View Full Version : Effects of caffiene.
11-01-2005, 01:59 PM
Im new here and was wondering about caffiene. Yes I do drink sodas every day. I was just wondering what are the effects of caffiene? Did i spell caffiene wrong?
11-01-2005, 02:19 PM
Im new here and was wondering about caffiene. Yes I do drink sodas every day. I was just wondering what are the effects of caffiene? Did i spell caffiene wrong?
gives a pretty good overview.
Is drinking sodas every so often, even just like a Diet Coke which really doesn't have much caffeine at all in it, against edge? Just a question, I laid off cokes since I became straight-edge but I've been really wanting a Diet Coke, not because of the caffeine, but because I like the taste. :P
11-16-2005, 07:39 AM
Is drinking sodas every so often, even just like a Diet Coke which really doesn't have much caffeine at all in it, against edge? Just a question, I laid off cokes since I became straight-edge but I've been really wanting a Diet Coke, not because of the caffeine, but because I like the taste. :P
Diet Coke has just as much caffeine in it as regular coke, and the both have a butt load of the stuff in them. I'm pretty sure you can get caffeine free diet coke though?
As for edge and caffeine, there was a huge thread about it somewhere? My basic belief on the subject is that caffeine is a recreational drug, and if your edge and taking a stand against recreational drug use, then why would caffeine be any different?
Recreational drug... That mean you do it for fun? I don't drink caffeine for fun, like a person would smoke pot to get high, I drink it because it's in my favorite drinks...
11-19-2005, 05:50 AM
Recreational drug... That mean you do it for fun? I don't drink caffeine for fun, like a person would smoke pot to get high, I drink it because it's in my favorite drinks...
Recreational means you don't use the drug for medicinal purposes, you drink it because its in your favourite drinks but its still a drug, like what if alcohol was in your favourite drink and you reason for drinking it wasn't to get any effect of the alcohol, does that stop it being a recreational drug in your drink?
But alcohol will definitely give you the bad side effects, including extreme addiction, hangovers, and the destroying of brain cells. Caffeine doesn't give hangovers, or destroying of brain cells, and not even extreme addiction, just a slight addiction. Beer will make your life a living hell, but caffeine won't make you throw your life away.
11-19-2005, 11:29 AM
But alcohol will definitely give you the bad side effects, including extreme addiction, hangovers, and the destroying of brain cells. Caffeine doesn't give hangovers, or destroying of brain cells, and not even extreme addiction, just a slight addiction. Beer will make your life a living hell, but caffeine won't make you throw your life away.
not if you're comparing one soda vs one beer. you're acting like caffeine doesn't have serious side effects and that alcohol does. What exactly is a slight addiction? And what's the actual point of avoiding substances being used recreationally? How is drinking 1 beer a day wrong, but drinking 1 soda a day isn't? Neither will affect you negatively. neither have long term effects. Neither will make you an addict.
11-19-2005, 09:45 PM
But alcohol will definitely give you the bad side effects, including extreme addiction, hangovers, and the destroying of brain cells. Caffeine doesn't give hangovers, or destroying of brain cells, and not even extreme addiction, just a slight addiction. Beer will make your life a living hell, but caffeine won't make you throw your life away.
If it doesn't cause extreme addiction then why do so many people feel they can't start they're day properly without that quick fix pick me up. It's very addictive. Mentally and physically. People who drink lots of caffeine and then suddenly stop go through withdraw like symptems. It is a stimulant. It alters you and your body. How is it not a drug?
11-19-2005, 09:50 PM
If it doesn't cause extreme addiction then why do so many people feel they can't start they're day properly without that quick fix pick me up. It's very addictive. Mentally and physically. People who drink lots of caffeine and then suddenly stop go through withdraw like symptems. It is a stimulant. It alters you and your body. How is it not a drug?
but it's also mild in effect in terms of addiction. the behavior you're talking about is just that, behavioral and not a side effect of the addiction.
11-19-2005, 10:27 PM
But alcohol will definitely give you the bad side effects, including extreme addiction, hangovers, and the destroying of brain cells. Caffeine doesn't give hangovers, or destroying of brain cells, and not even extreme addiction, just a slight addiction. Beer will make your life a living hell, but caffeine won't make you throw your life away.
Um... lots of people enjoy beer in moderation, without throwing their life away... you're kinda making beer sound like crack or something...
11-19-2005, 11:17 PM
not only is the caffeine bad for you but the carbonation is terrible for you also, it takes twice as much water to rehydrate you then the soda you drink, another words-----16oz soda means you have to drink 32oz of water just to get your body hydrated back to what it was before you drank the soda.
11-20-2005, 06:25 PM
but it's also mild in effect in terms of addiction. the behavior you're talking about is just that, behavioral and not a side effect of the addiction.
Mild effect when compared to heroine or cocaine but still an addiction. I've seen people go through the same type of with draw symptems with caffine as they would with tobacco products. You maybe right becuase you usually are but I really can't believe that it's all just behavorial and not a by product of the addiction. Yeah I'm not saying its going to be as intense or obvious like the withdraw effects a functioning alcoholic's dt's or a heroine addict would get but they still have to be some what present.
11-20-2005, 06:36 PM
Mild effect when compared to heroine or cocaine but still an addiction. I've seen people go through the same type of with draw symptems with caffine as they would with tobacco products. You maybe right becuase you usually are but I really can't believe that it's all just behavorial and not a by product of the addiction. Yeah I'm not saying its going to be as intense or obvious like the withdraw effects a functioning alcoholic's dt's or a heroine addict would get but they still have to be some what present.
a headache is about as bad as it's going to get. caffeine isn't a serious physical addiction and what you saw was most likely a result of lack of sleep and people being cranky as a result. But yeah. at the end of the day it is still an addiction and still something that someone who claims to be edge should avoid.
11-24-2005, 11:35 PM
a headache is about as bad as it's going to get. caffeine isn't a serious physical addiction and what you saw was most likely a result of lack of sleep and people being cranky as a result. But yeah. at the end of the day it is still an addiction and still something that someone who claims to be edge should avoid.
Personally, I've never seen anything like addiction to caffine. I drink soda sometimes, and I worried about it for a while. So I decided once to check and see if anything like addiction came from it. I don't know about anyone else, but it did nothing when I stopped drinking it for a couple months. I drink it for the taste. Pot, heroin, cocaine, ect, that stuff makes your body unable to functon without it. Caffine doesn't. That's the difference, to me. Others disagree, and call it recreational drugs, but it's just like the vegan thing. Personal choice.
11-25-2005, 06:42 AM
Personally, I've never seen anything like addiction to caffine. I drink soda sometimes, and I worried about it for a while. So I decided once to check and see if anything like addiction came from it. I don't know about anyone else, but it did nothing when I stopped drinking it for a couple months. I drink it for the taste. Pot, heroin, cocaine, ect, that stuff makes your body unable to functon without it. Caffine doesn't. That's the difference, to me. Others disagree, and call it recreational drugs, but it's just like the vegan thing. Personal choice.
so if I like the taste of alcohol I can drink it? Addiction to pot doesn't have physical symptoms either, so can I smoke it ? How is it not a recreational drug and how is it anything like veganism or a personal choice?
11-25-2005, 02:36 PM
I think that caffeine should be used in moderation because of the potential bad effects it can have on you.. but it's one of those things that's hard to avoid because it's in a lot of things, like chocolate and tea and so on. I guess the best thing to do is be aware of it. I don't agree with drinking red bulls or anything though.. those are definitely bad for you. All that caffeine in a short amount of time. O_O
11-25-2005, 02:38 PM
I think that caffeine should be used in moderation because of the potential bad effects it can have on you.. but it's one of those things that's hard to avoid because it's in a lot of things, like chocolate and tea and so on. I guess the best thing to do is be aware of it. I don't agree with drinking red bulls or anything though.. those are definitely bad for you. All that caffeine in a short amount of time. O_O
it's not hard to avoid in amounts that can't effect you. the amount in chocolate is nominal. and decaf tea is easy to find.
11-25-2005, 03:57 PM
So the best thing for anyone who's straight edge to do would be to minimize usage?
I find that chocolate can affect me a lot, say, if I have a candy bar (as opposed to chocolate cake, which doesn't really affect me at all). Maybe I'm just really sensitive to it though.
11-25-2005, 04:21 PM
So the best thing for anyone who's straight edge to do would be to minimize usage?
I find that chocolate can affect me a lot, say, if I have a candy bar (as opposed to chocolate cake, which doesn't really affect me at all). Maybe I'm just really sensitive to it though.
it would be to avoid any amount that could affect you. The amount of caffiene that is in a bar of chocolate is no more than of a cup of decaf tea, so it's damn near medically impossible that it's the caffiene in it that's affecting you.
11-25-2005, 04:30 PM
Hmm.. You're probably right, especially since decaf tea doesn't do a thing to me. What do you suppose it is then? The sugar? Or something else?
11-25-2005, 05:09 PM
Hmm.. You're probably right, especially since decaf tea doesn't do a thing to me. What do you suppose it is then? The sugar? Or something else?
either the sugar or theobromine
11-27-2005, 09:49 AM
i thought that it's too extreme to ban caffeine from life.i drink sodas(but i think they're less dangerous in france than in the us),i eat meat(i can't eat fruits,they disgust me),i like sugar and i pretend straight edge.can i?
11-27-2005, 09:51 AM
by the way,i forgot to ask something.i had a discussion with my fiends,blaming me coz i said that you can't prentend to be sxe if you don't listen to hardcore.who's right?me or my fuckin' dumbass friends?
11-27-2005, 10:02 AM
i thought that it's too extreme to ban caffeine from life.i drink sodas(but i think they're less dangerous in france than in the us),i eat meat(i can't eat fruits,they disgust me),i like sugar and i pretend straight edge.can i?
coke is coke regardless of the country. is it too extreme to ban alcohol from life?
I eat meat and sugar, but they also have nothing to do with being straight edge since they're not recreational drugs. caffeine is.
11-27-2005, 02:10 PM
coke is coke regardless of the country. is it too extreme to ban alcohol from life?
I eat meat and sugar, but they also have nothing to do with being straight edge since they're not recreational drugs. caffeine is.
no but alcohol is a bit more dangerous than caffeine no?but i didn't know that caffeine was considered as a recreational drug.
11-27-2005, 02:21 PM
no but alcohol is a bit more dangerous than caffeine no?but i didn't know that caffeine was considered as a recreational drug.
anything is dangerous if you consume enough of it. the amount of alcohol in 1 beer isn't dangerous to an adult. caffeine in soda is an additive used as a stimulant, it's not a byproduct of something naturally like coffee or tea.
Okay, then, if these are all of the effects with caffeine, this is the only question I wanted to know:
If I drink caffeine, have I broken edge?
11-28-2005, 04:02 PM
Okay, then, if these are all of the effects with caffeine, this is the only question I wanted to know:
If I drink caffeine, have I broken edge?
what do you think?
I don't know, because I hear that people that are edge do drink caffeine, and others don't.
11-28-2005, 07:05 PM
I don't know, because I hear that people that are edge do drink caffeine, and others don't.
anyone who calls themselves edge, actually thinks about caffeine for what it is and still continues to drink it is an idiot.
