View Full Version : what edge is.
09-04-2005, 01:43 AM
alright-- there's a lot of controversy abound with this topic-- obviously. and it's been primarily between me and dusty for the past few weeks pounding at each other.. well, maybe not primarily -- but whatever.
i just recently posted on the commentary thread of "i invented straightedge" that the original definition, refered by web site, is an abstainance of drug use and promiscuous sex. that's it. the grandfather of origin to the straightedge movement, ian mackaye, said it himself "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck." and i think it is widely known that the definition of those three words refers to the point that we should not consume or ingest poisons into our bodies and that you shouldn't have sex with someone you don't know and/or love. right? that's what that says. ok.
as far as the music venturing argument goes: i understand that since ian mackaye was the front-man and first screamer of the term straightedge through his musical talents with minor threat, that the music is ALSO an origin of what straightedge means.. and that in order to raise the pace and continue the voice of what edge is, music is an essential role. also, people are an essential role.. as in you and me. we can just as easily promote what it means to be straightedge ("don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck.") without singing it to people.. literally. yes, the music might be what keeps the majority of the voice moving.. but it isn't the only aspect of what being straightedge is. it's the attitude of us. being edge is what you are, not what you listen to on your cd player - or vinyl or cassette...
it's the passion you carry about promoting a better self, a better world, and a better life without the use of drugs and to abstain from fucking around - literally. the music is a secondary tool - not a primary. and if you think that you, as an individual, are not the primary carrier of what edge means, then there is some definite self-reflection needed on your behalf to figure yourself out..and get off that 'music-is-what-makes-you-edge' kick.. because it isn't. YOU are what makes you edge. it's like christianity (no offense to any christians) - but ALOT of christians make important and even wise decisions about an ordeal or situation - and in the end they will thank god for it all -- when, in actuallity it should be themselves they are thanking for being who they are. sure, thank god for your abilities.. but thank your self for the outcome. it's a direct similarity to being edge. thank the music for the inspiration - but give yourself the credit you deserve for being you and for sticking to your guns. that's all.
talking in circles again huh?
09-04-2005, 08:11 AM
there is no "primary carrier" of what edge means... you can't add values to different parts of a definition like that. hardcore is just as important as all the other "carriers" of what edge is. if you think everyone who has been disagreeing with you is saying "music-is-what-makes-you-edge" then you have some serious comprehensive reading and critical thinking issues. what we're saying is, our drug free lifestyles being equal, music is what makes us straight edge and not you... big difference.
09-04-2005, 09:51 AM
there is no "primary carrier" of what edge means... you can't add values to different parts of a definition like that. hardcore is just as important as all the other "carriers" of what edge is. if you think everyone who has been disagreeing with you is saying "music-is-what-makes-you-edge" then you have some serious comprehensive reading and critical thinking issues. what we're saying is, our drug free lifestyles being equal, music is what makes us straight edge and not you... big difference.
09-04-2005, 09:52 AM
talking in circles again huh?
what circles?
09-04-2005, 10:24 AM
as far as the music venturing argument goes:alright-- there's a lot of controversy abound with this topic-- obviously. and it's been primarily between me and dusty for the past few weeks pounding at each other.. well, maybe not primarily -- but whatever.
you are just very wrong, a lot.
i just recently posted on the commentary thread of "i invented straightedge" that the original definition, refered by web site, is an abstainance of drug use and promiscuous sex. that's it. the grandfather of origin to the straightedge movement, ian mackaye, said it himself "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck." and i think it is widely known that the definition of those three words refers to the point that we should not consume or ingest poisons into our bodies and that you shouldn't have sex with someone you don't know and/or love. right? that's what that says. ok.
Doesn't sound like the original definition to me, sounds like what happened after when people miscontrued the words to out of step and figured it was a reflection of the straightedge ideal. None of minor threats songs should be taken as an authority on straightedge as he never intended to be part of a group with that thinking and the authority is really those kids in the hardcore scene that adopted the name straightedge to identify their stance and movement against drugs. Ian Mackaye distanced himself from all of that and wanted no part of a movement, people were abstaining from drugs before he penned lyrics about it all Ian did was pen a song that had a name that people woul;d use, Ian wanted and essentially has nothing to do with that. I'm not saying there isn't an important section of history of hardcore when you look at Minor Threat but it really needs to be looked at with regards to the entirety of hardcore and not isolated out and misrepresented. Even if you do take the words "don't fuck" and take them to mean "only fuck someone you love" you still have a huge grey area of what constitutes love and what constitutes knowing someone.
