View Full Version : School Straight Edge article
Lost Prophet
11-07-2005, 05:53 PM
I'm on my schools newspaper, and I wrote an article about straight edge as I know it, and it goes to print in a few days, so i want you guys to let me know what you think, please.
"Revealing the Straight Edge"
-by Quinn *****
As the punk and hardcore scenes grow in popularity, various subcultures within each become more widespread and accepted by the American youth. One the fastest rising subcultures is Straight Edge, but despite its recent following, many people still don’t know what it is.
Straight Edge is a philosophy that promotes a “poison free” lifestyle. Being poison free means not drinking, not smoking, not doing drugs, and refraining from promiscuous (or casual) sex. “Straight-Edgers” see this as the way teen life, and life in general, should be.
“I just don’t understand why anyone would want to destroy their life for a quick high. There’s so much more to life than that!” said sophomore Ashley ******.
Straight edge began with a song Ian MacKaye, singer for Minor Threat, wrote in 1981. The song is titled “Straight Edge”.
I’m a person just like you
But I’ve got better things to do
Than sit around and [mess] with my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white [stuff] up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don’t even think about speed
That’s something I just don’t need
I’ve got the straight edge
I’m a person just like you
But I’ve got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
‘Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch
I’ve got the straight edge
This song started a world-wide revolution and gave birth to a new subculture, but that was not MacKaye’s intent. He meant the song to be more of a way to tell listeners of his personal choices rather than the start of a movement. Incidentally, this was not the only thing MacKaye contributed to the birth of Straight Edge.
The most recognizable symbol for straight edge started with an idea MacKaye presented to club owners in Washington DC. He proposed that instead of keeping teens out of shows where alcohol would be served, they be marked on the backs of their hands with black Xs to signify they were underage. Many club owners began doing so, and some of the original “Straight-Edgers” began voluntarily marking themselves with these Xs. The Xs showed others they were in favor of promoting a cleaner lifestyle. Those who follow the straight edge lifestyle still use this basic symbol, and some have even gotten tattoos “claiming” straight edge.
“Me and my boyfriend both wear Xs on our hands all the time. It’s a kind of flag to tell people we’re clean,” said freshman Lauren ***** of Ceres.
Another very common symbol for straight edge is sXe. Straight Edge, abbreviated with an X place in the center, is the second most common mark of being a “Straight-Edger.” sXe can be pronounced multiple ways, such as “straight edge” or “s-x-e”, but pronouncing it “sexy” is generally considered wrong.
The least common method used to distinguish oneself as Straight Edge is the black or white bandana, usually put in the back left pocket or wrapped around the face. Because wearing bandanas is commonly misinterpreted as a gang sign, they are banned from schools and in turn “Straight-Edgers” are not seen wearing them very often at school.
“I love my bandana,” said sophomore Melissa *****. “It makes a statement, and looks good at the same time.”
Since the breakup of Minor threat in 1983, other bands have stood up and openly supported the poison free lifestyle. Bands like Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits, Earth Crisis, and Chain of Strength are among these bands to “claim the X”. In fact, the straight edge lifestyle is said to be so closely related to punk/hardcore music that it couldn’t survive without the music’s support.
“Straight-Edgers” are often seen hardcore dancing at concerts. Two-stepping, slam dancing, and the infamous “crab walk” are all favorites of hardcore straight edge teens. This fun and often times odd looking activity attracts many people to explore this subculture, and is one of the main reasons for its spreading influence.
“I was introduced to Straight Edge through the dancing. Some of the people I danced with would always wear bandanas and Xs, so I got interested and started asking questions,” said *****.
Whether you claim it, bash it, or don’t know enough about it to care, the Straight Edge subculture is quickly becoming a dominant force in teen life, and sooner or later you will probably be asked one simple question…
“Do you have the straight edge?”
its not the best article, i realise, but let me know what you think anyway. thanks
11-07-2005, 06:11 PM
is sxe really rising? i mean, i've been out of high school a long time, but to me it seems like it's been in decline for a while now. is it rising in high schools these days?
11-07-2005, 06:14 PM
I'm on my schools newspaper, and I wrote an article about straight edge as I know it, and it goes to print in a few days, so i want you guys to let me know what you think, please.
"Revealing the Straight Edge"
-by Quinn *****
As the punk and hardcore scenes grow in popularity, various subcultures within each become more widespread and accepted by the American youth. One the fastest rising subcultures is Straight Edge, but despite its recent following, many people still don’t know what it is.
