View Full Version : Is this Edge?
09-30-2005, 12:53 PM
This seems to be a very popular question. sXe kids yet they are on here posting if I do this am I edge, this happened am I edge, what if this am I edge. Maybe this is sort of a closed minded vew of things but if you have to ask a question like that you may not know as much as you thought about sXe and aren't sxe. If you have to ask if something is edge than how can you honestly say you know what is and claim to be sXe? Am I the only one that thinks this thought? I'd like to know.
09-30-2005, 12:59 PM
This seems to be a very popular question. sXe kids yet they are on here posting if I do this am I edge, this happened am I edge, what if this am I edge. Maybe this is sort of a closed minded vew of things but if you have to ask a question like that you may not know as much as you thought about sXe and aren't sxe. If you have to ask if something is edge than how can you honestly say you know what is and claim to be sXe? Am I the only one that thinks this thought? I'd like to know.
yeah, but I don't see any of it as a bad thing, and I also don't think anyone should feel paranoid about asking a simple question. If people have questions they should be able to ask them and get answers without shit like "check the faq n00b" and that's honestly the one thing that bothers me the most about some other edge sites in existance. They treat new kids with total contempt, where we at least wait until people get argumentative before anyone fires any shots across their bow.
09-30-2005, 01:25 PM
yeah, but I don't see any of it as a bad thing, and I also don't think anyone should feel paranoid about asking a simple question. If people have questions they should be able to ask them and get answers without shit like "check the faq n00b" and that's honestly the one thing that bothers me the most about some other edge sites in existance. They treat new kids with total contempt, where we at least wait until people get argumentative before anyone fires any shots across their bow.
I don't see it as a bad thing either really. If you don't ask you never know. They don't learn if we don't teach. I just was reading alot here and other sites and I just found it odd.
I too am glad that people ask question because then it helps to alevate some of the miss conseptions associated with sXe. I noticed alot of the demening behavor at that toefur site. What are those kids problems?
09-30-2005, 01:27 PM
I don't see it as a bad thing either really. If you don't ask you never know. They don't learn if we don't teach. I just was reading alot here and other sites and I just found it odd.
I too am glad that people ask question because then it helps to alevate some of the miss conseptions associated with sXe. I noticed alot of the demening behavor at that toefur site. What are those kids problems?
massive group retardation and a complete lack of any understanding of what straight edge actually is.
09-30-2005, 01:41 PM
massive group retardation and a complete lack of any understanding of what straight edge actually is.
And a nasty pain in the ovaries.
10-14-2005, 09:14 AM
I went to the toefur site for a while and they really are knobs aren't they?
You can only expect people to ask questions, you can't expect people to know everything about edge (or anything else). If they get shitty about being told they're wrong then that's a different matter. I know I ask questions, what else am I meant to do? Act like I know when I don't?
10-14-2005, 09:20 AM
"ovaries" and "knobs"... you british crack me up with your reproductive anatomy references...
10-14-2005, 01:25 PM
"ovaries" and "knobs"... you british crack me up with your reproductive anatomy references...
Mine was in reference to what an american gent once said so i really don't see what being british has to do with it.
10-14-2005, 02:22 PM
Mine was in reference to what an american gent once said so i really don't see what being british has to do with it.
"american gent"... you british crack me up with your reproductive anatomy references.
10-14-2005, 03:18 PM
"american gent"... you british crack me up with your reproductive anatomy references.
Yeah, still being british is irrelevent to it, you are just hung up on an irrelevent issue.
10-14-2005, 03:49 PM
Yeah, still being british is irrelevent to it, you are just hung up on an irrelevent issue.
"hung"... haha, there you go again, where do you people come up with this stuff? fucking brilliant!
10-14-2005, 04:01 PM
"hung"... haha, there you go again, where do you people come up with this stuff? fucking brilliant!
Small minds are easily ammused i guess.
10-14-2005, 04:09 PM
Small minds are easily ammused i guess.
hmmm... that one went right over my head, but i bet it was hysterical because you guys can't miss. the same thing used to happen with fawlty towers but, you know, it's british so it must be funny. i just laughed when everybody else did.
10-14-2005, 04:14 PM
hmmm... that one went right over my head, but i bet it was hysterical because you guys can't miss. the same thing used to happen with fawlty towers but, you know, it's british so it must be funny. i just laughed when everybody else did.
You have a problem with the british it would seem.
10-14-2005, 04:17 PM
You have a problem with the british it would seem.
not really (well, ok, benny hill), in fact i own the fawlty towers box set. did you already forget our whole black adder exchange?
10-14-2005, 04:20 PM
not really (well, ok, benny hill), in fact i own the fawlty towers box set. did you already forget our whole black adder exchange?
No, i didn't forget its just irrelevent, and if you don't have a problem i can only assume you are being a twat. There you go, another sexual anatomy reference.
10-14-2005, 04:34 PM
No, i didn't forget its just irrelevent, and if you don't have a problem i can only assume you are being a twat. There you go, another sexual anatomy reference.
no no no, you can't just put it out there like that, sheesh. if i wanted my humor without subtelty i'd watch blue collar comedy tour (again).
10-14-2005, 04:38 PM
no no no, you can't just put it out there like that, sheesh. if i wanted my humor without subtelty i'd watch blue collar comedy tour (again).
There is no humour about it, you just are talking shit after your initial statement was founded on what an american said, which was completely irrelevent anyway but like i said, you seem fixated on it.
10-14-2005, 06:00 PM
There is no humour about it, you just are talking shit after your initial statement was founded on what an american said, which was completely irrelevent anyway but like i said, you seem fixated on it.
no, i was talking shit before i knew my intitial statement was founded on what an american said. complete irrelevance is the point.
10-15-2005, 10:04 AM
no, i was talking shit before i knew my intitial statement was founded on what an american said. complete irrelevance is the point.
Not really, you made a crack about the things brittish people say after looking and a couple of posts but it turns out that what an american said made up 50% of what cracks you up. Now you are just using this shit talking habbit of yours because you dislike having the flaws pointed out to you.
