View Full Version : Militancy
09-01-2005, 10:49 AM
There for whatever reason seems to be a slight resurgence in militant straight edge. These kids talk about fighting for a better tomorrow and stopping drug and alcohol abuse at the source. My main problem is that for as much talk as these kids do, they don't seem to actually want to do anything other than have an outlet for violent tendencies. I'm sure some of you kids that come here and lurk claim to be "hate edge" so I want to know something. What do you actually do to make anything better? Change some minds, show us by your examples that we're wrong and you're right, that direct action is the way forward.
09-01-2005, 11:20 AM
i predict this will be a very short thread...
09-01-2005, 11:28 AM
i predict this will be a very short thread...
me too, but I mean, if kids cared that much, then surely they'd have a convincing argument?
09-01-2005, 12:11 PM
There for whatever reason seems to be a slight resurgence in militant straight edge. These kids talk about fighting for a better tomorrow and stopping drug and alcohol abuse at the source. My main problem is that for as much talk as these kids do, they don't seem to actually want to do anything other than have an outlet for violent tendencies. I'm sure some of you kids that come here and lurk claim to be "hate edge" so I want to know something. What do you actually do to make anything better? Change some minds, show us by your examples that we're wrong and you're right, that direct action is the way forward.
Not that it's milatant but one of my favorite parts of my job is we are an alcohol free state park and in fact the ONLY one in Indiana because of past problems. The look on peoples faces when you make them pour $100 in booze right there in front of you is great. Then they always ask me how I can do that, don't I drink then I can look the straight in the eyes and tell them no and why. I don't go kick peoples ass for drinking but I make it a point and extra effort in our campgrounds and in the sand dunes to go looking for those dopers and drinkers. Over all probably not a major impack on the world but my little nature cornor is alot better off.
09-01-2005, 01:51 PM
me too, but I mean, if kids cared that much, then surely they'd have a convincing argument?
haha... man, you crack me up...
09-14-2005, 06:24 PM
haha... man, you crack me up...
Has a point though.
if these kids really want to militate (? does that make sense) they'd do something helpful, they wouldnt fight...they'd help people getting on the good path, with a rehab center or a campaing against drugs...or social work, who knows...maybe militant edgers will understand the true meaning of their beliefs...
09-15-2005, 10:49 AM
if these kids really want to militate (? does that make sense) they'd do something helpful, they wouldnt fight...they'd help people getting on the good path, with a rehab center or a campaing against drugs...or social work, who knows...maybe militant edgers will understand the true meaning of their beliefs...
what you're describing is an activist, not a militant. but, yeah, i agree... there's definitely better ways to use ones energy.
09-15-2005, 11:01 AM
if these kids really want to militate
That was funny.
09-15-2005, 05:01 PM
if these kids really want to militate
I think my wife did that once and there was milk every where.
09-30-2005, 04:10 PM
wow like i always said you all are egotistical crazed emo bastards that are one day going to piss off the wrong people.
09-30-2005, 04:38 PM
wow like i always said you all are egotistical crazed emo bastards that are one day going to piss off the wrong people.
Are you a wrong person?
09-30-2005, 07:07 PM
wow like i always said you all are egotistical crazed emo bastards that are one day going to piss off the wrong people.
* Shivers in fear *
09-30-2005, 07:53 PM
I certainly am not militant, I don't wear boots or camo colors but I do believe in being tough and defending our local communities, but without violence. I help run a skatepark in my town and I am shocked how many kids are involved in drugs and alchohol at such early ages. I don't let anyone bring anything in our park that is bad for them except soda (caffeine). These kids can't believe that I don't drink or smoke or even drink caffeine and it gives me a good feeling to hear that. Some may even listen to me but if I can at least be someone they will remember my job is done. I don't want these kids to go where I've been because I've seen what it has done to everyone else and I can't believe I am lucky enough to have survived that life, change and proudly live a sXe one.
09-30-2005, 08:08 PM
wow like i always said you all are egotistical crazed emo bastards that are one day going to piss off the wrong people.
But I don't even like emo!