Straight Edge is a philosophy that promotes a “poison free” lifestyle. Being poison free means not drinking, not smoking, not doing drugs, and refraining from promiscuous (or casual) sex. “Straight-Edgers” see this as the way teen life, and life in general, should be.
“I just don’t understand why anyone would want to destroy their life for a quick high. There’s so much more to life than that!” said sophomore Ashley ******.
Straight edge began with a song Ian MacKaye, singer for Minor Threat, wrote in 1981. The song is titled “Straight Edge”.
I’m a person just like you
But I’ve got better things to do
Than sit around and [mess] with my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white [stuff] up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don’t even think about speed
That’s something I just don’t need
I’ve got the straight edge
I’m a person just like you
But I’ve got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
‘Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch
I’ve got the straight edge
This song started a world-wide revolution and gave birth to a new subculture, but that was not MacKaye’s intent. He meant the song to be more of a way to tell listeners of his personal choices rather than the start of a movement. Incidentally, this was not the only thing MacKaye contributed to the birth of Straight Edge.
The most recognizable symbol for straight edge started with an idea MacKaye presented to club owners in Washington DC. He proposed that instead of keeping teens out of shows where alcohol would be served, they be marked on the backs of their hands with black Xs to signify they were underage. Many club owners began doing so, and some of the original “Straight-Edgers” began voluntarily marking themselves with these Xs. The Xs showed others they were in favor of promoting a cleaner lifestyle. Those who follow the straight edge lifestyle still use this basic symbol, and some have even gotten tattoos “claiming” straight edge.
“Me and my boyfriend both wear Xs on our hands all the time. It’s a kind of flag to tell people we’re clean,” said freshman Lauren ***** of Ceres.
Another very common symbol for straight edge is sXe. Straight Edge, abbreviated with an X place in the center, is the second most common mark of being a “Straight-Edger.” sXe can be pronounced multiple ways, such as “straight edge” or “s-x-e”, but pronouncing it “sexy” is generally considered wrong.
The least common method used to distinguish oneself as Straight Edge is the black or white bandana, usually put in the back left pocket or wrapped around the face. Because wearing bandanas is commonly misinterpreted as a gang sign, they are banned from schools and in turn “Straight-Edgers” are not seen wearing them very often at school.
“I love my bandana,” said sophomore Melissa *****. “It makes a statement, and looks good at the same time.”
Since the breakup of Minor threat in 1983, other bands have stood up and openly supported the poison free lifestyle. Bands like Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits, Earth Crisis, and Chain of Strength are among these bands to “claim the X”. In fact, the straight edge lifestyle is said to be so closely related to punk/hardcore music that it couldn’t survive without the music’s support.
“Straight-Edgers” are often seen hardcore dancing at concerts. Two-stepping, slam dancing, and the infamous “crab walk” are all favorites of hardcore straight edge teens. This fun and often times odd looking activity attracts many people to explore this subculture, and is one of the main reasons for its spreading influence.
“I was introduced to Straight Edge through the dancing. Some of the people I danced with would always wear bandanas and Xs, so I got interested and started asking questions,” said *****.
Whether you claim it, bash it, or don’t know enough about it to care, the Straight Edge subculture is quickly becoming a dominant force in teen life, and sooner or later you will probably be asked one simple question…
“Do you have the straight edge?”
its not the best article, i realise, but let me know what you think anyway. thanks
over all it's really good. the bandana thing might be true around you, but it's not a widescale thing. hardcore kids in general do/have worn them and it's not directly a straight edge thing. I'd probably not mention Chain of Strength since they have a dubious history at best, but I would include some of the CA bands like Unity, Uniform Choice, Internal Affairs and/or Carry On for a handful. Also MacKaye didn't come up the idea of X's, he saw it while he was on tour in cali and brought it back here.
11-07-2005, 06:16 PM
is sxe really rising? i mean, i've been out of high school a long time, but to me it seems like it's been in decline for a while now. is it rising in high schools these days?
it's not in a decline at all right now. in fact there are ton more kids claiming now than there were a few years ago, however a bunch of them have no actual clue what straight edge is, which is why I'm really impressed with this article.
11-07-2005, 06:34 PM
I've watched sXe interest incline in the period of 1 year just living here. It's pretty righteous.
