View Full Version : I'm in trouble! Ha. Help!
09-10-2005, 01:25 PM
Ok... so I was online and came across this girl's profile and she introduced herself:
"Hi! I'm bisexual!"
Be unbiased...
Then her keywords were the usual "fashion, baseball, nakedness, sxe"
*scratches his head*
She's completely pissed at me now cuz I said she's about as edge as Courtney Love.
I know sex is one of the more ambiguous regions of straight edge, but in my opinion that was far from how anyone on this board would introduce themself.
Was I out of line?
09-10-2005, 01:42 PM
Ok... so I was online and came across this girl's profile and she introduced herself:
"Hi! I'm bisexual!"
Be unbiased...
Then her keywords were the usual "fashion, baseball, nakedness, sxe"
*scratches his head*
She's completely pissed at me now cuz I said she's about as edge as Courtney Love.
I know sex is one of the more ambiguous regions of straight edge, but in my opinion that was far from how anyone on this board would introduce themself.
Was I out of line?
did she mean edge or sexy?
09-10-2005, 01:45 PM
Well that would make sense.. If I said someone was as sXe as courtney love and she thought it meant sexy, it would still be an insult... haha...
09-10-2005, 02:02 PM
Ok... so I was online and came across this girl's profile and she introduced herself:
"Hi! I'm bisexual!"
Be unbiased...
Then her keywords were the usual "fashion, baseball, nakedness, sxe"
*scratches his head*
She's completely pissed at me now cuz I said she's about as edge as Courtney Love.
I know sex is one of the more ambiguous regions of straight edge, but in my opinion that was far from how anyone on this board would introduce themself.
Was I out of line?
I don't think introducing yourself by stating your sexual orientation is the best way to introduce yourself however i don't really think that or enjoying nakedness goes against straightedge at all.
09-10-2005, 02:15 PM
I don't think introducing yourself by stating your sexual orientation is the best way to introduce yourself however i don't really think that or enjoying nakedness goes against straightedge at all.
Yeah, I guess no one ever said trashy girls can't be sXe too... although I'm thinkin she's not all about the music...
09-10-2005, 02:26 PM
Here's my reasoning... I think bisexuality is pretty much a crock. She's still in the experimenting phase of her sex life. Like some people are in the experimenting phase of their drinking/drug habits. She can correct me if I'm wrong but I doubt her bisexual experiences were in a long term relationship with another girl. The following is just an article I found interesting.
The splashy results of a study conducted at Northwestern University in Illinois and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto made the newspapers last week. Researchers recruited 101 men--38 guys who said they were homos, 33 guys who said they were bi, and 30 guys who said they were straight--and showed them porn in attempt to answer that age-old question: Are bi guys all liars? The guys' dicks were wired up, they were shown girl-on-girl porn and boy-on-boy porn, and their arousal levels were measured.
"Three quarters of the [bisexual] group had arousal patterns identical to those of gay men," the New York Times reported. "The rest were indistinguishable from heterosexuals." In English: 75 percent of the bi guys only got aroused watching boys; the other 25 percent of the bi guys only got aroused watching girls. None responded equally to images of men and women.
So what does it all mean?
"We couldn't find a bisexual arousal pattern," Gerulf Rieger, the study's lead author, told me. "The conclusion that I draw is that most of the men who identify as bisexual behave like gay men in their arousal patterns. Does that mean [75 percent of bisexual guys] are truly gay? I can't say. But it could mean they are confused about their sexual orientation."
That some men who ultimately identify as gay claim to be bisexual for a time is a well established fact, so it's entirely possible that the 75 percent of the bisexuals whose dicks were wired up in Rieger's study are on their way to embracing their big, gay selves. But what, I wonder, is up with the 25 percent of bisexual guys in the study who responded to the girl-on-girl porn but not the boy-on-boy porn? There's no such thing as a closeted straight guy, so what exactly is up with them?
"They might be straight," Rieger speculated, "but go in for sex with other guys because it's so much easier for a male to have quick sex with another male than with a woman. But their true sexual feelings are still for women."