(that much)
09-30-2005, 08:48 PM
wow like i always said you all are egotistical crazed emo bastards that are one day going to piss off the wrong people.
why do all of you little retards think emo has anything to do with it?
09-30-2005, 11:41 PM
why do all of you little retards think emo has anything to do with it?
I think it's because emo causes people to be egotistical crazed bastards, and it's kinda hard to differentiate between you guys and an egotistical crazed bastard.
10-09-2005, 02:49 PM
why do all of you little retards think emo has anything to do with it?
Mostly 'cos they don't fucking think.
As for the militant kids, half of 'em don't know what they're fighting for. I've seen one or two militant edgers go from 'let's beat everyone who drinks' (yes it really did seem that carte blanche) to drunk in a gutter in the space of six months. I think they like the idea of militant edge, without actually understanding what it would be to carry it out. Losers.
10-11-2005, 12:17 AM
Wow, a militant straight-edger in Indianna- are you by any chance a Monkey Wrench?
(And would you Happen to know Pauly Unstoppable?
Apparently you didn't read the first 4 words in my post that carefully.
10-11-2005, 02:14 PM
Apparently you didn't read the first 4 words in my post that carefully.
I scan read so I guess I may have overlooked that-can you see why I'm labelled a Twatwaffel?
10-11-2005, 02:33 PM
I scan read so I guess I may have overlooked that-can you see why I'm labelled a Twatwaffel?
No problem kid. I just didn't want you or other peopele thinking I'm something I'm not. You miss out on alot of important details that way don't you?
I scan read so I guess I may have overlooked that-can you see why I'm labelled a Twatwaffel? the only twatwaffle wangermaroo here.
10-13-2005, 12:01 AM the only twatwaffle wangermaroo here.
twatwaffle.. sounds like an std.
10-19-2005, 04:49 PM
I'm kind of militant but not to the point where i say hey he's drinking lets kick his ass. like just keep the stuff i dont like away from me. if i ask you to respect me not liking that stuff and to get it away and you dont thats when i have a problem.
10-19-2005, 04:56 PM
I'm kind of militant but not to the point where i say hey he's drinking lets kick his ass. like just keep the stuff i dont like away from me. if i ask you to respect me not liking that stuff and to get it away and you dont thats when i have a problem.
that's not even "kind of militant"...
10-19-2005, 05:10 PM
I'm kind of militant but not to the point where i say hey he's drinking lets kick his ass. like just keep the stuff i dont like away from me. if i ask you to respect me not liking that stuff and to get it away and you dont thats when i have a problem.
Uh oh watch out for this guy.
10-19-2005, 05:31 PM
I'm kind of militant but not to the point where i say hey he's drinking lets kick his ass. like just keep the stuff i dont like away from me. if i ask you to respect me not liking that stuff and to get it away and you dont thats when i have a problem.
I understand what you mean but if you were say in a public area that allowed smoking theres no way i could justify a violent or aggressive reaction. Same with drinking, if i was in an area that was designated to some degree for the consumption of alcohol then i really can't complain. However if someone doesn't respect my wishes in say my own home then i can see how i may end up using aggression.
10-23-2005, 02:46 PM
I understand what you mean but if you were say in a public area that allowed smoking theres no way i could justify a violent or aggressive reaction. Same with drinking, if i was in an area that was designated to some degree for the consumption of alcohol then i really can't complain. However if someone doesn't respect my wishes in say my own home then i can see how i may end up using aggression.
Agreeing with that one. Apparently some of my sister's mates were wasted the other day and a bunch of kids in Earth Crisis shirts jumped them downtown and kicked the shit into them. The sober[ish] ones got given a ton of verbal about how they were dragging down humanity etc etc etc. That's shocked me, I live in a rural market-town cum backwater and the punk/'core scene here has shrunk to just about nothingness. A bunch of random 'militant' kids is a jump out of the blue.
The funniest thing is these kids were all wearing matching shirts. What's with that?
