View Full Version : sex and straight edge
09-30-2005, 12:09 PM
so what exactly is the boundaries of edge and sex? i've been with the same guy for 9 months and we had sex last night and i dont know if that broke edge or not... please give me your opinions...
09-30-2005, 12:20 PM
so what exactly is the boundaries of edge and sex? i've been with the same guy for 9 months and we had sex last night and i dont know if that broke edge or not... please give me your opinions...
this has been asked in the questions section of the forumn... for a quick answer... no.
09-30-2005, 12:20 PM
so what exactly is the boundaries of edge and sex? i've been with the same guy for 9 months and we had sex last night and i dont know if that broke edge or not... please give me your opinions...
would it matter if it did?
09-30-2005, 12:45 PM
would it matter if it did?
I would tend to agree. If the question was that important you would have asked before hand not after the fact it happened.
09-30-2005, 01:59 PM
no it doesnt
i do agree with ^^^^^^
asking before hand would have helped alot more
09-30-2005, 02:16 PM
Yeah but if they had asked before and everyone one said that it would break edge should their decision making be adjusted to fit the perameters of straightedge. Fact is, straightedge won't fit a lot of people no matter how much they struggle to make it fit them. My point being this sort of personal decision is something people should make for themselves and not have any concern as to weather or not it fits into the perameters of straightedge. If they find that what they choose for themselves no longer fits with straightedge then so what, they are at least making choices for themselves by themselves. Let straightedge fit into you and your life if it does, don't struggle to fit in to it.
09-30-2005, 10:37 PM
Yeah but if they had asked before and everyone one said that it would break edge should their decision making be adjusted to fit the perameters of straightedge. Fact is, straightedge won't fit a lot of people no matter how much they struggle to make it fit them. My point being this sort of personal decision is something people should make for themselves and not have any concern as to weather or not it fits into the perameters of straightedge. If they find that what they choose for themselves no longer fits with straightedge then so what, they are at least making choices for themselves by themselves. Let straightedge fit into you and your life if it does, don't struggle to fit in to it.
i concur. you had sex. that's that. did you shoot heroin, smoke, drink, throw away your hXc music afterwords? if not - then the question is null.
09-30-2005, 10:45 PM
Yeah sorry but thats the stupidest question ever. What? Whoever thought sex was bad. That it breaks edges.
09-30-2005, 10:50 PM
Yeah sorry but thats the stupidest question ever. What? Whoever thought sex was bad. That it breaks edges.
well.. it's not dumb, first off. have you never heard that some people who claim sXe also believe it is part of sXe that having promiscuous sex is wrong? or pre-marital sex? it's simply lack of education on the part.. not dumb.
I'm curious if that one line in 'out of step' was the first and only reference to sex when it comes to straight edge.
I don't get it. It seems like a whole bunch of new (and old) sXe kids really do believe that sex has got anything to do with it. If those two words 'don't fuck' really were/are the only reference to straight edge and sex... man... look at what this has become! kids thinking they break edge if they have premarital sex? huh?
I know there's those lines in Slapshot's 'Chant' where they sing 'don't smoke don't drink don't fuck around'. As much as I like Choke and Slapshot, I doubt it if anyone here will turn to Choke when it comes to sXe guidelines :)
So where do all those youngsters get those ideas?
Is it because of the internet? Because of the fact that young people 'learn' from shitty websites instead of going to shows and talking to other sXe kids?
I visited the toefur boards a couple of months ago because someone in here made a comment about them and boy... imagine all those people who develop an interest in your movement and turn to that site with their questions.
Anyway, I'd like to know in what songs or interviews with sXe bands the reference to sex is brought up.
Take care,
09-30-2005, 11:50 PM
Yeah of course I've heard of that and it's stupid permiscuos sex so what at least their not getting high or drunk. when your done fuckin thats it your not fuckin anymore. When your done drinking a beer or whatever your still drunk for hours same with all other drugs:marijuana,heroin,speed,caffeine,lsd,shrooms that shit stays withyou. A liitle romp is nothing. So what does it matter what a band says think for yourself anyway.
09-30-2005, 11:52 PM
Yeah of course I've heard of that and it's stupid permiscuos sex so what at least their not getting high or drunk. when your done fuckin thats it your not fuckin anymore. When your done drinking a beer or whatever your still drunk for hours same with all other drugs:marijuana,heroin,speed,caffeine,lsd,shrooms that shit stays withyou. A liitle romp is nothing. So what does it matter what a band says think for yourself anyway.
man - what? haha.
