is why I asked the above question. Obviously the newer ones didn't have to do with this much but if it wasn't for a friend, Victory, Earthcrisis, Snapcse, Integrity, Even Score, Face Value that I probably wouldn't know Agnostic Front, Minor Threat, the rest of the above the above list the cromags the local kids that tear it up at shows sXe, hxc , CxC or anyof that. I wouldn't be here now I'd be in bed hung over and not talking to you awsome cats. AGAIN it was all essential for MY involvement not the movement and was mearly SUGGESTED listening material.
yeah, but they're not essential to hardcore itself. That's the whole point. None of those bands made any sort of major impact towards hardcore as a whole at all.
08-29-2005, 11:01 AM
yeah, but they're not essential to hardcore itself. That's the whole point. None of those bands made any sort of major impact towards hardcore as a whole at all.
Then with the exception of Earthcrisis I retract all suggestions and statements.
08-29-2005, 02:28 PM
what the fuck is cxc?
08-29-2005, 02:35 PM
what the fuck is cxc?
creedence X clearwater
(or courage x crew)
08-29-2005, 02:37 PM
that means nothing to me (god bless my ignorance!)
Negative K
08-29-2005, 07:28 PM
ill take the billingsgate ep over the face value ep
neither are essential.
loads of essential hc releases really... for someone new to hc:
Dischord: the 1st year
good starting point for essential USHC
08-30-2005, 06:01 AM
im surprised nobodys mentioned black flag, well i dont actually know them but arent they supposed to be the most important hardcore band ever
08-30-2005, 07:17 AM
im surprised nobodys mentioned black flag, well i dont actually know them but arent they supposed to be the most important hardcore band ever
black flag is like bad brains. everyone already knows the name so i don't think anyone even thought about it.
08-31-2005, 01:47 PM
but are they worth noticing?
08-31-2005, 01:55 PM
but are they worth noticing?
yeah they are.
To me most essential album is Minor Threat "Complete discography"
XAngry CodgerX
09-19-2005, 09:50 PM
How about a band from every scene that defined the era for them?
7 Seconds - Reno, my hometown, although I am not a big fan.
DYS, SSD, Impact Unit, Negative FX (then Slapshot) and Gang Green for Boston
Agnostic Front and Cro-Mags, early, then YOT and Judge later. Sheer Terror was also really good.
San Francisco - Verbal Abuse, they rule and still tour!!!
Cleveland - Face Value and Integrity (Those Who Fear Tomorrow) is absolutely essential, as it paved the way for metalcore today.
And although I guess you probably wouldn't consider this hardcore, SOD and MOD for their influential sound on all the hardcore biters today. March of the SOD has been ripped off for almost 20 years.
09-19-2005, 10:12 PM
How about a band from every scene that defined the era for them?
7 Seconds - Reno, my hometown, although I am not a big fan.
DYS, SSD, Impact Unit, Negative FX (then Slapshot) and Gang Green for Boston
Agnostic Front and Cro-Mags, early, then YOT and Judge later. Sheer Terror was also really good.
San Francisco - Verbal Abuse, they rule and still tour!!!
Cleveland - Face Value and Integrity (Those Who Fear Tomorrow) is absolutely essential, as it paved the way for metalcore today.
And although I guess you probably wouldn't consider this hardcore, SOD and MOD for their influential sound on all the hardcore biters today. March of the SOD has been ripped off for almost 20 years.
if 7 seconds had hung it up in the mid/late 80's they'd be so much more revered today.
DYS/SS Decontrol i'll buy. impact unit would be forgotten if dickie barrett wasn't in it. i don't see negative fx or gang green as being essential.
face value? 7 inch was good. they turned to absolute shit after that. i will agree that hose who fear tommorow is essential... that record fucking rules.
your NYC picks were right on... although i'd stop at victim in pain and age of quarrell for AF and the cro-mags.
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