10-23-2005, 02:56 PM
i wasnt saying like i just run around and jump ppl cuz there are drunk. but some douche bag blows smoke in my face or offers me a beer or w/e and i tell them no and then why i said no then they start they start calling me a pussy or whatever thats when i get upset cuz why make fun of me because i said no. thats what i mean.
10-23-2005, 03:09 PM
i wasnt saying like i just run around and jump ppl cuz there are drunk. but some douche bag blows smoke in my face or offers me a beer or w/e and i tell them no and then why i said no then they start they start calling me a pussy or whatever thats when i get upset cuz why make fun of me because i said no. thats what i mean.
You don't need to tell them why you don't drink and i think you will find they will make less fun of you if you just say no and leave it at that. But why do you care if these people think you are a pussy, i mean i wouldn't give the type of person you describe an explanation to my personal beliefs. If they call you a pussy they are either right or wrong, if they are wrong then you don't need to prove otherwise and if they are right then try not to be upset by the truth. Its just not worth any agro, just take a step back and look at it a little differently, thats just my suggestion and more along the lines of what i'd do.
Would you like a beer?
10-23-2005, 03:09 PM
Agreeing with that one. Apparently some of my sister's mates were wasted the other day and a bunch of kids in Earth Crisis shirts jumped them downtown and kicked the shit into them. The sober[ish] ones got given a ton of verbal about how they were dragging down humanity etc etc etc. That's shocked me, I live in a rural market-town cum backwater and the punk/'core scene here has shrunk to just about nothingness. A bunch of random 'militant' kids is a jump out of the blue.
The funniest thing is these kids were all wearing matching shirts. What's with that?
What rural market town is that?
10-23-2005, 03:26 PM
like just now im at work and ppl see me at this site or whatever and they laugh and say im gonna be straight edge. i said that shit aint funny but i shouldnt react just sit back while my beliefs become the butt of jokes? or maybe i should just leave and let them laugh at what i am. people being ignorant is why the militant edgers fight.
10-23-2005, 04:19 PM
like just now im at work and ppl see me at this site or whatever and they laugh and say im gonna be straight edge. i said that shit aint funny but i shouldnt react just sit back while my beliefs become the butt of jokes? or maybe i should just leave and let them laugh at what i am. people being ignorant is why the militant edgers fight.
if being sXe was easy everyone would be sXe. just chalk it up to strengthening your resolve, stay proud and keep it posi.
10-23-2005, 04:22 PM
like just now im at work and ppl see me at this site or whatever and they laugh and say im gonna be straight edge. i said that shit aint funny but i shouldnt react just sit back while my beliefs become the butt of jokes? or maybe i should just leave and let them laugh at what i am. people being ignorant is why the militant edgers fight.
Dude people are gonna give you shit about stuff at work no matter what your beliefs are, you biting at there jokes just makes them do it more, they probably don't give a shit about straightedge but love your reaction, they love getting a rise out of you. It seems that you are being a little ignorant to perfectly normal social interaction, and what are these people being ignorant of, if anything? Does it warrent violence, i mean beating people isn't going to teach people anything other than resentment for you so what is the objective here?
10-23-2005, 04:42 PM
i guess thats a good point. but like since when did hardcore become safe? i mean why do i have to sit here and be politically correct? to me life is better with a little violence. sound kinda stupid but tahts the way i am.
10-23-2005, 04:46 PM
or how about keeping drug dealers and people like taht out of your neighborhood? so its ok for my kids to see drug deals go down on on my back porch or across the street when they are playin outside. vilence is part of the life. look at the music. Earth Crisis. Firestorm.
"Street by street. Block by block. Taking it all back. The youth's immersed
in poison--turn the tide counterattack. Violence against violence let the
roundups begin. A firestorm to purify the bane that society drowns in. No
mercy, no exceptions, a declaration of total war. The innocents' defense is
the reason it's waged for."
10-23-2005, 04:58 PM
i guess thats a good point. but like since when did hardcore become safe? i mean why do i have to sit here and be politically correct? to me life is better with a little violence. sound kinda stupid but tahts the way i am.