09-10-2005, 02:40 PM
Here's my reasoning... I think bisexuality is pretty much a crock. She's still in the experimenting phase of her sex life. Like some people are in the experimenting phase of their drinking/drug habits. She can correct me if I'm wrong but I doubt her bisexual experiences were in a long term relationship with another girl. The following is just an article I found interesting.
The splashy results of a study conducted at Northwestern University in Illinois and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto made the newspapers last week. Researchers recruited 101 men--38 guys who said they were homos, 33 guys who said they were bi, and 30 guys who said they were straight--and showed them porn in attempt to answer that age-old question: Are bi guys all liars? The guys' dicks were wired up, they were shown girl-on-girl porn and boy-on-boy porn, and their arousal levels were measured.
"Three quarters of the [bisexual] group had arousal patterns identical to those of gay men," the New York Times reported. "The rest were indistinguishable from heterosexuals." In English: 75 percent of the bi guys only got aroused watching boys; the other 25 percent of the bi guys only got aroused watching girls. None responded equally to images of men and women.
So what does it all mean?
"We couldn't find a bisexual arousal pattern," Gerulf Rieger, the study's lead author, told me. "The conclusion that I draw is that most of the men who identify as bisexual behave like gay men in their arousal patterns. Does that mean [75 percent of bisexual guys] are truly gay? I can't say. But it could mean they are confused about their sexual orientation."
That some men who ultimately identify as gay claim to be bisexual for a time is a well established fact, so it's entirely possible that the 75 percent of the bisexuals whose dicks were wired up in Rieger's study are on their way to embracing their big, gay selves. But what, I wonder, is up with the 25 percent of bisexual guys in the study who responded to the girl-on-girl porn but not the boy-on-boy porn? There's no such thing as a closeted straight guy, so what exactly is up with them?
"They might be straight," Rieger speculated, "but go in for sex with other guys because it's so much easier for a male to have quick sex with another male than with a woman. But their true sexual feelings are still for women."
Still doesn't make them anyless edge. I mean confused sexually doesn't mean not edge, especially with all the stigma attached to comming out and sexual repression. Even if they do have same sex intercourse because its easier it doesn't make them not edge and further more experimenting with your sexuality is a good healthy thing, rather than having hang ups and repressed feelings, so once again it really doesn't negate edge in any way.
09-10-2005, 03:42 PM
Sorry but that's complete bullshit.
09-10-2005, 03:45 PM
Experiment all you want but you're not edge. Refer to my comparison to experimenting with drugs and alcohol.
There's a lot to being straight edge, one facet is not being a whore. Sex is in a committed relationship. Disagree, I don't care, what are you trying to hide?
Calling yourself straight edge is when you've finished experimenting with detrimental things... It's a chosen path, not one where you fuck around (pun intended). I have no problem with a gay/lesbian sXe person, that's very cool. But even if you asked them about it they'd say someone in the stages of sexual orientation experimentation is not prepared to call themselves straight edge.
09-10-2005, 03:54 PM
Experiment all you want but you're not edge. Refer to my comparison to experimenting with dugs and alcohol.
There's a lot to being straight edge, one facet is not being a whore. Sex is in a committed relationship. Disagree, I don't care, what are you trying to hide?
Calling yourself straight edge is when you've finished experimenting with detrimental things... It's a chosen path, not one where you fuck around (pun intended). I have no problem with a gay/lesbian sXe person, that's very cool. But even if you asked them about it they'd say someone in the stages of sexual orientation experimentation is not prepared to call themselves straight edge.
what are you basing your opinion that this has anything to do with straight edge on?
09-10-2005, 03:58 PM
Oh I don't know... from the guy who wrote the fucking song..
Mackaye eschewed the nihilistic tendencies of punk rock, promoting instead the simple (almost simplistic) philosophy of "don't drink/ don't smoke/ don't fuck."
09-10-2005, 04:07 PM
Oh I don't know... from the guy who wrote the fucking song..
Mackaye eschewed the nihilistic tendencies of punk rock, promoting instead the simple (almost simplistic) philosophy of "don't drink/ don't smoke/ don't fuck."