11-07-2005, 08:38 PM
Yeah kid over all a pretty good article. I'm very impressed. It's good to see some new and young blood that actually has some understanding to what sXe really is. Too many of the new kids are really oblivious to the true meaning to sXe. Sounds like you got a good head on your shoulders. Keep up the great writing and good luck with this article.
11-08-2005, 09:17 AM
I'm with Dusty on this one, nice work! despite a few minor things like the origin of the X, this is still way more informed than the crap that makes it on TV shows like Geraldo.
Lost Prophet
11-08-2005, 09:37 PM
yeah, thanx guys. love the input so far.
and the origin of the X i had to simplify. i am aware that he picked it up on the west coast and brought it back to DC, but i had to dumb it down a little because no one cares at my school.
and the bandana thing is more of a local thing here, your right. in most places its just a hardcore symbol, but here white or black is generally used for sXe
and another thanks to stepinsideissue... most people call me a poser becase im only recently edge and i used to be all preppy back in the day. it feels good to have someone say i know my stuff.
11-09-2005, 10:58 AM
yeah, thanx guys. love the input so far.
and the origin of the X i had to simplify. i am aware that he picked it up on the west coast and brought it back to DC, but i had to dumb it down a little because no one cares at my school.
and the bandana thing is more of a local thing here, your right. in most places its just a hardcore symbol, but here white or black is generally used for sXe
and another thanks to stepinsideissue... most people call me a poser becase im only recently edge and i used to be all preppy back in the day. it feels good to have someone say i know my stuff.
I don't see how people can call you poser when you seem to really know your stuff and atleast grasp the whole concept of sXe. Too many kids come on here and really have no clue to what sXe really is and know it's roots. You get some 16yr. old kid that says they've been edge 16yrs. which isn't possible, they've never been to a show, and they have no idea who Minor Threat even is. They are the really posers my friend. Besides you gotta start some where right.
11-16-2005, 02:59 PM
I'm on my schools newspaper, and I wrote an article about straight edge as I know it, and it goes to print in a few days, so i want you guys to let me know what you think, please.
"Revealing the Straight Edge"
-by Quinn *****
As the punk and hardcore scenes grow in popularity, various subcultures within each become more widespread and accepted by the American youth. One the fastest rising subcultures is Straight Edge, but despite its recent following, many people still don’t know what it is.
Straight Edge is a philosophy that promotes a “poison free” lifestyle. Being poison free means not drinking, not smoking, not doing drugs, and refraining from promiscuous (or casual) sex. “Straight-Edgers” see this as the way teen life, and life in general, should be.
“I just don’t understand why anyone would want to destroy their life for a quick high. There’s so much more to life than that!” said sophomore Ashley ******.
Straight edge began with a song Ian MacKaye, singer for Minor Threat, wrote in 1981. The song is titled “Straight Edge”.
I’m a person just like you
But I’ve got better things to do
Than sit around and [mess] with my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white [stuff] up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don’t even think about speed
That’s something I just don’t need
I’ve got the straight edge
I’m a person just like you
But I’ve got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
‘Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch
I’ve got the straight edge
This song started a world-wide revolution and gave birth to a new subculture, but that was not MacKaye’s intent. He meant the song to be more of a way to tell listeners of his personal choices rather than the start of a movement. Incidentally, this was not the only thing MacKaye contributed to the birth of Straight Edge.
The most recognizable symbol for straight edge started with an idea MacKaye presented to club owners in Washington DC. He proposed that instead of keeping teens out of shows where alcohol would be served, they be marked on the backs of their hands with black Xs to signify they were underage. Many club owners began doing so, and some of the original “Straight-Edgers” began voluntarily marking themselves with these Xs. The Xs showed others they were in favor of promoting a cleaner lifestyle. Those who follow the straight edge lifestyle still use this basic symbol, and some have even gotten tattoos “claiming” straight edge.
“Me and my boyfriend both wear Xs on our hands all the time. It’s a kind of flag to tell people we’re clean,” said freshman Lauren ***** of Ceres.
Another very common symbol for straight edge is sXe. Straight Edge, abbreviated with an X place in the center, is the second most common mark of being a “Straight-Edger.” sXe can be pronounced multiple ways, such as “straight edge” or “s-x-e”, but pronouncing it “sexy” is generally considered wrong.
The least common method used to distinguish oneself as Straight Edge is the black or white bandana, usually put in the back left pocket or wrapped around the face. Because wearing bandanas is commonly misinterpreted as a gang sign, they are banned from schools and in turn “Straight-Edgers” are not seen wearing them very often at school.