Well people accept that there is going to be violence at a hardcore show thats just the way it is but people also have continued to disparage needless mindless violence in the hardcore scene. The dancing is violent but theres never any need for the pathetic ego shit that sometimes happens, no one is talking about safety within hardcore. And no one is being pollitically correct with any of this just thinking things through, i mean if the guys at work slept with your wife or something then kick the shit out of them, if they had a little laugh at you then its really not worth exacting revenge for.
10-23-2005, 05:23 PM
or how about keeping drug dealers and people like taht out of your neighborhood? so its ok for my kids to see drug deals go down on on my back porch or across the street when they are playin outside. vilence is part of the life. look at the music. Earth Crisis. Firestorm.
"Street by street. Block by block. Taking it all back. The youth's immersed
in poison--turn the tide counterattack. Violence against violence let the
roundups begin. A firestorm to purify the bane that society drowns in. No
mercy, no exceptions, a declaration of total war. The innocents' defense is
the reason it's waged for."
so whats the objective of your violent stance? to teach or to wipe these people off the face of the earth?
who said anything about it being ok for drug deals to happen on your back porch, i invite you to revist the posts made earlier in this thread.
Violence is a part of life but not a necessarily positive part of life, and are you against the people for doing drugs or society for allowing them and condoning them? who is the enemy that you exact your revenge against? i mean who controls the neighbourhood to become rife with drug activity, how much of it is dependent on economy?
I appreciate your passion for what you believe, i really do but i really think it needs more thought. And the music certainly does represent that passion but the music also does speak out against pointless violence, and if people give you a bit of shit at work then i really don't suggest firebombing their homes. A war against the use of drugs and the society making it so accepted can easily be fought by just the abstinance of substances and providing others with a place that they can feel accepted for not following the grain of society. Like i say, all you will get if you beat people is resentment and they won't learn a thing.
I hate drugs personally but are people guilty for being caught up in that shit? Are they no longer worthy of defending or fighting for, are they really the subject of your war? I mean no exceptions? My mum drinks a little alcohol, should i go to war with her?
10-23-2005, 06:36 PM
(Jeez sound like i touched a nerve) well i guess we have different points of view. this is just what straight edge means to me. not to say im better or worse than anyone else i just see things in a different light. i guess i just believe in vigilante justice. lets say dealers are in your area. theres the possibility of someone being hyped up on coke and killing somone. all we do (my friends and fellow sxe in my neighborhood) is take preventive measures. kind of like a " hey set up shop here this is what will happen kinda thing." so its not really revenge but more like prevention. as far as acceptance, i accept the fact people drink, smoke do drugs. do i think im gonna stop them all?no. am i gonna do my part? yes. take veganism. not saying anything bad about it cuz i got vegan friends. but say you are vegan. is that gonna stop butchers and hunter? shoemakers? no. but your doing what you can to stop what you think is wrong. as far as people being" caught up in that shit" it's a choice they make. dont bring poverty into it because drugs just arent for bums and poor folks look at all the rich people doing them. so all i am saying is violence for violence. play how they play.
10-23-2005, 11:24 PM
or how about keeping drug dealers and people like taht out of your neighborhood? so its ok for my kids to see drug deals go down on on my back porch or across the street when they are playin outside. vilence is part of the life. look at the music. Earth Crisis. Firestorm.
"Street by street. Block by block. Taking it all back. The youth's immersed
in poison--turn the tide counterattack. Violence against violence let the
roundups begin. A firestorm to purify the bane that society drowns in. No
mercy, no exceptions, a declaration of total war. The innocents' defense is
the reason it's waged for."
Then by all means get them off your street. But there is a right way and a wrong way for every thing. Chose the battles you fight wisely and fight them in a positive manner.