Okay, then, if these are all of the effects with caffeine, this is the only question I wanted to know:
If I drink caffeine, have I broken edge?
yes because it's a drug....
11-29-2005, 08:32 PM
i'm edge and have been for abou 1 year now but i still drink caffiene, i can drink a huge energy drink and it does nothing to me. some people do just drink it for the taste and if we are talking about it not being good for your body then you shouldn't eat, or drink anything that it processed or has preservatives in it, eveything now-a-days isn't good for you. so why is everyone talking about just caffiene? food is a drug and addicting if you want to get picky about it, if you don't eat, you have physical withdrawls and you need it to survive. come one people don't we have more to argue about then stupid shit like this?
11-29-2005, 09:35 PM
i'm edge and have been for abou 1 year now but i still drink caffiene, i can drink a huge energy drink and it does nothing to me. some people do just drink it for the taste and if we are talking about it not being good for your body then you shouldn't eat, or drink anything that it processed or has preservatives in it, eveything now-a-days isn't good for you. so why is everyone talking about just caffiene? food is a drug and addicting if you want to get picky about it, if you don't eat, you have physical withdrawls and you need it to survive. come one people don't we have more to argue about then stupid shit like this?
I can drink a beer and not have it affect me, does that mean it doesn't matter in terms of straight edge? Caffeine is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. THC is a drug. Some drugs are good for you, however no one where is talking about not doing things based on whether or not they're good for you. You also might want to rethink what a drug actually is, why you feel the need to take some and not take others and why you call yourself straight edge in the first place.
it would be to avoid any amount that could affect you. The amount of caffiene that is in a bar of chocolate is no more than of a cup of decaf tea, so it's damn near medically impossible that it's the caffiene in it that's affecting you.
Now you're going back on yourself. You said a beer doesn't affect you, but you don't drink beer. So now it's alright to eat chocolate because the caffeine in you isn't going to affect you? Kinda hypocritical, doncha think?
12-04-2005, 04:25 PM
Now you're going back on yourself. You said a beer doesn't affect you, but you don't drink beer. So now it's alright to eat chocolate because the caffeine in you isn't going to affect you? Kinda hypocritical, doncha think?
How so? its obvious that you can take any drug and not have it effect you but whats more obvious is the point that was being made was in terms of being straight edge. I mean alcohol is present in very small amounts in many types of food and drink, in such small doeses that it rarely even gets mentioned, same is true of caffiene. However the post was in response to someone drinking highly caffinated energy drinks and justifying them because it does nothing. Nothing noticable probably due to being accustomed to the drug, like if you become accustomed to beer you wouldn't notice it, thats the point, the effect is there but you grow acustomed to it, thats why you need to think that sort of thing through. Chocolate has such a minimal ammount of caffiene in the effect isn't an issue just like orange juice isn't an issue. So the way it reads isn't hypocritical just illustrative of the point.
12-04-2005, 10:21 PM
Now you're going back on yourself. You said a beer doesn't affect you, but you don't drink beer. So now it's alright to eat chocolate because the caffeine in you isn't going to affect you? Kinda hypocritical, doncha think?
the amount of alcohol in a beer wouldn't make me drunk just as the amount of caffeine in a soda wouldn't give me much of a buzz. how is that hypocritical or going back on myself at all? if you're going to try and draw a comparison you're better off using the amount of alcohol in say fruit juice and the amount of caffeine that's in chocolate.
12-05-2005, 09:59 PM
Now you're going back on yourself. You said a beer doesn't affect you, but you don't drink beer. So now it's alright to eat chocolate because the caffeine in you isn't going to affect you? Kinda hypocritical, doncha think?
But you're not using the caffine in a chocolate bar as a recreational drug. Hersey is not a quick pick me up or burst of energy like a cup of joe or a red bull. There are plenty of people that can smoke or chew tobacco without it afecting them and since you don't actually inhale a cigar does that make it ok to smoke a cigar if you're sXe?
But you're not using the caffine in a chocolate bar as a recreational drug. Hersey is not a quick pick me up or burst of energy like a cup of joe or a red bull. There are plenty of people that can smoke or chew tobacco without it afecting them and since you don't actually inhale a cigar does that make it ok to smoke a cigar if you're sXe?
Whenever I drink sodas with caffeine, I don't do it for the buzz, so is it still considered a recreational drug?
12-06-2005, 05:48 PM
Whenever I drink sodas with caffeine, I don't do it for the buzz, so is it still considered a recreational drug?
whenever I drink a beer, I don't do it for the buzz, so is it still considered a recreational drug?
and seriously, what's the point of all this? If you want to keep drinking caffeinated soda fine, knock yourself out, but stop trying to lie to yourself that you're not using a drug recreationally or that it's somehow different to someone drinking a beer every once in a while.
12-06-2005, 06:00 PM
Whenever I drink sodas with caffeine, I don't do it for the buzz, so is it still considered a recreational drug?
theres a lot of caffeine free soda out there you know.
whenever I drink a beer, I don't do it for the buzz, so is it still considered a recreational drug?
and seriously, what's the point of all this? If you want to keep drinking caffeinated soda fine, knock yourself out, but stop trying to lie to yourself that you're not using a drug recreationally or that it's somehow different to someone drinking a beer every once in a while.
According to doctors and my mom (who's a nurse), caffeine isn't a recreational drug, so I'm not lying to myself.
12-06-2005, 08:00 PM
According to doctors and my mom (who's a nurse), caffeine isn't a recreational drug, so I'm not lying to myself.
you're not using it medicially, so how isn't it a recreational drug? how is caffeine different in this scenario than any other drug you wouldn't do and claim to be straight edge?
do you know what a drug is or even what a recreational drug is?
12-06-2005, 08:32 PM
well if you want to go off what that site says XsecX then everything you eat and drink is a drug, i don't see you eating bread and drinking water all the time when you want a cake you eat it right? but yet it's for personal enjoyment or a cupcake or candy or cookie or pizza all for personal enjoyment so you can't talk your way out of that now can you? or maybe you will make up some more excuses and look on some stupid site and put it in ur post for us to read, do you really believe everything you read on the net or what? stop judging us and take a good look in the mirror. this is why alot a edgers have a bad name b/c of judgemental people like you that are nit picky and don't follow there own advice and preaching, just calm down.
12-06-2005, 08:35 PM
well if you want to go off what that site says XsecX then everything you eat and drink is a drug, i don't see you eating bread and drinking water all the time when you want a cake you eat it right? but yet it's for personal enjoyment or a cupcake or candy or cookie or pizza all for personal enjoyment so you can't talk your way out of that now can you? or maybe you will make up some more excuses and look on some stupid site and put it in ur post for us to read, do you really believe everything you read on the net or what? stop judging us and take a good look in the mirror. this is why alot a edgers have a bad name b/c of judgemental people like you that are nit picky and don't follow there own advice and preaching, just calm down.
do you even know what a drug is? everything you listed isn't a drug, but caffeine is. how can you be against drinking alcohol but be ok with drinking caffeine?
12-06-2005, 08:41 PM
do you even know what a drug is? everything you listed isn't a drug, but caffeine is. how can you be against drinking alcohol but be ok with drinking caffeine?
do you know what you even just said that makes no since and you didn't even answer my question i was just going of what your little addy said about recreational drugs so are you going to answer?
12-06-2005, 08:43 PM
do you know what you even just said that makes no since and you didn't even answer my question i was just going of what your little addy said about recreational drugs so are you going to answer?
answer about what? your question doesn't make sense and it's pretty clear you didn't even read the link because you started talking about food, which aren't drugs, aren't included in what was posted and aren't relevant to what's being talked about.
12-06-2005, 08:50 PM
rec·re·a·tion·al drug (rĕk'rē-ā'shə-nəl)
A drug used nonmedically for personal enjoyment.
that is what that site says is the definition of a recreational drug food and every drink other then water to survive is a drug then.
12-06-2005, 08:53 PM
rec·re·a·tion·al drug (rĕk'rē-ā'shə-nəl)
A drug used nonmedically for personal enjoyment.
that is what that site says is the definition of a recreational drug food and every drink other then water to survive is a drug then.
uh. food isn't a drug. neither is water. pay special attention to "a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body "
Main Entry: 1drug
Pronunciation: 'dr&g
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English drogge
1 a obsolete : a substance used in dyeing or chemical operations b : a substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication c according to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1) : a substance recognized in an official pharmacopoeia or formulary (2) : a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease (3) : a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body (4) : a substance intended for use as a component of a medicine but not a device or a component, part, or accessory of a device
2 : a commodity that is not salable or for which there is no demand -- used in the phrase drug on the market
3 : something and often an illegal substance that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousness
12-06-2005, 08:56 PM
i love how you nit pick just like i was saying. you pick certain things out of articles that meet YOUR views and try to debate with them, it doesn't work and you wouldn't be very good at any debate team.
12-06-2005, 09:00 PM
i love how you nit pick just like i was saying. you pick certain things out of articles that meet YOUR views and try to debate with them, it doesn't work and you wouldn't be very good at any debate team.
How am I nit picking? You claim to be against drug use, but use drugs. I don't. You call things that aren't drugs, drugs as some sort of explanation of behavior. now, where have I been wrong? What part of the article contradicts what I've said? And are you really that incapable of admitting when you're clearly wrong?
12-06-2005, 09:05 PM
How am I nit picking? You claim to be against drug use, but use drugs. I don't. You call things that aren't drugs, drugs as some sort of explanation of behavior. now, where have I been wrong? What part of the article contradicts what I've said? And are you really that incapable of admitting when you're clearly wrong?
wait just a minute asshole, i don't use drugs and don't say i do, you don't know me at all and don't act like you do. i drink soda as much as i drink anything else and i don't drink alcohol or smoke anything or shoot anything or snort anything. you need to calm down before you piss someone off that lives in your town and knows who you are. just a tip----you need to stop telling everyone else what there doing wrong and focus on your life more, like doing something other then sitting on your fat ass all day and typing on the computer, you say caffiene is bad and all this other crap, which i'm not arguing with, but you comtribute to all the overwieght americans so again take a look in the mirror before you judge what others do.
12-06-2005, 09:08 PM
wait just a minute asshole, i don't use drugs and don't say i do, you don't know me at all and don't act like you do. i drink soda as much as i drink anything else and i don't drink alcohol or smoke anything or shoot anything or snort anything. you need to calm down before you piss someone off that lives in your town and knows who you are. just a tip----you need to stop telling everyone else what there doing wrong and focus on your life more, like doing something other then sitting on your fat ass all day and typing on the computer, you say caffiene is bad and all this other crap, which i'm not arguing with, but you comtribute to all the overwieght americans so again take a look in the mirror before you judge what others do.
you drink energy drinks you moron. what do you think that energy is coming from? You do use drugs. I need to calm down? I'm not the one getting upset here, now am I? I'm not actually saying caffeine is "bad" I'm saying it's a drug and if you claim to be drug free, you shouldn't be using it. Now, if you want to judge others about their drug use, you might want to not actually use them yourself, huh.
12-06-2005, 09:32 PM
According to doctors and my mom (who's a nurse), caffeine isn't a recreational drug, so I'm not lying to myself.
Neither is morphine but drug addicts still abuse it or use it for no medical reasons. You are totaly missing the point.