09-30-2005, 11:54 PM
Yeah of course I've heard of that and it's stupid permiscuos sex so what at least their not getting high or drunk. when your done fuckin thats it your not fuckin anymore. When your done drinking a beer or whatever your still drunk for hours same with all other drugs:marijuana,heroin,speed,caffeine,lsd,shrooms that shit stays withyou. A liitle romp is nothing. So what does it matter what a band says think for yourself anyway.
Remind me not to fuck you. You kinda sound like you might have some critters down below.
09-30-2005, 11:55 PM
Remind me not to fuck you. You kinda sound like you might have some critters down below.
hahah.. i'llbe sure and send you a fax every other day.
10-01-2005, 12:00 AM
hahah.. i'llbe sure and send you a fax every other day.
Thanks! You're so helpful.
PS - I don't think that promiscuous sex has anything to do with sXe, although it's cool if kids want to decide not to be whores....
10-01-2005, 12:02 AM
Critters damn why ya gotta say that. No I don't shit I get tested thats wrong. Why would you say something like that. I never shit in your cereal.
10-01-2005, 12:06 AM
Critters damn why ya gotta say that. No I don't shit I get tested thats wrong. Why would you say something like that. I never shit in your cereal.
You were considering shitting in my cereal? Damn, you're mean. How could you do that to Golden Grahams!?!
PS - i don't think the mention of critters is gonna ruin your rep here with the ladies... cuz I'm pretty sure you didn't have one in the first place...
10-01-2005, 12:08 AM
Wo I didn't know it was golden grahams my bad! Shit I almost shit on golden grahams
There are ladys here? Oh wow, sup ladys hey sup! Jeremy's in the house get em while he's hot--------sizzle!sizzle!sizzle!
10-01-2005, 12:09 AM
Wo I didn't know it was golden grahams my bad! Shit I almost shit on golden grahams
You have the most arbitrary punctuation I've ever seen.
10-01-2005, 12:12 AM
Call me stupid, but what does arbitrary mean? like unneccesary
10-01-2005, 12:12 AM
Thanks! You're so helpful.
PS - I don't think that promiscuous sex has anything to do with sXe, although it's cool if kids want to decide not to be whores....
10-01-2005, 12:14 AM
Call me stupid, but what does arbitrary mean? like unneccesary
So you don't have to admit the stupidity. (although it kinda already comes through in things you say)
10-01-2005, 12:14 AM
You were considering shitting in my cereal? Damn, you're mean. How could you do that to Golden Grahams!?!
PS - i don't think the mention of critters is gonna ruin your rep here with the ladies... cuz I'm pretty sure you didn't have one in the first place...
i'm about to shit my pants .. haha
10-01-2005, 12:18 AM
Remind me not to fuck you. You kinda sound like you might have some critters down below.
10-01-2005, 12:20 AM
So you don't have to admit the stupidity. (although it kinda already comes through in things you say)
Oh Snap.
10-01-2005, 12:23 AM
i'm about to shit my pants .. haha
Careful if you talk to loudly about releasing bodily functions in your pants people send you flannel diaper links.
10-01-2005, 06:50 AM
Yeah sorry but thats the stupidest question ever. What? Whoever thought sex was bad. That it breaks edges.
Questions aren't stupid, they gain you the knowledge you don't already know.
10-01-2005, 07:58 AM
Yeah of course I've heard of that and it's stupid permiscuos sex so what at least their not getting high or drunk. when your done fuckin thats it your not fuckin anymore. When your done drinking a beer or whatever your still drunk for hours same with all other drugs:marijuana,heroin,speed,caffeine,lsd,shrooms that shit stays withyou. A liitle romp is nothing. So what does it matter what a band says think for yourself anyway.
um, you do realize that you're calling yourself something based on what a band said, right?
10-01-2005, 07:59 AM
I'm curious if that one line in 'out of step' was the first and only reference to sex when it comes to straight edge.
I don't get it. It seems like a whole bunch of new (and old) sXe kids really do believe that sex has got anything to do with it. If those two words 'don't fuck' really were/are the only reference to straight edge and sex... man... look at what this has become! kids thinking they break edge if they have premarital sex? huh?
