View Full Version : anti edger...
10-21-2005, 04:12 PM
Hey there,
Im a non edger who enjoys taking drugs and smoking...
a couple of weeks ago, a couple of "hate edge" guys kicked a friend of mine's ass, for smoking a joint on the street...
now normally im a peace loving person, more of a live and let live type person.
can i ask, why the hell a group of people (straight edgers) would start causing fights with stoners..
surely you guys want to make the world a better place, less alcohol etc.
so how do you plan to accomplish this with violence...
do you really care that much what i do in my private time? is it that harmful to my mind???
apparently, the "hate edge" fraternity are far more brain damaged than me, even though i have done excessive amounts of several recreational drugs....
10-21-2005, 04:37 PM
wait... i'm confused, did a member of this board beat up your buddy?
10-21-2005, 04:54 PM
wait.. this is a fraternity? why didn't anyone tell me?
10-21-2005, 05:18 PM
wait.. this is a fraternity? why didn't anyone tell me?
Didn't you get the memo. I sent them out. I'm sure I e-mailed you one. Well enough about the memo it's hazing time. Who's first?
Hey there,
Im a non edger who enjoys taking drugs and smoking...
a couple of weeks ago, a couple of "hate edge" guys kicked a friend of mine's ass, for smoking a joint on the street...
how is this supposed to mean that we are all kicking people's ass?
now normally im a peace loving person, more of a live and let live type person.
you're a good guy.
can i ask, why the hell a group of people (straight edgers) would start causing fights with stoners..
again, how exactly does a couple of violent people make us ALL violent?
surely you guys want to make the world a better place, less alcohol etc.
why would you even know what we are aiming for with our beliefs?
so how do you plan to accomplish this with violence...
do you really care that much what i do in my private time? is it that harmful to my mind???
really? i dont care about your free time at all. and nobody on this board does. (except ed, he seems to care about everything. =) ) and yeah , it is harmful, it makes you look like a complete idiot on the internet
apparently, the "hate edge" fraternity are far more brain damaged than me, even though i have done excessive amounts of several recreational drugs....
hahaha, fraternity!
and why should you even bother to tell us you do drugs, nobody cares.
10-21-2005, 06:28 PM
Didn't you get the memo. I sent them out. I'm sure I e-mailed you one. Well enough about the memo it's hazing time. Who's first?
Shit... hazing? What does this involve?
10-21-2005, 06:29 PM
hahaha, fraternity!
and why should you even bother to tell us you do drugs, nobody cares.
Shhhh.. I care... I was planning on tracking him down and beating him up with my ninja skills.
Shhhh.. I care... I was planning on tracking him down and beating him up with my ninja skills.
you have no skills.
10-21-2005, 06:41 PM
you have no skills.
oooo... dis'
10-21-2005, 07:00 PM
Shit... hazing? What does this involve?
You just said one part of it.
10-21-2005, 07:09 PM
well... it seems that the "sxe" crew all have a keen sense of sarcasm... I suppose, you must get bored, trying to "live life on the edge" it cant be that difficult... sitting at home alone all the time apart from one gig a month must be a lot of fun...
the funniest thing i found was that i went out and had a great friday night, and before i got back 10 of you sad cases had replied...
get a life.....
10-21-2005, 07:15 PM
well... it seems that the "sxe" crew all have a keen sense of sarcasm... I suppose, you must get bored, trying to "live life on the edge" it cant be that difficult... sitting at home alone all the time apart from one gig a month must be a lot of fun...
the funniest thing i found was that i went out and had a great friday night, and before i got back 10 of you sad cases had replied...
get a life.....
Look who's talking dipshit. Apperentyly that pot has your head fried. You need to learn how to count because only four people replied. Thats why they call it dope. I'm having a great Friday night at home with my kids and I don't need to go and fuck my brain all up to do it either. If you're soooooo anti edge why become a member and post on a sXe site. Looks to me like you're the sac with no life.
And get a hair cut you fucking dirty head hippy. Put down the bongos and the hacky sack for a minute and go do something constructive.
You get a life. My guess is you're friend got his ass kicked for being a punk ass shit talker like you. Not for smoking in the street.
10-21-2005, 07:32 PM
well... it seems that the "sxe" crew all have a keen sense of sarcasm... I suppose, you must get bored, trying to "live life on the edge" it cant be that difficult... sitting at home alone all the time apart from one gig a month must be a lot of fun...
the funniest thing i found was that i went out and had a great friday night, and before i got back 10 of you sad cases had replied...
get a life.....
so are you trying to blame us for beating up your friend or not? you asked questions and i assumed you want some answers but since you failed to engage the very reasonable question i posted in reply to your first post i really can't help you out. see, i wanted to have a discourse with you... i have no life.
10-21-2005, 07:41 PM
so are you trying to blame us for beating up your friend or not? you asked questions and i assumed you want some answers but since you failed to engage the very reasonable question i posted in reply to your first post i really can't help you out. see, i wanted to have a discourse with you... i have no life.
Yeah we're such lame-o's. Hey I think I know were we can find a " life ". It's at the bottom of a bottle or in the roach of a joint. Oh man what a life. Wanna join me? I wanna puke tomarrow and have a headache and just generally feel like ass afterword.
10-21-2005, 07:45 PM
And the sad thing is we have no life but he is still logged on here right now. Wow man I'm cool. I'm gonna get stoned and talk trash to some sXe kids on a web site because I think THEY have no life when really it's me. What a rad Friday night I'm having. Your Friday night couldn't have been that great if you're in at like 7pm.
10-21-2005, 08:37 PM
I wanna puke tomarrow and have a headache and just generally feel like ass afterword.
sounds like you're pregnant...
10-21-2005, 08:46 PM
a relic of the late 80s early 90s american colloquialisms...
"dis'" as in "disrespected"
meaning: that was quite an insult.
10-21-2005, 08:50 PM
sounds like you're pregnant...
Now where are my pickles and vegan ice cream??????
By the way if I am I'm also f'ing rich....... you know being the first pregnant man and all.
10-21-2005, 09:19 PM
Now were are my pickles and vegan ice cream??????
By the way if I am I'm also f'ing rich....... you know being the first pregnant man and all.
not true.
10-21-2005, 09:35 PM
not true.
Well fuck there goes my fortune. What a pussy. He had a C section. Real men give birth the natural way. Okay I can't back that up. I'm no idiot. I'd have had a C section too. Makes you wonder where he's at now. Doesn't it? Crazy bastard.
10-21-2005, 09:46 PM
Well fuck there goes my fortune. What a pussy. He had a C section. Real men give birth the natural way. Okay I can't back that up. I'm no idiot. I'd have had a C section too. Makes you wonder where he's at now. Doesn't it? Crazy bastard.
haha. word.
10-21-2005, 10:03 PM
haha. word.
Go youth speak.
10-21-2005, 10:56 PM
well... it seems that the "sxe" crew all have a keen sense of sarcasm... I suppose, you must get bored, trying to "live life on the edge" it cant be that difficult... sitting at home alone all the time apart from one gig a month must be a lot of fun...
the funniest thing i found was that i went out and had a great friday night, and before i got back 10 of you sad cases had replied...
get a life.....
I would like to note that I responded at about 6:00 pm, a perfectly legitimate time to not be out yet. Thank you very much. And while I didn't get wasted, I did go out to dinner with a big group of friends, something which can be done with out alcohol! Awaiting gasps of horror and shock.
10-21-2005, 11:15 PM
I would like to note that I responded at about 6:00 pm, a perfectly legitimate time to not be out yet. Thank you very much. And while I didn't get wasted, I did go out to dinner with a big group of friends, something which can be done with out alcohol! Awaiting gasps of horror and shock.
Yeah but I bet you guys lit up a big fat dubbie didn't you?
10-21-2005, 11:29 PM
Go youth speak.
oops. nevermind.
10-21-2005, 11:34 PM
oops. nevermind.
That'll happen. Money here I come. Now to just get pregnant.
10-22-2005, 12:02 AM
Yeah but I bet you guys lit up a big fat dubbie didn't you?dubbie? lets work on your weed slang spelling some now...
10-22-2005, 02:28 AM
well... it seems that the "sxe" crew all have a keen sense of sarcasm... I suppose, you must get bored, trying to "live life on the edge" it cant be that difficult... sitting at home alone all the time apart from one gig a month must be a lot of fun...
the funniest thing i found was that i went out and had a great friday night, and before i got back 10 of you sad cases had replied...
get a life.....
what the hell happened to you being the guy who keeps the peace? - as originally posted in your first comment - there were nothing but questions of relation to the people who kicked your friends ass and the people here on this forum. so - is there anyone here that took part in the hate-crime you speak of? are you judging all who are edge based on that one incident? if so, you might as well be racist too - because you know - if one black guy murders someone - they probably all do. really? are you a nazi too?
10-22-2005, 08:40 PM
what the hell happened to you being the guy who keeps the peace? - as originally posted in your first comment - there were nothing but questions of relation to the people who kicked your friends ass and the people here on this forum. so - is there anyone here that took part in the hate-crime you speak of? are you judging all who are edge based on that one incident? if so, you might as well be racist too - because you know - if one black guy murders someone - they probably all do. really? are you a nazi too?
Uh, technically he wouldn't be racist, since straightegde folk aren't really a "race."
He does kinda seem like a jackass though.
10-22-2005, 09:13 PM
Uh, technically he wouldn't be racist, since straightegde folk aren't really a "race."
He does kinda seem like a jackass though.
yeah- i was refering to his attitude to judge a group of people by the actions of just one or two of that same group - quite similar to racism. yes, a jackass he seems.
10-23-2005, 12:38 AM
dubbie? lets work on your weed slang spelling some now...
What? How do you spell it then? Sorry. I never claimed to be a good speller.
10-23-2005, 05:39 AM
What? How do you spell it then? Sorry. I never claimed to be a good speller.
10-23-2005, 02:51 PM
Uh, technically he wouldn't be racist, since straightegde folk aren't really a "race."
If we all interbred we could be....
10-23-2005, 08:55 PM
If we all interbred we could be....
The only problem with that is there are way more guys than girls... I think we'd have to recruit some new girls to handle the load.
10-23-2005, 11:27 PM
I knew that, I don't know what I was thinking.
10-24-2005, 06:40 AM
The only problem with that is there are way more guys than girls... I think we'd have to recruit some new girls to handle the load.
A lot of guys are starting to look like girls though, they may evolve a womb.
10-24-2005, 07:18 AM
A lot of guys are starting to look like girls though, they may evolve a womb.
and want to be called "loretta".
10-25-2005, 02:09 PM
well... it seems that the "sxe" crew all have a keen sense of sarcasm... I suppose, you must get bored, trying to "live life on the edge" it cant be that difficult... sitting at home alone all the time apart from one gig a month must be a lot of fun...
the funniest thing i found was that i went out and had a great friday night, and before i got back 10 of you sad cases had replied...
get a life.....
I know this is late but just think of this. If you reply on sXe message board wouldn't they reply. Did you think a bunch of "Non-edgers" would reply instead.
10-27-2005, 06:56 PM
wanna fight? faggot
10-27-2005, 08:49 PM
wanna fight? faggot
And people wonder why people like anti edge get pissed off.
10-27-2005, 09:56 PM
And people wonder why people like anti edge get pissed off.
10-27-2005, 10:05 PM
wanna fight? faggot
again with the bundles of sticks...
10-27-2005, 10:11 PM
again with the bundles of sticks...
and cigarettes
10-28-2005, 08:40 AM
Hey there,
Im a non edger who enjoys taking drugs and smoking...
a couple of weeks ago, a couple of "hate edge" guys kicked a friend of mine's ass, for smoking a joint on the street...
now normally im a peace loving person, more of a live and let live type person.
can i ask, why the hell a group of people (straight edgers) would start causing fights with stoners..
surely you guys want to make the world a better place, less alcohol etc.
so how do you plan to accomplish this with violence...
do you really care that much what i do in my private time? is it that harmful to my mind???
apparently, the "hate edge" fraternity are far more brain damaged than me, even though i have done excessive amounts of several recreational drugs....
aha! stoner got his ass kicked lmao. im not hate edge, i just thinkyour a retard. and im laughin at you for even posting that it makes you look like a one cares about your free time. and you hippie why the fuck are you on a STRAIGHT EDGE message board. go complain on the stoner message board.