as far as the music venturing argument goes: i understand that since ian mackaye was the front-man and first screamer of the term straightedge through his musical talents with minor threat, that the music is ALSO an origin of what straightedge means.. and that in order to raise the pace and continue the voice of what edge is, music is an essential role. also, people are an essential role.. as in you and me. we can just as easily promote what it means to be straightedge ("don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck.") without singing it to people.. literally. yes, the music might be what keeps the majority of the voice moving.. but it isn't the only aspect of what being straightedge is. it's the attitude of us. being edge is what you are, not what you listen to on your cd player - or vinyl or cassette...
Being edge has always been about hardcore kids and hardcore, it is only an aspect of straightedge but it is an aspect that is inseperable. As you agree it is an aspect of being edge you should also agree that without that aspect you aren't straightedge.
it's the passion you carry about promoting a better self, a better world, and a better life without the use of drugs and to abstain from fucking around - literally. the music is a secondary tool - not a primary. No it is primary, hardcore music, zines, shows are primary ways in which to convey the sraightedge method, as it is about hardcore kids abstaining from drugs and building a postive scene in which they enjoy hardcore at all ages, stop trying to remove straightedge from hardcore just accept that you can't seperate them.
and if you think that you, as an individual, are not the primary carrier of what edge means, then there is some definite self-reflection needed on your behalf to figure yourself out..and get off that 'music-is-what-makes-you-edge' kick..
I am the carrier of my own opinions, in my opinion straightedge is a positive thing, i love hardcore and i love the way the scene has progressed, as an individual i carry my beliefs, i am not straightedge as a hole in fact its a very small factor of what i carry, i cannot remove straightedge from what it already is and change it and claim that is what it is because i individually think so. Thats a retarded way of thinking, how can you say that a mucis based subculture like straightedge is still the same if you remove the music. Its a subculture so one person, one individual is not the carrier, the scene as a whole is and that scene is an exclusively hardcore scene.
because it isn't. YOU are what makes you edge. it's like christianity (no offense to any christians) - but ALOT of christians make important and even wise decisions about an ordeal or situation - and in the end they will thank god for it all -- when, in actuallity it should be themselves they are thanking for being who they are. sure, thank god for your abilities.. but thank your self for the outcome. it's a direct similarity to being edge. thank the music for the inspiration - but give yourself the credit you deserve for being you and for sticking to your guns. that's all.
That was the worst annology ever and you actually disproved your own point in that.
09-08-2005, 11:16 PM
09-09-2005, 12:16 AM
You STILL don't get it do you.
09-09-2005, 01:34 AM
You STILL don't get it do you.
yes, i do. i just don't believe you.
09-09-2005, 01:43 AM
you are just very wrong, a lot.
Doesn't sound like the original definition to me, sounds like what happened after when people miscontrued the words to out of step and figured it was a reflection of the straightedge ideal. None of minor threats songs should be taken as an authority on straightedge as he never intended to be part of a group with that thinking and the authority is really those kids in the hardcore scene that adopted the name straightedge to identify their stance and movement against drugs. Ian Mackaye distanced himself from all of that and wanted no part of a movement, people were abstaining from drugs before he penned lyrics about it all Ian did was pen a song that had a name that people woul;d use, Ian wanted and essentially has nothing to do with that. I'm not saying there isn't an important section of history of hardcore when you look at Minor Threat but it really needs to be looked at with regards to the entirety of hardcore and not isolated out and misrepresented. Even if you do take the words "don't fuck" and take them to mean "only fuck someone you love" you still have a huge grey area of what constitutes love and what constitutes knowing someone.
Being edge has always been about hardcore kids and hardcore, it is only an aspect of straightedge but it is an aspect that is inseperable. As you agree it is an aspect of being edge you should also agree that without that aspect you aren't straightedge.
No it is primary, hardcore music, zines, shows are primary ways in which to convey the sraightedge method, as it is about hardcore kids abstaining from drugs and building a postive scene in which they enjoy hardcore at all ages, stop trying to remove straightedge from hardcore just accept that you can't seperate them.