#1, that song is out of step, not straight edge
#2, have you ever listened to that song?
#3, Ian has also said many times that he never intended straight edge to ever become what it did.
#4, what are some more references to sex if it's so important to straight edge?
09-10-2005, 04:08 PM
Hmm... compiling definitions from different places...
Straight Edge is a more philosophical offshoot of the punk movement, a
reaction to the hedonism and self-destruction that characterised punk.
The basic tenet of the philosophy centres around the issue of
self-control. The goal is to regain as much personal control over your
own life as possible. sXe is the only youth counter-culture to actively
discourage drug use, alcohol use, and casual sex. [2] [12]
-no consume of alcohol, no consume of tabacco and renunciation of any other
-no promiscuity (= sex with often changing partners)
A person that claims to be straight edge does not consume recreational drugs (including alcohol and tobacco) and in most cases refrains from promiscuity.
I could do this all day.... but I have a show to go to tonight... Cheers.
09-10-2005, 04:10 PM
HAHAHA I'd typed that before I'd even read your response telling me to show more proof. Look at the times... I couldn't've typed all that in a minute... Oh Dusty you're so predictable...
09-10-2005, 04:13 PM
Hmm... compiling definitions from different places...
Straight Edge is a more philosophical offshoot of the punk movement, a
reaction to the hedonism and self-destruction that characterised punk.
The basic tenet of the philosophy centres around the issue of
self-control. The goal is to regain as much personal control over your
own life as possible. sXe is the only youth counter-culture to actively
discourage drug use, alcohol use, and casual sex. [2] [12]
-no consume of alcohol, no consume of tabacco and renunciation of any other
-no promiscuity (= sex with often changing partners)
A person that claims to be straight edge does not consume recreational drugs (including alcohol and tobacco) and in most cases refrains from promiscuity.
I could do this all day.... but I have a show to go to tonight... Cheers.
yeah, and none of those answer the basic question of source material. People can point to 1 song, out of step and their reasoning behind it, not anything else. The reality of situation is that while people might say one thing, they will say another. How does one break edge with sex and what is promiscuity, where is that line?
09-10-2005, 04:14 PM
HAHAHA I'd typed that before I'd even read your response telling me to show more proof. Look at the times... I couldn't've typed all that in a minute... Oh Dusty you're so predictable...
yeah, and you didn't actually answer the question.
09-10-2005, 04:23 PM
Here's my reasoning... I think bisexuality is pretty much a crock. She's still in the experimenting phase of her sex life. Like some people are in the experimenting phase of their drinking/drug habits. She can correct me if I'm wrong but I doubt her bisexual experiences were in a long term relationship with another girl. The following is just an article I found interesting.
I'm just wondering why you care or why if someone claims to be bisexual you would care at all?
09-10-2005, 05:14 PM
well, hey everyone. i'm that chick that apparently said "hi! i'm bisexual!" unfortunately, he did not say anything nearly as witty as comparing me to courtney love, he made it impossible for me reply and defend myself against his assumptions and negativity.. and i'm not pissed. i never was.
i'm going to tell you right now
yes, i am bisexual. i touch boobs.
yes, i am a virgin, nobody has ever seen me naked.
no, i don't do drugs (i'm talking about heroin, weed, coke... not antibiotics and tylenol). i figured my parents do enough of them to make up for me being void.
also, i sure as hell don't smoke. however, due to second hand encounters, my lungs are probably the color of the night sky.
and i don't drink.
as far as i know, this qualifies as edge. i'm not trashy, i'm not a skank, i don't pollute my body in any way, shape or form.
also, i'm not sXe just for the label, i was proud of myself for being a clean individual before i even found out what straight edge was. now i tell people "yeah i'm edge" because it's easier and more kids my age know the term. i'm just pretty sure this guy is an edge nazi, one of those ones that'll blow up at you if you take an advil for your migrane, because they're trying desperately to fit in with the hardcore and punk scene.
no i am not hardcore. no i am not punk.
and just for shits and giggles: once i accidentally drank my mom's captain morgan and sometimes i sleep naked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sexuality stuff aside, since it honestly doesn't matter, if you're not hardcore you're not edge. but it does sound like you're drug free and have a decent head on your shouldes.
