View Full Version : Have any of you smoked, tried drugs or ever drank alcohol
11-05-2005, 01:18 AM
I was just wondering y'all.
11-05-2005, 01:38 AM
I was just wondering y'all.
a lot of this question can be answered if you read this:
sXe BrItNi OwNs YoU
11-05-2005, 01:32 PM
I've never tried drugs and I have never smoked. but i have tried achohol a couple of times....I don't see whats so great about it. I never got drunk and to be honest, it dosen't even taste that great.
11-05-2005, 05:53 PM
I've never tried drugs and I have never smoked. but i have tried achohol a couple of times....I don't see whats so great about it. I never got drunk and to be honest, it dosen't even taste that great.
i never understood using either. i never tried anything.. it never made sense to put shit into my system. i don't know how it tastes, but it sure smells like ass.
i never understood using either. i never tried anything.. it never made sense to put shit into my system. i don't know how it tastes, but it sure smells like ass.
ass smells good, in my opinion.
11-06-2005, 10:59 AM
ass smells good, in my opinion.
I tried a few things when I was teenager, mostly I just drank. Pretty much everyone thinks alcohol tastes bad, that's why they call it an 'acquired taste.'
I think it was important for me to have tried some things, to help me understand.
11-06-2005, 03:29 PM
I tried a few things when I was teenager, mostly I just drank. Pretty much everyone thinks alcohol tastes bad, that's why they call it an 'acquired taste.'
I think it was important for me to have tried some things, to help me understand.
Yeah drinking for taste is bullshit, drink to get hammered - nothing like a night on the tiles, dressed up in your best gear,mates are all there, drinking so much that you end up pissing on your shoes, getting into a fight, shouting obnoxiously at anyone and everyone you see, generally being intimidating and looking a bit maniacal, buying a kebab, wearing most of it on your face and expensive shirt, then blowing chunks in the back of a taxi, top the night off buy a short kip in the neighbours hedge. Then you wake up the neighbours with some incoherent cursing at the front door lock because it keeps dodging your key, eventually you get in your house and try to make toast because you think it will stop you having a hangover in the morning but you burn it and forgot how to spread butter on it anyway. At this point you feel the night is still young so you text people absoloute gibberish that you will not live down when you see the people you texted next, you aren't tired so you sit down to watch TV, as soon as you sit down you are out like a light with the TV blaring and you wake up an hour or two later with a complete minging hellish feeling and a rough as fuck head on, you realise you have work in about 2 hours and welcome the overbearing regret of your entire nights antics, the realisation that you have pissed your rent up the wall and for a brief moment you actually question why you even do this every week but this will never amount to more that you uttering the words "i will never drink again" which are immediately dashed as you have already arranged to meet your mates for a drink after work and perhaps hair of the dog will put you in tip top shape again. This is an acquired taste for sure!!!
11-06-2005, 08:51 PM
This is an acquired taste for sure!!!
You speak from personal experience?
11-07-2005, 04:20 AM
You speak from personal experience?
I speak from comical relief right there.
11-07-2005, 08:18 AM
Tried alcohol, once or twice. Bad experience.
11-07-2005, 09:06 AM
alcohol: yes, not much tough and never enough to get drunk. tobacco: yes, tried a friends waterpipe a few times...mostly because my ex did. (other) drugs: never, and would never even think of it.
the reason i tried alcohol and tobacco is that i used to be kinda weak for peer presure (if its called so). and itīs nothing im proud of, because iīve always tought of both as something really stupid.
11-07-2005, 11:16 AM
alcohol: yes, not much tough and never enough to get drunk. tobacco: yes, tried a friends waterpipe a few times...mostly because my ex did. (other) drugs: never, and would never even think of it.
the reason i tried alcohol and tobacco is that i used to be kinda weak for peer presure (if its called so). and itīs nothing im proud of, because iīve always tought of both as something really stupid.
Ummm, theres something weird on your face.
11-08-2005, 03:34 AM
Ummm, theres something weird on your face.
no, i always look like that. i was born that way.
11-08-2005, 09:09 AM
I used to drink, and I used to smoke pot. Then decided it was a complete waste of time, money, brain cells and life.
11-08-2005, 10:01 AM
no, i always look like that. i was born that way.