12-06-2005, 09:32 PM
wait just a minute asshole, i don't use drugs and don't say i do, you don't know me at all and don't act like you do. i drink soda as much as i drink anything else and i don't drink alcohol or smoke anything or shoot anything or snort anything. you need to calm down before you piss someone off that lives in your town and knows who you are. just a tip----you need to stop telling everyone else what there doing wrong and focus on your life more, like doing something other then sitting on your fat ass all day and typing on the computer, you say caffiene is bad and all this other crap, which i'm not arguing with, but you comtribute to all the overwieght americans so again take a look in the mirror before you judge what others do.
Oh but you do use drugs. Also you're getting upset and attacking people saying they don't know anything about you and a few sentences later you make comments about them that you couldn't possible know then expect them to " look in the mirror before judging others". Pretty hypocritical of you don't you think.
12-07-2005, 04:03 AM
According to doctors and my mom (who's a nurse), caffeine isn't a recreational drug, so I'm not lying to myself.
You are right, you aren't lying to yourself, your mom is, shes lying to you and misinforming you.
12-07-2005, 04:05 AM
do you know what you even just said that makes no since and you didn't even answer my question i was just going of what your little addy said about recreational drugs so are you going to answer?
It made perfect since to me.
12-07-2005, 04:07 AM
rec·re·a·tion·al drug (rĕk'rē-ā'shə-nəl)
A drug used nonmedically for personal enjoyment.
that is what that site says is the definition of a recreational drug food and every drink other then water to survive is a drug then.
Wow, how the hell did you get to that reasoning, i mean what the hell goes on inside your head? are you confused?
12-07-2005, 04:08 AM
i love how you nit pick just like i was saying. you pick certain things out of articles that meet YOUR views and try to debate with them, it doesn't work and you wouldn't be very good at any debate team.
Yet you provide no supporting evidence for the vast array of bullshit you post, i don't think you are in any postition to talk about being good on debate teams.
12-07-2005, 04:11 AM
wait just a minute asshole, i don't use drugs and don't say i do, you don't know me at all and don't act like you do. i drink soda as much as i drink anything else and i don't drink alcohol or smoke anything or shoot anything or snort anything. you need to calm down before you piss someone off that lives in your town and knows who you are. just a tip----you need to stop telling everyone else what there doing wrong and focus on your life more, like doing something other then sitting on your fat ass all day and typing on the computer, you say caffiene is bad and all this other crap, which i'm not arguing with, but you comtribute to all the overwieght americans so again take a look in the mirror before you judge what others do.
You don't use drugs but you do take caffiene in soda? Another superbly thought through argument by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!!!
12-07-2005, 05:58 PM
You don't use drugs but you do take caffiene in soda? Another superbly thought through argument by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!!!
Mmmmmmmm. Beer milkshakes.
12-08-2005, 12:51 AM
ok when did everyone start nit-picking at what is edge and what isn't, i mean it started with no drugs,alcohol, and sex if you decide to go that far and now you have vegans and people talking shit on soda. now i can drink an energy drink and fall asleep at any time after that, i can drink dr.pepper all day and it doesn't effect me unless i want it to. like if i need to stay awake i drink some and i don't fall asleep but i think it's more of a mind thing not a caffiene thing for me. i just don't get why everyone is nit-picking and hating for dumb bull-shit, people need to worry about who is driving drunk and hitting there family or smoking wee or anything else and hurting there loved ones with the fumes and toxics, or giving others h.i.v by shooting up with dirty needles.
ok when did everyone start nit-picking at what is edge and what isn't, i mean it started with no drugs,alcohol, and sex if you decide to go that far and now you have vegans and people talking shit on soda. now i can drink an energy drink and fall asleep at any time after that, i can drink dr.pepper all day and it doesn't effect me unless i want it to. like if i need to stay awake i drink some and i don't fall asleep but i think it's more of a mind thing not a caffiene thing for me. i just don't get why everyone is nit-picking and hating for dumb bull-shit, people need to worry about who is driving drunk and hitting there family or smoking wee or anything else and hurting there loved ones with the fumes and toxics, or giving others h.i.v by shooting up with dirty needles.
you don't know anything about sxe. there's no point argueing with you, well, i won't. i don't like talking to a wall.
you drink energy drinks you moron. what do you think that energy is coming from? You do use drugs. I need to calm down? I'm not the one getting upset here, now am I? I'm not actually saying caffeine is "bad" I'm saying it's a drug and if you claim to be drug free, you shouldn't be using it. Now, if you want to judge others about their drug use, you might want to not actually use them yourself, huh.
Okay, before I started reading these SXe forums, I have NEVER heard in my entire life that caffeine was a recreational drug. Never. And I have a family of doctors and nurses. And also, "If you claim to be drug free..." I take Zyrtec and Flonase for my allergies and asthma. I assume I'm not drug free, then? Apparently from what you're saying, I'm not. So is it recreational drugs? Or just drugs all together? And caffeine is NOT a recreational drug, because if it was, then caffeine would be banned from school premises, and they sell caffeinated drinks in vending machines at my school! I'm sorry, but from what I've heard from the doctors in my family and any other doctor I've talked to, caffeine is not a recreational drug, so screw you all, I'm SXe and I drink caffeine. Go f*** yourselves.
12-08-2005, 03:26 PM
Okay, before I started reading these SXe forums, I have NEVER heard in my entire life that caffeine was a recreational drug. Never. And I have a family of doctors and nurses. And also, "If you claim to be drug free..." I take Zyrtec and Flonase for my allergies and asthma. I assume I'm not drug free, then? Apparently from what you're saying, I'm not. So is it recreational drugs? Or just drugs all together? And caffeine is NOT a recreational drug, because if it was, then caffeine would be banned from school premises, and they sell caffeinated drinks in vending machines at my school! I'm sorry, but from what I've heard from the doctors in my family and any other doctor I've talked to, caffeine is not a recreational drug, so screw you all, I'm SXe and I drink caffeine. Go f*** yourselves.
The drugs you take medicinally are accepted as it would be stupid to live in sufference of your allergies just to be 'drug free' however drugs you don't take medicinally are drugs that you take recreationally. You really need to learn exactly what constitutes recreational when it comes to drugs. It does not validate itself by weather or not it is sold at your school. So how about explaining why its not ok to drink a beer yet it is ok to drink a heavillky caffinated beverage? Or is it too much for you to to actually deal with the points raised without throwing a fit?
Caffiene is a recreational drug, its used recreationally and inadvertantly, unless you have a medical reason for taking caffiene then its a recreational drug. I love how your family is growing more and more to try and support your argument, next your extended family will be a medical council. How about backing up what you say with some valid information instead?
12-08-2005, 03:31 PM
ok when did everyone start nit-picking at what is edge and what isn't, i mean it started with no drugs,alcohol, and sex if you decide to go that far and now you have vegans and people talking shit on soda. now i can drink an energy drink and fall asleep at any time after that, i can drink dr.pepper all day and it doesn't effect me unless i want it to. like if i need to stay awake i drink some and i don't fall asleep but i think it's more of a mind thing not a caffiene thing for me. i just don't get why everyone is nit-picking and hating for dumb bull-shit, people need to worry about who is driving drunk and hitting there family or smoking wee or anything else and hurting there loved ones with the fumes and toxics, or giving others h.i.v by shooting up with dirty needles.
It doesn't effect you unless you want it too, man you are stupid. It effects you when you ingest it, its a mild drug so you may not notice especially if you are accustomed but dude, you don't turn its effects on and off just by deciding.
If you are so concerned why don't you go get people clean needles, stop people smoking wee! and join a charity that deals with domestic violence.
And if edge started with no drugs then why are you even debating this, are you saying caffiene isn't a drug? Or that no drugs actually means some drugs?
It doesn't effect you unless you want it too, man you are stupid. It effects you when you ingest it, its a mild drug so you may not notice especially if you are accustomed but dude, you don't turn its effects on and off just by deciding.
If you are so concerned why don't you go get people clean needles, stop people smoking wee! and join a charity that deals with domestic violence.
And if edge started with no drugs then why are you even debating this, are you saying caffiene isn't a drug? Or that no drugs actually means some drugs?
You heard of placebo tests? They took 10 people with headaches, gave 5 Tylenol, and another 5 with fake pills that looked like Tylenols, but had no affect. 4 out of the 5 with the fake pills were cured of their headache, because psychologically, they thought they were taking Tylenol.
12-08-2005, 04:39 PM
You heard of placebo tests? They took 10 people with headaches, gave 5 Tylenol, and another 5 with fake pills that looked like Tylenols, but had no affect. 4 out of the 5 with the fake pills were cured of their headache, because psychologically, they thought they were taking Tylenol.
That proves nothing. The tylenol is still a drug and when ingested will still follow its course, just as when you ingest caffiene it will have an effect, you can ignore the effect and convince yourself its not happening but the drug is still physically effecting you.
Well done for making a completely pointless post that has no bearing on what is being discussed.
12-08-2005, 08:57 PM
ok when did everyone start nit-picking at what is edge and what isn't, i mean it started with no drugs,alcohol, and sex if you decide to go that far and now you have vegans and people talking shit on soda. now i can drink an energy drink and fall asleep at any time after that, i can drink dr.pepper all day and it doesn't effect me unless i want it to. like if i need to stay awake i drink some and i don't fall asleep but i think it's more of a mind thing not a caffiene thing for me. i just don't get why everyone is nit-picking and hating for dumb bull-shit, people need to worry about who is driving drunk and hitting there family or smoking wee or anything else and hurting there loved ones with the fumes and toxics, or giving others h.i.v by shooting up with dirty needles.
no drugs. caffeine. is a drug. so how is that nit picking anything? now how does that even remotely have anything to do with vegan, since you seem so obsessed with that? Especially since you've proven you don't even know what a drug is, how do you even know what no drugs means?
12-08-2005, 09:08 PM
Okay, before I started reading these SXe forums, I have NEVER heard in my entire life that caffeine was a recreational drug. Never. And I have a family of doctors and nurses. And also, "If you claim to be drug free..." I take Zyrtec and Flonase for my allergies and asthma. I assume I'm not drug free, then? Apparently from what you're saying, I'm not. So is it recreational drugs? Or just drugs all together? And caffeine is NOT a recreational drug, because if it was, then caffeine would be banned from school premises, and they sell caffeinated drinks in vending machines at my school! I'm sorry, but from what I've heard from the doctors in my family and any other doctor I've talked to, caffeine is not a recreational drug, so screw you all, I'm SXe and I drink caffeine. Go f*** yourselves.
do you understand what a recreational drug is? Or even what caffeine is or what it does? Now, is caffiene a drug? Yes. Is it possible to be addicted to caffiene? Yes. Now, how exactly is it straight edge to regularly use something that could lead to a physical addiction? all that aside, if people in your family and every dr you've talked to doesn't consider it a recreational drug, then they're seriously stupid. It's not really a debateable issue.
seriously. read this, and then try and talk about how using caffeine somehow makes sense in terms of straight edge.