I know there's those lines in Slapshot's 'Chant' where they sing 'don't smoke don't drink don't fuck around'. As much as I like Choke and Slapshot, I doubt it if anyone here will turn to Choke when it comes to sXe guidelines :)
So where do all those youngsters get those ideas?
Is it because of the internet? Because of the fact that young people 'learn' from shitty websites instead of going to shows and talking to other sXe kids?
I visited the toefur boards a couple of months ago because someone in here made a comment about them and boy... imagine all those people who develop an interest in your movement and turn to that site with their questions.
Anyway, I'd like to know in what songs or interviews with sXe bands the reference to sex is brought up.
Take care,
I ask this question repeatedly and no one can never answer it.
10-01-2005, 08:25 PM
I didn't know a band mentioned anything about LivingEarth. I just thought about reality really hard one day, seriously, and realized we are all living earth. Sounds cheesy but its true and funny. Well I dunno who was the band?
10-01-2005, 08:41 PM
I didn't know a band mentioned anything about LivingEarth. I just thought about reality really hard one day, seriously, and realized we are all living earth. Sounds cheesy but its true and funny. Well I dunno who was the band?
the point flew right over your head.
10-01-2005, 08:54 PM
Your Right
I have No Idea what your talking about
So your right
Oh do you mean the straight edge part?
Is that what you mean?
Please tell me!
10-01-2005, 08:57 PM
Your Right
I have No Idea what your talking about
So your right
Oh do you mean the straight edge part?
Is that what you mean?
Please tell me!
yes, the straight edge part.
10-01-2005, 09:07 PM
Ok your right
But Minor Threat kicks ass, gonna listen to skate and destroy right now!
10-14-2005, 09:11 AM
Ok your right
But Minor Threat kicks ass, gonna listen to skate and destroy right now!
Your logic scares me muchly.
10-15-2005, 02:28 AM
Your logic scares me muchly.
I think muchly is a new word.
11-03-2005, 09:10 AM
I have a question...
rather a statement...
I always thought that you could not have sex with someone you were not married to...
I dont understand..
This is what I was always told...
11-03-2005, 09:12 AM
I have a question...
rather a statement...
I always thought that you could not have sex with someone you were not married to...
I dont understand..
This is what I was always told...
have you done any reading about straight edge and listening to straight edge songs/bands?
11-03-2005, 09:15 AM
but obviously I should do more.
Gay fuck tube (
11-03-2005, 09:16 AM
but obviously I should do more.
well from what you've read and heard, what makes you think what you just said?
11-03-2005, 09:20 AM
It just seems as though you should wait to have sex until you are married.
I mean everyone tells you to wait and shit and theres a lot of people who do and a lot of people who dont.
Someone told me that there was a loop hole in being straight edge. He said that if you loved someone and you had been with them for a while that it was okay.
I dont agree with that at all.
Straight edge is all about no drugs, no drinking, and no sex.(before marriage anyways)
11-03-2005, 09:24 AM
It just seems as though you should wait to have sex until you are married.
I mean everyone tells you to wait and shit and theres a lot of people who do and a lot of people who dont.
Someone told me that there was a loop hole in being straight edge. He said that if you loved someone and you had been with them for a while that it was okay.
I dont agree with that at all.
Straight edge is all about no drugs, no drinking, and no sex.(before marriage anyways)
why? there's nothing actually involved in straight edge that says anythign about sex, except for one song by minor threat, a song that also talks about not playing golf.
If you want to wait until you're married, awesome. If you want to wait until you're in a commited relationship, awesome. If you don't, awesome. But all of these choices don't really have anything to do with being straight edge though.
Now drugs, alcohol and smoking is a completely differen't story, there are tons of songs, zines, shirts, etc. that mention them.
11-03-2005, 09:28 AM
So what you're telling me is that I could go out and be the biggest whore, and still be edge?
I dont agree with that at all.
All of the straight-edge people I know have the same beliefs as me.
But okay.
I-olite (
11-03-2005, 09:34 AM
So what you're telling me is that I could go out and be the biggest whore, and still be edge?
I dont agree with that at all.
All of the straight-edge people I know have the same beliefs as me.
But okay.
Ok, so why don't you agree? What do you base your opinion on what straight edge is?
11-03-2005, 09:38 AM
I think its wrong.
I just dont get where you got your beliefs.
Just because something isnt advertised in a song or something like that DOES NOT mean it doesnt exist.