10-28-2005, 08:49 AM
well... it seems that the "sxe" crew all have a keen sense of sarcasm... I suppose, you must get bored, trying to "live life on the edge" it cant be that difficult... sitting at home alone all the time apart from one gig a month must be a lot of fun...
the funniest thing i found was that i went out and had a great friday night, and before i got back 10 of you sad cases had replied...
get a life.....
you didnt nessicarily deserve an asswhoopin the 1st time, but now that your going on insulting our lifestyles, your just asking for an asswhooping.
10-28-2005, 10:30 PM
aha! stoner got his ass kicked lmao. im not hate edge, i just thinkyour a retard. and im laughin at you for even posting that it makes you look like a one cares about your free time. and you hippie why the fuck are you on a STRAIGHT EDGE message board. go complain on the stoner message board.
umm - i think we can be more constructive than that?
10-29-2005, 05:15 PM
see? people like this are why i hit people. fagotts who say shit like i have no life. i wish you motherfuckers would come to my street and smoke a joint. i promise you i would beat you to death.
10-29-2005, 06:06 PM
see? people like this are why i hit people. fagotts who say shit like i have no life. i wish you motherfuckers would come to my street and smoke a joint. i promise you i would beat you to death.
people who have to gay bash are often really cowardly.
10-29-2005, 06:21 PM
see? people like this are why i hit people. fagotts who say shit like i have no life. i wish you motherfuckers would come to my street and smoke a joint. i promise you i would beat you to death.
With attitudes like this no wonder people are so quick to give sXe a bad name.
Sounds like you have self esteme issues kid.
10-29-2005, 09:45 PM
With attitudes like this no wonder people are so quick to give sXe a bad name.
Sounds like you have self esteme issues kid.
10-30-2005, 05:33 AM
With attitudes like this no wonder people are so quick to give sXe a bad name.
Sounds like you have self esteme issues kid.
or maybe i remember where hardcore came from. the days when fighting for what you believe in was right. seems like you all forget where hardcore came from. remeber the days of kids carrying pool balls in socks? wearing chains for belts? why? because they knew the minute they walked outside they we gonna have to fight....FOR WHAT THEY WERE AND WHAT THEY BELIEVED IN. remember where you came from.
10-30-2005, 06:22 AM
or maybe i remember where hardcore came from. the days when fighting for what you believe in was right. seems like you all forget where hardcore came from. remeber the days of kids carrying pool balls in socks? wearing chains for belts? why? because they knew the minute they walked outside they we gonna have to fight....FOR WHAT THEY WERE AND WHAT THEY BELIEVED IN. remember where you came from.
Yeah and calling some kid a faggot and demeaning homosexuals is real hXc. Way to go man. You are such a toughie. Considering you were born when the sXe and hXc scene was just starting how is it that you know sooooo much on were hXc came from.
or maybe i remember where hardcore came from. the days when fighting for what you believe in was right. seems like you all forget where hardcore came from. remeber the days of kids carrying pool balls in socks? wearing chains for belts? why? because they knew the minute they walked outside they we gonna have to fight....FOR WHAT THEY WERE AND WHAT THEY BELIEVED IN. remember where you came from.
how do you remember? and are you fighting for what you believe in by calling someone faggot on the internet behind your keyboard without people knowing who you are?
you talk about beating people to death because they smoke a joint. you're the same age as me, you should try and think like an adult does.
10-30-2005, 06:46 AM
how do you remember? and are you fighting for what you believe in by calling someone faggot on the internet behind your keyboard without people knowing who you are?
you talk about beating people to death because they smoke a joint. you're the same age as me, you should try and think like an adult does.
You said it.
10-30-2005, 07:25 AM
how do you remember? and are you fighting for what you believe in by calling someone faggot on the internet behind your keyboard without people knowing who you are?
you talk about beating people to death because they smoke a joint. you're the same age as me, you should try and think like an adult does.
think like an adult? so being an adult is just going with the norm? accpet a society of indifference?
10-30-2005, 07:38 AM
Yeah and calling some kid a faggot and demeaning homosexuals is real hXc. Way to go man. You are such a toughie. Considering you were born when the sXe and hXc scene was just starting how is it that you know sooooo much on were hXc came from.
oh beacuse i wasnt there i cant remember? i cant remember the days when mike ness had bleached hair and wore mascara? or when pro skater steve callebero was in a hardcore band? or back when the beastie boyz were part of the scene? or a time when neo nazi's and skinheads were trying to take over? or when the cops would bust in cuz the music was too loud? or the son of cbgb's owner hilly krystal getting his finger bit off in a pit? or jello biafra getting stomped out on stage? this is where we came from. this is who we are. this is what hxc is. not a bunch of people who are "ok" with society. people who accept things like this guy smoking weed on their street when they are sxe and hardcore. more like medio-core. people acepting the norm is why the scene is dying. our scene is something we need to protect. but instead we let peopel pollute it? why even have ideals and beliefs if we dont stick up for them?
think like an adult? so being an adult is just going with the norm? accpet a society of indifference?
you didn't answer.
i should have written "think like someone who has brains"
oh beacuse i wasnt there i cant remember? i cant remember the days when mike ness had bleached hair and wore mascara? or when pro skater steve callebero was in a hardcore band? or back when the beastie boyz were part of the scene? or a time when neo nazi's and skinheads were trying to take over? or when the cops would bust in cuz the music was too loud? or the son of cbgb's owner hilly krystal getting his finger bit off in a pit? or jello biafra getting stomped out on stage? this is where we came from. this is who we are. this is what hxc is. not a bunch of people who are "ok" with society. people who accept things like this guy smoking weed on their street when they are sxe and hardcore. more like medio-core. people acepting the norm is why the scene is dying. our scene is something we need to protect. but instead we let peopel pollute it? why even have ideals and beliefs if we dont stick up for them?
no you can't remember you were not there. i guess you don't understand what straight edge is. it's not about hating those who do any kinds of drugs.
and how different is someone smoking a joint than someone drinking a beer? should everyone who does any forms of drugs get beaten to death? you don't know what you are talking about, but you think you know it all
10-30-2005, 08:00 AM
no you can't remember you were not there. i guess you don't understand what straight edge is. it's not about hating those who do any kinds of drugs.
and how different is someone smoking a joint than someone drinking a beer? should everyone who does any forms of drugs get beaten to death? you don't know what you are talking about, but you think you know it all
you guys must be all la hardcore...i'm sorry i guess im more boston. the idea of someone smoking drinking or doing dugs in my neighborhood isnt right but i'll stop giving my opinion cuz its making your pussies bleed.
you guys must be all la hardcore...i'm sorry i guess im more boston. the idea of someone smoking drinking or doing dugs in my neighborhood isnt right but i'll stop giving my opinion cuz its making your pussies bleed.
oh i'm not hardcore at all because i wouldn't beat people to death if they smoke! boo hoo
10-30-2005, 08:10 AM
oh i'm not hardcore at all because i wouldn't beat people to death if they smoke! boo hoo
its not a matter of beating someone to death...its about stciking up for what you believe in. but i guess im talking to a wall. just go to your simple plan concert and have fun. remember jesus loves you.
its not a matter of beating someone to death...its about stciking up for what you believe in. but i guess im talking to a wall. just go to your simple plan concert and have fun. remember jesus loves you.
oooh it isn't?
i do stick to my beliefs.
We'll meet at the simple plan show then, tell jesus to bring the cookies and the mosh!
10-30-2005, 08:26 AM
oooh it isn't?
i do stick to my beliefs.
We'll meet at the simple plan show then, tell jesus to bring the cookies and the mosh!
ooh! i stick to my beliefs as long as i dont have to stand up for them. mosh? lmao...sure its not to MILITANT for you? you might hurt somebody...and that would be wrong.
10-30-2005, 08:32 AM
or maybe i remember where hardcore came from. the days when fighting for what you believe in was right. seems like you all forget where hardcore came from. remeber the days of kids carrying pool balls in socks? wearing chains for belts? why? because they knew the minute they walked outside they we gonna have to fight....FOR WHAT THEY WERE AND WHAT THEY BELIEVED IN. remember where you came from.
you really aren't tough you know, and what you believe in seems to be cowardly beatings of others, thats not hardcore thats bullying:
All you talk about is you,
But we've got better things to do.
You're proving that you're tough and shit,
But we're for real and don't forget.
We're fun, you're not,
We play, we fight,
You're off, we're not,
That chip is all you got!
You go out and fight the world,
Beat up boys and beat up girls.
And nothing's gonna change your ways,
You look at us, but we just say:
We're fun, you're not,
We play, we fight,
You're off, we're not,
That chip is all you got!
Now another bully comes,
Beats your ass, away you run.
He'll be here to wear the crown,
'Til another comes around.
10-30-2005, 08:34 AM
think like an adult? so being an adult is just going with the norm? accpet a society of indifference?
the only way you can be different is to beat people up and call them faggots? You really have limited yourself in your own growth.
10-30-2005, 08:38 AM
you really aren't tough you know, and what you believe in seems to be cowardly beatings of others, thats not hardcore thats bullying:
All you talk about is you,
But we've got better things to do.
You're proving that you're tough and shit,
But we're for real and don't forget.
We're fun, you're not,
We play, we fight,
You're off, we're not,
That chip is all you got!
You go out and fight the world,
Beat up boys and beat up girls.
And nothing's gonna change your ways,
You look at us, but we just say:
We're fun, you're not,
We play, we fight,
You're off, we're not,
That chip is all you got!
Now another bully comes,
Beats your ass, away you run.
He'll be here to wear the crown,
'Til another comes around.
oh thanks dr. suess. thats really cute...lets be fun while people poison our town. lets go play while people are killed by drunk drivers. hehhehehehehehe....lets all go to a show and have fun. forget about the drugs killing people...innocent people getting hit by cars...non smokers catching lung disease from second hand smoke....lets just play and have fun. oh and dont worry im still on it....just like 7 seconds said.
10-30-2005, 08:40 AM
oh beacuse i wasnt there i cant remember? i cant remember the days when mike ness had bleached hair and wore mascara? or when pro skater steve callebero was in a hardcore band? or back when the beastie boys were part of the scene? or a time when neo nazi's and skinheads were trying to take over? or when the cops would bust in cuz the music was too loud? or the son of cbgb's owner hilly krystal getting his finger bit off in a pit? or jello biafra getting stomped out on stage? this is where we came from. this is who we are. this is what hxc is. not a bunch of people who are "ok" with society. people who accept things like this guy smoking weed on their street when they are sxe and hardcore. more like medio-core. people acepting the norm is why the scene is dying. our scene is something we need to protect. but instead we let peopel pollute it? why even have ideals and beliefs if we dont stick up for them?
What do you think we are doing right now, we are sticking up for our beliefsand protecting our scene from mindless slurs on homosexuality, we are stopping you polluting it with that shit. Change your ways, just try it.
I like the fact you brought up sxe and hxc in relation to smoking weed, lets take time to look at sxe being a part of hxc, and now lets look at some other bands that share the hxc scene. Like murphys law perhaps, nyhc, so remeber where it comes from.
take the time to think and direct your anger and passion appropiately.
10-30-2005, 08:43 AM
oh thanks dr. suess. thats really cute...lets be fun while people poison our town. lets go play while people are killed by drunk drivers. hehhehehehehehe....lets all go to a show and have fun. forget about the drugs killing people...innocent people getting hit by cars...non smokers catching lung disease from second hand smoke....lets just play and have fun. oh and dont worry im still on it....just like 7 seconds said.
yeah because the scene would really survive a long time if it was full of bullys like you. You really have no idea about hardcore or anything, you are blinkered and set in your ways, you can't learn anything and you are going backwards.
10-30-2005, 08:46 AM
you guys must be all la hardcore...i'm sorry i guess im more boston. the idea of someone smoking drinking or doing dugs in my neighborhood isnt right but i'll stop giving my opinion cuz its making your pussies bleed.
Oooo, so now you are trying to insult us in the cleverest way your small mind can come up with. You are full of shit and really do not represent hardcore at all, you have no case and nothing logical to say, so week is what you say that you immediately turn to insults instead of discussing the points raised. It would be nice if you actually did stop giving your opinion but you can't because you are very insecure and need to spout shit.
10-30-2005, 08:49 AM
yeah because the scene would really survive a long time if it was full of bullys like you. You really have no idea about hardcore or anything, you are blinkered and set in your ways, you can't learn anything and you are going backwards.
oh your i suppose my friend aaron and his courage crew buddies are backwards..or antanio...a guy i hang out with who is fsu are backwards.... backwards? what you call backwards we call old uniform choice...agnostic flag...but i suppose thats not real hardcore is it? i should be more like agayu or my homosexual romance?