10-24-2005, 06:38 AM
(Jeez sound like i touched a nerve) well i guess we have different points of view. this is just what straight edge means to me. not to say im better or worse than anyone else i just see things in a different light. i guess i just believe in vigilante justice. lets say dealers are in your area. theres the possibility of someone being hyped up on coke and killing somone. all we do (my friends and fellow sxe in my neighborhood) is take preventive measures. kind of like a " hey set up shop here this is what will happen kinda thing." so its not really revenge but more like prevention. as far as acceptance, i accept the fact people drink, smoke do drugs. do i think im gonna stop them all?no. am i gonna do my part? yes. take veganism. not saying anything bad about it cuz i got vegan friends. but say you are vegan. is that gonna stop butchers and hunter? shoemakers? no. but your doing what you can to stop what you think is wrong. as far as people being" caught up in that shit" it's a choice they make. dont bring poverty into it because drugs just arent for bums and poor folks look at all the rich people doing them. so all i am saying is violence for violence. play how they play.
No nerves touched i just want to understand your stance hear so i ask questions that would solidify some consistancy within your views. With the veganism analogy its unclear are you saying you approve of the direct action they take. Which as it happens includes digging up family members of people involved and holding the remains until the family ceases the activity. And does that support their cause better than education at animal rights stalls at shows or in public places? The idea if make less demand for the meat so the best thing they can do is stop people wanting to eat it, firebombing a lab somewhere won't change that desire for most people.
A lot of people kill people who aren't hyped up on coke, i should kill them too just in case! Is it really your role to stop them? What makes your choice for them better than their own and why are you making them the subject of your war? Why not attack the way its accepted in society or educate or support those with drug and alcohol problems, again they have a desire to do these things so you would need to change that. Why shouldn't i bring poverty into it when it is completely relevent although i didn't bring poverty into it. I brought the economy into it and for some reason you immediately assumed poverety, funny that, perhaps subconciously you realise that poverty does play a part in a lot of this.
Now you never really answered my questions and have shifted focus from attacking someone for offering you a beer to upholding a better community, it would be nice if you could take the time to answer them, in particular:
so whats the objective of your violent stance? to teach or to wipe these people off the face of the earth?
are you against the people for doing drugs or society for allowing them and condoning them? (think especially about the legality of alcohol and tobaco)
I hate drugs personally but are people guilty for being caught up in that shit?Are they really the focus of your war?(i know you said its a choice they make but after that choice has been made for whatever reason are they then guilty and only deserve a violent response)
My mum drinks a little alcohol, should i go to war with her? (or what about a family member that has alcohol problems? i mean they are effecting my family, i should not let happen but what should i do in your opinion?)
Again i promise you you have touched no nerves i am just trying to get you to think this through in a more expansive manner.
10-24-2005, 08:58 AM
(Jeez sound like i touched a nerve) well i guess we have different points of view. this is just what straight edge means to me. not to say im better or worse than anyone else i just see things in a different light. i guess i just believe in vigilante justice. lets say dealers are in your area. theres the possibility of someone being hyped up on coke and killing somone. all we do (my friends and fellow sxe in my neighborhood) is take preventive measures. kind of like a " hey set up shop here this is what will happen kinda thing." so its not really revenge but more like prevention. as far as acceptance, i accept the fact people drink, smoke do drugs. do i think im gonna stop them all?no. am i gonna do my part? yes. take veganism. not saying anything bad about it cuz i got vegan friends. but say you are vegan. is that gonna stop butchers and hunter? shoemakers? no. but your doing what you can to stop what you think is wrong. as far as people being" caught up in that shit" it's a choice they make. dont bring poverty into it because drugs just arent for bums and poor folks look at all the rich people doing them. so all i am saying is violence for violence. play how they play.
Sink to their level, act no better than they act.