“I love my bandana,” said sophomore Melissa *****. “It makes a statement, and looks good at the same time.”
Since the breakup of Minor threat in 1983, other bands have stood up and openly supported the poison free lifestyle. Bands like Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits, Earth Crisis, and Chain of Strength are among these bands to “claim the X”. In fact, the straight edge lifestyle is said to be so closely related to punk/hardcore music that it couldn’t survive without the music’s support.
“Straight-Edgers” are often seen hardcore dancing at concerts. Two-stepping, slam dancing, and the infamous “crab walk” are all favorites of hardcore straight edge teens. This fun and often times odd looking activity attracts many people to explore this subculture, and is one of the main reasons for its spreading influence.
“I was introduced to Straight Edge through the dancing. Some of the people I danced with would always wear bandanas and Xs, so I got interested and started asking questions,” said *****.
Whether you claim it, bash it, or don’t know enough about it to care, the Straight Edge subculture is quickly becoming a dominant force in teen life, and sooner or later you will probably be asked one simple question…
“Do you have the straight edge?”
its not the best article, i realise, but let me know what you think anyway. thanks
pretty good job dude!keep on informing people about sxe,because i read some articles about sxe that made me puke!i read that they were all like hardlines,that they were racists,killing foreigners an people who smoke,that marilyn manson was their leader and that xxx was equal as kkk,and all that crap in the same article
xxxstraight judes are shouting at your earsxxx
11-16-2005, 03:02 PM
i wanted to know if my english is understandable?
Lost Prophet
11-18-2005, 11:53 AM
i wanted to know if my english is understandable?
yeah, it's better than mine
11-18-2005, 10:34 PM
pretty good job dude!keep on informing people about sxe,because i read some articles about sxe that made me puke!i read that they were all like hardlines,that they were racists,killing foreigners an people who smoke,that marilyn manson was their leader and that xxx was equal as kkk,and all that crap in the same article
xxxstraight judes are shouting at your earsxxx
Yeah thats a load of crap. Were do people get these ideas? And for the record I think your english is just fine too.
Lost Prophet
11-19-2005, 10:16 PM
the paper with the article came out on friday, and i have since gotten some good words. thanks guys
11-20-2005, 11:53 AM
Yeah thats a load of crap. Were do people get these ideas? And for the record I think your english is just fine too.
but the answer i plain to see
maybe if the weren't too blind they would see what is ee
i see the homeless livin' out on the streets
in every corner they're asking for money
'try to help them whenever i can
sometimes i can't afford to help myself
11-20-2005, 06:02 PM
but the answer i plain to see
maybe if the weren't too blind they would see what is ee
i see the homeless livin' out on the streets
in every corner they're asking for money
'try to help them whenever i can
sometimes i can't afford to help myself
Well at least you're trying to help others. Too many people would just as fast piss on or kick some one when they're down rather than help. I really admire other people that are always trying to help others when they barely help themselves. This world needs alot more thoughtful selfless people in it.
11-20-2005, 06:27 PM
This world needs alot more thoughtful selfless people in it.
well said.
11-21-2005, 02:35 PM
Well at least you're trying to help others. Too many people would just as fast piss on or kick some one when they're down rather than help. I really admire other people that are always trying to help others when they barely help themselves. This world needs alot more thoughtful selfless people in it.
lol what i said was just the lyrics from "just look around",the same you have on your signature.but it's true thatwhen i can give some money to a bum in need i do it
11-21-2005, 04:23 PM
lol what i said was just the lyrics from "just look around",the same you have on your signature.but it's true thatwhen i can give some money to a bum in need i do it
I know but I thought you were being serious.
11-22-2005, 01:27 AM
Congratulations LostProphet, it was really well done and worth reading ^^ enjoyed it alot.
11-22-2005, 03:07 PM
I know but I thought you were being serious.
i do when i got money.i'm only 17!i don't get any money i'm in high school,and in france you don't work til you finished long studies or you do like yhe ones who burn cars and factories in my country,you go marijuana dealer and stole thing seller :s
11-23-2005, 12:21 AM
i do when i got money.i'm only 17!i don't get any money i'm in high school,and in france you don't work til you finished long studies or you do like yhe ones who burn cars and factories in my country,you go marijuana dealer and stole thing seller :s
Trust me. Stay young. You really don't want you jump out into the working world. You're better off in school.