10-15-2005, 11:19 AM
Not really, you made a crack about the things brittish people say after looking and a couple of posts but it turns out that what an american said made up 50% of what cracks you up. Now you are just using this shit talking habbit of yours because you dislike having the flaws pointed out to you.
in the past when people have thought you were insulted you have always said that you weren't and that they just didn't get your sense of humor... so i'm not sure if you're expressing insult at my cheekiness. but that's all it was, cheekiness. i made a crack because i made an observation that two folks of british persuasion had made references to genitalia one after the other and i thought you were going along with it by pointing out the flaw, and so i shit talked to keep the joke going. i didn't realize it was a habit. maybe i'm addicted to shit talk... gee, hope i'm still edge.
10-15-2005, 11:36 AM
in the past when people have thought you were insulted you have always said that you weren't and that they just didn't get your sense of humor... so i'm not sure if you're expressing insult at my cheekiness. but that's all it was, cheekiness. i made a crack because i made an observation that two folks of british persuasion had made references to genitalia one after the other and i thought you were going along with it by pointing out the flaw, and so i shit talked to keep the joke going. i didn't realize it was a habit. maybe i'm addicted to shit talk... gee, hope i'm still edge.
No you prat, you just don't get it. Its quite common that you jump on the take the piss out of brits train, i'm not insulted because i think you are pretty daft and would hate to take any of your shit talk to heart. However the poke at the brits was pretty lame as it wasn't completely evident of british sayings, but i know you like to do it so carry on. I'll continue to point out things when and as i see them.
10-15-2005, 12:10 PM
No you prat, you just don't get it. Its quite common that you jump on the take the piss out of brits train, i'm not insulted because i think you are pretty daft and would hate to take any of your shit talk to heart. However the poke at the brits was pretty lame as it wasn't completely evident of british sayings, but i know you like to do it so carry on. I'll continue to point out things when and as i see them.
i wasn't poking at brits... i was just poking. if you hadn't both been british i'd have poked in a different direction because i still would have made the genitalia observation (haha) but since you were and i have a lazy american sense of humor i thought that was easiest. also, since i'm a bit of an anti-Westphalian, i'm a little insensitive to other folks' nationalism. it's safe to say i don't want your's or anybody else's piss (i'm constantly trying to get rid of my own) and so i won't be jumping on any trains to get it. next time i'll just make observations sans humor since that's how they seem to turn out anyways.
10-15-2005, 12:31 PM
i wasn't poking at brits... i was just poking. if you hadn't both been british i'd have poked in a different direction because i still would have made the genitalia observation (haha) but since you were and i have a lazy american sense of humor i thought that was easiest. also, since i'm a bit of an anti-Westphalian, i'm a little insensitive to other folks' nationalism. it's safe to say i don't want your's or anybody else's piss (i'm constantly trying to get rid of my own) and so i won't be jumping on any trains to get it. next time i'll just make observations sans humor since that's how they seem to turn out anyways.
Umm, if you weren't poking fun at brits why were you mentioning brits you daft sod. There is no issue of nationalism except for the one you projected in the joke which you are now saying had no bearing on the joke and if so why did you need to mention it?
Theres no way you can say that your joke wasn't poking fun at brits but yeah you do have a really shit way of telling jokes besides all of that.
10-15-2005, 01:09 PM
Umm, if you weren't poking fun at brits why were you mentioning brits you daft sod. There is no issue of nationalism except for the one you projected in the joke which you are now saying had no bearing on the joke and if so why did you need to mention it?
Theres no way you can say that your joke wasn't poking fun at brits but yeah you do have a really shit way of telling jokes besides all of that.
i mentioned the british because you both are. if you weren't then i'd have had to find something else to bind the comment together in order to work in my point, sexual anatomy. since your britshness was the most obvious resource, that's what i went with. but not to poke at brits, though i admit i sometimes do, but to poke at gentitalia (haha) references. it was for logistical purposes only. and i can tell a joke, anybody can tell a joke (excepting my wife). it's my humorous observations that are in question here. and if it's not an issue of sore british nationalism, then what is it, personal affront at poor humor?
10-15-2005, 01:51 PM
i mentioned the british because you both are. if you weren't then i'd have had to find something else to bind the comment together in order to work in my point, sexual anatomy. since your britshness was the most obvious resource, that's what i went with. but not to poke at brits, though i admit i sometimes do, but to poke at gentitalia (haha) references. it was for logistical purposes only. and i can tell a joke, anybody can tell a joke (excepting my wife). it's my humorous observations that are in question here. and if it's not an issue of sore british nationalism, then what is it, personal affront at poor humor?
Wow, you are exceptionally dumb. You could have made the observation without mentioning nationality but as you did you then made the pun being something related exclusively to being british and you continued to do so. The point is its not relative to your observation and thats why the flaw was pointed out, we both used terminology that you mocked and the truth is that had nothing to do with being british so why did you feel the need to attribute our nationality to it? And its not sore british nationalism, i accept jokes that mock my nationality but yours had no reason to as it just wasn't relative and you seem unable to accept that. Thats becoming a bit of a theme with you isn't it? The issue is you are saying you weren't mocking brits which would be fine except you clearly were in your commentry, you were relating your pun to being brittish which clearly isn't the case due to the flaw. If you made it a personal comment about the individuals involved then why would you need attribute the nationality. The fact you did attribute nationality means you thought it was either relevent of the commentry you were making which became more evident as you continued on with your commentry or you are just ignorant to the fact that a statement like "hey how come you british are all obsessed with knob and fart jokes" actually is a dig at brits depending only on your perspective of that type of joke and obsession. It might well be true but if someone isn't relating that to all brits (or majority of) and only in fact to two individuals then there is no reason to attribute nationality unless you are venting a personal issue you have with the nationality.
10-15-2005, 02:07 PM
Wow, you are exceptionally dumb. You could have made the observation without mentioning nationality but as you did you then made the pun being something related exclusively to being british and you continued to do so. The point is its not relative to your observation and thats why the flaw was pointed out, we both used terminology that you mocked and the truth is that had nothing to do with being british so why did you feel the need to attribute our nationality to it? And its not sore british nationalism, i accept jokes that mock my nationality but yours had no reason to as it just wasn't relative and you seem unable to accept that. Thats becoming a bit of a theme with you isn't it? The issue is you are saying you weren't mocking brits which would be fine except you clearly were in your commentry, you were relating your pun to being brittish which clearly isn't the case due to the flaw. If you made it a personal comment about the individuals involved then why would you need attribute the nationality. The fact you did attribute nationality means you thought it was either relevent of the commentry you were making which became more evident as you continued on with your commentry or you are just ignorant to the fact that a statement like "hey how come you british are all obsessed with knob and fart jokes" actually is a dig at brits depending only on your perspective of that type of joke and obsession. It might well be true but if someone isn't relating that to all brits (or majority of) and only in fact to two individuals then there is no reason to attribute nationality unless you are venting a personal issue you have with the nationality.
you keep talking about habits and themes and i'm not sure what you're getting at...
i wasn't trying to mock your nationality nor was i saying "hey how come you british are all obsessed with knob and fart jokes". nor was i trying to make it a personal comment. i was trying to say "hey, genitalia!". but i guess i'm not as sophisticated as i thought. i'd really like to apologize for insulting you but then you'd just tell me you're not insulted. so what do i do? can i apologize for violating some principle of humor?