10-24-2005, 12:10 PM
lemme see if i can answer all these objective of my stance i to teach. teach them taht it wont be accpeted around neighborhood. am i against the people taht do drugs or the society tha condones them? both actually. but as far as waging a war against society, thats what being straight edge and hardcore is all about to me. being different. goign against the grain. the ony thing about militancy is that some people think its too far. too extreme. as far as the legality of tabacco and alchol taht just show how little our society cares about its self and its already hurting itself with alchol and tabbacco. but thats ok but a few people stand up to them and we are labeled zealots and too extreme.(not to say that you labeled me that.) after the choice is made and they get caught up do they warrant a violent response? thats to say try to stop them by teaching them it is bad to do/sell drugs but if you decide too its ok because the people around will tolerate it. i mean everyone, sxe or otherwise knows drugs are unhealthy so they have already been taught taht is bad, apparently conventional means dont work with them. so then we do what we must to help them learn the error of their ways. as far as a family situation. my dad was recently diagnosed with emphysema. never smoked a day in his life but my mom smoked all the time. could he have gotten it without my moms help? maybe but did she increase the chances. yes. what did i do. i didnt kick her ass, but i let her know what it did to my life and hwo he's gonna die a smokers death. my little bro is into drugs right now and he knows how i feel about that. do i wage a war against him? yeah i do. i see him doing it and i stop him and maybe cuff him up a little bit. i mean thats your family. you gotta do more for them no matter what it takes.
..., i mean if the guys at work slept with your wife or something then kick the shit out of them, ...
that's a good one. some fine british humour.
personally, i'd think about giving the wife a good kicking.
10-24-2005, 05:59 PM
that's a good one. some fine british humour.
personally, i'd think about giving the wife a good kicking.
Whats british got to do with it? And it wasn't a joke.
10-24-2005, 06:34 PM
lemme see if i can answer all these objective of my stance i to teach. teach them taht it wont be accpeted around neighborhood.
So when its not in your neighbourhood it goes somewhere else and the problem still exists but so long as its not effecting you it doesn't matter?
am i against the people taht do drugs or the society tha condones them? both actually. but as far as waging a war against society, thats what being straight edge and hardcore is all about to me. being different. goign against the grain. the ony thing about militancy is that some people think its too far. too extreme.
But aren't you making it counter productive when you administer beatings to people for drinking or smoking, they are a lot less likely to see any worth in your stance against drugs. Also when straight edge begins to attain gang status and venues no longer want to get any involvement in the hardcore music then the whole scene suffers. The message of bands no longer gets out and you shoot yourself in the foot. Hardcore is a place for people to go and feel accepted for not doing drugs and not wanting to, it just seems silly to attract stigma that will essentially work against you in the bigger picture.
as far as the legality of tabacco and alchol taht just show how little our society cares about its self and its already hurting itself with alchol and tabbacco. but thats ok but a few people stand up to them and we are labeled zealots and too extreme.(not to say that you labeled me that.)
But who do you stand up to? Tobaco companys, people who pick tobaco, people who sell it over the counter, people who use it?
after the choice is made and they get caught up do they warrant a violent response? thats to say try to stop them by teaching them it is bad to do/sell drugs but if you decide too its ok because the people around will tolerate it. i mean everyone, sxe or otherwise knows drugs are unhealthy so they have already been taught taht is bad, apparently conventional means dont work with them. so then we do what we must to help them learn the error of their ways.
But what will stop people continuing to make that choice in the first place? They know its bad but something is still gravitating people towards drug use, you can beat people to live in fear of beatings if they continue to use drugs but is that really any kind of long term soloution? A lot of people hooked on drugs really don't want to be, leagal and illeagal. They all know its bad so why are they doing it, you say convential ways don't work but beating people doesn't work at all, i mean if its there choice to make in the first place then why should they then suffer beatings for that choice, why not make issues with those that give that freedom of choice?
as far as a family situation. my dad was recently diagnosed with emphysema. never smoked a day in his life but my mom smoked all the time. could he have gotten it without my moms help? maybe but did she increase the chances. yes. what did i do. i didnt kick her ass, but i let her know what it did to my life and hwo he's gonna die a smokers death.
But it was his choice to be around a smoker, you should have taught him the error of his ways, so you made your mum feel terrible when your dad was at fault just as much. But i personally would have an issue with the government that condones the legal use of a lethal drug in such a casual way, your parents are just a regular part of society but the government has essentially said its ok to smoke and risk your life, more than that, they have profitted from it. Ok your parents know its bad but if it wasn't readily available and condoned then making a choice wouldn't be an issue, the government gave your parents and everyone else a potentially fatal choice to make, they also surrounded this choice with glamour, the idea of smoking chic and to be cool, very little is telling people just how dangerous this drug is. I say very little as when you really think how lethal it is the ammount of information thats made public knowledge and drilled home is a very poor effort. The people who gain from it don't want you to stop and there lies a pretty messed up situation right there, one that i would be inclined to make noise before wasting efforts on beating on someone because they wanted to buy me a beer.
my little bro is into drugs right now and he knows how i feel about that. do i wage a war against him? yeah i do. i see him doing it and i stop him and maybe cuff him up a little bit. i mean thats your family. you gotta do more for them no matter what it takes.