Then thats a hell of a birth mark.
sXe BrItNi OwNs YoU
11-08-2005, 11:04 AM
you all are quite intertaining....Keep going....haha
11-08-2005, 03:06 PM
no, i always look like that. i was born that way.
Poor sod
11-09-2005, 03:53 AM
Then thats a hell of a birth mark.
i know, but sometimes itīs even when you want to look (a bit) like a superhero.
11-09-2005, 06:32 AM
i know, but sometimes itīs even when you want to look (a bit) like a superhero.
i was thinking darth maul...
11-09-2005, 07:02 AM
i was thinking darth maul...
why didnīt i think of that?! i mean itīs me itīs about.
11-09-2005, 11:01 AM
i know, but sometimes itīs even when you want to look (a bit) like a superhero.
Or rob a bank. Hmmmmm. Where were you on the night of the 8th between 9pm and 1:30 am ??????????
11-10-2005, 03:59 AM
Or rob a bank. Hmmmmm. Where were you on the night of the 8th between 9pm and 1:30 am ??????????
probably somewhere in sweden, perhaps around my house?
the real question is where were YOU on the night of the 8th between 9pm and 1:30 am?
11-10-2005, 08:28 PM
probably somewhere in sweden, perhaps around my house?
the real question is where were YOU on the night of the 8th between 9pm and 1:30 am?
At work. And your aliby sounds a little flimsy. Probably???????
11-11-2005, 03:53 AM
At work. And your aliby sounds a little flimsy. Probably???????
ok, if take in consideration that 9 pm at your place is somewhere between 3 am and 6 am over here (depending on where you live), iīm really sure that i was lying in my bed sleeping.
not a very strong aliby either, but i have people who can confirm that i was at home around 12 pm (3-6 pm at your place) and because iīm without driver license i would have some pretty big difficulties to get to the nearest airport that have flights to USA. if itīs in Landvetter (Gothenburg) itīs about 2-4 hours away (depending on how the public transportation works at night), and if itīs Arlanda (Stockholm) i donīt even have a clue how long it would take to get to it, but maybe somewhere between 4-9 hours.
the main reason my aliby in my last post sounded a little flimsy was because i donīt really get the am/pm-crap, and i didnīt bother to look it up. now i did, and therefore my post is a little more specific.
and your aliby sounds a bit weak to me, you could simply have went away from work when nobody saw you. and i bet that you have a bit easier to get to the robbery (if it even is a robbery we are talking about) since you at least live in the country.
11-16-2005, 07:24 AM
you know guys,i'm edge only for a month,i used to smoke pots and sometimes get drunk as fuck,in france it's an habit go smoke weed.Then i decided it was so stupid to be dependent on such a thing and i've became sxe,using it as a sort of therapy.but i can tell you that it is hard to keep your edge when all your friends are smoking joints at a party and that ou're the only person who's not stoned lol.But i'm motivate to keep myself free from drugs and alcohol
xxxstraight judes are blessing youxxx
11-16-2005, 07:29 AM
you know guys,i'm edge only for a month,i used to smoke pots and sometimes get drunk as fuck,in france it's an habit go smoke weed.Then i decided it was so stupid to be dependent on such a thing and i've became sxe,using it as a sort of therapy.but i can tell you that it is hard to keep your edge when all your friends are smoking joints at a party and that ou're the only person who's not stoned lol.But i'm motivate to keep myself free from drugs and alcohol
xxxstraight judes are blessing youxxx
It can be pretty tough, but it's like any other habit. once you completely break it, there's no challenge any more.
Just got to get through the first little bit.
11-16-2005, 09:08 AM
ok, if take in consideration that 9 pm at your place is somewhere between 3 am and 6 am over here (depending on where you live), iīm really sure that i was lying in my bed sleeping.
not a very strong aliby either, but i have people who can confirm that i was at home around 12 pm (3-6 pm at your place) and because iīm without driver license i would have some pretty big difficulties to get to the nearest airport that have flights to USA. if itīs in Landvetter (Gothenburg) itīs about 2-4 hours away (depending on how the public transportation works at night), and if itīs Arlanda (Stockholm) i donīt even have a clue how long it would take to get to it, but maybe somewhere between 4-9 hours.
the main reason my aliby in my last post sounded a little flimsy was because i donīt really get the am/pm-crap, and i didnīt bother to look it up. now i did, and therefore my post is a little more specific.
and your aliby sounds a bit weak to me, you could simply have went away from work when nobody saw you. and i bet that you have a bit easier to get to the robbery (if it even is a robbery we are talking about) since you at least live in the country.