I am the carrier of my own opinions, in my opinion straightedge is a positive thing, i love hardcore and i love the way the scene has progressed, as an individual i carry my beliefs, i am not straightedge as a hole in fact its a very small factor of what i carry, i cannot remove straightedge from what it already is and change it and claim that is what it is because i individually think so. Thats a retarded way of thinking, how can you say that a mucis based subculture like straightedge is still the same if you remove the music. Its a subculture so one person, one individual is not the carrier, the scene as a whole is and that scene is an exclusively hardcore scene.
That was the worst annology ever and you actually disproved your own point in that.
you give sXe a bad name
you give sXe a bad name
if you react to that comment like that, join xBBPx, they could use some more idiots.
09-09-2005, 04:53 AM
if you react to that comment like that, join xBBPx, they could use some more idiots.
i declare.
09-09-2005, 08:26 AM
you give sXe a bad name
so that's how you deal with people who successfully punch holes in your bullshit, why do you even bother? It's not like you've been able to make a single point since you've started your crap?
09-09-2005, 10:04 AM
so that's how you deal with people who successfully punch holes in your bullshit, why do you even bother? It's not like you've been able to make a single point since you've started your crap?
at this point it seems kinda like he posts just to piss you guys off....
09-09-2005, 10:09 AM
at this point it seems kinda like he posts just to piss you guys off....
I'm sure it was always the point.
09-09-2005, 01:53 PM
you give sXe a bad name
Because i know what it is about? your logic is flawed.
09-09-2005, 03:58 PM
yes, i do. i just don't believe you.
You don't believe me about what? I think it's you that gives sXe a bad name IF anyone here would be willing to call you that.
09-09-2005, 11:08 PM
I'm sure it was always the point.
i don't do that.. and i won't.
09-09-2005, 11:09 PM
Because i know what it is about? your logic is flawed.
i'm not saying you don't know what it's about.
i am saying nothing.
09-09-2005, 11:10 PM
You don't believe me about what? I think it's you that gives sXe a bad name IF anyone here would be willing to call you that.
i don't believe what you say is true. that's all.
09-10-2005, 12:45 AM
i'm not saying you don't know what it's about.
i am saying nothing.
No you were saying that i gave it a bad name and now you are saying you are saying nothing. You are a walking contradiction that can't back up statements.
09-10-2005, 01:44 AM
No you were saying that i gave it a bad name and now you are saying you are saying nothing. You are a walking contradiction that can't back up statements.
right-- i see the lack of the majority people here-- or at leat the ones that are voicing their opinion - actually being open to ideas of various others. and, this so happens to be directly related to sxe.. and when the people of a particular sect of society want to reach out and 'move'.. there needs to be an open communication and sincerity.. without putting others down. that's how i see things becoming progressive and obtaining. you talking down to me promotes the opposite of a positive change-- therefore it gives what you represent (sxe) a bad name.
09-10-2005, 08:37 AM
right-- i see the lack of the majority people here-- or at leat the ones that are voicing their opinion - actually being open to ideas of various others. and, this so happens to be directly related to sxe.. and when the people of a particular sect of society want to reach out and 'move'.. there needs to be an open communication and sincerity.. without putting others down. that's how i see things becoming progressive and obtaining. you talking down to me promotes the opposite of a positive change-- therefore it gives what you represent (sxe) a bad name.
why should anyone be open minded to someone, who's opinions are completely unfounded, unable to be supported, and completely wrong? You're not straight edge, you've got no connection to straight edge, yet you feel like your opinion should somehow be valid and matter, but unless you actually become straight edge and involved, it really doesn't.
09-10-2005, 10:41 AM
right-- i see the lack of the majority people here-- or at leat the ones that are voicing their opinion - actually being open to ideas of various others. and, this so happens to be directly related to sxe.. and when the people of a particular sect of society want to reach out and 'move'.. there needs to be an open communication and sincerity.. without putting others down. that's how i see things becoming progressive and obtaining. you talking down to me promotes the opposite of a positive change-- therefore it gives what you represent (sxe) a bad name.
I was communicating, if you are unable to accept that you are wrong about things then maybe you shouldn't voice unfounded statements that will be pointed out as wrong. I don't see how accurately describing what straightedge is gives it a bad name. In fact it actually promotes what it is to those who are willing to learn rather than weakening the whole thing by infusing your own personal criteria.
09-10-2005, 04:49 PM
i don't believe what you say is true. that's all.