10-30-2005, 08:49 AM
its not a matter of beating someone to death...its about stciking up for what you believe in. but i guess im talking to a wall. just go to your simple plan concert and have fun. remember jesus loves you.
we are sticking up for what we believe, and we believe the scene is better off without idiots like you who gay bash and indulge in criminal violence.
10-30-2005, 08:52 AM
oh your i suppose my friend aaron and his courage crew buddies are backwards..or antanio...a guy i hang out with who is fsu are backwards.or erica the guitarist from bury your dead is wrong? yep hes courage crew too... backwards? what you call backwards we call old uniform choice...agnostic flag...but i suppose thats not real hardcore is it? i should be more like agayu or my homosexual romance?
Are you so uncomfortable with your sexuality that you have to gay bash, thats a real shame and yes it is completely backwards. You just have no idea and keep trying to sound tough when you really aren't tough, just a cowardly puny boy who idiolizes idiocy.
10-30-2005, 08:53 AM
oh thanks dr. suess. thats really cute...lets be fun while people poison our town. lets go play while people are killed by drunk drivers. hehhehehehehehe....lets all go to a show and have fun. forget about the drugs killing people...innocent people getting hit by cars...non smokers catching lung disease from second hand smoke....lets just play and have fun. oh and dont worry im still on it....just like 7 seconds said.
Dr. Suess? are you confused?
How does does beating people up stop people from being killed by drunk drivers and drugs? Do you actually think you're out there saving lives like some kind of hero? Do you think you're batman? If you were really so damn worried about saving lives, wouldn't your time be more productively spent trying to do something on the larger scale of the political arena?
10-30-2005, 08:54 AM
we are sticking up for what we believe, and we believe the scene is better off without idiots like you who gay bash and indulge in criminal violence.
...i guess the scene around your town has gone soft...thats so sad...i would rather get beat to death believing in sxe than live as a wishy-washy sxe when i wanna be poser.
10-30-2005, 08:58 AM
...i guess the scene around your town has gone soft...thats so sad...i would rather get beat to death believing insxe than live as a wishy-washy sxe when i wanna be poser.
yet all you are doing is posing about how tough you are on a message board, a classic poseur behaviourial pattern. The scene here is very strong and numbers are there because people aren't all insecure about how tough they are and they don't have to bash gays because it doesn't intimidate them. You have no idea what straight edge is, perhaps if you opened your eyes you could learn a thing or two.
10-30-2005, 08:58 AM
Are you so uncomfortable with your sexuality that you have to gay bash, thats a real shame and yes it is completely backwards. You just have no idea and keep trying to sound tough when you really aren't tough, just a cowardly puny boy who idiolizes idiocy. not gay bashing. i got gay friends. the term is like saying hey that record is cool...does that mean its not warm? or you enjoy listening to it? smart ass...
10-30-2005, 08:59 AM
oh thanks dr. suess. thats really cute...lets be fun while people poison our town. lets go play while people are killed by drunk drivers. hehhehehehehehe....lets all go to a show and have fun. forget about the drugs killing people...innocent people getting hit by cars...non smokers catching lung disease from second hand smoke....lets just play and have fun. oh and dont worry im still on it....just like 7 seconds said.
So beat their ass that proves everything. Then you're no better than them. You bitch about them oppressing your way of life but you beat their ass so you oppress thiers. You bash the shit out of some 16 year old kid for smoking weed they don't pay. They don't learn chances are they're still gonna smoke then mom and dad are left to flip a bill cuz of your wanna be hard ass. You don't like the drunk drivers. Go sit a a bar and wait for them to leave and call ther cops and follow them. Drug dealers on the cornors. Go take pictures and video tape them. Set up shop across the street from them with family and friends with poster boards pointing them out. Petition and take names of people in your community for stronger drug / cigertte laws. Become a cop and go bust those crack heads. All of these things aren't as fun as trying to keep your foot dry while you're kickin' in a skull but a just as effective and don't make you look like such an ass.
10-30-2005, 09:01 AM
So beat their ass that proves everything. Then you're no better than them. You bitch about them oppressing your way of life but you beat their ass so you oppress thiers. You bash the shit out of some 16 year old kid for smoking weed they don't pay. They don't learn chances are they're still gonna smoke then mom and dad are left to flip a bill cuz of your wanna be hard ass. You don't like the drunk drivers. Go sit a a bar and wait for them to leave and call ther cops and follow them. Drug dealers on the cornors. Go take pictures and video tape them. Set up shop across the street from them with family and friends with poster boards pointing them out. Petition and take names of people in your community for stronger drug / cigertte laws. Become a cop and go bust those crack heads. All of these things aren't as fun as trying to keep your foot dry while you're kickin' in a skull but a just as effective and don't make you look like such an ass.
He can't come out in the open like that, he's batman.
10-30-2005, 09:03 AM not gay bashing. i got gay friends. the term is like saying hey that record is cool...does that mean its not warm? or you enjoy listening to it? smart ass...
The term is using homosexuality in a negative and derogatory way, gay is slang for homosexuality not slang for stupid or anything else.
Cool however is a dictionary accepted slang and also poses no insult to peoples sexuality. You know they say that homophobes are often victims of repressed sexuality, have you ever thought about men in a sexual way but were affraid to accept it?
10-30-2005, 09:04 AM
The term is using homosexuality in a negative and derogatory way, gay is slang for homosexuality not slang for stupid or anything else.
Cool however is a dictionary accepted slang and also poses no insult to peoples sexuality. You know they say that homophobes are often victims of repressed sexuality, have you ever thought about men in a sexual way but were affraid to accept it?
So you're saying he's beating these kids cuz he's sexually attracted to them? Interesting...
10-30-2005, 09:04 AM
The term is using homosexuality in a negative and derogatory way, gay is slang for homosexuality not slang for stupid or anything else.
Cool however is a dictionary accepted slang and also poses no insult to peoples sexuality. You know they say that homophobes are often victims of repressed sexuality, have you ever thought about men in a sexual way but were affraid to accept it?
His Uncle used to touch him.
10-30-2005, 09:05 AM
He can't come out in the open like that, he's batman.
that would explain the homophobia, he probably doesn't want anyone to know he parades around in a spandex suit at night, when really its actually a completely cool thing to do.
10-30-2005, 09:05 AM
yet all you are doing is posing about how tough you are on a message board, a classic poseur behaviourial pattern. The scene here is very strong and numbers are there because people aren't all insecure about how tough they are and they don't have to bash gays because it doesn't intimidate them. You have no idea what straight edge is, perhaps if you opened your eyes you could learn a thing or two.
i dont know what sxe is...lets see...1979 ian mckaye wrote the song straight edge in response to the punk scene being polluted by drugs like speed and ludes. the term straight edge comes from his drummer. he was drawing and compared the way they live to the straight edge of the ruler he was using...undeviating...alway the same...til the end of time.
as far as being tough...i never siad i was tough. actually i have been beat unconcious and put in the hospital. why? beacuse i stood up to some punk ass kids in my neighborhood. so im not tough...just outspoken. classic poser behaviora? i dont sxe everywhere all the time. i even have x's painted on my naval issue uniforms....sxe isn't a choice for me anymore. its who i am.
10-30-2005, 09:05 AM
So you're saying he's beating these kids cuz he's sexually attracted to them? Interesting...
Then put up your dukes.
joke, joke it was a joke don't hate me.
10-30-2005, 09:06 AM
So you're saying he's beating these kids cuz he's sexually attracted to them? Interesting...
you notice how when little boys do mean things to the little girls they fancy? like pulling their hair and what not, this is what happens when you grow up and never evolve beyond that mind set, classic repression.
10-30-2005, 09:07 AM
i dont know what sxe is...lets see...1979 ian mckaye wrote the song straight edge in response to the punk scene being polluted by drugs like speed and ludes. the term straight edge comes from his drummer. he was drawing and compared the way they live to the straight edge of the ruler he was using...undeviating...alway the same...til the end of time.
as far as being tough...i never siad i was tough. actually i have been beat unconcious and put in the hospital. why? beacuse i stood up to some punk ass kids in my neighborhood. so im not tough...just outspoken. classic poser behaviora? i dont sxe everywhere all the time. i even have x's painted on my naval issue uniforms....sxe isn't a choice for me anymore. its who i am.
Good for you and your navy uniforms.
10-30-2005, 09:08 AM
that would explain the homophobia, he probably doesn't want anyone to know he parades around in a spandex suit at night, when really its actually a completely cool thing to do.
And let's not even mention "boy wonder."
10-30-2005, 09:08 AM
i dont know what sxe is...lets see...1979 ian mckaye wrote the song straight edge in response to the punk scene being polluted by drugs like speed and ludes. the term straight edge comes from his drummer. he was drawing and compared the way they live to the straight edge of the ruler he was using...undeviating...alway the same...til the end of time.
as far as being tough...i never siad i was tough. actually i have been beat unconcious and put in the hospital. why? beacuse i stood up to some punk ass kids in my neighborhood. so im not tough...just outspoken. classic poser behaviora? i dont sxe everywhere all the time. i even have x's painted on my naval issue uniforms....sxe isn't a choice for me anymore. its who i am.
Again with the continual posing, and by what you just typed it is conclusive that you really do not know what straightedge is.
10-30-2005, 09:08 AM
The term is using homosexuality in a negative and derogatory way, gay is slang for homosexuality not slang for stupid or anything else.
Cool however is a dictionary accepted slang and also poses no insult to peoples sexuality. You know they say that homophobes are often victims of repressed sexuality, have you ever thought about men in a sexual way but were affraid to accept it?
oh yeah so now i have to prove my sexuality? lmao...go ask my wife or my two kids if im gay.
10-30-2005, 09:09 AM
And let's not even mention "boy wonder."
too late!!
10-30-2005, 09:09 AM
i dont know what sxe is...lets see...1979 ian mckaye wrote the song straight edge in response to the punk scene being polluted by drugs like speed and ludes. the term straight edge comes from his drummer. he was drawing and compared the way they live to the straight edge of the ruler he was using...undeviating...alway the same...til the end of time.
as far as being tough...i never siad i was tough. actually i have been beat unconcious and put in the hospital. why? beacuse i stood up to some punk ass kids in my neighborhood. so im not tough...just outspoken. classic poser behaviora? i dont sxe everywhere all the time. i even have x's painted on my naval issue uniforms....sxe isn't a choice for me anymore. its who i am.
Ok, batman, so what does any of that have to do with beating people up? You are not above them. You have no right to beat anyone up, unless maybe they're killing some babies or something and you need to stop them.
10-30-2005, 09:10 AM
Again with the continual posing, and by what you just typed it is conclusive that you really do not know what straightedge is.
allright then teach me what sxe is. where it comes from. how i should act then? being that i dont know. go ahead im listening...
10-30-2005, 09:10 AM
oh yeah so now i have to prove my sexuality? lmao...go ask my wife or my two kids if im gay.
I believe your wife would be referred to in the gay community as a beard.
10-30-2005, 09:11 AM
Ok, batman, so what does any of that have to do with beating people up? You are not above them. You have no right to beat anyone up, unless maybe they're killing some babies or something and you need to stop them.
so they have the right to pollute our towns but we dont have the right to stop them...and batman sux. he has no cool power....spiderman is
10-30-2005, 09:13 AM
I believe your wife would be referred to in the gay community as a beard.
ok...tuche'...but she doesnt have any facial i guess she is not a beard...
10-30-2005, 09:13 AM
oh yeah so now i have to prove my sexuality? lmao...go ask my wife or my two kids if im gay.
how would they know about your inner repressed feelings, nice of you to dodge the question, you know even in the hardcore scene its ok to be gay. You don't have to prove anything to me about your sexuality its just your homophobic tendancies do resound quite loudly here. I mean its generally accepted knowledge that often a cause of those tendancies is repressed homosexuality so if you were i just want you to know that no one here sees being homosexual as a bad thing and you wouldn't get shit for it. We like to be a little more forward in our thinking you see.
10-30-2005, 09:15 AM
so they have the right to pollute our towns but we dont have the right to stop them...and batman sux. he has no cool power....spiderman is
ok, spidey (wow, full suit of tights.. hmmm) you have the right to stop them through appropriate and legal means, as xvagueprophetx mentioned. You can become a police officer and arrest DUI's or report them to the police, or work for the DEA and try to take down drug dealers. beating one guy up for smoking weed does nothing whatsoever to stop this "polluting" of our towns.