Straight Edge is: No sex before marriage, No drugs (including caffine), No alcohol
I uderstand not everyone does the whole non-caffine thing.
I just dont see how you can tell me that I can be the biggest whore and still be edge?
Latina Cumshot Compilatio (
I think its wrong.
I just dont get where you got your beliefs.
Just because something isnt advertised in a song or something like that DOES NOT mean it doesnt exist.
Straight Edge is: No sex before marriage, No drugs (including caffine), No alcohol
I uderstand not everyone does the whole non-caffine thing.
I just dont see how you can tell me that I can be the biggest whore and still be edge?
what is wrong with sex?!
11-03-2005, 09:58 AM
I think its wrong.
I just dont get where you got your beliefs.
Just because something isnt advertised in a song or something like that DOES NOT mean it doesnt exist.
Straight Edge is: No sex before marriage, No drugs (including caffine), No alcohol
I uderstand not everyone does the whole non-caffine thing.
I just dont see how you can tell me that I can be the biggest whore and still be edge?
ok, here's the problem, you're using a defintion, but not explaining where you got the defintiion. What makes you think straight edge means you can't have sex before marriage? Is it because you and your friends believe that? Is straight edge only you and your friends? Did you guys invent it? I don't get where you got your beliefs, since you can't actually reference anything other than generically. Where in anything have you seen/heard/read outside of yourself and your friends that straight edge has anything to do with no sex before marriage?
11-03-2005, 10:13 AM
what is wrong with sex?!
I never said there was anything wrong with it.
Suzuki rgv500 history (
I never said there was anything wrong with it.
you did
11-03-2005, 10:15 AM
ok, here's the problem, you're using a defintion, but not explaining where you got the defintiion. What makes you think straight edge means you can't have sex before marriage? Is it because you and your friends believe that? Is straight edge only you and your friends? Did you guys invent it? I don't get where you got your beliefs, since you can't actually reference anything other than generically. Where in anything have you seen/heard/read outside of yourself and your friends that straight edge has anything to do with no sex before marriage?
I dont know which websites I read it off of.
I mean I have read a lot of shit about sxe and I cant tell you every single website I read.
I mean You cannot change the way I believe. I have always believed this.
Xxx Stream (
11-03-2005, 10:16 AM
you did
I said there was something wrong with sex BEFORE MARRIAGE.
Get it right.
Have you even read everything I have said?
Fetish beach (
I said there was something wrong with sex BEFORE MARRIAGE.
Get it right.
Have you even read everything I have said?
yeah i did. and you said
"i think it's wrong" so i don't know what you wanted to refer to with that.
11-03-2005, 10:18 AM
I dont know which websites I read it off of.
I mean I have read a lot of shit about sxe and I cant tell you every single website I read.
I mean You cannot change the way I believe. I have always believed this.
Websites don't dictate what straight edge is though. Straight edge has been around long before any website ever was. When you look at what straight edge is, how it came to be and what it is, meaning the people, the music, the sum of it's parts, there just isn't a thing that talks at all about sex before marriage. Now if you want to wait until you're married until you have sex, that's really cool, but that also doesn't mean it has anything to do with straight edge. Do you think music, specifically hardcore, has anything to do with straight edge?
I dont know which websites I read it off of.
I mean I have read a lot of shit about sxe and I cant tell you every single website I read.
I mean You cannot change the way I believe. I have always believed this.
and everything you read on the internet is right and is the truth?
yeah we can not change the way you believe, but what you believe has nothing to do with sxe. and after 9 months of being edge i wouldn dare to tell peopel who have been edge longer than your age that they are completely wrong about something that you are only experiencing now
11-03-2005, 10:19 AM
Websites don't dictate what straight edge is though. Straight edge has been around long before any website ever was. When you look at what straight edge is, how it came to be and what it is, meaning the people, the music, the sum of it's parts, there just isn't a thing that talks at all about sex before marriage. Now if you want to wait until you're married until you have sex, that's really cool, but that also doesn't mean it has anything to do with straight edge. Do you think music, specifically hardcore, has anything to do with straight edge?
yes i do.
Mobilio (
11-03-2005, 10:21 AM
and everything you read on the internet is right and is the truth?
yeah we can not change the way you believe, but what you believe has nothing to do with sxe. and after 9 months of being edge i wouldn dare to tell peopel who have been edge longer than your age that they are completely wrong about something that you are only experiencing now
No not everything on the net is the truth.
This is just how i have always believe.