You continue to make accusations and claims but talk in circles with out proof or backing anything up. Which was pointed out to you by people besides me. And I still have yet to find out from you what I said that wasn't true. What exactly was it. Show me please. Oh wait probably just another statement you can't back up like all your others.
09-15-2005, 11:21 PM
You continue to make accusations and claims but talk in circles with out proof or backing anything up. Which was pointed out to you by people besides me. And I still have yet to find out from you what I said that wasn't true. What exactly was it. Show me please. Oh wait probably just another statement you can't back up like all your others.
how hard is it for you to accept that i don't agree?
i refer to myself. that's all.
09-16-2005, 09:31 AM
how hard is it for you to accept that i don't agree?
i refer to myself. that's all.
how hard is it to accept that people require more from you then saying that you don't agree, they require why you don't agree?
09-16-2005, 12:16 PM
how hard is it to accept that people require more from you then saying that you don't agree, they require why you don't agree?
Thank you xsecx. drughate_vegan what don't you agree with? Why? It's pointless to just stand there and get defensive and say you don't agree and then not say why. How can you solve a problem without identifing a problem.
09-16-2005, 09:12 PM
Thank you xsecx. drughate_vegan what don't you agree with? Why? It's pointless to just stand there and get defensive and say you don't agree and then not say why. How can you solve a problem without identifing a problem.
i think it's been thouroughly explained-- but, i'll say it again. and this time i'll make it as constructive as possible. i do not agree that straight edge is for only one specific definition of a person. by your explaination - it's hardcore and drug-free. ok. i understand that. and by what i feel - it's about the self. the undeniable and true self that is completely withdrawn from the very idea of consuming any form of any drug at any time for any reason (i know medication is an exception, only if need-be). just to give you a run-down: since i was 17, in high school, i would walk home and always pass up kids from elementary school - going home or wherever - and i would just sit in the grass and wait for those to ask what i was doing.. i'd say "staying drug-free. how about you?" and if they decided to talk to me and all, which many did, then i would ask them what they knew about drugs (including alcohol and cigs) and inform them on what i knew. if they simply laughed and kept walking, that was that. i did that up until i graduated h.s. and since then have been doing the same type of thing on-line and places i go. i strike up conversations about drug-use in america and all.. and we all learn from it. also, i had always had a disgust and problem with people having promiscuous sex.. it never made sense to me.. it never seemed like something i wanted to do. when i was finally introduced to the term straight edge at age 20 (7 years ago) - it matched me. (that's why i felt like i "invented" sXe - i had already been my entire life, what i have just heard was becoming / was / is a movement.) - the same thing happened to me when i was 10 years old. i DISCOVERED masturbation without any prior knowledge that anyone had ever done this or even thought of doing it.. in my own way, then, i did invent masturbation.. just like straight edge.
so, i said "i must be straight edge." obviously, i didn't know much more about it at that point and still am learning things about it. so, i did research on straightedge and saw bands forming(ed) in the name of edge.. yet, never did i find that to be straightedge was to be hardcore (in music). it was always "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck." and my passion of drug-free and promiscuous sex free still ring high and loud with me-- with my basis of being. and that may not be straight edge to you guys.. or to the scene.. or to the definition that you guys have described.. and that's ok. it still is who i am and who i am gonna be always. straight edge.
09-16-2005, 09:57 PM
i think it's been thouroughly explained-- but, i'll say it again. and this time i'll make it as constructive as possible. i do not agree that straight edge is for only one specific definition of a person. by your explaination - it's hardcore and drug-free. ok. i understand that. and by what i feel - it's about the self. the undeniable and true self that is completely withdrawn from the very idea of consuming any form of any drug at any time for any reason (i know medication is an exception, only if need-be). just to give you a run-down: since i was 17, in high school, i would walk home and always pass up kids from elementary school - going home or wherever - and i would just sit in the grass and wait for those to ask what i was doing.. i'd say "staying drug-free. how about you?" and if they decided to talk to me and all, which many did, then i would ask them what they knew about drugs (including alcohol and cigs) and inform them on what i knew. if they simply laughed and kept walking, that was that. i did that up until i graduated h.s. and since then have been doing the same type of thing on-line and places i go. i strike up conversations about drug-use in america and all.. and we all learn from it. also, i had always had a disgust and problem with people having promiscuous sex.. it never made sense to me.. it never seemed like something i wanted to do. when i was finally introduced to the term straight edge at age 20 (7 years ago) - it matched me. (that's why i felt like i "invented" sXe - i had already been my entire life, what i have just heard was becoming / was / is a movement.) - the same thing happened to me when i was 10 years old. i DISCOVERED masturbation without any prior knowledge that anyone had ever done this or even thought of doing it.. in my own way, then, i did invent masturbation.. just like straight edge.