10-30-2005, 09:16 AM
so they have the right to pollute our towns but we dont have the right to stop them...and batman sux. he has no cool power....spiderman is
like you pollute our scene with homophobia you mean? I mean start with the hardcore scene and stop anyone involved in hardcore smoking or drinking or doing drugs, only after that should you move on to others.
And batman is the best detective ever, probably a little high brow for you though, i understand.
10-30-2005, 09:17 AM
how would they know about your inner repressed feelings, nice of you to dodge the question, you know even in the hardcore scene its ok to be gay. You don't have to prove anything to me about your sexuality its just your homophobic tendancies do resound quite loudly here. I mean its generally accepted knowledge that often a cause of those tendancies is repressed homosexuality so if you were i just want you to know that no one here sees being homosexual as a bad thing and you wouldn't get shit for it. We like to be a little more forward in our thinking you see.
ok so no im not gay. im not a homophobe...i dont have repressed feelings...and i realize the scene accepts gays...there we done with the gay discussion? so you gonna tell me what sxe is? and im dodging the question...
10-30-2005, 09:17 AM
ok...tuche'...but she doesnt have any facial i guess she is not a beard...
Wow, you are a moron.
10-30-2005, 09:19 AM
oh yeah so now i have to prove my sexuality? lmao...go ask my wife or my two kids if im gay.
Cover up.
10-30-2005, 09:19 AM
ok, spidey (wow, full suit of tights.. hmmm) you have the right to stop them through appropriate and legal means, as xvagueprophetx mentioned. You can become a police officer and arrest DUI's or report them to the police, or work for the DEA and try to take down drug dealers. beating one guy up for smoking weed does nothing whatsoever to stop this "polluting" of our towns.
as far as legal means...i do aspire to go back to my hometown and become a cop. but even that is not enough...from my experiences cops are never around when you need them.
10-30-2005, 09:19 AM
Cover up.
You're too late, I'm already trying to explain the concept of a beard to him...
10-30-2005, 09:20 AM
allright then teach me what sxe is. where it comes from. how i should act then? being that i dont know. go ahead im listening...
first lesson is it doesn't mean you can beat people up who drink. You yourself don't drink but others can choose to drink if they want, you shouldn't beat on them for this choice. when we have grasped lesson one fully we will move on but not until then.
10-30-2005, 09:21 AM
as far as legal means...i do aspire to go back to my hometown and become a cop. but even that is not enough...from my experiences cops are never around when you need them.
Yeah, like, for instance when a retard sXe kid is beating you up for smoking weed.... PS - the reason they're not around then is because you're afraid to call them because you know you'll get arrested.
10-30-2005, 09:21 AM
ok, spidey (wow, full suit of tights.. hmmm) you have the right to stop them through appropriate and legal means, as xvagueprophetx mentioned. You can become a police officer and arrest DUI's or report them to the police, or work for the DEA and try to take down drug dealers. beating one guy up for smoking weed does nothing whatsoever to stop this "polluting" of our towns.
Hey that was me.
10-30-2005, 09:22 AM
ok so no im not gay. im not a homophobe...i dont have repressed feelings...and i realize the scene accepts gays...there we done with the gay discussion? so you gonna tell me what sxe is? and im dodging the question...
we are done with the gay discussion when you stop using it as a derogatory insult.
10-30-2005, 09:23 AM
as far as legal means...i do aspire to go back to my hometown and become a cop. but even that is not enough...from my experiences cops are never around when you need them.
Then if you want to be a good police officer go be around the places where they're not.
10-30-2005, 09:24 AM
first lesson is it doesn't mean you can beat people up who drink. You yourself don't drink but others can choose to drink if they want, you shouldn't beat on them for this choice. when we have grasped lesson one fully we will move on but not until then.
To further expand on lesson one is that it is a PERSONAL choice - it is something that you're doing for yourself. Beating someone does not cause them to make a choice to stop drinking. Talking to someone might, who knows.
10-30-2005, 09:25 AM
Hey that was me.
Oh, oops, sorry, I take it back... it was you... good point.
10-30-2005, 09:25 AM
first lesson is it doesn't mean you can beat people up who drink. You yourself don't drink but others can choose to drink if they want, you shouldn't beat on them for this choice. when we have grasped lesson one fully we will move on but not until then.
Then he's going to have a long line of asses to kick what with the catholic church and all.
10-30-2005, 09:27 AM
Then he's going to have a long line of asses to kick what with the catholic church and all.
Maybe he's a ninja.
10-30-2005, 09:28 AM
Maybe he's a ninja.
More like a pirate.
But not an ass pirate 'cus he says he's not gay.
10-30-2005, 09:29 AM
More like a pirate.
But not an ass pirate 'cus he says he's not gay.
Well, pirates do wear eyeliner....
10-30-2005, 09:31 AM
I think we might be killing the serious nature of this discussion, so I'll make it serious again. Stop beating people and use your words!
10-30-2005, 09:33 AM
I think we might be killing the serious nature of this discussion, so I'll make it serious again. Stop beating people and use your words!
Amen sister.
10-30-2005, 09:36 AM
Amen sister.
He has kids, so I thought that "use your words" thing would resonate.
10-30-2005, 09:39 AM
He has kids, so I thought that "use your words" thing would resonate.
Excellent point thank you for the inspireation.
And if some day you're kids decide to use drugs or drink or smoke. Are you going to beat their ass down or hope some one else does it to them? Are you going to let some one do it to them because after all dad did it so it's ok if it happens TO them right?
10-30-2005, 09:50 AM
first lesson is it doesn't mean you can beat people up who drink. You yourself don't drink but others can choose to drink if they want, you shouldn't beat on them for this choice. when we have grasped lesson one fully we will move on but not until then.
ok so yeah the whole dont smoke dont drink no drugs yeah i got that...but where does the accept people doing what your against come in?
10-30-2005, 09:54 AM
ok so yeah the whole dont smoke dont drink no drugs yeah i got that...but where does the accept people doing what your against come in?
It comes in where it's a personal choice. They're making a choice that they have a right to make, and you have no right to force them to change. That's a basic concept of personal liberty on which our entire society is based. Abusing people for making a wrong choice is not appropriate. If you want to live in a society where people are not allowed to make their own choices, I suggest you move.
10-30-2005, 09:54 AM
Excellent point thank you for the inspireation.
And if some day you're kids decide to use drugs or drink or smoke. Are you going to beat their ass down or hope some one else does it to them? Are you going to let some one do it to them because after all dad did it so it's ok if it happens TO them right?
am i gonna fight my kids like they are grown ass am i gonna punish them for doing what is straight up wrong...yes. do i hope they get their ass beat thats what it took for me so maybe getting your ass kicked isnt all that bad. the pain fades but the lesson learned stays.
10-30-2005, 09:56 AM
ok so yeah the whole dont smoke dont drink no drugs yeah i got that...but where does the accept people doing what your against come in?
Where does the beat their ass part come in.
10-30-2005, 09:58 AM
am i gonna fight my kids like they are grown ass am i gonna punish them for doing what is straight up wrong...yes. do i hope they get their ass beat thats what it took for me so maybe getting your ass kicked isnt all that bad. the pain fades but the lesson learned stays.
You're a pretty shitty parent if you don't want to protect your kids and you hope they get beat up.
10-30-2005, 09:58 AM
am i gonna fight my kids like they are grown ass am i gonna punish them for doing what is straight up wrong...yes. do i hope they get their ass beat thats what it took for me so maybe getting your ass kicked isnt all that bad. the pain fades but the lesson learned stays.
Where you are going wrong is in thinking that beating people teaches them a lesson. What lesson does it really teach them?
10-30-2005, 09:58 AM
It comes in where it's a personal choice. They're making a choice that they have a right to make, and you have no right to question. That's a basic concept of personal liberty on which our entire society is based. Abusing people for making a wrong choice is not appropriate. If you want to live in a society where people are not allowed to make their own choices, I suggest you move.
we have no right to question? they question us...i cant count the times someone has asked me why would you wanna be edge and take all the "fun" out of life? is that not questioning the choice i made? and it aint like people dont get beat up for being sxe either. but thats ok? because somehow a normal person beating an sxe is ok but flip the table and we are wrong.
10-30-2005, 10:02 AM
You're a pretty shitty parent if you don't want to protect your kids and you hope they get beat up.
i am a shitty parent cuz my kid might get beat up? i dont wanna protect them? lol. i dont hope they get beat up but if that is what they need to happen, what am i supposed to do lock them in a cage and never let them leave the house? or go out get in fights win or lose it makes you think about yourself. like what led me to the situation, what should i change so it doesnt happen again. fighting is part of life.
10-30-2005, 10:03 AM
we have no right to question? they question us...i cant count the times someone has asked me why would you wanna be edge and take all the "fun" out of life? is that not questioning the choice i made? and it aint like people dont get beat up for being sxe either. but thats ok? because somehow a normal person beating an sxe is ok but flip the table and we are wrong.
I think while you were writing this, I changed the word question. You can question people's choices all you want, verbally. Beating someone up does not qualify as questioning a choice. Beating someone up is attempting to force them to change their behavior, which is a fascist methodology, not a democratic one.
I dont' think anyone beating anyone up is ok, and I think that violence is cyclical and retaliatiatory violence only begets more violence. This is a basic concept of human behavior that can be seen throughout history. If one group attempts to punish another with violence, it breeds hatred between the group that leads to additional violence, additional "punishment," and so on into eternity. The only way to stop violence is to actively choose nonviolence.
10-30-2005, 10:13 AM
i am a shitty parent cuz my kid might get beat up? i dont wanna protect them? lol. i dont hope they get beat up but if that is what they need to happen, what am i supposed to do lock them in a cage and never let them leave the house? or go out get in fights win or lose it makes you think about yourself. like what led me to the situation, what should i change so it doesnt happen again. fighting is part of life.
So then you're a hypocrite. It's okay for you to beat up someone elses kid for smoking or doing drugs but not your kids. You said if thats what they need and they get it fine. What kid NEEDS his ass kicked?? What gives you the right??? Obviously you wouldn't lock them in a cage. But then I'm assumeing nothing at this point is obvious to you.
10-30-2005, 10:14 AM
I think while you were writing this, I changed the word question. You can question people's choices all you want, verbally. Beating someone up does not qualify as questioning a choice. Beating someone up is attempting to force them to change their behavior, which is a fascist methodology, not a democratic one.
I dont' think anyone beating anyone up is ok, and I think that violence is cyclical and retaliatiatory violence only begets more violence. This is a basic concept of human behavior that can be seen throughout history. If one group attempts to punish another with violence, it breeds hatred between the group that leads to additional violence, additional "punishment," and so on into eternity. The only way to stop violence is to actively choose nonviolence.
facist methodology? democracy? this entire society was founded on a basis of violence. basic beahvior throught out history yes...what happened though? progress...look at america. america said fuck england they suck...lets kick their ass. y? because they were going against what america believed in...americans had no rights at the time. hell they were still english. but they revolted...WITH they were wrong? much like our discussion. the dealers,drinkers are infringing on our right to live in a drug free society free from mind altering toxins and drug related violence. but we should'nt fight for our rights...should we?
10-30-2005, 10:18 AM
So then you're a hypocrite. It's okay for you to beat up someone elses kid for smoking or doing drugs but not your kids. You said if thats what they need and they get it fine. What kid NEEDS his ass kicked?? What gives you the right??? Obviously you wouldn't lock them in a cage. But then I'm assumeing nothing at this point is obvious to you.
old enough to make the choice to smoke,drink, or do drugs old enough to accept the results of their actions. and when do we stop being kids? i mean you cant make an adult chioce like drugs or beer and when someone fights you beacuse of it you should be able to run to your parents and not have to accept the consequences or your actions?
10-30-2005, 10:27 AM
facist methodology? democracy? this entire society was founded on a basis of violence. basic beahvior throught out history yes...what happened though? progress...look at america. america said fuck england they suck...lets kick their ass. y? because they were going against what america believed in...americans had no rights at the time. hell they were still english. but they revolted...WITH they were wrong? much like our discussion. the dealers,drinkers are infringing on our right to live in a drug free society free from mind altering toxins and drug related violence. but we should'nt fight for our rights...should we?
Ok, first, the revolutionary war was an organized revolt with a lot more complexity than a simple "fight for your rights" mentality. Second, our country was obviously not founded by people who believed that violence was the solution to conflict. If so, why create a system of government in which reasoned debate is used to influence political change? Why create a judicial system where people can bring complaints and argue them before a judge and reasonable jury? I think you are mistaking a war that was seen as a last resort for something else.