11-23-2005, 04:52 AM
Trust me. Stay young. You really don't want you jump out into the working world. You're better off in school.
Well thats not necessarily true at all.
11-23-2005, 09:03 AM
Well thats not necessarily true at all.
Why not? I wish I'd have stayed in school a little longer. Maybe then I could have had a better job and would have to work so much. I'd give anything to be back in high school or grammer school and know what I know now.
11-23-2005, 09:22 AM
Why not? I wish I'd have stayed in school a little longer. Maybe then I could have had a better job and would have to work so much. I'd give anything to be back in high school or grammer school and know what I know now.
I had 3 semesters in college and I'm doing just fine.
11-23-2005, 10:29 AM
Why not? I wish I'd have stayed in school a little longer. Maybe then I could have had a better job and would have to work so much. I'd give anything to be back in high school or grammer school and know what I know now.
Ummm, thats grammar school!! And the reason why it isn't necessarily true at all is evident in your response. You use the word maybe, it says it all, maybe with a degree you can land a nice job but i work with plenty of people who never get to use their degree. Also people without degrees are often in good career positions, some start early at a entry level and work their way up. Depending on what you are studying, what you are aiming for, the working oppertunities available to you and your finacial situation all factor together to make no clear cut truth on you being better off in school or not.
11-23-2005, 11:51 AM
Well thats not necessarily true at all.
anyway in france tiy can't find a normal paid work til you finished your 5 years studies
11-23-2005, 04:19 PM
anyway in france tiy can't find a normal paid work til you finished your 5 years studies
at what age is this study usually finished? if you don't finish those 5 years of study by the time you are 30 are you not allowed to be employed by anyone?
11-23-2005, 08:27 PM
Ummm, thats grammar school!! And the reason why it isn't necessarily true at all is evident in your response. You use the word maybe, it says it all, maybe with a degree you can land a nice job but i work with plenty of people who never get to use their degree. Also people without degrees are often in good career positions, some start early at a entry level and work their way up. Depending on what you are studying, what you are aiming for, the working oppertunities available to you and your finacial situation all factor together to make no clear cut truth on you being better off in school or not.
Well it just seems more and more around me places won't even look at you or your resume / application twice with out some kind of collage back ground.
11-24-2005, 02:40 PM
Well it just seems more and more around me places won't even look at you or your resume / application twice with out some kind of collage back ground.
work experience usually takes president over education for a lot of jobs. I'd suggest a more cunning resume.
11-24-2005, 03:57 PM
work experience usually takes president over education for a lot of jobs. I'd suggest a more cunning resume.
not in my country
xxxdon't forget the judes,don't forget the streetsxxx
11-24-2005, 04:22 PM
not in my country
xxxdon't forget the judes,don't forget the streetsxxx
anyway in france tiy can't find a normal paid work til you finished your 5 years studies
at what age is this study usually finished? if you don't finish those 5 years of study by the time you are 30 are you not allowed to be employed by anyone?
11-25-2005, 01:04 PM
at what age is this study usually finished? if you don't finish those 5 years of study by the time you are 30 are you not allowed to be employed by anyone?
when you finish your 5 years you're 23
11-25-2005, 01:11 PM
when you finish your 5 years you're 23
So is it a law that you have to complete this study?
11-27-2005, 09:39 AM
So is it a law that you have to complete this study?
no lol!it's just in leave high school at 18 and then you go to university ,fac or what you want.nevermind no one cares the way,does anyone knows how ray beez from warzone died?
11-27-2005, 09:42 AM
no lol!it's just in leave high school at 18 and then you go to university ,fac or what you want.nevermind no one cares the way,does anyone knows how ray beez from warzone died?
pneumonia. rumored to have been caused by aids.
11-27-2005, 10:03 AM
no lol!it's just in leave high school at 18 and then you go to university ,fac or what you want.nevermind no one cares the way,does anyone knows how ray beez from warzone died?
so do people sometimes start work at 18 there? Do you have any work based apprentecship schemes in place over there? I care enough to ask the questions.
