View Full Version : Always Sxe?
10-01-2005, 12:25 AM
I'm just wondering but was everyone here always straight edge or have some people used before like I did. I'm proud to know I can change has anyone else done this. How long were you using for and was it tough giving that up. I used for 8 years and I used almost everything there is. It has been very hard since but it's been wonderful.
10-01-2005, 12:28 AM
I'm just wondering but was everyone here always straight edge or have some people used before like I did. I'm proud to know I can change has anyone else done this. How long were you using for and was it tough giving that up. I used for 8 years and I used almost everything there is. It has been very hard since but it's been wonderful.
this was already addressed.. you can read it all here:
10-01-2005, 12:45 AM
After having a best friend over dose on heroin and die in my arms at the age of 15 I sort of lost the urge to experiment with drugs. You know us damn Indiana retards are too stupid to experiment with drugs.
10-01-2005, 12:52 AM
I'm sorry that happened
10-02-2005, 12:49 AM
now see still a pothead but i would never fuck with herion im real sorry that happened. now even ill admit if that happened to me even i would stop smoking.
10-02-2005, 12:52 AM
now see still a pothead but i would never fuck with herion im real sorry that happened. now even ill admit if that happened to me even i would stop smoking.
Why exactly are you here? Did I miss something?
Sorry to hear about the heroin OD... that sucks...
10-02-2005, 12:56 AM
Man smoking pot is just as wrong as heroin. Even if you can't die from it your still wasting your time, and fucking up your head by being weak enough to USE it.
10-02-2005, 01:01 AM
Man smoking pot is just as wrong as heroine. Even if you can't die from it your still wasting your time, and fucking up your head by being weak enough to USE it.
Just so you don't accidentally beat up the wrong person - heroine isn't a drug, it's the female version of a hero.
PS - stoner guy is obviously just baiting everyone....
10-02-2005, 01:02 AM
ARGH read my profile and get to know me and no its not as bad as herion there is only on recorded death from weed and how many from herion hmmmmm and no i dont support driving stoned or drunk either.
10-02-2005, 01:03 AM
ARGH read my profile and get to know me and no its not as bad as herion there is only on recorded death from weed and how many from herion hmmmmm and no i dont support driving stoned or drunk either.
Yeah, your profile didn't really clear up the why you're posting on this website thing....
10-02-2005, 01:06 AM
really cause i can and besides i just like to piss people off to be honest but i still think herion is fucked up and im sorry for what happened to you.
10-02-2005, 01:08 AM
really cause i can and besides i just like to piss people off to be honest but i still think herion is fucked up and im sorry for what happened to you.
Wow, you must be REALLY bored. Maybe you should quit sitting around smoking weed and go outdoors.
10-02-2005, 01:10 AM
hmmmmmm wait whats this i skate,play football,and im a weightlifer sounds like i do other stuff besides smoke pot
10-02-2005, 01:12 AM
hmmmmmm wait whats this i skate,play football,and im a weightlifer sounds like i do other stuff besides smoke pot
But apparently you still have way too much spare time....maybe you should take up a really time consuming hobby. Like crime.
10-02-2005, 01:14 AM
wait let me guess another sterotype of potheads were all criminals right. only thing illegal i do is smoke and i do have a hobbie like i said skating,playing with my band,and screwing with computers.
PS-how can pot be that bad if they give it to people with cancer and glacuoma
10-02-2005, 01:23 AM
who knows but you need to find somewhere you belong pal we don't come over to your house and tell you lifting weights it retarded or footballs a game for guys to hide their need for homoerotic touch, do we, I skateboard,you skate or fruit boot?, either way why don't you try to go enjoy that sober.
10-02-2005, 01:27 AM
i skate sober thats a rule of thumb if you skate high your balls end up on a rail. oh and about me being here well look at it this way you have some one with an opposing view to argue with now :)
10-02-2005, 01:28 AM
wait let me guess another sterotype of potheads were all criminals right. only thing illegal i do is smoke and i do have a hobbie like i said skating,playing with my band,and screwing with computers.
PS-how can pot be that bad if they give it to people with cancer and glacuoma
No... I was just trying to think of a fun hobby for you. It was actually your joy in posting things on a message board just to irritate people that made me think of crime.
10-02-2005, 01:32 AM
ehhh ill admit late at night there isnt much else to do and really i am anti straight edge well no im anti hardliner but in all honesty if you want to debate,argue,or hell even talk shit to me do it on aim my sn is spidersareintune so there ya go.
10-02-2005, 01:32 AM
Whatever I don't wanna argue if I did I could just hang out with my old stoner buddies. Marijuana stays in your brain for about 30 days if you really wanna skate sober you should probably wait 30 days before you go.