10-15-2005, 11:44 PM
Wow, you are exceptionally dumb. You could have made the observation without mentioning nationality but as you did you then made the pun being something related exclusively to being british and you continued to do so. The point is its not relative to your observation and thats why the flaw was pointed out, we both used terminology that you mocked and the truth is that had nothing to do with being british so why did you feel the need to attribute our nationality to it? And its not sore british nationalism, i accept jokes that mock my nationality but yours had no reason to as it just wasn't relative and you seem unable to accept that. Thats becoming a bit of a theme with you isn't it? The issue is you are saying you weren't mocking brits which would be fine except you clearly were in your commentry, you were relating your pun to being brittish which clearly isn't the case due to the flaw. If you made it a personal comment about the individuals involved then why would you need attribute the nationality. The fact you did attribute nationality means you thought it was either relevent of the commentry you were making which became more evident as you continued on with your commentry or you are just ignorant to the fact that a statement like "hey how come you british are all obsessed with knob and fart jokes" actually is a dig at brits depending only on your perspective of that type of joke and obsession. It might well be true but if someone isn't relating that to all brits (or majority of) and only in fact to two individuals then there is no reason to attribute nationality unless you are venting a personal issue you have with the nationality.
fucking hell man - HE WAS JUST MAKING A JOKE! hahaha.. you know? laugh? you ever do that? calm the fuck down.
10-15-2005, 11:46 PM
you keep talking about habits and themes and i'm not sure what you're getting at...
i wasn't trying to mock your nationality nor was i saying "hey how come you british are all obsessed with knob and fart jokes". nor was i trying to make it a personal comment. i was trying to say "hey, genitalia!". but i guess i'm not as sophisticated as i thought. i'd really like to apologize for insulting you but then you'd just tell me you're not insulted. so what do i do? can i apologize for violating some principle of humor?
or no sense of humor... jeez.
10-16-2005, 06:53 AM
you keep talking about habits and themes and i'm not sure what you're getting at...
i wasn't trying to mock your nationality nor was i saying "hey how come you british are all obsessed with knob and fart jokes". nor was i trying to make it a personal comment. i was trying to say "hey, genitalia!". but i guess i'm not as sophisticated as i thought. i'd really like to apologize for insulting you but then you'd just tell me you're not insulted. so what do i do? can i apologize for violating some principle of humor?
I'm not insulted, i never said i was, i was just pointing out that if it wasn't a joke about brits theres no need to mention it in a way that makes it something exclusively about brits.
10-16-2005, 06:57 AM
fucking hell man - HE WAS JUST MAKING A JOKE! hahaha.. you know? laugh? you ever do that? calm the fuck down.
Except i have been laughing the whole time and been completely calm. The intitial point i made wouldn't need to have gone back and forth so many times if he didn't have such a problem accepting what i was saying.
10-16-2005, 07:00 AM
or no sense of humor... jeez.
What i notice in your posts is you are saying, "how come you brits have no sense of humour". You know why? Because you didn't need to mention it because it was completely irreletive to the point you are making. If making that point means i have no sense of humour then thats fine but i think its hilarious that i replied in all my replies with an joking insult without having to use the fact he is american. Seriously, its made me laugh a lot.
10-16-2005, 08:05 AM
I'm not insulted, i never said i was, i was just pointing out that if it wasn't a joke about brits theres no need to mention it in a way that makes it something exclusively about brits.
i know you're not insulted... you're never insulted. i didn't say you were insulted, just that if i had you would say you weren't, which you did anyways. no, there was no "need" to mention brits. I could have mentioned something else. but as i explained, i needed a vehicle, a logistical tool for delivering the poke at genitalia (haha) and your britishness was easiest. if you feel that made it exclusively about brits then fine, though that's not how i intended it. but if you refuse to be insulted then there's nothing i can do about it since there's no damage to repair, though, obviously there is or you wouldn't be so un-insulted (unsulted?).
10-16-2005, 04:00 PM
i know you're not insulted... you're never insulted. i didn't say you were insulted, just that if i had you would say you weren't, which you did anyways. no, there was no "need" to mention brits. I could have mentioned something else. but as i explained, i needed a vehicle, a logistical tool for delivering the poke at genitalia (haha) and your britishness was easiest. if you feel that made it exclusively about brits then fine, though that's not how i intended it. but if you refuse to be insulted then there's nothing i can do about it since there's no damage to repair, though, obviously there is or you wouldn't be so un-insulted (unsulted?).
You don't need a vehicle of nationality to make a joke about genitalia though, you linked it to being british thus making it exclusive of other nationalitys. Thats a fair comment right?
You could have just said "you two are really obsessed with genitalia" but you chose to make it a comment about brits. Is that acceptable or do you dispute this?
If you can agree that the nationality was completely omittable then thats fine, but i have noticed you make a fair amount of commentry on brits. Sure its in a fun way perhaps but it does make a guy wonder you know especially when i link in opinions you state in other threads (ones that don't necesarily deal with brits but just attitudes towards social and pollitacal things). So whilst i don't take it to heart i do analyze it and hope their isn't some more sinister reason for the frequency of commentry dealing with brits, i'm not insulted but i do concern myself with such things. If you are telling me there is no concern and that you don't have an issue with brits then thats fine but i do stand by the fact that the usage of nationality wasn't needed and can easily be seen as a dig at brits and does make the comment exclusively about brits.
The thing is that if you were saying the brits are all about knob and fart jokes, i wouldn't care, in fact it carries a high element of truth and would be a fair comment to use in a joking way (or in a non joking way if you were so inclined). Thats why i said its not about me being insulted, its just about you saying its not about brits after making a statement with a term of nationality which doesn't lay redundent until you explain what you actually meant afterwards. Surely, thats an understandable issue?