I am not telling anyone they are completely wrong.
Captiva (
11-03-2005, 10:21 AM
yes i do.
ok, so why aren't there a bunch of songs about not having sex before marriage, if it's apart of straight edge? Can you even name 3 songs where sex is mentioned at all?
11-03-2005, 10:22 AM
yeah i did. and you said
"i think it's wrong" so i don't know what you wanted to refer to with that.
I was meaning that I thought SEX BEFORE MARRIGE was wrong.
There is nothing wrong with sex.
11-03-2005, 10:22 AM
ok, so why aren't there a bunch of songs about not having sex before marriage, if it's apart of straight edge? Can you even name 3 songs where sex is mentioned at all?
Does everything in the straight edge lifestyle have to be mentioned in a song?????
Kawasaki kd80 (
No not everything on the net is the truth.
This is just how i have always believe.
I am not telling anyone they are completely wrong.
you stated what you think was sxe and therefore you said everybody who thinks else is wrong about the definition
11-03-2005, 10:25 AM
Does everything in the straight edge lifestyle have to be mentioned in a song?????
shouldn't it be? If it's a music based subculture, wouldn't it stand to reason that the beliefs would be reflected in it's music?
I was meaning that I thought SEX BEFORE MARRIGE was wrong.
There is nothing wrong with sex.
maybe you meant that, but you didn't write that. i'M not a mind reader unfortunately
Does everything in the straight edge lifestyle have to be mentioned in a song?????
believe it or not, it is
11-03-2005, 10:29 AM
you stated what you think was sxe and therefore you said everybody who thinks else is wrong about the definition
once again that is not at all what I meant.
I never said anyone who thought otherwise was wrong.
once again that is not at all what I meant.
I never said anyone who thought otherwise was wrong.
yeah but the truth is there's only one definition for sxe. it's not like i think it's this, and the others can think it's that.
11-03-2005, 10:34 AM
yeah but the truth is there's only one definition for sxe. it's not like i think it's this, and the others can think it's that.
Kay So whats this ONE definition?
Vaporite Solo (
Kay So whats this ONE definition?
being straight edge is being drug free and involved with the hardcore scene
11-03-2005, 10:48 AM
being straight edge is being drug free and involved with the hardcore scene
So everything I am?
Ebony oral creampie (
So everything I am?
i never said you were not sxe
11-03-2005, 11:00 AM
i never said you were not sxe
I know that,
Handjob vid (
I love debates! :D And in response, I also believe that sex before marriage is not specifically right, (I'm a christian, and it kinda says that somewhere in the bible, can't remember where), but if you want to do it, then go ahead, that's great, go bang that person! But I don't know where in any songs does it say that premiscuous/pre-marital sex is bad.
I did some research, and I found different opinions on this topic.
Subject: 3-13. Do straight-edge kids have sex at all?
In short yes. However, most sxe kids will wait until they are ready to
take on the responsibility of a relationship that is serious enough
for the commitment of marraige.
On 14 Sep 1997 zach <> wrote:
"no casual sex. or permiscous sex, fucking around, no one nite stands,
diseases are spread, abortions happen, date rape, so no screwing
around, emotional baggage you dont need, so basicly you dont have sex
until you meet someone your comfortable with and that you'll take on
all the responsibilities or sex."
On 15 Sep 1997 mattie t <> wrote:
"Sxe is to abstain from poisons and mainly be true to your self. Being
true to yourself will help you from abstaining from sex. It has worked
for me I was a virgin until 19."
On 19 Sep 1997 Simon XXX <> wrote:
"if you're going to quote Ian, you should put it in some sort of context
first. Ian always used to make a point of explaining that he used the
word "fuck" very specifically, to refer to people using/abusing each
other. He was far from celibate himself. Straight edge has nothing to
do with celibacy."
As we can see, they all have different opinions. First person says no premiscuous sex, second says that being sXe will keep you away from sex if you're true to yourself, and the last says that being sXe has nothing to do with celibacy. All different opinions.
In my opinion, it really doesn't matter what you do, that sXe can have many different rules, like the non-caffeine one. I can't live without my caffeine, but I don't get caught up in all those other drugs. I'm pretty sure that there's some type of "orthodox sXe" with straight rules that started and have always been, but there's so many different branches now, like Vegan sXe, that people are just pretty much adopting to what fits them, but they all have one rule in common: no drugs (including caffeine if you can handle it).