Who said the bank was here in the States. Not I. Perhaps there is more to the story that you're not telling me. Hmmmmmm. I wonder.
And with out sitting down to do all the math I assume with the time diffrences you could very easily " go to sleep " at night. Sneek out and commit a robbery here in the states around 9 pm my time and still return to your place by the time it was time to wake. All with the right conections.
Who are you working for. TEll me. Tell me who they are and things will be alot easier on you my friend.
11-16-2005, 02:47 PM
It can be pretty tough, but it's like any other habit. once you completely break it, there's no challenge any more.
Just got to get through the first little bit.
i'm not going to break my edge anyway,i'm so proud of it to do that!lol.i think we're about 2 edgers on 150 000 inhabitants in my city
11-17-2005, 07:01 AM
Who said the bank was here in the States. Not I. Perhaps there is more to the story that you're not telling me. Hmmmmmm. I wonder.
i just assumed that because i didnīt think that you would look up swedish robberies. and i also think that there hasnīt been any bank-robberies in sweden since like this summer, but there has been some moneytransport-robberies lately.
And with out sitting down to do all the math I assume with the time diffrences you could very easily " go to sleep " at night. Sneek out and commit a robbery here in the states around 9 pm my time and still return to your place by the time it was time to wake. All with the right conections.
i havenīt done the math but i donīt really think that it would be very possible for a normal 19 years old kid like me, with no "right connections" besides my former employer at the local pharmacy, to do what you are saying. you know the time difference works both ways, so i gain a few hours on the way there but lose as many on the way home.
Who are you working for. TEll me. Tell me who they are and things will be alot easier on you my friend.
iīm not working for anybody right now, but soon iīll be working for the local "pharamcy" again, and nobody knows whatīre really doing there...except us working at the place. i mean itīs a lot of heavy drugs at that place, we have to fund it some way and also make up for the "lost" drugs.
11-17-2005, 02:31 PM
i just assumed that because i didnīt think that you would look up swedish robberies. and i also think that there hasnīt been any bank-robberies in sweden since like this summer, but there has been some moneytransport-robberies lately.
i havenīt done the math but i donīt really think that it would be very possible for a normal 19 years old kid like me, with no "right connections" besides my former employer at the local pharmacy, to do what you are saying. you know the time difference works both ways, so i gain a few hours on the way there but lose as many on the way home.
iīm not working for anybody right now, but soon iīll be working for the local "pharamcy" again, and nobody knows whatīre really doing there...except us working at the place. i mean itīs a lot of heavy drugs at that place, we have to fund it some way and also make up for the "lost" drugs.
It was all supossed to be a joke.
11-17-2005, 02:51 PM
It was all supossed to be a joke.
I think it backfired and ended up on you, should have left it to inspector clouseau.
11-18-2005, 05:36 AM
Well, I'm living straight edge since one week, and before I decided to o straight, I was a heavy smoker and also drank alcohol.
Well, I'm living straight edge since one week, and before I decided to o straight, I was a heavy smoker and also drank alcohol.
what's your band called neighbour?
11-18-2005, 07:14 AM
It was all supossed to be a joke.
i understood that, but ithought it was more fun i played along and we could make it a more advanced joke (or something like that) then become mad and get annoyed by it. maybe i failed in my quest.
11-18-2005, 10:30 PM
i understood that, but ithought it was more fun i played along and we could make it a more advanced joke (or something like that) then become mad and get annoyed by it. maybe i failed in my quest.
Enough of your lies. Who do you work for?
11-18-2005, 10:30 PM
I think it backfired and ended up on you, should have left it to inspector clouseau.
I love the Pink Panther movies.
11-19-2005, 05:21 AM
Enough of your lies. Who do you work for?
iīve already told you! i work for nobody (but soon i will).
who do YOU work for? admit that youīre just an icelandic government agent...yes, i have now figured out that itīs the robbery in Seydhisfjördhur you meant in your question about my whereabouts that day.
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