The point is when you use nationality it does become about nationality, even if you didn't mean it to be or if it wasn't the main drive of your joke, you made a statement about brits, not just two individuals, you associated their nationality and if you weren't making a dig at brits there was no reason at all for you to do so. If you were making a dig at brits then fine, go for your life. Take the micheal as much as you feel you want to, mock our queen, mock our parliment, mock our language, mock out bad teeth and even mock our obsession with arse and our genital comments. All i am saying is if you are mocking individuals (or perhaps small groups) then you have no reason to qualify their nationality, you did qualify our nationality and the statement really does read as a dig about the british. Can you see how that pans out? I can't make it much more straight forward but hopefully you can see the point i have made.
10-16-2005, 05:47 PM
You don't need a vehicle of nationality to make a joke about genitalia though, you linked it to being british thus making it exclusive of other nationalitys. Thats a fair comment right?
that's fair. but i did need some vehicle and since you two were both british that was the easiest one... which i think i've mentioned a couple times.
You could have just said "you two are really obsessed with genitalia" but you chose to make it a comment about brits. Is that acceptable or do you dispute this?
that's acceptable but i would think that would lean towards personalizing it more than i would have intended.
If you can agree that the nationality was completely omittable then thats fine, but i have noticed you make a fair amount of commentry on brits. Sure its in a fun way perhaps but it does make a guy wonder you know especially when i link in opinions you state in other threads (ones that don't necesarily deal with brits but just attitudes towards social and pollitacal things). So whilst i don't take it to heart i do analyze it and hope their isn't some more sinister reason for the frequency of commentry dealing with brits, i'm not insulted but i do concern myself with such things. If you are telling me there is no concern and that you don't have an issue with brits then thats fine but i do stand by the fact that the usage of nationality wasn't needed and can easily be seen as a dig at brits and does make the comment exclusively about brits.
well, many in my family still claim to be jacobites so maybe this is just some unconscious manifestation of some lingering anti-britishness from "me heelind" heritage... but a few in my family serve in the royal navy too, so i dunno how likely that is. either way, i assure you, it isn't sinister, though i'm curious about how you think that might manifest if it were.
The thing is that if you were saying the brits are all about knob and fart jokes, i wouldn't care, in fact it carries a high element of truth and would be a fair comment to use in a joking way (or in a non joking way if you were so inclined). Thats why i said its not about me being insulted, its just about you saying its not about brits after making a statement with a term of nationality which doesn't lay redundent until you explain what you actually meant afterwards. Surely, thats an understandable issue?
that's understandable so long as you understand that it was not meant to be about brits.
The point is when you use nationality it does become about nationality, even if you didn't mean it to be or if it wasn't the main drive of your joke, you made a statement about brits, not just two individuals, you associated their nationality and if you weren't making a dig at brits there was no reason at all for you to do so. If you were making a dig at brits then fine, go for your life. Take the micheal as much as you feel you want to, mock our queen, mock our parliment, mock our language, mock out bad teeth and even mock our obsession with arse and our genital comments. All i am saying is if you are mocking individuals (or perhaps small groups) then you have no reason to qualify their nationality, you did qualify our nationality and the statement really does read as a dig about the british. Can you see how that pans out? I can't make it much more straight forward but hopefully you can see the point i have made.
what... do the british have bad teeth or something?
as i explained, i had a reason, not a particularly sensitve reason, but a valid logistical reason despite the main drive of my joke. i could have used a different vehicle but i didn't, not to mock the british, though i see why it might appear that way, but because i didn't care to put too much thought into it and your nationality was obvious and the first to leap to mind. so i see how it pans out but with the caveat that that perception was not my intention. would all this have been a lot easier if i had just said that it is a dig at the british?
10-16-2005, 06:03 PM
that's fair. but i did need some vehicle and since you two were both british that was the easiest one... which i think i've mentioned a couple times.
You don't need a vehicle, unless the joke is working at mocking brits their was no need. Like i said you could have ommitted our nationality and just directed it at the two people you were talking of.
that's acceptable but i would think that would lean towards personalizing it more than i would have intended.
But you were happy with making it exclusive to nationality? I mean if that would personalise it how does using our nationality not make it about brits?
well, many in my family still claim to be jacobites so maybe this is just some unconscious manifestation of some lingering anti-britishness from "me heelind" heritage... but a few in my family serve in the royal navy too, so i dunno how likely that is. either way, i assure you, it isn't sinister, though i'm curious about how you think that might manifest if it were.
Thats because they let anyone in the navy. And one way i obviously think it could mainfest is within shots that you claim to be humour although it could manifest itself in anyway and that really does deserve its own thread.
that's understandable so long as you understand that it was not meant to be about brits.
Then you shouldn't really need to mention that we were brits, agreed?
what... do the british have bad teeth or something?
as i explained, i had a reason, not a particularly sensitve reason, but a valid logistical reason despite the main drive of my joke. i could have used a different vehicle but i didn't, not to mock the british, though i see why it might appear that way, but because i didn't care to put too much thought into it and your nationality was obvious and the first to leap to mind. so i see how it pans out but with the caveat that that perception was not my intention. would all this have been a lot easier if i had just said that it is a dig at the british?
Yes, at least thats the accepted stereotype. But i'm sure you knew that, americans tend to mock english for their teeth a lot. There is no valid logistical reason, thats a complete cop out, you could have made a joke just as funny if not funnier without making it exclusively related to british people. And yes it would have been easier to say it was a dig at the brits rather than saying it wasn't when the wording you used signified that it was and i would have pointed out the flaw that 50% of the information was american comentry.
10-16-2005, 07:42 PM
You don't need a vehicle, unless the joke is working at mocking brits their was no need. Like i said you could have ommitted our nationality and just directed it at the two people you were talking of.
of course i needed a vehicle, every joke needs a vehicle (unless it's a ninja joke because they can fly). i could have ommitted your nationality but since i wasn't trying to make it about your nationality it didn't occur to me. next time i will omit it, not that you'll know, since it was omitted.
But you were happy with making it exclusive to nationality? I mean if that would personalise it how does using our nationality not make it about brits?
well i can't very well be happy about it now, can i?