so, i said "i must be straight edge." obviously, i didn't know much more about it at that point and still am learning things about it. so, i did research on straightedge and saw bands forming(ed) in the name of edge.. yet, never did i find that to be straightedge was to be hardcore (in music). it was always "don't drink, don't smoke, don't fuck." and my passion of drug-free and promiscuous sex free still ring high and loud with me-- with my basis of being. and that may not be straight edge to you guys.. or to the scene.. or to the definition that you guys have described.. and that's ok. it still is who i am and who i am gonna be always. straight edge.
you reearched something, but you never became apart of it. You talk a lot about feelings, but not at all about how or why you come to these conclusions. What makes you think that music and everything else has nothing to do with straight edge? How are you at all attached to straight edge other than using it as a label to incorrectly refer to yourself? You have conclusions, but you can't articulate at all how you came to them, because you can't. You're not straight edge, you've never been straight edge. You might at some point be straight edge, however you're not now. The thing you fail to grasp is that as a subculture and a movement there is more to it than simply characteristics of thought. If you're bald and working class, you're not a skinhead. If you're pale and depressed, you're not goth. There is more to it than that and a whole side of it that you honestly have no understanding of.
09-16-2005, 10:15 PM
you reearched something, but you never became apart of it. You talk a lot about feelings, but not at all about how or why you come to these conclusions. What makes you think that music and everything else has nothing to do with straight edge? How are you at all attached to straight edge other than using it as a label to incorrectly refer to yourself? You have conclusions, but you can't articulate at all how you came to them, because you can't. You're not straight edge, you've never been straight edge. You might at some point be straight edge, however you're not now. The thing you fail to grasp is that as a subculture and a movement there is more to it than simply characteristics of thought. If you're bald and working class, you're not a skinhead. If you're pale and depressed, you're not goth. There is more to it than that and a whole side of it that you honestly have no understanding of.
i don't think that the music had nothing to do with it.. at all.. in fact, ihave mentioned that i agree that it is.
i understand that not everyone who does no drugs is edge-- and i agree. my mother-in-law is drug-free.. not sXe. the main difference between her and i is that i am actively involved in changing the way people view drugs and such. i do that by discussing it with people.. just like the bands you listen to discuss it with people. sure, i am not informed on what bands are who and where they are and what is what with that.. i agree. that doesn't make me completely out of the scene.. because i voice my concern about drug use and keep that going.. i have been since i was 17, doing that. that's the primary difference between a drug-free personand me. maybe i'm not staright edge in that.. but i am definitely more than just drug-free. something striving to make it better and to help it become great without drugs - specifically. if that isn't edge, seriously, what is it?
09-17-2005, 12:12 AM
i don't think that the music had nothing to do with it.. at all.. in fact, ihave mentioned that i agree that it is.
i understand that not everyone who does no drugs is edge-- and i agree. my mother-in-law is drug-free.. not sXe. the main difference between her and i is that i am actively involved in changing the way people view drugs and such. i do that by discussing it with people.. just like the bands you listen to discuss it with people. sure, i am not informed on what bands are who and where they are and what is what with that.. i agree. that doesn't make me completely out of the scene.. because i voice my concern about drug use and keep that going.. i have been since i was 17, doing that. that's the primary difference between a drug-free personand me. maybe i'm not staright edge in that.. but i am definitely more than just drug-free. something striving to make it better and to help it become great without drugs - specifically. if that isn't edge, seriously, what is it?
if being drug free and discussing it is your big qualifier then Nancy Reagan is straight edge... now what?
09-17-2005, 12:22 AM
if being drug free and discussing it is your big qualifier then Nancy Reagan is straight edge... now what?
maybe she is. she's probably not.. i know. i know.
now it's time, huh?
09-17-2005, 12:24 AM
maybe she is.
you mean in the same sense that maybe you are too? i'll give you that... you're as straight edge as nancy reagan.