Oh, yeah, that paragraph quote was taken from:
11-13-2005, 09:44 AM
I love debates! :D And in response, I also believe that sex before marriage is not specifically right, (I'm a christian, and it kinda says that somewhere in the bible, can't remember where), but if you want to do it, then go ahead, that's great, go bang that person! But I don't know where in any songs does it say that premiscuous/pre-marital sex is bad.
I did some research, and I found different opinions on this topic.
As we can see, they all have different opinions. First person says no premiscuous sex, second says that being sXe will keep you away from sex if you're true to yourself, and the last says that being sXe has nothing to do with celibacy. All different opinions.
In my opinion, it really doesn't matter what you do, that sXe can have many different rules, like the non-caffeine one. I can't live without my caffeine, but I don't get caught up in all those other drugs. I'm pretty sure that there's some type of "orthodox sXe" with straight rules that started and have always been, but there's so many different branches now, like Vegan sXe, that people are just pretty much adopting to what fits them, but they all have one rule in common: no drugs (including caffeine if you can handle it).
the problem is that the "research" is just peoples opinions of it, not actually including any sources of their opinions. the point of the matter is that there just aren't any references within straight edge culture to point to save one that mentions sex at all. Why can straight edge have different "rules"? how is caffeine different from other drugs? How is sex related to straight edge? What does veganism have to do with it?
Hey, I'm new to straight-edge and I'm just trying to learn about it as much as possible, so I'll probably be dead-wrong 90% of the time.
Hey, I'm new to straight-edge and I'm just trying to learn about it as much as possible, so I'll probably be dead-wrong 90% of the time.
you should check this site out.
the problem is that the "research" is just peoples opinions of it, not actually including any sources of their opinions. the point of the matter is that there just aren't any references within straight edge culture to point to save one that mentions sex at all. Why can straight edge have different "rules"? how is caffeine different from other drugs? How is sex related to straight edge? What does veganism have to do with it?
I have no clue why sXe has different rules. That's just the way it started to happen. It's like Christianity. There used to be one type of christianity, and that was just... christianity. Then everyone came around and started changing things to fit them, which is why catholicism (sp?) and baptism and all that junk came to be. That's how sXe is starting to become, too.
Caffeine doesn't f*ck you up like some drugs do, and it doesn't throw your life away like others do. It just keeps you from falling asleep. It doesn't tear your life up because it's not expensive (Coke's are $1.29 at 7-11), and it's addictive, but not addictive to keep you from your school/job. But it is a drug, nonetheless, which is why I've decided to not drink it anymore.
The reason this whole topic exists is that some guy believes that premarital sex is part of straight-edge, when it's not.
The media is what made veganism part of sXe. That's what many believe, but it doesn't. That's why there's also "vegan straight-edge," and regulary straight-edge.
Hopefully that answers the questions you asked me?
11-14-2005, 12:47 PM
I have no clue why sXe has different rules. That's just the way it started to happen. It's like Christianity. There used to be one type of christianity, and that was just... christianity. Then everyone came around and started changing things to fit them, which is why catholicism (sp?) and baptism and all that junk came to be. That's how sXe is starting to become, too.
Caffeine doesn't f*ck you up like some drugs do, and it doesn't throw your life away like others do. It just keeps you from falling asleep. It doesn't tear your life up because it's not expensive (Coke's are $1.29 at 7-11), and it's addictive, but not addictive to keep you from your school/job. But it is a drug, nonetheless, which is why I've decided to not drink it anymore.
The reason this whole topic exists is that some guy believes that premarital sex is part of straight-edge, when it's not.
The media is what made veganism part of sXe. That's what many believe, but it doesn't. That's why there's also "vegan straight-edge," and regulary straight-edge.
Hopefully that answers the questions you asked me?
sXe Does not have diffrenet rules. That should be very easy to understand.
I could be wrong but I believe that catholisim was around before any other form of christianity.
If people change the rules of sXe to fit them and their life style then the simple fact is that they're not truelly sXe.
If caffine doesn't fuck you up as bad as some drugs then why is it so addictive? Don't think it fucks you up that bad check out this link. Which was posted here somewhere not too long ago.
People who are vegan and sXe are exactly that. Vegan and sXe. Vegan sXe is not an other form of sXe. Alot of times they go hand in hand but really have nothing to do with each other. So it's not just the media's fault. It's people who falsely convey that message too.
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