Thats because they let anyone in the navy. And one way i obviously think it could mainfest is within shots that you claim to be humour although it could manifest itself in anyway and that really does deserve its own thread.
that's hardly the sort of sinister manifestation i had imagined you were imagining...
Then you shouldn't really need to mention that we were brits, agreed?
agreed, as i've said. it wasn't a need to mention you were british, but a need to provide a vehicle for the joke.
Yes, at least thats the accepted stereotype. But i'm sure you knew that, americans tend to mock english for their teeth a lot. There is no valid logistical reason, thats a complete cop out, you could have made a joke just as funny if not funnier without making it exclusively related to british people. And yes it would have been easier to say it was a dig at the brits rather than saying it wasn't when the wording you used signified that it was and i would have pointed out the flaw that 50% of the information was american comentry.
how could i have made the joke just as funny or funnier?
10-17-2005, 07:41 AM
of course i needed a vehicle, every joke needs a vehicle (unless it's a ninja joke because they can fly). i could have ommitted your nationality but since i wasn't trying to make it about your nationality it didn't occur to me. next time i will omit it, not that you'll know, since it was omitted.
So you used nationality in a redundent form? Thats just bullshit, as is the idea of all jokes needing such a vehicle. If you needed it to make the joke work then fair enough but you didn't need it.
well i can't very well be happy about it now, can i?
So you aren't happy with it, why?
that's hardly the sort of sinister manifestation i had imagined you were imagining...
agreed, as i've said. it wasn't a need to mention you were british, but a need to provide a vehicle for the joke.
But you don't need to use that as a vehicle, you could have just said "you two" but you aren't happy with it being that personal and now you are saying you aren't happy about it being a generalisation of a nationality. I fail to see how you can be unhappy to make it more of personal shot as that is what you have described it to be (as you are mocking those individuals for the use of genitailia terminology). I mean if you are replacing individuality with nationality you are just replacing the "vehicle" so why would it matter, i mean you wouldn't be being personal, you would just be using it as a vehicle, right? If you are unhappy with it being a personal vehicle then why is it ok to make it about a national vehicle. You clearly have a problem with it being personal, i'm guessing as it may offend so why shouldn't it matter when its a nationality as the vehicle. Basically you are contradicting yourself.
how could i have made the joke just as funny or funnier?
Well you said yourself you were to lazy to think it through, you could start there or are you saying you needed it to be exclusive to brits for it to be funny. Nationality doesn't tend to be a redundent term, it defines a nation of people. Which like i say would have been fine if it was about the nation but as it wasn't it was wrong and you would have been better off making it about individuals or small groups. Just out of interest could you reword the joke but this time imagine that i'm american, it would be interesting to see what vehicle you would use then.
10-17-2005, 09:17 AM
So you used nationality in a redundent form? Thats just bullshit, as is the idea of all jokes needing such a vehicle. If you needed it to make the joke work then fair enough but you didn't need it.
how did i not need a vehicle? whether it was 'you brits" or "you people' or 'you two' or whatever... if i had just said 'hey genitalia!' there would have been no connection to who said what.
So you aren't happy with it, why?
because i did not intend to, and look what happened.
must everything be relevent?
But you don't need to use that as a vehicle, you could have just said "you two" but you aren't happy with it being that personal and now you are saying you aren't happy about it being a generalisation of a nationality. I fail to see how you can be unhappy to make it more of personal shot as that is what you have described it to be (as you are mocking those individuals for the use of genitailia terminology). I mean if you are replacing individuality with nationality you are just replacing the "vehicle" so why would it matter, i mean you wouldn't be being personal, you would just be using it as a vehicle, right? If you are unhappy with it being a personal vehicle then why is it ok to make it about a national vehicle. You clearly have a problem with it being personal, i'm guessing as it may offend so why shouldn't it matter when its a nationality as the vehicle. Basically you are contradicting yourself.
wait, now it's a personal dig? you're losing me. i wasn't digging at anybody, i was digging at genitalia (haha). regardless of who said it, if it had been generated by some computer word engine, i still would have tried to make a joke out of it. it was an observation, not a mockery.
Well you said yourself you were to lazy to think it through, you could start there or are you saying you needed it to be exclusive to brits for it to be funny. Nationality doesn't tend to be a redundent term, it defines a nation of people. Which like i say would have been fine if it was about the nation but as it wasn't it was wrong and you would have been better off making it about individuals or small groups. Just out of interest could you reword the joke but this time imagine that i'm american, it would be interesting to see what vehicle you would use then.
i wasn't asking for a mechanical breakdown of how the joke could have been funnier, i was asking for an example... and if you were american i might have said "you guys" or something else. i don't know, it depends on what first leapt to mind. honestly, i didn't put that much thought into it.
10-17-2005, 10:26 AM
how did i not need a vehicle? whether it was 'you brits" or "you people' or 'you two' or whatever... if i had just said 'hey genitalia!' there would have been no connection to who said what.
Ok, let me rephrase, you didn't need a redundent vehicle. But if it wasn't about brits and you didn't want to remark about us personally you could have just sniggered about the use of genitalia as you continued to do so through the thread without the need of a vehicle. You kept typing (haha) after gentitalia, you could have made that your initial comment as that was all your joke was according to you but know you are saying you are connecting it to people who said it so its not really just a comment on genitalia anymore its a comment on people who use the words and you chose to make that comment about a nation.
I mean your joke is, after all, jusy you saying "hey genitailia!!"
because i did not intend to, and look what happened.
So you were happy before i pointed out that you had made a joke about brits?
must everything be relevent?
wait, now it's a personal dig? you're losing me. i wasn't digging at anybody, i was digging at genitalia (haha). regardless of who said it, if it had been generated by some computer word engine, i still would have tried to make a joke out of it. it was an observation, not a mockery.
Another genitailia joke with no vehicle, nice. Don't take it to heart, i'm just using the word dig and mock in the lightest sense, don't lose sight of the point in hand, the joke isn't whats bad at all its just your inability to see how redundent your usage of the word brits was if you had no intention of making a joke about a nationality.
i wasn't asking for a mechanical breakdown of how the joke could have been funnier, i was asking for an example... and if you were american i might have said "you guys" or something else. i don't know, it depends on what first leapt to mind. honestly, i didn't put that much thought into it.
