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11-05-2005, 09:12 PM name is new to this forum but ive got a good question for you guys. My friends went to a of them was straight edge...the other two werent...but they all three had on girl pants. The party they went to was supposed to be a homecoming after-party for my school but turned out to be nothing but a bunch of drunk rednecks. When my friends got there the rednecks said are those girl pants and they said yes and were then told to leave. they werent looking for violence so they were like ok whatever and began to walk away....then one of the rednecks decked aaron ( the straight-edge one) and twelve drunk rednecks began to pound 3 guys for wearing girl pants. Finally my friends got away and ran to there truck. the rednecks followed them beat in the hood and threw a beer bottle and shattered the back windshield. Aarons truck was totalled and one of my other friends has a really really messed up face because he got hit with a bottle. Now normally i am a really really peaceful guy and im not into this whole fighting thing at all. But i really believe in this case, violence is necessary. I need opinions.
11-05-2005, 09:17 PM name is new to this forum but ive got a good question for you guys. My friends went to a of them was straight edge...the other two werent...but they all three had on girl pants. The party they went to was supposed to be a homecoming after-party for my school but turned out to be nothing but a bunch of drunk rednecks. When my friends got there the rednecks said are those girl pants and they said yes and were then told to leave. they werent looking for violence so they were like ok whatever and began to walk away....then one of the rednecks decked aaron ( the straight-edge one) and twelve drunk rednecks began to pound 3 guys for wearing girl pants. Finally my friends got away and ran to there truck. the rednecks followed them beat in the hood and threw a beer bottle and shattered the back windshield. Aarons truck was totalled and one of my other friends has a really really messed up face because he got hit with a bottle. Now normally i am a really really peaceful guy and im not into this whole fighting thing at all. But i really believe in this case, violence is necessary. I need opinions.
into violence or not 12 on 3 ends up in the 3 getting their ass kicked pretty much all the time. Cops exist for a reason. This would be one of those times where getting them involved would probably be or have been a good idea.
11-05-2005, 09:31 PM
...ok sumthing that i failed to mention is one of the rednecks did get arrested the next day because apparently he was in more than one fight that night...but as for the 11 and the rest of them at my school that constantly harrass us for our beliefs...???
11-05-2005, 09:36 PM
...ok sumthing that i failed to mention is one of the rednecks did get arrested the next day because apparently he was in more than one fight that night...but as for the 11 and the rest of them at my school that constantly harrass us for our beliefs...???
do you honestly think fighting them would make a difference?
11-05-2005, 09:45 PM
there lies the problem...of coarse we are all pretty pissed about it, but we dont wanna make ourselves like them in just beating them up for no reason...thats the whole purpose of this post...something needs to be done.
11-05-2005, 10:04 PM
there lies the problem...of coarse we are all pretty pissed about it, but we dont wanna make ourselves like them in just beating them up for no reason...thats the whole purpose of this post...something needs to be done.
That's too bad that that happened.. has anyone tried to press charges? If not, why not? I think you're right to think that you'd be just like them to beat them up. I think you should talk to the police about what you can do about it, as well as what you can do if it happens again.
11-05-2005, 10:12 PM
Names, dates, faces. Always write down anything that happens. Reguardless how small you think it may be. Any time they throw something, call you something. Write down everything. When the shit finally does hit the fan for them every documented thing is a nail in their coffin. Document, Document, Document. As for fighting you have to do what you have to do to defend yourself and get away nothing more. You have a weapon they can never have and that is a calm, cool, SOBER mind. Use it.
11-06-2005, 03:06 PM
Learn the art of fighting without fighting.
11-23-2005, 02:03 PM
i'm new to this forum, and the whole idea of violence and being edge almost seem to go hand in hand. i am confused because i thought that being edge wasn't all about beating people up, but thinking for yourself. in reno, being edge is now considered a gang becuase of the actions of some who take it upon themselves to go around and beat people up, run them down with cars etc. i know that when you're in a pit you might get beat a little, but that's aplace that you have chosen to put yourself, and i for one will still get in the pit. but this whole thing of violence and beating people up is where i am confused.
11-23-2005, 04:17 PM
i'm new to this forum, and the whole idea of violence and being edge almost seem to go hand in hand. i am confused because i thought that being edge wasn't all about beating people up, but thinking for yourself. in reno, being edge is now considered a gang becuase of the actions of some who take it upon themselves to go around and beat people up, run them down with cars etc. i know that when you're in a pit you might get beat a little, but that's aplace that you have chosen to put yourself, and i for one will still get in the pit. but this whole thing of violence and beating people up is where i am confused.
Straight edge is not about beating people up, thats what bullying is about or some other violent manifestation of fear that is uneeded and futile.
11-24-2005, 11:27 PM
Defend yourself if you have to, but don't go picking shit. If you can get away without fighting, do it. Call the cops, send the little shits to jail. If you have to though, don't be afraid to fight back. 12 on 3 was definatly a run like hell situation, though. If you are cornered, and you have to, fight like hell. Any other time, call the dudes who's job it is to come out and take out people like that: your friendly local cop with a gun. Words don't mean a thing, and that's what it usually is. Ignore those. Anything more, deal with accordingly.
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