10-02-2005, 01:35 AM
BLOODSTREAM it stays in your bloodstream for 30 days not your brain and your only high for like 3 hours depending on how much you smoke and how strong it is.
10-02-2005, 01:40 AM
No it's in your brain. THC is stored in your fat cells. and aside from neurons your brain is pretty much made up of fat, fat that fuels your neurons. So I'm right, do some research next time you try telling me whats up..
10-02-2005, 01:41 AM
well im sorry oh great guru of information i was wrong im sorry but ok you wanna see sober fine then for shits and giggles ill go sober for 30 days.
10-02-2005, 01:44 AM
Yeah sure I just saw your only 15 how funny, I don't even want to talk to you. Oh and System of the Dowwn Sucks!
10-02-2005, 01:46 AM
why cause your what 25-26 i know more than you think and i'll go sober for 30 days hell ill even let you amke up the rule and FYI its my own damn opinion if i like system or not
10-02-2005, 02:01 AM
All right goodnight little man Good luck and stay strong tommorrow
10-02-2005, 02:05 AM
alright dude see ya
10-02-2005, 03:42 AM
i'm so glad i never used drugs.
10-02-2005, 06:14 PM
really cause i can and besides i just like to piss people off to be honest but i still think herion is fucked up and im sorry for what happened to you.
You're an idiot.
10-02-2005, 06:30 PM
ARGH read my profile and get to know me and no its not as bad as herion there is only on recorded death from weed and how many from herion hmmmmm and no i dont support driving stoned or drunk either.
I don't know what world you live in but marijuana contributes to a lot more deaths than you think kid. Go watch your after school special. Pot is a gate way drug my friend as cleshade ( how ever the fuck you spell it. ) as it may sound. Honestly how many people just start at crack, or heroin, or pcp without drinking or smoking a little weed fisrt. It was some asshole like you that told my friend weed was okay then it was some asshole that told my friend that told him a little heroin wouldn't hurt him but tell that to his mother after he took that hot shot. All you stoners are the same with your same semi-retarded laugh and your oh pot inlightens me and makes me think attitude. You know they don't call it dope for nothing but hey kid go kill youself. What the fuck do I care. And the only reason you don't condone driving under the influence of pot is because you can't drive right now. I bet in a year from now the story changes and I really don't see you making it a whole 30 days either, and even if you did how would we know?????? As for the criminal part people addicted to drugs are more like to commit crimes maybe your stoner ass is to mellow and lazy to kill some one but most drug addicts at some point in time will rob for money to feed their addiction. Maybe you don't now but some day you will and it may not be a liquor store but I'll bet mom's pusre is $5-10 lighter.
10-02-2005, 06:40 PM
And finally thank you guys for your condolences. It's one of those things you deal with with time. Probably one of the reasons I do what I do for a living. You learn to separate but my mind floats back to it sometimes. In a way I'm glad to say it happend. Not in some sick morbid way but there are times were I may have a bad day no matter how many times I stare death in the face and i get on edge and some one says lets go get a beer, I remember the expressionless look on the face and I know with all my heart and convitions I will never be there. I have a better edge to me to fall back on and thats sXe.
After having proof read that it really sounds like a sXe card from hallmark or something. So sorry for the emo lame moment up there it just helps some times to write it out and read it. Not Very hXc I guess.
10-02-2005, 06:46 PM
oh lordy lord i was told to go kill myself how mature. I'll admit weed to SOME people is treated as a gateway drug but really its more of an excuse. self control is the problem. people can smoke weed and neevr touch another drug such as myself. Ive been offered other drugs but never taken them so next time think stuff out before you say it.
10-02-2005, 06:59 PM
I don't know what world you live in but marijuana contributes to a lot more deaths than you think kid. Go watch your after school special. Pot is a gate way drug my friend as cleshade ( how ever the fuck you spell it. ) as it may sound.
Honestly how many people just start at crack, or heroin, or pcp without drinking or smoking a little weed fisrt. It was some asshole like you that told my friend weed was okay then it was some asshole that told my friend that told him a little heroin wouldn't hurt him but tell that to his mother after he took that hot shot. All you stoners are the same with your same semi-retarded laugh and your oh pot enlightens me and makes me think attitude. You know they don't call it dope for nothing but hey kid go kill youself. What the fuck do I care. And the only reason you don't condone driving under the influence of pot is because you can't drive right now. I bet in a year from now the story changes and I really don't see you making it a whole 30 days either, and even if you did how would we know?????? As for the criminal part people addicted to drugs are more like to commit crimes maybe your stoner ass is to mellow and lazy to kill some one but most drug addicts at some point in time will rob for money to feed their addiction. Maybe you don't now but some day you will and it may not be a liquor store but I'll bet mom's pusre is $5-10 lighter.