09-17-2005, 12:28 AM
you mean in the same sense that maybe you are too? i'll give you that... you're as straight edge as nancy reagan.
i hear you. that makes sense to me.
time for me to evaluate and evolve.
thank you.
09-17-2005, 01:21 AM
you mean in the same sense that maybe you are too? i'll give you that... you're as straight edge as nancy reagan.
An after school special at best.
09-17-2005, 07:24 AM
i don't think that the music had nothing to do with it.. at all.. in fact, ihave mentioned that i agree that it is.
i understand that not everyone who does no drugs is edge-- and i agree. my mother-in-law is drug-free.. not sXe. the main difference between her and i is that i am actively involved in changing the way people view drugs and such. i do that by discussing it with people.. just like the bands you listen to discuss it with people. sure, i am not informed on what bands are who and where they are and what is what with that.. i agree. that doesn't make me completely out of the scene.. because i voice my concern about drug use and keep that going.. i have been since i was 17, doing that. that's the primary difference between a drug-free personand me. maybe i'm not staright edge in that.. but i am definitely more than just drug-free. something striving to make it better and to help it become great without drugs - specifically. if that isn't edge, seriously, what is it?
ignoring the rest of the stuff that other people covered, if you agree that music is apart of it, then don't you think that you're missing out a large portion of what straight edge is by beng largely ignorant of the music and everything that goes along with the music?
09-17-2005, 10:05 PM
ignoring the rest of the stuff that other people covered, if you agree that music is apart of it, then don't you think that you're missing out a large portion of what straight edge is by beng largely ignorant of the music and everything that goes along with the music?
09-18-2005, 09:59 AM
So you admit to missing a large part of what sXe is about yet you continue to say you are sXe and that you invented it. This makes sense to you and should make sense to us HOW?
09-19-2005, 07:20 PM
So you admit to missing a large part of what sXe is about yet you continue to say you are sXe and that you invented it. This makes sense to you and should make sense to us HOW?
no. i have been wrong and realize that. if you read some other posts on some other thread - i forget which one it specifically is right now-- you'll see when that happened.
i'm listening.
09-19-2005, 07:56 PM
no. i have been wrong and realize that. if you read some other posts on some other thread - i forget which one it specifically is right now-- you'll see when that happened.
i'm listening.
was it the nancy reagan one? you seemed pretty lucid after that.
09-19-2005, 07:57 PM
no. i have been wrong and realize that. if you read some other posts on some other thread - i forget which one it specifically is right now-- you'll see when that happened.
i'm listening.
So you've asked for some hXc bands to listen to. Does that mean you've changed and are listening to the rest of us now. Well I just don't know about that. I guess we'll all see.
09-19-2005, 08:11 PM
was it the nancy reagan one? you seemed pretty lucid after that.
yes.. thank you.
09-19-2005, 08:17 PM
So you've asked for some hXc bands to listen to. Does that mean you've changed and are listening to the rest of us now. Well I just don't know about that. I guess we'll all see.
well, i have asked about hxc bands, yes. whether or not i am going to listen to ALL of you-- i just don't see how that would make me still true to myself. not that i won't be open to what you say-- but there are plenty of straight edge people on this site that do not agree with one another. i am simply allowing myself to listen openly.. and if somethign doesn't make sense, i will question it. you don't know about that-- and that's gonna have to be okay.. don't fear your ignorance and you'll grow. cool?
09-19-2005, 08:32 PM
well, i have asked about hxc bands, yes. whether or not i am going to listen to ALL of you-- i just don't see how that would make me still true to myself. not that i won't be open to what you say-- but there are plenty of straight edge people on this site that do not agree with one another. i am simply allowing myself to listen openly.. and if somethign doesn't make sense, i will question it. you don't know about that-- and that's gonna have to be okay.. don't fear your ignorance and you'll grow. cool?
Yeah thats cool. I've been harsh lately I have a problem holding grudges and I see you are trying.
09-19-2005, 08:35 PM
Yeah thats cool. I've been harsh lately I have a problem holding grudges and I see you are trying.
no prob. i can deal with the worst of people.. so, no hard feelings.
09-19-2005, 08:37 PM
no prob. i can deal with the worst of people.. so, no hard feelings.
09-19-2005, 08:44 PM
wanna make out?
09-20-2005, 08:45 AM
wanna make out?
Now I know why your booty hurt.
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