Its your brother so do what you think is right, but seriously, some advice, if he's already doing drugs the last thing you wanna do is make distance from him by making him resent you. I'm not saying that in some situations it wouldn't be the right thing to do but its a slippery road and if he finds what he's lacking somewhere else and away from you then theres the potential for a fall right there. I hope he keeps shooting straight but you have to give him the oppertunity to make his own mistakes otherwise he will never learn, guide him sure but don't manipulate and control him.
10-25-2005, 01:58 AM
in my neighborhood i am going to do what i can to keep them out. if they leave and go to another one and the people there dont care enough about it to stop them thats there choice. As far as hardcore being a place of acceptance. its seems to me thats all a lot of people do is make a whole lot of noise about how they aren't going to support drugs of any kind but just sit back and watch as drugs pollute the lifeblood of our very society. As a sxe we all talk about being united and a family. but united against what? why aren't we stopping it? and then we complain about how shitty society is doing but we arent doing anything more than the non sxe people. everyone from kindergarten up until the day you die tells you smoking is bad. so apperantly teaching does nothing. as far as the choice thing. the major dillema is do they warrant a beating for a choice that they make. you make it sound like someone puts a gun to someone head and says snort the coke or smoke the newport. its there choice. they suffer the consequences. and when you said its my dads fault for being around her..thats so ridiculous. so he should change his life to suit the smoker when she was in the wrong? and we blame the government for it being readily available. that doesnt matter you want something you find it. look at the age of prohibition. alchol was illegal but people still were drinking it. you make tabbacco illegal and people would still smoke. look at the case with weed. i can walk down the street any given day and get a nickel bag in a matter of minutes. why? beacuse no one is stopping them. who should we rely on? a half assed police force that doesn't do their job. and to say fighting this peole is wrong is insane. how many people die from drug related crime everyday? and some kids stand up to a dealer and put him in the hospital and all the sudden they are wrong. as far as beating poele retarted for smoking, yeah that is stupid. but when they disrespect me by smoking around me after i ask them not to thats wrong. so what your saying is that i should only believe in sxe when its convient for others around me to respect it and if they don't accomadate them. forget that. as far as my bro is concerned i dont really control him but i do make him reap the consequences. why? beacuse i wish i would have had someone doing the same to me. i look back and wonder how people couldnt have cared enough to do whatever it took to stop me. he does make his own mistakes and i am helping guide him. but when he messes up i got to do something. its the way we have always been. he does it to me i do it to him. it comes more from being brothers than me being sxe.
10-25-2005, 06:41 AM
What rural market town is that?
The joyous Frome, in Somerset.
10-25-2005, 03:52 PM
The joyous Frome, in Somerset.
Thats very close to me.