10-30-2005, 10:30 AM
ok so yeah the whole dont smoke dont drink no drugs yeah i got that...but where does the accept people doing what your against come in?
You aren't doing it, you aren't saying its good but you can't beat people just because you don't think its right. You aren't accepting it in your home and you can make a strong stance against it but to beat someone for drinking is wrong and illegal, if you are against one law and choose to break it then none of those laws or worth a thing, not to mention the negative effects this type of violence brings.
10-30-2005, 10:32 AM
am i gonna fight my kids like they are grown ass am i gonna punish them for doing what is straight up wrong...yes. do i hope they get their ass beat thats what it took for me so maybe getting your ass kicked isnt all that bad. the pain fades but the lesson learned stays.
except you getting your ass kicked has turned you into a bully and nothing more.
10-30-2005, 10:34 AM
we have no right to question? they question us...i cant count the times someone has asked me why would you wanna be edge and take all the "fun" out of life? is that not questioning the choice i made? and it aint like people dont get beat up for being sxe either. but thats ok? because somehow a normal person beating an sxe is ok but flip the table and we are wrong.
who said that was ok? Its wrong to beat people for the choice they have made goes both ways. You are not in a position to administer your own laws and punishment.
10-30-2005, 10:35 AM
i am a shitty parent cuz my kid might get beat up? i dont wanna protect them? lol. i dont hope they get beat up but if that is what they need to happen, what am i supposed to do lock them in a cage and never let them leave the house? or go out get in fights win or lose it makes you think about yourself. like what led me to the situation, what should i change so it doesnt happen again. fighting is part of life.
you must really underestimate yourself and your kids if you think violence is necessary.
10-30-2005, 10:38 AM
Ok, first, the revolutionary war was an organized revolt with a lot more complexity than a simple "fight for your rights" mentality. Second, our country was obviously not founded by people who believed that violence was the solution to conflict. If so, why create a system of government in which reasoned debate is used to influence political change? Why create a judicial system where people can bring complaints and argue them before a judge and reasonable jury? I think you are mistaking a war that was seen as a last resort for something else.
the reason we established our government as a democracy is beacuse the english way was wrong for america,they wanted something different. organized or not violence is violence. that is too say if i organized a fight it would be ok?
10-30-2005, 10:39 AM
you must really underestimate yourself and your kids if you think violence is necessary.
His attitudes seem to stem from some basic confusion about human nature and right and wrong. Usually people who respond to conflict in such a primitive manner have other psychological problems.
10-30-2005, 10:39 AM
facist methodology? democracy? this entire society was founded on a basis of violence. basic beahvior throught out history yes...what happened though? progress...look at america. america said fuck england they suck...lets kick their ass. y? because they were going against what america believed in...americans had no rights at the time. hell they were still english. but they revolted...WITH they were wrong? much like our discussion. the dealers,drinkers are infringing on our right to live in a drug free society free from mind altering toxins and drug related violence. but we should'nt fight for our rights...should we?
You live in a society that supports and condones drug use though, and you are in the minority as it stands but luckily people aren't beating you until you drink, society accepts your choice to abstain but you refuse to accept their choice to indulge. Policing the criminal factor of society will not be made easier by adding more crime.
10-30-2005, 10:41 AM
you must really underestimate yourself and your kids if you think violence is necessary.
so now your more righteous than me? so now you have never been in a fight...or somehow fighting is some Neanderthal reaction? i underestimate myself? how so? because i fight? so im not intelligent enough to solve my problems other ways?
10-30-2005, 10:41 AM
old enough to make the choice to smoke,drink, or do drugs old enough to accept the results of their actions. and when do we stop being kids? i mean you cant make an adult chioce like drugs or beer and when someone fights you beacuse of it you should be able to run to your parents and not have to accept the consequences or your actions?
so you are happy to go to jail for beating someone and happy with the consequences that will have upon your child? you are your kids role model yet you steer them toward a path of crime by indulging in it yourself.
10-30-2005, 10:43 AM
the reason we established our government as a democracy is beacuse the english way was wrong for america,they wanted something different. organized or not violence is violence. that is too say if i organized a fight it would be ok?
The founders of our country did not feel that the english way was wrong for America, they felt that the english government was not providing them any sort of forum in which to impact change where they felt it was necessary. Therefore they felt they were forced into violent uprising in order to make a change. However, as a result of this, they worked to design a system of government in which basic rights were protected in a way that allowed people to make a change from within, without any violence. What you are doing is the opposite of what they would have intended because you are not using the forum they provided you for logical debate of problems in society. Organized, illegal violence would only be a last resort if you had exhausted all other possibilities for change.
10-30-2005, 10:45 AM
His attitudes seem to stem from some basic confusion about human nature and right and wrong. Usually people who respond to conflict in such a primitive manner have other psychological problems.
right and wrong? example: i kill someon get caught and get killed in the gas taht primitive? does society have psychological problems? society accepts violence as an answer...right and wrong? people can do the wrong thing i.e. smoke pot but we as the "holier than thou" sxe people cant retaliate? oh yeah makes perfect sense now....
10-30-2005, 10:46 AM
so now your more righteous than me? so now you have never been in a fight...or somehow fighting is some Neanderthal reaction? i underestimate myself? how so? because i fight? so im not intelligent enough to solve my problems other ways?
yes i am, i have been in fights, fighting is incredibly primal. Yes you underestimate yourself and your kids if you feel you cannot teach a lesson and have the kids understand it without violence, thats the attitude that will make your teaching a catastrophe from the outset. The reasons you fight and beat upon others are more relevent, you are the one saying you can't solve your problems in other ways.
10-30-2005, 10:49 AM
right and wrong? example: i kill someon get caught and get killed in the gas taht primitive? does society have psychological problems? society accepts violence as an answer...right and wrong? people can do the wrong thing i.e. smoke pot but we as the "holier than thou" sxe people cant retaliate? oh yeah makes perfect sense now....
you have the right to report drug use and battle it within the confines of the law, they over stepped the law you would be fighting to uphold. If you overstep it too then what does any of those laws stand for?
10-30-2005, 10:51 AM
right and wrong? example: i kill someon get caught and get killed in the gas taht primitive? does society have psychological problems? society accepts violence as an answer...right and wrong? people can do the wrong thing i.e. smoke pot but we as the "holier than thou" sxe people cant retaliate? oh yeah makes perfect sense now....
Yes but killing someone is a universally accepted wrong. And even for this, a significant amount of people still believe that the death penalty is not an appropriate punishment, to the point where it is banned in many places in the world. Pot smoking, on the other hand, is still up for debate? Is it really wrong? What makes it so wrong? Many people believe that it's an acceptable, harmless recreational activity. However, the majority of society does believe that what you do is very wrong.
10-30-2005, 10:52 AM
so you are happy to go to jail for beating someone and happy with the consequences that will have upon your child? you are your kids role model yet you steer them toward a path of crime by indulging in it yourself.
what you call mindless violence i call standing up for what you believe in. or maybe i should say..."now elijah, have beliefs but dont really believe in them and when someone challenges them just walk away and let them call you a pussy...its safer that way. you'll have no pride but at least you wont get beat up." not happening. i might say.."ok kiddo, check it out. you believe in something you should stand up for it. if someone dont respect your choice and you get in a fight because of it, win or lose, you stood up for yourself. sure you might have a black eye or a broken nose but that will all heal. you'll always have the pride from standing up for what you believe in. dont let people opress you or piss on your beliefs, whatever they may be."
10-30-2005, 10:54 AM
yes i am, i have been in fights, fighting is incredibly primal. Yes you underestimate yourself and your kids if you feel you cannot teach a lesson and have the kids understand it without violence, thats the attitude that will make your teaching a catastrophe from the outset. The reasons you fight and beat upon others are more relevent, you are the one saying you can't solve your problems in other ways.
And if the lesson that drugs and alcohol are wrong can't be taught using any method but violence, maybe you need to reassess your belief that drugs and alcohol are wrong. Why are they wrong? What is so wrong about them? What is the logical basis for your beliefs and why are you incapable of conveying this to people in some other manner?
10-30-2005, 10:55 AM
Yes but killing someone is a universally accepted wrong. And even for this, a significant amount of people still believe that the death penalty is not an appropriate punishment, to the point where it is banned in many places in the world. Pot smoking, on the other hand, is still up for debate? Is it really wrong? What makes it so wrong? Many people believe that it's an acceptable, harmless recreational activity. However, the majority of society does believe that what you do is very wrong.
oh my fucking sweet jesus titty fucking christ...i dont believe an sxe person just asked what is wrong with smoking pot. wow...all i can say is wow. if theres nothing wrong with it why dont you do it? dont gimme taht its not for me bullshit your the one defending drug use.
10-30-2005, 10:57 AM
what you call mindless violence i call standing up for what you believe in. or maybe i should say..."now elijah, have beliefs but dont really believe in them and when someone challenges them just walk away and let them call you a pussy...its safer that way. you'll have no pride but at least you wont get beat up." not happening. i might say.."ok kiddo, check it out. you believe in something you should stand up for it. if someone dont respect your choice and you get in a fight because of it, win or lose, you stood up for yourself. sure you might have a black eye or a broken nose but that will all heal. you'll always have the pride from standing up for what you believe in. dont let people opress you or piss on your beliefs, whatever they may be."
So, what you're saying is that there is no way to stand up for your beliefs without violence? That's just ignorant. Ever hear of Ghandi? Ever hear of Martin Luther King? I have very strong beliefs and I express them to people through debate and discussion. Something is fundamentally wrong in your head if you believe that violent action is "standing up for what you believe." That sort of thinking is commonly referred to as terrorism.
10-30-2005, 10:58 AM
And if the lesson that drugs and alcohol are wrong can't be taught using any method but violence, maybe you need to reassess your belief that drugs and alcohol are wrong. Why are they wrong? What is so wrong about them? What is the logical basis for your beliefs and why are you incapable of conveying this to people in some other manner? now i dont think drugs and alchol are yep im sxe but think drugs and beer are swell. lets have a kegger at my place.
10-30-2005, 10:59 AM
what you call mindless violence i call standing up for what you believe in. or maybe i should say..."now elijah, have beliefs but dont really believe in them and when someone challenges them just walk away and let them call you a pussy...its safer that way. you'll have no pride but at least you wont get beat up." not happening. i might say.."ok kiddo, check it out. you believe in something you should stand up for it. if someone dont respect your choice and you get in a fight because of it, win or lose, you stood up for yourself. sure you might have a black eye or a broken nose but that will all heal. you'll always have the pride from standing up for what you believe in. dont let people opress you or piss on your beliefs, whatever they may be."
Thing is your beliefs are screwed up, you put forward a case that no one should smoke, drink or anything and thats wrong. no one is making you smoke or drink and your choice to abstain isn't really taken away, if someone spiked your drink with vodka then that would be a different matter but you seem to be completely intolerent of anyone elses choices and thats the issue here. I stand up for my beliefs and i'm not stupid enough to let pride put me in a hospital bed, i understand self preservation but you aren't about that you are about going to war with people who think different than you, basically you are riddled with predjudice.
10-30-2005, 11:00 AM now i dont think drugs and alchol are yep im sxe but think drugs and beer are swell. lets have a kegger at my place.
and apparently you can't answer direct questions.
10-30-2005, 11:00 AM
oh my fucking sweet jesus titty fucking christ...i dont believe an sxe person just asked what is wrong with smoking pot. wow...all i can say is wow. if theres nothing wrong with it why dont you do it? dont gimme taht its not for me bullshit your the one defending drug use.
Wow, you really are unaware of debate methods. Do you understand the purpose of a rhetorical question? I am not saying I think that pot smoking is right, your retard, I am asking you why you can't logically outline WHY you think it's wrong. I have my own reasons, and I am willing to discuss them with people.
I, however, do not think that pot smoking is more wrong than inflicting unnecessary violence on another person. I think that violent action is wrong above all other things.
10-30-2005, 11:00 AM
you have the right to report drug use and battle it within the confines of the law, they over stepped the law you would be fighting to uphold. If you overstep it too then what does any of those laws stand for?
so taking action is wrong. lets apply that to other laws. somone getting raped. should you a.) watch
b.) call the cops and hope they get there in time
c.) beat the unholy dog shit out of the rapist
10-30-2005, 11:01 AM now i dont think drugs and alchol are yep im sxe but think drugs and beer are swell. lets have a kegger at my place.
I'm sure you think that they're wrong, I just don't think you know why you think they're wrong. I don't think that your beliefs have any kind of reasoned basis. I think that if they did, you would be able to express them through other methods than violence.