So why did you need to use brits instead of you guys if you weren't relating it to being british? It actually makes me wonder exactly how much thought you put into anything. I mean if a women gets in a car crash and i express a comment along the lines of "you women need to learn to drive better" i'm clearly making a comment relating to the driving skills of a particular gender just as you were clearly relating the usage of such words to brits. In your logic you could couple us together based on the colour of our skin but it wouldn't mean you were making a comment relating to people of that colour, right? i mean "you white people and your genitalia comments" It doesn't make exclusive commentry to the people involved but neither does "you brits" as there are other brits on the board who weren't saying that, so if you were just making commentry of those involved why does nationality even come into it. Your logic seems to say that you can use a word that covers a vast amount of people but get it to mean just one or two people because you intended it too, how does that work? If i say "you americans really have a problem with accepting when you are wrong" how does that not relate to all americans, are you seriously that stupid that you cannot see that? I just hope you learn to accept when you are wrong about something, you can learn from mistakes you know theres no crime in that.
10-17-2005, 11:10 AM
Ok, let me rephrase, you didn't need a redundent vehicle. But if it wasn't about brits and you didn't want to remark about us personally you could have just sniggered about the use of genitalia as you continued to do so through the thread without the need of a vehicle. You kept typing (haha) after gentitalia, you could have made that your initial comment as that was all your joke was according to you but know you are saying you are connecting it to people who said it so its not really just a comment on genitalia anymore its a comment on people who use the words and you chose to make that comment about a nation.
I mean your joke is, after all, jusy you saying "hey genitailia!!"
well, if you noticed, i didn't type "(haha)" after every use of genitalia (haha) just when a combination of words made it funny if taken out of context (as with "use of genitalia"). you mean "haha" could have been my intitial comment? i know i could have just sniggered, but i didn't think that was a very sophisticated response to my observation. sniggering is a response to humor, not humor in and of itself.
So you were happy before i pointed out that you had made a joke about brits?
yes, because i didn't realize it had come across as being a dig at brits.
Another genitailia joke with no vehicle, nice. Don't take it to heart, i'm just using the word dig and mock in the lightest sense, don't lose sight of the point in hand, the joke isn't whats bad at all its just your inability to see how redundent your usage of the word brits was if you had no intention of making a joke about a nationality.
i appreciate the redundancy but i think you fail to see the intent behind my reasons for doing so.
So why did you need to use brits instead of you guys if you weren't relating it to being british?
because that's not what leapt to mind first.
It actually makes me wonder exactly how much thought you put into anything. I mean if a women gets in a car crash and i express a comment along the lines of "you women need to learn to drive better" i'm clearly making a comment relating to the driving skills of a particular gender just as you were clearly relating the usage of such words to brits.
but that would be an insult, where as, even if i was making a conscious dig at brits (which i wasn't) it was in the context of a compliment of how you guys crack me up.
In your logic you could couple us together based on the colour of our skin but it wouldn't mean you were making a comment relating to people of that colour, right? i mean "you white people and your genitalia comments" It doesn't make exclusive commentry to the people involved but neither does "you brits" as there are other brits on the board who weren't saying that, so if you were just making commentry of those involved why does nationality even come into it.
i think, maybe because i'm an american, that making a reference to anyone's color automatically sets off alarm bells. and perhaps, also because i'm an american, referencing nationality does not.
Your logic seems to say that you can use a word that covers a vast amount of people but get it to mean just one or two people because you intended it too, how does that work?
apparently it does not. i think "logic" is too strong a term for for my thought process however. maybe "stream of consciousness" might be more apt.
If i say "you americans really have a problem with accepting when you are wrong" how does that not relate to all americans, are you seriously that stupid that you cannot see that? I just hope you learn to accept when you are wrong about something, you can learn from mistakes you know theres no crime in that.
americans, as a rule, do not learn from mistakes. but i don't see how i haven't admitted to my mistake since i've agreed with every one of your assessments. how's this? i either should have made it a conscious dig at brits, lied and said it was a conscious dig at brits, or been more vague in my vehicle to tie the two genitalia comments together with my observation. that's what i should have done as compared to my mistake of just saying the first thing that came to mind and then defending my sincerity.
10-17-2005, 11:33 AM
well, if you noticed, i didn't type "(haha)" after every use of genitalia (haha) just when a combination of words made it funny if taken out of context (as with "use of genitalia"). you mean "haha" could have been my intitial comment? i know i could have just sniggered, but i didn't think that was a very sophisticated response to my observation. sniggering is a response to humor, not humor in and of itself.
You told me you didn't really think about you comment now you are telling me you were thinking about how sophisticated it needed to be.
yes, because i didn't realize it had come across as being a dig at brits. Do you see now how it most definitely does come across in that way?
i appreciate the redundancy but i think you fail to see the intent behind my reasons for doing so.
Point is that it is redundent and not needed unless you were making a comment relitve to brits, you say you weren't.
because that's not what leapt to mind first.
So you made a mistake and accept your initial comment wasn't worded correctly to portray what you intended.
but that would be an insult, where as, even if i was making a conscious dig at brits (which i wasn't) it was in the context of a compliment of how you guys crack me up. Which guys, brits as a whole or two individuals. And it may be an insult in a joking manner, its another common stereotype that people often use to make fun although it does use an entire gender as opposed to an individual.
i think, maybe because i'm an american, that making a reference to anyone's color automatically sets off alarm bells. and perhaps, also because i'm an american, referencing nationality does not. Again its not about the alarm bells its about to whom you are refering the statement to be about, an entire colour, gender or nation or a smaller set of individuals.
apparently it does not. i think "logic" is too strong a term for for my thought process however. maybe "stream of consciousness" might be more apt. I think logic is the perfect word if you are going to attempt to qualify the reasoning behind the statement afterwards.
americans, as a rule, do not learn from mistakes. but i don't see how i haven't admitted to my mistake since i've agreed with every one of your assessments. how's this? i either should have made it a conscious dig at brits, lied and said it was a conscious dig at brits, or been more vague in my vehicle to tie the two genitalia comments together with my observation. that's what i should have done as compared to my mistake of just saying the first thing that came to mind and then defending my sincerity.
I never chalenged your sincerity only the logic behind how the comment came off and how it didn't relate to what you were claiming the comment to be. I don't think lying would be a good option and how is saying you guys and quoting the posts to which you were refering to be more vague? If you had time to think of how sophisticated the joke needed to be you could have put a tiny bit of thought into wether or not you are refering to a few people or a nation's trait.