"Caffeine is unquestionably the most widely used mood-altering drug in the world. Caffeine is regularly consumed by more than 80% of Americans, with average daily intake in consumers estimated to be 280 mg, or the equivalent of almost three cups of coffee (Barone and Roberts, 1996)"
12-09-2005, 12:42 AM
Okay, before I started reading these SXe forums, I have NEVER heard in my entire life that caffeine was a recreational drug. Never. And I have a family of doctors and nurses. And also, "If you claim to be drug free..." I take Zyrtec and Flonase for my allergies and asthma. I assume I'm not drug free, then? Apparently from what you're saying, I'm not. So is it recreational drugs? Or just drugs all together? And caffeine is NOT a recreational drug, because if it was, then caffeine would be banned from school premises, and they sell caffeinated drinks in vending machines at my school! I'm sorry, but from what I've heard from the doctors in my family and any other doctor I've talked to, caffeine is not a recreational drug, so screw you all, I'm SXe and I drink caffeine. Go f*** yourselves.
You just don't get it do ya kid. Come back when you really fully understand what sXe is. How can you not see that caffeine is a stimulant, that it alters your body. It IS a drug. If you have no medical reason to use it drinking it in drinks is recreational. Many people take meds for asthma and allergies. I am one. But in highschool there was a trend were kids would take excessive amounts of a drug clled minithins. They were in tended for the treatment of asthma but if taken in large doses they'd act like speed. See the conection? If you have asthma and you take it for the asthma then good and fine but theses kids were recreationally using the minithins for a buzz. Look at psudeophedrine ( how ever you spell it ) in cold and sinus medicine. Diet pills if used properly to aid in weight lose are use as a speed substitute. It is all on how you use these drugs. You really aren't sXe. You you really don't help your cause but only help prove you imatureity and ignorance by telling use all to go fuck ourselves.
12-09-2005, 01:06 AM
ok when did everyone start nit-picking at what is edge and what isn't, i mean it started with no drugs,alcohol, and sex if you decide to go that far and now you have vegans and people talking shit on soda. now i can drink an energy drink and fall asleep at any time after that, i can drink dr.pepper all day and it doesn't effect me unless i want it to. like if i need to stay awake i drink some and i don't fall asleep but i think it's more of a mind thing not a caffiene thing for me. i just don't get why everyone is nit-picking and hating for dumb bull-shit, people need to worry about who is driving drunk and hitting there family or smoking wee or anything else and hurting there loved ones with the fumes and toxics, or giving others h.i.v by shooting up with dirty needles.
Since when is stating the facts nit picking? Veganis mreally has nothing to do with sXe at all. Yes alot of sXe people choose a life of vegetarianism or veganism. But guess what just as many if not more don't. They are two separate thing so really it is you that is classifying them together. I don't recall any one here saying being vegan is part of being sXe. Nobody from my recolection is talking shit about soda. There are pleny of caffeine free sodas out there. It's the caffeine that is on topic. Not soda. Caffeine is a stimulant. There is more to it there than just in your mind. Yeah its not goingto hop you up like coke or speed but it still effects and is still a drug. Again i don't think any one is hatin or nit picking by stating the simple facts. You're on here all sXe came from here it started like this. How is it you know so much considering you've been sXe for a year and there are people that have been sXe since you were born. You know everything about a subculture that started before you were even born. Amazing. Dini was right it's like talking to a wall with you kids. It's not nit picking it's education. You claim to be a part of something and yet you have some misconception and we're simpling trying to help you better stand what it is you claim to be a part of.
It is all on how you use these drugs.
When I drink caffeine I'm not using it to get a buzz or a high off of it, so is it still recreational?
12-09-2005, 05:32 PM
When I drink caffeine I'm not using it to get a buzz or a high off of it, so is it still recreational?
substitute caffeine with alcohol or anything else you're against, and would it still be ok in your mind?
12-09-2005, 09:03 PM
When I drink caffeine I'm not using it to get a buzz or a high off of it, so is it still recreational?
You're not using it for medicnal puposes what do you think. Honestly. Don't go ruuning to mommy to ask her or the other nurses and doctors in the family you need you decide this for yourself. Like Dusty said replace it with any other object and would you consider yourself sXe?
12-09-2005, 09:33 PM
hey so if you get teeth pilled and you have to take some pain killers and it gets you hgih, is that mean your using drugs? idiots?
12-09-2005, 09:37 PM
hey so if you get teeth pilled and you have to take some pain killers and it gets you hgih, is that mean your using drugs? idiots?
do you seriously not understand the difference between recreational and medicinal drug use? or are you completely and totally retarded? How is what you just listed at all related to drinking a soda with an added stimulant that was first put there to replace cocaine?
12-09-2005, 10:07 PM
hey so if you get teeth pilled and you have to take some pain killers and it gets you hgih, is that mean your using drugs? idiots?
You are a complete dipshit you know that right? First off if you use the pain medication properly then I seriously douby you'd get high. You may feel a little diffrent but that would depend on the person and their ability to take what pain killers. Second of all you are using drugs, but does it mean that you're breaking sXe? No it has a medicinal purpose. Nothing in sXe says you have to be unhealthy, sick or live in pain. It has to do with recreational use. You really don't comprehend that fact do you.
12-09-2005, 11:35 PM
do you few guys think that your like the kings of edge or something b/c you act like it. and another thing is that i know that my conviction is strong and every person is diferent on what does and does not effect them as a drug so up yours losers. and your social life most likely scuks b/c you guys are glued to your fucking computers 24/7 just so you can try to prove your point or down someone by saying "your breaking edge dude"
12-10-2005, 04:42 AM
do you few guys think that your like the kings of edge or something b/c you act like it. and another thing is that i know that my conviction is strong and every person is diferent on what does and does not effect them as a drug so up yours losers. and your social life most likely scuks b/c you guys are glued to your fucking computers 24/7 just so you can try to prove your point or down someone by saying "your breaking edge dude"
jesus you're an idiot. your conviction is stong, but you don't know anything about it, don't really know anything about drugs, what they are how they work or even how they effect your body. Our social lives suck, but you're the one posting from your hotel job on a friday night, huh? the simple reality is that you're not drug free. you do use drugs and that you're an idiot on top of it all.
12-10-2005, 06:28 AM
do you few guys think that your like the kings of edge or something b/c you act like it. and another thing is that i know that my conviction is strong and every person is diferent on what does and does not effect them as a drug so up yours losers. and your social life most likely scuks b/c you guys are glued to your fucking computers 24/7 just so you can try to prove your point or down someone by saying "your breaking edge dude"
Only just saw this as i was unglued from my computer for a while, all that is really being said is that how is it not breaking edge? You are getting all uppity because you haven't found a solid answer why it doesn't break edge. I understand how infuriating it can be when you just are incapable of doing something however you aren't able to say that caffiene doesn't effect you because that is complete bullshit and untrue, perhaps like i already mentioned, you are accustomed to the effect that you don't notice it that doesn't mean that it isn't effecting you. Perhaps you could actually employ some consistancy within your stance on drugs or illustrate exactly how caffiene isn't a drug that you don't need medicinally and don't need in your soda.
12-10-2005, 08:17 AM
do you few guys think that your like the kings of edge or something b/c you act like it. and another thing is that i know that my conviction is strong and every person is diferent on what does and does not effect them as a drug so up yours losers. and your social life most likely scuks b/c you guys are glued to your fucking computers 24/7 just so you can try to prove your point or down someone by saying "your breaking edge dude"
Oh man! So because a couple of glasses of wine don't effect me, they are cool with edge. I guess caffeine doesn't effect you in the same way the booze never effected the guy who got in his car after a good few drinks.
You have no idea how often i have been told that something isn't effecting some one when they were either high as a kite or drunk off their ass. It's the perception of the user, not the reality. I highly doubt your immune to caffeine.
12-10-2005, 11:21 AM
do you few guys think that your like the kings of edge or something b/c you act like it. and another thing is that i know that my conviction is strong and every person is diferent on what does and does not effect them as a drug so up yours losers. and your social life most likely scuks b/c you guys are glued to your fucking computers 24/7 just so you can try to prove your point or down someone by saying "your breaking edge dude"
I didn't realize that sXe was a monarchy. If that was the case then there would only be one king of sXe not multiple kings. Some thing else that you claim to know anything about and really have no fucking clue. Why do you contine you to make acusations about peoples personal lives when you know nothing about them. Didn't you get pissed off a few posts ago for people doing that to you. So then aside for being a complete idiot you continue to be a hypocrite. You still really don't get it's not how it effects you it's how it's used. Why? Why? Why? Your convictions maybe strong and I don't doubt that they are just not the same convictions as many of the people here or that are sXe. Get a clue.
12-10-2005, 03:36 PM
ok ok well i'll give you guys this much i was pissed at first and then confused and then inraged but now i hink i understand more about the whole caffiene thing you guys are talking about i decided to give up caffiene for a few days to see what it would do and i notice i don't have as much energy as i did before, but i saw something on the net that said it takes along time for caffiene to effect you after you drink it- like 45 minutes so that must mean it must take a while to get it out of your system. but does that mean that i shouldn't drink gatorade either? does not have caffiene but it boosts your electrolytes and everything- gives you energy. what do you guys think? another thing- do you guys not ingest ANYTHING that has caffiene, like candy or candybars?
not trying to be mean this time just asking questions
12-10-2005, 04:05 PM
ok ok well i'll give you guys this much i was pissed at first and then confused and then inraged but now i hink i understand more about the whole caffiene thing you guys are talking about i decided to give up caffiene for a few days to see what it would do and i notice i don't have as much energy as i did before, but i saw something on the net that said it takes along time for caffiene to effect you after you drink it- like 45 minutes so that must mean it must take a while to get it out of your system. but does that mean that i shouldn't drink gatorade either? does not have caffiene but it boosts your electrolytes and everything- gives you energy. what do you guys think? another thing- do you guys not ingest ANYTHING that has caffiene, like candy or candybars?
not trying to be mean this time just asking questions
For you to get a really clear picture of caffeine effecting you try abstaining completely for 2-4 weeks then then drink a few caffinated sodas in the evening.
Electrolytes aren't drugs and occur naturally in the body, they need replacing and usually this is done at a slower pace through food and drink, gatorade just maximises the speed of this process. Gatorade also makes you thirsty with this process which if nothing more is a shrewd marketing idea. If you are claiming a stance of 'no drugs' then there is no reason within that for you to cease using gatorade, however i know some people who can tell you gatorade is bad for you and some that say its great.
All i can suggest to you is make up your own mind, do some research and if at the end of it you feel gatorade isn't something you want to drink then don't, if you feel its good to go then drink it. The main point here is don't ask other people what you should and shouldn't drink. People here haven't said don't drink caffiene, they have just asked why you do whilst claiming a stance against drugs and picked up on points that you and others may want to look into. Its about you at the end of the day, asking questions is a great way to learn and bounce new ideas around.
I personally do eat chocolate, it has caffiene in but we are talking about such a negligible amount that before your body begins to experience the effect of the caffiene present you will probably be sick via the amount of chocolate you've eaten. There are often trace amounts of substances in foods that occur naturally, most are so trivial not many people even know about them. Again this is something you have to decide foryourself, but in deciding this take the time to think things through, i'd take into consideraration the reasons you have chosen to be straightedge in the first place and question a lot of stuff for yourself.