10-30-2005, 11:03 AM
Wow, you really are unaware of debate methods. Do you understand the purpose of a rhetorical question? I am not saying I think that pot smoking is right, your retard, I am asking you why you can't logically outline WHY you think it's wrong. I have my own reasons, and I am willing to discuss them with people.
I, however, do not think that pot smoking is more wrong than inflicting unnecessary violence on another person. I think that violent action is wrong above all other things. retard? its wrong cuz its bad for your body. its wrong cuz it lower your inhibitions, cloud the line betwwen right and wrong. drug violence makes up for like 75% of the total homicides in my area. drinking for the same reasons. the questions isnt how is it wrong but how is it right.
10-30-2005, 11:04 AM
so taking action is wrong. lets apply that to other laws. somone getting raped. should you a.) watch
b.) call the cops and hope they get there in time
c.) beat the unholy dog shit out of the rapist
You have no right to beat the shit out of the rapist, you have a right to attempt to stop the rape and restrain the rapist. For someone who lives by a code of violence, you seem to be largely unaware of the rules of violent conflict.
The pot smoker is not immediately putting someone in danger, therefore you may simply call the police, and the police will stop him from smoking pot.
10-30-2005, 11:06 AM
I'm sure you think that they're wrong, I just don't think you know why you think they're wrong. I don't think that your beliefs have any kind of reasoned basis. I think that if they did, you would be able to express them through other methods than violence.
i believe in other ways. i support programs like dare (still have my t-shirt from like 6th grade), think schools should teach more about the side effects of narcotics. there should be tougher laws against drug possesion. but it doesnt happen. that is where i get my violent nature from. people in society dont care. they dont care about people hurting others through why should i care about hurting the dealers and users to stop the drugs?
10-30-2005, 11:06 AM retard? its wrong cuz its bad for your body. its wrong cuz it lower your inhibitions, cloud the line betwwen right and wrong. drug violence makes up for like 75% of the total homicides in my area. drinking for the same reasons. the questions isnt how is it wrong but how is it right.
You're a retard because you took a rhetorical device as a statement of my belief. You have yet to make a very coherent argument about why drugs are wrong. I'm still waiting.
10-30-2005, 11:08 AM
You have no right to beat the shit out of the rapist, you have a right to attempt to stop the rape and restrain the rapist. For someone who lives by a code of violence, you seem to be largely unaware of the rules of violent conflict.
The pot smoker is not immediately putting someone in danger, therefore you may simply call the police, and the police will stop him from smoking pot.
smoking pot is dangerous to yourself. what would you want someon to do if you were getting raped? refer to choices. (im sorry you probably dont wanna think about that but im just trying to get you to see my point.)
10-30-2005, 11:09 AM
You're a retard because you took a rhetorical device as a statement of my belief. You have yet to make a very coherent argument about why drugs are wrong. I'm still waiting.
Originally Posted by XVigilanteX retard? its wrong cuz its bad for your body. its wrong cuz it lower your inhibitions, cloud the line betwwen right and wrong. drug violence makes up for like 75% of the total homicides in my area. drinking for the same reasons. the questions isnt how is it wrong but how is it right.
10-30-2005, 11:09 AM
i believe in other ways. i support programs like dare (still have my t-shirt from like 6th grade), think schools should teach more about the side effects of narcotics. there should be tougher laws against drug possesion. but it doesnt happen. that is where i get my violent nature from. people in society dont care. they dont care about people hurting others through why should i care about hurting the dealers and users to stop the drugs?
Because if you take illegal action to stop them, you are the same as them, you are part of the problem, not taking part in a solution. You are distracting the police from what really matters, while they're arresting your ass. You are creating situations in which intelligent and peaceful hardcore kids get beat up for no reason. You are creating a bad image of straightedge, causing people to no longer see it as a movement for positive change. You are causing reasonable people to lose all respect for you and your beliefs.
10-30-2005, 11:11 AM
You have no right to beat the shit out of the rapist, you have a right to attempt to stop the rape and restrain the rapist. For someone who lives by a code of violence, you seem to be largely unaware of the rules of violent conflict.
The pot smoker is not immediately putting someone in danger, therefore you may simply call the police, and the police will stop him from smoking pot.
rules of violent conflict? what are the rules on stopping a rapist...just out of curiousity. and who wrote the rules? elmer fudd?
10-30-2005, 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by XVigilanteX retard? its wrong cuz its bad for your body. its wrong cuz it lower your inhibitions, cloud the line betwwen right and wrong. drug violence makes up for like 75% of the total homicides in my area. drinking for the same reasons. the questions isnt how is it wrong but how is it right.
What I'm saying is that that is a poorly structured argument. You have one questionable statistic, and a few vague generalizations. It is unconvincing. No wonder you have to resort to violent action.
10-30-2005, 11:14 AM
Because if you take illegal action to stop them, you are the same as them, you are part of the problem, not taking part in a solution. You are distracting the police from what really matters, while they're arresting your ass. You are creating situations in which intelligent and peaceful hardcore kids get beat up for no reason. You are creating a bad image of straightedge, causing people to no longer see it as a movement for positive change. You are causing reasonable people to lose all respect for you and your beliefs.
straight edge isnt an excuse to beat someone up..your right. but the idea that sxe isnt already considered a violent movement is wishful thinking. any type of group that goes against the nor is considered a gan and violent...another one of society's failures.
10-30-2005, 11:14 AM
rules of violent conflict? what are the rules on stopping a rapist...just out of curiousity. and who wrote the rules? elmer fudd?
Take some martial arts classes, maybe you'll learn something. There are rules that are part of our legal system that apply to violent conflict. If you take action that is more violent than that of an aggressor, you become the aggressor yourself, and are subject to criminal prosectution. Of course, this makes you immediately in the wrong when it comes to the question of assaulting anyone for drug use.
10-30-2005, 11:15 AM
straight edge isnt an excuse to beat someone up..your right. but the idea that sxe isnt already considered a violent movement is wishful thinking. any type of group that goes against the nor is considered a gan and violent...another one of society's failures.
That did not make any sense. Try again.
10-30-2005, 11:20 AM
Take some martial arts classes, maybe you'll learn something. There are rules that are part of our legal system that apply to violent conflict. If you take action that is more violent than that of an aggressor, you become the aggressor yourself, and are subject to criminal prosectution. Of course, this makes you immediately in the wrong when it comes to the question of assaulting anyone for drug use. now martial arts is the answer to all our problems. sure ill go learn a more efficient way of beating people up. i know now your gonna say "but they teach you to control yourself." but no matter what you know, your instinct as a human being will kick in while in the heat of the moment. and now we have to play by the rules...when did hxc become about rules? what are we hardcore tree huggin hippies? (no offense to any vegans who may read this...just an expression.)
10-30-2005, 11:24 AM
That did not make any sense. Try again.
DEPUTY BRAD HARMON, SALT LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE I’ve not ever seen them back down. They will stand and fight for their cause.
JOHN QUINONES (on camera) But they have a right to smoke.
ANDY MAUNCH And I have a right to breathe clean air, too.
JOHN QUINONES (VO) Who are these Straight Edgers? Well, they don’t have gang leaders, and they remain rather elusive. But we do know that most are teenagers who come from upper—middle class white families. The movement was started in the New York area in the 1980s by kids who were old enough to go into nightclubs but not old enough to be served alcohol. The Straight Edgers, marked by an "X" on their hands, started bonding together. (on camera) But why have some elements of the Straight Edge movement turned so violent here in Salt Lake City? Well, this is the home of the Mormon church. It’s a conservative community that prides itself on family values. On the surface, Straight Edge, with its no smoking, no drinking, no drugs approach, fits right into those values. The parents of Straight Edgers are so impressed with that approach.
JOHN QUINONES (VO) The issue wasn’t smoking or drinking, they say. It was respect. (on camera) But what gives you the right to enforce with brutality your likes and dislikes?
ANDY MAUNCH If someone doesn’t like it, then they shouldn’t be disrespectful.
THERESA MARTINEZ If you strip away the message, in many ways, this is just another gang. Straight Edge is just another gang.
JOHN QUINONES (on camera) They accuse you guys—they accuse Straight Edgers of being thugs.
ANDY MAUNCH They can accuse us of whatever they want. We’re not the ones going around getting drunk, starting fights with people.
10-30-2005, 11:26 AM now martial arts is the answer to all our problems. sure ill go learn a more efficient way of beating people up. i know now your gonna say "but they teach you to control yourself." but no matter what you know, your instinct as a human being will kick in while in the heat of the moment. and now we have to play by the rules...when did hxc become about rules? what are we hardcore tree huggin hippies? (no offense to any vegans who may read this...just an expression.)
I'm not saying martial arts is an answer to all of our problems. I'm saying that that is where the fundamentals that you questioned came from. Not Elmer Fudd.
Now you're saying violence is ok because hardcore is breaking the rules and that's hardcore? Your views are very unrefined and disorganized. Maybe you should go think a bit, read a bit, and come back to us.
10-30-2005, 11:27 AM
JOHN QUINONES (VO) Just one week after our interview with Andy and his fellow Straight Edgers, there was another gang fight on the streets of downtown Salt Lake City. Police say about 30 suspected Straight Edgers and another group of kids exchanged words. Tempers flared, and a large brawl broke out. Bernardo Reprenza (ph), just 15 years old was beaten and stabbed to death. Among his assailants, say police, was Andy Maunch, who allegedly beat him unconscious with a baseball bat. The 18—year—old who dreamed of going into law enforcement is now charged with first—degree murder. He has pled not guilty.
ANDY MAUNCH You disrespect someone about being Straight Edge, about being whatever—I mean, if someone disrespects someone about their religion, I mean, that’s being disrespectful you, fight them. They die, that’s what they deserve.
HUGH DOWNS Andy Maunch is expected to go on trial for murder in July. Boy, zeal for anything can be a dangerous emotion.
BARBARA WALTERS When it goes that far. And we have just learned that local and federal authorities have put Straight Edge, along with other groups involved in domestic terrorism, on a list of people to watch closely during the 2002 Olympic games in Salt Lake City.
10-30-2005, 11:28 AM
DEPUTY BRAD HARMON, SALT LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE I’ve not ever seen them back down. They will stand and fight for their cause.
JOHN QUINONES (on camera) But they have a right to smoke.
ANDY MAUNCH And I have a right to breathe clean air, too.
JOHN QUINONES (VO) Who are these Straight Edgers? Well, they don’t have gang leaders, and they remain rather elusive. But we do know that most are teenagers who come from upper—middle class white families. The movement was started in the New York area in the 1980s by kids who were old enough to go into nightclubs but not old enough to be served alcohol. The Straight Edgers, marked by an "X" on their hands, started bonding together. (on camera) But why have some elements of the Straight Edge movement turned so violent here in Salt Lake City? Well, this is the home of the Mormon church. It’s a conservative community that prides itself on family values. On the surface, Straight Edge, with its no smoking, no drinking, no drugs approach, fits right into those values. The parents of Straight Edgers are so impressed with that approach.
JOHN QUINONES (VO) The issue wasn’t smoking or drinking, they say. It was respect. (on camera) But what gives you the right to enforce with brutality your likes and dislikes?
ANDY MAUNCH If someone doesn’t like it, then they shouldn’t be disrespectful.
THERESA MARTINEZ If you strip away the message, in many ways, this is just another gang. Straight Edge is just another gang.
JOHN QUINONES (on camera) They accuse you guys—they accuse Straight Edgers of being thugs.
ANDY MAUNCH They can accuse us of whatever they want. We’re not the ones going around getting drunk, starting fights with people.
You're all about fighting to change, but you're willing to sit back and accept that straightedge has become viewed as a gang?
10-30-2005, 11:28 AM
who did the news make out to be the bad guys? sxe kids. we are already labelled violent street gang.
10-30-2005, 11:31 AM
You're all about fighting to change, but you're willing to sit back and accept that straightedge has become viewed as a gang?
this interview is over ten years old. taken long before i even knew waht sxe was. when i beacme sxe this it what is was. they wanna bad mouth a good cause? they can only push us so far before we got nothing to lose. so they want a violent street gang? they got one.
10-30-2005, 11:32 AM
this interview is over ten years old. taken long before i even knew waht sxe was. when i beacme sxe this it what is was. they wanna bad mouth a good cause? they can only push us so far before we got nothing to lose. so they want a violent street gang? they got one.
That statement is the very definition of lamely sitting back and accepting things as they are instead of fighting for change. You'll fight for change, but only when it involves violence, which makes me think you just enjoy violence. Which makes you sick. Seek psychological help.