You know, as against drugs as i am i would like to say that i have some really good friends that are really honest and they smoke weed. They wouldn't steal and they wouldn't do harder drugs, they are seriously really good stand up guys and if you met them you wouldn't have a clue that instead of a glass of wine in the evening they prefer a little weed. I understand the commonly accepted idea of it being a gateway drug and how it lures people into a community of different drug usage but thats not always the case, it can deviate from the accepted idea quite a lot. And when you are talking about a group in general a generalisation wouldn't be so bad but you need to be careful when applying stereotypes to individuals they don't always fit. Granted this kid isn't presenting himself in the best light to make you think otherwise, acting like a complete spazz and going on a straightedge site with a name like antiedge, but just imagine the kind of stereotypes he applys to us on here, more than likely very misinformed. Now i'm not saying anything positive about weed, i think its fucking stupid stuff and think people are dumb for smoking it but i won't apply stereotypes immediately to anyone i find that smokes weed.
10-02-2005, 07:11 PM
oh lordy lord i was told to go kill myself how mature. I'll admit weed to SOME people is treated as a gateway drug but really its more of an excuse. self control is the problem. people can smoke weed and neevr touch another drug such as myself. Ive been offered other drugs but never taken them so next time think stuff out before you say it.
Yeah but you are still young, saying you'd never touch another drug now holds very little weight, say it in your mid to late twenties and it will hold a little more weight. Peer pressure is a killer and it will creep up on you without you realising at times. I mean think about how many 8 year olds say they will never smoke, i remember when i was a young kid all my friends said they would never smoke a ciggerette yet by the time we were half way through secondaty school (14 to 15) i could count the non smokers on my hands out of all the kids in that year of school. When you tell others to think out what they say use some forsight to see just how sure you can be of the claims you are making, weigh it up against the way people who have gone before you for a rough idea. Your response to what was said was very typical and the type of response giving by a lot of kids that go on to do other substances, its not something they planned for but it happens all the same because of a false sense of the self control you spoke of, they often think they are different and can excercise that control so they can try a different substance. They won't get hooked, they've got it up there, they've got the control. And granted some manage to get away with it but a larger majority don't and thats why it becomes somewhat of a gamble.
10-02-2005, 07:34 PM
oh lordy lord i was told to go kill myself how mature. I'll admit weed to SOME people is treated as a gateway drug but really its more of an excuse. self control is the problem. people can smoke weed and neevr touch another drug such as myself. Ive been offered other drugs but never taken them so next time think stuff out before you say it.
Oh yes smoking has no adverse side affects at all right. Thats what I met buy you go kill yourself. If I'm not mistaken Bob Marley died at the age of 36 from lung cancer from smoking weed.
10-02-2005, 07:38 PM
Oh yes smoking has no adverse side affects at all right. Thats what I met buy you go kill yourself. If I'm not mistaken Bob Marley died at the age of 36 from lung cancer from smoking weed.
you are mistaken, it was cancer but it was not of the lungs.
10-02-2005, 08:07 PM
You know, as against drugs as i am i would like to say that i have some really good friends that are really honest and they smoke weed. They wouldn't steal and they wouldn't do harder drugs, they are seriously really good stand up guys and if you met them you wouldn't have a clue that instead of a glass of wine in the evening they prefer a little weed. I understand the commonly accepted idea of it being a gateway drug and how it lures people into a community of different drug usage but thats not always the case, it can deviate from the accepted idea quite a lot. And when you are talking about a group in general a generalisation wouldn't be so bad but you need to be careful when applying stereotypes to individuals they don't always fit. Granted this kid isn't presenting himself in the best light to make you think otherwise, acting like a complete spazz and going on a straightedge site with a name like antiedge, but just imagine the kind of stereotypes he applys to us on here, more than likely very misinformed. Now i'm not saying anything positive about weed, i think its fucking stupid stuff and think people are dumb for smoking it but i won't apply stereotypes immediately to anyone i find that smokes weed.
Cliche thank you.
I'm glad you have friend that smoke that are fine upstanding citizens. You know what I mean. I have no doubt that it could happen and probably does. No offense but ( and I could be wrong ) to me it seems that stuff like that is maybe a little more accepted in other cultures that it is here in America. Maybe its due to our high crime rate over here to that makes it appear worse. And I could just be a dumbass thats full of wrong information. It just seems that around here that if people have some weed there is something else there. Alot of it probably is sterotyping on my part and I'm soory to anyone I may have offened. In my defense like you say it doesn't help that this kid fits the sterotype and acutally helps prove it.
And I think you covered this in your post to antiedge. It doesn't help his cause and argueement because he is young and there is the possibilty of harded drugs in his future.
10-02-2005, 08:08 PM
you are mistaken, it was cancer but it was not of the lungs.