And i wasn't talking about americans as a rule learning from a mistake i was talking about you as an individual, you don't carry every stereotypical trait of the generalised americans you can be an exceptions to the rule.
Remember there is an exception to every rule even the rule of there being and exception to every rule, in which i can decide the exception at my own discression.
10-17-2005, 12:10 PM
You told me you didn't really think about you comment now you are telling me you were thinking about how sophisticated it needed to be.
that's not what i said. sniggering is not a joke, so discarding the option of my response being a simple snigger as unsophisticated does not reflect any sort of thought put into my joke. i could have just sniggered or i could have made a joke. once i decided to make a joke i did not consider its sophistication beyond the need for a vehicle to deliver it.
Do you see now how it most definitely does come across in that way?
yes, as i have said from the beginning, but it's not what was intended.
Point is that it is redundent and not needed unless you were making a comment relitve to brits, you say you weren't.
So you made a mistake and accept your initial comment wasn't worded correctly to portray what you intended.
yes... am i still american?
Which guys, brits as a whole or two individuals. And it may be an insult in a joking manner, its another common stereotype that people often use to make fun although it does use an entire gender as opposed to an individual.
well, keeping in mind that this is a hypothetical since it is not what i was saying... brits as a whole.
Again its not about the alarm bells its about to whom you are refering the statement to be about, an entire colour, gender or nation or a smaller set of individuals.
in america discussing race is all about alarm bells.
I think logic is the perfect word if you are going to attempt to qualify the reasoning behind the statement afterwards.
but i wasn't planning on qualifying it until you pointed out the flaw so how does that affect my thought process prior to the exchange that followed?
I never chalenged your sincerity only the logic behind how the comment came off and how it didn't relate to what you were claiming the comment to be. I don't think lying would be a good option and how is saying you guys and quoting the posts to which you were refering to be more vague? If you had time to think of how sophisticated the joke needed to be you could have put a tiny bit of thought into wether or not you are refering to a few people or a nation's trait.
but i didn't quote the posts because i wasn't putting all that much effort into it. and as i said, i did not consider the sophistication of the joke, only the sophistication of the nature of my response regarding sniggering.
And i wasn't talking about americans as a rule learning from a mistake i was talking about you as an individual, you don't carry every stereotypical trait of the generalised americans you can be an exceptions to the rule.
wait... what traits don't i carry?
Remember there is an exception to every rule even the rule of there being and exception to every rule, in which i can decide the exception at my own discression.
how the hell am i supposed to remember that?
10-17-2005, 12:26 PM
that's not what i said. sniggering is not a joke, so discarding the option of my response being a simple snigger as unsophisticated does not reflect any sort of thought put into my joke. i could have just sniggered or i could have made a joke. once i decided to make a joke i did not consider its sophistication beyond the need for a vehicle to deliver it.
Of course it can be a joke, it can be a simple joke implying a childish ammusement by words that describe genitailia.
yes, as i have said from the beginning, but it's not what was intended.
I know its not what you intended it was just you were defending the usage of the word and i disputed that. So thats clear now.
Phew! that was hard work.
yes... am i still american?
well, keeping in mind that this is a hypothetical since it is not what i was saying... brits as a whole.
And the insult being used as a joke, are we clear on that too?
in america discussing race is all about alarm bells.
Not in this particular point and surely you can collectively talk about a race of people without alarm bells ringing, it just depends on what you are actually saying about that race, same with gender and nationality.
but i wasn't planning on qualifying it until you pointed out the flaw so how does that affect my thought process prior to the exchange that followed? Because you went on to discuss it as an intended comment to mean something that it didn't portray. You were claiming there was a need for it and giving it a logical argument, and thats the logic i was debating with.
but i didn't quote the posts because i wasn't putting all that much effort into it. and as i said, i did not consider the sophistication of the joke, only the sophistication of the nature of my response regarding sniggering. How much effort does it take to quote a post, it actually takes less effort as you no longer have to indentify in your post to whom you are replying. It should be done just to make it easy for people to follow. What makes you stop considering sophistication at that point?
wait... what traits don't i carry?
I probably shouldn't answer that.
how the hell am i supposed to remember that?
it was a joke.
10-17-2005, 05:44 PM
Of course it can be a joke, it can be a simple joke implying a childish ammusement by words that describe genitailia.
how is demonstrating amusement a joke?
I know its not what you intended it was just you were defending the usage of the word and i disputed that. So thats clear now.
i defended the mechanical/logistical usage not the generalizing/insulting usage, as long as we're clear on that.
Phew! that was hard work.
you're telling me. well, at least you finally came around in the end.
And the insult being used as a joke, are we clear on that too?
i think so...
Not in this particular point and surely you can collectively talk about a race of people without alarm bells ringing, it just depends on what you are actually saying about that race, same with gender and nationality.
no, not really, we can't.
Because you went on to discuss it as an intended comment to mean something that it didn't portray. You were claiming there was a need for it and giving it a logical argument, and thats the logic i was debating with.
ok, i think...
How much effort does it take to quote a post, it actually takes less effort as you no longer have to indentify in your post to whom you are replying. It should be done just to make it easy for people to follow. What makes you stop considering sophistication at that point?
well, because it was two posts by two different people it would have taken more effort than i was willing to commit at that time. i'm not sure what make one stop considering sophistication and at what point... i guess when it becomes too sophisticated.
I probably shouldn't answer that.
well, you put it out there...
it was a joke.
as was my response... *snigger*
10-17-2005, 07:20 PM
how is demonstrating amusement a joke?
It worked for beavis and butthead
i defended the mechanical/logistical usage not the generalizing/insulting usage, as long as we're clear on that.
You defended the usage, theres no need to split hairs. Besides one lent to the other.
you're telling me. well, at least you finally came around in the end.
I didn't come round, i've said the same thing since the out set.
i think so...
no, not really, we can't.
so how to you discuss the history of a particular race?
ok, i think...
Well if you aren't sure we can run through it again for you.
well, because it was two posts by two different people it would have taken more effort than i was willing to commit at that time. i'm not sure what make one stop considering sophistication and at what point... i guess when it becomes too sophisticated.
Yeah i can see how thinking before typing can be a real excercise in sophistication. Imagine how much effort you could have saved if you had used a tiny amount of effort in the first instance.
well, you put it out there...
