View Full Version : sXe and Foreplay?
09-18-2005, 04:51 PM
Can you have foreplay and still be edge...?
09-18-2005, 04:56 PM
wow. you are really failing miserably at comedy.
09-18-2005, 05:02 PM
Can you have foreplay and still be edge...?
no... at least that's the excuse i give my wife.
09-19-2005, 12:06 AM
Whats foreplay?
09-19-2005, 09:09 PM
Can you have foreplay and still be edge...?
no... at least that's the excuse i give my wife.
09-23-2005, 09:20 PM
If you have foreplay (oral sex, masturbation, etc) does it break your edge?
Answer the question
09-23-2005, 09:47 PM
If you have foreplay (oral sex, masturbation, etc) does it break your edge?
Answer the question
what does that have to do with being straightedge?
09-23-2005, 09:51 PM
If you have foreplay (oral sex, masturbation, etc) does it break your edge?
Answer the question
what makes you think it does or doesn't/
09-24-2005, 08:23 AM
If you have foreplay (oral sex, masturbation, etc) does it break your edge?
Answer the question
Are you including kissing or caressing? You know even talking could be considered foreplay depending on what you were saying.
09-24-2005, 06:22 PM
what makes you think it does or doesn't/
I don't know thats why I'm asking
Some people say its a form of sex and its breaking your edge but I don't think so. I was just seeing what everyone elses opinions were on the subject
09-24-2005, 06:44 PM
I don't know thats why I'm asking
Some people say its a form of sex and its breaking your edge but I don't think so. I was just seeing what everyone elses opinions were on the subject
most people here don't think that sex has anything to do with edge to begin with.
09-25-2005, 04:03 PM
i think u keep ur edge, y'know.
i believe that the only thing straight edge covers is promiscous sex. i.e., if ur gonna have sex, make it mean something.
09-25-2005, 04:35 PM
i think u keep ur edge, y'know.
i believe that the only thing straight edge covers is promiscous sex. i.e., if ur gonna have sex, make it mean something.
And what makes you say that?
09-28-2005, 10:37 PM
And what makes you say that?
i think it refers to the point where you aren't degrading yourself as an individual. and plenty of people see degredation differently.
plus it has more to do with ethics than anything.. the ethic of keeping yourself within the parameters of "cleanliness" - as i would assume most all non-prmoiscuous people would feel. and though it has nothing directly to do with being edge.. it does have a direct branch-off of the ethics to being edge. remaining clean - spiritually, physically, emotionally..
09-29-2005, 12:00 PM
i agree.. as long as ur not degrading urself and ur in a loving commited relationship foreplay/sex is alright
09-29-2005, 12:23 PM
i agree.. as long as ur not degrading urself and ur in a loving commited relationship foreplay/sex is alright
how does that relate to straight edge though? or doesn't it?
09-29-2005, 12:28 PM
how does that relate to straight edge though? or doesn't it?
it probably made sence to me at the time i posted it..
09-29-2005, 12:29 PM
it probably made sence to me at the time i posted it..
I was asking though whether what you said was a specific comment on sexual behavior or was it some how related to being straight edge?
09-29-2005, 12:34 PM
o sorry.. more sexual behaviour..
09-29-2005, 12:41 PM
i think it refers to the point where you aren't degrading yourself as an individual. and plenty of people see degredation differently.
plus it has more to do with ethics than anything.. the ethic of keeping yourself within the parameters of "cleanliness" - as i would assume most all non-prmoiscuous people would feel. and though it has nothing directly to do with being edge.. it does have a direct branch-off of the ethics to being edge. remaining clean - spiritually, physically, emotionally..
clean spirits and emotions? Are they the ethics of being straight edge?
sXe is neither against nor for sex.
i guess its the neutral zone
09-29-2005, 11:26 PM
clean spirits and emotions? Are they the ethics of being straight edge?
then what's with being drug-free? your body is more than a physical tomb.. it's an emotional, spiritual, psychological... it's all one.
09-30-2005, 01:14 AM
then what's with being drug-free? your body is more than a physical tomb.. it's an emotional, spiritual, psychological... it's all one.
Thats your opinion and not something that straightedge necessarily upholds. Being drug free doesn't necessarily mean emotionally clean or spirituially clean and could be for any other number of reasons.
09-30-2005, 02:07 AM
Thats your opinion and not something that straightedge necessarily upholds. Being drug free doesn't necessarily mean emotionally clean or spirituially clean and could be for any other number of reasons.
what would you say that straightedge does uphold, then?
09-30-2005, 12:33 PM
what would you say that straightedge does uphold, then?
Well definitely being drug free and being a part of hardcore, it would seem that you are using your personal slant on how people choose to allign themselves with that. I personally don't think that drinking dirty's me spiritually and i also feel that there are a lot of things that do dirty me in that way that seemingly pose no contradiction to straightedge.
10-06-2005, 04:58 AM
Well definitely being drug free and being a part of hardcore, it would seem that you are using your personal slant on how people choose to allign themselves with that. I personally don't think that drinking dirty's me spiritually and i also feel that there are a lot of things that do dirty me in that way that seemingly pose no contradiction to straightedge.
you don't see your spirit as part of who you are? and if you do.. then how does drinking not effect that? and if you don't.. how do you see it? why are you straight edge?
10-06-2005, 06:52 AM
Can you have foreplay and still be edge...?
you mean like taking off your socks first?
10-06-2005, 07:43 AM
i think it refers to the point where you aren't degrading yourself as an individual. and plenty of people see degredation differently.
plus it has more to do with ethics than anything.. the ethic of keeping yourself within the parameters of "cleanliness" - as i would assume most all non-prmoiscuous people would feel. and though it has nothing directly to do with being edge.. it does have a direct branch-off of the ethics to being edge. remaining clean - spiritually, physically, emotionally..
See for me sxe has nothing to do with being clean. Not one bit. For me it's about facing up to reality and not trying fake or escape through passive means.
People hate their lives, and look forward to going out on a weekend and getting drunk off their asses to forget and escape their reality for a night.
People don't believe they can have fun unless they get drunk first. The idea of having to buy my enjoyment from someone is insane to me
For me it's about once asking "why do I drink?" "is it for me?" and realizing I started because thats what people just do, and that no, it wasn't for me. So few people actually think about the question of recreational drugs and just float into it like a 2nd puberty.
For me Sxe is about thinking, making real changes and being fully active in your own active in my own life.
10-06-2005, 02:38 PM
you don't see your spirit as part of who you are?
It doesn't matter if i do or i don't, theres no support for your idea of straightedge being about a clean spirit, thats a personal slant of your own. Weather or not i see myself as made of of spirit is irrelevent because we are talking about straightedge and theres nothing saying that its about spiritual cleansing. If i did think that, it wouldn't suddenly make it an addage to straightedge, you are asking people to believe of themselves as spirits in order to be straightedge which is just you adding a personal slant to straightedge which is not consistant with what most straightedge people take straightedge to mean.
and if you do.. then how does drinking not effect that?
its irrelevent as the point of straightedge has never been about your spirit and never deemed you had to even believe you had one. You need to stop addopting straightedge as a term for your personal feelings/ideas/beliefs for the simple fact it is confusing and inacurate. You can add all your beleifs on top of straightedge if they don't contradict each other but when you describe them as straightedge its ultimately mis description of them.
and if you don't.. how do you see it? why are you straight edge?
So as you asked "if i don't" does that mean you accept that its not a belief or idea that is shared or constitutes what straightedge is? Why i am straightedge has nothing to do with spirit or emotion cleansing and is echoed well in xvunderx's post.
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