My mistake. Thank you.
10-02-2005, 08:28 PM
Oh yes smoking has no adverse side affects at all right. Thats what I met buy you go kill yourself. If I'm not mistaken Bob Marley died at the age of 36 from lung cancer from smoking weed.
you are mistaken, it was cancer but it was not of the lungs.
Yeah it was first discovered in his toe, but he was to busy smoking weed and believing in Ja to think that what a doctor says is important. He made the mistake of ignoring it and I think pot may have had a psychological role in that.
Yeah anti-edge is just a "young man" he still has a chance of getting curious about other drugs if he keeps using, but I think we should offer support and encourage his abstaining from weed even we don't know for sure, and it's only temporary.
10-02-2005, 08:32 PM
Yeah it was first discovered in his toe, but he was to busy smoking weed and believing in Ja to think that what a doctor says is important. He made the mistake of ignoring it and I think pot may have had a psychological role in that.
Yeah anti-edge is just a "young man" he still has a chance of getting curious about other drugs if he keeps using, but I think we should offer support and encourage his abstaining from weed even we don't know for sure, and it's only temporary.
10-02-2005, 09:01 PM
OH whatever I don't like rastas anyway, stupid rastas always being Iree, what the fuck! I used to date a girl into reggea she was white and one day I heard her call some guys in a car next to us the N word what a hypocritical bitch she turned out to be. I also new some rastas who told this white one he wasn't real because he wasn't black, to me their just a bunch of stoner hippies with god "helping them" Yeah right!
10-03-2005, 12:28 AM
wait let me guess another sterotype of potheads were all criminals right. only thing illegal i do is smoke and i do have a hobbie like i said skating,playing with my band,and screwing with computers.
PS-how can pot be that bad if they give it to people with cancer and glacuoma
I know that this thread is old but are you fucking kidding me?
10-03-2005, 02:49 AM
well thank you to some of the people that arn't bitching me out. yeah im abstaining from weed for a month. i know im young but i am more mature than you think. if there is one thing i know i would never do any other drugs than weed. i've seen what stronger drugs have done to some of my friends coke,herion,and a hell of a lot more and a funny thing is,they never touched weed once so as much as me going to other drugs never and yeah i dont agree with some of the straight edge movment but i'll admit not all of its bad. its good you have your belifes and you are clean but its wrong to judge someone just casue they smoke weed.
10-03-2005, 04:54 AM
Yeah it was first discovered in his toe, but he was to busy smoking weed and believing in Ja to think that what a doctor says is important. He made the mistake of ignoring it and I think pot may have had a psychological role in that.
Yeah anti-edge is just a "young man" he still has a chance of getting curious about other drugs if he keeps using, but I think we should offer support and encourage his abstaining from weed even we don't know for sure, and it's only temporary.
Ummm, the refusal of treatment was based on his faith, so blame religion first and foremost.
10-03-2005, 05:07 AM
well thank you to some of the people that arn't bitching me out. yeah im abstaining from weed for a month. i know im young but i am more mature than you think. if there is one thing i know i would never do any other drugs than weed. i've seen what stronger drugs have done to some of my friends coke,herion,and a hell of a lot more and a funny thing is,they never touched weed once so as much as me going to other drugs never and yeah i dont agree with some of the straight edge movment but i'll admit not all of its bad. its good you have your belifes and you are clean but its wrong to judge someone just casue they smoke weed.
How do you know that you will never touch other drugs, you can't say for sure what decisions you will make in the future, you are at the complete mercy of change. Just as no straightedge kid cant say they will never drink ever with any solid fact. You can make an estimate but its all based on the person you are now unless you are saying you will somehow miraclously not sucumb to the power of change.
So what exactly don't you agree with about the straightedge movement and why do you feel, if you are against it, your pressence is required here. You mentioned being against hardline, and i'm geussing you are actually refering to militant straightedge which many people mistakingly call hardline. What valid points can you bring to a straightedge discussion forum?
And why is it wrong to judge anyone based on the fact tyhey smoke weed? So long as the judgement makes coherent sense i don't see the problem. You make a lifestyle choice to smoke crap i can make a judgement on that choice.
10-04-2005, 12:25 AM
well thank you to some of the people that arn't bitching me out. yeah im abstaining from weed for a month. i know im young but i am more mature than you think. if there is one thing i know i would never do any other drugs than weed. i've seen what stronger drugs have done to some of my friends coke,herion,and a hell of a lot more and a funny thing is,they never touched weed once so as much as me going to other drugs never and yeah i dont agree with some of the straight edge movment but i'll admit not all of its bad. its good you have your belifes and you are clean but its wrong to judge someone just casue they smoke weed.
Um...yeah... what ever.
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