Ok, how much do you weigh? Do you hate canadians?
as was my response... *snigger*
10-17-2005, 08:02 PM
It worked for beavis and butthead.
point taken... but that's the kind of joke that only really works once.
You defended the usage, theres no need to split hairs. Besides one lent to the other.
splitting hairs makes me feel better.
I didn't come round, i've said the same thing since the out set.
that's exactly what i want you to think...
so how to you discuss the history of a particular race?
on egg shells. sometimes, you just don't discuss it at all, especially if you are not of that particular race.
Well if you aren't sure we can run through it again for you.
no thank you.
Yeah i can see how thinking before typing can be a real excercise in sophistication. Imagine how much effort you could have saved if you had used a tiny amount of effort in the first instance.
imagine how much effort i'd have saved if i hadn't said anything at all!
Ok, how much do you weigh? Do you hate canadians?
172 lbs as of immediately after my run today. i don't hate canadians but i do mock them and also tease friends from snowy northern states that they are in fact canadians. but, i have to punctuate this by saying that i'm a hockey fan. so, much of this teasing is due to a traditionally maintained ice rivalry with our cousins in the snowy north.
10-18-2005, 10:28 AM
point taken... but that's the kind of joke that only really works once.
No, you are wrong again, you just have no imagination
splitting hairs makes me feel better.
Even when it makes no sense to.
that's exactly what i want you to think...
sure thing retardo.
on egg shells. sometimes, you just don't discuss it at all, especially if you are not of that particular race.
Well i wonder about that
imagine how much effort i'd have saved if i hadn't said anything at all!
You should try it.
172 lbs as of immediately after my run today. i don't hate canadians but i do mock them and also tease friends from snowy northern states that they are in fact canadians. but, i have to punctuate this by saying that i'm a hockey fan. so, much of this teasing is due to a traditionally maintained ice rivalry with our cousins in the snowy north.
And are you highly patriotic? And do you think all english people live in london and know the queen?
10-18-2005, 11:28 AM
No, you are wrong again, you just have no imagination
i imagine not...
Even when it makes no sense to.
sure thing retardo.
i didn't realize you spoke spanish...
Well i wonder about that
everybody wonders about it. it's ok to wonder. just don't wonder about it out loud.
You should try it.
And are you highly patriotic?
more patriotic than some, less than others
And do you think all english people live in london and know the queen?
you mean you don't?
10-18-2005, 11:37 AM
i imagine not...
Your case is very weak
i didn't realize you spoke spanish...
you not realizing stuff is a common occurance for you.
everybody wonders about it. it's ok to wonder. just don't wonder about it out loud.
Well actually i think i'll make my mind up after i have interacted with a lot more americans on the subject as you tend not to be a valid source.
more patriotic than some, less than others
you mean you don't?
And there you have some stereotypical traits that people from the other parts of the world see as an inherent part of being american, you obviously don't share them all.
10-18-2005, 11:44 AM
Your case is very weak
i'd imagine so
you not realizing stuff is a common occurance for you.
but i realize it now, don't i?
Well actually i think i'll make my mind up after i have interacted with a lot more americans on the subject as you tend not to be a valid source.
good luck with that, but it wouldn't hurt to remember the egg shells till you're sure.
And there you have some stereotypical traits that people from the other parts of the world see as an inherent part of being american, you obviously don't share them all.
what was so bad about that?
10-18-2005, 11:47 AM
i'd imagine so
of course you do
but i realize it now, don't i?
You asking or telling?
good luck with that, but it wouldn't hurt to remember the egg shells till you're sure.
Wouldn't need to
what was so bad about that?
Who said it was bad?
10-18-2005, 11:51 AM
You asking or telling?
ummm... telling?
Wouldn't need to
if you say so.
Who said it was bad?
you seemed reluctant to get into it, that's all...
10-18-2005, 11:53 AM
ummm... telling?
if you say so.
I do
you seemed reluctant to get into it, that's all...
it wasn't necessary.
10-18-2005, 11:55 AM
it wasn't necessary.
fair enough.
10-18-2005, 11:56 AM
fair enough.
cheers gov'
This seems to be a very popular question. sXe kids yet they are on here posting if I do this am I edge, this happened am I edge, what if this am I edge. Maybe this is sort of a closed minded vew of things but if you have to ask a question like that you may not know as much as you thought about sXe and aren't sxe. If you have to ask if something is edge than how can you honestly say you know what is and claim to be sXe? Am I the only one that thinks this thought? I'd like to know.
I don't find anything wrong with it either, because take this example. Let's say I'm a christian, and I have a question about the bible. Does this mean that I'm not a christian? No. I just want to know something about what I'm following. I'm still not quite sure about what sXe is about, even though I've spent hours researching it. I'm still relatively new with it, anyways.
11-15-2005, 04:54 PM
I don't find anything wrong with it either, because take this example. Let's say I'm a christian, and I have a question about the bible. Does this mean that I'm not a christian? No. I just want to know something about what I'm following. I'm still not quite sure about what sXe is about, even though I've spent hours researching it. I'm still relatively new with it, anyways.
point being you might want to have a pretty solid understanding of something before you decide you call yourself it.
Yes, you want to have a "pretty" solid understanding of it, but it doesn't mean you have to be an expert of it. You just have to know the basics of what you're following. Like, I know that straight-edge is about no smoking, no drinking, no drugs, and a love of hardcore music. That doesn't mean that that is all that SXe is about.
11-16-2005, 12:25 AM
Yes, you want to have a "pretty" solid understanding of it, but it doesn't mean you have to be an expert of it. You just have to know the basics of what you're following. Like, I know that straight-edge is about no smoking, no drinking, no drugs, and a love of hardcore music. That doesn't mean that that is all that SXe is about.
What else is there then? What else is sXe about?
11-16-2005, 06:24 AM
Yes, you want to have a "pretty" solid understanding of it, but it doesn't mean you have to be an expert of it. You just have to know the basics of what you're following. Like, I know that straight-edge is about no smoking, no drinking, no drugs, and a love of hardcore music. That doesn't mean that that is all that SXe is about.
Yeah but you'd want to know what you are alligning yourself with before you actually alligned yourself with it, when people don't do this they end up trying to make the idea of straightedge exist outside of its inherent perameters. Like kids who hear about the term straightedge in one way or another but manage to remove the idea of hardcore's relevence, it may be the basic understanding to you but it seems like brain surgery to others who aren't willing to research what they are claiming to be at all.
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