10-25-2005, 03:54 PM
in my neighborhood i am going to do what i can to keep them out. if they leave and go to another one and the people there dont care enough about it to stop them thats there choice. As far as hardcore being a place of acceptance. its seems to me thats all a lot of people do is make a whole lot of noise about how they aren't going to support drugs of any kind but just sit back and watch as drugs pollute the lifeblood of our very society. As a sxe we all talk about being united and a family. but united against what? why aren't we stopping it? and then we complain about how shitty society is doing but we arent doing anything more than the non sxe people. everyone from kindergarten up until the day you die tells you smoking is bad. so apperantly teaching does nothing. as far as the choice thing. the major dillema is do they warrant a beating for a choice that they make. you make it sound like someone puts a gun to someone head and says snort the coke or smoke the newport. its there choice. they suffer the consequences. and when you said its my dads fault for being around her..thats so ridiculous. so he should change his life to suit the smoker when she was in the wrong? and we blame the government for it being readily available. that doesnt matter you want something you find it. look at the age of prohibition. alchol was illegal but people still were drinking it. you make tabbacco illegal and people would still smoke. look at the case with weed. i can walk down the street any given day and get a nickel bag in a matter of minutes. why? beacuse no one is stopping them. who should we rely on? a half assed police force that doesn't do their job. and to say fighting this peole is wrong is insane. how many people die from drug related crime everyday? and some kids stand up to a dealer and put him in the hospital and all the sudden they are wrong. as far as beating poele retarted for smoking, yeah that is stupid. but when they disrespect me by smoking around me after i ask them not to thats wrong. so what your saying is that i should only believe in sxe when its convient for others around me to respect it and if they don't accomadate them. forget that. as far as my bro is concerned i dont really control him but i do make him reap the consequences. why? beacuse i wish i would have had someone doing the same to me. i look back and wonder how people couldnt have cared enough to do whatever it took to stop me. he does make his own mistakes and i am helping guide him. but when he messes up i got to do something. its the way we have always been. he does it to me i do it to him. it comes more from being brothers than me being sxe.
Split this up in to a more readable form please
10-28-2005, 04:31 PM
Split this up in to a more readable form please
Was that asking too much?
10-28-2005, 08:25 PM
Was that asking too much?
Apparently so.
I personally think that violenc insnt the answer unless they are violent back. That could mean towards other edgers or you in the present or the past. Then I would probably take out some pent up anger on the guy. But how can you expect to show people your beliefs when your first response is emotion?
11-15-2005, 06:33 PM
I personally think that violenc insnt the answer unless they are violent back. That could mean towards other edgers or you in the present or the past. Then I would probably take out some pent up anger on the guy. But how can you expect to show people your beliefs when your first response is emotion?
For them to be violent back, violence would have to have been there in the first instance, i don't really understand the rest of the post, was it refering to another post in this thread?
11-15-2005, 07:22 PM
Split this up in to a more readable form please
I think he'd have to do a little more than split it up to make it legible. That thing needs some major revision.
11-16-2005, 06:33 AM
I think he'd have to do a little more than split it up to make it legible. That thing needs some major revision.
Well maybe he's still working on it?
11-16-2005, 09:27 AM
Well maybe he's still working on it?
I think he fell off the face of the Earth. Shit as long as it's taking he could have rewrote it 10 times.
11-16-2005, 09:39 AM
I think he fell off the face of the Earth. Shit as long as it's taking he could have rewrote it 10 times.
i think he went to beat up his mom and dad in order to be consistant. He has gone.
11-16-2005, 09:45 AM
i think he went to beat up his mom and dad in order to be consistant. He has gone.
Hahaha thats the best. Then he'll probably go kick some puppies and beat up old ladies and steal their purses 'cause he's so tuff.
11-16-2005, 09:52 AM
Hahaha thats the best. Then he'll probably go kick some puppies and beat up old ladies and steal their purses 'cause he's so tuff.
Perhaps but judging by the look of him the old lady might fight back and win.
11-16-2005, 10:12 AM
Perhaps but judging by the look of him the old lady might fight back and win.
I'd pay to watch that.
11-16-2005, 10:22 AM
I'd pay to watch that.
i wouldn't waste my money.
11-16-2005, 03:07 PM
There for whatever reason seems to be a slight resurgence in militant straight edge. These kids talk about fighting for a better tomorrow and stopping drug and alcohol abuse at the source. My main problem is that for as much talk as these kids do, they don't seem to actually want to do anything other than have an outlet for violent tendencies. I'm sure some of you kids that come here and lurk claim to be "hate edge" so I want to know something. What do you actually do to make anything better? Change some minds, show us by your examples that we're wrong and you're right, that direct action is the way forward.
i don't think sxe militancy is a really good the beginning it was only a personnal belief,way of life.informing people is much better,they can chose if they fit to sxe.and i think that people want to drug themselves they do what they want,as far as they're not promoting drug or force people to use it.
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