12-11-2005, 08:40 PM
thanx for the suggestions and sorry that i was an ass, i've only been edge for a year and i've only been around one edger. there aren't many in my town but there are alot in salt lake but i don't go there much.
do you understand what a recreational drug is? Or even what caffeine is or what it does? Now, is caffiene a drug? Yes. Is it possible to be addicted to caffiene? Yes. Now, how exactly is it straight edge to regularly use something that could lead to a physical addiction? all that aside, if people in your family and every dr you've talked to doesn't consider it a recreational drug, then they're seriously stupid. It's not really a debateable issue.
seriously. read this, and then try and talk about how using caffeine somehow makes sense in terms of straight edge.
"Caffeine is unquestionably the most widely used mood-altering drug in the world. Caffeine is regularly consumed by more than 80% of Americans, with average daily intake in consumers estimated to be 280 mg, or the equivalent of almost three cups of coffee (Barone and Roberts, 1996)"
Is Tylenol a drug? Yes. Is it possible to be addicted to Tylenol? Yes, according to this: Now how exactly is it straight edge to regularly use something that could lead to a physical addiction? I do take Tylenol regularly as I have headaches quite often.
12-14-2005, 09:16 PM
Is Tylenol a drug? Yes. Is it possible to be addicted to Tylenol? Yes, according to this: Now how exactly is it straight edge to regularly use something that could lead to a physical addiction? I do take Tylenol regularly as I have headaches quite often.
Prescription strength tylenol is addictive. And if you're using it enough to form a habit then you're not doing it medicinally and not under the direction of a doctor. Now how does this relate to your recreational caffeine habit, which could very well be leading to those headaches (psst, it's a sign of withdrawl).
12-15-2005, 01:36 AM
Is Tylenol a drug? Yes. Is it possible to be addicted to Tylenol? Yes, according to this: Now how exactly is it straight edge to regularly use something that could lead to a physical addiction? I do take Tylenol regularly as I have headaches quite often.
Prescription strength tylenol is addictive. And if you're using it enough to form a habit then you're not doing it medicinally and not under the direction of a doctor. Now how does this relate to your recreational caffeine habit, which could very well be leading to those headaches (psst, it's a sign of withdrawl).
It couldn't be withdrawal, because I still drink caffeine.
12-15-2005, 04:47 PM
It couldn't be withdrawal, because I still drink caffeine.
do you understand how drugs and/or withdrawl actually works?
because I don't think you do.
12-15-2005, 10:13 PM
It couldn't be withdrawal, because I still drink caffeine.
a word of sincere advise -
swallow your pride and accept when you are wrong. it will build character and you'll actually feel better about yourself.
12-16-2005, 12:11 AM
It couldn't be withdrawal, because I still drink caffeine.
And you're still NOT sXe.
12-20-2005, 01:45 PM
Lets keep in mind that sugar is also a drug. So if you consume sugar or any food that contains sugar you're not sXe.
Edit: one short quote from the first link:
"Yes, sugar is a drug. It lifts depression, reduces anxiety, increases energy, and reduces pain."
12-20-2005, 01:58 PM
Lets keep in mind that sugar is also a drug. So if you consume sugar or any food that contains sugar you're not sXe.
Edit: one short quote from the first link:
"Yes, sugar is a drug. It lifts depression, reduces anxiety, increases energy, and reduces pain."
except that sugar doesn't fit the commonally accepted and used definition of what a drug is.
12-20-2005, 02:05 PM
Because the lack of my english skill reading is slow so I won't read the whole thread to find a definition. You wish to show me what is the commonally accepted and used definition of a drug?
12-20-2005, 02:13 PM
Because the lack of my english skill reading is slow so I won't read the whole thread to find a definition. You wish to show me what is the commonally accepted and used definition of a drug?
Main Entry: 1drug
Pronunciation: 'dr&g
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English drogge
1 a obsolete : a substance used in dyeing or chemical operations b : a substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication c according to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1) : a substance recognized in an official pharmacopoeia or formulary (2) : a substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease (3) : a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body (4) : a substance intended for use as a component of a medicine but not a device or a component, part, or accessory of a device
2 : a commodity that is not salable or for which there is no demand -- used in the phrase drug on the market
3 : something and often an illegal substance that causes addiction, habituation, or a marked change in consciousness
12-20-2005, 02:27 PM
"(3) : a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body"
Sugar affects the function of the body. But if sugar counts as a food why caffeine doesn't?
I can't see the difference between caffeine and sugar. They both affect pretty much the same way except that after eating sugar when your blood sugar falls you get drowsy.
12-20-2005, 02:41 PM
"(3) : a substance other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body"
Sugar affects the function of the body. But if sugar counts as a food why caffeine doesn't?
I can't see the difference between caffeine and sugar. They both affect pretty much the same way except that after eating sugar when your blood sugar falls you get drowsy.
because caffiene is a completely different kind of substance from sugar. They don't affect the body in the same way at all. One is necessary to live one isn't. You'd be incredibly hard pressed to live life devoid of all forms of sugar. You're have to avoid all fruit, most vegetables, dairy, etc etc etc. Caffiene is an isolated stimulant used as a stimulant.
12-20-2005, 09:19 PM
look xxxpron- If you don't want to consume sugar then thats fine, but I have no idea what your eating because everything has sugar in it. So are you going without everything except water?
12-21-2005, 03:45 AM
because caffiene is a completely different kind of substance from sugar. They don't affect the body in the same way at all. One is necessary to live one isn't. You'd be incredibly hard pressed to live life devoid of all forms of sugar. You're have to avoid all fruit, most vegetables, dairy, etc etc etc. Caffiene is an isolated stimulant used as a stimulant.
Well, I guess the sugar in fruits and in natural food would be ok then but food with added sugar (or sugar in tea) wouldn't be that ok. They (caffeine and sugar) affect differently but both still do affect.
I didn't say that I don't use it. Hell, I even use caffeine sometimes. And I'm not sXe so it wouldn't matter if it was a drug.
12-21-2005, 07:18 AM
Well, I guess the sugar in fruits and in natural food would be ok then but food with added sugar (or sugar in tea) wouldn't be that ok. They (caffeine and sugar) affect differently but both still do affect.
I didn't say that I don't use it. Hell, I even use caffeine sometimes. And I'm not sXe so it wouldn't matter if it was a drug.
all food affects the body. water affects the body too. Why wouln't food with added sugar be ok? And then why would caffeine be ok?
12-23-2005, 06:13 AM
I'm not saying caffeine is ok. In my opinion neither of those are ok. I said that I drink coffee sometimes, but I'm not an edge so I guess I'm allowed to drink it if I wish.
12-23-2005, 08:03 AM
I'm not saying caffeine is ok. In my opinion neither of those are ok. I said that I drink coffee sometimes, but I'm not an edge so I guess I'm allowed to drink it if I wish.
this statement doesn't make any sense then.
12-24-2005, 05:38 PM
sugar = not ok
caffeine = not ok
me drink coffee and use sugar
-> me = not edge
12-24-2005, 07:54 PM
sugar = not ok
caffeine = not ok
me drink coffee and use sugar
-> me = not edge
well then if not ok means in terms of edge, then your opinion kind of doesn't matter.
and also doesn't make sense because you're trying to compare a drug to something that isn't a drug.
12-26-2005, 03:46 PM
sugar is bad in excess but it isn't a need to go further
01-10-2006, 08:53 PM
I have a few questions.. I'm trying to figure out something about one of my former online friends.. I think he was doing more than just caffeine.. but anyway.. he claims to have only done caffeine.
Is it possible to drink 8 or more cups of coffee in a day?
Would drinking that much coffee for a prolonged period of time cause a serious heart disease/condition where someone would have to be on meds for life.. (and he was 21 at the time)?
Would excess caffeine usage cause a person to completely change and go into a huge downward spiral where they almost flunk out of high school and then after they graduate they can't hold down a job? (The guy's totally gone downhill, it's such a shame)
01-11-2006, 03:49 AM
I have a few questions.. I'm trying to figure out something about one of my former online friends.. I think he was doing more than just caffeine.. but anyway.. he claims to have only done caffeine.
Is it possible to drink 8 or more cups of coffee in a day?
Would drinking that much coffee for a prolonged period of time cause a serious heart disease/condition where someone would have to be on meds for life.. (and he was 21 at the time)?
Would excess caffeine usage cause a person to completely change and go into a huge downward spiral where they almost flunk out of high school and then after they graduate they can't hold down a job? (The guy's totally gone downhill, it's such a shame)
Caffeine no probably not. There has to be something more there than that for all those things to happen.
01-11-2006, 03:55 AM
I have a few questions.. I'm trying to figure out something about one of my former online friends.. I think he was doing more than just caffeine.. but anyway.. he claims to have only done caffeine.
Is it possible to drink 8 or more cups of coffee in a day?
Would drinking that much coffee for a prolonged period of time cause a serious heart disease/condition where someone would have to be on meds for life.. (and he was 21 at the time)?
it's within the realm of possiblity especially if he already had a condition that wasn't diagnosed. caffiene doesn't help the heart or blood pressure and 8+ cups of coffee is a fuckload.
Would excess caffeine usage cause a person to completely change and go into a huge downward spiral where they almost flunk out of high school and then after they graduate they can't hold down a job? (The guy's totally gone downhill, it's such a shame)
most likely not, but you also have to take into account sleep and sleep patterns and how they're effected by caffiene. lack of sleep could do what you listed above.
01-11-2006, 06:05 AM
I have a few questions.. I'm trying to figure out something about one of my former online friends.. I think he was doing more than just caffeine.. but anyway.. he claims to have only done caffeine.
Is it possible to drink 8 or more cups of coffee in a day?
Would drinking that much coffee for a prolonged period of time cause a serious heart disease/condition where someone would have to be on meds for life.. (and he was 21 at the time)?
Would excess caffeine usage cause a person to completely change and go into a huge downward spiral where they almost flunk out of high school and then after they graduate they can't hold down a job? (The guy's totally gone downhill, it's such a shame)
Heart disease can occur from a lot of things, from stress to diet and from genetics to lack of excercise. None of which are conclusive and you can be a picture of good health and still suffer heart disease. Its completely possible to consume eight or more cups a day and thats certainly not benificial however i don't think you could site the caffiene usage as the cause of the downward spiral or the change although it would aggravate certain heart problems. Its just a less than healthy accompaniment to the negative aspects he is facing as a result of his actions. You can fuck your life up without the use of any drugs but they are never really a helpful ingredient unless its medicinally.
01-11-2006, 01:23 PM
Thanks, everyone. I have a much better understanding now.
His sleeping patterns are terrible.. I've yelled at him a few times about that.
01-12-2006, 12:21 AM
Thanks, everyone. I have a much better understanding now.
His sleeping patterns are terrible.. I've yelled at him a few times about that.
My sleeping patterns are for shit too. That alone could cause problems and illness with or without the caffeine.
01-12-2006, 06:56 PM
New to the boards, and just wanted to toss in my 2 cents on this subject.
I can see caffeine being a problem, it is a drug, it can be harmful, it is addicting, blah blah. I think that something the nature of caffeine only applies to a person's edge if it is being used as a crutch; which in my opinion, is what being sXe is all about: living your life free of crutches; in many ways other than just drugs. Caffeine is a naturally occuring substance in many things that we consume on a daily basis such as chocolate and I think even bananas if I remember correctly.