09-10-2005, 05:44 PM
okay, well, i'm not really sure what hardcore means. or maybe i'm not sure what edge means. but i do know i'm not promiscuous and i'm drug, smoke, and alcohol free.
well, if you want to find out more, that has some history and bands and lyrics to check out to start.
and after answer this guy's numerous accusations, questions, complaints, and calmly and nicely replying to his desrespectful messages, i finally just got
"ok... well from my ignornant position, to my educated one, thanks to
You're a whore. Don't talk to me. And you're still not Edge.
i'm pretty sure i have a new best friend!
I don't understand how bisexuality=whore. It looks like dude has some issues with it that honestly have nothing to do with straight edge. I also don't get how dudes think they can throw the word whore around at girls like it's something casual, especially when they're clearly doing it to degrade them.
09-10-2005, 07:08 PM
Experiment all you want but you're not edge. Refer to my comparison to experimenting with drugs and alcohol.
Except drugs are abstained from completely making it an incompatible comparison unless you feel that sex should also be abstained from completely. Why should people not experiment with the feelings they are having when they grow older, a lot of young kids claim edge before they have that much of an idea about sex and what they find suits them best. Its never easy at that age especially if you are somewhat confused about your sexuality. You may say its bullshit but repression of that type can tear people apart. So long as they are clean and safe why should you even care?
There's a lot to being straight edge, one facet is not being a whore. Sex is in a committed relationship. Disagree, I don't care, what are you trying to hide?
So if you are bisexual you are a whore? I have no sexual hang ups, i don't feel the need to declare other peoples personal practices in their bedrooms wrong, it sounds more like you have something to hide. But seriously what are you basing this on, when has straightedge dealt with prostitution and when has choosing a partner of one sex been an issue. Sex is part of a healthy relationship why can't that commited relationship you speak of be with either a boy or a girl? I mean what is your issue with it, how much commitment does someone need to have sex? If both partners are willing and comfortable and its done safely what problem do you have with it and more importantly why?
Calling yourself straight edge is when you've finished experimenting with detrimental things... It's a chosen path, not one where you fuck around (pun intended). I have no problem with a gay/lesbian sXe person, that's very cool. But even if you asked them about it they'd say someone in the stages of sexual orientation experimentation is not prepared to call themselves straight edge.
Whats detrimental about learning about your own sexuality, seriously, that sounds like some hang ups talking right there. Straight edge is not about sexual abstinance or control, feel free to promote healthy and safe sex but don't tell kids they can't learn about themselves and don't do it as if it relates to straightedge. And i definitely disagree with your last sentence, you realise you are actively promoting sexual repression, people may be edge and going through stages in their sexual awareness that you are making them feel is wrong and in turn making them feel they should repress them in order to continue to be straightedge. Now that is complete bullshit.
09-10-2005, 07:28 PM
okay, well, i'm not really sure what hardcore means. or maybe i'm not sure what edge means. but i do know i'm not promiscuous and i'm drug, smoke, and alcohol free.
Hardcore is basically just the style of music in which straightedge is centered, the music is actually the most fun thing about being straightedge, the shows can be great but the lyrics have always been what attracted me the most. Its definitely worth looking into, theres a lot of information on this site in various posts and if you have any questions about stuff people are always around to ask.
and after answer this guy's numerous accusations, questions, complaints, and calmly and nicely replying to his desrespectful messages, i finally just got
"ok... well from my ignornant position, to my educated one, thanks to
You're a whore. Don't talk to me. And you're still not Edge.
i'm pretty sure i have a new best friend!
Although its really quite insulting i do find a humourous side to the fact he starts messaging and pestering you and then asks you not to talk to him anymore. Still its not nice to sign up to a board and have someone immediately jump down your throat and insult you, its uncalled for and i have no idea how he thinks his point is best conveyed in that manner. The dude needs to learn some respect.
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