10-30-2005, 11:42 AM
That statement is the very definition of lamely sitting back and accepting things as they are instead of fighting for change. You'll fight for change, but only when it involves violence, which makes me think you just enjoy violence. Which makes you sick. Seek psychological help.
enjoy if my opinions differ from yours i have mental issues? kinda arrogant to say dont you think? and an arrogant sxe is better than a violent one?
10-30-2005, 11:45 AM
That statement is the very definition of lamely sitting back and accepting things as they are instead of fighting for change. You'll fight for change, but only when it involves violence, which makes me think you just enjoy violence. Which makes you sick. Seek psychological help.
and as long as the violence is organized you can enjoy it...martial arts for that not violence...even more efficient way of administering violence?
10-30-2005, 12:04 PM
You have no right to beat the shit out of the rapist, you have a right to attempt to stop the rape and restrain the rapist. For someone who lives by a code of violence, you seem to be largely unaware of the rules of violent conflict.
The pot smoker is not immediately putting someone in danger, therefore you may simply call the police, and the police will stop him from smoking pot.
Not nessasarily true. By law in Indiana any crime that is a felony or a misdeminor breach of peace as a citizen you are allowed to physically detain that subject and hand them over to the proper athorities. It's called a citizens arrest. How ever you are NOT allowed to kick the ever living dog shit out of them like he would want to. As a citizen you can only match force with another citizen. Only police can do the one up on force.
10-30-2005, 12:05 PM
and as long as the violence is organized you can enjoy it...martial arts for that not violence...even more efficient way of administering violence?
There is way more to martial arts than fighting and violence.
10-30-2005, 12:27 PM
There is way more to martial arts than fighting and violence.
i agree i took ju jitsu class. and at its core though it was violence
10-30-2005, 12:53 PM
Not nessasarily true. By law in Indiana any crime that is a felony or a misdeminor breach of peace as a citizen you are allowed to physically detain that subject and hand them over to the proper athorities. It's called a citizens arrest. How ever you are NOT allowed to kick the ever living dog shit out of them like he would want to. As a citizen you can only match force with another citizen. Only police can do the one up on force.
Yeah, but detaining someone as a citizen's arrest does not involve beating them up.
10-30-2005, 01:03 PM
i agree i took ju jitsu class. and at its core though it was violence You would pick jiu jitsu.
10-30-2005, 01:05 PM
You would pick jiu jitsu.
wtf that supposed to mean?
10-30-2005, 02:49 PM
so taking action is wrong. lets apply that to other laws. somone getting raped. should you a.) watch
b.) call the cops and hope they get there in time
c.) beat the unholy dog shit out of the rapist
how about d) use the appropiate restraint and appropiate force from stopping the attacker. Thats taking action and as usual you have gone way off mark.
10-30-2005, 02:52 PM
straight edge isnt an excuse to beat someone up..your right. but the idea that sxe isnt already considered a violent movement is wishful thinking. any type of group that goes against the nor is considered a gan and violent...another one of society's failures.
10-30-2005, 02:56 PM
enjoy if my opinions differ from yours i have mental issues? kinda arrogant to say dont you think? and an arrogant sxe is better than a violent one?
your opinions are screwed up, illogical, illeagal and predjudice.
10-30-2005, 02:57 PM
and as long as the violence is organized you can enjoy it...martial arts for that not violence...even more efficient way of administering violence?
you are a violent bully, martial arts frown on that.
10-30-2005, 02:58 PM
Not nessasarily true. By law in Indiana any crime that is a felony or a misdeminor breach of peace as a citizen you are allowed to physically detain that subject and hand them over to the proper athorities. It's called a citizens arrest. How ever you are NOT allowed to kick the ever living dog shit out of them like he would want to. As a citizen you can only match force with another citizen. Only police can do the one up on force.
Citizen arrest exists here too.
10-30-2005, 02:58 PM
i agree i took ju jitsu class. and at its core though it was violence
no its core is sport.
10-30-2005, 04:53 PM
you are a violent bully, martial arts frown on that.
yeah cuz i wake up in the morning and say "gee who am i gonna beat up today?" you all are just a bunch of all talk no action pussies. and i dont think i have to associate with you fucking dildos anymore.
10-30-2005, 05:05 PM
yeah cuz i wake up in the morning and say "gee who am i gonna beat up today?"
well that would be anyone who drinks or smokes or does drugs right, because you are teaching them the error of their ways by beating on them, shame you can't see the error of your ways.
you all are just a bunch of all talk no action pussies. and i dont think i have to associate with you fucking dildos anymore.
Well action and change can be implemented without beating people up and you never had to associate with people here, you needn't of felt obliged to.
10-31-2005, 05:44 AM
[QUOTE=straightXed]well that would be anyone who drinks or smokes or does drugs right, because you are teaching them the error of their ways by beating on them, shame you can't see the error of your ways.
shame on me? i wont pretend to be some hardcore tough guy...cuz im not. but my strength comes from whats inside, my heart is all i got. it may not be to thuglike and i may not win the fight, but atleast i have done my best and what i thought was right.the violence leaves and people accept hardcore is becomng extinct. why dont i give it up? why not accept this? sxe and hardcore gave me something to believe in. its part of me that never goes away.why should i only have to read bout hardcore being what it should be? a place where violence was part of life. where the music was about hatred for authority and the norm. everyone is so worried about peoples feelings...people have died for this cause. we disgrace them by just letting shit like smoking pot in our neighborhoods happening. shame on you, straightXed, you condescending fuck.
10-31-2005, 07:23 AM
[QUOTE=straightXed]well that would be anyone who drinks or smokes or does drugs right, because you are teaching them the error of their ways by beating on them, shame you can't see the error of your ways.
shame on me? i wont pretend to be some hardcore tough guy...cuz im not. but my strength comes from whats inside, my heart is all i got. it may not be to thuglike and i may not win the fight, but atleast i have done my best and what i thought was right.the violence leaves and people accept hardcore is becomng extinct. why dont i give it up? why not accept this? sxe and hardcore gave me something to believe in. its part of me that never goes away.why should i only have to read bout hardcore being what it should be? a place where violence was part of life. where the music was about hatred for authority and the norm. everyone is so worried about peoples feelings...people have died for this cause. we disgrace them by just letting shit like smoking pot in our neighborhoods happening. shame on you, straightXed, you condescending fuck.
You really don't read anything and are an incompetent idiot, unable to learn about anything you thick ignorant fuck, you don't respond to questions posed and rattle out a boring speil that goes on about nothing but you, you don't read the intellegent arguments people put forward to you and you really don't understand anything that has been raised here. I thought you were gonna leave, but if you are going to stay learn to read and address the issues presented and stop walking around with your head stuck up your ass you incompetent simpleton.
10-31-2005, 11:12 AM
ok then...since im such an incompetent simpleton....what is it that you do to stop drugs from being in you neighborhood? what do you do to fight the war on drugs? i know you dont hit people, but i dont wanna know what you dont do. tell me what you do.
ok then...since im such an incompetent simpleton....what is it that you do to stop drugs from being in you neighborhood? what do you do to fight the war on drugs? i know you dont hit people, but i dont wanna know what you dont do. tell me what you do.
i personally get my "kill drug dealers" shirt on, post on messageboards, act tough and rant my stupid bullshit as often as i can, trying to legitimate beating potheads to death etc.
you wanna be my friend?
10-31-2005, 12:03 PM
ok then...since im such an incompetent simpleton....what is it that you do to stop drugs from being in you neighborhood? what do you do to fight the war on drugs? i know you dont hit people, but i dont wanna know what you dont do. tell me what you do.
Drugs in my neighbourhood would be dealt with via the proper means of addressing local council, reporting criminal activity to the police, keeping in touch with neighbourhood vigils.
Now you answer this.
What are you doing to stop buisnesses selling alcohol and tobaco in your neighbourhood?
10-31-2005, 12:23 PM
ok then...since im such an incompetent simpleton....what is it that you do to stop drugs from being in you neighborhood? what do you do to fight the war on drugs? i know you dont hit people, but i dont wanna know what you dont do. tell me what you do.
here's what funny. you're in the navy. if you care that much about drugs in your neighborhood, why wouldn't you join the police, the dea or the fbi?
you're also apart of an armed force that is notorious for getting drunk, so I'm wondering how many times you've gotten in fights on ship or in port?
I'd also watch your ass because I can and have to report any claim of illegal activity, especially assaults and/or murders.
10-31-2005, 12:57 PM
Yeah, but detaining someone as a citizen's arrest does not involve beating them up.
I know and would tend to agree thats why I mentioned the matched applied force.
10-31-2005, 01:08 PM
ok then...since im such an incompetent simpleton....what is it that you do to stop drugs from being in you neighborhood? what do you do to fight the war on drugs? i know you dont hit people, but i dont wanna know what you dont do. tell me what you do.
Why only attack the people. They in most cases are addicts. Why not go brick windows at bars or liquor stores. They are the ones truely feeding the beast. Better yet lets go blow up a hardware / convienence store were they get supplies to make meth. Oooo or a pharmacy since people are addicted to priscption drugs too.
After typing this I realized it was a mistake because you'll probably take it literally. I was just trying to show how you're logic is flaweed
10-31-2005, 03:36 PM
i personally get my "kill drug dealers" shirt on, post on messageboards, act tough and rant my stupid bullshit as often as i can, trying to legitimate beating potheads to death etc.
you wanna be my friend?
so in other word you dont really do anything?
10-31-2005, 03:40 PM
here's what funny. you're in the navy. if you care that much about drugs in your neighborhood, why wouldn't you join the police, the dea or the fbi?
you're also apart of an armed force that is notorious for getting drunk, so I'm wondering how many times you've gotten in fights on ship or in port?
I'd also watch your ass because I can and have to report any claim of illegal activity, especially assaults and/or murders.
so yeah the navy is notorious for drunken sailors...but i didnt even know what sxe was until my friend aaron, who is in the navy, told me about it. as far as why didnt i join the police or dea or either gotta go to college or do 2 years miltary service. and do you think you can really get me for assault from half way across the world?
10-31-2005, 03:44 PM
so yeah the navy is notorious for drunken sailors...but i didnt even know what sxe was until my friend aaron, who is in the navy, told me about it. as far as why didnt i join the police or dea or either gotta go to college or do 2 years miltary service. and do you think you can really get me for assault from half way across the world?
dude, do you really want to flex that muscle, when I can easily make sure people in the military get your times and ips and at the very least you'll have to explain to your commanding officer why you're talking big on the internet?
10-31-2005, 03:46 PM
Drugs in my neighbourhood would be dealt with via the proper means of addressing local council, reporting criminal activity to the police, keeping in touch with neighbourhood vigils.
Now you answer this.
What are you doing to stop buisnesses selling alcohol and tobaco in your neighbourhood?
so your gonna go tell ur friggin mayor or some shit that theres a drug problem in your like thats fucking unusual. im sure he/she does there best to stop it dont they?
what do i do to stop business's from selling alcohol and smokes? they all have been dealt there blow from the class action lawsuit.
10-31-2005, 03:50 PM
dude, do you really want to flex that muscle, when I can easily make sure people in the military get your times and ips and at the very least you'll have to explain to your commanding officer why you're talking big on the internet?
..and as far as the big ol charlie oscar...what you gonna tell him? i was excercising my right of free speech by giving my opinions?
10-31-2005, 03:52 PM
dude, do you really want to flex that muscle, when I can easily make sure people in the military get your times and ips and at the very least you'll have to explain to your commanding officer why you're talking big on the internet?
i mean what crime exactly have i committed?
10-31-2005, 03:52 PM
..and as far as the big ol charlie oscar...what you gonna tell him? i was excercising my right of free speech by giving my opinions?
well I'm sure the folks at the UAR would really be interested in your talks about what you do when you're at home. I'm also sure folks in the norfolk PD might be too. so seriously, stop acting like a dink.
10-31-2005, 03:53 PM
i mean what crime exactly have i committed?
I'm sure that'll be up for discussion. I'm also guessing you probably have a pretty strict code of conduct around what you can and can't do on the internet, huh.
10-31-2005, 03:55 PM
well I'm sure the folks at the UAR would really be interested in your talks about what you do when you're at home. I'm also sure folks in the norfolk PD might be too. so seriously, stop acting like a dink.
can you prove any kind of crime has been committed? and norfolk is a very large city...what district would be so intrested in me?