If a person wants to drink a Pepsi or whatever because they like the taste of it, what does it matter to their edge? Its the point where the person needs to caffeine in order to make it through the day, or if they are popping No-Doz or whatever.
Now the arguement will come that "Oh, well then the same can apply with alcohol, cigarettes, weed, smack, crack, PCP, LSD, shrooms, meth..." No...that ISN'T the same. sXe is about 3 things..."Don't Drink, Don't Smoke, Don't Fuck." Period. The first is alcohol. Don't smoke can mean cigarettes, but I think most people interpret that as "no drugs" and don't fuck may have meant stay a virgin until marriage, but I think that most people interpret that as "don't be a whore." Meaning that a person can have sex within a committed relationship without breaking their edge.
Edge is simple...its about having self-respect and living your life to the highest caliber that one can. Drugs and alcohol and being a whore distracts you from your path and your goals in life, thus making them things to stay away from. A Pepsi isn't going to steer you away from your path. A person has to remember that there AREN'T set rules about being sXe and it is all about a personal commitment that you make to yourself.
If you are being edge because that is what is "cool" (its not cool here) then I don't think you are doing it for the right reasons or from the heart, and you will wash-out in the end because you didn't start for the right reasons.
I mean, if a person is going to nitpick something so minute as caffeine, what about other things that could be seen as breaking edge? I REFUSED to take any aspirin or cold medicine for years, or even prescribed pain killers after having my wisdom teeth pulled because I didn't want to "break my edge". I STILL have a hard time convincing myself to take aspirin when I'm about to die from a migraine headache because I HATE to put synthetic SHIT in my body, but if I need to take it, I need to take it. So long as I'm not using it as a crutch, or become dependant on it to get by.
I've been edge for 5 years now, and only recently made the choice to allow myself to take medicine that will help me out with my ailments. I went about 4 years without taking anything and at times it was miserable...but I was so scared to "lose my edge" that I wouldn't take it.
Now I realize what my thoughts on edge are and I'm not trying to fit into some cookie-cutter mold of a "click". The one thing that I take away from the punk/hardcore scene is that it isn't about fitting in, or conforming to rules and regulations, but about finding yourself for who you are and what you believe. If you have to cut out caffiene because you are afraid that your edge will be called into question by some person on a message board, then maybe, again, you aren't doing it for yourself.
I think I'm done now, I hope that what I said makes sense, and I know some people won't agree with anything I said, and that's fine, we all have the right to disagree, but remember, there are no rules to this, and your choices are your's, and mine are mine. I will call myself edge until I die, whether you think I am or not...I know what it means to me to be sXe, and I know where my values and beliefs lie within the "definition" of the word straightedge that is tattooed across my stomach, and what each of the xXx on my back means to me.
Have a nice day :)
01-13-2006, 03:49 AM
New to the boards, and just wanted to toss in my 2 cents on this subject.
I can see caffeine being a problem, it is a drug, it can be harmful, it is addicting, blah blah. I think that something the nature of caffeine only applies to a person's edge if it is being used as a crutch; which in my opinion, is what being sXe is all about: living your life free of crutches; in many ways other than just drugs. Caffeine is a naturally occuring substance in many things that we consume on a daily basis such as chocolate and I think even bananas if I remember correctly.
drugs occur in lots of things naturally. nicotine occurs naturally in tobacco.
If a person wants to drink a Pepsi or whatever because they like the taste of it, what does it matter to their edge? Its the point where the person needs to caffeine in order to make it through the day, or if they are popping No-Doz or whatever.
so if you want to live your life without crutches then why would you drink something that has an added stimulant in it? You'd think the easiest way to avoid living without crutches would be to avoid the things that can turn into them?
Now the arguement will come that "Oh, well then the same can apply with alcohol, cigarettes, weed, smack, crack, PCP, LSD, shrooms, meth..." No...that ISN'T the same. sXe is about 3 things..."Don't Drink, Don't Smoke, Don't Fuck." Period. The first is alcohol. Don't smoke can mean cigarettes, but I think most people interpret that as "no drugs" and don't fuck may have meant stay a virgin until marriage, but I think that most people interpret that as "don't be a whore." Meaning that a person can have sex within a committed relationship without breaking their edge.
you're confusing the song out of step as #1 some set of criteria for straight edge and #2 the only thing that matters when it's actually neither. The sex thing is a totally different topic but you're completely off base with it. And the rest just logically doesn't make any sense. If you're going to say that it's just don't drink, don't smoke and then try and use it as a blanket statement about crutches, then it doesn't really hold. It would also mean following your logic that chewing tobacco and pot brownies would be a-ok.
Edge is simple...its about having self-respect and living your life to the highest caliber that one can. Drugs and alcohol and being a whore distracts you from your path and your goals in life, thus making them things to stay away from. A Pepsi isn't going to steer you away from your path. A person has to remember that there AREN'T set rules about being sXe and it is all about a personal commitment that you make to yourself.
neither is a beer or a joint every once in a while. and you just said above that there were rules?
I mean, if a person is going to nitpick something so minute as caffeine, what about other things that could be seen as breaking edge? I REFUSED to take any aspirin or cold medicine for years, or even prescribed pain killers after having my wisdom teeth pulled because I didn't want to "break my edge". I STILL have a hard time convincing myself to take aspirin when I'm about to die from a migraine headache because I HATE to put synthetic SHIT in my body, but if I need to take it, I need to take it. So long as I'm not using it as a crutch, or become dependant on it to get by.
why is it nitpicking or minute? How can you compare a drug you're taking recreationally to medicine? And you do realize that the caffeine in pepsi is sythentic right?
I've been edge for 5 years now, and only recently made the choice to allow myself to take medicine that will help me out with my ailments. I went about 4 years without taking anything and at times it was miserable...but I was so scared to "lose my edge" that I wouldn't take it.
then maybe you're going about things the wrong way and for the wrong reasons.
Now I realize what my thoughts on edge are and I'm not trying to fit into some cookie-cutter mold of a "click". The one thing that I take away from the punk/hardcore scene is that it isn't about fitting in, or conforming to rules and regulations, but about finding yourself for who you are and what you believe. If you have to cut out caffiene because you are afraid that your edge will be called into question by some person on a message board, then maybe, again, you aren't doing it for yourself.
or maybe people are actually thinking through their beliefs and seeing that honestly consuming caffiene recreationally is no different than taking any other drug.
I think I'm done now, I hope that what I said makes sense, and I know some people won't agree with anything I said, and that's fine, we all have the right to disagree, but remember, there are no rules to this, and your choices are your's, and mine are mine. I will call myself edge until I die, whether you think I am or not...I know what it means to me to be sXe, and I know where my values and beliefs lie within the "definition" of the word straightedge that is tattooed across my stomach, and what each of the xXx on my back means to me.
why do people always try and say that there are no rules to this, especially after they try defining it with rules? I find it amazingly ironic that you wouldn't take medicine but you have no problem taking a drug recreationally.
Have a nice day :)
thanks, I will!
straight sam
01-13-2006, 06:40 AM
so all you coffee drinkers, if you like just the taste of coffee, why donīt you drink caffeine free coffee? I like coffee pretty much, but I donīt need caffeine effects (I hope you can understand what I mean, my English isnīt very good :-) )
01-13-2006, 07:18 AM
so all you coffee drinkers, if you like just the taste of coffee, why donīt you drink caffeine free coffee? I like coffee pretty much, but I donīt need caffeine effects (I hope you can understand what I mean, my English isnīt very good :-) )
I agree with this. I like the taste of coffe too so i always get decaff. and for those of you who dont believe caffine is a drug, it kinda is. if my dad doesnt get his caffine fix from coffe when he wakes up, he gets massive headaches and turns into a grouch. It has side effects.
01-16-2006, 02:45 PM
i drink coffee .. mostly be cause i have adhd and cafine is- to me an alternative to adderal wich is basicly amphedamine .... so it kind of comes down to a lesser of to evils thing
01-22-2006, 08:48 PM
I snort 8 lines of coke daily, caffein ain't nothin'. You bitches need to toughen up and get over you little rules. DRUGS ROCK! Damn, i'm cool.
But really, get over yourselves. Setting up your life with all these rules and regulations isn't a good thing, instead of following some fragmented idiology created by horrible bands from the 70's follow what you think is right and stop clinging to these ludicrous claims that 'caffein is a drug'.
how is the truth a ludicrous claim? Unless you want to try and explain how it isn't a drug?
i am boring
01-22-2006, 11:10 PM
caffiene is hardly a drug. Stop this retarded bullshit and do something more productive than bitch about how kids shouldn't drink coffee and coca cola because of the dreaded caffiene and how it will turn them into fiends who will do anything to get their fix.
can caffiene ruin your life? no, so if it is a drug i don't care. The worst it can do is give you a headache, can it make you go broke, make you sell all your furniture and make you resort to whoring yourself on the streets to scrounge up the money to go to starbucks...i don't think so.
01-22-2006, 11:19 PM
my girlfriend gets headaches if she doesnt drink coffee
maybe it doesnt make you go sell your stuff, but it is a drug
straight sam
01-23-2006, 04:51 AM
once again, I think as long as you just like the taste you can drink decaff, but if you want to stay awake longer or be more creative or what the hell ever itīs pretty much of a drug... so those anti-edge-i-take-drugs-therefore-i-am-cool-guys must not tell me that it isnīt possible to abuse caffeine as a drug
01-23-2006, 05:50 AM
caffiene is hardly a drug. Stop this retarded bullshit and do something more productive than bitch about how kids shouldn't drink coffee and coca cola because of the dreaded caffiene and how it will turn them into fiends who will do anything to get their fix.
can caffiene ruin your life? no, so if it is a drug i don't care. The worst it can do is give you a headache, can it make you go broke, make you sell all your furniture and make you resort to whoring yourself on the streets to scrounge up the money to go to starbucks...i don't think so.
Is this your example of doing something more productive rather than bitching - because it sure sounds like a load of bitching to me.
01-23-2006, 08:40 AM
caffiene is hardly a drug. Stop this retarded bullshit and do something more productive than bitch about how kids shouldn't drink coffee and coca cola because of the dreaded caffiene and how it will turn them into fiends who will do anything to get their fix.
you saying it's hardly a drug doesn't make it so. where has anyone here said anything about it turning anyone in fiends? Can you read and understand basic words and what they mean?
can caffiene ruin your life? no, so if it is a drug i don't care. The worst it can do is give you a headache, can it make you go broke, make you sell all your furniture and make you resort to whoring yourself on the streets to scrounge up the money to go to starbucks...i don't think so.
so what does any of this have to do with being consistent in a belief? Lots of "drugs" won't do what you've listed above, but people who are drug free wouldn't do them. Now, if you want to go back and read the thread and what's actually being discussed, then please, go ahead.
i am boring
01-23-2006, 06:57 PM
Goddamn you people suck. It's caffeine!!! It can't hurt you. If it is or isn't a technical "drug" is pretty irrelevant i believe. Due to the fact that its fucking caffeine. It's like saying sugar is a drug. Sugar has alot of the same effects as caffeine, is it a 'drug'? What makes caffeine so special that you label it a 'drug' the same term applied to meth, heroin and cocaine. Not drinking coffee or soda because your little group says it's a drug is pretty stupid, very sheepish and very stupid. If you like it drink it, i guarantee you it's harmless.