11-27-2005, 01:59 PM
so do people sometimes start work at 18 there? Do you have any work based apprentecship schemes in place over there? I care enough to ask the questions.
there is a very small percentage of people who starts working at 18.or tehy don't work and they deal or sell stolen things
11-27-2005, 02:00 PM
pneumonia. rumored to have been caused by aids.'s so sad,warzone was really a fuckin' good band.
xxx don't forget the judes,don't forget the streets xxx
11-27-2005, 02:51 PM
there is a very small percentage of people who starts working at 18.or tehy don't work and they deal or sell stolen things
That sounds like a very strange system, i may look into this more because that sounds really odd. Out of interest what is the retirement age in your country? And do you have a minimum wage in place?
11-28-2005, 02:06 PM
That sounds like a very strange system, i may look into this more because that sounds really odd. Out of interest what is the retirement age in your country? And do you have a minimum wage in place?
retirement age depends of the profession.the minimum salary is 1000 euros per months.but if people study,it's because there's not really little jobs like in the US or very less.but there's all sorts of studies,like professional ones for those who don't really succeed at normal school.but i can tell you that the US system seem us strange too!lol
11-28-2005, 02:14 PM
retirement age depends of the profession.the minimum salary is 1000 euros per months.but if people study,it's because there's not really little jobs like in the US or very less.but there's all sorts of studies,like professional ones for those who don't really succeed at normal school.but i can tell you that the US system seem us strange too!lol
when you say really little jobs like in the US, whatdo you mean?
11-28-2005, 04:35 PM
retirement age depends of the profession.the minimum salary is 1000 euros per months.but if people study,it's because there's not really little jobs like in the US or very less.but there's all sorts of studies,like professional ones for those who don't really succeed at normal school.but i can tell you that the US system seem us strange too!lol
I was reading an interesting artilcle about wal-mart in france the other day. And the french certainly would do things differently to the US. Theres a lot of unskilled work in places like wal-mart although its done for a very minimum wage it has to be better than being unemployed?! I really don't understand frances approach to a minimum wage.
11-29-2005, 10:35 AM
I was reading an interesting artilcle about wal-mart in france the other day. And the french certainly would do things differently to the US. Theres a lot of unskilled work in places like wal-mart although its done for a very minimum wage it has to be better than being unemployed?! I really don't understand frances approach to a minimum wage.
but minimum wage is minimum salary?i didn't there was wal-marts in france
11-29-2005, 02:43 PM
but minimum wage is minimum salary?i didn't there was wal-marts in france
Nah minimum wage is usualy an hourly rate, and apparently yours is 7.61 euros in france. The article was about wal-mart and carrefour and spoke of ideas for wal-mart to get in to france.
12-01-2005, 12:48 PM
Nah minimum wage is usualy an hourly rate, and apparently yours is 7.61 euros in france. The article was about wal-mart and carrefour and spoke of ideas for wal-mart to get in to france.
okay.sorry but i was not qo rihgt,i had a discussion with my stepfather and i learnt that there were 10 percent of youth leaving school at 16(the legal age to drop school and to work)
12-01-2005, 02:17 PM
okay.sorry but i was not qo rihgt,i had a discussion with my stepfather and i learnt that there were 10 percent of youth leaving school at 16(the legal age to drop school and to work)
Yeah that seems more in line with the rest of europe, you still have a lot of unemployed though.
12-20-2005, 02:36 AM
I do very much enjoy your article...there may have been slight (subjects of debate such as the bandana) but over all I think that you got the message pretty well across. What I would like to emphisize is on how Ian meant it to be a self and personal choice to improve is own life.
12-20-2005, 12:34 PM
I do very much enjoy your article...there may have been slight (subjects of debate such as the bandana) but over all I think that you got the message pretty well across. What I would like to emphisize is on how Ian meant it to be a self and personal choice to improve is own life.
exactly,i think it's an important thing that have to be understood by a people who want to become sxe
12-24-2005, 03:19 PM
pretty good job dude!keep on informing people about sxe,because i read some articles about sxe that made me puke!i read that they were all like hardlines,that they were racists,killing foreigners an people who smoke,that marilyn manson was their leader and that xxx was equal as kkk,and all that crap in the same article
xxxstraight judes are shouting at your earsxxx
you forgot to mention one from cali...such as XArmed for Battle...and i think Xbound in bloodX are from there also...what about Xsuffocate fasterX...XTyrantX...or XDeathstarX???
12-26-2005, 03:54 PM
you forgot to mention one from cali...such as XArmed for Battle...and i think Xbound in bloodX are from there also...what about Xsuffocate fasterX...XTyrantX...or XDeathstarX???
u're sure u haven't answered the wrong post?
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