10-31-2005, 03:56 PM
I'm sure that'll be up for discussion. I'm also guessing you probably have a pretty strict code of conduct around what you can and can't do on the internet, huh. porn or racist sights..other than that unrestricted internet i said giving my opinions, no matter how much you might not like them,is no crime.
10-31-2005, 03:57 PM
I'm sure that'll be up for discussion. I'm also guessing you probably have a pretty strict code of conduct around what you can and can't do on the internet, huh.
lets just say somehow they did take you seriously...what are you going to say? "this bad man said things taht i dont agree with and he hurt my feelings?"
10-31-2005, 03:57 PM
can you prove any kind of crime has been committed? and norfolk is a very large city...what district would be so intrested in me?
see, that's the fun thing about being in this situation, i don't have to. I just have to forward the information on and I'm sure the interested parties would be more than happy to follow up on it. Now if you think nothing will happen, then please, keep going as you have.
10-31-2005, 03:58 PM porn or racist sights..other than that unrestricted internet i said giving my opinions, no matter how much you might not like them,is no crime.
you seem awful paranoid about it then.
10-31-2005, 03:59 PM
lets just say somehow they did take you seriously...what are you going to say? "this bad man said things taht i dont agree with and he hurt my feelings?"
do you seriously want to find out?
10-31-2005, 04:02 PM
see, that's the fun thing about being in this situation, i don't have to. I just have to forward the information on and I'm sure the interested parties would be more than happy to follow up on it. Now if you think nothing will happen, then please, keep going as you have.
this is like arguing with a borderline retarted 12 year old...your trying to sound like you know more about naval law than i do. i have to know what the laws is...its part of my job. like i said there is no crime against what i am saying. opinions are just that opinions.
10-31-2005, 04:04 PM
do you seriously want to find out?
what is this a threat? wow..."look at me im an administator...blah blah blah.
10-31-2005, 04:04 PM
this is like arguing with a borderline retarted 12 year old...your trying to sound like you know more about naval law than i do. i have to know what the laws is...its part of my job. like i said there is no crime against what i am saying. opinions are just that opinions.
then fine, enjoy explaining how you want to "i wish you motherfuckers would come to my street and smoke a joint. i promise you i would beat you to death."
I mean, you shouldn't have anything to worry about, so I'm curious as to why you keep mentioning it.
10-31-2005, 04:06 PM
then fine, enjoy explaining how you want to "i wish you motherfuckers would come to my street and smoke a joint. i promise you i would beat you to death."
I mean, you shouldn't have anything to worry about, so I'm curious as to why you keep mentioning it.
so again your trying to threaten me with charges...stop trying to be the big bad administrator. just go back to your d&d, and jacking off to pictures of sarah michelle gellar.
10-31-2005, 04:08 PM
so again your trying to threaten me with charges...stop trying to be the big bad administrator. just go back to your d&d, and jacking off to pictures of sarah michelle gellar.
no you dumbass, I'm not. But you're apparently too stupid to realize that other people might. Other people who normally wouldn't be made aware of it, would be. Now you either stop acting like a jackass, or you're going to have fun explaining to your CO why he's having to talk to you about you being a douche on the computer.
10-31-2005, 04:11 PM
no you dumbass, I'm not. But you're apparently too stupid to realize that other people might. Other people who normally wouldn't be made aware of it, would be. Now you either stop acting like a jackass, or you're going to have fun explaining to your CO why he's having to talk to you about you being a douche on the computer.
you really have no idea how the judicial sytem work on a ship do you? the co of my ship is not gonna play daddy and tell me i should play nice with the other kiddies...he has way to much commanding a worry about.
10-31-2005, 04:13 PM
you really have no idea how the judicial sytem work on a ship do you? the co of my ship is not gonna play daddy and tell me i should play nice with the other kiddies...he has way to much commanding a worry about.
then why do you care and keep responding? If nothing will happen, then nothing will. You also keep missing the point where I give you the oppurtunity to stop acting like a massive jackass.
10-31-2005, 04:16 PM
then why do you care and keep responding? If nothing will happen, then nothing will. You also keep missing the point where I give you the oppurtunity to stop acting like a massive jackass.
and again i say you call me a jackass because i have a differing opionion than yours. is that the kind of narrowmindedness we all should have? right...lets all be like xsecx and bash people cuz they do things differently than he does.
10-31-2005, 04:18 PM
and again i say you call me a jackass because i have a differing opionion than yours. is that the kind of narrowmindedness we all should have? right...lets all be like xsecx and bash people cuz they do things differently than he does.
god you really are an idiot. you're the only one here calling for physical violence against those who don't share your opinion, but you're going to try and throw around narrowmindeedness? Are you seriously that retarded?
10-31-2005, 04:19 PM
i personally get my "kill drug dealers" shirt on, post on messageboards, act tough and rant my stupid bullshit as often as i can, trying to legitimate beating potheads to death etc.
you wanna be my friend?
how did you know i had a shirt? i also have a drug dealer killer tattoo on my arm would youlike to see it? and again a narrowminded attitude is the way to go?
10-31-2005, 04:21 PM
god you really are an idiot. you're the only one here calling for physical violence against those who don't share your opinion, but you're going to try and throw around narrowmindeedness? Are you seriously that retarded?
so are you any better or less reatrted than me? if we both are so narrowminded?
10-31-2005, 04:23 PM
so are you any better or less reatrted than me? if we both are so narrowminded?
do you even understand what narrowminded means?
10-31-2005, 04:25 PM
do you even understand what narrowminded means?
something like...sticking to your guns and not steppin outside of yourself to look at the situation from another person point of view...something like that? i mean i am a complete idiot...right?
10-31-2005, 04:28 PM
do you even understand what narrowminded means?
and now your gonna say im wrong and your not being narrowminded...but actually you are. your trying to stop me from saying what i would do in a situation because its different from what you would do...i.e not respecting my opinion and saying its wrong therefore you are narrowminded. ;)
10-31-2005, 04:29 PM
something like...sticking to your guns and not steppin outside of yourself to look at the situation from another person point of view...something like that? i mean i am a complete idiot...right?
wow, you really don't.
Main Entry: nar·row-mind·ed
Pronunciation: "nar-O-'mIn-d&d, "nar-&-
Function: adjective
: lacking in tolerance or breadth of vision
now you see. you have a lack of tolerance towards those that do not share your own belief. having a problem with intolerant people however, doesn't not me or the rest of the people on here intolerant or narrow minded. But your tiny little brain can't seem to understand that.
10-31-2005, 04:30 PM
is this a quiz? oh im no good at pop quizzes...darn
10-31-2005, 04:30 PM
so your gonna go tell ur friggin mayor or some shit that theres a drug problem in your like thats fucking unusual. im sure he/she does there best to stop it dont they?
what do i do to stop business's from selling alcohol and smokes? they all have been dealt there blow from the class action lawsuit.
what are you doing to stop them again?
10-31-2005, 04:31 PM
is this a quiz? oh im no good at pop quizzes...darn
not really good at much, huh.
10-31-2005, 04:33 PM
wow, you really don't.
Main Entry: nar·row-mind·ed
Pronunciation: "nar-O-'mIn-d&d, "nar-&-
Function: adjective
: lacking in tolerance or breadth of vision
now you see. you have a lack of tolerance towards those that do not share your own belief. having a problem with intolerant people however, doesn't not me or the rest of the people on here intolerant or narrow minded. But your tiny little brain can't seem to understand that.
so yeah its pretty much what i said (i just didnt look it up beacuse apparently my vocabulary is bigger than yours..and im the one with the small brain...)
and you refuse to see things from my point of view and immediately dismiss them as wrong ideal therefore you lack "breadth of vision" and by YOUR OWN DEFINITION you are indeed narrow minded.
10-31-2005, 04:35 PM
not really good at much, huh.
woahhhh good one...and since we are insulting peoples intelligence..need i remind you your avatar is that of a gorillas body with your head...are you trying to say your the missing link?
10-31-2005, 04:35 PM
so yeah its pretty much what i said (i just didnt look it up beacuse apparently my vocabulary is bigger than yours..and im the one with the small brain...)
and you refuse to see things from my point of view and immediately dismiss them as wrong ideal therefore you lack "breadth of vision" and by YOUR OWN DEFINITION you are indeed narrow minded.
no, it's not pretty much what you said. Your point of view is intolerant. Now, someone disagreeing with an intolerant view, doesn't make them intolerant. Do you even understand that intolerant means? so we can break it down even further?
10-31-2005, 04:37 PM
woahhhh good one...and since we are insulting peoples intelligence..need i remind you your avatar is that of a gorillas body with your head...are you trying to say your the missing link?
if you're going to try that, you might want to use proper grammar, otherwise it falls apart. and no one is insulting your intelligence, we're merely pointing out the hard truth that you're an idiot.
10-31-2005, 04:37 PM
what are you doing to stop them again?
as much as you are doing to stop drug dealers in your town...
10-31-2005, 04:38 PM
as much as you are doing to stop drug dealers in your town...
how do you expect us not to be "narrow-minded" when you don't share what you've done? I mean we can't really judge your side then without knowing it, now can we?
10-31-2005, 04:42 PM
no, it's not pretty much what you said. Your point of view is intolerant. Now, someone disagreeing with an intolerant view, doesn't make them intolerant. Do you even understand that intolerant means? so we can break it down even further?
so lemme get this straight.....i dont agree with your views...i.e using the authority to stop the dealers...i am intolerant....but you not agreeing with my version of vigilante justice...i.e stopping them not intolerant. and what part of your miniscule brain said "hey this makes sense."
10-31-2005, 04:43 PM
how do you expect us not to be "narrow-minded" when you don't share what you've done? I mean we can't really judge your side then without knowing it, now can we?
oh so now your saying you dont know how i would take care of a dealer/user in my town?
10-31-2005, 04:44 PM
so lemme get this straight.....i dont agree with your views...i.e using the authority to stop the dealers...i am intolerant....but you not agreeing with my version of vigilante justice...i.e stopping them not intolerant. and what part of your miniscule brain said "hey this makes sense."
using individual violence is literally the definition of intolerance. Your entire "belief" of using vigilante "justice" is intolerant you moron.
10-31-2005, 04:45 PM
oh so now your saying you dont know how i would take care of a dealer/user in my town?
well make up your mind. Either tell your side or don't. Please explain your methods and what you've done and how successful they have been.
10-31-2005, 04:45 PM
as much as you are doing to stop drug dealers in your town...
oh right, so why wouldn't you use violence against them like you would with anyone smoking a joint?
10-31-2005, 04:48 PM
how do you expect us not to be "narrow-minded" when you don't share what you've done? I mean we can't really judge your side then without knowing it, now can we?
it just sound like your trying to sound more intelligent than you really are. i mean the whole reason we are debating right now is beacause you dont agree with my methods right? so you do know my side...hmmm...sound like your an underachieveing moron. (go ahead look it up...i mean if ya dont know what it means...but wait then you'll just say that im the definition of moron. one step ahead of you.)
10-31-2005, 04:49 PM
using individual violence is literally the definition of intolerance. Your entire "belief" of using vigilante "justice" is intolerant you moron.
and being intolerant of people who pollute society and break the law is wrong doughboy?
10-31-2005, 04:50 PM
it just sound like your trying to sound more intelligent than you really are. i mean the whole reason we are debating right now is beacause you dont agree with my methods right? so you do know my side...hmmm...sound like your an underachieveing moron. (go ahead look it up...i mean if ya dont know what it means...but wait then you'll just say that im the definition of moron. one step ahead of you.)
now I understand why you had to go into the navy.
10-31-2005, 04:50 PM
and being intolerant of people who pollute society and break the law is wrong doughboy?
You break the law you idiot.
10-31-2005, 04:50 PM
and being intolerant of people who pollute society and break the law is wrong doughboy?
and you want to then in turn break the law and contribute to the pollution of society through violence, so that doesn't really help much, does it squid?
10-31-2005, 04:53 PM
now I understand why you had to go into the navy.
so are you belittling our armed forces? if it wasnt for morons like me who joined up, we wouldnt even have the right to have this discussion. so yeah nice try aids infested cumbubble on a dead faggotts ass.(not gay bashing just an insult)
10-31-2005, 04:54 PM
so are you belittling our armed forces? if it wasnt for morons like me who joined up, we wouldnt even have the right to have this discussion. so yeah nice try aids infested cumbubble on a dead faggotts ass.(not gay bashing just an insult)
well no, I'm belittling your lack of intelligence and therefore lack of brainpower that would have given you the oppurtunity to do something more than fight pretend fires of the USS douchebag.
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