And don't you dare reply with an assinine 'account' of caffeine and it's horrowing effects on the human body. Headaches ohhh ahhhh headaches, caffeine gave me headaches, it's evil. Kids give me headaches, are they drugs?
01-23-2006, 07:02 PM
my girlfriend drinks coffee
when she doesnt drink coffee
she gets headaches
01-23-2006, 08:12 PM
Goddamn you people suck. It's caffeine!!! It can't hurt you. If it is or isn't a technical "drug" is pretty irrelevant i believe. Due to the fact that its fucking caffeine. It's like saying sugar is a drug. Sugar has alot of the same effects as caffeine, is it a 'drug'? What makes caffeine so special that you label it a 'drug' the same term applied to meth, heroin and cocaine. Not drinking coffee or soda because your little group says it's a drug is pretty stupid, very sheepish and very stupid. If you like it drink it, i guarantee you it's harmless.
Man you're dumb. You don't actually know anything about the subject you're talking about, nor do you really understand what's being discuss. Caffeine, is a drug. Sugar isn't. Sugar doesn't affect the body at all like caffeine does. caffeine is a drug. Thc is drug. Pot is about as harmless as you can get in terms of substances and we're against that. The point that you are somehow to simple to understand is that it's not a matter of avoiding drugs because they're bad for you, it's because of what they do. The fact that they're used for recreation to alter your reality.
And don't you dare reply with an assinine 'account' of caffeine and it's horrowing effects on the human body. Headaches ohhh ahhhh headaches, caffeine gave me headaches, it's evil. Kids give me headaches, are they drugs?
how about you actually read what people have said, or at least learn how caffeine effects the body, since you really don't. you might want to try and actually learn something before you open your mouth and spout some shit about a subject you don't know.
i am boring
01-24-2006, 01:08 AM
Caffeine doesn't alter your reality. You're not being abstinant from these things because they alter your reality, you're refraining from use to fit in.
case and point----you're rediculous stance on caffeine.
01-24-2006, 02:20 AM
Caffeine doesn't alter your reality. You're not being abstinant from these things because they alter your reality, you're refraining from use to fit in.
case and point----you're rediculous stance on caffeine.
If caffeine doesn't effect your reality why do people use it medicinally for things like adhd? Wouldn't that just suggest that it is a drug that does effect you, a lot of people use the stimulant qualities of caffeine in order to stay awake when they are tired or can't start the day without caffeine. Thats a recreational use of a drug which i personally don't believe is necessary and when you claim to be against drugs wouldn't you want to be consistant with that stance?
pennyluvs weed
01-24-2006, 03:42 AM
Im new here and was wondering about caffiene. Yes I do drink sodas every day. I was just wondering what are the effects of caffiene? Did i spell caffiene wrong?
i think i spelt it wrong 2 but oh well caffeen is more likely to give you cancer than smoking!
did u know th@?
pennyluvs weed
01-24-2006, 03:46 AM
once again, I think as long as you just like the taste you can drink decaff, but if you want to stay awake longer or be more creative or what the hell ever itīs pretty much of a drug... so those anti-edge-i-take-drugs-therefore-i-am-cool-guys must not tell me that it isnīt possible to abuse caffeine as a drug
ye but if u wasnt a streight edge then and you was one of those 'oh i do drugs kids so im cool' you'd have a different poinion so be more open minded and stop with the whole caffeen thing its lame! its just a drink if u dont like it dont drink it end of convo
pennyluvs weed
01-24-2006, 03:49 AM
Is this your example of doing something more productive rather than bitching - because it sure sounds like a load of bitching to me.
well done stop bitching its only caffine and its not exactly a hard core drug is it were u need a fix or wot eva
pennyluvs weed
01-24-2006, 03:53 AM
If caffeine doesn't effect your reality why do people use it medicinally for things like adhd? Wouldn't that just suggest that it is a drug that does effect you, a lot of people use the stimulant qualities of caffeine in order to stay awake when they are tired or can't start the day without caffeine. Thats a recreational use of a drug which i personally don't believe is necessary and when you claim to be against drugs wouldn't you want to be consistant with that stance?
dude dont fuss over these thngs and if ppl wana take drugs then let em fuck therselvs up its not ur beef lol ur gona b alive wen there rotting
pennyluvs weed
01-24-2006, 03:54 AM
Caffeine doesn't alter your reality. You're not being abstinant from these things because they alter your reality, you're refraining from use to fit in.
case and point----you're rediculous stance on caffeine.
i didnt get a word of that wot u on a bout?
ye but if u wasnt a streight edge then and you was one of those 'oh i do drugs kids so im cool' you'd have a different poinion so be more open minded and stop with the whole caffeen thing its lame! its just a drink if u dont like it dont drink it end of convo
the deal is, caffine is a drug. if you say you are straight edge or drug free, why would you consume a drug?
well done stop bitching its only caffine and its not exactly a hard core drug is it were u need a fix or wot eva
what is a hardcore drug? and people are addicted to caffine, and caffiene is a drug. there's nothing to talk about here.
i didnt get a word of that wot u on a bout?
i'M having a hard time to figure out your posts as well
01-24-2006, 08:44 AM
Caffeine doesn't alter your reality. You're not being abstinant from these things because they alter your reality, you're refraining from use to fit in.
case and point----you're rediculous stance on caffeine.
do you seriously have any understanding as to what a drug is and what specifically caffiene does to the mind and body? And are you seriously and honestly retarded and unable to read/comprehend the words that other write?
01-24-2006, 09:57 AM
i think i spelt it wrong 2 but oh well caffeen is more likely to give you cancer than smoking!
did u know th@?
And where did you read this. Can we see some documentation.
01-24-2006, 10:04 AM
ye but if u wasnt a streight edge then and you was one of those 'oh i do drugs kids so im cool' you'd have a different poinion so be more open minded and stop with the whole caffeen thing its lame! its just a drink if u dont like it dont drink it end of convo
I think that was the point. We don't like the use of recreatoinal drugs. Therefore we don't drink drinks with caffiene. I don't see how any one was being closed minded. No one here said you and i am boring can't drink caffeine. All that was said was if you wish to live the sXe life style that caffeine is not an acceptable choice. No one claimed you had to live by our lifestyle choices. By the way that is what it is. sXe is a lifestlye CHOICE. We choose to live this way with out caffeine. Penny loves weed. Penny needs to love the dictionary and school and get her ass some grammar so people can figure out what she is saying.
01-24-2006, 10:06 AM
well done stop bitching its only caffine and its not exactly a hard core drug is it were u need a fix or wot eva
If you don't need a fix then why do so many people say that they can't properly start their day off with out first having a cup of coffee?
01-24-2006, 10:16 AM
dude dont fuss over these thngs and if ppl wana take drugs then let em fuck therselvs up its not ur beef lol ur gona b alive wen there rotting
Again thats the point. We don't care. Go get fucked up. Go put the slow nail in the coffin. Thats your choice. We choose to live this livestyle. We don't force others or try to get people to live this way. Why would you come on a sXe site when you know nothing about it and say things aren't our beef and to leave shit alone. In a way really it sort of is. If people get all fucked up then go to work or drive it effects us all. It's not fair to us to have that unneeded risk put in our lives and yet we still don't try forcing our beliefs on others.
01-24-2006, 10:18 AM
i didnt get a word of that wot u on a bout?
I think the rest of us were thinking the same about you.
01-24-2006, 12:53 PM
dude dont fuss over these thngs and if ppl wana take drugs then let em fuck therselvs up its not ur beef lol ur gona b alive wen there rotting
Who's fussing? And this is a site for people who don't do drugs so its not like anyone here is asking people who do drugs to stick around and live in accordance to the ways we choose to live. They can go to a bunch of sites for like minded people, no one here will stop them.
01-24-2006, 01:31 PM
we(edgers) don't care about how hard is a drug,whenever it's a fuckin drug.Sxe is against all drugs that aren't taken for medical use.Caffeine is a drug.So why keep on bitching about the dangerosity or the degree of addiction?it's a drug,we don't take it.Final dot.
i am boring
01-24-2006, 06:16 PM
i don't do drugs, i've never drank. i've never done anything. in fact with the exception of caffeine i would be in complete compliance with the whole edge thing. I'm not posting on this board to be a troll, i'm posting on this board because i hate this whole edge scene and i want you people to open your eyes and realize how stupid it is to build a culture out of a small choice you made. Oh wow you don't do drugs, guess what? I don't either it's not exactly hard it's such a small part of life. And i guarantee you half the people on this board will end up drinking or smoking when they turn 21 and 18 respectively.
and example of the lunacy:
i choose not to kill people. Do i start an entire scene based upon this simple fact? No, i just simply don't kill people; the end.
another example, less moralistic
i didn't take spanish in high school, because i didn't want to and i don't like the language. Does this constitute the creation of a subculture? absolutely not, it was a simple choice and i made it. If i made a website with message boards about why i didn't take spanish you would call me the most retarded person on the planet.
it's exactly the same with you guys/girls, you're building a subculture out of a miniscule choice that was layed before you.
you put too much into it. What i'm trying to say is, start thinking, stop being sheep. Caffeine is fine, it won't hurt you. Stop listening to these retarded people who just spout off about something because technically it can be concidered a drug, when you start setting up so many restrictions on life and start doing things because somebody else told you not too, especially when it's relatively rediculous.
01-24-2006, 06:52 PM
a point, like the rest of what you've said you've failed to demonstrate
i don't do drugs, i've never drank. i've never done anything. in fact with the exception of caffeine i would be in complete compliance with the whole edge thing. I'm not posting on this board to be a troll, i'm posting on this board because i hate this whole edge scene and i want you people to open your eyes and realize how stupid it is to build a culture out of a small choice you made. Oh wow you don't do drugs, guess what? I don't either it's not exactly hard it's such a small part of life. And i guarantee you half the people on this board will end up drinking or smoking when they turn 21 and 18 respectively.
You apparently only have a small picture of what straight edge is or what it's about, which is surprising given how uninformed everything you've said up until this point has been. Do you have any understanding of the history of straight edge, where it came from and why it did? If it's such a small part of life, then why do you care and make the statement that half the people on the board will end up drinking or smoking when they're older?
and example of the lunacy:
i choose not to kill people. Do i start an entire scene based upon this simple fact? No, i just simply don't kill people; the end.
another example, less moralistic
i didn't take spanish in high school, because i didn't want to and i don't like the language. Does this constitute the creation of a subculture? absolutely not, it was a simple choice and i made it. If i made a website with message boards about why i didn't take spanish you would call me the most retarded person on the planet.
it's exactly the same with you guys/girls, you're building a subculture out of a miniscule choice that was layed before you.
if you want to discuss this, then you're going to need to read some and at least gain a basic understanding of the history of straight edge, what a subculture is and how/why they form.
you put too much into it. What i'm trying to say is, start thinking, stop being sheep. Caffeine is fine, it won't hurt you. Stop listening to these retarded people who just spout off about something because technically it can be concidered a drug, when you start setting up so many restrictions on life and start doing things because somebody else told you not too, especially when it's relatively rediculous.
Weed is fine and won't hurt you, so do you do it? I like how you keep stating for people to start thinking, when we're the ones living consistent lives in line with our own morals and you're not. When you say you're drug free, then you should live your life drug free. Now if disagree with it, great, explain to me why.I'd also have to wonder why if it's such a small thing then why you care so much about something that supposedly is harmless?
i am boring
01-24-2006, 07:24 PM
because this board and everyone on it is fucking retarded. My arguments make alot more sense than you constantly going (paraphrasing) "don't know what you're talking about". This isn't quantum physics, i don't have to have a phd to have an opinion on a topic such as this. I guarantee you i'm more intellegent than half this board and at least i'm levelheaded on this topic. I'm not the one adhearing to some atypical teenage angst subgenre of society that's fixated on horrible music and abstinance from drug use.
If you don't want to do drugs fine. That's cool.
If you want to do drugs fine. That's cool.
But don't go making a big deal about it.
01-24-2006, 07:33 PM
because this board and everyone on it is fucking retarded. My arguments make alot more sense than you constantly going (paraphrasing) "don't know what you're talking about". This isn't quantum physics, i don't have to have a phd to have an opinion on a topic such as this. I guarantee you i'm more intellegent than half this board and at least i'm levelheaded on this topic. I'm not the one adhearing to some atypical teenage angst subgenre of society that's fixated on horrible music and abstinance from drug use.
If you don't want to do drugs fine. That's cool.
If you want to do drugs fine. That's cool.
But don't go making a big deal about it.
so that's why you can't answer simple questions or demonstrate on any level this supposed knowledge or your imaginary arguments. Now, how you're level headed when you can't even answer basic questions? The only one that appears to be making a big deal of anyone here is you? Especially since you're talking about a subject you clearly know very little about.
i am boring
01-24-2006, 07:46 PM
nobody has asked me any questions, dipshit. You asking stupid retorical questions don't count either.
i am god
01-24-2006, 07:58 PM
nobody has asked me any questions, dipshit. You asking stupid retorical questions don't count either.
i am god
you are retarded and not very good at trolling.
01-25-2006, 07:02 AM
i don't do drugs, i've never drank. i've never done anything. in fact with the exception of caffeine i would be in complete compliance with the whole edge thing. I'm not posting on this board to be a troll, i'm posting on this board because i hate this whole edge scene and i want you people to open your eyes and realize how stupid it is to build a culture out of a small choice you made. Oh wow you don't do drugs, guess what? I don't either it's not exactly hard it's such a small part of life. And i guarantee you half the people on this board will end up drinking or smoking when they turn 21 and 18 respectively. If you hate it why are you here? Is this another example of you doing something productive?
and example of the lunacy:
i choose not to kill people. Do i start an entire scene based upon this simple fact? No, i just simply don't kill people; the end.
Were you in a music scene that had a load of people killing people before hand and then a group of people decided the scene would be just as good if not better without the killing and decided to take a stance to the killing in that scene. If not the analogy doesn't work.
another example, less moralistic
i didn't take spanish in high school, because i didn't want to and i don't like the language. Does this constitute the creation of a subculture? absolutely not, it was a simple choice and i made it. If i made a website with message boards about why i didn't take spanish you would call me the most retarded person on the planet.
You are the most retarded person on the plannet already though, nothing to do with a website or spannish.
it's exactly the same with you guys/girls, you're building a subculture out of a miniscule choice that was layed before you.
Actually it seems very different seeing as the subculture remains a part of hardcore, not just an abstinance of drugs.
you put too much into it. And who's making all the effort here, you have gone out your way to go to a straight edge site to tell us how dumb you think it is, sounds like you are putting to much into it.
What i'm trying to say is, start thinking, stop being sheep.
Most people arrive at the choice of straight edge after thinking, i won't deny some people do it to fit in, but thats evident in all walks of life. That doesn't make being edge stupid it makes peoples reasons for doing things something that should be questioned. Not just in edge but in everything, including why you hate edge.
Caffeine is fine, it won't hurt you.
Lots of drugs won't hurt you, its not the point, it is a drug and does effect the body. People are against drugs, caffeine is a drug. If it was a case of people being against drugs that harm you the discussion may be different but you are under the immpression that people are doing this soley because of the harm effect. Perhaps you should realise other people apply different thoughts to things and we aren't all abstaining for the same reasons you do.
Stop listening to these retarded people who just spout off about something because technically it can be concidered a drug, when you start setting up so many restrictions on life and start doing things because somebody else told you not too, especially when it's relatively rediculous.
So what you are saying is caffeine is a drug and that we shouldn't do anything you tell us to do. I don't care how harmless or dangerous a drug is, i don't take drugs recreationally.
01-25-2006, 07:04 AM
because this board and everyone on it is fucking retarded. My arguments make alot more sense than you constantly going (paraphrasing) "don't know what you're talking about". This isn't quantum physics, i don't have to have a phd to have an opinion on a topic such as this. I guarantee you i'm more intellegent than half this board and at least i'm levelheaded on this topic. I'm not the one adhearing to some atypical teenage angst subgenre of society that's fixated on horrible music and abstinance from drug use.
If you don't want to do drugs fine. That's cool.
If you want to do drugs fine. That's cool.
But don't go making a big deal about it.
But aren't you making a big deal out of this?
And you really aren't smart at all, i've had more inteligent conversations with a plank of wood.
01-25-2006, 07:06 AM
nobody has asked me any questions, dipshit. You asking stupid retorical questions don't count either.
i am god
I don't believe in god, so you are either lying or don't exist, either way you lose.
05-01-2006, 09:30 PM
i have realized now that caffiene is a drug maybe not a very harmful one but it is and i have completly took it out of my life
Johnny kickarse
05-06-2006, 03:01 AM
I'm sorry, but I believe that all of you people are idiots.
1. I have been drinking caffeine since I was six. I am a straight A student and I am planning on attending UNC-Chapel Hill next year.
2. Caffeine does not hurt you, and 99% of the time people drink sodas with caffeine because it tastes good, not because it contains caffeine. Anyone who thinks that caffeine is dangerous and that it should have an age needs to wake up to reality. Eating salt is probably more dangerous than drinking caffeine anyways.
3. I also happen to drink alcohol occasionally. Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol is NOT wrong. You do NOT have to drink alcohol just to get drunk. Alcohol actually is beneficial,it increases your life span by reducing the risk of heart attacks or strokes, and a good brew tastes wonderful. It also relaxes me and I have no withdrawal or health problems.
4. If I here one more straightedge asshole from my school make a smart remark to my decision to enjoy a beer occasionally I will shoot someone. Being free from caffeine and moderate alcohol use does not help you do better in school, or make you have a better life. Sorry. You lose.
Have fun drinking water the rest of your lives. I will enjoy beer in moderation and live a longer life than yours. Suckers!
05-06-2006, 04:50 AM
I'm sorry, but I believe that all of you people are idiots.
Great start.
1. I have been drinking caffeine since I was six. I am a straight A student and I am planning on attending UNC-Chapel Hill next year.
Your academic acheivements are irrelevent to caffeine being a drug.
2. Caffeine does not hurt you, and 99% of the time people drink sodas with caffeine because it tastes good, not because it contains caffeine. Anyone who thinks that caffeine is dangerous and that it should have an age needs to wake up to reality. Eating salt is probably more dangerous than drinking caffeine anyways.
Hurt is a very subjective word, what is definitely true is that caffeine does effect you and heavy use of caffeine can harm you. And if people are buying soda for the taste what is the reason for adding caffeine to it? It doesn't change the taste so why do companies put it in? This is a straightedge website and so people will discuss drugs and so caffeine and its use is going to be a discussion among edge people. Heavy use of caffeine can be dangerous although it is relatively improbable that you can reach a lethal dosage by drinking soda or coffee you must be aware that caffeine pills are a more concentrated source of the drug that can result in overdose. However caffeine can effect the body and mind in a number of other ways such as restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, diuresis, muscle twitching, paranoia, cardiac arrhythmia or tachycardia, and psychomotor agitation, gastrointestinal complaints, increased blood pressure, rapid pulse, vasoconstriction (tightening or constricting of superficial blood vessels) sometimes resulting in cold hands or fingers, increased amounts of fatty acids in the blood, and an increased production of gastric acid. In extreme cases mania, depression, lapses in judgment, disorientation, loss of social inhibition, delusions, hallucinations and psychosis may occur.
So whilst it is definitely a toxin that has effects on the human i don't see anyone suggesting it should have age restrictions so thats really irrelevent. The main point of discussion is that of people who have a stance against recreational use of drugs should also have a stance against caffeine as it is a drug and one we most definitely we do not need to live. Caffeines not a hugely dangerous drug in the regular amounts but thats not really why edge people choose to avoid it as we don't base our abstinance on how dangerous a drug is we just live free of recreational drug use. Salt on the other hand is a important part of our diet and whilst excesive salt is bad its not a drug and so not really a relevent point in discussing straightedge.
3. I also happen to drink alcohol occasionally. Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol is NOT wrong. You do NOT have to drink alcohol just to get drunk. Alcohol actually is beneficial,it increases your life span by reducing the risk of heart attacks or strokes, and a good brew tastes wonderful. It also relaxes me and I have no withdrawal or health problems.
And we as straightedge people can get all the health benefits of alcohol from non alcoholic sources and never risk any of the less favourable effects alcohol can have on mind and body. The reason medical researches are put into finding healthy elements of alcohol is because its a vast industry that the majority of people enjoy indulging and there are a lot less people that tend to avoid alcohol altogether. Alcohol in small amounts is not benificial over no alcohol at all, the popular study of the health properties of red wine is all well and good except you can get all the properties that red wine gives you from other elements of your diet. I guess the reason its popular is because like good news about their alchol indulgence. I am happy that you see there is no need to get drunk when you drink but i and many others simply see no reason in drinking at all, no health reasons and no taste reasons.
4. If I here one more straightedge asshole from my school make a smart remark to my decision to enjoy a beer occasionally I will shoot someone. Being free from caffeine and moderate alcohol use does not help you do better in school, or make you have a better life. Sorry. You lose.
I don't see why you are addressing your problems with particular people at your school here? Why do i care that some kids at your school are giving you shit, take it up with them. If your way of reacting to someone giving you a bit of shit is to want to shoot them or is that you just being tough? It is apparent you have no clue what srtraightedge is as you seem to think it includes moderate alcohol use? And being straightedge does make me better than people (like you) who are unable to accept the life choices of others, you've made a definite gesture that you think we are all idiots and went out of your way to tell us (people you don't know) this. I don't see how following through with personal choices means we lose, i don't see how cutting out all the negative aspects of drugs makes us lose, i don't see why you feel the need to transfer your issues with people at your school onto here. Basically based on your post my life is better than yours and i am better than you.
Have fun drinking water the rest of your lives. I will enjoy beer in moderation and live a longer life than yours. Suckers!
I don't know where you got the idea that we only drink water, and if we don't want beer we aren't really missing out are we? And if you seriously think that because you drink beer occasionaly you will live longer than anyone here then you are deluded and blinkered, sounds like you are the sucker if you believe that.
Raven Among Doves
08-06-2006, 02:22 AM
I've actually sworn off caffeine for a very simple reason: there are healthier alternatives. So whether it's considered sXe to drink it or not, I'm still going to try to avoid it.
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